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St John’s Wood
Website www.rcsjw.org.uk
Telephone 020 7286 3214 A parish of the Catholic Diocese of
Westminster, dedicated to Our Lady,
Mother of God, Mother of the Church.
Email stjohnswood@rcdow.org.uk Twitter @FrAllenMorris
Blog stjohnswoodblog.wordpress.com
Being Catholic:
Over the past weeks
there have been a
Passing on the faith number of events for
young people and
families, giving the opportunity for people to come together in a happy and healthy Catholic environment and
enjoy being with other Catholic families. In our city there
are always many other things we can choose to do, but
there are also so many things in our city life that erode
and corrode family life and Catholic, Christian values.
If you have not yet found the time to support any of the
parish events, or to draw support from them, then please
do keep an eye out for them and see what you can do.
Of particular note is the forthcoming afternoon for Young
Catholics to prepare for Catholic Youth Sunday, and the
evening family quiz that follows it. More details inside on page 3!.
1st Saturday in the Month Concerts
and chance for children
to be introduced to the music and learn
about playing in an orchestra.
Parish Pilgrimage to
15th - 22th
April 2015
If youse book sog fast
plea are goin ts
Roomd flight tick ly
slow e
per person
in pric
based on 2 people sharing.
This includes 7 nights
Bed , Breakfast & Evening Meal
and return transport from Split to Medjugorje.
Please note: This price does NOT include the flight to Split.
You must book your own flight tickets.
The first in the series of c.1-hour monthly concerts by
Ensemble OrQuesta and its conductor Marcio da Silva
was held on 4th October. It was a thrilling hour - and just
extraordinary to find how well the church suits a medium
sized string orchestra. The next concert is on 1st November at 8pm. It promises to be equally thrilling.
The group will be led by Fr Allen Morris.
• We leave on Norwegian, Flight DY2452 ,
Weds 15 April (Gatwick to Split, leaving at 11.35am)
• We return on Norwegian, Flight DY2453
Weds 22 April (Split to Gatwick, leaving at 15:45am)
On the afternoon of the concert at 3pm there is a chance
for children and their families to meet with Marcio da Silva, the conductor of the concert, and a couple of instrumentalists to learn about the music being played in that
evening’s concert, and to ask questions about being in an
orchestra. Please meet in the church at 2.50, and family
groups will be taken to the rehearsal room.
To reserve your accommodation
please email stjohnswood@rcdow.org.uk
or ring 0207 286 3214 and speak with Fr Allen
To book your flight
please go to www.norwegian.com
Scripture readings for Sunday Mass
This Sunday 30th Sunday (26 October)
Exodus 22:20-26 / Psalm 18:2-3, 3-4, 47, 51
1 Thessalonians 1:5c-10 / Matthew 22:34-40
Next Sunday All Saints (2 November)
Revelation 7:2-4, 9-14 / Psalm 24:1bc-2, 3-4ab, 5-6
1 John 3:1-3 / Matthew 5:1-12a
Parish Church of Our Lady
54 Lodge Road, NW8 8LA
Church open 7am - 7pm each weekday
Parish Office open: Mon-Fri 10.30-1.30pm
Regular Mass Times: Sundays: (1800 Sat.); 0900; 1030;
12noon; 1800. Weekdays: 10am (Sat 9am), also Thurs 7pm
Exposition & Benediction: Sat:9.30 to 10am
Friday, 3 October
CAFOD Harvest Fast Day
Confession: Sat 9.30-10am; 1715-1745, or by appointment
Parish Team: Fr. Allen Morris (Rector);
Sr. Brigid Collins; Fr Paul Richardson.
Daniel Antonio and Thomas Treherne
Also resident: Fr. Clement Mukuka, Fr Walter Munna
Chapel of Ease: Our Lady, Queen of the World
25 St Edmund’s Terrace, NW8 7PY
Mass: Mon, Weds & Fri: 0800; Exposition daily.
Parish Notices
Altar Servers
Next rehearsal for all current servers is
4.30pm on Friday 7th November.
Servers in First Training
Thank you to those children who came
to their first training on Monday 20th. Unfortunately the second training, planned
for 3rd November has had to be cancelled, but the training for the 12th will
still take place - beginning at 4.30 and
finishing at 5.30. There wil be no more
‘first’ training until May 2015.
Rector’s Open Surgery
This usually weekly slot provides parishioners with the opportunity to meet
with Fr Allen without the need to make
a separate appointment. The next open
surgeries are Weds 5th and 12th Nov
from 6-7pm.
Parents & Toddlers and Youth
Mercy Associates no meeting this
Over 50s meets Tues, 2pm as usual.
Baptism Preparation
Next preparation course for parents of
infants begins on Saturday 1st November. Details at www.rcsjw.org.uk/join/
Glad to be Dads
A group for all Dads in the parish. Next
meeting: Monday 10 Nov, 8pm.
Free English classes
for non-native speakers are held in our
parish hall each Monday from 10amnoon. New students and volunteer
helpers are always welcome. For more
information please speak to Lois on
Problems with our telephone
Our rather ancient telephone system has
been playing up. About five years ago BT
expressed surprise it was still working and said they could no longer maintain
it. It now is not taking messages. Until a
new system is installed, the best way of
communicating is by email, or if you need
to ring , ringing between 10.30 and 1.30
weekdays when the office is staffed.
Christmas Crib
The crib collection this year will be to support the charity Iraqi Christians in Need. If
you would like to be part of the team that
will prepare the crib, and the display etc
to help support the charity, please come
to a meeting in the parish house at 1015
on Saturday 1st November.
Film Club
World Gift catalogues
now available!
World Gifts are alternative Christmas gifts that
make a difference to
someone living in poverty. You can help a child
learn to read, give the gift
of a goat, cow, or camel,
or help a community build
a water supply. In return
CAFOD send you a certificate to give in lieu of a
present which illustrates
the gift that has been
given. Catalogues are
available at the back of
the church, and you can
also buy them online at
in the parish hall
Friday 7th November
at 7.30pm
A chance to see the Guy Fawkes
themed film, V for Vendetta,
and enjoy popcorn
and a pasta supper.
Free admission!
We will be showing a film and having supper afterwards on the first Friday of each month from now on.
As shown above, the next film, to be shown on Friday
7th of November, is V for Vendetta.
If you plan to come please e-mail Tom at
so he has an idea of numbers.
word processing, letters, notifications, editing and printing the weekly
newsletter, updates to the website.
Hours: Mon, Wed, Thurs, from 9.30
to 2pm Rate: £15.69/hour. Please
send (by email only) CV, letter of application and details of two referees
to farmstreet@rcdow.org.uk putting
Farm Street Church (Secretary application) in the subject line.
Paid employment in
Westminster Diocese
Most vacancies are advertised in this
newsletter, but do please also check at
www.rcdow.org.uk/diocese/jobs/ if you
do not see anything listed here.
• Administrative Assistant – Office
of Marriage and Life, SW1P 1QN
Hours of work: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. (4
days per week) Salary: £22,085 per
annum Closing date: 6 November
Interview date: 18 November.
• Local Development Officer – (part
time) £14,000 per annum
An exciting opportunity to help develop and support our Explore work
which aims to encourage and equip
young people to aspire to healthy
and enduring relationships leading
to marriage and family. 28 hours
per week, home-based. Job description
Further information from Edmund
Adamus edmundadamus@rcdow.
org.uk 020 7798 9363 in the diocesan Office for Marriage & Family
Life. If interested, please send Edmund your CV with a covering letter
by 29 October.
• Part time parish secretary at
Farm Street Church. Duties include:
Apostleship of Prayer:
Pope Francis’s November intentions
Universal: That all who suffer loneliness may experience the closeness of God and the support of others.
For Evangelization: That young seminarians and religious may have wise and well-formed mentors.
Daily Prayer : Each morning pray ‘Jesus I offer my day
Annual Diocesan Justice &
Peace Study Day
The Welfare Myth of ‘Them and Us’ exploring how we ALL use welfare as our
lives change Sat 8 November 10.30-3.30.
St John Vianney Parish Centre, West
Green Road London N15 3QH. Speakers:
Sir John Hills Professor of Social Policy,
London School of Economics, Director of
the Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion
(CASE); Helen O’Brien, Chief Executive
Officer, Caritas Social Action Network
Faith Matters Question Time
Should religion be part of education?
Tuesday 18th November,7:00 – 8:30pm,
Farm Street Church Hall, 114 Mount St,
London W1K 3AH (Jonathan Bartley
(Founding Director of Ekklesia, the Christian Political Think Tank; Francis Campbell (Vice-Chancellor, St Mary’s University
College & former Ambassador to the Holy
See & Pakistan; Prof Sandra McNally (Director of the Education Programme, Centre for Economic Performance at The LSE;
Andrew Copson (Chief Executive of
the British Humanist Association)
All welcome to an evening of lively
panel debate on this important matter of faith and life today. Recommended donation: £7 on the door.
Booking is essential via www.
to you’ - then live your prayer as best you can. In the evening review your day, to give
thanks and say sorry.
Please pray for Sam Randle and all who are sick. Please pray also
for all who have died recently including Agustina Ramirez, Mary Finnegan,
Freda Gower, Noreen Kelly and Mrs Elice Theresa Blenmann née Jean-Pierre.
Welcoming overseas students at Christmas
HOST is looking for hospitable people who are inspired by the idea of
welcoming an international student
at university here, far from his or
her own family, to their home. This
could be for a day, a weekend or Christmas, and you don’t need to live near a
university, as students will travel for the
privilege of meeting you, learning about
real life in this country, and sharing their
own culture. HOST is a voluntary activity
which makes ambassadors for international goodwill of us all. Please see www.
hostuk.org or call HOST Office on 0207
739 6292.
Christmas cards forApostleship of the Sea
are discernment groups for young adults
(18-38) who are open to listening to the
Word of God and putting it into practice
in their lives. This year groups will meet
in across London. After a launch afternoon in Kensington on the afternoon of
Sunday 2nd November, participants will
meet in local groups from November to
Pentecost. For more information or to
request an application form visit www.
ukvocation.org.Samuel email samuel@
ukvocation.org or phone 07503241127
A Concert and Jubilee Reception will be
held at Our Lady of Victories, Kensington W8 on Friday 21 November 2014 at
7.30 pm. Choral works by MacMillan and
Schubert performed by UCLU Music Society. Tickets: £10 and £5. Proceeds will
be used in support of the pilgrimage fund
to enable the sick to travel to Lourdes.
Box Office is open now: Gerald Daly 020
7798 9173.
Samuel Groups
Looking to buy Christmas cards and support the work of the Church? Apostleship of the Sea offers quality Christmas
cards on their online shop www.apostleshipofthesea.org.uk/shop a purchase supports the faith and welfare of seafarers.
25 years of the Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes!
An afternoon for Young
Catholics - 15-18+, and
this year’s confirmatino
Family Social and Quiz
Immediately after the 6pm Mass there will be a parish social in the hall and a family
quiz suitable for all ages. (Quiz will be ended by 8.30pm)
Come and test your knowledge against other families in the parish - and be ready
for some surprises!
what it means
to live in the
Church and
share in its
Saturday 6th December, 12-4pm
This year’s Fair is to raise money for the
Parish’s Intern scheme and the church
refurbishment fund and the following
charities: Great Ormond Street Children’s Hospital; The Refuge; St John’s
Hospice; Cardinal Hume Centre; The
Passage; The Women of the Well;
Together For Short Lives; MIND; Safermedia; Shooting Star Chase; UCM
Rest Home. 30% of profits come to the
parish and 70% to the other charities.
The UCM is looking for donations for the
fair of tombola items (alcohol, chocolate
etc.)unused toiletries & cosmetics, toys
in good working order including teddyschildren’s books, children’s smart/party/
ocassional outfits, bric-a-brac, jewellery, clean empty
jars: sweets & small
toys to fill themitems
for the silent auctionraffle
baked cakes (on the
day) monetary donations towards the
Schools’ News
The afternoon begins at
3pm and ends with the
6pm Mass. It’s a time to
celebrate being young
and Catholic. and as
well as helping prepare
our parish celebration of
Youth Sunday at the 6pm
Mass on Saturday 22nd November, and will include a session led by the excellent
James Trewby on Justice and Peace in the World. More details next week!!
in Faith:
Christmas Fair
Want to learn about
our Catholic faith?
Considering whether
you are called by God?
Our parish Journey in
Faith group can help you
deepen your relationship
with Jesus, learn more
about our Catholic faith,
find help with prayer,
and companionship
and support as you consider
your nest steps in faith.
Our Journey in Faith group
meets in the parish house at
7.30pm on Wednesdays.
No meeting on
Weds 29th October.
Next meeting is Weds
5th Nov. at 7.30pm.
St Edwards’ fine report!
Congratulations to all the staff and students of St Edward’s School on their
recent OFSTED report. The school
was rated ‘Good’ in all categories. This
is a real achievement given the new
Inspection Framework that OFSTED
works to, in many respects equivalent
to Outstanding under previous frameworks. Mrs Richardson and her team
are not be resting on their laurels and
lookito continue to make progress, but
this result is a fine reward for all the
heard work done last year and this.
To read the report please go to http://
Priest’s References for
Nursery/Primary school
These should be handed to Fr Allen at
Sunday Mass Nov 29/30th. They will
be signed and ready to collect at Sunday Mass December 6/7th. Requests
for priest references should be put
together in an A4 envelope with the
child’s name on the outside and given
to Fr Allen at Sunday Mass. Please do
not bring them separately to the parish
house or hand them to anyone else.
Signing In
To help with the preparation of
the certificate of Catholic practice
(priest’s reference), parents are
invited to use the signing in books
which are regularly available at the
end of Mass. Some schools ask for
confirmation of Catholic practice
over two year or more. So you are
invited to sign during the two years
before you are applyng for a place
in Nursery, Reception, Secondary or 6th Form. The books are not
there every Sunday, but when they
are, it is announced during Mass.
Faith Formation: Westminster
Volunteers needed so we can safely continue groups for the under 18s...
The Privilege of Proclaiming the Word - for
Parish Readers (and anyone else)
The Church’s guidelines mean that to offer meeting
spaces and times for young people - under the age of
18 - we need a team of volunteers to assist with meetings, and ensure a minimum number of helpers are
• We need volunteers to assist with the Youth Mercy
Associates (mostly 8-14 year olds) who meet on
Tuesday evenings from 4-5.30pm in the parish hall.
• We need volunteers to help provide support for social events for older teens - perhaps on Friday or
Saturday evenings, once a month.
If you can assist please let Fr Allen know as soon
as possible so that we can continue the Youth
Mercy Associates Group, and develop other activities with and for the young members of our
All volunteers need to be over 18, and will need
to have a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS)
check (previously CRB check) to demonstrate
that there is nothing barring them from working with children. (This is the same check that
is required of all our parish catechists and other
volunteers and staff who work with children and
vulnerable adults.)
Facilitator: Sr Ann Cunningham OP. When: Thu 6th Nov,
7.30 pm – 9.00 pm. Where: The Niland Conference Centre, Rosary Priory, 93 Elstree Road, Bushey Heath, Herts.
WD23 4EE. Places are limited and booking is required. Register at rcdow.org.uk/events or livingfaith@rcdow.org.uk or
call at 020 7931 6078. Suggested donation is £3. Tea/coffee
will be provided.
Study evening on conscience and moral formation in early years and how this formation can be carried into adulthood.
Also we will look at the development of parenting skills. This
evening especially will be helpful for everyone involved in
First Communion/Reconciliation preparation and adult faith
formation programmes: adult faith formation leaders, catechists, parents and everyone who work with children, adolescents and their parents. Facilitator: Mgr Malachy Keegan.
When: Thu 6th Nov 2014 7.00-8.30pm. Vaughan House,
46 Francis Street, SW1P 1QN. Register at rcdow.org.uk/
events or livingfaith@rcdow.org.uk or call at 020 7931 6078.
Suggested donation is £3. Tea/coffee will be provided.
Effective communication & listening skills
for pastoral ministry
Facilitator: Mgr Malachy Keegan and Ausra Cane. When:
Sat 8th Nov 2014, 10.00am - 2.00pm. Where: Vaughan
House, 46 Francis St, SW1P 1QN. Register at rcdow.org.uk/
events or livingfaith@rcdow.org.uk or call at 020 7931 6078.
Suggested donation is £11. Tea/coffee will be provided.
Parish Christmas Cards
£2.00 for 10
Faith Matters talks: Does God Exist?
Thu 13th Nov ‘Reasons for Belief’: Fr Peter Hunter OP
Thu 27th Nov ‘Arguments for and against God’: Fr Peter
Hunter OP
• Thu 4th Dec ‘Wrestling with God: Faith and Freedom in
the Christian Tradition’: Fr Nicholas Crower OP
Location: Vaughan House, 46 Francis St, SW1P 1QN, Time:
7.00pm – 8.30pm. Suggested donation is £3. Tea/coffee will
be provided. Please register at http://rcdow.org.uk/events or
livingfaith@rcdow.org.uk or call 02079316078
Available from the Repository on Sun-
days (or Parish House, 10.30-1.30,
Mon to Fri)
These 3 cards are unique to our parish - one shows a winter view of the
parish statue of Our Lady and Jesus;
another the Nativity from the Rosary
Triptych on loan to us from the FleisMay the peace and the hope of
Christmas fill your heart
chmann Foundation; and the third the
today and forever.
appy Christmas
Jesus from the
Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem.
Photograph and card design © Allen Morris, 2013
The image of the Christ Child is from Church of St Catherine, Bethlehem.
Westminster Roman Catholic Diocesan Trust: Registered Charity No. 233699
The proceeds of the sale of this card go to support the parish of
St Johns Wood, and more specifically its Growing in Faith project
of recofinguring the Rectory to provide more and better meeting
space for parish and other community events. For more information please go www.rcsjw.org.uk
The proceeds of the sale of this card go to support the parish of
St Johns Wood, and more specifically its Growing in Faith project
of recofinguring the Rectory to provide more and better meeting
space for parish and other community events. For more information please go www.rcsjw.org.uk
Restorative Justice Retreat for everyone in a
parish pastoral ministry
Westminster Roman Catholic Diocesan Trust: Registered Charity No. 233699
The image of the Nativity is from the Rosary Triptych of Arthur Fleischman. It is
used with the permission of the Trustees of the Fleischman Foundation.
Photograph and card design © Allen Morris, 2013
Mgr Malachy Keegan. When: Sat 22nd Nov, 10.00am2.00pm. Where: The Niland Conference Centre, Rosary
Priory, 93 Elstree Road, Bushey Heath, Herts, WD23 4EE.
Register at rcdow.org.uk/events or livingfaith@rcdow.org.uk
or call at 020 7931 6078. Suggested donation is £11. Tea/
coffee will be provided. Bring your own lunch.
Many people feel wounded inside, by things that happen in
their lives. Sometimes these experiences occur in very early
life and sometimes in later life. The retreat will show you how
the joy and hope and healing that is God’s gift to you can be
Happy Christmas
Happy Christmas
The proceeds of the sale of this card go to support the parish of
St Johns Wood, and more specifically its Growing in Faith project
of recofinguring the Rectory to provide more and better meeting
space for parish and other community events. For more information please go www.rcsjw.org.uk
Westminster Roman Catholic Diocesan Trust: Registered Charity No. 233699
The image of Our Lady and the child Jesus is from the statue in our parish
grounds, designed by Michael Clarke
Photograph and card design © Allen Morris, 2013
Mount Street Jesuit Centre
A Day With the Gospel of Matthew
Saturday 1 November, 11 am - 4 pm Brian Purfield.
A day studying who Matthew was, why he wrote his
Gospel, and the message he conveys.
Gospel Overtures
Tuesdays 4 November - 25 November, 11 am - 1 pm Brian
Purfield. A look at how the beginning of each Gospel introduces its theme and helps to understand the whole Gospel.
Jesus in Scripture, Jesus in Art
Wednesdays 12 November - 3 December, 7-9:30 pm Geoff
Wheaton SJ. A look at how artists through history have used
their depictions of Jesus to help our understanding of scripture.
Christian Unity Since Vatican II: Where Now?
Saturday 15 November, 10 am - 4:30 pm Fr Dominic Robinson SJ and 6 others. This one day conference will feature 6
speakers from Catholic, Anglican, Orthodox and Reformed
traditions will look at how Vatican II led to a change in relations between Catholics and other Christians.
May the peace and the hope of
Christmas fill your heart
today and forever.
The Power of Memory
Saturday 29 November, 11 am - 4 pm Brian Purfield.
An integral part of our identity, memories can be either trivial or important, conscious or unconscious,
and are selective and unreliable but they are an essential component of our daily lives.
30 minute Drop-in Prayer led by a
trained Prayer Guide
Every Monday and Wednesday 6.30-7pm.
Guided prayer with stillness, awareness, reflection, silence,
and sharing. All welcome, come whenever you can.
Bereavement and Loss Group
First Thursday of each month 11.30am-1pm
Sr. Catherine Quane RSM facilitates this welcoming and understanding group.
Ignatian Retreat Day
Second Saturday of each month 11am-4pm.
These are retreat days of prayer run in an Ignatian way, in
which there is talk, time for personal prayer and the opportunity to listen to each other.