St. John Vianney Catholic Church and School A Stewardship Parish Clergy Fr. John Blum, Pastor Fr. Garry Welsh, Parochial Vicar Deacon Joe Grote Deacon Richard Santello Mass Schedule EASTER–ADVENT Monday–Saturday: 8:15 a.m. Saturday Vigil: 4 p.m. Sunday: 7, 8:30, 10, and 11:30 a.m. St. John Vianney Catholic Church 445 82nd Ave. St. Pete Beach, FL —Sixty–five years of sharing The Living Eucharist daily. In This Bulletin From the Pastor, page 3 Faith Formation, page 4 Martha’s Helpers, page 6 Knights Spaghetti Dinner, page 8 Christmas Wreaths, page 9 PHONE: 727.360.1147 FAX: 727.367.4418 Website: StPeteBeach St. John Vianney Catholic School 500 84th Ave. St. Pete Beach, FL The Solemnity of All Saints, November 1st is NOT a holy day of obligation this year. Please see page 3 for more information. PHONE: 727.360.1113 FAX: 727.367.8734 Website: Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 26, 2014 Page Two St. John Vianney Parish Mass Schedule and Intentions Week of October 26, 2014 Monday 8:15 a.m. October 27, 2014 Joseph & Elizabeth Schoellkopf Tuesday 8:15 a.m. October 28, 2014 Paul Resop Wednesday 8:15 a.m. October 29, 2014 Prayers for Vocations Thursday 8:15 a.m. October 30, 2014 Kathleen Mayo Friday 8:15 a.m. October 31, 2014 Al VanWallegham Saturday 8:15 a.m. 4:00 p.m. November 1, 2014 Edward Hallacy All Soul’s Novena Sunday 7:00 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 11:30 a.m. November 2, 2014 All Soul’s Novena All Soul’s Novena All Soul’s Novena All Soul’s Novena Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Welcome The parishioners of St. John Vianney Catholic Church and School are happy to extend a warm welcome to the many visitors who join us for worship today. Please introduce yourselves to those sitting around you. SACRAMENTS CONFESSIONS Wednesday 6–6:30 p.m. Friday 9–9:30 a.m. Saturday 10–11 a.m. BAPTISM OF A CHILD We are honored that you would choose St. John Vianney Catholic Church for your child’s Baptism. Please contact our parish office, at 360.1147, ext. 227, so that we may help you during this most important time of your child’s life. SACRAMENTS: First Reconciliation: March 7, 2015 at 9 a.m. First Holy Communion: May 17, 2015 at 11:30 a.m. Confirmation: May 14, 2015 at 7:30 p.m. Please complete and submit registration forms to the parish office. Forms may be found online at and at the main entrance of the church. Contact the parish office at 360.1147, ext. 201. R.C.I.A. Denotes deceased: 2015 Mass Book is Open Masses are scheduled through the parish office or, via phone, by using a credit card as payment. If you have multiple requests, please call 360.1147 to make an appointment. The Parish Office is open Monday—Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. The R.C.I.A. is a gentle process of welcoming adults into the Roman Catholic Church. Adults who have not been baptized or have been baptized in another Christian faith are invited to be part of our R.C.I.A. journey. Contact the parish office at 360.1147, ext. 205. MATRIMONY Contact the parish office at 360.1147, ext. 227, six months or more prior to the proposed wedding date. HOLY ANOINTING If you or a loved one is ill and in need of pastoral care, please call the parish office at 360.1147, ext. 232. October 26, 2014 St. John Vianney Parish From the Pastor Flu Season & Reception of Precious Blood at Mass Due to the onset of the flu season and other healthrelated concerns, the reception of the Precious Blood from common chalices at Mass will be temporarily discontinued. This will take effect beginning this weekend. Also, keep in mind that if you are ill and not feeling well, please use common sense by staying home to rest and recuperate. Remember, the obligation to attend Mass is lifted due to illness and/or poor health. Thank you for your understanding. Fall Back!—Daylight Savings Time ends Sunday, November 2nd Don’t forget to turn your clocks back one hour before you go to bed on Saturday, November 1st. All Saints Day is November 1st and All Souls Day is November 2nd This year, because November 1st falls on a Saturday, the obligation to attend Mass on the Solemnity of All Saints is lifted. Therefore, it is NOT a holy day of obligation this year. Mass for the Solemnity of All Saints will be at our regularly scheduled 8:15 a.m. Mass on Saturday, November 1st. Since All Souls Day, November 2nd, falls on a Sunday this year, it replaces the normal Sunday in Ordinary Time. We will commemorate the All Souls liturgy at all our regularly scheduled weekend Masses November 1st & 2nd. Page Three Our parish is filled with caring, generous people who understand and embrace the Annual Pastoral Appeal and all the good that it brings to our parish and to our diocese. It is a true witness to our Catholic faith when the unity of faithful, generous people provide resources for our diocese to evangelize and seek those in need of Christ. Your generosity to the Annual Pastoral Appeal supports this mission of our church and we are able to bring Jesus way out past our parish walls. Thank you to all who have given a sacrificial gift to the Annual Pastoral Appeal. You have reduced our parish obligation and helped to advance the outreach of our faith. If you have not yet made a gift, it’s never too late. Let your faith be your guide and participate in this appeal for our parish and for those in need throughout our diocese. Gift envelopes are located at the back of the church for your convenience. May God continue to bless you and all the wonderful parishioners of our parish and of our diocesan faith community. Thank you for your continued care and service. Christ is Calling… Will You Follow? Jesus came to a lot of sleepy people. They were safe and secure in their practices and observances, but for some the echo of a promise kept alive the suspicion that there was more to come. He found them. He was the promise. There was more to come. They came and saw. This week is your last chance to sign up for the women’s retreat next weekend. The hour is late but not over. Call today for late registration for a retreat that will bring much joy and peace into your life. CHURCH ETIQUETTE The priest should be the last in, and first out of the church. Women’s Retreat November 1 & 2, 2014 For more information, contact the parish office at 360.1147. Page Four St. John Vianney Parish Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Rosary at the Grotto Every Wednesday at 6:45 p.m. outside St. John Vianney Rectory Our Lady of Fatima Grotto Religious Education & Faith Formation Faith Formation/CCD Sunday, October 26, 9:45–11:15 a.m. PK–8th grade in school classrooms. A map to classrooms is posted on the school office door. Please come join us for the rosary to pray for persecuted Christians, peace and conversion of hearts. All are welcome! Correction Messa in Italiano Confirmation Preparation Please come to pray, and sing in Italian. Sunday, October 26, 9:45–11:15 a.m. 8th grade classroom. Celebrant: Fr. Anthony M. Fortunato, O. de M. (Mercedarian Friar) Family Faith Formation/CCD Mary’s Chapel Cathedral of St. Jude the Apostle 5815 5th Avenue N. St. Petersburg Sunday, November 2, 9:45–11:15 a.m. Msgr. Trainor Hall Fr. Blum will be presenting on Mary and the Saints. This program is open to all parishioners and visitors. Faith Formation/CCD Sunday, November 9, 9:45–11:15 a.m. PK–8th grade in school classrooms. A map to classrooms is posted on the school office door. We need Teenage Volunteers This is a great opportunity to learn more about our Catholic Faith and develop marketable skills while serving God and our parish. If you are interested in volunteering or need additional information, please contact Frank Boyle at or call 360.1147, ext. 201. Faith Formation for every parishioner. For more information, visit: and enter parishioner code f4b34d Mass will be said in Italian today at 4 p.m. and every 4th Sunday of the Month until May. October 26, 2014 St. John Vianney Parish Scheduled Liturgies & Devotions Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament & Chaplet of Divine Mercy and Benediction Wednesdays, after the 8:15 a.m. Mass in Mary’s Chapel, concluding with benediction at 6:30 p.m. Come and Adore Jesus. Bereavement 1st & 3rd Tuesdays, 9:15–10:15 a.m. Bereavement II (Friendship) 2nd & 4th Tuesdays, 9:15–10:15 a.m. Call Sr. Elizabeth at 360.1147, ext. 223. The group meetings have resumed. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion to the Homebound If you are unable to attend Mass and would like an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion to bring Communion to your home or the home of a loved one, please call Priscilla at 360.1147, ext. 232. Legion of Mary Mondays at 9:10 a.m.—Vianney Center Miraculous Medal Novena Tuesdays, after the 8:15 a.m. Mass Rosary Monday–Saturday: 7:30 a.m. Thursday: after 8:15 a.m. Mass Rosary for the Unborn First Friday of the month, after the 8:15 a.m. Mass. (Sponsored by Legion of Mary) Rosary for World Peace First Saturday of the month, after the 8:15 a.m. Mass (Sponsored by Catholic Daughters of the Americas) Prayer List Please help us keep our prayer list current by letting us know when the status of a person on the list changes. If you wish to have your name or the name of a loved one added to the prayer list, please notify the pastoral aide at 360.1147, ext. 232, or email Bartoli, Antoinette Bache, Kimberly & Stephen Benjamin, Courtney Bishop, Charlotte Brooke, Caroline Brunton, Kelly Bryan, Dina Card, Barbara Carter, Jackson Casper, Wilma Cellamare, Marie Collins, Mason Cooper, Will Dean, William Deeb, John Dowd, Martha Drzycimski, Carolyn Duffy, Sue Dunn, Craig Eves, Terri Ellis, Rick Figlioli, Vinnie Fitzsimons, John Flatt, Jennifer Fleagle, Barbara Ann Forcier, Dean Franklin, Roger Freeman, Bonnie Gaenslen, Nanci Galietta, Pete & Judy Gayton, Lil Girard, Leonard Graham, Donald Gurney, Beverly Haley, Marie Hanson, John Hendricks, Charlene Howe, Doreen Hubbard, Lorraine Ifft, Ed Johannesson, Kelly King, Antoinette Kovanda, Mary Joan Kramer, Klara Lamb, Angela Langenhahn, Tim Latusek, Rose Lauer, Louise Leary, Grace Lessak, John Levittino, Robert Page Five McCourt, Jim McDonald, Gerry Meehan, Joseph & Tom Meyers, Dick & Judy Miller, Tiffany Minish, Martha Moran, Bro. Chris Morris, Sam Mortell, Carolyn Nagy, Erwin Bela O’Connor, Charlene O’Connor, Marty O’Connor, Rosie Oteri, Michael Porto, John & Margherita Puls, Pat Rajewski, Anne Rath, Mary Ellen Rae, Ann Rinaldi, William “Bill” Roche, Joseph Rollison, Donna Ruffner, Dana Delph Sahlin, Linda Sanderson, Josh Sanner III, Paul Santello, Gail Schuler, Charles Shank, William Shea, Fr. Joseph Sheridan, Jack Sherman, Ryan Smith, Edd Spinelli, Diane Spoerl, Katelyn Stevens, Tom Stout, Pat Strain, Craig Taylor, Tony Teresa, Joyce Testa, Joey Thompson, Lorraine Tobin, Vincent Valentonis, Stella Van Middlesworth, Charles Vater, Patricia Vela, John Vita, Christine Wallace, Laticia Wasyluk, Andrew Weirsma, Russ Wells, Geri Woerner, Michael Zalewski, Michael Page Six St. John Vianney Parish St. John's Adult Education & Bible Study Evening Sessions Wednesdays, 7–8:30 p.m. Day Sessions Thursdays, 10–11:30 a.m. Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time We invite you to donate flower arrangements in memory of a loved one, to celebrate a birthday, an anniversary, a baptism, any other special occasion or a church feast. We meet at the Vianney Center (SW corner of Blind Pass & 82nd Avenue) This week’s pedestal arrangements are donated by: An 8-week Journey Through the Bible Tricia Boat-Sorbie In Memory of My Beloved Msgr. Trainor on the Anniversary of his 95th Birthday. September 24/25–November 12/13 A Quick Journey Through the Bible is an excellent program for beginners and those who have studied scripture for years. This simple program uses the Bible Timeline learning system to give people a useful framework from which to read and understand the Bible. Most Catholics know much more about the bible than they realize, they just need help organizing what they know. This program will help you put it together and better understand scripture, church teachings and enrich your experience at Mass. You will learn: How the major people, places, events and themes of the Bible fit together within the central story woven throughout Scripture. The 12 major time periods of salvation history and the story told in the 14 narrative books of the Bible. The six covenants God made with humanity, leading to the establishment of the Catholic church. How the 14 narrative books fit in with the other 59 books of the Bible. How to use the color-coded tools to remember the important time period of the Old and New Testaments and much more. The next 3 upcoming sessions: Oct. 29 & 30 Divided Kingdom; Exile Nov. 5 & 6 The Return; The Maccabean Revolt Nov. 12 & 13 Messianic Fulfillment; The Church For more information, please contact Frank Boyle at 360.1147, ext. 201, or email at Donations and the occasion will be published in the church bulletin and announced at Mass. Please contact the Parish Office at 360.1147. Martha’s Helpers We are in need of several smiling faces to help us out around our church. There are many tasks available, including light cleaning, dusting, flowers, etc. If you can spare a few hours on a regular basis that fits your schedule, this might be a volunteer opportunity for you! For more information, or to volunteer, please contact the parish office at 360.1147, ext. 232. Offertory Boxes Ready for Pick-Up This message does NOT apply to parishioners who receive a bi-monthly packet in the mail. Parishioners who receive a 9-month or annual boxes of offertory envelopes may pick up their envelopes at the parish office, Monday through Friday, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. If you require your boxes to be mailed to you, or if you have any questions concerning your envelopes, please contact the parish office at 360.1147, ext. 207, so that we may assist you. October 26, 2014 Page Seven St. John Vianney Parish Prepare yourself and get ready to join Fr. Garry in No-Shave November. What is No-Shave November? No-Shave November is a unique way to raise cancer awareness. The goal of No -Shave November is to grow awareness by embracing our hair, which many cancer patients lose, and letting it grow wild and free. Donate the money you usually spend on shaving and grooming for the month to educate about cancer prevention, save lives and aid those fighting the battle. If you’re not ready to sport a new shaggy look, consider donating anyway to support the cause. Go online to for more information and/or to donate. Parents, friends and family members of an incarcerated individual are invited to attend a monthly parent’s support group meeting to be held at St. Paul’s Catholic Church on Wednesday, November 12, 2014 from 7–8:30 p.m. in the Parish Center, 1800 12th Street North, St. Petersburg. Deacon Joe Grote will moderate and touch on issues, including, but not limited to, feelings of loss and grief affiliated with this situation. Confidentiality is assured. This faith-based meeting is open to persons of every denomination, but the format is Christ-centered. Everyone will be given time to speak, but privacy will be respected for those who choose not to. For more information and directions, please contact Deacon Joe Grote at 527.2914, or contact the Diocesan Office of Prison Ministry 344.1611, ext. 414 or St. John Vianney—2014 Baptisms June 1, 2014 Lando Costa June 7, 2014 Rafael Pou Sofia Pou Teens Growing In Faith St. John’s Youth Ministry June 8, 2014 Savannah Toomey June 19, 2014 Emmelyn Trickel June 22, 2014 Devin Brooks High School Youth Wednesdays, 6–7:30 p.m. 445 82nd Avenue June 28, 2014 Preston Lauar July 13, 2014 Sebastian Nasso July 20, 2014 Nicole Palaj Dean Wikoff Middle School Youth Fridays, 6–7:30 p.m. 445 82nd Avenue For more information on these and other youth opportunities, please contact or call 360.1147, ext. 201. Page Eight St. John Vianney Parish Knights of Columbus Spaghetti Dinner Saturday, November 8th at 5 p.m. Most Holy Name of Jesus 5800 15th Avenue S., Gulfport The Knights of Columbus are sponsoring a spaghetti dinner fundraiser that will benefit the Knights of Columbus Council 5131 Charities. In addition to dinner, raffle tickets will be sold for the following prizes: 1st prize: 50” flat screen television 2nd prize: 2 nights/3 days at the Bilmar Hotel 3rd prize: $100 gift card for Carrabas You do not need to be present to win. Dinner and raffle tickets will be on sale after each Mass at the main entrance of St. John Vianney Catholic Church. For additional information contact: the parish office at 360.1147. Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Moving or Changing Parishes? When moving in or out of St. John’s Parish, or changing parishes, please notify the Parish Office at 360.1147. SENIORS’ CORNER Attend Mass as a Group Sunday, November 9, at 10 a.m. Followed by breakfast in Msgr. Trainor Hall. Senior breakfasts are held on the 2nd Sunday of each month. We are in dire need of cooks. If interested, please contact Joanne Hippo at the below listed number. Look in future bulletins for upcoming activities. For more information about the Senior’s Group, call the parish office at 360.1147. St. John Vianney 2014 Weddings & Convalidations May 3, 2014 Anthony Rivera/Megan Spriggs A Trip of a Lifetime May 16, 2014 Clay Gambetti/Erin Cubick May 24, 2014 Grzegorz Zadrozny/Daria Gospodarczyk June 14, 2014 Philip Findlay/Bernardine Coughlin Ireland and Scotland June 6–18, 2015 Come join Fr. Garry Welsh and Fr. Dermot Dunne (St. Cecelia) on a trip that will spiritually renew you and physically relax you. July 12, 2014 Dylan Hanna/Sandra Martin July 19, 2014 John Ginty/Deanna Henriott August 7, 2014 Evan Haugh/Diedre McElligott Visit Galway, Our Lady of Knock, Cliffs of Moher, Killarney, Dublin, Edinburgh Castle and St. Andrews Cathedral. August 16, 2014 Adam Pignon/Amanda Skillen For more information, contact Proximo Travel at or call 855.842.8001. August 22, 2014 Jay Dolezal/Bethany O’Connor October 26, 2014 Page Nine St. John Vianney Parish Celebrate the Season of Giving! 24" BALSAM CHRISTMAS WREATHS Oktoberfest 2014! 4th Early Bird Winner Richard Kubick Look in next week’s bulletin for an update on this year’s Oktoberfest! $40 (Includes Shipping) Interested in Being A Cantor? During the holiday there’s nothing more inviting than the scent of a fresh balsam wreath. St. John Vianney is in need of cantors to lead the responsorial singing with the congregation. This traditional wreath is festively decorated with pinecones and a red bow. Wreaths are shipped directly from a Wisconsin family tree farm and includes a holiday note with every order. If you are interested in leading our church during this part of the Mass, please contact Crystal Dunn at 360.1147, ext. 224. Wreaths will begin to ship the second week of December. A perfect holiday gift for business associates, colleagues, friends, family and neighbors. On sale only until Friday, November 14th. November 2, 2014 2–5 p.m. Order forms are available in the back of the Church, as well as the school and parish offices. For more information, contact the parish office at 360.1147. Choir Rehearsals Have Begun! Wednesdays at 7:15 p.m. Choir balcony The adult choir sings every Sunday morning at the 10 a.m. Mass. For more information, contact Crystal Dunn at 360.1147, ext. 224. Contact Judy Stouffer at 360.0608 or pay at the door. Page Ten St. John Vianney Parish Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Armed Forces Prayer List Church Bequests All Our Troops To observe the best method for naming the church in your will or trust, please ask your attorney to use the following terminology: Gary Miller, Diplomat—Iraq Spc. Agent Michael Bradley, U.S. Embassy—Afghanistan Eric Schneider, Army—Afghanistan Sgt. Christopher Allan—Afghanistan Sgt. Anthony Cristina—Afghanistan “I give, devise, and bequeath (amount, article, stock, etc.) to Robert N. Lynch, as Bishop of the Diocese of St. Petersburg, or his successors in office, a Corporation Sole, for the benefit of St. John Vianney Catholic Church, 445 82nd Avenue, St. Pete Beach, FL 33706.” Sgt. David Moser, U.S.M.C.—Afghanistan Bulletin Deadline PFC James Smith, U.S.M.C.—Afghanistan BULLETIN: DEADLINE: November 9 October 30 Sr. Spc. Agent Vida M. Gecas—Moscow, Russia November 16 November 6 Sgt. Brian Marx—Afghanistan November 17 November 7 November 24 November 14 SSG Stacey Weiler, Army—Afghanistan David Arthur Dilegge, U.S. Army Infantry—Middle East Lt. Colleen Harrison, U.S. Army—Afghanistan Daniel Dlugolecki, U.S.M.C.—Kuwait/Iraq Jon Russe, R.N., Navy—Afghanistan Stephen McDonald, U.S. Army—Afghanistan, is back in the U.S. Thank you for all the prayers. Lord and Holy Protector, you called Abraham and Sarah to leave their homeland and to journey away from their own people. Yet you kept them safe wherever they went. Protect our children, our husbands and wives, our mothers and fathers, and our friends and loved ones who now must leave to fight in this war. Walk by their side and calm any fear. Be their companion and guide their thoughts; Encircle them with your light, and keep them from harm; And when their service is ended, lead them safely home. For you, O God, are our shelter in every storm and our refuge in times of danger. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen —Diocese of San Jose All bulletin articles are to be emailed by the above listed deadline date to For questions and/or information, call Lisa Mohr at 727.360.1147, ext. 207. 2014 Annual Pastoral Appeal Assessment: $251,031 Amount Pledged: $150,335 Amount Paid: $141,820 % of Goal Paid: 56.50% Thank you for your support and generosity. Parish Sacrificial Giving for the Weekend of October 5 Offertory: $20,910 Building Fund: $4,661 Weekend of October 12 Offertory: $19,591 Thank you for your generosity.
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