DATES FOR THE DIARY - Socials / Fundraisers 29th Nov 6th Dec Christmas Bazaar - Lockswood Centre Christmas Concert CHRISTMAS BAZAAR 2014 Sat 29th Nov ‘14 10am - 1pm Lockswood Community Centre 'Drop Off Sundays' start Sun 26th Oct We look forward to receiving all your donations. Good quality items required:The Bottle Tombola: champagne, wine, spirits. The Chocolate Tombola: boxes or small bars The International Stall: those lovely items you brought from abroad The Christmas Gift Stall: toiletries, jewellery, gift sets etc Toys and Teddies: new or in good condition Home Produce: chutney/jam/pickles/mincemeat/stewed fruits/Christmas pudding etc. Please check all food items are in date until Christmas and leave in marked boxes in the Paray Room. Thank you on behalf of the Fundraising Committee for you continued support. *** GRAND CHRISTMAS DRAW *** Tickets available soon 1st prize £250.00 cash !! If anyone would like to make a donation to Hampers Christmas goodies please see Maggie Raymont or leave in the Paray Room or the Repository. A CHRISTMAS CONCERT Sat 6th Dec 7-10pm A Christmas festive evening in the Hall. Tickets are £5 - including mulled wine & a mince pie. The programme for the evening includes:Adult musicians, St Anthony’s School Choir & Musicians, our 10.15am choir, several seasonal recitations. We have humour, audience participation, and lots more (including the inevitable raffle!) Tickets are restricted to 100 - so first come; first served. We hope to see you there! Contact Christine Spacey and Judy Wiseman for further information. YEARS 7-11 NIGHT OUT Sat 1st Nov 7.30-10pm Churches Together Event for young people in Years 7-11. Saturday night special at Fareham leisure centre. Costs £4.40 for entrance and your snack money. Come with your friends and enjoy squash, swimming, bouncy castle, tuck shop etc See you there! (Young people can be dropped off and picked up as adult supervision is provided from the various Church Youth group leaders) ST. ANTHONY’S FIREWORK SPECTACULAR Sat 8th Nov. 3pm Join us at our Parish School, St Anthony’s. The gates open at 3pm. There will be fire performer & other stalls. Fireworks display is at 6pm Help please In order to make the evening a success, we need help to set up, during the event and to clear up afterwards. Please contact the School office (tel. 579100) to see how you can help even if you can only help for a short period of time. Thank you. INTERNATIONAL SUPPER - LAUNDRY! Can anyone who was kind enough to volunteer and take tablecloths to launder, please return them asap to Maggie Raymont / Elfi (by the end of October please)? MEMORIAL DISPLAY Ronni is planning to create a memorial display for 9th November, Remembrance Sunday, as part of our marking the WW1 centenary. Please contribute your own photo's etc of your family/ ancestors that you’d like placed in the memorial. In this way we can remember the contribution that was made by our own families. The items will be treated with the utmost respect. Please drop off your item on the 8th Nov between 10 and 12. Please write you name and telephone number on the item. They can be collected on the 15th Nov between 10 and 12. If you wish to give them to Elfi prior to this date, please do so, but hand them to her in person. Thank you. NB. Poppies for sale at the back of the Church. CHILDREN’S LITURGY for the Infants It is with much regret that, due to extra time commitments, Jeff & Vicky are going to have to step down from leading the infant liturgy group in the hall after Christmas. We offer our heartfelt and grateful thanks for all they have offered our community through this ministry. Would you be willing to help with this in the New Year perhaps on a rota basis? Jeff has resources and can do a handover to a willing group of parents/carers! Please talk to him or to Fr John if you feel able to assist. MARY & JOSEPH ‘ADVENT JOURNEY’ 2014 We are looking for a volunteer to help co-ordinate and facilitate the crib figure’s journey through our parish. It involves being the point of contact for the parishioners interested in hosting the figures, delivering them (with the accompanying liturgy pack) & collecting them for their next visit. If you can spare some time this Advent to be our ’donkey’ then please let Fr John know! BETHANY PRAYER GROUP Weds 10.30 - 11.45am PARISH SVP GROUP ‘St Vincent de Paul’ Meets in Paray Rm for prayer, reflection & bible study Next Meeting: Sun 26th Oct 4.45pm in the Paray Room. Contact via tel. 572797 EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Thursdays 6 - 8pm Silent vigil of adoration An oasis of peace and prayer. Feel free to pop in. ROSARY - Mondays & Wednesdays at 10.30am In the Lady Chapel after Mass. All very welcome. The Catholic Parish of Our Lady Star of the Sea, Fareham & Gosport THIRTIETH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME Year: A Weekday: Cycle 2 Week 30 26THOCTOBER 2014 Prayer of the Church: Psalter Week 2 SUNDAY THOUGHT: “On these two commandments hang the whole Law, and the Prophets also.” When we look at the Ten Commandments we notice that the first three are concerned with loving and serving God. We then notice that the last six Commandments focus on our relationships with other people; how we allow our relationship with God to affect our relationship with our neighbour. But three and six only make nine! I want to think today about the missing fourth Commandment: honouring our father and mother. In between our love of God and love of Neighbour is a very important relationship; the relationship we share with our parents. Parents (and grandparents!) play a crucial role in the formation of their children. Much of our own personal ‘worldview’ has been learnt from our parents; our social skills and the way we interact with other people are affected by our parents’ example; our ambitions and interests are often effected by our parents too. It is so important that parents introduce their children to God before introducing them to their neighbour however! God needs to be a natural and normal part of our family life. Parents must share their own faith and their own love of God with their children so that their children may love God and their neighbour, as each of us is Commanded to do. Let’s say a prayer for all parents today: Grandparents and Godparents too, that they will play their part in helping future generations to love God above all things and our neighbour as our self. Fr John Chandler Pope Francis@Pontifex: If faith is to be strong and healthy, it must be constantly nourished by the Word of God. Parish Priest: Fr John Cooke: 01489 572797 Associate Parish Priests: Fr Joe Gruszkiewicz: 01329 318869 Fr Peter Glas: 02392 580119 Fr John Chandler 01329 663435 Q.A. Hospital Chaplain Fr Joe McNerney: 02392 286 408 FIRST SATURDAY DEVOTIONS: in St Mary’s Church, Gosport on Saturday 1st November from 9.30am until 1pm. Mass will be at 9.30am followed by Adoration, Rosary, Meditation, Healing Prayer and Confession. All are welcome. FR PETER’S PRAYER GROUP: will meet in St Paul’s, Paulsgrove, on Thursday 6th November at 7.30pm. Early arrivals are invited to pray the Rosary (from 7pm). FIRST FRIDAY DEVOTIONS: in Sacred Heart Church, Fareham on Friday 7th November starting with Rosary at 9am, Mass at 9.30am and then Adoration, Meditation and Confession. All are welcome. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Please take home your copy of the Portsmouth People, your free prayer card for the Year of Prayer and a copy of the Rosary CD – if there is someone living near you, who is housebound, could you deliver one to them? The Bishop’s Pastoral Letter, “THE BLESSED MOTHER SHARING THE JOY OF THE GOSPEL”, is available on the Portsmouth diocese website as a Video and in text version please follow this link . Some copies will be available to take home. This week, Bishop Philip is encouraging us to like the diocesan Facebook page, if you haven't done so already, (Diocese of Portsmouth) and to follow the diocese on Twitter. You could invite others to do the same! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ St Mary’s Kerala Catholic Community will celebrate the end of Rosary Month with Mass in Immaculate Conception Church, Stubbington at 4pm. This will be in Malayalam and is open to everyone, as is the Agape after Mass. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++ Please note: This year the Feast of ALL SAINTS moves to Sunday 2nd November and ALL SOULS moves to Monday 3rd November (see next week for extra Masses). November is the month of the Holy Souls Next Sunday is also BAMENDA SUNDAY. Parish Deacon: Dcn Langford Vincent: 01329 285617 Parish Staff: Michele Edwards (F&P): Clare Ryan (PG): Doug Savege (G): Maria Owen (L&S): 01329 318869 01489 572797 02392 580119 01329 664260 Our Church Communities St Mary’s, Gosport; Sacred Heart, Fareham; St John the Evangelist, Lee-on-the-Solent; St Margaret Mary, Park Gate; St Columba, Bridgemary; Immaculate Conception, Stubbington; St Philip Howard, Fareham; St Mary’s Anglican Church, Portchester; The Chapel of St Thomas More, Park Place, Wickham Parish Website: ST. MARGARET MARY CHURCH Our Lady Star of the Sea Parish: Fareham & Gosport Middle Road, Park Gate, Southampton, SO31 7GH Tel: 01489 572797 Email: Web Site: Reg. Charity No. 246871 Priest: Rev. John Cooke. 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year of Matthew (A) THE WEEK AHEAD Diary - at a glance ... Sun 26th 4.45pm SVP Meeting - Paray Room 3.30pm Baptism family home visit. 5pm Baptism family home visit. 8pm Padre Pio Prayer Group - Lady Chpl Mon 10.30am Rosary in Lady Chapel 7pm RCIA ‘Human Dignity & the Saints’ Tues 12 noon Clergy & Staff - Fareham 7.30pm Choir Practice Weds 10.30am Bethany Group & Rosary am/pm Diocesan Clergy Day - Park Place Thurs am/pm ‘Little M’ Pension meeting - London 6pm Exposition of Blessed Sacrament Fri 11.30am Requiem Fr Paul Spellman - So’ton 2pm Meeting Bishop Philip (Lourdes) 7pm ‘Echoes’ course (starts 7.30pm) Sat 7am HMP Winchester 5pm Confessions Sun 2nd 3.30pm Baptism family home visit. 5pm Baptism family home visit. ST ANTHONY’S PRIMARY SCHOOL FOUNDATION GOVERNOR VACANCY Applicant must be a baptised practising Catholic. The term of office is for 4 years from the date of appointment. The governors of a Catholic academy school work as a team, in close cooperation with the Head teacher and all staff. In addition to the legal responsibilities of the Governing body are appointed specifically to ensure: - that the religious character of the school is preserved. - that the school is in accordance with its trust deed. - that the religious education curriculum is in accordance with the Bishop’s policy for this Diocese. Appropriate training is available. If you are interested, please talk to Fr. John / contact the Chair of Governors, Mr. Ian Matthews, via the School on tel. 579100. LOURDES CAKE STALL Raised £210 last week! A big thank you to Helena, and all her loyal customers, enabling us to subsidise fares to travel to Lourdes. QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION In the 2nd reading, St. Paul tells the Thessalonians that they are a “model for all the believers.” What are some of the reasons for this that Paul gives? How would you rate yourself as a Christian “model” to others? The second greatest commandment is to love our neighbour as we love ourselves. What needs to change in the way you relate to your family or others, so that you can love them the way God wants you to love them? Sun. 26th October ‘14 BAPTISM ‘Welcome to God’s Family!’ Our next preparation sessions Mondays 19th & 26th Jan ‘15 7.30 - 9pm (Hall) Application forms with details of preparation sessions are available in the Foyer. Why not take part while you are still expecting? One less thing to worry about! FIRST EUCHARIST PROGRAMME ‘15 Family Information and Registration Sun 30th Nov 3pm in the Hall A gathering of all the families with children in Year 3 who are interested in knowing about our programme. CONFIRMATION CATECHIST/HELPER MEETING Sat. 25th Oct 4pm in the Paray Room. ADULT JOURNEY IN FAITH - R.C.I.A. Meeting in the Paray Room, the room on the right as you enter the Foyer. Mon 27th Oct. 7pm - 8.30pm Theme: ‘Human Dignity; the Saints’ Our group is for those who may be considering becoming a Catholic, or for Adults who would like to be Confirmed and would like to know more about our Catholic faith. We try to meet weekly from Sept - July, but you are free to come and free to go as you are able. If you would like to know more please speak to Suzanne Hogg, Fr. John or Clare. GARDEN & GROUND WORK TEAM It is that time of the year to work on the Church site and do a bit of a tidy. Please join us on Sat 1st Nov at 9am. Bring your own tools and garden bags. if possible. so we can share the disposal of cuttings! Help with refreshments for the team would also be v. welcome. Contact or Chris & Frankie Lane on if you are able to help! PRAYERS PLEASE For Irene Hollywood, Wyn Harfield, Susan Morris, Margaret & Ces Smith, Cathy Hutley, James Brown, Julia Taylor, Pat Juke, Leila Kroon, Marion Scott, Abigail Jefferies, Samantha Donohoe, Paddie Hughes, Tim Healey, May & Bernard Maginn, John Eckstein, Marion Celand, Alan Dixon, Simon Zasc, Florrie Jones, Eileen Parsons, Shauna Corr, Danny Watts, Joseph Dolan, Ellen Notley, Stuart Mercer, Bill Heaney, Lorraine Boulter, Jane Savage, Ernest Anthony, John Marvao, Pat Cooke, Thomas McCartney, Dennis Allen, Kol Thelis, Pat Elward, Maria Shearon, Celine Mills, Bob Slater, Polly Stansbridge, Joan Jones and Chris Lane. Thank you. NOVEMBER - for the Holy Souls SIGN UP FOR PORTSMOUTH DIOCESE E-NEWS ALL SAINTS’ DAY This has been transferred to Sun 2nd Nov. Keep in touch with the tsunami of news! The Diocese of Portsmouth now issues a weekly e-news with photos, news, and information from around the Diocese. Go to and add your email address to receive these updates. Are you on Facebook? Like ‘Diocese of Portsmouth’ to get all the latest info as it happens. You can also follow @BishopEgan and @PortsmouthRC on Twitter. ALL SOULS’ DAY Mon 3rd Nov. Mass 9.45am & 7.30pm Praying for the souls in purgatory, those faithful Christians who have died and gone before us, but who still must atone for their sins. Our own prayers and sacrifices can be offered up to relieve their ‘suffering.’ Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord; and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. Amen. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament 10.30am - 5pm Silent prayer all day, with refreshments in the Paray Room. Cemetery Prayers Sun 9th Nov. 4pm. Gather at Holy Hill Cemetery for special 10 mins service - then to family graves for a short prayer and blessing. Bring a tea light in an old jam jar to leave by family/friend’s graves. How to plan a Funeral ‘Rest in peace, peace of mind’ Sat. 15th Nov 3pm in the Hall A v. difficult & emotive time for all the family. We encourage you to come along, to learn more about how to prepare a funeral. It could be to prepare your own to help your family, or just for your information and how to avoid pitfalls, for when dealing with family and friends at a difficult time of bereavement. Funeral resource packs provided. Undertaker & parishioner, James Keen from Freemantles, is kindly joining us to help advise on charters and plans too, because the funeral planning market is now quite complicated and they’d like to help clarify things for you. Do try to come along and know peace of mind. LECTORS ROTAS are available in your pigeon holes PADRE PIO SUNDAY PRAYER GROUP Sun 26th Oct. 8pm in Lady Chapel. All welcome. We will also include the Divine Mercy Chaplet as recommended by Pope Francis. Please join us. HARVEST FAST DAY COLLECTION Raised £1.001 !! Thank you BAMENDA SUNDAY COLLECTION Next weekend. 40th Anniversary! Please remember our brothers and sisters in your prayers next weekend and be as generous as you can in your donation for the many parishes, schools, health establishments and social projects we support in our twinned diocese in Cameroon. For details of our joint ventures please visit our website: SUNDAY COLLECTION Thank you for your generosity. Sun 19th Oct Loose Plate £324.07 Envelopes £376.12 Bankers Orders c.£470 TOTAL £1,170.19 Retiring Collections: Last weekend ‘Missio’ APF £108.45 Next weekend: Our sister Diocese of Bamenda ‘VOICE IN THE DESERT’ Retreat Activity Day Sat 15th Nov 10:30am- 4pm For those in Year 8 – Young Adult. A preparation event activity day for National Youth Sunday 2014. The day will involve a performance from awardwinning theatre group, TenTen theatre, and workshops on everything from drama to music to spiritual survival. The day will build towards our final Mass, which will be celebrated by Bishop Philip. Venue: St George Catholic College, Leaside Way, Southampton. SO16 3DQ. Cost: £10. Bookings & info. Will Hince tel. 07780 221 686 or email: KNIGHTS OF ST COLUMBA Council 620. The Knights have donated £4,753 (!!) to Mary’s Meals since Dec ‘13. Well done to all. PARISH OFFICE Will only be officially open on Fri 31st (due to half term). Please leave messages! Mass Times, Services & Intentions 30th Sun Ord Time A 26th October ‘14 Ordinary time - Week 30 Prayer of the Church - Week 2 8am 10.15am 6.30pm Ints O’Sullivan & Buckley family Ada O’Prey RIP (Spacey) For the People of the Parish Mon Feria 9.45am Tue Ss Sim/Jude 9.45am Feria 8am Wed Feria Thur 9.45am Feria Fri 9.45am Sat HMP Winch 10am 5pm Confessions Liturgy of Word & Eucharist Ints. of Joan Jones Fr. David Buckley RIP Liturgy of the Word & Eucharist Ints. of Tom Turnbull Fr. George Gerry RIP (Pact) In the Lady Chapel Dawn Mass Day Mass Evening Mass All Saints 2nd November ‘14 Dawn Mass Day Mass Evening Mass 8am 10.15am 6.30pm Ordinary time - Week 31 Prayer of the Church - Week 3 Ints of Buckley & Banny families Heidi Ringeisen RIP (Jones) For the People of the Parish Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday 5pm PPC & Group Reps Chair Mrs Helen Gardner. Tel. 557580 Pastoral Assistant Mrs. Clare Ryan c/o Church Office Contact tel. 572797 / e-mail: Church Office open: Mon-Fri 9.30-12 Noon Safeguarding Co-ordinator Mrs. Christine Millward Concerns & Advice Tel. 023 9281 6396 (Diocesan Office) St Anthony’s Primary & Pre-School Office Tel. 579100
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