CHRISTMAS BAZAAR 2014 Sat. 29th Nov ‘14 10am - 1pm Lockswood Community Centre 'Drop Off Sundays ... ' We look forward to receiving all your donations. Good quality items required:∗ Bottle Tombola: champagne, wine, spirits. ∗ Chocolate Tombola: boxes or small bars ∗ International Stall: for those lovely items you brought from abroad ∗ Christmas Gift Stall: toiletries, jewellery, gift sets etc ∗ Toys and Teddies: new or in good condition ∗ Home Produce: chutney/jam/pickles/mincemeat/ stewed fruits/Christmas pudding etc. Thank you on behalf of the Fundraising Committee for you continued support. *** GRAND CHRISTMAS DRAW *** 1st prize £250 cash; 2nd prize - Luxury Festive Hamper; 3rd prize £100 John Lewis vouchers (kindly donated by A.H. Freemantles); 4th prize - Chocolate & Champagne Hamper, 5th prize - case of wine and lots more treats too. Tickets are on sale now. Please take a book or two and sell to your friends & family! MARY & JOSEPH FIGURES An Advent journey Would you like to host Mary & Joseph overnight on their journey to the Nativity? A prayer sheet & CD will accompany the figures for you. They will return to the Church in time to take their place in our Crib scene, bringing with them the hopes and prayers of those they have visited. Please pass on your contact details to the office. NATIONAL YOUTH CONGRESS ‘FLAME 2’ Sat. 7th Mar. 2015 - Wembley Arena. Save the date This fantastic event is organised by the Catholic Youth Ministry Federation for those in Year 9 to Young Adults. Prayer, worship, speakers, music & lots more. SUNDAY 8AM MASS; Music Ministry – Invitation We are blessed with the services of Mrs. Barbara Thomas leading us in our praise at Sunday’s 8am Mass. This is an invitation to anyone who may also like to take part, perhaps playing the Organ for us on Sunday Morning. All v. low key - just a few hymns and some incidental music. You would be most welcome. Please speak with Fr John. REPOSITORY; SEASONAL GOODS A CHRISTMAS CONCERT Sat 6th Dec 7 - 10pm A Christmas festive evening in the Hall. Tickets are £5 - including mulled wine & a mince pie. The programme for the evening includes:Adult musicians, St Anthony’s School Choir & Musicians, our 10.15am choir, several seasonal recitations. We have humour, audience participation, and lots more (including the inevitable raffle!) Tickets are restricted to 100 - so first come; first served. We hope to see you there! Contacts: Christine Spacey and Judy Wiseman for further information. Please take a moment to look at our new stock. We have a supply of 7 day cemetery candles for sale for use during this month of Remembrance and also, looking ahead, we have biblical / chocolate Advent calendars and Catholic diaries for 2015 & lots more! MISSIO - RED MISSION BOX There are still a few Missio envelopes to be collected, now in Pigeon Holes. 2015 Missio Calendars are in a box in the Paray Room. I need to bank all money by the 8th December so that I can fill in the Gift Aid Schedules to if you could return all money by then that’d be great. Thank you all for your generosity. Marguerite CRAFT GROUP 2-4pm CHILDREN’S LITURGY for the Infants We are meeting in the Paray Room on the 13th & 20th November. All very welcome. It is with much regret that, due to extra time commitments, Jeff & Vicky are going to have to step down from leading the infant liturgy group in the hall after Christmas. We offer our heartfelt and grateful thanks for all they have offered our community through this valuable ministry. Would you be willing to help with this in the New Year perhaps on a rota basis? Jeff has resources and can do a handover to a willing group of parents/carers! Please talk to him or to Fr John if you feel able to assist. FAREHAM & GOSPORT BASICS BANK AGM Meeting Mon 24th Nov 7.30pm at the Holy Trinity Church Hall in Fareham. Guest speaker from homeless charity ‘Two Saints.’ All welcome. ALTAR LINEN Contact Bernadette Wall Would any parishioners like to take a turn in washing the articles used at Mass on the 2015 rota? You would be on ‘duty’ about once every 10 weeks. If you can help, please contact Bernadette (tel. 575916) or the Office. Thank you. DANCING CLASSES - Fitness & Fun in the Hall. Line Dancing Weds 7.30-9pm. All very welcome. Zumba! Thurs 7-8pm Fitness dance craze. BETHANY PRAYER GROUP Weds 10.30 - 11.45am PARISH SVP GROUP ‘St Vincent de Paul’ Meets in Paray Rm for prayer, reflection & bible study Next Meeting: Sun 23rd Nov 4.45pm in the Paray Room. Contact via tel. 572797 EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Thursdays 6 - 8pm Silent vigil of adoration An oasis of peace and prayer. Feel free to pop in. ROSARY - Mondays & Wednesdays at 10.30am In the Lady Chapel after Mass. All very welcome. The Catholic Parish of Our Lady Star of the Sea, Fareham & Gosport DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA 9TH NOVEMBER 2014 Year: A Weekday: Cycle 2 Week 32 Prayer of the Church: Psalter Week 4 SUNDAY THOUGHT: The Silence of Life peace. Let the sounds of strife, the cries of battle, the wounds of war be calmed for all eternity in Your loving and endless grace. Let these great warriors find rest at last, ever reminded that we who are left behind cherish their spirit, honour their commitment, send them our love, and never forget the service that they gave. So as we remember the fallen, and with them our own mortality, we remember that in Christ, the self-giving God has remembered us but not our sin. This morning, at exactly 11 am, we will stand to keep two minute’s silence. While the noisy world carries on outside, we remember, we hold before God a window on the past, hoping and praying that new windows into the future will appear. World Wars may be over, but war is still an ever-present reality, and not least through attitudes which, if nurtured, cultivate an approach to others which destroys rather than encourages. In the silence today I, like many others, face the reality of inner struggle. In the silence I pray for a peace “May I never lose the wonder, the wonder of the cross. that is not only the absence of all that is evil and May I see it like the first time, standing as a sinner lost.” destructive and accusatory, but which is the presence of Fr Peter Glas goodness and Godliness. I hope and pray that you, in the tiny silences of life, will not seek to fill up that silence with Pope Francis@Pontifex: Being humble helps us noise, but rather embrace it with open heart and through share the burdens of others. such moments cultivate a quiet mind. I hope that today you, and I, will not only remember HEALING MASS Friday 14th November at 7pm our heroes but say a prayer for them; they who have Mass will be followed by common prayer for departed this life, some of them spiritually unprepared. We Healing of the Family Tree, Deliverance prayer, express our love for them through prayer. It is therefore our individual healing prayer & anointing duty to ask God, each of us separately, and all together as St Mary’s, High Street, Gosport. All welcome. one Church, to be merciful for those who have fallen for our freedom. REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY Let us pray: November is the month of the Holy Souls All Powerful God, ‘In this month of the Holy Souls, I encourage you to We honour today those men and women— increase your prayers for the holy souls – our family Our sons and daughters, husbands and wives, members, friends, and all those who have no one to pray Fathers, brothers, sisters, mothers— for them. “When a man is dead, he can do nothing more Who have laid down their life for their country. for himself. ... But we can do something for the faithful Whether weary or emboldened, quiet or defiant, departed in purgatory. Our love extends into the afterlife. Vulnerable or ready when You called them home, Through our fasting, prayers, and good works, but Their sacrifice is too humbling for words especially through the celebration of Holy Eucharist, we except these uttered in prayer. can obtain grain for the departed” (YouCat 160).’ Loving Lord, bless them forever in Your eternal Bishop Philip +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Parish Priest: Fr John Cooke: 01489 572797 Associate Parish Priests: Fr Joe Gruszkiewicz: 01329 318869 Fr Peter Glas: 02392 580119 Fr John Chandler 01329 663435 Q.A. Hospital Chaplain Fr Joe McNerney: 02392 286 408 Parish Deacon: Dcn Langford Vincent: 01329 285617 Parish Staff: Michele Edwards (F&P): Clare Ryan (PG): Doug Savege (G): Maria Owen (L&S): 01329 318869 01489 572797 02392 580119 01329 664260 Our Church Communities St Mary’s, Gosport; Sacred Heart, Fareham; St John the Evangelist, Lee-on-the-Solent; St Margaret Mary, Park Gate; St Columba, Bridgemary; Immaculate Conception, Stubbington; St Philip Howard, Fareham; St Mary’s Anglican Church, Portchester; The Chapel of St Thomas More, Park Place, Wickham Parish Website: ST. MARGARET MARY CHURCH Our Lady Star of the Sea Parish: Fareham & Gosport Middle Road, Park Gate, Southampton, SO31 7GH Tel: 01489 572797 Email: Web Site: Reg. Charity No. 246871 Priest: Rev. John Cooke. The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica Year of Matthew (A) THE WEEK AHEAD Diary - at a glance ... Sun 9th 4pm Cemetery Prayers (Holly Hill) Mon 10.30am Rosary in Lady Chapel 7pm RCIA ‘Eschatology’ Tues 9.30am St Anthony’s Remembrance Mass 11am Meeting with a parishioner 7.30pm Meeting with ambassadors tbc 7.30pm Choir Practice Weds 10.30am Bethany Group & Rosary Thurs 6pm Exposition of Blessed Sacrament Fri 1.25pm St George College Mass 7pm ‘Echoes’ course (starts 7.30pm) Sat 7am HMP Winchester 10.30am Youth Retreat Day at St George 3pm ‘How to plan a funeral’ session Sun 16th 12.30pm Baptism 2-4pm Christmas Concert rehearsal 4.30pm Baptism family home visit NOVEMBER Praying for the Dead Remembrance Sunday. Two minute silence today during all Masses to remember those who have given their life in service for our country and freedom. We remember those who have who have died this year; Rita Kelly RIP, Ken Cremona RIP, Liz Ferguson RIP, June Wood RIP, Ramona Lucioni RIP & Ada O’Prey RIP & all our friends and family. Farewell Chant May Saints and Angels lead you on Escorting you where Christ has gone Now he has called to you, come to him Who sits above the seraphim. Come to the peace of Abraham Come to the supper of the lamb. Come to the glory of the blessed And perpetual light and rest. QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION In the 2nd reading, St. Paul asks: “Do you not know that you are the temple of God & that the Spirit dwells in you?” How would you answer this? What about during the day with its many distractions? How aware are you that God Himself, and the power of the Holy Spirit, dwells in you and is available to you? What can you do to increase that awareness during the day? In the Gospel, Jesus needed to take steps to cleanse the temple of those who would defile it. We also need to take steps to cleanse our own “temple”. What are some actions in your life that need to be purified? Sun. 9th November ‘14 BAPTISM ‘Welcome to God’s Family!’ Our next preparation sessions Mondays 19th & 26th Jan ‘15 7.30 - 9pm (Hall) Application forms with details of preparation sessions are available in the Foyer. Why not take part while you are still expecting? One less thing to worry about! FIRST EUCHARIST PROGRAMME ‘15 Family Information and Registration Sun 30th Nov 3pm in the Hall A gathering of all the families with children in Year 3 who are interested in knowing about our programme. SACRAMENT OF CONFIRMATION 2016 Thank you to our Team of Catechists. We will be starting our new Confirmation programme in the New Year for those who are in Yr 8 or 9 (or above.) It is a two year programme, with the celebration of Confirmation in our jubilee year, 2016. Applications: If you’d like to be prepared for this Sacrament, then please give Fr. John a handwritten letter of application. The letter should include; which Sunday Mass you attend, what you enjoy about your Church community and why you wish to be confirmed. All letters should be received by Mon. 1st Dec. Family Info. Meeting. Sun. 7th Dec at 4pm in the Hall. ADULT JOURNEY IN FAITH - R.C.I.A. Meeting in the Paray Room, the room on the right as you enter the Foyer. Mon 10th Nov. 7pm - 8.30pm Theme: Eschatology, Judgement, Death Our group is for those who may be considering becoming a Catholic, or for Adults who would like to be Confirmed and know more about our Catholic faith. You are free to come and free to go as you are able. If you would like to know more please speak to Suzanne Hogg, Fr. John or Clare. PRAYERS PLEASE For Irene Hollywood, Wyn Harfield, Susan Morris, Margaret & Ces Smith, Cathy Hutley, James Brown, Julia Taylor, Pat Juke, Leila Kroon, Marion Scott, Abigail & Siobhan Jefferies, Samantha Donohoe, Paddie Hughes, Tim Healey, May & Bernard Maginn, John Eckstein, Marion Celand, Alan Dixon, Simon Zasc, Florrie Jones, Eileen Parsons, Shauna Corr, Danny Watts, Joseph Dolan, Ellen Notley, Stuart Mercer, Bill Heaney, Lorraine Boulter, Jane Savage, Ernest Anthony, John Marvao, Pat Cooke, Thomas McCartney, Dennis Allen, Kol Thelis, Pat Elward, Maria Shearon, Celine Mills, Bob Slater, Polly Stansbridge, Joan Jones, Chris Lane. Thank you. NOVEMBER - for the Holy Souls Cemetery Prayers Sun 9th Nov. 4pm. Gather at Holy Hill Cemetery for special 10 mins service - then to family graves for a short prayer and blessing. Bring a tea light in an old jam jar to leave by family/friend’s graves. How to plan a Funeral ‘Rest in peace, peace of mind’ Sat. 15th Nov 3pm in the Hall A v. difficult & emotive time for all the family. We encourage you to come along, to learn more about how to prepare a funeral. It could be to prepare your own to help your family, or just for your information and how to avoid pitfalls, for when dealing with family and friends at a difficult time of bereavement. Funeral resource packs provided. Undertaker & parishioner, James Keen from Freemantles, is kindly joining us to help advise on charters and plans too, because the funeral planning market is now quite complicated and they’d like to help clarify things for you. Do try to come along and know peace of mind. ST ANTHONY’S PRIMARY SCHOOL FOUNDATION GOVERNOR VACANCY Applicant must be a baptised practising Catholic. The term of office is for 4 years from the date of appointment. The governors of a Catholic academy school work as a team, in close cooperation with the Head teacher and all staff. In addition to the legal responsibilities of the Governing body are appointed specifically to ensure: - that the religious character of the school is preserved. - that the school is in accordance with its trust deed. - that the religious education curriculum is in accordance with the Bishop’s policy for this Diocese. Appropriate training is available. If you are interested, please talk to Fr. John / contact the Chair of Governors, Mr. Ian Matthews, via the School on tel. 579100. Tues 11th November 9.30am Remembrance Mass in the School Hall. All very welcome to join us. NEW EUCHARISTIC MINISTER ROTAS are available in the sacristy. Please take your copy. NEW LECTORS’ ROTAS are available in your pigeon holes. Readers at 10.15am Mass have a corrected sheet inserted (destroy the old one please). Stan ‘WORLD YOUTH DAY 2016’ 21st July - 2nd Aug The Diocese will be taking a coach of young people to Poland for the next World Youth Day in 2016 with Pope Francis. Travelling across Europe, with Bishop Philip, to join with over a million young Catholics. With accommodation in the heart of Krakow, Poland. Guide price £995. Apply online (via the Diocesan Website) & find more information. Limited places. SUNDAY COLLECTION Thank you for your generosity. Sun 2nd Nov Loose Plate £226.17 Envelopes £357.90 Bankers Orders c.£470 TOTAL £1,054.07 Retiring Collection last weekend: Bamenda £336.71 HOLY LAND PILGRIMAGE EXPERIENCE 2016 A 12 Day, all inclusive 3 centred experience through the Holy Land; Negev, Jerusalem and Galilee. Fully guided & all fees included. Travelling Sun. 14th - Fri. 25th Feb 2016. Brochures are available in the Foyer. THANK YOU A big thank you to Chris & Frankie Lane, Phil Hartle and the wonderful Team of 24 for their seasonal, Autumnal (back breaking) work last weekend. Pruning, cutting & clearing the Church site filled six trailer loads! Thank you to the Hospitality Team in the Hall watering & feeding the labourers. Thank you also to Terry for his hard work every Friday (weather permitting) who looks after the front of the Church, and Elfi who is always on hand too. ‘VOICE IN THE DESERT’ Retreat Activity Day Next Sat. 15th Nov 10:30am - 4pm For those in Year 8 to Young Adult. The day will involve a performance from award-winning theatre group, TenTen theatre, & workshops on everything from drama to music to spiritual survival. The day will build towards our final Mass with Bishop Philip. Venue: St George Catholic College, Leaside Way, Southampton. SO16 3DQ. Cost: £10. Bookings & info. Will Hince tel. 07780 221 686 or email: Mass Times, Services & Intentions Ded’n of Lateran Basilica 9th November ‘14 Dawn Mass Day Mass 8am 10.15am 4pm 6.30pm Evening Mass Mon St Leo the G Tue St Martin T Feria Wed Feria Thur Feria Fri St George Sat HMP Winch Confessions 9.45am 9.30am 9.45am 9.45am 9.45am 1.25pm 10am — Ordinary time - Week 32 Prayer of the Church - Week 4 M.& J. Younghusband RIP (Moss) For the People of the Parish Cemetery Prayers Ralph Fordham RIP (Jefferies) Denys J. Rimmer RIP (Fdn) At St Anthony’s; School Mass Sheila Jackson RIP (Ip) Liturgy of Word & Eucharist Madeline McQuade RIP St George College Mass Fr. David Walford RIP (Pact) Sorry, no confessions St Edmund of Abingdon 16th November ‘14 Ordinary time - Week 33 Prayer of the Church - Week 1 Dawn Mass Day Mass Evening Mass E. Adcock RIP (Reynolds) Roy Harrington RIP For the People of the Parish 8am 10.15am 6.30pm Sacrament of Reconciliation Sorry, no confessions PPC & Group Reps Chair Mrs Helen Gardner. Tel. 557580 Pastoral Assistant Mrs. Clare Ryan c/o Church Office Contact tel. 572797 / e-mail: Church Office open: Mon-Fri 9.30-12 Noon Safeguarding Co-ordinator Mrs. Christine Millward Concerns & Advice Tel. 023 9281 6396 (Diocesan Office) St Anthony’s Primary & Pre-School Office Tel. 579100
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