Boulevard Presbyterian Church Worship On The Lord’s Day 20

Boulevard Presbyterian Church
1235 Northwest Boulevard
Columbus, OH 43212
614-486-0267 Fax: 614-486-2342
Prayers for Healing and Strength
Rose Marie Tate, receiving tests for cancer (Linda
Wilton’s friend)
Susie Nelson, recuperating at Crown Pointe
Ray Sanzo, receiving treatment for cancer
Nancy Smith, recuperating at home
Julie Wall, Kyme Rennick’s mother
Debbie Ferguson, receiving treatment for cancer
(Bruce Smith’s friend)
Julie DuSablon, receiving treatment for cancer
Connie Freeman, at home
Jerry Braun, Mike McKinney’s brother-in-law
Mark Nicholson, prayers for healing
Prayers for Our Special Care List
Barbara Frautschi, for continued remission
Marty Grimm, prayers for remission
Mary Harris, at home
Kay Jones, at home
Don Kibbey, at home
Brita Knapp, for continued remission
Please call the Church Office to include someone
on this Prayer List.
If you would like to receive a visit from the pastor, a calendar
is kept in the church office. Please call 486-0267 to
schedule your visit.
If you have particular concerns that you wish to share, please
speak to any of the elders serving on Session. They can be
identified by their distinctive nametags which say “Elder” on
Preston Shealy
Interim Music Director: Joel Mathias
Mary Ann Stephens
Office Manager:
Linda Johnson
Mark Key
Preschool Admin:
Mikie Bowles
Boulevard Presbyterian Church
Food Mission Sunday
Boulevard Hosting NSI Choir Concert to
Benefit Neighborhood Services, Inc.
9:00 am
Worship: Chapel
10:00 am
Christian Education for All Ages
11:15 am
Worship: Sanctuary
12:30 pm
Prayer Shawl Ministry: Lounge
4:00 pm
Rehearsal for NSI Concert
6:00 pm
Youth Group
7:00 pm
NSI Benefit Concert: Sanctuary
Monday, October 27
10:00 am
Staff: 300
7:00 pm
Session: Chapel
7:00 pm
Boy Scouts: Fellowship Hall
7:00 pm
Webelos 1 Den: 111
Tuesday, October 28
6:00 pm
Preschool Dad’s Night
Wednesday, October 29
9:00 am
Quilters: 111
6:00 pm
Open Shelter Lunch Packing:
111 and Kitchen
7:00 pm
Bell Choir Rehearsal
Thursday, October 30
6:15 pm
Music Team Rehearsal
7:30 pm
Chancel Choir Rehearsal
Sunday, November 2
Cents-Ability Sunday
9:00 am
Worship: Chapel
10:00 am
Christian Education for All Ages
11:15 am
Worship: Sanctuary
4:00 pm
Capital Campaign Gala:
LaScala Restaurant
STEWARDSHIP IS . . . Consecrating
one’s whole life by dedicating a portion of
everything  time, talents and treasures 
for God!
We Rejoice and Give Thanks
Sunday, October 19, 2014
General Sunday Offering: $1,591.00
God’s People Gathered: 112
Worship On The Lord’s Day
October 26, 2014 11:15 a.m.
20th Sunday After Pentecost
Today’s congregation continues strong traditions of living faith through worship, mission,
education and fellowship with the vision of “Reaching Out to Make Disciples.”
 Following the path laid out by God through his son, Jesus Christ, and the power of the Holy Spirit;
 Sharing the inclusive love of God to all of God’s children and God’s creation;
 Exposing the light of Christ to the world through music, words, prayer and actions.
Please sign the friendship pad and pass it to those near you
“Praeludium in d”
“Wondrous Love”
“A Ringer’s Prayer”
Bells Te Deum
Robert Lind
Arr. David N. Johnson
Judy Hunnicutt
Welcome and Announcements
Choral Introit
“O Jesus Christ, May Grateful Hymns Be Rising”
Call to Worship
(from Psalm 90)
Leader: Lord, you have been our dwelling place in all generations.
People: Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever you had formed the
earth and the world, from everlasting to everlasting you are God.
Leader: For a thousand years in your sight are like yesterday when it is past, or like a
watch in the night.
People: Satisfy us in the morning with your steadfast love, so that we may rejoice and
be glad all our days.
Leader: Let your work be manifest to your servants, and your glorious power to our
People: Let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us, and prosper for us the
work of our hands – O prosper the work of our hands!
Let us worship the Lord!
*Please stand if you are able where indicated by the asterisk.
Love Divine, All Loves Excelling
Loving God, we confess that we do not live lives worthy of people entrusted with the good
news of your love and grace. We relate to each other with selfish motives as though we do
not trust the good news ourselves. We seek to please ourselves and are willing to
manipulate your children around us so that we can get what we want. We use flattery
instead of honesty to gain praise and status. Our motives in life are mixed at the very best.
Cleanse us, we pray, and guide us through your Spirit so that we may truly live lives
worthy of being called your beloved children. Amen.
Silent Confession and Sung Response
“Lord Jesus, Think on Me” (Vs. 1 Only)
(See Insert)
Leader: The peace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you.
People: And also with you.
Please share the peace of Christ with those around you.
“Gloria, Gloria”
(See Insert)
Children Kindergarten and above should return to their seats following the Children’s message. Children 3, 4 and 5 years old (who
are not in Kindergarten) are invited to Toddlerland. Children may be picked up in Room 202 directly after worship.
A sung prayer for the Spirit to guide us in hearing God’s Word.
“O Word of God Incarnate” (Vs. 1 Only)
(See Insert)
SCRIPTURE READING (Pew Bible p. 959)
1 Thessalonians 2:1-8
Psalm 90
SCRIPTURE READING (Pew Bible p. 804)
Matthew 22:34-40
“Love. . . Love. . . Love. . .”
Preston Shealy
*HYMN NO. 298
There’s a Wideness in God’s Mercy
The human race has rejected its Maker.
Though they were made to be like God,
man and woman broke community with God,
refusing to trust and obey God.
Their community with each other was broken
by shame and murder, lust and pride.
(from A Declaration of Faith)
We confess that in all generations
men and women have rejected God again and again.
At times we seek in pride to become gods,
denying the good limits that define us as creatures.
At other times we draw back in apathy,
refusing to fulfill our human responsibilities.
The antagonisms between races, nations, and neighbors,
between women and men, children and parents,
between human beings and the natural order,
are manifestations of our sin against God.
Leader: Loving God;
People: Hear our Prayer
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be
done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our
debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen.
Offertory Anthem
Lord, You Have Been Our Dwelling Place
Flute ~ Diane Cattran; Violin ~ Mike Eberle
Praise God from whom all blessings flow,
Praise God all creatures here below; Alleluia.
Praise God above, you heavenly host,
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Alleluia
Hal H. Hopson
*HYMN NO. 538
Lord, Dismiss Us with Thy Blessing
“Sing Out, Earth and Skies”
Mary Beth Bennett
2014 Advent Devotional Authors Needed
The Discipleship Ministry Team will be continuing our tradition of preparing and distributing Advent Devotionals this year. These devotionals consist of a daily devotion written by members and
friends from our “Boulevard Family.” This makes our devotionals very unique!
Please consider prayerfully if you could write a devotional this year. We will provide the theme
and scripture information. If you want to volunteer to write one of the devotions, please contact
Steve Hills at 614-261-1919 or, or indicate on the Friendship Pad as it
is passed your interest in writing a devotional. Completed devotions will need to be turned in by
November 4, 2014 to allow us enough time to put the devotionals together by November 30th, the
First Sunday in Advent.
Nativity Scene for Outside Needs Refurbishing
Boulevard has a beautiful nativity scene that was for many years a part of our Advent tradition, and
stood on the lawn on the Northwest Boulevard side of the church. Before we would be able to once
again erect the nativity outside, the figures for are in need of some touch up painting and the stable
needs some stabilization! Can you help with this project? Anyone interested in helping to restore
this nativity scene should talk with Preston, contact the church office, or indicate on the Friendship
Pad your interest in helping with this project.
Help Feed Our Youth!
Boulevard Youth Group is looking for some helping hands to help feed us before our various activities. This can be anything from some bread, peanut butter and jelly so we can make sandwiches to
your special spaghetti! Please see the sign up sheet in the lounge for dates and times needed. Any
questions, feel free to ask Lindsey Anderson or Sarah Murdick.
Worship Leader: Barbara Frautschi
Greeters: Lisa Faulkner and Jody Huggins
We want to extend a special thanks to Diane Cattran and Mike Eberle for their musical
offerings this morning.
Today’s flower arrangements are given to the glory of God by
Ellen Rennick in memory of Ted Rennick; and
Sandy Ferguson, Caitlin and Jesse Combs in memory of Ray Ferguson.
The Lord’s Supper is celebrated the first Sunday of the month at the 11:15 service and
weekly at the 9:00 service.
The sound system has hearing assists for those who have problems with hearing the service.
You may use them anywhere in the Sanctuary. Please see an usher for help.
Large print bulletins, hymnals, and Bibles are available from the ushers.
Are You On Facebook?
To learn all the latest news, go to Boulevard’s Facebook page and become a follower
by clicking on notifications!
Sunday School Classes
Preschool ~ Ages 3 and Up
Grades K-3
Grades 4-7
Grades 8-12
Adult Class ~ Animate: Practices ~ Room 111
A seven week study using videos, personal reflection and discussion to explore the main
practices of our Christian faith.
October 26 ~ Community: An Unexpected Family
Cents-Ability ~ Next Sunday, November 2nd
Attention all children, and all of you who are young-at heart, we are still collecting your pennies,
nickels and dimes to help feed the hungry! Next Sunday, November 2nd is “Cents-Ability
Sunday!!” Remember, to bring your banks to church next Sunday and add your loose change to
the Cents-Ability Jar.
Adult Sunday School Class ~ Begins Sunday, November 2 ~ Room 111
What Really Happened at General Assembly This Summer
This is a three-week study that will explore the decisions our denomination made at General
Assembly. The study will be led by The Rev. Rebecca Tollefson and Elder Jim Wilson.
Rebecca Tollefson is the Executive Director of the Ohio Council of Churches. A native of
Iowa, she has held ministerial standing in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) since 1981. She
is a graduate of Buena Vista University (1974) and Louisville Presbyterian Theological
Seminary (1981).
Jim Wilson is a Ruling Elder at Broad Street Presbyterian Church and was a Commissioner
to the 221st General Assembly.
Prayer Shawl Ministry ~ Today at 12:30 p.m. in the Lounge
Boulevard’s Prayer Shawl Ministry will meet today at 12:30 p.m. in the church lounge. Knitters
and crocheters of all skill levels are welcome - even those wanting to learn! As part of the group or
on our own, we will create shawls to be given to Boulevard members and others in need of an
expression of God’s love to comfort or celebrate life’s changes. Bring your current shawl project,
or we have yarn and needles to get you started. Together, we’ll grow in faith and skill practice.
Prayer Shawls
The shawls and lap robes in the service today were created by members of Boulevard’s Prayer
Shawl Ministry group. Feel free to handle them. They’re meant to be touched! Please help us with
this ministry by praying for the recipients of our shawls, asking that they will feel comforted and
surrounded by God’s love. At any time if there is someone you would like to receive a shawl,
contact the pastor, Phyllis Miller (273-0907) or Linda Wilton (486-4233). Recipients do not need
to be members of our congregation.
Open Shelter Lunch Packing ~ Please Note Date Change:
Wednesday, October 29th 6:00 p.m. and /or 6:30 p.m.
On Wednesday, October 29th, we will be packing 200 brown bag lunches for the Open Shelter. We
will have sign-up times for people to arrive at 6:00 p.m. and at 6:30 p.m. If possible, please sign up
ahead of time on the list in the lounge, but last minute volunteers are always welcome! Ideally we
would like to have 10-15 people signed up to participate. Thanks for your help!
For more information, please contact: Amy Creighton at 614-209-9600 or
YWCA Family Center Dinner Hosting ~ Sunday, November 16th at 4:30 p.m.
We will be preparing and serving dinner at the YWCA Family Center on Sunday, November 16th.
We will meet at the church at 4:30 p.m. and carpool to the center. There are many ways you
can help ~ by providing food, preparing food, or helping to serve at the Family Center. Sign-up
sheets are in the Lounge! Please plan to join us and let us know how you will be able to help!
Boulevard Presbyterian Women ~ PW Gathering Time
Thursday, November 6th 11:30 a.m. Fellowship Hall
We will gather in the Fellowship Hall at 11:30 a.m. for a lunch ($5.00) provided by Naomi Circle.
The program will be about Hospice Services and Programs. Presenters are Kathie Bailey and
Abbie Menke. They will share information about hospice agency services and their own
experiences. This program will be very informative and helpful.
We will also dedicate our annual Thank Offerings to PW mission projects. All women and friends
are welcome. Please give your reservation to your circle caller or Ginny Achtermann (775-0658)
by November 3rd to help prepare an accurate number of lunches.
During October, the Deacons’ Mission Committee is asking for your help in
stocking the shelves of COMPASS with disposable diapers and formula. For many
needy families, diapers and formula are “luxuries” and supplies of these items
often limited at food pantries. One pantry told us that a baby will receive 6 diapers
for the week when supplies are low!
 Disposable Diapers (any size)
 Formula
The box marked COMPASS in the coatroom or the collection basket in the hallway by the
bulletin boards. Thank you for helping show Christ’s love to these little ones and their
PW Selling Scrubbies ~ Sunday, November 2nd Between Services
This is a quick reminder that Presbyterian Women will be selling scrubbies on Sunday, November
2nd between the 9:00 and 11:15 a.m. services. Stop by their table to pick up scrubbies for yourself
or as gifts. Also, you may place orders for the holidays by calling Sally Neff at 224-3719.
Christmas Wreaths and Roping Sale ~ October 26th, November 2nd, 9th, and 16th
Once again this year, you will have an opportunity to support NNEMAP with the purchase of
Christmas wreaths and roping. All products are made to order just days before shipping, and
brought to Columbus in refrigerated trucks from Schoolhouse Farm in southwest Virginia.
Delivery will be on Sunday, November 30th, and one-half of the cost of your order is tax
deductible. A wreath sample will be on display in the lounge.
On four Sundays, October 26th, November 2nd, 9th, and 16th, orders will be taken for Fraser Fir
wreaths. A combination of Fraser Fir, White Pine, and Boxwood is also available for wreaths.
Roping is offered in 30 or 75 foot lengths. Please see Marlin Cheyney following the worship
services on November 2nd, November 9th, and November 16th if you have questions or want to
place an order.