Carbury Parish Newsletter Sunday 26 October, 2014 th

Carbury Parish Newsletter
Sunday 26th October, 2014
Fr. John Fitzpatrick P.P. Tel: 046 9553355 ~ Fr. Alphonsus Murphy P.E. Tel: 046 9553020
Parish Website:
Kildare & Leighlin Website:
Parish Office Opening Hours: 9.30am to 2pm Monday to Friday
For all bookings, newsletter items and general queries please call 046 9553355
Derrinturn Church
Kilshanroe Church
Monday - Friday
10am & 7.30pm
8:00am & 11am
Next Week’s Gospel: Matthew 11:25-30
Harvest Thanksgiving Mass: This weekend we thank God for our abundant harvest
of turf and crops this year and ask for God’s blessing for all people that we may
have food for our table and peace in our heart.
Our Annual Novena for departed relatives and friends will take place from Saturday 1st
November until Wednesday 5th November. We are unable to take individual mass bookings
during this time, but can accommodate mass bookings either side of these dates. As a mark of
respect to our departed relatives and friends who have passed away in the last year (those who
have been interred in our cemeteries or are originally from our parish) we will light individual
candles for them at all masses that weekend. We will also light one large candle remembering
all those who have gone before us. May they all Rest in Peace.
Communion Calls: Next Communion Calls in the Parish are Wednesday 5th November Kilkeaskin, Killina, Ticknevin, Ballyhagen, Clonkeen, Williamstown and Thursday 6th
November - Parsonstown, Kilshanroe, Derrinturn. If you know anyone who would like to have
the priest visit them at their own home, please call the Parish Office on 9553355.
Church Gate Collection: Con Reilly, Killina will hold a Church Gate Collection this weekend,
25th & 26th October in aid of St Luke’s Hospital. Your support is very much appreciated.
Safeguarding Children: Carbury Parish and our Diocese of Kildare & Leighlin is committed to
following best practice as specified by the National Board for Safeguarding Children in the
Catholic Church (NBSCCCI). Attached to the newsletter today is the Safeguarding Children
Statement for our parish. A copy of this and contact details for any safeguarding concerns can
be found in church porches, sacristies and parish hall. More details relating to safeguarding can
be found & If a parishioner
has any views or comments on how safeguarding could be improved in our parish please
contact the parish office or any of the Safeguarding Representatives.
Revenue Returns: We would like to say a sincere thank you to all those who have completed
and returned the form to the Parish Office. If you are paying Income Tax on; wages/salary
whether you are self employed or a PAYE worker; or are in receipt of a private pension, as a
registered charity - we can claim a tax rebate. For example if you have made a charitable
donation of €250 to our Parish and are paying income tax of any type, we can get as much as
€112.32 tax back from revenue on your donation – meaning the total value of your contribution
to our Parish is €362.32. Last year we received a refund of almost €10,000 which was used to
pay off the Parish Loan. If you have any queries or concerns about completing this form, please
do not hesitate to contact the Parish Office. Thank you.
Note: Mass-card Signees & Deceased on our list will be prayed for on Thurs 6th November.
Oct/Nov 2014
Sat 25th Oct
The Six Welsh
Martyrs &
Sun 26th Oct
30th Sunday
in Ordinary Time
Mon 27th Oct
St Otteran
Tues 28th Oct
Ss Simon & Jude
Wed 29th Oct
St Colman
Thurs 30thOct
Anniversary Mass List
10am Kathleen Mangan.
7:30pm Michael Smyth, Killina, 1st Anniversary.
Mary Brennan. Ellen & John Aungier, Pasty
Aungier & John Dunne, Parsonstown.
11am Joe & Margaret Cross, Killina. Patrick &
Catherine Smyth & Deceased members of the
Smyth Family. Helen Browne, Killina.
11am Burial of Ashes - Kathleen Fillingham, Nee
Connolly (RIP), England, formerly Killina.
9:30am Edward Logan, Ballinakill.
9:30am Mary Flanagan, Rathmore.
7.30pm Eileen Perry &
Liam Perry. Frank Dixon,
11am Thomas &
Elizabeth Holton,
St Alphonsus Rodriguez
Fri 31st Oct
St Wolfgang
Sat 1st Nov
All Saints Day
Sun 2nd Nov
Comm. of the
Faithful Departed.
9:30am Pat Jessop, 642 Ashgrove.
10am Mass Card Signees & Living on our Lists.
7:30pm Vigil – All Souls Day - Novena for the
8am Novena for the Dead.
11am Novena for the Dead.
7.30pm Vigil Mass – All
Souls Day - Novena for
the Dead.
11am Novena for the
Please Pray for Monica (Mona) Buchanan, Navan – nee Mitchell formerly from Kilkeaskin who
passed away recently. We also remember Elizabeth Nolan, Killina formerly Celbridge, (mother
of Agnes Cross) and Ernie Price, (father of Yvonne and Debbie Price, Derrinturn) who passed
away during the week. May they Rest in Peace.
Derrinturn Readers & Eucharistic Ministers for Saturday 1st & Sunday 2nd November 2014
Mass Time
Eucharistic Ministers
Sat 7.30pm
Mary Baldwin
Rose Connolly & Marian Dolan
Sun 8:00am
Paddy Lavery
Samantha Feely Lenehan
Sun 11:00am
Paddy Fitzsimons & Fiona Feely
Muriel Skelly & Phyllis McDermott
Kilshanroe Readers & Eucharistic Ministers for Saturday 1st & Sunday 2nd November 2014
Mass Time
Eucharistic Ministers
Saturday 7.30pm
Bernie Holton
Eileen Cawley
Sunday 11am
Rita Clarke
Maeve Gallagher
Derrinturn Church Cleaning Group 2 to meet Tuesday & Friday
Collections – Saturday 18th & Sunday 19th October 2014
Mass Cards
Autumn Collection
Mission Sunday
Donations to Development
Family History
Please note the Development Figure in our newsletter last week showed only the coin amount of €203.
The total amount of last week’s lodgement to the Development Account was €1,010.
The Holy Rosary for the month of October will be recited in Derrinturn graveyard on Tuesday
28th at 8pm, meeting at the cross. This is irrespective of weather conditions, so a raincoat and
torch may be necessary. All are welcome to come and pray for relatives and all those interred.
Derrinturn Tidy Towns are holding a raffle for a Christmas Hamper. The draw will take place
at The Turn Inn on Saturday, 13th December. 1st Prize Large Hamper; 2nd prize Meat Voucher;
3rd prize 10 bales of Briquettes; 4th prize Bottle of spirits, 5th prize Box of chocolates; 6th prize
Tin of Biscuits and Bottle of wine. Tickets on sale soon. Please support this worthy cause.
Killina Community Association will hold a Cake Sale outside Derrinturn Church, on the
weekend of the 1st and 2nd November. Your support is appreciated.
Carbury GAA: Halloween spooky spectacular fright night. Halloween night. Kids disco. Fancy
dress. Doors Open 7.30pm. All are welcome.
Vacancy for Secretary at Derrinturn: Carbury Community Employment Scheme Limited has a
vacancy for a Secretary based at Derrinturn. Duties will include: Receptionist, answering
telephone, taking messages & photocopier, record keeping, taking bookings for masses,
weddings, anniversaries etc, updating parish registers, filing documents, compiling weekly
newsletter, compiling parish magazine, helping with weekly parish collections, compiling
weekly collections on computer, helping to organise parish field day events. To check your
eligibility and to apply for this vacancy, please contact your local Employment Services Officer
and quote the reference number ES-889151. You should also send your CV to the Supervisor,
Carbury Community Employment Scheme Ltd., Parish Hall, Derrinturn, Carbury, Co. Kildare.
Closing date for receipt of applications is Monday, 3rd November. Carbury Community
Employment Scheme Ltd is an equal opportunities employer.
Older Adults Exercise Classes: Siel Bleu Ireland is delivering adapted physical activity classes
in Edenderry Credit Union. Highly skilled physical trainers at Siel Bleu deliver programmes
that utilise Adapted Physical Activities. Classes are delivered to groups of 12-15 participants
with difference classes offered based on the ability levels of participants. The exercises are fun
and enjoyable with a focus on improving balance, endurance and resistance. A 1 hour class will
be held on Saturdays at 2pm in the Meeting Room of Edenderry Credit Union.
Carbury GAA Lotto: Draw took place during the week. The following numbers were drawn 4,
5, 7, 8 and the bonus number was 28. There were 5 match 3 winners who each received €40.
Next week’s prizes: Match 4 plus bonus to win/share €16,350. Match 4 numbers drawn to
win/share €10,000. Enter the draw online at – Search Carbury GAA.
The Pioneer Association promotes the Short-Term Pledge for November in honour of the Holy
Souls. November is traditionally dedicated as the Month of the Holy Souls when we pray in a
special way for family/relatives/friends that are no longer with us. By a long-standing Irish
custom, many people abstain from alcohol for the month of November and offer this sacrificial
act for the benefit of their deceased loved ones and for all the Souls. Those interested can
contact Jim Cully 046-9553144. Con Kane 046- 9551051. Colm Daly 085-7344488.
House wanted to Rent in the Carbury/Derrinturn area. Please contact 085-8759242.
The Alzheimer Café evening takes place on the last Wednesday of every month from 7pm to
9pm in the Convent Tea Rooms at McAuley Place, Sallins Road, Naas. (Beside Parish
Church). Upcoming talks: 29th October -“Rights and entitlements in Caring for an Elderly
Person” Anne Flynn, Carers Association. 26th November - “Confidence to Care”, Amanda
Bohan, Home Instead, Senior Care. Come along for a short talk, a cup of tea and some cake.
Thank you: The Irish Wheelchair Association wish to thank collectors and those who donated
to their recent Church Gate Collection at Derrinturn Church. The amount raised was €327.57
Thank you: Peg Hughes would like to thank everyone who supported her Coffee Morning in
aid of the Curragh Hospice. €300 was raised.
Sivananda Yoga: 7-week course starts on Wednesday 5th November (7:30pm-9pm) All levels
in Oakland’s Community School, Edenderry. Information & Booking call 087 2355783.
Table Quiz in aid of Senior Citizens Party: Friday 7th November at 9:30pm in Carbury GAA.
Table of 4 is €20. Raffle on the night. All are very welcome to attend. Your support would be
appreciated. Funds raised go towards the annual Christmas Party for our Senior Citizens.
2014 Dublin City Marathon: Anne Mallen, Rathmore is attempting this year’s Dublin City
Marathon on 27th October. Funds raised go to The Children’s Medical & Research Foundation
in Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital, Crumlin. If you would like to sponsor Anne you can call to
the Parish Office during opening hours (Mon-Fri 9:30am-2pm). You can also donate online by
visiting to those who have already donated.
Carbury Village Residents Association will hold their Annual General Meeting on Friday 7th
November at 8pm in the Castle Inn. All are welcome.
Mount St Anne’s Events: Meditation Day on Saturday 15th November from 10am-4.30pm. A
day of relaxation and peace. Facilitated by Ms. Marie Manley and Sr. Róisín Gannon. Cost €25.
Please bring packed Lunch (Tea/Coffee provided).
Dream’s Workshop on Saturday 22nd November from 10am-4pm. This workshop gives an
introduction to our dreams where you will be guided through their exploration. Facilitated by
Ms. Catherine Tierney. Cost: €25 (please bring packed Lunch, Tea/Coffee provided).
Christmas Fair Sunday 9th November from 11am-4pm. Now fully booked for the Christmas
Fair with over 70 exhibitors on the day. A wide selection of produce available including
chutneys, jewellery, cards, candles, prints, Christmas cakes, car cleaning products, etc. An ideal
opportunity to get some Christmas shopping done early. Admission Free – all welcome.
Meditation every Tuesday 8-9pm and Art & Craft Group every Thursday 8-10pm (except
during Mid-term)
Christmas Station Masses
Nov 7.30pm (Dtn) Derrinturn, Coonough, Dreenane, Dreenane Park, Kilkeaskin,
Lough na Cush, Parsonstown, Ballyshannon, Windmill Grove, Grattan Park, Drehid.
Sat 8th Nov 7.30pm (Ksr) Kilshanroe area.
Sat 15th Nov 7.30pm (Dtn) Old Court, Kishavanna, Boherbree, Kilmore, Ballyhagen,
Clonkeen, Coolavacoose.
Sat 22nd Nov 7.30pm (Dtn) Killina, Ballybrack, Kilpatrick, Ballinakill, Drummond.
Sat 29th Nov 7.30pm (Dtn) Carbury, Newbury, Longridge, Teelough, Haggard, Ardkill,
Sat 6th Dec 7.30pm (Dtn) Rathmore, Ticknevin, Ashgrove, Ashbrook, Trinity Crescent,
Trinity Drive, Ashmount.
Thank you for supporting our priests.
Who does what at mass? At every mass you will notice that some members of the assembly
have different jobs. The collectors: the people who collect our gift of money during mass. The
Minister of the Eucharist: the person who helps to give out communion at mass. Music: many
parishes have choirs – groups of people who sing at mass. Their singing helps the whole
assembly to pray and we are all encouraged to join with the choir. Some parishes may have
people who lead the assembly in singing. These are called cantors.
Make yourself familiar with the Angels, and behold them frequently in spirit.
Without being seen, they are present with you.
- St. Francis de Sales -