Carbury Parish Newsletter Sunday 16 November, 2014 th

Carbury Parish Newsletter
Sunday 16th November, 2014
Fr. John Fitzpatrick P.P. Tel: 046 9553355 ~ Fr. Alphonsus Murphy P.E. Tel: 046 9553020
Parish Website:
Kildare & Leighlin Website:
Parish Office Opening Hours: 9.30am to 2pm Monday to Friday
For all bookings, newsletter items and general queries please call 046 9553355
Derrinturn Church
Kilshanroe Church
10am & 7.30pm
8:00am & 11am
Next Week’s Gospel: Mt 25:31-46
Rosary continues in Derrinturn Cemetery for November, Tuesdays at 8pm in remembrance of
the Holy Souls. All are welcome.
Family History Profile of the Shine Family: Fr. Eugene (Stan) Shine former P.P. of Carbury
(RIP) is fondly remembered by many people in Carbury. As a mark of respect to the Shine
Family, the Parish of Tinryland in Carlow are compiling a family profile of the Shine Family. If
anyone in our parish has any special memories, short stories, photos (copies will be taken) or
any other information on his life and times in Carbury that they would like to share, please
contact the Parish Office with this information and we will pass it on. Thank you to all those
who have contacted the parish office already.
Kilshanroe old Graveyard: As previously indicated, a limited number of plots are being made
available to Parishioners for purchase. Available Plot areas have now been surveyed and layout
drawings completed. For further details please contact the Parish Office.
Kilshanroe National School Annual Christmas Craft Fair takes place on Sunday 16th
November in the Hamlet Court Hotel from 11am to 5pm. Over 40 stands of fantastic Crafts.
Santa Arrives at 2pm and can be visited throughout the afternoon. Admission is Free.
Our Senior Citizens Christmas Party is on Sunday 7th of December at 2pm, in Carbury GAA.
Please call the Parish Office on 046 9553355 before 2pm on Thursday 4th December to add
your name or the name of a relative to the list as we need definite numbers for catering
purposes. All of our Senior Citizens are very welcome to come along for this special day.
Anyone who would like to help for a few hours on the day is welcome to call the Parish Office.
Christmas Station Masses (Derrinturn Church – November)
Sat 15 7.30pm Oldcourt, Kishavanna, Boherbree, Kilmore, Ballyhegan, Clonkeen, Coolavacoose.
Sat 22nd7.30pm Killina, Ballybrack, Kilpatrick, Ballinakill, Drummond.
Sat 29th7.30pm Carbury, Newbury, Longridge, Teelough, Haggard, Ardkill, Coolcor.
Sat 6th7.30pm Rathmore, Ticknevin, Ashgrove, Ashbrook, Trinity Crescent, Trinity Drive,
Ashmount. Thank you for supporting our priests.
Thank You: The family of the late Bridie and Dermot Holt wish to sincerely thank all those
who sympathised with in their recent sad loss of their mother and brother. They sincerely
appreciate the kindness showed to them.*Mass will be offered for you on Friday 21st of
December at 9:30am in Derrinturn Church.
Senior Citizens Table Quiz: Thanks to Carbury GAA for the use of their premises for this
year’s table quiz. Thanks also to Matt Cummins, all who helped out on the night, all who
supported the quiz and raffle and those who made donations. €880 was raised on the night.
**Shared Christmas Mass Bouquets are now available in the Parish, cost €3.50 each**
Nov 2014
Sat 15th Nov
St Albert the Great
Anniversary Mass List
10am Jim & Elizabeth Mangan.
7:30pm Betty & Patrick McGrath. Mick Byrne,
Collinstown. James Smullen, Clonkeen.
Sun 16th Nov
8am Jimmy Keegan, Birthday Remembrance.
11am Roseann Kenna, Ballyhegan.
Mon 17th Nov
St Elizabeth of
9:30am Teresa Kelly, Ticknevin, Birthday
33rd Sunday in
Ordinary Time
7.30pm Andrew
Gannon, Gurteen.
James & Mary McNally
& Deceased members
of the McNally Family.
Tues 18th Nov
9:30am Margaret Robinson.
Dedication of the
Basilicas of Ss Peter
& Paul
Wed 19th Nov
St Mechtilde
Thurs 20th Nov
St Edmund
Fri 21st Nov
9:30am Sarah Duffy, Ballyhegan & Mark Duffy
9am Special Intention.
9:30am Patrick Doyle, Lullymore, Mary & Edward
Doyle, Patrick & Brigid Doyle, Patrick & Ellen
Doyle & the Condron Family, Killina. John &
Michael Doran, Achill, Pat & Annie Doran, Achill &
the Doran Family. The Tierney Family, Allenwood.
9:30am Special Intention.*
Presentation of the
Blessed Virgin Mary
Sat 22nd Nov
St Cecilia
Sun 23rd Nov
Jesus Christ King of
the Universe
10am Jimmy Tyrrell, Clonkeen.
7:30pm Edward & Julia Dempsey, Killina. Helena
Cummins, Clonkeen, her husband James & daughter
Alice & daughter-in-law Rose. James Pender, The
Cush, Ticknevin.
8am Noel Butler & deceased members of the Butler
11am Elizabeth Nolan, Killinagh, Months Mind.
Brian Dempsey, Killina & deceased members of the
Dempsey Family.
11am Hugh Walsh.
Patrick & Vera Kane,
Derrinturn Readers & Eucharistic Ministers for Saturday 22nd & Sunday 23rd November 2014
Mass Time
Eucharistic Ministers
Sat 7.30pm
Phil Connolly
Rose Connolly & Marian Dolan
Sun 8:00am
Paddy Lavery
Mary Carey
Sun 11:00am
Sharon O’Brien
Muriel Skelly & Phyllis McDermott
Kilshanroe Readers & Eucharistic Ministers for Saturday 22nd & Sunday 23rd November 2014
Mass Time
Eucharistic Ministers
Saturday 7.30pm
Rita McCarthy Lenehan
Mary Duffy Regan
Sunday 11am
Bernie Flanagan
Rita Clarke
Derrinturn Church Cleaning Group 2 to meet Tuesday & Friday
Senior Citizens
Collections – Saturday 8th & Sunday 9th November 2014
Development donation
Mass Cards
Mission Sunday
List of the Dead
Christmas Station
Autumn Collection
- has a growing range of prayers and reflections for our daily use.
A Piece of Eden - Charity Shop in Edenderry is accepting clothes, bric-a-brac, toys, small
pieces of furniture, books, DVDs etc. Your unwanted goods will help them to help Pieta House,
a non-profit organisation providing a specialised treatment programme for people who have
suicidal ideation or who participate in self-harming behaviours. A Piece of Eden is located on
O’Connell Square (beside Edenderry Credit Union) and is open Monday to Friday, 10am-5pm
and Saturdays, 11am-5pm. Call 085 2091488, 085 2091485 or 087 4191564 for more details.
Your support is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Cat found: A cat was found in the Derrinturn area of Carbury recently. Black and white in
colour, it appears to have been well minded and is very friendly. If you or someone you know is
missing a cat, please call 086 1677921. Proof of ownership is required.
Carbury GAA Lotto: Draw took place during the week. The following numbers were drawn 6,
12, 17, 28 and the bonus number was 8. There were 2 match 3 winners who each received
€100. Next week’s prizes: Match 4 plus bonus to win/share €16,350. Match 4 numbers drawn
to win/share €10,000. Enter the draw online at – Search Carbury GAA.
Reading the Gospel of Mark - Who is Jesus Christ? During the coming year, we will read
from the Gospel of Mark in our Sunday liturgy. This day of reflection is aimed at those who
would like to explore this Gospel in greater depth and have a general vision of how we might
read this Gospel in the 21st Century. Event takes place in Ballyconnell Hall and St. Mary’s
Church, Clonmore, Ballyconnell, Co. Wicklow, on Saturday 22nd November. Programme:
4.00pm Talk on the Gospel of Mark (Hall) 5.30pm Tea/Coffee (Hall) 6.00pm Lectio Divina,
followed by Evening Prayer (Church) 7.10pm Welcoming and praying with Children and
parents for First Communion 7.30pm Mass for the Feast of Christ the King. For further
information please phone Fr Seán Maher on 059 9156183.
Mount St Anne’s: Meditation Day Saturday 15th November 10am-4.30pm. A day of relaxation
and peace. Facilitated by Ms. Marie Manley and Sr. Róisín Gannon. Cost €25. Please bring
packed Lunch (Tea/Coffee provided). Dream’s Workshop Saturday 22nd November 10am-4pm.
This workshop gives an introduction to our dreams and guides you through their exploration.
Facilitated by Ms. Catherine Tierney. Cost: €25 (please bring packed Lunch, Tea/Coffee
provided). Meditation every Tuesday 8-9pm and Art & Craft Group every Thursday 8-10pm.
Derrinturn Tidy Towns: Due to a lack funding from all sources, Derrinturn Tidy towns are in
need of a source of income to be able to maintain the help and assistance of the Tidy Town
Scheme. Did you know that the average cost of maintaining our area is over €1,800 per year?
This covers insurance, PRSI Levies, maintenance and repair of equipment, fuel for equipment,
safety equipment, trees and shrubs, paint etc. In an effort to raise much needed funds they aim
to have people sponsor a light on our Community Christmas Tree, in remembrance of a loved
one or friend who has passed away. The money raised will go into our Tidy Towns Fund, which
is almost depleted. Please support this activity, to keep our village looking its best. If you feel
you would like to contribute to this worthy cause, and also remember a loved one, you can
donate at Edenderry Credit Union, Main office, Edenderry or at the Carbury Branch, just ask at
the desk. A mass will be offered for all those who we have been asked to remember.
Derrinturn Tidy Towns are holding a raffle for a Christmas Hamper. The draw will take place
at The Turn Inn on Saturday, 13th December. 1st Prize Large Hamper; 2nd prize Meat Voucher;
3rd prize 10 Bales of Briquettes; 4th prize Bottle of Spirits, 5th prize Box of Chocolates; 6th prize
Tin of Biscuits and Bottle of Wine. Tickets on sale soon. Please support this worthy cause.
Christmas Reach Out Campaign: This is a token Christmas gift we receive from our Diocese.
The gift for this year’s campaign will be an envelope containing a greeting card and a gift of
chamomile seeds (seeds of peace & hope). This gift will be available at masses during Advent.
It has been brought to our attention that Element Power, a company that propose to erect a
number of Wind Turbines in the Carbury Area are holding an Information Meeting in the
Hamlet Court Hotel, Johnstownbridge next Tuesday 18th November at 4pm.
Training for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: Three nights of training and
renewal for new and existing Ministers of Holy Communion will take place in Mount St Anne’s
Retreat Centre, Killenard on November 19th, 26th & December 3rd from 8pm to 10pm. They will
follow the diocesan programme Sharing from the Table of the Lord. You can book your place
on this course through the parish office. Participants under 18 years of age need to return a
completed parental consent form which can be obtained in the office also. For further details
Public Meetings with Regard to Planning Developments for Industrial Wind Turbines in
Kildare will be held in Clogherinkoe Hall on Monday 24th November at 8:30pm and in
Derrinturn Community Hall on Thursday 27th November at 8:30pm.
Thank you: Anne Mallen would sincerely like to thank all those who sponsored her for
completing her first Dublin City Marathon in aid of Crumlin Children’s Hospital. The amount
raised was €655. Anne would like to thank everyone for their good wishes and support. She
completed the marathon in 4 hours 35 minutes.
Trócaire Collection: One year ago collections were held in Churches across Ireland in response
to the humanitarian emergencies in Syria and the Philippines. Over €7.8m was raised, of which
€5.1m was collected at National Church Collections held on the weekend of the 16th & 17th
November 2013. This generosity has hugely supported Trócaire's response in both regions.
Trócaire sincerely thank everyone, in all parishes for their generosity, which has enabled
Trócaire to reach approximately 725,000 people affected by these crises.
Support Bóthar this Christmas and help give struggling families in developing countries the
gift of life. Not only will you solve all your present buying problems you will also bring new
hope to struggling families. When you order your gift you will receive a gift card to tell your
recipient about the special present you are giving in their honour. Your donation will be used to
establish a family in a small farming unit, for Training & preparation of a family to receive an
animal, Cost of the animal, Transportation of the animal, Full veterinary back up & in- country
support in the initial years. For more details or to download a gift catalogue see
Vincent Hanley Memorial Table Quiz takes place in Carbury GAA Club on Saturday 6th
December at 9pm. Table of 4 €20. Proceeds go towards the Underage Teams of the club.
Presentation night for Carbury Ladies GAA takes place Friday 5th December in Carbury GAA
Club with presentations for Underage teams to Senior. All are very welcome.
Carbury Ladies AGM: On Monday 24th November at 8pm in Carbury Ladies (LGFA) will
have their AGM and they encourage and need all parents and senior players to attend and
actively take part in the running of the club to ensure its continued success. All are welcome.
How does Mass begin? Mass usually begins with a song or hymn and if we know the song we
should join in the singing. The words of the song might be on a hymn sheet or book on your
seat. When this song begins we know that it is time to stand up. We stand to greet the priest
who will lead us in prayer; in this way we are also greeting Jesus who is present among us.
The Opening Procession Mass always begins with a procession. There are different kinds of
processions. Sometimes there are lots of people; sometimes it is the priest on his own. The
procession might come from the front door or from the sacristy. Usually the procession includes
the priest and the servers. In some places the people who are going to read and help to give out
communion will also be in the procession. You might see one of the readers carry the book
from which the Gospel will be read. This book is called the Book of the Gospels.