Carbury Parish Newsletter Sunday 2nd November, 2014 Fr. John Fitzpatrick P.P. Tel: 046 9553355 ~ Fr. Alphonsus Murphy P.E. Tel: 046 9553020 Parish Website: Email: Kildare & Leighlin Website: Parish Office Opening Hours: 9.30am to 2pm Monday to Friday For all bookings, newsletter items and general queries please call 046 9553355 Derrinturn Church Kilshanroe Church Saturday Sunday Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday Wednesday 10am & 7.30pm 8:00am & 11am 9.30am 7:30pm Saturday Sunday Wednesday 7:30pm 11am 9am Next Week’s Gospel: John 2:13-22 Our Annual Novena for departed relatives and friends begins on Saturday 1st November until Thursday the 6th November. As a mark of respect to our departed relatives and friends who have passed away in the last year (those who have been interred in our cemeteries or are originally from our parish) we will light individual candles for them at all masses this weekend. We will also light one large candle remembering all those who have gone before us. May they all Rest in Peace. Mass-card Signees & Deceased on our list will be prayed for on Saturday 8th November, in Kilshanroe Church. Communion Calls in the Parish are Wednesday 5th November - Kilkeaskin, Killina, Ticknevin, Ballyhagen, Clonkeen, Williamstown and Thursday 6th November - Parsonstown, Kilshanroe, Derrinturn. If you know anyone who would like to have the priest visit them at their own home, please call the Parish Office on 9553355. Cake Sale: Killina Community Association will hold a Cake Sale outside Derrinturn Church at masses this weekend. Your support is appreciated. A special Mass of the Angels will take place in Derrinturn and Kilshanroe on Saturday 8th November at 7:30pm in both churches and on Sunday 9th November at 8am (Derrinturn only) and at 11am in both Churches. Masses will be offered for children who died before childbirth or during childhood. A Tree of Remembrance will be placed in both Churches. People are welcome to write a message, a word or a name on cards provided in the Churches and place them on the tree. For further information, please do not hesitate to contact the Parish Office. The Pioneer Association promotes the Short-Term Pledge for November in honour of the Holy Souls. November is traditionally dedicated as the Month of the Holy Souls and by long-standing Irish custom, many people abstain from alcohol for the month of November and offer this sacrificial act for the benefit of their deceased loved ones and for all the Souls. Those interested can contact Jim Cully 046-9553144. Con Kane 046- 9551094. Colm Daly 085-7344488. Thanks to all who attended Rosary in Derrinturn Cemetery during October. Rosary continues in Derrinturn Cemetery for November on Tuesdays at 8pm in remembrance of the Holy Souls. Family History Profile of the Shine Family: Fr. Eugene (Stan) Shine former P.P. of Carbury (RIP) is fondly remembered by many people in Carbury. As a mark of respect to the Shine Family, the Parish of Tinryland in Carlow are compiling a family profile of the Shine Family. If anyone in our parish has any special memories, short stories, photos (copies will be taken) or any other information on his life and times in Carbury that they would like to share, please contact the Parish Office with this information and we will pass it on. has a growing range of prayers and reflections for our daily use. Anniversary Mass List Nov 2014 Derrinturn st 10am Mass Card Signees & Living on our Lists. Sat 1 Nov All Saints Day 7:30pm Vigil All Souls Day - Novena for the Dead. nd 8am Novena for the Dead. Sun 2 Nov Comm. of the Faithful 11am Novena for the Dead. Kilshanroe 7.30pmVigil All Souls Day - Novena for the Dead. 11am Novena for the Dead. Departed Mon 3rd Nov St Malachy Tues 4th Nov 9:30am Novena for the Dead. 9:30am Novena for the Dead. St Charles Borromeo Wed 5th Nov Ss Elizabeth & Zachariah Thurs 6th Nov 9:30am No Morning Mass. 7:30pm Months Mind - Mark Duffy & Darragh O’Neill. 9:30am Novena for the Dead. 9am Novena for the Dead. All Saints of Ireland Fri 7th Nov St Willibrord Sat 8th Nov All the Saints of Wales Sun 9th Nov Dedication of the Latern Basilica. 9:30am Brigid Finnerty, Rathmore, Birthday Remembrance. 10am Patrick Pender, Dreenane. 7:30pm Bridget & Dermot Holt, Dreenane, Months Mind. Patrick & Mary Byrne, Clonkeen. Jimmy & Christina Smullen. Deceased members of the Smullen family. Edward Dempsey, Killina. Sean Mooney, Baby Katie Ann Sands. Thomas & Rose Kearney, the Kearney family, Killina. Jack & Mary Ellen Mooney, Kilpatrick and the Mooney family. Catherine & James Madden. 8am Special Intention. 11am Frank & Elizabeth Luske, Carbury. Thomas Duffy, Clonkeen. Deceased members of the Reilly family, Ticknevin Lock. 7.30pm Mass Card Signees & Deceased on our lists. 11am Please remember in your prayers, Ernie Price, Allenwood, who passed away recently. May he Rest in Peace. Funeral takes place on Monday 3rd November in St. Beningus Church, Staplestown at 12 Noon. Derrinturn Readers & Eucharistic Ministers for Saturday 8th & Sunday 9th November 2014 Mass Time Readers Eucharistic Ministers Sat 7.30pm Teresa Corrigan Paul Fogarty & Peg Hughes Sun 8:00am Shemaus Farrell John Kelly Sun 11:00am Liam O’Brien & Tina Lee Marian Dolan & Marie Cully Kilshanroe Readers & Eucharistic Ministers for Saturday 8th & Sunday 9th November 2014 Mass Time Readers Eucharistic Ministers Saturday 7.30pm Frances Cline Owen Smith Sunday 11am Patricia Holton Jim Clarke Derrinturn Church Cleaning Group 3 to meet Tuesday & Friday Collections – Saturday 25th & Sunday 26th October 2014 Collection Amount Collection Amount Collection Amount Derrinturn €796 Mass Cards €95 Clergy €300 Kilshanroe €422 Development €1530 Mission Sunday €100 Baptismal Cert €5 Autumn Collection €70 Thumb Books €10 Balance on Parish Loan as of 29/10/2014 €245,246.58 List of the Dead €105 Thanks to a bequest of €36,496.34 from the Will of the late Marie Mitchell, Kilkeaskin the Parish debt has dropped to €245,246. It is deeply appreciated by all in our Parish. During the month of November we offer a prayer for the repose of Marie’s Soul and the Souls of all our late benefactors. May they Rest in Peace. Table Quiz in aid of Senior Citizens Party: Friday 7th November at 9:30pm in Carbury GAA. Table of 4 is €20. Raffle on the night. All are very welcome to attend. Your support would be appreciated. Funds raised go towards the annual Christmas Party for our Senior Citizens. Carbury GAA Lotto: Draw took place during the week. The following numbers were drawn 4, 5, 13, 17 and the bonus number was 9. There were 2 match 3 winners who each received €100. Next week’s prizes: Match 4 plus bonus to win/share €16,350. Match 4 numbers drawn to win/share €10,000. Enter the draw online at – Search Carbury GAA. Would you like to be a Parish Reader? Are you already a parish reader who would like a refresher course? Entrusted with the Word is a three night training course for parish readers offered by Kildare & Leighlin Faith Development Services. The next course will take place in Carlow Cathedral Parish Centre Tuesday, November 4th, 11th & 18th from 8-9:30 pm. Booking is essential. If you would like to explore this ministry for the first time or if would like to renew your training contact the Parish office on 046 9553355 by 2pm on Monday 3 rd November. Derrinturn Tidy Towns are holding a raffle for a Christmas Hamper. The draw will take place at The Turn Inn on Saturday, 13th December. 1st Prize Large Hamper; 2nd prize Meat Voucher; 3rd prize 10 Bales of Briquettes; 4th prize Bottle of Spirits, 5th prize Box of Chocolates; 6th prize Tin of Biscuits and Bottle of Wine. Tickets on sale soon. Please support this worthy cause. Mount St Anne’s Events: Christmas Fair Sunday 9th November from 11am-4pm. Now fully booked with over 70 exhibitors on the day. A wide selection of produce available including chutneys, jewellery, cards, candles, prints, Christmas cakes, car cleaning products, etc. An ideal opportunity to get some Christmas shopping done early. Admission Free – all welcome. Meditation Day on Saturday 15th November from 10am-4.30pm. A day of relaxation and peace. Facilitated by Ms. Marie Manley and Sr. Róisín Gannon. Cost €25. Please bring packed Lunch (Tea/Coffee provided). Dream’s Workshop on Saturday 22nd November from 10am-4pm. This workshop gives an introduction to our dreams where you will be guided through their exploration. Facilitated by Ms. Catherine Tierney. Cost: €25 (please bring packed Lunch, Tea/Coffee provided). Christmas Fair Sunday 9th November from 11am-4pm. Now fully booked for the Christmas Fair with over 70 exhibitors on the day. A wide selection of produce available including chutneys, jewellery, cards, candles, prints, Christmas cakes, car cleaning products, etc. An ideal opportunity to get some Christmas shopping done early. Admission Free – all welcome. Meditation every Tuesday 8-9pm and Art & Craft Group every Thursday 8-10pm. Ticknevin Community Group will hold a meeting in Ticknevin School at 8pm on Wednesday 5th of November. All are welcome. Derrinturn Tidy Towns: Due to a lack funding from all sources, Derrinturn Tidy towns are in need of a source of income to be able to maintain the help and assistance of the Tidy Town Scheme. Did you know that the average cost of maintaining our area is over €1,800 per year? This covers insurance, PRSI Levies, maintenance and repair of equipment, fuel for equipment, safety equipment, trees and shrubs, paint etc. In an effort to raise much needed funds they aim to have people sponsor a light on our Community Christmas Tree, in remembrance of a loved one or friend who has passed away. The money raised will go into our Tidy Towns Fund, which is almost depleted. Please support this activity, to keep our village looking its best. If you feel you would like to contribute to this worthy cause, and also remember a loved one, you can donate at Edenderry Credit Union, Main office, Edenderry or at the Carbury Branch, just ask at the desk. A mass will be offered for all those who we have been asked to remember. House wanted to rent in the Carbury/Derrinturn area. Please contact 085-8759242. Sivananda Yoga: 7-week course starts on Wednesday 5th November (7:30pm-9pm) All levels in Oakland’s Community School, Edenderry. Information & Booking call 087 2355783. The Alzheimer Café evening takes place on the last Wednesday of every month from 7pm to 9pm in the Convent Tea Rooms at McAuley Place, Sallins Road, Naas. (Beside Parish Church). Upcoming talks: 26th November - “Confidence to Care”, Amanda Bohan, Home Instead, Senior Care. Come along for a short talk, a cup of tea and some cake. Vacancy for Secretary at Derrinturn: Carbury Community Employment Scheme Limited has a vacancy for a Secretary based at Derrinturn. Duties will include: Receptionist, answering telephone, taking messages & photocopier, record keeping, taking bookings for masses, weddings, anniversaries etc, updating parish registers, filing documents, compiling weekly newsletter, compiling parish magazine, helping with weekly parish collections, compiling weekly collections on computer, helping to organise parish field day events. To check your eligibility and to apply for this vacancy, please contact your local Employment Services Officer and quote the reference number ES-889151. You should also send your CV to the Supervisor, Carbury Community Employment Scheme Ltd., Parish Hall, Derrinturn, Carbury, Co. Kildare. Closing date for receipt of applications is Monday, 3 rd November. Carbury Community Employment Scheme Ltd is an equal opportunities employer. Concern Worldwide: As the festive season approaches, thousands of children around the world will be making wishes. Here at home, they’ll be hoping Santa brings them the latest must-have toys and gadgets. But elsewhere, they’ll be wishing for very different things like clean water, enough food to eat, or the chance of a life-changing education. This Christmas, International development organisation Concern Worldwide is offering the opportunity to make these wishes come true. Concern Worldwide Shop offers unique gifts to suit all budgets. By giving a Concern gift, you can help families support themselves well into the future, while of course bringing joy to your nearest and dearest on Christmas day. Each virtual gift contributes to one of their key areas of work – education, emergencies, health and livelihoods. For more details or to purchase gifts, visit, call 1850 458400. With every purchase you receive a special card to send to your loved one, telling them all about the gift you’ve bought on their behalf. Be sure to order before December 12th to get your cards in time for Christmas Day. Carbury Village Residents Association will hold their Annual General Meeting on Friday 7th November at 8pm in the Castle Inn. All are welcome. Christmas Station Masses Sat Nov 7.30pm (Dtn) Derrinturn, Coonough, Dreenane, Dreenane Park, Kilkeaskin, Lough na Cush, Parsonstown, Ballyshannon, Windmill Grove, Grattan Park, Drehid. Sat 8th Nov 7.30pm (Ksr) Kilshanroe area. Sat 15th Nov 7.30pm (Dtn) Old Court, Kishavanna, Boherbree, Kilmore, Ballyhagen, Clonkeen, Coolavacoose. Sat 22nd Nov 7.30pm (Dtn) Killina, Ballybrack, Kilpatrick, Ballinakill, Drummond. Sat 29th Nov 7.30pm (Dtn) Carbury, Newbury, Longridge, Teelough, Haggard, Ardkill, Coolcor. Sat 6th Dec 7.30pm (Dtn) Rathmore, Ticknevin, Ashgrove, Ashbrook, Trinity Crescent, Trinity Drive, Ashmount. Thank you for supporting our priests. 1st Preparing the church for Mass: The Sacristan is a very important person in church. He or she opens and closes the building, makes sure that it is warm and welcoming, prepares the altar, lights the candles, puts out the necessary books and things needed for the Mass and makes sure that there are enough candles, wine and altar breads for Mass. In most parishes there are people who look after the cleaning of the church. They also make sure that there are flowers to decorate the altar. They may put up the crib at Christmas and decorate the church building for special occasions.
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