Document 378519

20 Brentham Street, Leederville WA 6007
Phone: 9444 9366 Fax: 9242 2784
School Vision Statement: The Aranmore Family, enriched by its Catholic tradition and cultural diversity,
nurtures in each child a love of life, a passion for learning and the skills to make a difference.
PrinciPal’s report
To change the world, we must be good to
those who cannot repay us.
Pope Francis
Dear Parents,
CANONICAL VISIT: St Mary's Leederville Parish is having a Canonical visit by Bishop Don
Sproxton this weekend. As part of this special visit to the parish Bishop Don visited Aranmore CPS
today. He celebrated the Mission Mass with us this morning. He then came to Aranmore and spoke
with the Leadership Team, the staff and visited all the classrooms. He was very impressed with our
wonderful school – which has changed much since his last visit.
MISSION WEEK: Missionary activity is a response to our love for others and Mission Week is an
opportune time for us all to reflect upon this. Today we celebrated with a whole
school mass at St Mary’s Church where we reflected upon and prayed for all those
in our community who are in need both in Australia and overseas. Thank you to all
families for generously donating this week through a variety of fundraising
activities for the Missions, helping those who are in a less fortunate. A big thank
you to P&F Committee member Alf Parolo and his band of helpers who once again
organised a super sausage sizzle for the children to enjoy. The money from this
sausage sizzle also goes towards mission fundraising.
CURRICULUM: We celebrated National Water Week this week. Thank you to Miss McCluskey for
her coordination of this and to the class teachers for the activities that they integrated in their class
curriculum about water week in the School and health, water supply, waste water and water
Year Six Visit to Parliament House:
On Wednesday, Mrs Foster and I had the pleasure of taking
ten of our Year Six students to Parliament House. We were
invited by the Member for Perth, Mrs Eleni Evangel. The
children were taken on a tour of Parliament House (we met
the Premier and other members of Parliament. We were
then treated to a three course lunch in the dining room
with Mrs Evangel.
Following lunch we attended the
chambers (in reserved seating) to listen to Question Time –
where the students observed some quite heated
The children were able to answer many
questions about how parliament operates and key political
figures in Western Australian history. They were wonderful
ambassadors for Aranmore CPS and I was extremely proud
of them.
P&F QUIZ NIGHT: The Quiz Night is on this Saturday 25th October. The Quiz Night will raise
funds for Information Technology for the school and also go towards completing air conditioning for
the Kindy and Pre-Primary classrooms. Thank you to Elle Gonzalez-Skuja and her band of helpers
for all the hard work in what promises to be a fun night for all. We look forward to seeing you all on
Saturday Night.
Angove Street Festival: The Year 5 students will be performing the musical, ’The Dragon
Returns', at 10.00am on Sunday 26th October, at this year’s Angove St
Festival. They will perform on the City of Vincent Community Stage which
will be at the top end of Angove St near Daphne St. There is also a stage
with musical events at the Fitzgerald St end of Angove St. The Festival has
entertainment, art and craft stalls, food stalls and community stalls. Further
information about the Festival is available on the following website: We wish Mrs Twine and the Year Five
students the best of luck as they showcase their talent to the community.
I wish you all a wonderful weekend.
Ms Adriana Coniglio
Assistant Principal
One of the most important skills a child can learn is how to make themselves
feel better and how to make their situation better. No one can protect children
from upsets and challenges and research is mounting that perhaps we
shouldn’t try. Instead we should concentrate on teaching children how to cope
with challenges, to make themselves feel better and to act to improve their
The Optimistic Child by Martin Seligman 1995, Random House Australia, offers much in this area.
Seligman in this book describes how optimistic thinking can immunise children against depression
and build lifelong resilience. Seligman argues it is not adversity that directly affects our feelings or
behaviour but rather our thoughts.
The following techniques outlined by Seligman train children to be optimistic:
 Thought Catching: Teaching children to listen to their thoughts and notice how their
thoughts affect how they feel and behave.
 Evaluating thoughts: Teaching children not to believe the first thought that pops into their
head .To look for evidence to dispute negative thoughts.
 Create alternative thoughts: There are many ways to think about a situation. Children can
learn to think more helpful thoughts which make them feel better and act to improve their
 Decatrophising: Teach children to focus on the most likely outcome not the worst outcome.
Help them to identify what they can do to increase the possibility of the best outcome and
minimise the chances of the worst outcome.
Value of the Fortnight –Tolerance
Tolerance means accepting ourselves and others as they are. This
means accepting that no one is perfect and accepting that everyone
makes mistakes and gets things wrong from time to time, even adults,
and our friends. So if someone does something or says something to
upset or offend you, try taking a step back. Don’t take it personally
and don’t take it to heart. Try to be a little tolerant and accept that maybe they are having a bad
day or maybe they have just messed up.
Ali Fisher Social WorkerI
If you know that your child/children will not be attending Aranmore Catholic Primary
School in 2015, please complete this form and return to the school office ASAP
Child’s name: _______________________________
Class 2014 ________
Child’s name: ______________________________
Class 2014 ________
Name of destination school:
or unknown at this stage
_________________________________________ (parent/guardian)E
The ROSARY: October is the month when we celebrate Mary, the Mother of Jesus.
Please try to pray a decade of the Rosary or at least one Hail Mary each day as a family
during this month.
Feast of All Saints – Saturday November 1: One of the most beautiful
traditions of the Catholic Faith is the celebration of the lives of the Saints.
Not only do these men, women and children give us inspiration by the way
they lived their faith, and often died for it, they also continue to offer us
help in our daily lives.
Feast of All Souls – Sunday November 2: All Souls Day is when the
Church commemorates and prays for the holy souls in Purgatory,
undergoing purification of their sins before entering heaven.
Mission Week: Sincere thanks to all of the wonderful children and their parents for supporting
Mission Week. From making donations, buying Sausage Sizzles), the Money Trail and to all sorts of
fund-raising activities in classrooms as well as wearing free dress and gold coin donations, well done.
More details in next week’s newsletter on how much money was raised. Many thanks also to the P&F
for organizing and running the Sausage Sizzle for us, especially Alf Parolo and his band of helpers
Mission Week Sausage Sizzle.
A BIG thank you to the mums that helped counting, which included Valissa, Anna, Naomi, Annie,
Julie, Julie, Casey, Andrea and of course the little helpers that patiently watched mum fly through
the task. On the day, the children enjoyed a superb sausage in a bun beautifully cooked and
prepared by dad Mike on the burners and mums Belinda, Casey, Anna, Valissa, Marie, Leanne,
Anne, Megan and Meg. I wasn’t there and due to commitments, you all deserve a medal, for a well
organised sizzle, which raised $511 for the Missions.
Alf Parolo
Please ensure your child/children are bringing
their hats to school each day. The children must
wear their hat anytime when they are out in the
sun. If there is no hat – there is no play. Even
when the children are waiting in Kiss and Ride –
they must wear a hat, unless sitting in the
shade areas.
We also encourage children to come to school
with sunscreen already applied. Suncreen is
available in the classrooms for re-application
during the day and we would like children to be
familiarised with re-applying for sun safety.
Thank you for your cooperation.
If your child / children are absent from school, The
Catholic Education Office of Western Australia
requires that either a phone call or email is made to
the school on the morning the child is absent.
If a phone call is made it must be followed up with
either a written note to the Teacher or an email.
The email must contain the following information;
The name of the student
The class / roll group of the student
The reason for the absence
The full name of the parent / guardian at the
end of the message (the ‘from’ email address
is not sufficient as it does not necessarily
have the full name of the person sending it).
Should your child not be returning to
Aranmore in 2015, could you please
notify the school in writing as soon as
possible or complete the form included
in this newsletter.
We have some
families who are currently on the waiting
list and quite keen to enrol their children.
The last day of Term Four
for our students is
Friday, the 12th of December
Please keep Mrs Gane in your prayers as she
continues to recuperate from surgery during the
holidays. Mrs Gane will still be on sick leave next
week and hopefully be back with us the week
after next.
Please keep in your prayers all those in our school
community who may be suffering from ongoing
illnesses or who are currently unwell.
Catholic Brainstorm Challenge Day
at Scitech
On Wednesday, 21 October the Year Six Extension
group was invited to participate in the Catholic
Brainstorm Challenge Day at Scitech.
There were over 150 participating students from
both country and metropolitan Catholic Primary
Schools. The students had to work in groups of
four to complete five challenges and get points for
their team.
The challenges the students had to complete were:
– using the exhibits on the floor
– where the groups had to
determine whether or not paper could be folded
more than 7 times
– where we watched an
amazing presentation on the Solar System and how
space research has impacted on our lives and then
answer some questions.
– the students engaged in
medical research.
The Crow and the Pitcher Challenge – both
Aranmore CPS teams excelled at this!
The students are to be commended on their
behaviour and conduct – they were a credit to
themselves, their families and their school.
Congratulations to all the students – we are very
proud of you!
ON: Monday 2nd February
Ms Coniglio, Assistant Principal
Garage Sale Trail
This Saturday 25th
October is the annual
garage Sale Trail where
hundreds of garage sales
happen all at once across the country. Go
to to find
where they happening in your area.
Remember to reduce, reuse and recycle!
National Recycle Week (10 - 16
At Aranmore CPS we will be using
recycled materials to create art works and
our Nudie Foodie day will be Thursday
13th November
Waste Wise
Congratulations to
Aranmore CPS on
becoming a fully
accredited Waste Wise
School. We have all worked very hard to
try and keep Aranmore clean and tidy.
Let’s keep up the great work!
Battery Bin
Don’t forget that you can bring in any of
your used batteries so they can be
recycled instead of going into landfill. The
battery bin is now located under the
Environmental pin-up board outside the
music room.
The Music Count Us In Project is funded
by the Federal Government to help
promote the importance of learning music
in schools.
This year’s song is called
‘Paint You a Song’ and the students will
sing it with the school band accompanying
them on October 30th. Students all over
Australia will be singing the song in their
schools on the same day. If you would
like to listen to the song and have a look
at the information about this project the
website is
Roslyn Twine
This week is National
Water Week! This year’s theme
is ‘Water Sources: There are
more than you think!’ This
theme aims to encourage sound
water practices and investment
in all the water sources to
ensure we don't exhaust our
current sources in potentially
challenging times ahead.
In order to promote National Water
Week students wore blue dress on Thursday.
We saw a lot of great blue outfits!
Classes also participated in water
education activities. Some of these activities
Corporation is replenishing groundwater in
Western Australia and discussing ways which
we can save water around the home.
Nelson from 2 Red even created his
own water saving sprinkler.
Thank you to everyone for supporting
National Water Week.
ZUMBATHON - $4,406.15 was raised by the
kids at this year’s Zumbathon. Thanks and
very well done to Leanne Cormack and Tara
Thomas for organising and facilitating the
Zumbathon. The kids had a great time and
what a fabulous way to help raise necessary
funds for P&F. Thanks also to parents and
children for returning monies promptly.
Oct 27
Paula B
Oct 28
Oct 31
Nov 3
Nov 5
Nov 7