Church of the Immaculate Conception “God’s People Sharing God’s Word” 2300 Church Road Arnold, Missouri 63010 636-321-0002 Fax. 636-321-0004 Most Rev. Robert Carlson Archbishop of St. Louis Rev. Larry Huber Pastor, Ext. 1, 14 Padre Ricardo Vogt, S.J. 314-633-4463 Mr. Joseph Streckfuss Deacon, Ext. 1, 57 Mr. Steven Schisler Deacon, Ext. 1, 55 Mr. Brad Buchek Deacon Mr. Don Walker Deacon Immaculate Conception Parish 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time October 26, 2014 God’s People sharing God’s Word in Jefferson County since 1840 PARISH PRIEST Reverend Larry Huber, Pastor 636-321-0002, ext 1-14 E-mail PARISH OFFICE Office Hours: Tuesday thru Friday: 8:30 am to 3:30 pm Monday, Saturday and Sunday the Office is Closed Rental Information 636-321-0002, ext. 1,10; FAX: 636-321-0004 E-mail: PARISH SCHOOL OF RELIGION Tuesday and Wednesday, 6:30-7:45 pm Mary Winkelmann, Coordinator 636-321-0002, ext. 1,74 PARISH WEBSITE CHILDREN’S LITURGY PROGRAM Open to children ages 2 through the 2nd grade. Sundays, during 11:00 AM Mass Sarah Wise, 636-321-0002 ext 1-30 PARISH CENTER 636-321-0002, ext. 2, 3. PARISH BOOKKEEPER Julie Cronin 636-321-0002, ext 1-11 PARISH BULLETIN E-mail HOLY CHILD SCHOOL Mr. Dwight Elmore, Principal 636-321-0002, ext. 1,20 Certificate Program (636) 321-0002 ext. 1,27. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY 636-321-0002, ext. 6 TENDER LOVING CARE PARISH COUNCIL (Fourth Wednesday, 7:30 PM) Angel Weldele @636-343-4310 Mark Howell (Chairman), Roger Owensby, Elmer Yung, Meals for sick or recovering and Cathy Fugina, Kelly Weinrich, Betty Kutilek, Kevin Engle, rides to church or doctors, Charlie Arriaga, Letty DiMariano, Meghan Swaller, Vince Selders, Kusal Mihindukulasuriya.. CELEBRATION OF THE EUCHARIST THE LORD’S DAY 5:00 PM Saturday 7:00 AM, 9:00 AM, 11:00 AM Sunday 12:30 PM, Spanish Mass WEEKDAYS Monday through Saturday, 8:00 AM CONFESSIONS Friday, 7:15 to 7:45 AM Saturday, 4:00 to 4:45 PM, or by appointment. MORNING PRAYER and COMMUNION SERVICE Monday—Friday, 6:30 AM DEVOTIONS TO OUR MOTHER OF PERPETUAL HELP Tuesday, just before the 8:00 AM Mass EUCHARISTIC ADORATION ROSARY Tuesday and Saturday after 8:00 AM Mass and Church open by appointment daily for prayer. Sunday, 6:30 and 8:30 AM Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament on the First Friday of each month, from 8:30 AM until 5:45 PM, concluding PRAYER GROUP with Benediction. Renewal Prayer Group - Every Wednesday - 7:30 PM, Parish Center BAPTISM OF CHILDREN First and Third Sundays of the month at 2:00 PM or by appointment. Parents are required to attend one preparation meeting, on the second Tuesday of the month at 7:00 PM in the Parish Center. Parents should be registered in the parish. Godparents must be at least 16 years old and baptized, confirmed, practicing Catholics. MARRIAGE To allow sufficient time for marriage preparation, at least six months’ advance notice is required. Contact the Parish Office to schedule a planning meeting with a priest HOLY ORDERS and CONSECRATED (RELIGIOUS) LIFE Have you considered serving God’s people as a priest, deacon, brother or sister? For more information, call the Rectory or the Archdiocesan Office of Vocations at 314-792-6460. PASTORAL CARE OF THE SICK: ANOINTING and HOLY COMMUNION The Sacrament of Anointing is for anyone seriously ill or anticipating surgery. It is available after any Sunday Mass or by appointment with one of the priests. Holy Communion will be brought on Sundays to anyone who is unable to come to Church; call the Rectory Office (ext. 1,10). 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time October 26, 2014 Last Saturday, we had our annual parish auction and the best word that I can use to describe the night is “Wow!” It was a great night for our parish and Holy Child grade school. One parishioner walking with me out of the gym that night described it as “our parish hit it out of the ballpark tonight.” It was a magical night. Everyone had an enjoyable time and we also had some of our Latino families present. Although it looks like our parish will be making more money than last year’s auction, the true blessing from the auction comes from all of the people coming together in God’s Love and serving God through service to this great event for our parish and our school. As you may know, the people on the auction committee meet several times a month beginning in the spring to make this event happen. What is inspiring to me is not only their hard work but also the upbeat and positive manner in which they offer their service. These committee members really enjoy working with each other. After the auction, I read one email from a committee member stating how much she enjoyed working on the auction committee and was lamenting that the auction was over. It was also inspiring for me to see all of our Latino families working with the auction and also seeing their positive and upbeat approach in serving God. I would like to thank everyone for their service to this year’s auction. As soon as the final bills come in, I will let you know how we did from a financial standpoint. I am already looking forward to next year’s auction. I thought I would give you a quick update on the many capital improvement projects going on around the campus. We are in the process of taking bids to help us fix some major “pot-holes” in our parking lot and hopefully within a couple of weeks we will get them repaired. I am working with the maintenance committee to develop a strategy on how to replace or seal all of our parking lots and driveways. We received bids from three companies to fix the back door on the parish center. The lowest was around three thousand dollars and we are waiting for the parts to come in, which will take approximately three weeks. This coming Monday, we will begin replacing all of the halogen light fixtures in the gym with energy efficient LED light fixtures, which will save us at least $5,000 of energy savings per year. This project should only take five days to complete. If you remember, we received two large grants (one from the Archdiocese and from Ameren UE) to pay for this project. Concerning the side entrance of the church, we have finalized the drawings and are completing the permit process. Within a week, we will put the project up for bids and hopefully they will come in low and we can proceed as plan. If the bids come in higher that we hoped, then we will have to discuss other options on how to proceed. As always, please keep me and the maintenance committee in your prayers. Fr. Huber Resolutions for Stewards 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time “Whoever sacrifices to any god, save to the Lord only, shall be utterly destroyed.” – Exodus 22:20 Do you put other “gods” before God? Is your love of money, power, status or some personal possession greater than your love for God? If so, you may want to pay attention to the scripture reading because you are not going to like the outcome. The good news – it’s not too late to put God first in your life. 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time October 26, 2014 IC Lectors: General Fund Parish Improvements Loose Cash $ $ $ 11,226.50 495.00 566.23 Holy Child Tuition Assistance St. Vincent de Paul Votive Candles Permanent Diaconate $ $ $ $ 30.00 354.00 86.50 30.00 Others $ 171.55 $ Lector Meeting Tuesday November 18th 7:00 pm in Church Existing lectors are encouraged to attend and those interested in becoming a lector for IC are invited. We do have openings on the lector schedule, so if you are considering becoming a lector, this is an opportune time to find out more. If you have any questions, please call Joe Herman 314-712-1941 or Hollie Strawn 636 575-3201. 12,959.78 October 19, 2014: 673 Envelopes distributed 203 Envelopes in collection 38 0nline Envelopes 5 Youth Envelopes Christmas Wreath Boy Scout Troop 419 will offer beautiful Christmas Wreath decorations to order following all masses the weekend of November 15th & 16th. Place your advance order for Christmas wreaths ranging from 16" to more than 72". Or choose from table top Christmas Trees, Garland, Door hangers, window/ door swags and more!. All have that great evergreen smell and stay fresh throughout the Christmas Holidays! Wreaths will be available for pickup by the buyer at 10:00 am on November 29th at the bus garage. Delivery is also an option as is pick up following the chosen Mass on Nov. 29th or 30th. Sharing Our Story... Through Faith and Family Women of the parish and community…you are invited to bring your mother, sister, daughter and/or friend and join us for mass and breakfast immediately following. Sr. Cathy Doherty SSND will lead us in our morning reflection. We hope you will take this time to share the morning with us and get to know other women of faith. Saturday, November 8, 2014 Mass: 8:00 am Breakfast: Immediately following Presentation: 9:30 am - 11:00 am Reservations appreciated: 314-608-3176 or No charge--love basket offering available. All proceeds benefit Boy Scout Troop 419. REMEMBRANCE BOOK Please add the names of your departed loved ones to be remembered in the celebration of Masses in the month of November. BEGINS SUNDAY NOVEMBER 2ND The book is located on the left side of church, near the front on the radiator. 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time October 26, 2014 It’s Chicken and Dumpling Time! Come get your fill! Sunday November 2nd 11:30am-5:30pm In the IC Parish Center Bryce Wesley Hardin Son of William & Casey Hardin Adults $7.00 Kids 10 and under $3.00 Abriello Sofia Gutierrez Daughter of Adrian & Norma Gutierrez Charles Thomas Nind Son of Scott & Jennifer Nind On the Menu: Chicken and Dumplings, Green Beans Corn Bread Dessert Or Chicken Nuggets, and Fries All proceeds help offset the JCYM/Holy Child Prolife Trip to Washington DC! Isabella Mae Prusinowski Daughter of Michael & Angela Prusinowski Lucas Samuel Muessig Son of Brian & Heather Muessig Chase Martin Carty Son of Brandon Carty & Tracy Martin Hailey Louise Hearst Daughter of Tim Hearst & Helen Martin Joseph Max Escamilla Son of Jose Escamilla & Aura Ramirez Alberto Porfirio Sanchez Son of Hugo Sanchez & Maria Baltazar Angel Andres Sanchez Daughter of Hugo Sanchez & Maria Baltazar The Advent/Christmas Choir will begin practicing Wed., Oct 29, 6:30 pm-8:30 pm in the parish center. I really would like to combine young voices with "experienced" voices. Therefore, all ages are invited to participate in this year's Advent/ Christmas Choir. This choir sings at the 11:00 am Sunday mass throughout Advent, the10:00 pm mass Christmas Eve, and the 11:00 am mass Christmas Day. We only practice once a week, so please consider participating this year. Julie 636-296-5159. Zane Joseph Meyer Son of Montana Meyer Alison Montes-Barreto Daughter of Arturo Montes & Veronica Barreto Ashley Perez Escobar Daughter of Bogar Perez & Yeni Escobar Alivia Grace Mayer Daughter of Andrew & Sara Mayer Eden Maryella Mayer Daughter of Matthew & Ashley Mayer Joseph Frank Jercinovic Son of John & Katie Jercinovic 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time AUCTION NEWS Hi everyone! Well, I have to say that this year’s auction was a complete success! Some of the words used to describe it were “magical,” “out of the ballpark,” and “so much fun.” We’ll pass along facts and figures once everything is collected, counted, and all bills are paid. It’s difficult to thank everyone who helped make it a success because this year, more than any other year, it seemed that just about everyone in the school and parish was involved in some way or another. There are some people that I definitely have to name. The Auction Committee work for an entire year getting things ready for this event. This includes my wife Cookie, Barb and Vaughn Bardelmeier, Michele and Michael Coleman, Charlie and Cheryl Schulze, Scott and Julie Engel, Jim and Kay Hentz, Sharon and Ralph Ott, Sara and Jeff McNutt, the Dierkes family, Lois and Keith Hock, Amanda and Jim Macke, Lester and Gloria Cormier, Eileen Fitzgerald, Mike and Judy Seed, and Kathy and Tom Deddens. A big thank you to Mary Robert for being a liason to the rectory and taking care of everything we asked of her. And for Julie our bookkeeper for keeping our records and finances straight. These two women could not have been more pleasant and accommodating to work with. Thanks also to the men who help me pick up and move the big items for the live auction and workers who stepped up to help with set up, clean up and during the auction. This includes the silent auction workers, raffle workers, checkin and check-out workers, spotters, and bartenders. I’d also like to let you know how much I appreciate the Holy Child School staff and students for not only donating items to the auction but for being so accommodating with the gym. The 8th grade were a big help setting up tables and working as runners during the auction. They were very impressive in their appearance and behavior. John Smith and Kevin made themselves available throughout the year. They were more than willing to help me out in any way. I really believe that one of the reasons the auction was so much fun this year was due to the involvement of the Latino Community. Their involvement added a spirit and sense of community that is indescribable. Thank you for the delicious appetizers and amazing decorations. Thanks again to everyone who attended the auction, made a donation, or purchased an add to support our parish and school. Finally, I’m grateful for the support and leadership Fr. Huber has given to the auction. He has been an active part of the entire process and provided positive feedback and encouragement to this project. Honest Jim, the Auction Guy October 26, 2014 COOKIE BAKE The annual cookie bake for Holy Child School is getting near and once again we ask for your kind support. We are asking for help to prepare, mix bake and package cookies. Dates and location have been changing but we now have all the details worked out. Prep date Sat Nov 29th starting at 8:00 am and continuing till work is complete (around 3:00 pm) Baking dates are Wed, Thur, and Fri Dec 3,4,5th (MAKE NOTE THESE HAVE CHANGED) and packaging and pick up Dec 6 and 7th. All work is being done at Immaculate Conception parish center. We have 2 shifts each day 8:00 am - noon and noon to 4:00 pm. Sign ups in the back of church or call Wendy Haglin 314-910-3410 Lynne Ruzika 314-607-3370 We need donations of gift cards to Shop n Save or Walmart to purchase supplies. Please drop them in the collection, drop them at school or the rectory marked cookie bake. This year we will have a "NUT FREE" option if you need them as well as the assorted trays of over 20 different cookie varieties. Great for gifts and parties. Price remains $5.00 per dozen. Call Sarah McNutt 314-853-4064 or either Chair to order CRAFT AND VENDOR FAIR " St. Joseph Catholic School in Imperial is hosting its 9th annual St. Joseph Craft and Vendor Fair to be held Saturday, November 8, 2014 from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. We are currently seeking crafters and vendors to participate in the fair. Registration fee is $40.00. Please contact Carolyn Swarm at for further details. " ST. LOUIS CARDINALS 2015 CALENDARS Holy Child Fundraiser Oversized wall calendar featuring high-end photography and the upcoming season’s complete Cardinals schedule Orders due November 10th (delivered mid-December) Cost $15 each ($7 profit to Holy Child) Contact Lori Kutilek ( to order 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time October 26, 2014 Immaculate Conception Parish School of Religion Please continue to pray for our second graders who are preparing for the sacrament of Reconciliation. Mary Winkelmann, Coordinator 636-321-0002, ext. 1,74 JCYM September Schedule Junior High Meetings Youth 6th-8th Grade nd Meet the 2 and 4th Sundays of the Month 6:00-8:00 PM in the Youth Center. High School Meetings Youth 9th-12th Grade Meet the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the Month 5:30-8:00 PM in the Youth Center. This Sunday! Junior High Meeting – PROVE IT! (6:30pm-8:00pm In the IC Youth Center) All 6th -8th grade youth are welcome, bring a friend! It’s Chicken and Dumpling Time! Sunday November 2nd 11:30am-5:30pm – We will be serving yummy chicken and dumplings! Come earn some service hours while having fun alongside your friends cooking, cleaning, and serving up some love to our fellow parishioners. Congratulations March for Life 7th Grade Essay Winners! Klaire Sengheiser Natalie Freeman Isabelle McAfee Sara Kutilek Tori Arriaga Lilly Ott If you have any questions call Sarah Wise at (636) 321-0001 ext. 30 or email Recap of Week 9 Well that was one awesome Dinner Auction! What a night of fun for the entire parish/school community! On behalf of Holy Child School, I would like to thank all of those who volunteered their time, talent and treasure to this awesome event. This event benefits the children of our great school in so many ways. It allows Holy Child to offer an excellent spiritual and academic experience to the children of our parish. It was also really cool to see our children pitching in to help out. Thank you, thank you, and thank you! No words can do justice to the gratitude we feel towards everyone responsible for making this evening such a success!!! Thank you to Mrs. Sara Wise who helps head the Safe Environment Program for Immaculate Conception. Mrs. Wise conducted the Safe Touch presentations this week, for all children grades K-8 attending Holy Child School. I would also like to thank Mrs. Sara Evancho for doing her follow up Connextion presentation to our 7th graders. Connextion is designed to ensure our children’s on-line safety and ability to interact in a positive/Christ-like manner. Mrs. Evancho has also agreed to speak to the rest of the Middle School in the near future. Parent-Teacher Conferences Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held next Thursday, October 30th starting at 4:00 pm and Friday, October 31 from 12:00-4:00 pm. Please contact your classroom teacher to schedule a meeting time. If both of these dates are not possible for your family you will need to make alternative arrangements with your child’s teacher. Early Dismissal There will be an early dismissal on Friday, October 31st @ 11:30 am. **NOTE** Aftercare will be available ONLY until 4:00 pm on this day! 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time Catholic Dance Singles/Couples Dance (everyone is welcome) on Saturday, November 8, 2014 at Concord Hall, 10140 Concord School Road, St. Louis, MO 63128; doors open at 7 pm, music 7:30 to 11:30 p.m. Cost of $10 includes snacks and prizes; cash bar. Music: DJ: Juke Box Productions. Call Carol at 314‑775‑1253 for more info. National Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows Girls Day Out Saturday, November 22, 10:00 am – 3:00 pm This day features vendors and a fun-filled luncheon and quarter auction. Admission for shopping is free. Reservations for the luncheon are $25 per person or $180 per table of 8 and space is limited. Proceeds from this event support the Shrine’s ministries and programs. To make a reservation, call 618-3946292. FOR WORLD PEACE Our Lady asked for daily rosary, and First Saturday Devotions of Fatima. Mass, confession and a taped program with meditations on the rosary will be held at Assumption Church, 329 Station St., Herculaneum on Saturday November 1, 8:30 A.M. Parishes around the Archdiocese have begun a 40 day prayer vigil that will last until November 2nd for an end to abortion. St. David and Immaculate Conception parish will unite for prayer at the last freestanding abortion mill in Missouri during 40 Days for Life. It is a prayerful, peaceful vigil outside of the very place where little unborn humans are losing their lives. We pray for all involved with the sin of abortion for their conversion and healing. Come stand in prayer and peaceful witness to the fact that all human life is sacred. One hour is all that will be required of your time. We will stand on Wed. October 29 from 7:00am – 1:00pm. Prayerfully consider joining us. Signup sheet is on the radiator in back of church or more info call Mary McMahan 296-1374. October 26, 2014 Pro Life The article in the St. Louis Review, Oct. 20-26, 2014, reported on the recent annual “White Mass” for all Catholic medical professionals and their families (not only physicians). It was celebrated by Archbishop Carlson at the Cathedral Basilica. Before the Mass, “Doctors from the St. Louis Guild of the Catholic Medical Association (C.M.A.) prayed the Rosary in their white medical coats outside Planned Parenthood (P.P.) for an end to abortion, for the families affected, and for the P.P. (clinic) workers.” (The picture showed a nearby “40 Days for Life” poster.) The article provided information about the C.M.A. (“founded almost 100 years ago”), in addition to information about the St. Louis Guild and its President, Dr. David Stansfield. The C.M.A. is a “national organization”, “physician-led community of health care professionals…” which helps support its members to “maintain ethical integrity… to provide excellent health care in accordance with the teachings of the church…and to grow in faith.” Doctors, nurses, other medical personnel are facing increasing challenges and pressures from constantly changing governmental “health care” regulations which treats babies in the womb as a terrible disease to be prevented or destroyed at all cost (and to be paid for by religious institutions); already nurses, etc, have lost or quit their jobs to avoid being forced to participate in abortions, sterilizations, etc; some have gone to court. The govt health plan deliberately refuses to allow any conscience protections and punishes doctors financially for not providing “health care” according to “Federal guidelines”. Information from the archdiocesan Respect Life Apostolate: “The C.M.A. set a record for new members and chapters in 2012.” They provide “annual national conferences featuring world-class speakers and CME credits.” More info about C.M.A. and the local chapter at: 314-792-7555 or Email: or Please consider the adjacent 40 Days for Life (40 D.F.L.) announcement. St. David and I.C. Parishes are committed to fill those time slots. If you want to participate in this endeavor for Life but can’t make it then, you can join in vigils at another time. Other parishes will be there. 40 D.F.L. reminds us of the importance of these final days: “Two groups of people are being challenged now – those who have thought about praying at a vigil but haven’t yet…AND abortion workers who have, for the first time, begun to question their jobs” (after seeing those praying outside for weeks now.) “104 abortion workers“ have quit their jobs since 40 D.F.L. began. Praying outside P.P. makes a difference! Sat. Nov. 1, Birthright of Hillsboro will hold a dinner/speaker program, at Hilllsboro Civic Center, Hwy 21, with silent auction/raffles; no oral auction this year. Dr. Pat Castle, President of Vitae Foundation speaks at 7pm. Doors open, 5pm; Dinner at 6 pm. Cost $35 per person. Cash Bar. More info at 314-808-1389. The generous support for Birthright from our parish is always greatly appreciated by them. March for Life, Wash, D.C., Jan 22, 2015 – Bus trips, lodging options being organized now by archdiocese R.L.A. Info at 314-792-7451 or 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time October 26, 2014 Church Calendar Mass Intentions Monday, October 27 6:30 am Morning Prayer and Communion Service 8:00 am Mass Tuesday, October 28 6:30 am Morning Prayer and Communion Service 8:00 am Mass Grades K - 3 Wednesday, October 29 6:30 am Morning Prayer and Communion Service 8:00 am Mass Grades 4 - 8 Thursday, October 30 6:30 am Morning Prayer and Communion Service 8:00 am Mass Friday, October 31 6:30 am Morning Prayer and Communion Service 7:15 am Confessions 8:00 am Mass All School Saturday, November 1 8:00 am Mass 8:30 am Heavenly Dusters, Team # 3, J. Bonebrake, J. Blume, L. Lewandowski 4:00 pm Confessions 5:00 pm Mass Monday, October 27 8:00 am Religious Liberty Tuesday, October 28 8:00 am In memory of Paul Melvin Meyer Wednesday, October 29 8:00 am In memory of Gary Fleming Thursday, October 30 8:00 am In memory of Madonna Rosalie Coomes Friday, October 31 8:00 am In memory of Dan Ryan Saturday, November 1 8:00 am In memory of Living & Deceased Family members of Emil Ziegler 5:00 pm In memory of Henry & Dorothy Trent Sunday, November 2 7:00 am In memory of 9:00 am In memory of 11:00 am In memory of 12:30 pm In memory of Jules Lewandowski Gary Fleming Lawrence Jordan People of the Parish WEEKEND MASS SCHEDULE Liturgical Ministers November 1st and November 2nd Mass Times 5:00 PM 7:00 AM 9:00 AM 11:00 AM 12:30 PM Presider Fr. Huber Redemptorist Fr. Huber Fr. Huber Fr. Vogt Joe Streckfuss Brad Buchek Steve Schisler Francine Fitzgerald Dianne Wilson **Stephen Schumacker Mary Halfmann Joan Steele Helen Petrillo Julia Finnegan Joey Wise John Fitzgerald Susie Wilson Deacon Lectors Mary LynnSchmidt Eileen Hemann Gary Roettger Kathy Deddens Eucharistic Ministers Betty Kutilek Laverne Henzler Bev Tedeschi Sue Douglas Carole Betz Shirley Betz Tonya Lee Don Deters **Garett Burns John Harper Mary Ann Harper Wayne Throm Chris Throm Servers Jacob Wohlstadter Emily Wohlstadter Sara Kutilek Nick Konakci Louis Konakci Alesha Pesold Jason Pesold Aiden McKinney 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time October 26, 2014 WEEKLY ACTIVITIES SCHEDULE Parish Center / Gym / Youth Center Monday, October 27 8:00 am 3:00 pm 3:00 pm 5:00 pm 3:00 pm 6:00 pm 5:00 pm 9:00 pm 6:00 pm 7:00 pm 6:00 pm 9:00 pm 7:00 pm 9:00 pm 7:00 pm 9:00 pm 7:00 pm 8:00 pm 7:00 pm 9:00 pm Holy Child Latchkey Latchkey Quilters Cub Scout Volleyball practice AA Meeting Boy Scouts Small RCIA Prime Timers B Gym A-1 Tuesday, October 28 8:00 am 3:00 pm 9:30 am 10:30 am 3:00 pm 5:00 pm 3:00 pm 6:00 pm 5:30 pm 6:30 pm 7:00 pm 9:00 pm 7:00 pm 9:00 pm 7:00 pm 9:00 pm 7:00 pm 9:00 pm 7:00 pm 9:00 pm 7:00 pm 9:00 pm 7:00 pm 9:00 pm 8:00 pm 9:30 pm Holy Child LOTW Latchkey Latchkey Holy Child Mentor Program Desafio Hispanic Community Auction Meeting Rental Prayer Group Holy Child School Board Liturgy Committee Faith Sharing Volleyball Practice B YB Gym A-1 B A-1 Alcove A-2 A-3 E D B Gym Wednesday, October 29 9:00 am 2:00 pm Quilting 3:00 pm 5:00 pm Latchkey 3:00 pm 6:00 pm Latchkey 6:30 pm 8:00 pm Bible Study 6:30 pm 8:30 pm Choir Practice 7:00 pm 9:00 pm Parish Meeting on Sewers 7:30 pm 9:00 pm Renewal Prayer group 8:00 pm 9:30 pm Volleyball Practice A-3 Gym B A-1 D A-2, A-3 Gym A-1 B E A D Gym Thursday, October 30 8:00 am 12:00 pm 3:00 pm 5:00 pm 3:00 pm 6:00 pm 6:00 pm 8:00 pm 6:00 pm 9:00 pm 7:00 pm 9:00 pm 7:00 pm 9:00 pm 7:00 pm 9:00 pm Preschool Latchkey Latchkey Quilting Volleyball Practice AA Meeting RCIA ICAA Coaches Meeting A-2, A-3 Gym A-1 Friday, October 31 8:00 am 12:00 pm 3:00 pm 5:00 pm 3:00 pm 6:00 pm Preschool Latchkey Latchkey A-2, A-3 Gym A-1 Saturday, November 1 8:30 am 4:30am 1:00 pm 6:00 pm 4:30 pm 9:00 pm 5:30 pm 6:30 pm CYC Volleyball Games Gym Rental A-2, A-3 Sep up For Chicken N Dumplin Gym Lighting of the Candles Cemetery Sunday, November 2 8:00 am 9:00 pm 1:30 pm 4:30 pm 3:00 pm 4:00 pm 6:00 pm 8:00 pm Chicken N Dumpling Dinner Hispanic Monthly Reception Girl Scout Troop #2912 LOTW Gym B D A-3 Gym A-2, A-3 B D Please pray for: Hospitalized: Recently Departed: David Patrick (brother of Jim Carr) Deployed : David Bryant, Steve Dudak, Nick Marty, Zach Brakefield-Bousquet Please continue to pray for: Chris Akers Brenda Arriaga Holly Bess Patricia Bonnot Janet Boyer Ashley Breyfogle Julie Casey Charlie DeBoor Fr. Jack Dempsey Sue Douglas Robert Garrison Laura Glisson Al Grossius Marilyn Horton John Johnson Victoria Jones Catherine King Eleanor Klahs Maggie Love Greg Mayer Mary Mayer Kacey McFarland Savanah Medlin Arthur Mullins Carolyn Novak Gabriel Ott Jeannie Parks Thelma Pogorzelski Yvonne Pierson Cookie Prindiville Joyce Rockwell Joe Ruzicka Debbie Schisler Judith Smith Al Unterreiner Geraldine Voigtman Henrietta Werkmeister Helen Wiesehan Victorine Weissenbach Herman Westrich Thelma Westrich Sarah Wise Jules Zimmermann Irma Zimmermann Dan Zmashenski Peggy Zmashenski Readings for the Week Sunday: Ex 22:20-26; Ps 18:2-4, 47, 51; 1 Thes 1:5c-10; Mt 22:34-40 Monday: Eph 4:32 -- 5:8; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 13:10-17 Tuesday: Eph 2:19-22; Ps 19:2-5; Lk 6:12-16 Wednesday: Eph 6:1-9; Ps 145:10-14; Lk 13:22-30 Thursday: Eph 6:10-20; Ps 144:1b, 2, 9-10; Lk 13:31-35 Friday: Phil 1:1-11; Ps 111:1-6; Lk 14:1-6 Saturday: Rv 7:2-4, 9-14; Ps 24:1-6; 1 Jn 3:1-3; Mt 5:1-12a Sunday: Wis 3:1-9; Ps 23:1-6; Rom 5:5-11 or 6:3-9; John 6:37-40, or any readings from no. 668 or Masses for the Dead, nos. 1011-1016 – FIELDER – ELECTRICAL SERVICES, INC. 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Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-945-6629 Kids Eat Free on Sundays Ralph Sippel, Agent Water Tower Plaza Auto • Home • Life • Health O: 636-296-7337 • F: 636-296-1010 636-287-1062 Steven P. Cajigal, DDS email: 838 Arnold Commons • Arnold, MO 63010 (636) 296-2616 1608 Jeffco Blvd., Arnold, MO Coming Soon to Arnold Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there. ✂ Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” Now Buying Used Equipment for Inventory and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers Please Call Dan at 314-660-8993 visit: Diane G. Wilson, O.D. Parishioner Family Vision Care 1235 Water Tower Place • Arnold, MO 63010 Tel 636-296-8612 “Like” us on Facebook For Upcoming give a-ways Erin Mariscal, DDS 636-464-6444 124 Richardson Crossing Arnold, MO 6108 Kneff Imperial, MO 63052 636 / 942-9996 Fully Insured Free Estimates All Work Guaranteed FUNERAL HOME 2906 GRAVOIS 772-3000 10151 GRAVOIS 842-4458 5255 LEMAY FERRY 894-4500 Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. 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Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA 636-464-7474 326800 Immaculate Conception Church (A) For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-945-6629
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