NOVEMBER & DECEMBER 2014 + JANUARY 2015 CONTENTS 3 THE MAIN EVENTS in the life of the church during November, December & January. Get involved and build some great friendships. 4 FINANCIAL UPDATE A summary of our giving in the last quarter. For more information see the info desk. 5 GIFTS FOR KIDS We have partnered with Tu Tama Wahine to give presents to children and families in our community who are likely to not receive anything for Christmas. 6 The Year that was 2014 A look back at all the awesome, wonderful crazy things that have happened this year. 7 NOV CALENDAR with key events: Guest Speaker: Carl Butler, Alphacrucis New Testament Intensive, & New Faces Lunch. 8 DEC CALENDAR ‘Tis the Season to be jolly! It’s all about Jesus! Christmas is here and we are rejoicing. Join us for our Christmas Eve service. 9 JAN CALENDAR with the annual Church BBQ’s at Merrilands Domain & Ngamotu Beach. 10 LEADERSHIP TEAM get to know our leadership team, department heads, connect leaders and the ministries that we support. WELCOME Our mission is to be a significant Pentecostal church committed to the people of this region for Christ REACH BUILD RELEASE and them to multiply this process STEVE & PIP BATTEN SENIOR PASTORS People must wonder what a pastor does all day! Do you? Ministry by many pastors is a far cry from that of a generation ago. For me it's a constant juggle of personal connection with God, staff, leaders and people both within and outside the congregation. Aspects of spirituality, management and leadership both locally and nationally constantly threaten to overwhelm my world. I must distinguish between the urgent and the important. An important participation I have been involved in for the last month is a series of three hour, fortnightly conversations entitled, How Communities Awaken; a master class on active citizenship hosted by Tu Tama Wahine. You will remember that some of our leaders met with this organisation earlier this year regarding our annual role in supporting vulnerable children under their care every Christmas with gifts. This has been a fantastic ongoing conversation. Part of active participation is meeting with another attendee to discuss where we are at! They come from all walks of life. Many have never met with a pastor before, but each has endeavoured to connect with what they think I do and what I believe, always with a story of personal spiritual connection. Many have an interesting theology of God and the church. For the most part this has not been positive! These conversations have confirmed how quickly our society has shifted from foundational Christian belief to an interesting mixture of pseudo spiritual concepts repackaged into postmodernist ideas. A response to having a relationship with a single knowable God is.. “Well that's great for you!” Dave Mann of the Hope Project is totally right! However what I have found positive is the discipline of active listening, and asking simple questions. I refuse to preach! In every case my colleagues have gone away reflective, appreciative and with a commitment to re-examine their belief in the light of new information. May I encourage you to take advantage of the Hope Project Booklets that have arrived in your street and letterbox this week and make a connection! You will be encouraged! Blessings over you and your household Steve & Pip NEW FACES LUNCH ALPHACRUCIS NEW TESTAMENT GUEST SPEAKER SEAN DU TOIT 2 November 2014 After Morning Service 6 - 8 November 2014 Thurs 7-9pm, Fri & Sat 9am - 4pm 9 November 2014 10am & 6:30pm Services If you’re new to church we would love to get to know you and help you get connected into the life of the church. The New Faces Lunch is hosted by our leadership team in the church café after the morning service. It is a great opportunity to get to know the pastors, staff and elders of citywestchurch. The food is always high quality and there is no cost to register. There are limited spaces available so be in quick. To register for this lunch please put your name down at the info desk or email: This is a NZQA accredited Level 4 intensive on the New Testament. This paper provides students with foundational skills of interpreting the New Testament, and communicating the message, principles and values. Led by Alphacrucis Lecturer Sean du Toit. You can complete this intensive for credits or just to improve your knowledge of the New Testament. To register for this course please see the information desk. There will be administrative costs and you will need to bring your own lunch. Sign up today! Sean is a lecturer at Alphacrucis College New Zealand. He will be taking the New Testament Intensive during the week but he will also be speaking at both of our Sunday Services. Sean is a husband to Sue, a father to Ava, a PhD candidate at Otago University, and trying to be a faithful follower of Jesus. Sean is from Somerset West, a town in the Western Cape of South Africa. Sean loves to study and preach the word of God and can speak Koine Greek. You can follow Sean’s blog by going to Guest Speaker CARL BUTLER CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICE Church barbeques 15 November 2014 10am & 6:30pm Services 24 December 2014 7:30pm Service 14 January 2015 @ 6pm & 21 January 2015 @6pm Early in 1997 God began to lead Carl into an itinerant ministry. With the fire of God burning in his heart he began ‘Fan the Flame’ Ministries. Carl is a zealous preacher with a burning enthusiasm for revival and stirs the Church into action. Carl has now travelled to over 40 countries, spoken in well over 400 churches as well as outdoor crusades, and ministered to many thousands of people. Another aspect of the ministry has been Carl's role in supporting, encouraging and mentoring many pastors and leaders across the globe. “Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel.” Isaiah 7:14 Come join us on Christmas Eve to celebrate the birth of Jesus, Saviour of the world. This will be a great service for the family with some of your favourite Christmas carols, a great Christmas message and supper to follow. There will be no services on Christmas Day. Take the opportunity to connect with friends and family. ‘Joy to the World, the Lord is come!’ Pack up the rug & cricket set & bring the whole family to our 2 family BBQ’s! These events are great fun with games & activities. Bring your own food to cook on the BBQ. If the weather is warm then bring your togs & towel and go for a dip. Parents please remember you are responsible for the safety of your children. If the weather is bad then please contact your connect group leader. VENUES: 14 January - Merrilands Domain 21 January - Ngamotu Beach For more information on the church and its ministries please go to: or find us on facebook | FINANCIAL UPDATE JULY 2014 AUGUST 2014 SEPTEMBER 2014 Target Tithes & Offerings $32,000.00 $40,000.00 $32,000.00 Actual Tithes & Offerings $39,987.78 $47,252.66 $33,957.22 Target Mortgage $2,600.00 $2,600.00 $2,600.00 Actual Mortgage $355.00 $370.00 $270.00 Missions Offering $3408.40 $3093.30 $2321.00 Thank you church for your ongoing generosity! If you would like to give through our envelope system please see the information desk. If you would like to give by automatic payment our account number is: 15-3953-0270716-00. Please include your name and tithe number in the reference. EVVIECE SE R OCOMELET ADORE US HIM It excites me to think for that for 5 Christmas’ now as a church we have been able to directly meet the needs of children and families in our community who are likely, for various reasons to not receive anything for Christmas. As a community and as a nation we are continually bombarded with horrific statistics about the on going abuse of woman, children and families in this country. The newest statistics recently released state that is 2013 there were 148,659 reports of child abuse or neglect to Child Youth and Family. Of those, 57,766 were Police Family Violence call outs involving children and 22,984 were substantiated child abuse and neglect. I often read through these statistics and think, what on earth can I do about this. Then I’m reminded of one of my favourite stories in the bible. Its where Jesus is on his way to Jairus’ house as Jairus’ 12 year old daughter was dying. On the way the crowd is going crazy and Jesus meets the woman with the issue of blood, who has had bleeding for 12 years. Jesus met Jairus on the journey. Then on his way to Jairus’ house, he met the woman with the issue of blood, on the journey. And both people were set free! It is unrealistic to think that we can meet every single need for every suffering person. This is the overwhelming part. 148,000 reports of child abuse or neglect. How outrageous! BUT….and there is always a BUT… you can meet one need. Maybe you could meet 2 or 3 needs. And this is what I love about our house. We all work together to meet the needs of the community on our back door step, on our journey. This year we have an amazing opportunity again to meet the needs of children and families in our community at Christmas by purchasing gifts for 0 to 18 year olds. These gifts go directly to children and families who currently work with a Whanau Worker or Social Workers at Tu Tama Wahine. In 2013 we were able to directly hand deliver gifts to 220 children who are associated with the organisation and this was continually met with heartfelt thanks and tears. I was recently challenged by this quote by Oscar Wilde – the smallest act of kindness is worth more than the greatest intention. citywestchurch you are incredible!! Michelle Ramage Tu Tama Wahine O Taranaki CHARGED YOUTH CAMP BEYOND MONTH PLANES BEN&DEE MOVE TO THAILAND FIJI MISSIONS TRIP UNITED YOUTH EVENT EASTER WITH RAY MOXHAM YOUTH FLUORO NIGHT ALPHACRUCIS OT INTENSIVE MOTHERS DAY SERVICE FATHERS DAY SERVICE BEYOND MONTH TESTIMONIES BONFIRE ON TOP FIELD STEVE @ TU TAMA WAHINE MAINLYMUSIC 10th ANNIVERSARY THANKS PARTY MAINLYMUSIC 10th ANNIVERSARY NEW CAFÉ DOORS WORSHIP TEAM RETREAT THANKS PARTY CROSS STRING ART NOVEMBER 2014 S M T W T F 1 30 4 5 6 New Faces Lunch 12noon Encounter 6am Connect Groups Worship Team Baptism PM DNA 7pm Charged Youth 7 - 9pm 11 12 13 Encounter 6am Connect Groups Worship Team 2 9 3 10 Guest Speaker: Sean Du Toit 7 Alphacrucis Alphacrucis NT Intensive NT Intensive 7 - 9pm 9am - 4pm 14 17 Defining Moments PM 19 20 Connect Groups Worship Team 25 26 27 Encounter Day 6am, 12noon & 7pm Connect Groups Worship Team Encounter 6am Guest Speaker: Carl Butler 23 18 24 YEAR 7 - 13 Charged Youth 7 - 9pm 8 Alphacrucis NT Intensive 9am - 4pm 15 Carl Butler Seminar Charged Youth 7 - 9pm 16 S 21 22 28 29 DECEMBER 2014 S 7 M T 1 2 8 W T F S 4 5 6 12 13 18 19 20 24 25 26 27 Christmas Eve Service 6:30pm Christmas Day Boxing Day Connect Groups Encounter 6am Partner with the Vision 7pm Charged Youth 7 - 9pm 9 10 Encounter 6am Connect Groups Charged Youth Christmas 14 15 16 17 Encounter 6am Connect Groups Last night Worship Team Worship Team Christmas BBQ Term 4 Ends 21 22 Thanksgiving Service 28 No Night Service 23 No Encounter 29 30 31 No Encounter New Years Eve WORSHIP& CREATIVEARTS Our Worship & Creative Arts team offers many opportunities to serve in areas of creative giftings. Including all areas of sound, lighting, video, dance, drama, and music, you don’t even have to be creative. There’s sure to be an area you can get involved in! If you have a heart for the creative arts then we would love to talk to you. See Chris Hobby for more info. JANUARY 2015 S 4 M 5 No Night Service 11 18 25 T T F S 1 2 3 7 8 9 10 13 14 15 16 17 Encounter 6am BBQ @ Merrilands Domain 6pm Worship Team 23 24 30 31 6 W No Encounter 12 19 26 20 21 22 Encounter 6am BBQ @ Ngamotu Beach 6pm Worship Team 27 28 29 Encounter Day 6am, 12noon & 7pm Connect Groups Worship Team Charged Youth 7 - 9pm SIGN UP TODAY AT THE INFO DESK THE TEAM SENIOR PASTORS Steve & Pip Batten ELDERSHIP Steve & Judy Walsh Kevin & Heather Gray Louise & Neil Barnes Hayden & Sharna Markham YOUTH PASTOR BEYOND SUPPORTING INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES Kenya Robin & Margaret Aim Indonesia Sam & Carol Soukotta Philippines Max & Dorothy Chismon Thailand Valerie Bateup Cambodia Mark & Janice Somerville Solomon Island Bible School Solomon Islands Mark & Katrina Trewavas Thailand Morgan & Rachel Burne WORSHIP PASTOR Chris & Bonita Hobby PRAYER & WOMENS PASTOR OFFICE MANAGER FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATOR ADULT CONNECT GROUPS Wednesday 7.30pm Paul & Nicki Butler Christine Hobby Ps Steve Walsh Colin & Carole Hillenaar ADULT CONNECT GROUPS Thursday 7.30pm Jaques Malan MEN’S CONNECT GROUP Wednesday 7.30pm Foley Moors Pip Batten Jasmine Hickford Judy Walsh 027 349 0908 021 149 9287 754 6211 757 9338 SUPPORTING LOCAL MINISTRIES Kem & Jo Price - Apostle to Churches of N.Z. Southern Cross Bible College New Generation Youth Life Focus New Plymouth WOMEN’S CONNECT GROUP Wednesday 10.00am Margo Beale & Wendy Rumble 758 1739 or 027 919 3985 YOUNG ADULTS Wednesday 7.30pm Tony Smith 753 5841 YOUNG ADULTS Wednesday 7.00pm Sarah Dally 027 361 1507 027 667 8760 YOUNG ADULTS Monday 6.30pm Aileen Lamorena 022 057 3532 CHARGED YOUTH ROAR (Year 7 - 10) @ 7pm - 8:30pm @ citywestchurch LAUNCH (Year 11 - 13) @ 7pm - 9pm @ citywestchurch 021 217 6189 Morgan Burne 022 086 3344 or church office 751 3659 For more details see the info desk or contact us Location Postal Phone Email Web 62c Poplar Grove New Plymouth PO Box 5023 New Plymouth 06 751 3659
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