Mottram Parish Magazine November 2014 Mottram Parish Magazine Saturday 18th October Callum Boothroyd is licensed as Lay Reader at Chester Cathedral by Bishop Peter Check out our website at Please support our advertisers Tell them you saw them in the Parish Mag! We aim to be ~ a growing fellowship of believers ~ warm in welcome ~ reverent in worship ~ gracious in witness ~ and joyfully serving God and our community ~ November 2014 Printed: 50p monthly On-line: £3 donation yearly Mottram Parish Vicar: James Halstead The Vicarage, 30a Broadbottom Road, Mottram, Hyde, Cheshire, SK14 6JB 01457 762268 The Church of England in Mottram Parish, serving the communities of Mottram, Broadbottom and Hattersley East together “seeking to know Christ and to make Christ known” OUR MAIN SUNDAY WORSHIP IS AT 10.30am St. Michael & All Angels, Warhill, via Church Brow, Mottram For full details of all our services, see page 13 USEFUL CHURCH CONTACTS IN MOTTRAM PARISH Safeguarding Coordinator Churchwardens Alice Litaba 07790 765985 Claire Bibby 01457 763758 David Russell 01457 765165 (secure email: Assistant Curate Children’s Work Coordinator Andrew Knight 01457 763152 Pat Hall 01457 861827 Honorary Curate Richard Hills 01457 763104 Organists John Brandreth 01457 765142 Lay Readers John Walker 01457 763292 Nigel Crookall 0161 338 6790 Allen Standeven 01457 857331 Baptisms: Pastoral Worker Callum Boothroyd 01457 763770 Kathleen Jubb 0161 338 7546 PCC Secretary Kate Best 01457 857248 Weddings PCC Treasurer Margaret Taylor 0161 494 8071 Brian Seaborn 0161 336 8089 Parish Events Coordinator Parish Administrator Alice Litaba 07790 765985 Tony Kershaw 01457 765350 Bellringers Captain Friends of Mottram Parish Church Christine Broadley 07810 560796 Kathleen Jubb 0161 338 7546 email: use the person’s name, eg. MAGAZINE CONTACTS Editors: Chris & Tony Kershaw 14 Broadbottom Rd ... 01457 765350 ... Magazine Distribution Magazine Advertising Adrian Davis 01457 764727 Bryan Higgins 01457 765690 , Oldham Street, Hyde, SK14 1LJ Printed by all your printing needs and office supplies, 0161 368 9678, parish contacts page sponsored by The Shubar, Old Street, Ashton under Lyne Mottram Parish Magazine November 2014 COMMUNITY CONTACTS Mottram Primary School 01457 763368 Broadbottom Primary School 01457 762382 Arundale Primary School 01457 762328 Longdendale Pre-school in Mottram 07594 640487 Broadbottom Pre-school 01457 764423 Friday Playroom, Magdalene Centre 07900 582211 Mottram Guides, Brownies & Rainbows 01457 763104 Broadbottom Guides 01457 764136 Broadbottom Brownies 01457 764417 Broadbottom & Mottram Beavers+Cubs 07912 387358 Mottram Women’s Society 01457 763479 Longdendale Womens Institute 01457 763319, 01457 766517 IN MOTTRAM PARISH Longdendale Neighbourhood Police Team 0161 856 9493 Tameside Patrollers 0161 342 3010 Tameside Police (non emergency) 0161 872 5050 or just dial 101 Mobile Police Surgery 19th Nov, 2-4pm, Lowry Grove 27th Nov, 2-4pm, Church Brow Tameside Council Councillor Janet Cooper 01457 763319 Councillor Gillian Peet 07801 327894 Councillor Adam White 07861 833090 Longdendale District Assembly 0161 342 2798 Member of Parliament Jonathan Reynolds MP, 0161 367 8077 Tameside Local Studies and Archives Unit 0161 342 4242 Hattersley Library, in the Hub 0161 342 2552 Support our local Community Associations: MOTTRAM COMMUNITY CENTRE Church Brow, Mottram available for hire • Two large halls, one with stage • kitchen • soft outdoor play area • ideal for children’s parties, meetings etc Contact Janis Bond on 01457 763504 Mottram Parish Magazine November 2014 BROADBOTTOM COMMUNITY CENTRE Need to find a venue for an event, a party or a regular group activity? Contact Mike Abrams: t: 01457 763048 e: michaelabrams50@ It’s your space! community contacts page sponsored by June and Rodney Lamb Andrew Writes REGISTERS & RECORDS BAPTISMS 12 October 2014 Dollie Lydia Lizzie Harris THANKSGIVINGS 21 September 2014 Evan Billington 5 October 2014 Oliver Davison Emily-Grace Pressdee FUNERALS Friday 3 October 2014 Leah Webb The Sycamores Care Home, Newton PARISH PRAYER ROTA Sunday 2 November 2014 Hall Close, Tollemache Road Sunday 9 November 2014 Tollemache Close, Back Moor Sunday 16 November 2014 Mottram Moor, Shaw Street and William Ford House Sunday 23 November 2014 Littlefields, Meadowcroft Sunday 30 November 2014 Rushy Croft, Waterfoot Cottages People are often unreasonable and self- centred. Forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of ulterior motives. Be kind anyway. If you are honest, people may cheat Be honest anyway. If you find happiness, people may be jealous. Be happy anyway. page 14 sponsored by Gordon & Susan Bringhurst FLOWERS Would you like to pay for the altar flowers for a special occasion or anniversary? Kath (765690), Judith (762362), Sue (0161 368 2706) or FLAG FLYING Thursday 9 October 2014 In loving memory of Doug Joy Saturday 18 October 2014 Licensing of Callum Boothroyd as Lay Reader Sunday 30 November 2014 The Saltire on St. Andrew’s day, for Margaret Douglas and all Scots people Would you like the flag flying for a special occasion or anniversary? Contact Tony Kershaw on 01457 765350 or The cost is £12. See also – click on What’s On. The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway. Give the world the best you have and it may never be enough. Give your best anyway. For you see, in the end, it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway. Mother Teresa Mottram Parish Magazine November 2014 Scattering the Seed Britain’s cereal farmers are celebrating a bumper harvest this year following a mild winter, a warm summer with regular light rain and an unseasonably dry autumn. So it’s fitting we also had a bumper crop of harvest celebrations at church. Mottram and Broadbottom schools kicked us off, with the children devising their own Harvest Festival services and starting our collection of donated food and provisions. I was struck by their prayers which focussed on those less fortunate than themselves, who suffer from a lack of food, fellowship and security. Our donations were for the Carpenter’s Arms in Ashton, an award-winning drop-in centre for people with various needs. The centre was the idea of retired head-teacher and URC minister Barbara Plenderleith who inspired us with her story at the Harvest Afternoon Tea. The Carpenter’s Arms provides a welcoming place where guests can find someone to listen without judging, receive a hot meal and emergency supplies. Looking further afield church members also generously supported the “Way of Joy” project working with Romanian street children through our Harvest Supper of authentic Romanian cuisine. Similarly, remembering of God’s provision for us, when so many go without, was the theme of the rousing Harvest Choral Evensong where we welcomed the choir of St Paul’s Stalybridge. Mottram Parish Magazine November 2014 On Sunday morning Peter and Julie Fraser of Bible Encounter returned to enchant us with the familiar Parable of the Sower in which Jesus explains the process of scattering the seed of the Gospel (Luke 8:4-15). Jesus acknowledges that this is a difficult and unpredictable process as the word variously falls on deaf ears, fails to take deep root in our hearts, or is choked by the worries and temptations of this world. Yet the parable is really an encouragement to us and warning against despair. As Christians God calls us to be the ever present farmer, residing in the field, and continually sewing the seed, the word of God, without which there can never be a harvest. The parable tells us that persistence and determination will yield spectacular results as the Gospel takes root in the fertile soil of open hearts. I’m further encouraged by God’s promise that: “Just as rain and snow descend from the skies and don’t go back until they’ve watered the earth, doing their work of making things grow and blossom, producing seed for farmers and food for the hungry, so will the words that come out of my mouth not come back empty-handed” (Isaiah 55:10-11, The Message Bible). Like farmers, all our toil and labour fades into the background when we celebrate the harvest, and hear someone has accepted Christ as Saviour. page 1 sponsored in memory of Ernest Nash WORSHIP DIARY NOTICE BOARD Prayer Group Tuesday 4th November, 8pm at the home of Betty Gadd (0161 368 5131) Trefoil Guild 3rd Thursday of every month, 7.30pm at Mottram Community Centre open to anyone over 18yrs who is sympathetic to the aims of Guiding. 20th November ... Ten Pin Bowling Broadbottom Community Events Saturday 29th November Incredibly Crafty Christmas Market at the Community Centre WOMEN’S INSTITUTE second Monday of every month 7.45pm at Mottram Cricket Club 10th November AGM, followed by some shared household tips: ‘As Simple as That’ coming soon at the Magdalene Centre Dance Class Thursdays at 6.30pm, starting 6th Nov contact Sarah Richardson 01457 237912 or and much much more see pages 4, 5 and 6 Walking With The Walkers Saturday 1st November 10am Shutlingsloe (harder) with Andrew Knight 01457 763152 Saturday 15th November 10:30am Mottram Metric Marathon Part Two (easy) with Tony and Chris 01457 765350 followed by Planning Meeting in Church at 12.30pm Saturday 29th November 10:30am Taxal (easy with a climb) with Mark and Jean 0161 368 3722 Meet at Mottram church gates – car share if needed. Mottram Brownies Christmas Coffee Evening with stalls Wednesday 26th November 6.30–8pm LOOKING FOR A NEW HOME ‘Henry-type’ vacuum cleaner Free to a good home, must be collected contact Kate 01457 857248 Silver Reed electronic typewriter Brand new! Free to a good home contact David 07762 156627 Chappell overstrung Piano £300 approx 70 years old, with stool, well maintained, regularly tuned, good playing order, would suit a beginner contact Jeff 01302 742539 (situated in Mottram) page 2 sponsored by The Shubar, Old Street, Ashton under Lyne Mottram Parish Magazine November 2014 Most of our sermons throughout the autumn are based on the old testament readings, which are mainly from: EXODUS ... Sunday 2 ... MOSES AND AARON BEFORE PHAROAH 8.30am Holy Communion, Common Worship 10.30am All Together Worship, followed by Parish Lunch 4.00pm Choral Evensong Sunday 9 REMEMBRANCE 8.30am Holy Communion, Book of Common Prayer 10.30am Holy Communion with Act of Remembrance at St. Michael’s with Prayers for Healing 10.30am Procession from Broadbottom Community Centre 11.00am Act of Remembrance at the War Memorial 4.00pm Memorial Service at St. Michael’s Sunday 16 ... FINAL PLAGUE AND DEPARTURE 8.30am Holy Communion, Common Worship 10.30am Holy Communion Sunday 23 ... GOD LEADS HIS PEOPLE 8.30am Holy Communion, Book of Common Prayer 10.30am Holy Communion Sunday 30 ... THE RED SEA CROSSING 8.30am Holy Communion, Common Worship 10.30am Morning Praise Every week in Mottram Church: Fri 10am-12pm Church open: Chapel available for private prayer Sun 10am Join us for a short time of prayer just before the service 10.30am Sunday Pre-School in church, Sunday School in school – but come to church first (except All Together Service) Every week in Mottram Primary School: Wed 9.00am Praise and Play (term time only) Every week at St. Barnabas, Hattersley: Wed 10.30am shared Mid-week Communion SUNDAY BIBLE READINGS November 2 9 16 23 30 Exodus 6.28 - 7.13; John 14. 5-14 1 Thessalonians 4. 13-end; Matthew 25. 1-13 Exodus 11. 1-10; Matthew 26. 17-30 Exodus 13. 17-22; Luke 1. 68-79 Exodus 14 Mottram Parish Magazine November 2014 page 13 sponsored by Brian & Beryl Clayton THE WORD NOTICE BOARD Lest We Forget The Rev Paul Hardingham meditates on what Peace might look like… One of the most amazing sights in London this year has been the art installation ‘Blood Swept Lands and Seas of Red’ at the Tower of London. The dry moat has been filled with 888,246 ceramic poppies, each representing a British or Colonial soldier killed in the First World War and commemorated in this centenary year. ‘In Flanders fields, the poppies grow between the crosses, row on row, that mark our places; and in the sky the larks, still bravely singing, fly scarce heard amongst the guns below.’ This is the first stanza of John McCrae’s poem, first published in Punch magazine in 1915. Within months, it came to symbolise the sacrifices of all who were fighting in the First World War. Today, the poppy remains a tangible symbol of all those who have sacrificed their lives in war. But why do we remember? ‘They will beat their swords into ploughshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore.’ (Micah 4:3). Writing about 700 years before Christ, Micah’s words have to be seen against a background of violence with the fall of Samaria and the instability created by the aggression page 12 sponsored by Kate Best of Assyria. However, he prophesied a future of hope, a world where nations come together in peace instead of war. His vision saw a time when the arms of war would be turned into farming tools and people would live in peaceful community. Our understanding of peace is more than the avoidance of war or the absence of conflict. It’s about building relationships between people, communities and nations, which positively creates a love and care for others founded on justice for all. As we remember the sacrifice of those who died in the First World War, our response must be to look practically at how we can build relationships of peace and justice in our world, starting with our own families, colleagues and neighbourhoods. As Micah says, ‘we will walk in the name of the Lord our God for ever and ever.’ (4:5). We always need God’s presence and power to change us into the people who have a passion for peace and justice, and compassion for everyone. ‘They shall grow not old as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning we will remember them.’ Mottram Parish Magazine November 2014 Your contributions welcome - the deadline for the December issue is Wednesday November 19th New: Mobile Police Surgeries Drop in and speak personally to officers about any issues you have. For times and venues, see inside back cover of this magazine. W OMEN ’ S S OCIETY PCC MEETING Thursday 13th November the Magdalene Centre, 7.30pm Chester Cathedral The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe exhibition Tuesdays, 8.00pm at Mottram Community Centre 4th November – The Meaning of Flowers with Laura Greenwood 18th – Christmas Flower Decoration with Sue Ousey This Christmas, the Cathedral will take visitors on an exciting journey to the magical land of Narnia, transforming spaces within the magnificent building to bring C.S. Lewis’s classic tale to life. 29 November - 6 January 2014 Free admission Every Wednesday morning in Mottram Primary School during school term time starts 9am Bible stories, games, crafts, songs, refreshments... and lots of fun! 1 ST B ROADBOTTOM & M OTTRAM S COUT G ROUP Many thanks for all your help and the use of the Magdalene Centre in June for the Pamper Night for Reubens Retreat. Thanks to the generosity of the people of Broadbottom and Mottram and the lovey therapists we raised a whopping £2,100.23!!! Jane Redshaw Look out for the next Pamper Night on Friday 28th Nov Again, all proceeds will go to Reubens Retreat. Mottram Parish Magazine November 2014 are currently looking for occasional Helpers to help out with our Cub group which meet on Tuesday nights 6.30–8.00pm at the Magdalene Centre on Mottram Road, Broadbottom. This is to assist the Cub Leader and Assistant Leaders and would be on a rota basis. As an Occasional helper you would be required to be RCRB checked (Old CRB Check) – this is paid for by the Scouts. If you are interested please contact Martin Robson on 0161 495 4514 or 07912 387358, or cubs@ page 3 sponsored by ‘anon‛ Jokes and Puzzles . . . W H AT ’ S O N . . . W H AT ’ S O N . . . 100 years on or 1 year on... 9th November is Remembrance Sunday Mottram 10.30am Our annual act of remembrance will take place at the War Memorial in the parish church. Broadbottom 10.30am Procession from the Community Centre 11.00am Act of Remembrance at the War Memorial Pray Nicotine Poster in a public school in South Pasadena, California: “In the event of atomic attack, the rule prohibiting prayer in school will be temporarily suspended.” An elderly minister read about experiments showing that tar and nicotine causes cancer in mice. Deeply moved, he went down to his study at once, and moved all of his pipe tobacco to the top shelf, where the mice could not reach it. Refreshments at the Community Centre Seen it all, done it all, can’t remember most of it! Memorial Service Porridge 4.00pm A silent order of monks had a rule that every five years, one brother could speak and make a request. After waiting five years, it was Brother David’s turn, and he said “I don’t like this brand of porridge. Can we get a new one?”. Our annual service of thanksgiving for the lives of loved ones who have died. Invitations will be sent to all bereaved families from the past year – if you have another name to be remembered, then add it to the list in church, contact Tony on 01457 765350 or email Do join us for these special services, as we honour and remember all those who have died. Exploring Groups Exploring Groups are a new opportunity during the week to meet up, share fellowship and discuss matters of faith in our everyday life. Using the Bible reading from the previous Sunday’s service, there’ll be the chance to dig deeper and explore the Bible further in a relaxed and informal setting, to help each other figure out what it means to live as a Christian in the light of these passages. Five years later, Brother Eric could speak, and said “I don’t like the new porridge, can we have the old one back?”. Another five years passed and Brother John could speak. “I want to leave. I can’t stand all this bickering about the porridge!” Sudoku Dogs Two drunks were hoping to travel on the London Underground late at night when they reached the top of the escalator and saw the sign which decrees: ‘Dogs Must Be Carried’. “Botheration,” one of them muttered in dismay. “Where on earth can we find two dogs at this time of night?” Maze You won’t have to sign up for the long term and nobody will be put on the spot, but we hope these groups will become really valuable moments for us all, to help us grow as disciples of Jesus. Please do consider coming along even it sounds like something completely new to you! Everyone welcome. The dates and venues are listed opposite. Contact one of the leaders if you’re interested and for more details. page 4 sponsored by Maurice & Jean Hughes Mottram Parish Magazine November 2014 Mottram Parish Magazine page 11 November 2014 sponsored by John in memory of Margaret & Tony Crabtree CARTOON CORNER page 10 sponsored by The Friends of Mottram Parish Church also to Sous Chef Alice Litaba; the Silver Service Waiters aka thegroupwithnoname; the three Légumiers (above) and apologies to the school for the aroma that lingered for three days! Thank You to Andrew Knight for a brilliant Harvest Supper and inspiring talk. . . . W H AT ’ S O N . . . . W H AT ’ S O N . . . Mottram Parish Magazine November 2014 Next Parish Lunch Sunday 2nd November in Mottram Primary School Straight after our 10.30am service in church bring some food to share, and stay behind to eat and chat For more information, contact Kathleen on 0161 368 7546 Monday Afternoons 2:00 - 3:30 pm with Allen Standeven (01457 857331) at 21 Tollemache Road, Mottram, SK14 6LL Tuesday Evenings 8:00 - 9:30 pm with Andrew Knight (01457 763152) and Callum Boothroyd at 59 Lower Market Street, Broadbottom, SK14 6AA Wednesday Evenings 8:00 - 9:30 pm with John and Joan Walker (01457 763292) at 2 Hill View, Matley, Stalybridge, SK15 2TH Mottram Parish Magazine November 2014 Next Pub Night Friday 7th November at the Royal Oak in Glossop 7.30pm for 8.00pm Thai Banquet approx £15 per head For more information, contact Allen on 01457 857331 page 5 sponsored by Peter and Jean Hey . . . W H AT ’ S O N . . . W H AT ’ S O N . . . 10am –12.30pm on 20th December at the Magdalene Centre Children! A fun morning of the Christmas Story with crafts, games and food. Parents! Leave your children with us, and have a couple of hours to yourselves whilst you sort those last minute preparations! (Children under primary school age must be accompanied.) Volunteers! We’re looking for people to help us – don’t panic, we’ll be OK for all the stuff at the front, but we need extra hands (refreshments, crafts etc), so we can accommodate the maximum possible number of children. So if you’re child-free, please come and help make this a great party for the children and a welcome break for the parents! Contact James 01457 762268 or Pat 01457 861827 or for more details. Operation Christmas Child Reminder: DROP OFF YOUR SHOEBOX at church before 16th November. medium sized shoebox and wrap SHOEBOX Find an empty box and lid separately. BOY OR GIRL? Decide if your gift is for a Boy or a Girl and the age category: 2-4, 5-9 or 10-14. Cut out the appropriate boy/girl label from one of the leaflets. Mark the correct age category and stick the label to the top of your shoebox. FILL WITH GIFTS Fill your shoebox with a variety of new gifts that will bring delight to a child. See gift suggestions on the leaflet or have a go at making your own. Remember to pray for the child who will receive your shoebox gift. For more information, pick up a leaflet in church, or contact Margaret Taylor on 0161 494 8071 or shoebox@, or visit www. operation-christmas-child ! More dates for your diary.... Saturday 29th November, 7.30pm at the Magdalene Centre Saturday 6th December, 11am–3pm Parish Advent Dinner Parish Christmas Fair What are you looking forward to…? Fine Food. Good Conversation. Profound Thought... at the Magdalene Centre Lots of stalls for Christmas Gifts, Refreshments and much Ho Ho Ho Look out for more publicity during November page 6 sponsored by Alf & Sue Wilkinson Mottram Parish Magazine November 2014 Praise and Play: for pre-school children, every Wednesday morning in Mottram School during school term time: starts 9am. Bible stories, games, crafts, songs, and lots of fun. Come and join us! Open the Book Christmas Party! PARENT & CHILD Mottram Parish Magazine November 2014 page 9 sponsored by Flo Adams and Janette Baxter SUPPORTING MISSION Let’s Pray Let’s Pray! A relaxed & informal evening for the whole church family Praying for ourselves, the church & the world Nobody put on the spot - come to encourage one another, listen & join in!! November 16th, 7pm at the Vicarage ‘Habari’ from Tanzania Habari means ‘hello’ in Swahili. Samson and Zeph say that they had an amazing time, when they came to the UK to talk to us about prayer and revival. Many seeds were sewn, doors opened and new relationships built. Tanzania (UK) Trust are now looking to raise money for the Health Centre in Dodoma. “We have a vision of working under the local Doctor and the local church and supporting them in building the health centre, which will eventually be selfsustaining. We hope that this will serve the local community in meeting their desperate health needs for good medical care, especially in chronic conditions, and in receiving good medication.” You could help by: volunteering for the April 2015 trip if you are a doctor or a nurse and also thinking if you could suggest any Trusts/ fund raising opportunities/ ideas for fund-raising for the Health Centre, which they are in such desperate need for. Please include these plans in your prayers. Contact:, 07854 688373 or Be part of God’s answer! page 8 sponsored by Julie & Allen Standeven Prayer of the Month In this time of autumn fruitfulness, may we be fruitful when we speak to others. As the autumn shades reveal your glory, may we share your love with those we meet. Now that the harvest is gathered in, may we gather and bring our family, friends and neighbours into your presence and saving power. In this time of remembrance, we pause in our life’s journey, to give thanks for those who have passed to your nearer presence, especially the Saints and Martyrs whose lives are an example to us. We remember too those who we have loved and are with us no more, but have influenced us for good. As year succeeds year, we thank you for our lives, for the good times and the bad, thankful that we can trust You to be alongside us in the good times and to carry us in the bad times. This year especially, we remember those who have given their lives for our freedom in the Great War of 1914 -1918, and also in subsequent conflicts to our present time. In joyful expectation of your coming into our world we pray – Maranatha! – Come Lord Jesus! . Amen Amazing Graces For God who gives us our daily bread A thankful song we raise. And pray that he who sends us food May fill our hearts with praise. Mottram Parish Magazine November 2014 IN ROMANIA Harvest Supper at the Magdalene Centre, 11th October It’s the smell that hits you first, two streets away: the arresting aroma of overflowing drains and rotting rubbish. Turning a corner, looming up ahead is what the locals call ‘The Phantom Block’ - one of many ruined apartment buildings, with shattered windows, no doors and a sign proclaiming its proposed demolition. Long since stripped of essential supplies, it’s a network of dark, smoke filled, sewage strewn corridors and exposed staircases - hidden lives in cramped, cold rooms - home to around thirty families. Without fixed addresses or birth certificates, the children are ‘shadow people’ with no legal status or access to state benefits, education or healthcare, trapped in a cycle of poverty. Twelve years ago these children came to the attention of local Christian Valentine. Filled with compassion and inspired by reading Isaiah 58, he set up a basic feeding centre to give the children regular hot meals, clean water and medical aid. A small church arose there which thrives today heading up what became the “Way of Joy” project, supported by the UK charity People Against Poverty. Last year alone The Way of Joy gained legal identities for 10 families, vaccinated 150 children, provided over 10,000 hot meals, built 3 new homes, supported hospital treatment for 29 people, gave 255 children medical treatment, and took 150 children away on an amazing summer Bible camp in the countryside. This servanthood has drawn many, with remarkable zeal for the Gospel. Many are finding hope, love and faith, and disciples are being nurtured and baptised. Over the past five years it’s been my profound privilege and delight to work with the project, helping to raise awareness and organise their summer camps. Many of their inspiring stories of hope were shared at our October Harvest Supper, where 50 people enjoyed a traditional Romanian meal of ciorba (soup), Tocană vânătoresc (Hunter’s Stew), varza (cabbage) and Tarta de cireş (cherry tart). The event raised an outstanding £534 for the work, which will make such a difference to many families. Thank You for your generosity! Andrew Knight For more info: Mottram Parish Magazine November 2014 page 7 sponsored by Jean Cox
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