Mottram Parish Magazine ...and the winner of the Christmas Clergy Shirt Competition was Andrew Knight! Have you handed in your magazine survey form yet? We’ve had a healthy See this in glorious technicolour on the website! number already - so please keep them coming in! We aim to be ~ a growing fellowship of believers ~ warm in welcome ~ reverent in worship ~ gracious in witness ~ and joyfully serving God and our community ~ February 2015 Printed: 50p monthly or download from the website Mottram Parish Vicar: James Halstead The Vicarage, 30a Broadbottom Road, Mottram, Hyde, Cheshire, SK14 6JB 01457 762268 The Church of England in Mottram Parish, serving the communities of Mottram, Broadbottom and Hattersley East together “seeking to know Christ and to make Christ known” OUR MAIN SUNDAY WORSHIP IS AT 10.30am St. Michael & All Angels, Warhill, via Church Brow, Mottram For full details of all our services, see page 13 U SEFUL CHURCH CONTACTS IN M OTTRAM P ARISH Safeguarding Coordinator Churchwardens Alice Litaba 07790 765985 Claire Bibby 01457 763758 David Russell 01457 765165 (secure email: Assistant Curate Children’s Work Coordinator Andrew Knight 01457 763152 Pat Hall 01457 861827 Honorary Curate Richard Hills 01457 763104 Organists John Brandreth 01457 765142 Lay Readers John Walker 01457 763292 Nigel Crookall 0161 338 6790 Allen Standeven 01457 857331 Baptisms: Pastoral Worker Callum Boothroyd 01457 763770 Kathleen Jubb 0161 338 7546 PCC Secretary Kate Best 01457 857248 Weddings PCC Treasurer Margaret Taylor 0161 494 8071 Brian Seaborn 0161 336 8089 Parish Events Coordinator Parish Administrator Alice Litaba 07790 765985 Tony Kershaw 01457 765350 Bellringers Captain Friends of Mottram Parish Church Christine Broadley 07810 560796 Kathleen Jubb 0161 338 7546 email: use the person’s name, eg. M AGAZINE C ONTACTS Editors: Chris & Tony Kershaw 14 Broadbottom Rd ... 01457 765350 ... Magazine Distribution Magazine Advertising Adrian Davis 01457 764727 Bryan Higgins 01457 765690 Printed by , Oldham Street, Hyde, SK14 1LJ all your printing needs and office supplies, 0161 368 9678, parish contacts page to sponsor this page, phone 01457 765350 Mottram Parish Magazine February 2015 Andrew Writes Discovering new traditions? As the New Year begins, I’m looking back at my very first Christmas in the parish and thinking about all those Christmas traditions the church cherishes but which were new to me; some enchanting, some inspirational and some rather more eccentric! Highlights for me included the traditional nativity plays, the biggest at our Christmas party with 45 children attending in their favourite costumes, resulting in a chaotic yet engaging nativity with a dozen Marys, three Josephs and myriad shepherds and angels. There was the peaceful and poignant candle-lit Midnight Communion on Christmas Eve. Also the church packed with children for the Christingle service, each armed with a sweet-laden orange and candle to illuminate our carols in the darkness. Then perhaps the most curious tradition, the annual ‘Horse and Rider Carol Service’, complete with fancy-dressed horses and riders, brass band, mulled wine, mince pies and carrots - the only disappointment being we didn’t sing “A neigh in a manger”… maybe next year! Enacting our traditions, our cultural rituals, is important as it ties us to our history, gives us a sense of identity and belonging, and encapsulates and passes on truths and beliefs which have stood the test of time. There’s always a danger we perform our traditions without thinking - yet being the newcomer to the parish I was able to see our Mottram Parish Magazine February 2015 Christmas traditions through fresh eyes, and thus in their enactment capture anew the joy of the Gospel, the wonder of the incarnation, and revelation of Jesus, Emmanuel, God with us. It strikes me, however, that it doesn’t take long for something to become a tradition. We get into the habit of doing something a few times and it soon becomes a tradition, a comfortable and familiar routine. Many of us will have started the New Year trying hard to make resolutions, new traditions, some of which may have already been abandoned (and it’s only February!) Yet we can establish a new tradition anytime of the year: “traditions are not just for Christmas” to coin a phrase. We engage with traditions to preserve that which is ‘worth doing’. Writing to the church in Thessalonica, the Apostle Paul advocates them to “hold fast to the traditions that you were taught” such that the people will be saved, share in God’s glory and receive the blessings of the Holy Spirit, from God who loves us, gives us eternal comfort, hope and strength for every good work (2 Thess. 2:13-17). What new tradition will you start this month to share in the blessing of which Paul speaks, all year through? Renewed commitment to daily bible reading or prayer, joining a regular fellowship group, or engaging with church in a new way, are just some of many possibilities. page 1 sponsored by Kate Best NOTICE BOARD Prayer Group Tuesday 3rd February, 8pm at the home of Betty Gadd (0161 368 5131) Pub Night Friday 6th February, 8.00pm The White Hart, Mottram Want to share a taxi? Contact Tony Kershaw, and he’ll put you in touch. Walking With The Walkers Saturday 7th February 10:30am Mottram Metric Marathon Part Three (easy, but uphill) with Tony and Chris 01457 765350 Saturday 21st February 10am Tintwistle (harder) with Bob and Sue Joy 0161 368 2706 Meet at Mottram church gates – car share if needed. Let’s Pray! A relaxed & informal evening for the whole church family Praying for ourselves, the church & the world Nobody put on the spot - come to encourage one another, listen & join in! February 22nd, 7pm at the Vicarage Community Groups/Charities and much much more Advertise here. It’s FREE! see pages 4, 5 and 6 page 2 sponsored by Alf and Sue Wilkinson Monday 16th February 2.30pm – 4.30pm at the Magdalene Centre Jonathon & Alison Fewster, and Gavin Cowling will be telling us what the Gideons are about, with videos featuring people whose lives have been changed through their scripture distribution ministry. Contact Margaret Taylor on 0161 494 8071 or if you need a lift, or if you can help Dance Classes at the Magdalene Centre contact Sarah Richardson 01457 237912 or for more details Trefoil Guild 3rd Thursday of every month, 7.30pm at Mottram Community Centre open to anyone over 18yrs who is sympathetic to the aims of Guiding. 19th Febuary ... Ghana a talk by Agnes Faugh W OMEN ’ S S OCIETY Tuesdays, 8.00pm at Mottram Community Centre 3rd February – ‘Treasure Evening’ bring a favourite item for an evening of nostalgia 17th – Post-Christmas meal at Oaklands Hall, Hyde Mottram Parish Magazine February 2015 NOTICE BOARD Your contributions welcome - the deadline for the March issue is Wednesday February 11th Have you handed in your magazine survey form yet? We’ve had a healthy number already - so please keep them coming in! Every Wednesday morning in Mottram Primary School during school term time starts 9am Bible stories, games, crafts, songs, refreshments... and lots of fun! WOMEN’S INSTITUTE second Monday of every month 7.45pm at Mottram Cricket Club 9th February: ‘Holistic Therapy’ with Farha Hussain CRAFT AFTERNOON Are you interested in learning a new craft? Do you have skills in crafting that you can share with others? If so, you would be very welcome to join our craft sessions on alternate Tuesday afternoons, 1.00–3.00pm February 3rd & 17th at Mottram Community Centre Church Brow You don’t need to be an expert, our aim is to have fun and a good natter whilst sharing our skills or learning new ones. We also enjoy days out to various Craft Shows Mottram Parish Magazine February 2015 The Embarrassment Of Mottram Christmas Tree! Hello everyone, you will be pleased to know that Twiggy’s Christmas Charity Night raised a whopping £427.21 for Reuben’s Retreat. The hard work paid off, thank you to everyone who helped, supported, donated, baked, entertained and contributed on the night. All the best for 2015 xxxxx Emma Purcell Broadbottom Community Events Saturday 21st March ‘Hard Times’ Orkestar and Klezmer band at the Community Centre Dance, Music and Food ...more details nearer the time... Stamps for Sight! Don’t forget to bring your used postage stamps to church. Tear them off with a 1/2cm border, and pop them in the collecting box in the coffee corner. to find out more speak to June Molyneaux or visit Tameside Sight Making Sense of Sight Loss Today page 3 sponsored by the Flower Ladies and Holy Dusters SUNDAY WORSHIP We meet, week by week on a Sunday, to open up God’s Word and hear him speak – as we open up our hearts to speak with him in prayer and in song. The Bible speaks of us gathering to ‘build one another up’ - to encourage and strengthen us in our faith. Of course, our Sunday morning meetings are also one of the primary places people come to find out more about us as a church. There’s so much going on, in all directions: upwards, inwards and outwards. The PCC has now decided to vary the pattern of our services slightly: to give ourselves a little more space and flexibility in worship, to try and accommodate baptisms better and to clarify some of the patterns that don’t quite work. There are 2 changes: ▪ The 8.30am Communion Service will use the Book of Common Prayer on the first Sunday of the month only. All the remaining weeks, we will use the more contemporary language Common Worship service. ▪ At the 10.30am service, we will swap over our 3rd Sunday Communion Service with the 5th Sunday Morning Praise. Morning Praise still follows a clearly structured and fairly traditional shape of liturgy but doesn’t include the celebration of communion. All Together Worship will continue on the 1st Sunday – providing one of the few precious moments when we gather as a whole church family. So, from Lent this year, the new pattern of services will look like this: For those who fear the 8.30am 10.30am ‘loss’ of communion on 1st Sunday BCP Communion All Together Worship the 3rd Sunday – do 2nd Sunday CW Communion Communion* remember that we will ‘gain’ one on the 5th 3rd Sunday CW Communion Morning Praise* Sunday, so we’ll only 4th Sunday CW Communion Communion* lose about eight a year. 5th Sunday CW Communion Communion* Of course, our joint midweek communion * Sunday School will take place during these services. at St Barnabas will continue. We’ll still celebrate something like 138 communion services each year! We meet, week by week on a Sunday, as a family. Of course, some will appreciate one particular service more than others – but our neighbours in the pew might feel quite different. The thing about a family is that we all join in with what the family does – not because of the ‘style’ of the activity, but because we love each other. Let’s pray together that these minor changes will build us up and strengthen our love for one another. James page 4 Mottram Parish Magazine sponsored by GJS Wealth Management, 0161 303 8008 February 2015 Supporting Overseas Mission Tanzania (UK) Trust Last call for any nurses or doctors interested in a 2 week Tanzanian adventure! Doctors or nurses (student/active/retired) who would like to use their skills for two weeks in April in Dodoma, Tanzania. Find out more by visiting or contact Ruth Chorley on 07854 688373. Christian Relief Uganda CRU is another of the charities that our church regularly supports through the PCC’s charitable giving. Over the Summer, there were a number of complex and difficult issues to address which have occupied the minds and time of the trustees. Rhona Marshall reports that “it has been a real encouragement to see how the staff at Maria’s Care have risen to the challenges they have faced and how they have continued to provide for the children who are taught and boarded there”. Last year, CRU were asking for sponsors who would be willing to support Judith through her university course leading to a degree in Law. We are pleased to announce that, as a result of the generosity of a number of people, Judith has now enrolled on the course and is fully supported for the duration of her studies. In addition, they are delighted to report sponsorship to support Judith’s twin sister, Gertrude through university as well. She will be working for a BA in Social Development. There are many more such students in Uganda seeking sponsorship to complete a degree. For example... Emmanuel is such a young man who went to school with Judith & Gertrude and has taken himself to University trusting he will get some sponsorship. He is doing Bachelor of Science in Business. If you feel that you might like to support Emmanuel, please contact Rhona Marshall on 01625 618319, or email her at Mottram Parish Magazine February 2015 • • • • Please pray... for the CRU trustees that they may have wisdom as they consider how best to manage the future of Maria’s Care. about the need for additional trustees both in the UK and in Uganda. Suitable trustees in the UK would preferably live in the Macclesfield/ Greater Manchester area and have a heart for the education and care of underprivileged children. Are you such a person and looking for a role? If so, please contact CRU. about the future management of Maria’s Care as current staff move on and new appointments are made.Please pray that Ugandans of integrity with a real love for the children may be found and appointed. for the Chairman of CRU (Ken Johnson) as he leads the organisation into the new year. page 5 to sponsor this page, phone 01457 765350 a moment The Silent Lunch Whilst away on my pre-ordination silent retreat, in a moment of inspiration I wrote my first poem, after the two dozen of us gathered for one of our silent lunches. A few people at church have asked me what the silence on the retreat was like and I think this sums it up! Andrew Knight The Russians have a word, tishina, the silence of the forest; silence not devoid but full of presence. To share food, fellowship and focus we gather, … in silence. At first, tension, the averted gaze, muffled crunch of radish, supressed snigger at leaky teapots. then frustration, the greeting neglected, joke untold, internal conversations, tangible but unheard; a touch loneliness. Broken, the power of speech to contextualise and regulate, … and I eat too quickly. Between the mouthfuls, senses are heightened, Food enlivened, tastes and textures jumping off the plate; flavours deepen, fresh, sharp, rich, warm. Nature encroaches, birdsong joins the clatter of cutlery, forest rain crackles as wildfire, subtle music ebbs and flows in sustaining rhythms. Vision expands beyond the plate, focussed in detail, the missing picture on the wall, elbows on the table, melancholy in another’s eyes. Between the mouthfuls, God’s presence and voice, enjoining our meditations with prophetic signs around us, our thoughts on a grey day afforded time to deepen, new insights, new words, new wisdom. page 6 sponsored by Flo Adams and Janette Baxter Mottram Parish Magazine February 2015 of inspiration... The Russians have a word, molchat, the silence when a speaker is mute; silence of waiting, listening, anticipation. Gone is the agenda of I must speak to, ask about, check upon, polite conversation forsaken, the banal and frivolous stripped away, and we listen… to ourselves and one another. Politeness increases, with awareness of each other’s needs, yet I turn elsewhere for affirmation, and find, myself, resting with God, and I dwell in Him, in the presence of others. Peace, presence, waiting… palpable the sense of connectivity to each other and the Lord, and for a moment I’m moved to tears, but for the formality… and with the subtlest of gestures my fellow diner passes me the salt. Tameside Hospital Chaplaincy Department are looking for additional volunteers to accompany patients from the wards to the Chapel in the Ladysmith Building for a short Communion Service at 2pm each Sunday. It’s very rewarding to be able to help people in hospital to share a time of prayer and worship with other patients, visitors and helpers. If you can spare a couple of hours, even if only occasionally, and would like to know more, please contact Chris Kershaw on 01457 765350 or The chaplaincy department offers spiritual care to people of all faiths and people of no faith. Our diverse team has representation from a number of the major faiths and visit clinical areas regularly to talk and listen to patients, carers and staff. Chaplains are available for urgent spiritual or religious need 24 hours a day, seven days a week. For those who wish to take time to pray and reflect, there is a Chapel in the Ladysmith Building with resources there for different faith communities. This is open 24 hours for quiet, personal space and is available to all patients, staff, relatives and visitors. Mottram Parish Magazine February 2015 page 7 to sponsor this page, phone 01457 765350 A letter from Uncle Eustace The Rectory St. James the Least My dear Nephew Darren I was quite happy to see the young person from your church whom you are encouraging to get ordained – even though we did not entirely see eye to eye. When I answered the door to someone dressed in T-shirt, jeans and trainers, I naturally assumed he was the gardener; it was only after I had given him the wheelbarrow and shown him where the spades were, that I found out who he really was. His assurance that this is how Jesus would dress, were he to visit in person again, jarred somewhat. I think that a three-piece suit and stout pair of brogues would be far more likely. We agreed to differ. I moved on to ask him about the Sunday Services he attended and was interested to hear that he was a church musician. Wanting to know if he sang tenor or bass, or even played the organ, he told me that he was the drummer in the worship band and provided backing vocals. I felt obliged to comment that I was not sure how that would fit in with Mattins, but he told me that he had never heard of that Service and only attended Mega Rock Praise. Since I suspected it would not have been written by Cranmer, we moved on. I had hoped we may have been on safer ground when I asked him whether he preferred early perpendicular or Victorian gothic, but as he had apparently only ever worshipped in your converted cinema, he was unable to offer any opinion. His reaction to my offer to show him round our late Norman church, prompted him to tell me that he believed all churches should be closed and people should gather in each other’s homes, like the early Christians. In a last despairing attempt to find common ground I asked him if he had ever preached. He was slightly apologetic to admit that he had done so very rarely, as he found it took such a long time to write an hour-long sermon. When I mentioned that I did not think I had ever exceeded eight minutes in my entire life, he gave me such a look of withering astonishment that with heroic Christian charity, I did not beat him over the head with the Bible he was carrying. Your loving uncle, Eustace A young woman woke up one morning and told her husband, “I just dreamed that you gave me a pearl necklace for Valentine’s Day. What do you think it means?” “You’ll know tonight,” he replied with a smile. Sure enough, that evening the man came home with a small package and gave it to his wife. Delighted, she opened it, only to find a book entitled ‘The Meaning of Dreams’! page 8 to sponsor this page, phone 01457 765350 Mottram Parish Magazine February 2015 PARENT & CHILD Praise and Play: for pre-school children, every Wednesday morning in Mottram School during school term time: starts 9am. Bible stories, games, crafts, songs, and lots of fun. Come and join us! Mottram Parish Magazine page 9 February 2015 sponsored by The Shubar, 36 Old Street, Ashton, OL6 6LD Richard insisted that when they go to the Palace , they should use an appropriate mode of transport. Bernice insisted that she would need a new hat! Congratulations to Rev Dr R L Hills who was awarded a well deserved MBE in the New Year’s Honours List. CARTOON CORNER page 10 sponsored by The Friends of Mottram Parish Church Mottram Parish Magazine February 2015 Heritage Matters! Do you have a special affection for Mottram Parish Church, or given its Sunday name – St. Michael and all Angels? Our historic building has been on the top of the hill for over five hundred years, and obviously, much has changed to the building during that time. Over the past few years, the funding for a great deal of the maintenance, upkeep and beautification for our church has been funded by the Friends of Mottram Church. Much of our funding is raised through events of differing kinds throughout the year, and 2014 was a particularly successful year for us. In addition to our yearly events – including the Garden Party, cathedral visits, lunch dates and the Horse and Rider Carol Service – we held a 3-day Flower Festival in September on the theme of ‘100 Years of War and Peace’, featuring thirty displays by arrangers from many local groups including our own flower ladies and local school children. All this fundraising enables the committee to make grants for such projects as the painting of the inside of our church, and for a much needed winch to be installed, enabling the lowering of our ancient chandelier for cleaning and maintenance. These are items which would be very difficult to finance from our regular church giving. And so, if anyone reading our magazine this month would like to become a member of The Friends of Mottram Church, please feel free to contact our Treasurer Mr. Ian Roebuck, on 01457 763179, or our Chairman Kathleen Jubb, on 0161 338 7546 for further details – or pick up a leaflet in church. The yearly subscription is just £5.00, or Life Membership is available at just £50.00 All our funding is put to the upkeep and maintenance of the beautiful medieval ‘church on the hill’. Kathleen Jubb I’ve learned life gets better as you grow older (sometimes!) Age 12 I’ve learned that just when I get my room the way I like it, Mum makes me clean it up again. Age 14 I’ve learned that if you want to cheer yourself up, you should try cheering someone else up. Mottram Parish Magazine February 2015 page 11 to sponsor this page, phone 01457 765350 Let’s Pray Prayer of the Month Rooted in Christ, let us call to mind all those in need, and pray for them, to our Father in heaven. Lord, we pray that all who teach the Christian faith may be given the appropriate language to get through to those who hear them, so that the Word of God takes root in many hearts. Lord of Light teach us your ways. May all diplomats and politicians promote peace and friendship between the nations, fostering mutual respect and understanding. Lord of Light teach us your ways. May we and all our families, neighbours and friends become daily more Christlike and less self-centred; more responsive to the needs of those around us and less concerned by what we get out of life. Lord of Light teach us your ways. May those whose lives have been shattered by chronic illness, injury or acts of terrorism find new doors opening, new hope appearing and new meaning transforming their outlook. Lord of Light teach us your ways. May those who have passed through the journey from this life into eternity rejoice for ever in the fullness of your glory. Lord we thank you for dealing with us so patiently, and with such compassion; if we should close our hearts to your will, please keep knocking at the door of our heart Merciful Father accept this prayer for the sake of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen. Thank You to John and Joan Walker The Youth Group (aka the groupwithnoname)’s Christmas Bauble Appeal In the autumn we were regularly praying for those caught up in the Ebola crisis in Africa. To be more proactive, we hit on the idea of raising money over Christmas. We suggested to the congregation, that rather than writing and distributing lots of Christmas cards at church, to choose instead one of our lovingly hand-crafted bauble cards, write a message to everyone at Mottram Church and hang it on our Christmas tree. Then donate some of the money they might have spent on cards to our appeal! We would like to say a big Thank You to those who took part in the Bauble Appeal which raised a fantastic £250 for our selected charities: The Ebola Crisis Appeal Water Aid Nearly 5000 people have died, and 13,000 in Africa have been infected with this lethal virus. 1,400 children a day die from drinking contaminated water and one in ten people worldwide do not have access to safe water. page 12 sponsored by Jean and Maurice Hughes Mottram Parish Magazine February 2015 WORSHIP DIARY Most of our sermons at the start of the year are taken from the Book of Acts and follow the theme of: THE AUTHENTIC CHURCH…. Sunday 1 ... PRAYS BOLDLY 8.30am Holy Communion, Book of Common Prayer 10.30am All Together Worship 4.00pm Choral Evensong Sunday 8 ... IS DEAD GENEROUS 8.30am Holy Communion, Common Worship 10.30am Holy Communion with Prayers for Healing Sunday 15 ... WILL BE PERSECUTED 8.30am Holy Communion, Book of Common Prayer 10.30am Holy Communion Weds 18 ASH WEDNESDAY (venue to be confirmed) 7.30pm Holy Communion Sunday 22 ... IS WHERE EVERYBODY SERVES 8.30am Holy Communion, Common Worship 10.30am Holy Communion Note that the monthly pattern of worship will change slightly in March see James’ article on page 4. Every week in Mottram Church: Fri 10am-12pm Church open: Chapel available for private prayer Sun 10am Join us for a short time of prayer just before the service 10.30am Sunday Pre-School in church, Sunday School in school – but come to church first (except All Together Service) Every week in Mottram Primary School: Wed 9.00am Praise and Play (term time only) Every week at St. Barnabas, Hattersley: Wed 10.30am shared Mid-week Communion SUNDAY BIBLE READINGS February 1 8 15 22 Acts 4. 23-35; Luke 11. 1-10 Acts 4.36 - 5.11; Luke 20.45 - 21.4 Acts 5. 17-42; John 15. 18-25 Acts 6. 1-7; Mark 1. 14-20 Mottram Parish Magazine February 2015 page 13 sponsored by Julie & Allen Standeven REGISTERS & RECORDS FLAG FLYING BAPTISMS Sunday 28 December 2014 Emily Grace Pressdee FUNERALS Monday 22 December 2014 Sharon Fay Petrie Barlow Road, Dukinfield Tuesday 23 December 2014 Hilda Clayton Kennedy Square, Mottram Friday 2 January 2015 Doris Hodson Standeven Pendlebury Court, Glossop Friday 9 January 2015 Dora Pegge Shaw Street, Mottram FLOWERS Would you like to pay for the altar flowers for a special occasion or anniversary? Kath (765690), Judith (762362), Sue (0161 368 2706) or When the parents brought in the child Jesus to the temple, Simeon took him in his arms and praised God, saying: ‘Sovereign Lord, as you have promised, you may now dismiss your servant in peace. For my eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared in the sight of all nations: a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and the glory of your people Israel.’ Luke 2: 27-32 page 14 sponsored in memory of Ernest Nash Christmas Day 2014 In loving memory of Tom Edwards Friday 2 January 2015 In loving memory of Doris Standeven Saturday 3 January 2015 In honour of Rev Dr R L Hills MBE Monday 5 January 2015 In loving memory of Terence King Wednesday 7 January 2015 8th Birthday of Neve Sophia White Saturday 31January 2015 86th birthday memories of Norman Baines Monday 2 February 2015 65th birthday of Kathryn White Friday 6 February 2015 Anniversary memories of Terence King Sunday 8 February 2015 Tony Kershaw is 60 years young! Tuesday 10 February 2015 Loving 100th birthday memories of Ada Cooper See also – click on What’s On. PARISH PRAYER ROTA Sunday 1 February 2015 Cross Street, The Hague Sunday 8 February 2015 Hague Road, Bank Street Sunday 15 February 2015 King Street, Gibble Gabble Sunday 22 February 2015 Spring Street, Pingot Lane Mottram Parish Magazine February 2015 C OMMUNITY C ONTACTS Mottram Primary School 01457 763368 Broadbottom Primary School 01457 762382 Arundale Primary School 01457 762328 Longdendale Pre-school in Mottram 07594 640487 Broadbottom Pre-school 01457 764423 Friday Playroom, Magdalene Centre 07900 582211 Mottram Guides, Brownies & Rainbows 01457 763104 Broadbottom Guides 01457 764136 Broadbottom Brownies 01457 764417 Broadbottom & Mottram Beavers+Cubs 07912 387358 Mottram Women’s Society 01457 763479 IN M OTTRAM P ARISH Longdendale Neighbourhood Police Team 0161 856 9493 Tameside Patrollers 0161 342 3010 Tameside Police (non emergency) 0161 872 5050 or just dial 101 Tameside Council Councillor Janet Cooper 01457 763319 Councillor Gillian Peet 07801 327894 Councillor Adam White 07861 833090 Longdendale District Assembly 0161 342 2798 Member of Parliament Jonathan Reynolds MP, 0161 367 8077 Tameside Local Studies and Archives Unit 0161 342 4242 Hattersley Library, in the Hub 0161 342 2552 Longdendale Womens Institute 01457 763319, 01457 766517 Support our local Community Associations: MOTTRAM COMMUNITY CENTRE Church Brow, Mottram available for hire • Two large halls, one with stage • kitchen • soft outdoor play area • ideal for children’s parties, meetings etc Contact Janis Bond on 01457 763504 Mottram Parish Magazine February 2015 BROADBOTTOM COMMUNITY CENTRE Need to find a venue for an event, a party or a regular group activity? Contact Mike Abrams: t: 01457 763048 e: michaelabrams50@ It’s your space! community contacts page to sponsor this page, phone 01457 765350 Mottram Parish Magazine February 2015 Check out our website at Please support our advertisers Tell them you saw them in the Parish Mag!
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