ew N e Th Saint Frances Cabrini Parish “Come and See” MASS SCHEDULE Rev. Msgr. Michael P. McCormac, Pastor Deacon Mace M. Mazzoni Rev. Msgr. Michael K. Magee, Weekend Assistant SATURDAY EVENING VIGIL: 5:30 PM SUNDAY: 7:00, 9:00 & 11:00 AM MONDAY—SATURDAY: 9:30 AM HOLY DAYS: 6:30 AM, 12:00 Noon, 7:00 PM Rectory Office Hours: Monday-Friday: 9:00 AM-12:30 PM; 1:30-8:00 PM Phone Number: 215-946-4040 Fax Number: 215-943-1116 Email: parish@saintfrancescabrini.net Secretary: Mrs. JoAnn Holden Parish Business Manager: Mrs. Karen David Director of Parish Services: Miss Audrey Wilson Director of Music: Miss Jean Madden Choir Director: Ms. Regina Leidy Office of Religious Education Coordinator: Miss Alixandra Holden Phone Number: 215-946-1115 Fax Number: 215-943-1116 SCRIP Program Office Coordinator:: Mrs. Beth Lucidi Phone Number: 215-486-5960 Holy Family Regional Catholic School 2477 Trenton Road, Levittown, PA 19056 Phone Number: 215-269-9600 Fax Number: 215-269-9609 Website: www.HFRCS.org Email: hfrcs@HFRCS.org Principal: Mrs. Linda Robinson Assistant Principal: Mrs. Kara Haggerty Secretary: Mrs. Eileen Doyle Holy Family Regional CYO Athletic Ministry David Cunningham 215-788-8879 Altar Servers, Extraordinary Ministers Greeters & Readers Miss Audrey Wilson Bereavement Ministry Miss Audrey Wilson Bible Study Miss Audrey Wilson Contact for Persons with Disabilities Ms. Linda Carmona-Bell Ushers Mr. Terry Hughes Men’s Club Mr. Alfred Kotchi R.C.I.A. Mrs. Jane Costantini Respect Life Activities Miss Audrey Wilson Sodality Marge Dingman Youth Ministry Miss Alixandra Holden Rite of Reconciliation Saturday 4:15 PM—5:15 PM or by appointment Care of the Sick Please inform the rectory office in the event of sickness or hospitalization. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults Monday Evenings Baptism for Children First & Third Sunday at 1:00 PM. Please call the rectory for an appointment to make arrangements for a baptism. Baptism Preparation Please call the rectory for an appointment to make arrangements for baptism preparation. Welcome to the Parish Community We are pleased to welcome new members to our Parish Community. To register in the Parish Community, please call the rectory for an appointment. MISSION STATEMENT: We, the Catholic community of St. Frances Cabrini Parish, proclaim Jesus Christ, the Light of the world. He offers love, forgiveness, salvation to all. We commit ourselves to the sharing of his life and message through worship, family and community, evangelization, Catholic teaching, and Christian service. On this journey we entrust ourselves to Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. PARISH SITE: 325 SOUTH OXFORD VALLEY ROAD • FAIRLESS HILLS, PA 19030 WORSHIP SITE: 9164 NEW FALLS ROAD, FALLSINGTON, PA 19054 (215) 946-4040 • WWW.SAINTFRANCESCABRINI.NET OCTOBER 26, 2014 ~ THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME MASS INTENTIONS RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS (RCIA) BY JANE COSTANTINI The Webster’s Dictionary defines a journey as traveling from one place to another; a passage; a trip. All journeys start with a The 9:00 AM Sunday Mass will be celebrated for the plan; they have starting and ending points and sometimes stops deceased members of Saint Frances Cabrini Parish. along the way. Preparation includes the way you will travel and what you will need for the journey. In the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) we often talk about being on a “spiritual journey”. The starting point for every RCIA Inquirer is WEEK OF OCTOBER 26, 2014 answering their unique call of God. Opening their hearts and minds to discern what God is calling them to and who they are MONDAY WEEKDAY being called to become – their most authentic self. 9:30 AM Kevin Hanratty – Karen DeMario OCTOBER 26, 2014 TUESDAY 9:30 AM SAINTS SIMON AND JUDE, APOSTLES Emily Serenelli – John Serenelli WEDNESDAY WEEKDAY 9:30 AM Joe Blum – Joan Merz THURSDAY 9:30 AM WEEKDAY Bill Harkanson – his family FRIDAY 9:30 AM WEEKDAY Dorothy Stewart – Connie and Steve Plenski SATURDAY 9:30 AM ALL SAINTS Deacon Joseph Cella – Deacon Lou and Rose Hoelzle NOVEMBER 2, 2014 This journey of faith is traveled by all of us. Our spiritual journey starts when we are open to receive and respond to God’s call. Like static on a radio, we cannot always pick up God’s communications because we are not tuned into the broadcast. Often the lures of the culture, the expectations of others, and the variety of choices confuse and cloud the call. The journey of life is an unending process of unfolding this call. Our journey to the Father is nourished by prayer and trust. His grace helps us to hear His call clearly and allows us to be open and more responsive to God working in our lives. Our journey to God takes a lifetime! God calls us all into a relationship with Him. The call may involve changes in our life or a shift in our priorities. We have not arrived but are on our way – in transition; a lifetime of growing, learning, discovering, and becoming the best versions of ourselves. This journey is life long and unfolds gradually. Our joys and sorrows, ups and downs; are opportunities for growth and change. The Good News is that God is present throughout our lives even when we are not aware of His presence. Like in the poem “Footsteps in the Sand”, God always walks with us and continues to draw us near to Himself. A big part of becoming and being Catholic is learning to hear God’s voice and respond. Our Scriptures tell us many stories of The 7:00 AM Sunday Mass will be celebrated for the people hearing God and responding. Abraham heard God’s voice deceased members of Saint Frances Cabrini Parish. from an angel, a “messenger” of God, asking him to sacrifice his only son, Isaac. Confused and probably afraid, Abraham responds by trusting God’s voice (Gn 22). Moses heard God’s voice SANCTUARY LAMP MEMORIALS coming from a surprising and unusual source—a burning bush. He responded to this unexpected encounter with the Divine by The Sanctuary Lamps are both being provided this week in taking off his shoes and accepting God’s call to set his people free memory of Martha Mazzoni, as requested by Diane Dillon. (Ex 3). The Samaritan woman at the well heard God’s voice in the midst of her everyday chores, in an ordinary conversation BREAD AND WINE MEMORIAL with a stranger. She responded to Jesus by becoming the first evangelist proclaiming the Good News to her village (Jn 4). And The bread and wine are being provided this week as a Special Mary heard God’s voice in an angel with unbelievable and Intention. perhaps terrifying news for one so young—she would bear God’s child. She responded in faith with amen, “let it be done” (Lk 1). Perhaps Adam and Eve’s sin was not just disobeying God but not WE ARE A TITHING PARISH responding when he called, for when they heard his voice after GOD’S PLAN FOR GIVING eating the apple, they hid themselves (Gn 3). Last Week’s Sunday Collection $ 13,329 Unlike some of the Scripture stories, however, we will Parish Giving Electronic Fund Transfers $ 1,344 probably hear God’s voice in much more ordinary ways. Most of Total $ 14,673 us will never have an angel appear to us with a divine message from God. Nor will many of us encounter a burning bush or other Prior Year’s Sunday Collection $ 10,415 supernatural revelation of God. More than likely, we’ll hear God the way the woman at the well did—in a simple conversation with another person while doing the simple things we do everyday—or Page 1 ~ 228 ~ Saint Frances Cabrini Parish OCTOBER 26, 2014 ~ THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME the way Mary did—in an unexpected turn of events. As Catholics, FIRST RECONCILIATION MEETING we believe that God is constantly trying to reveal God’s self to A Mandatory First Reconciliation Meeting will take place each person, using the ordinary things we experience in our lives in Church on Thursday, October 30th at 7:00 PM. If you have to be the “messengers” for God’s word. In our family, friends, any questions, please call Alixandra Holden, in the Religious and the familiar events of our life, through the stranger and the Education Office, at 215-946-1115. new experience, and most especially in the poor, the outcast, and those events that shake us to the core, God is trying to say, “Here ANNUAL MEMORIAL MASS I am. Listen.” On Thursday, November 6, at 7:30 PM, we will gather for At critical moments in our lives, God’s voice may be very our Annual Memorial Mass. For this Mass, we have especially strong: at the birth of a new family member or at the death of a invited the family members of all those whose funeral was held loved one; when we fall in love, or when we break up; when here at Saint Frances Cabrini or at Saint Joseph the Worker within tragedy happens or when we are overwhelmed by goodness; when this last year. We invite all our parishioners, to come celebrate we are deciding on a career, a vocation, a life-long partner; when the life, the love and the faith of all those who have gone before we are hurt, or when we cannot forgive; when we need to choose us in faith. Following Mass, there will be refreshments served in a new way of life. When we hear God’s voice, we might feel unsettled or out of sorts. We might feel that we need to do Monsignor Woods Hall. Please contact the rectory if you plan to something, to make a change or be more resolved. Discovering attend this Mass. who God intends us to be our truest self, what God is asking of us SCRIPTURE READINGS at this moment in our life, and making a decision to act is called THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME discernment. Next week, we will focus on Discerning God’s First Reading: Exodus 22:20-26 Call. God gives the people a code of conduct which asks a great Are You Interested in the Catholic Faith? deal of them. They are called to be like God, who singles out the The Saint Frances Cabrini Parish Community invites you weak - the stranger, the widow, the orphan, the poor - for His to an Inquiry session to share the richness of the Catholic special protection. The law gets very specific at times - there are Church and our parish family. We invite you to learn what even laws about birds’ nests and architecture (Deuteronomy 22). the Church teaches, and be introduced to some of our parish The example of the neighbor’s cloak in this reading is a case in members. The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) point. But all these details are significant because they help sessions also are opportunities for you to ask the questions hammer the point home: the law is not just for big things, the you may have about the Church. These gatherings are for Decalogue; the law pervades every aspect of life. inquirers and are open to people who are unbaptized, those Second Reading: 1 Thessalonians 1:5C-10 who are baptized in another Christian tradition, and baptized Saint Paul encourages the Thessalonians by reminding them Catholics who have not received the sacraments of of their history, how they receive the word with joy in spite of Confirmation and Eucharist. Please contact Audrey Wilson if great affliction. Their powerful example of faith is known you would like further information at 215-946-4040. everywhere; their faith encouraged others to believe. Now Paul uses this reminder to give new hope to the Thessalonians STEWARDSHIP WEEKEND This being Stewardship Weekend, our parishioners have the themselves. Matthew 22:34-40 opportunity to express their interest in a Parish program, Gospel: A Pharisee comes to Jesus to test him by asking Him which organization or ministry. It is our hope that more and more parishioners will take an active role within the Parish commandment is the greatest. It is a question that is clearly Community. We ask that our parishioners reflect on the many intended to entrap Him. But Jesus responds without hesitation, gifts bestowed upon them by God and seek His will as to how directing the scholar to two Old Testament passages, to the Shema, the great prayer found in Deuteronomy 6:5, which was they might share themselves and their gifts with others. recited by observant Jews morning and evening and at other times Today, there is also a special second collection for the of the day as well. This commandment is to love God with one’s Annual Treasure Sunday Collection. whole being: heart, soul, and mind. The second commandment An Interest Card, which is available in the pews today, and (Leviticus 19:18), love of neighbor, is “like it” (Matthew 22:39). the Stewardship Envelope can be placed in the second collection These two commandments do not replace the others, but all the today or, if you prefer, at your convenience, can be dropped off at others depend on these. How do we love God? By loving our the rectory, or placed in another envelope and mailed to the neighbor. rectory. Thank you! CATHOLIC TV NETWORK DAILY ADORATION The CatholicTV Network, America’s Catholic Television Network, is now available to cable and satellite providers in our area. Please help provide this upbeat, youthful and exciting Catholic network and a powerful resource to the people of our area and the entire nation. To help, simply visit Come and sit in silence before the Lord. Bring your sorrows, GetCatholicTV.com as an easy way to petition your cable or your joys, and your hopes. Wait patiently. He will reveal His satellite provider. If you are unable to access the internet please follow up with a postcard or letter to your provider. loving will for your life. Our Lady of the Eucharist Adoration Chapel is located on the grounds of St. Joseph the Worker in the former convent building. The Adoration Chapel is open daily from 8:00 AM until 6:00 PM. All are welcome to come and pray. Page 2 ~ 228 ~ Saint Frances Cabrini Parish OCTOBER 26, 2014 ~ THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME TRUNK OR TREAT OCTOBER 26th Trunk or Treat will be celebrated this Sunday, October 26th at 3:00 PM. Parishioners are invited to gather and park their cars in our Father Laut parking lot. From their open trunks or the back of their vehicles, they can hand out candy to the children. Participants may decorate their trunks or the back of their vehicles. Others are welcome to come to the parking lot and bring lawn chairs and join the others in passing out candy. All children are invited to participate by coming dressed in their Halloween costumes. This event provides a safe environment for trick or treaters. It is a wonderful opportunity for us to gather and celebrate as a community of faith. There will be refreshments for all. Please call Alixandra Holden, our Director of Youth Ministry, at 215946-1115 for more information. SFC YOUTH GROUP HAYRIDE AND BONFIRE On Sunday, November 2nd, from 6:00PM – 8:00 PM, all 4th-8th Grade SFC Parishioners and their families and friends are invited to attend a hayride and bonfire with the SFC Youth Group at Snipes Farm in Morrisville. The cost is $3 per person and includes the hayride, bonfire, and marshmallows for toasting. Registration Forms are available at the Rectory or you may contact Heather McGurrin at 215-428-2450. HAUNTED HOUSE SPOOKTACULAR All are welcome to a Haunted House Event, October 30th, 31 and November 1st from 7:00 PM to 11:00 PM at Immaculate Conception Rectory Building! Three floors and 13 rooms of sheer terror! Cost is only $15 per person! Sponsored by Conwell Egan Catholic and Queen of the Universe! st LIKE US ON FACEBOOK! Keep up with what’s happening at St. Frances Cabrini! Like us on Facebook! Information is updated through the week, so sign up to receive updates via your favorite social media source. Help us spread the word about what’s happening at the new St. Frances Cabrini Parish! “HOW BLESSED ARE YOU!” RETREAT All are welcome to retreat by Sr. Joanne Bauer, SBS at the Shrine of St. Katharine Drexel on Saturday, November 1st from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Cost is $25 per person, includes lunch and praise music by Face Down. Face Down will perform from 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM in the Mission Center Auditorium. Please RSVP to Tina Gerlach 215-244-9900. PRAY FOR THE SICK Please pray for the following people and those who care for them: Fay Blum Lorraine Brutschea Dolores Chappell Barbara Chase Deborah Condon Vera Cuttone Sam Coniglio Jake Davis Nancy Durante Tom Ford Michael Friel Michael Frozzitta Toni Gibilante Patrick Haney Joan Hatton Bill Hausmann Betty Hentz Lynn Schmidt-Hickman Bill Hilbert Paul Howe Keith Jackel Bethany Malloy Marge Mudrick Nick Pipito Thomas Joseph Polcha Jim Powell Kenneth Rafferty Noreen Redding Diane Rogers Ruth Savage Keith Simon Charlotte Sinon Florence Snook Dianne Tufo Mara Volpe Janice Wicher Juliann Williamson Stella York PRAY FOR THE DECEASED As we remember to pray for all of our personal families and our parish family, we sadly announce the death of Stanley Bradley, Matthew Byer, Joseph Flynn and Judith Leyden. We ask for your prayers for them and their families. May the Lord Jesus bring all our loved ones into His Kingdom. CONWELL EGAN CRAFT FAIR POT OF GOLD The Ladies Association of Conwell-Egan will be hosting a Fall Craft Fair on November 2nd, 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM at Conwell-Egan Catholic High School. There will be over 100 crafters, food, bake table, raffle table, and Santa Claus will be making an appearance. If you would like to be a vendor, email lace@conwell-egan.org for more information. On Monday, October 20th, the winning numbers were: 17 – 18 – 29 – 30 – 33. The winning numbers are posted weekly on our website at www.saintfrancescabrini.net. There were three consolation prize winners who received $334 each. ST. KATHERINE DREXEL CENTER CRAFT SHOW WINNER Heiser Amy Naylor Greg Scar SELLER Heiser Naylor Squiccimara Mark your calendar for the Annual Katherine Drexel Craft Show scheduled for Saturday, November 8th from 9:00 AM to This week’s drawing will take place on Monday, October 3:00 PM. Vendors are needed; please call 215-244-9900 x380 27th, at 7:00 PM in the Multi-Purpose Room located behind for more information or to reserve a spot. Monsignor Woods Hall. The jackpot is now: $30,000 INDOOR FLEA MARKET The Court St. Mark, Catholic Daughters of the Americas, is sponsoring an Indoor Flea Market on Saturday, November 8th Tickets are available in the vestibule of the church, at the from 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM at St. Mark’s School Hall on rectory and at the Scrip Office. Thank you for supporting the Radcliffe Street in Bristol. Vendor tables are available for $15, to Parish. reserve a table or for more information, please call 215-945-1169. Page 3 ~ 228 ~ Saint Frances Cabrini Parish JOHN J. COOK, JR. Oxford Valley Pharmacy Attorney at Law Barbara A. Parker Parishioner Cell: 267.408.3285 www.BarbaraParker.net 65 South Main St., Yardley, PA 19067 ALLIED ORTHODONTICS Daniel Chen, DMD 402 Middletown Blvd., Ste. 200 Langhorne, PA 19047 (215) 750-6000 • www.alliedorthodontics.com Serving PA, NJ & DE 215-639-8500 Follow us on: SPECIALIZING IN BASEMENT WATERPROOFING & MOLD REMEDIATION SINCE 1984 DRAINAGE SYSTEMS • PUMPS • COATINGS FOUNDATION REPAIR OUTSIDE WATER MANAGEMENT EMERGENCY SERVICE FREE INSPECTIONS LICENSED & INSURED Check out our reviews on: www.morganbasementwaterproofing.com Wedding Invitations & Holiday Cards JACKSON, COOK, CARACAPPA & SCOTT People First Pharmacy 215-269-7900 312 Oxford Valley Rd., Fairless HIlls 215-946-4342 Wills • Estate Planning Probate • Personal Injury Family & Criminal Law 403 S. OXFORD VALLEY RD. 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