October 26, 2014 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time Queen of All Saints 6603 Christopher Drive, St. Louis, MO 63129-4919 314.846.8207 Rev. Msgr. Joseph M. Simon, Pastor Deacon Richard H. Schellhase www.qasstl.org Rev. Brian S. Fallon, Associate Pastor Deacon Joseph J. Wingbermuehle Mission Statement As members of Queen of All Saints Parish we are a community united in the Catholic faith, nourished by the Eucharist, and sent to make Christ known to all through word and deed. Holy Sacrifice of Mass Eucharistic Adoration Sunday Mass (Saturday Vigil 5:00 p.m.) 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 a.m., 12:00 noon Tuesdays 8:45 a.m. - Wednesdays 6:00 a.m. Weekday Mass Tuesday 7:00 p.m. Monday - Friday 6:15 and 8:15 a.m. Perpetual Help Devotions and Benediction Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday 8:15 a.m. Saturday 7:45 a.m., 4:00 - 4:45 p.m. Holidays: Refer to bulletin inside Anytime: Contact the parish priest (314) 846-8207 QUEEN OF ALL SAINTS 6603 CHRISTOPHER DRIVE ST. LOUIS, MO 63129-4919 PASTORAL STAFF (846-8207) Rev. Msgr. Joseph M. Simon, Pastor………………............Ext. 204 Rev. Brian S. Fallon, Associate Pastor……………………..Ext. 205 Deacon Richard Schellhase………………………………...Ext. 251 Deacon Joseph Wingbermuehle……………………………Ext. 252 Sadie Wingbermuehle, DRE, Adult Faith Formation……...Ext. 206 Dr. Cathy Johns, Ed.D., Principal of QAS School………...Ext. 305 Carrie Sallwasser, CRE, Principal of PSR…………………Ext. 311 Christine Detwiler, Youth Minister………….………..…...Ext. 232 Christopher Dunn, Liturgical Music…………………...…471-4659 TELEPHONES/OFFICE HOURS Rectory/Parish Office Phone (Ext. 200)………………….846-8207 School Phone (Ext. 300)………………………………….846-0506 PSR Phone (Ext. 312)…………………………………….846-8126 Coordinator of Liturgical Music, Christopher Dunn……..471-4659 Limbach Hall (Ext. 313)….…………………………........846-8207 School Nurse (Ext. 323)…………………………………..846-0506 School Cafeteria (Ext. 325)……………………………….846-0506 Fax Number – Rectory…………………………...……….846-0636 Fax Number - School……………….…………..…...……846-4939 Adult Resource Center (ARC) (Ext. 208)……..……….....846-8207 Youth Minister (Ext. 232)……………………….…....…..846-8207 Church Hall (Ext. 276)……………………………….…...846-8207 Rectory Meeting Room (Ext. 209)…………………......…846-8207 Athletic Field Concession Stand………………...……......293-0585 Athletic Field Rainout Number………..……….…….…...846-4402 Web Sites: Parish/School/PSR: www.qasstl.org (Click on link for School or PSR) Home & School Association: http://www.qasstl.org/content/home-and-school-association Activities Association: www.qasaa.org Archdiocese of St. Louis: www.archstl.org E-Mail Address: Parish Msgr. Simon Fr. Fallon Sadie Wingbermuehle, RCIA, & Pastoral Care queenparish@qasstl.org jms@qasstl.org frfallon@qasstl.org wingbermuehles@qasstl.org Christine Detwiler, Youth Ministry Office youthminister@qasstl.org Dr. Cathy Johns, Ed.D., johnsc@qasstl.org Principal of QAS School sallwasserc@qasstl.org Carrie Sallwasser, CRE, PSR Principal Holly Wille, PSR Secretary willeh@qasstl.org Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/QASstl Twitter: @QASSTL PARISH OFFICE HOURS: 8:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. M-F ADULT RESOURCE CENTER is located in the Church Hall. BULLETIN DEADLINE is Monday at 4:00 p.m. All announcements must have a name and telephone number attached. Announcements are published one time only but will be repeated if requested. Send to: queenparish@qasstl.org BAPTISMS following Sunday Masses, 1:15 p.m. Arrangements must be made through the parish office. Anyone who has never attended a Baptismal Preparation Program must attend prior to the Baptism. It is recommended that the parents attend the class before the birth of their child. The Program is held the 4th Wednesday of January, March, May, July, September, and the 3rd Wednesday of November at 7:00 p.m. in the Adult Resource Center. Please contact the parish office to make a reservation. MARRIAGES must be arranged with one of the priests at the parish office. Preparation must be at least six months prior to anticipated date of wedding. FUNERALS must be arranged through a priest at the parish office. If a family member dies, who resides outside QAS, please notify the parish office. HOLY ORDERS and CONSECRATED (RELIGIOUS) LIFE: Anyone discerning a religious vocation should contact a parish priest or the Archdiocesan Office of Vocations at 314-792-6460. ANOINTING AND PASTORAL CARE OF SICK: Please notify the parish office to arrange for the Sacrament of the Sick or a pastoral visit. Also please notify the parish office when someone is admitted to the hospital. Because hospitals are by law not permitted to share patient information, the hospitals do not notify the parish of parishioner patients. PRAYER LINE: debply@hotmail.com or 846-6859 MEALS for sick or recovering: Pastoral Care, 846-8207, ext .206 RIDES to church or doctors: Pastoral Care, 846-8207, ext. 206 ST. VINCENT DE PAUL REQUESTS: Contact the parish office (Ext. 200)…………..……846-8207 FOR THE HEARING IMPAIRED: A hearing device is available that transmits information from the P.A. System. The device is available in the rear vesting sacristy. Personal ear pieces are available at Radio Shack. NEW PARISHIONERS are asked to contact the parish office. If you have a change of address or if you move out of the Parish, please notify the parish office, 846-8207, Ext. 200. QUEEN OF ALL SAINTS PARISH COUNCIL MEMBERS parishcouncil@qasstl.org Rev. Msgr. Joseph M. Simon, Pastor Rev. Brian Fallon, Associate Pastor Scott Gurley, Chairperson Mike Redd, Vice-Chairperson Sheila McDonald, Secretary Dino Busalachi, Christian Formation Jeanne Herzberg, Christian Service Tim Tierney, Finance Council Patty Stevens, Liturgy Betsi Nappier, Social Life Jeff Dreste, Stewardship 846-8207, ext. 204 846-8207, ext. 205 846-5366 846-6510 846-1810 846-0295 293-1983 846-5464 846-2856 846-2745 846-7076 October 26, 2014 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time CARDINAL RIGALI CENTER 20 ARCHBISHOP MAY DRIVE ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI 63119 P) 314.792.7841 F) 314.792.7842 Monsignor Simon is out of town and returns to the parish Monday evening. NOT OBLIGATORY The Feast of All Saints in next Saturday, November 1. It is not a holy day of obligation this year because it falls on a Saturday. Nevertheless, Catholics are encouraged to attend Holy Mass to celebrate the canonized saints who have been recognized for their witness to Christ. Mass next Saturday will be celebrated at 8:15 a.m. EMERGENCY APPEAL FOR SCHOOL FURNITURE / FIXTURES / SUPPLIES AND HVAC SYSTEMS Queen of All Saints Parish in need of immediate cash to cover the replacement of school furniture, ceiling tiles, fixtures, and education supplies, and for repairs to or replacement of HVAC units in the school. These cash needs are directly related to the mold remediation effort that took place in the school in September. The Finance Council foresees a need for a pledge from each family payable over the next 6 – 9 months, this in addition to ordinary monthly or weekly contributions. A special letter will arrive at each registered parishioner home this week containing a donation envelope for “Mold Remediation Appeal”. Donations may also be made through Faith Direct (enroll at the parish office or online at Faith Direct; the QAS parish code is MO86). Once the final expense for the remediation of the church hall and the school is determined, the Finance Council will provide an itemized report. We appreciate your assistance in covering these extraordinary expenses which obviously were not known at the time the budget was prepared for this year. Prayers for Priests Campaign A prayer campaign for all Priests, Deacons, Seminarians, and Consecrated Religious continues to Monday, December 8, 2014, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. All parishioners are invited to sign a pledge to pray ten Hail Marys each day now to December 8. Sign-up sheets are located on the tables in the rear of church. The completed, returned pledges will be bound in book form and presented to the Archbishop on Saturday, December 6, 2014 at the 5pm Mass at the Cathedral Basilica. All are welcome to attend this Mass. ARCHDIOCESE OF ST. LOUIS OFFICE OF THE ARCHBISHOP October 14, 2014 Dear Parishioner, In the United States today, numerous Catholic sisters, brothers, and religious order priests past age 70 benefit from the Retirement Fund for Religious collection. Donations to this special collection provide funding for support that helps religious communities care for senior members and plan for long-term retirement needs. On the weekend of November 2, all parishes in the Archdiocese of St. Louis will take up the annual collection for the Retirement Fund for Religious, an opportunity for you to acknowledge the thousands of senior Catholic sisters, brothers, and religious order priests for their faithful service. Whether or not we realize it, we are all beneficiaries of the tremendous contributions these women and men have made to the Church in the United States. Through hard work, prayer, and sacrifice, they built Catholic schools and hospitals, initiated programs to promote social justice, and ministered to the neediest among us. As I reflect on the dedication of elderly religious, I remain grateful for the ways they have shaped my own faith and for the tremendous service they have offered our archdiocese. Today, many religious communities struggle to care for their elderly members. Increasing health-care costs and decreased income make it difficult to provide necessary medical care, costly medications and basic services. Aging convents and other facilities pose additional challenges in terms of safety and handicap accessibility. You are asked to support numerous important causes in need of financial support. In thanksgiving for all that senior religious have done, please join me in supporting the Retirement Fund for Religious and in praying for God’s continued blessing on our nation’s elderly sisters, brothers, and religious order priests. Sincerely yours in Christ, Most Reverend Robert J. Carlson Archbishop of St. Louis October 26, 2014 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time Whoever sacrifices to any god, save to the Lord only, shall be utterly destroyed” (Exodus 22:20) Do you put other “gods” before God? Is your love of money, power, status or some personal possession greater than your love for God? If so, you may want to pay attention to the scripture reading because you are not going to like the outcome. The good news - it’s not too late to put God first in your life. Offertory Collection for the weekend of October 19, 2014: Offertory: Loose: Capital Improvement Fund: St. Vincent de Paul: Tuition Assistance: Permanent Diaconate: Mold Mediation Appeal: World Mission Sunday: $12,939.10 $ 565.00 $ 485.00 $ 355.00 $ 0.00 $ 85.00 $ 6,910.00 $ 1,565.00 Capital Improvement Fund-FD: Friends for Life-FD: Mission Sunday-FD: Mold Remediation Appeal-FD: Offertory-FD: Old Cathedral Restoration-FD: One-Time-Gift-FD: Permanent Diaconate-FD: St. Vincent de Paul-FD: Tuition Assistance-FD: $ 85.00 $ 20.00 $ 50.00 $ 50.00 $ 3,281.00 $ 10.00 $ 540.00 $ 25.00 $ 180.00 $ 50.00 FD = Faith Direct DONATE THROUGH YOUR iPHONE More than one-third, 35.7%, of regular donors contribute through the Faith Direct electronic-giving program. Currently 223 donors are enrolled in the program. The average weekly donation of Faith Direct donations is $6,952.49 which is $361,529.48 per year. Did you know that now you can give to Queen of All Saints using your iPhone? In 2013 Faith Direct introduced their new iPhone app. Existing Faith Direct users can now manage every aspect of their account right from their iPhone or iPod. This exciting new addition to eGiving at Queen of All Saints is another great reason to use Faith Direct for your gifts of treasure. To learn more about the Faith Direct iPhone App, scan this QR Code with your iPhone or iPod and download the app today! Don't have a Faith Direct account? Enroll online by visiting www.faithdirect.net and use our church code, MO86, or pick up an enrollment form from the parish office to get started! ORDINARY AND EXTRAORDINARY SUPPORT OF QAS VIA FAITH DIRECT Ordinary monthly operations continue during the mold expenditure appeal at Queen of All Saints. We appreciate financial support of all parishioners during the mold crisis. Please consider adding Mold Remediation Appeal to your monthly or weekly donation choices at Faith Direct, the parish's electronic eGiving program. Everyone’s to-do lists can get lengthy in the fall, but Faith Direct's eGiving program will give you one less thing to remember each week - no more envelopes to find and checks to write before you go to Mass. Enroll today by visiting www.faithdirect.net and use our church or parish code, MO86, or pick up an enrollment form from the parish office to get started! Thank you for your prayerful support of Queen of All Saints. God Bless! Monsignor Simon and the Finance Council SUPPORT QUEEN OF ALL SAINTS SCHOOL BY DONATING TO THE“TUITION ASSISTANCE FUND” A monthly contribution to the Tuition Assistance Fund will assist QAS in providing $35,956 in tuition grants to 16 school families that were awarded tuition assistance for 2014-15. Your donation provides financial assistance to those families who have qualified for tuition assistance. Are you someone looking for a way to assist a school family with their tuition? It’s a win-win decision, both for families desiring Catholic education for their children but facing difficulties paying for tuition, and for donors who can assist these families through tax-deductible contributions to the Tuition Assistance Fund (the pink envelope in the monthly packet or through Faith Direct at www.faithdirect.net. The parish code for enrolling in Faith Direct is MO86). CHANGING FAITH DIRECT DONATION??? If you are increasing your weekly or monthly donation via Faith Direct, please contact them at faithdirect.net, then your e-mail address and password. Or perhaps you desire to increase your second collection (extra appeals) donation amounts. New donors must use the church code for Queen of All Saints, MO86 and follow the instructions. Also, if your credit card number has changed, please notify Faith Direct of the new card number. One-Time Gift Through Faith Direct Make a One-Time Gift to Queen of All Saints! Scan this QR Code with your smart phone to make a One-Time donation to Queen of All Saints using our secure mobile gift page. (Please note: donors already registered with Faith Direct should not use this code. They are already set up under a different electronic program.) October 26, 2014 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time CARDINAL RIGALI CENTER 20 ARCHBISHOP MAY DRIVE ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI 63119 P) 314.792.7841 F) 314.792.7842 ARCHDIOCESE OF ST. LOUIS The Little Burgundy Book Six Minute Reflections on Stewardship In light of the Gospel of Matthew OFFICE OF THE ARCHBISHOP October 6, 2014 Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, In January 2014, our Holy Father Pope Francis proclaimed a “Year of Consecrated Life” to begin the weekend of November 29, 2014, and conclude on the World Day of Consecrated Life, February 2, 2016. The purpose of this year is to make a “grateful remembrance” of the past, to “embrace the future with hope,” while living passionately in the present. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) recently announced some activities and resources to help the faithful learn more about the consecrated life of religious men and women. These include: February 8, 2015: Religious Open House. Events will be coordinated to also celebrate the World Meeting of Families to take place in Philadelphia and will include tours, open houses, receptions, family activities, and presentations on the history of religious communities at convents, abbeys, monasteries and religious houses. Summer 2015: Day of Mission and Service with Religious. Events will include joining religious in their apostolates or special service projects, such as assisting the elderly, ministering to the poor and homeless, and caring for the less fortunate. September 13, 2015: Day of Prayer with Religious. Events will include vespers, rosary or holy hours in convents, monasteries, religious houses, parishes and churches. The USCCB is also encouraging dioceses and archdioceses around the country to take ownership of this special year-long celebration by planning activities and events in their local regions. In the Archdiocese of St. Louis, we are blessed to have more than 1,800 professed men and women religious in nearly 80 distinct communities. The lives of many Catholics and nonCatholics alike have been greatly influenced through Catholic schools and charity organizations run by these religious communities. This coming Year of Consecrated Life will afford them all a mutually enriching opportunity to showcase the special way in which they serve Our Lord through their charisms and community life. I urge all the clergy, religious orders, parishes, schools and all Catholics of the Archdiocese of St. Louis to participate in this year-long celebration of religious life. The Office of Consecrated Life, under the direction of Sr. Marysia Weber, will be coordinating all our efforts locally in the archdiocese. You can expect to receive more information from Sr. Marysia leading up to and through the Year of Consecrated Life. To share your ideas or volunteer to help, you may contact her at marysiaweber@archstl.org or 314.792.7251. Sincerely yours in Christ, Archbishop Robert J. Carlson Stewardship is not a peripheral part of the Gospels, with references to it found here and there. It is an underlying theme of Scripture. Actually, “Stewardship” is a one-word summary of the Christian way of life. Although this book is undated and can be used at any time of the year or for personal reflection, the Sunday pages lead up to four weeks before Ecumenical Stewardship Sunday (the second Sunday in November). Each of us is asked to spend six minutes a day with this Little Book and enjoy one of our oldest traditions of prayer called lectio divina – sacred reading. Even though Stewardship Sunday has past, these books are still available in the back of church and in the vestibule. Take one – they are free! STEWARDSHIP CD STILL AVAILABLE! What does it mean to be a faithful steward? How is stewardship intimately linked with the Eucharist as a response of our faith in God for His many blessings? Fr. John Lanzrath shows us how to develop an attitude of gratitude to grow in grace, incorporate a spirituality of stewardship in every aspect of daily life, and overcome the selfishness that keeps us from recognizing God's gifts. October 26, 2014 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time Christian Initiation of Adults EUCHARISTIC ADORATION RITE OF ACCEPTANCE and WELCOMING At the 9:00am Mass on October 26th, we as a faith community welcome those persons who are continuing on their journey to discern their call of becoming Catholics. It is the privilege of the worshipping community to be a prayer support to these candidates for this coming year. Every Sunday at the 9:00am Mass, after the homily, the candidates will be dismissed from the assembly and continue to study the teachings of the Church. Michelle Clark Stephanie Dulay Ashley Holloway Tony Frost Patrick Mittendorf Robert Schweizer We, the RCIA team, ask that you pray for us this coming year. Thank you for your support and encouragement. Monsignor Joseph Simon, Father Brian Fallon, Deacon Rich Schellhase, Deacon Joe Wingbermuehle, Peggy Hart, Tom Hart, Christina Kennedy, Connie Lohse, Lisa Messmer, Craig Messmer, Ed Murphy, Sheryl Murphy, Marilyn Stanley, Ralph Stanley and Sadie Wingbermuehle This is Our Lord Jesus Christ the King! O worship the King! This is always possible during Eucharistic Adoration. Can we not give just one hour a week to be with Him during Eucharistic Adoration? Please sign up for an hour with the Living God. THE BLESSED SACRAMENT IS EXPOSED EVERY TUESDAY FROM 8:45 A.M. TO WEDNESDAY AT 6:00 A.M. For more information, contact the Parish Office, 846-8207, ext. 200 Eucharistic Adoration Volunteer I commit the following time each Tuesday/Wednesday to the Lord present in the Blessed Sacrament on the altar at Queen of All Saints Church: Name____________________________________ Phone____________________________________ Time_____________________________________ (Adoration: Tuesday, 8:30 a.m. to Wednesday 6:00 a.m.) Please pray for those who are ill or hospitalized: Everette Huegerich, Michael Maniaci, Dolores McMullin, Debbie Mecca, Greg Slesinski, Kathleen Hediger, Nicole Koenig, Russ Beerman, Sr., Karen Thaman, Ron Dieckmann, Kelly Mueller, Neri Prichard, Mary Christisen, Norma Stillman, Steve Kohner, Bernadette (Buerke) Valko, Joe Klein, Patricia Cragen, Rosemary Nagy, Gerry Everding, Cathy Coughlin, Jackie McClanahan, Annie (Pozzo) Meahl, Gary Meadows, James Mercurio, Gene Buerke, Audrey Kriegshauser, Mary Ann Amato, Greg Mueller. Bann III Bann III BEGINNING AGAIN OF SOUTH COUNTY CATHOLIC CHURCHES ...Is sponsoring an Annulment Information Seminar, presented by Sr. Donna Fischer, SSND, on Sunday, Nov. 16, 6:00-8:00 pm at Mary Mother of the Church, 5901 Kerth Rd, in classroom below the church. Sr. Donna has helped many through the annulment process and will share her knowledge and provide an opportunity for questions. There is no charge. For further information call 314-894-1373. We welcome the newest member to our parish family: Finnegan Patrick, son of Mr. & Mrs. Michael Jacks, 3279 Patterson Place, #205. Trisha Detwiler and Brad Adank Leah Stanko and Andrew Kemlage Please pray for Bernadine Gliedt, mother of Sue Miller; for Michael Gross, father of Jim (Joni) Gross. May God welcome them and comfort their families in their time of sorrow. Congratulations to our newest married couple, Mr. & Mrs. Steven Jacquin. May God continue to bless their love abundantly. Congratulations to Mark and Maureen Moore celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary. BOOK FAIR! Reading is the most important skill you can teach a child. Of all the skills children learn, reading is the one on which you have the most influence. The Queen of All Saints School invites you to our “Sir Readalot’s Castle Book Fair” being held in the school library after the 9:00 a.m., 10:30 a.m. and 12:00 Noon Masses on November 9. October 26, 2014 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time ST. VINCENT DEPAUL SOCIETY CHRISTMAS SHARING PROGRAM The St. Vincent DePaul Society is starting the “Christmas Sharing Program”. This program is a two-fold program consisting of the Adopt-A-Family and the Giving Tree. WHEN: December 14, 2014 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. WHERE: Queen of All Saints Church This 90 minute mission blends the God given musical talents of Michael James Mette with the genuine inspirational message of Greg Wasinski. This presentation is intended to challenge and re-charge your parish with a spirit of HOPE! This single night collaboration uses the universal language of music to encourage people to participate. Reflective and traditional songs will compliment selections from Michael's albums “Bring Forth the Light” and “Always What I Need.” Catholics can relate to Greg's stories, which weave scripture through real life experiences. The examples from Greg's book “Where Faith & Real Life Come Together...” will encourage the audience to see how God is at work in everyday life. All of this is highlighted by Greg's compelling witness, a story of a spiritual awakening from that of a lapsed cradle Catholic to a passionate Catholic speaker. The evening will culminate with Michael and Greg providing an opportunity for all ages to re-focus on Christ and re-commit themselves to their Catholic faith. Greg and Michael will encourage people to enter into their own journey to “Bethlehem” to bring Christ into this world every day. This year will be the same personal program as last year. If you adopt a family you will be purchasing for a specific family with a wish list provided by the family. The Giving Tree items will also be a specific wish for a designated recipient. Family wish lists for the Adopt-A-Family program will be available in the Church Hall after all the Masses the weekend of October 25 & 26 and every weekend until all families are adopted, but no later than November 15 & 16. If you need a family wish list mailed to you or you need more information on the program, please contact Mercedes Knese at 8462635 or email to mknese@live.com. The Giving Tree will be set up in the main lobby of the Church the weekend of November 22 & 23. At that time you will be able to take one or more gift tags off the tree, listing the specific item to purchase for the designated individual. These tags will range from clothing and toys to household items or gift cards. This year all UNWRAPPED gifts for both parts of the program will be collected in the Church Hall the weekend of December 12, 13 & 14. We will be in the hall Friday, December 12, from Noon – 7:00 PM; Saturday, December 13, from 8:30 AM – 6:00 PM and Sunday, December 14, from 7:00 AM – Noon. Members of St. Vincent DePaul Society will deliver all gifts starting at 1:00 PM. Queen of all Saints Night at Orange Leaf Come support our school at Orange Leaf. Sunday, November 9, from 4 to 9 pm. 25% of ALL proceeds will go to Queen of All Saints Home & School. Invite your family & friends to visit Orange Leaf. Please mention you are there for the QAS Fundraiser for your purchase to count. Orange Leaf - Telegraph Location ONLY - in Dierberg’s Plaza October 26, 2014 ALL SOULS ENVELOPE The special envelope in your packet for All Souls Day, November 2, is for Masses for deceased family members and friends who will be included in our Purgatorial Society Mass Intention listed in our bulletin weekly. Names on this envelope will not appear as individual Mass intentions. BOOK OF THE DEAD The Book of the Dead will be in the main lobby of the church during the entire month of November. You are welcome to add names at any time during this month. We also hope everyone will remember the names that are in the book in their prayers. The names of the persons you write in the book do not have to be members of the parish and it is not limited to someone who passed away this year. In fact, you can repeat someone’s name from a previous year. 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time Youth Ministry LIFE TEEN MASS AND LIFE NIGHTS Starting in October, we will be adding another youth Mass to each month. The FIRST and THIRD Sundays of every month, we will celebrate Life Teen Mass at Noon. Teens are invited to sit in the first couple of pews with the other teens. All welcome! Following the Life Teen Masses, the youth group will meet for Life Nights (Creative nights on Catholic Teaching, Morality and Current Issues) from 7:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m. in the Church or cafeteria. We will no longer meet immediately following the noon Mass. Thursday Night Prayer Group Every Thursday, the youth group gathers for prayer group from 7:30 p.m.-9:00 p.m. in the Church Hall. Bring a friend! Adoration at Queen Mark your calendars! Open to everyone in the parish, EVERY 3rd Thursday will be Adoration at Queen, a night of worship music, a short reflection and time in Adoration from 7:30 p.m.-9:00 p.m in the Church. We invite you to come experience Christ in a new way! Upcoming date: November 20th: Church Fall Retreat Save the date now before your schedule books up! QAS Fall Retreat, open to all high school teens, will be November 14-16th. Forms available on QAS website or in the youth office. Pro-Life March in Washington D.C. QAS will be attending the Pro-Life March to Washington D.C. January 21-25th. Forms available on QAS website or in the youth office. Registration due October 9th. Murder Mystery Party QAS Life Teen will host a Murder Mystery Party Thursday, October 30th from 7:30 p.m.-9:00 p.m. $10, dinner included. Registration due October 23rd. All proceeds will go to Pro-Life March funds. Forms available in youth office or contact Christine at youthminister@qasstl.org. Join Facebook group Queen of All Saints Youth Ministry for weekly posts about upcoming events and follow us on Twitter @QAS_YM. October 26, 2014 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time K of C Mouse Races Order Your Tickets Today TICKETS ARE LIMITED! When: November 1, 2014 Where: Queen of All Saints Time: Doors open at 6:30 p.m., first race begins at 7:15 p.m. Optional Activities: 50/50 Drawings “Mouse Roulette” *Admission: $25 per couple $12.50 per individual $100 for a table of 8 How To Order Tickets: Online at www.qaskofc.com Call John Berra, 314-596-7014 *Admission price includes beer, soda and snacks. Feel free to BYOB and additional snacks. Virtual Pilgrimage of Lourdes, France St. Margaret Mary Alacoque Parish 4900 Ringer Road, St. Louis, MO 63129 North American Lourdes Volunteers will present a 90minute prayerful VIRTUAL PILGRIMAGE to Lourdes, France, at St. Margaret Mary Alacoque Parish on Sunday, November 2, at 7 pm. During this guided Lourdes experience, you will immerse yourself in the Gospel Message of Lourdes as given by Our Lady to St. Bernadette. You will have the opportunity to touch the Grotto Rock and to experience the healing grace of Lourdes Water. As part of this spiritual opportunity to draw nearer to God with Our Lady and St. Bernadette, you will receive a Eucharistic blessing and pray the Rosary. A Plenary Indulgence is granted to all the faithful, under the usual conditions, who attend a Virtual Pilgrimage with North American Lourdes Volunteers. Come and experience the healing grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ through His Immaculate Mother. Invite your family, children and friends! LADIES OF THE PARISH Plan to attend a shopping extravaganza! The 5th Annual QAS Holiday Boutique Queen of All Saints School Thursday, Nov. 6, 2013 5:30pm-9pm 6611 Christopher, St. Louis, MO 63129 NEW**Admission – a “personal hygiene” product for the St. Vincent DePaul Society Vendors-there are a still spaces available! (See application in the back of this bulletin.) The next best thing to visiting Lourdes itself is a Pilgrimage journey without the travel! Our Lady extends her invitation to all! Questions? Contact Becky Giegling 401-1207 or bgiegling@aol.com For more information, call 314-892-1262. Unique Vendors Raffles Great gift ideas October 26, 2014 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time Queen of All Saints is excited to partner with the St. Louis Cardinals on our First-Ever Cardinals Calendar Fundraiser! Important details for this fundraiser: Destination: Camp Wyman (35 minutes away) Date: November 14-16, 2014 Cost: $105 due October 30 Arrival Time: 6:30 p.m. at QAS November 14th Return Time: After 12:00 Noon Mass November 16th Transportation: Car-Adult drivers Forms available on www.qasstl.org or in the Youth Ministry office. Form with payment due to Christine or the rectory by October 30th. Please make checks payable to QAS. PRO-LIFE ELECTION EVE MASS The sale will run October 15 to November 17. Calendars will be available to pick up in early December – just in time for Christmas! Each Calendar is $15, and our school keeps 45% or $7 per Calendar. Checks are made payable to Queen of All Saints. You are invited to join in an evening of prayer FOR THE GREAT NEEDS OF OUR TIME - RESPECT for all human life, support for traditional marriage and for religious freedom - on the eve of the election, November 3, 2014, at Saint Gabriel the Archangel Church, Nottingham at Tamm. Bishop Robert J. Hermann will be the Principal Celebrant and Speaker at the 7:30 p.m. Mass. Rosary will be recited at 7:00 p.m. The Cardinals Calendar makes for a great holiday gift item, perfect for family, friends, clients and employees! This 15 x 22 inch calendar will include 2015 spring training and regular season schedules as well as beautiful images by club photographers that will celebrate the club’s championship season! A special image of Our Lady of Guadalupe will be at the Mass. It has been blessed and touched to the original timlma at the Shrine in Mexico City, and also received a Papal Blessing from Pope John Paul II in Rome. You are invited to touch the image before or after the Mass. Please contact Dana Kiley at 314-210-3550 or kileyfamily2007@gmail.com for purchase! READINGS FOR THE WEEK - October 26, 2014 Monday: Eph 4:32 — 5:8; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 13:10-17 Tuesday: Eph 2:19-22; Ps 19:2-5; Lk 6:12-16 Wednesday: Eph 6:1-9; Ps 145:10-14; Lk 13:22-30 Thursday: Eph 6:10-20; Ps 144:1b, 2, 9-10; Lk 13:31-35 Friday: Phil 1:1-11; Ps 111:1-6; Lk 14:1-6 Saturday: Rv 7:2-4, 9-14; Ps 24:1-6; 1 Jn 3:1-3; Mt 5:112a Sunday: Wis 3:1-9; Ps 23:1-6; Rom 5:5-11 or 6:3-9; Jn 6:37-40, or any readings from no. 668 or from Masses for the Dead, nos. 1011-1016 October 26, 2014 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time Liturgical Ministries Monday, October 27 6:15 a.m. Dave Sinclair **8:15 a.m. Mary Stewart Tuesday, October 28 - St. Simon and St. Jude 6:15 a.m. Nick Nelson 8:15 a.m. Cecelia & Richard Hearst Wednesday, October 29 6:15 a.m. Purgatorial Society **8:15 a.m. Alex Seigel Thursday, October 30 6:15 a.m. Int. of the Kinney Family 8:15 a.m. Carol Andrews Friday, October 31 6:15 a.m. Special Intention (D.A.) 8:15 a.m. Mathias Scheffel Saturday, November 1 - All Saints, First Saturday 8:15 a.m. Bud & Evelyn Barron 5:00 p.m. Wanda Kopp Sunday, November 2 - The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed 7:30 a.m. For the People 9:00 a.m. Bob Schillinger 10:30 a.m. Bud Spellicy 12:00 Noon Patsy Ryan **Children’s Mass Saturday, November 1, 2014 5:00 p.m. Extraordinary Minister Captain: Loretta Patton Lectors: Tom Hart, Jackie Horne Cantor: TBA Servers: Brayden & McKenna Smith, Caitlin O’Leary Ushers: Walter & Roberta Foland, Bob Grogan Sunday, November 2 - The Commemoration of the Faithful Departed 7:30 a.m. Extraordinary Minister Captain: Kurt Loeffler Lectors: Jean Elliott, Betty Fau Cantor: TBA Servers: Natalie Sinak, Riley & Ken Viehland Ushers: Brian Redford, Bob Schillinger, Betty Bast 9:00 a.m. Extraordinary Minister Captain: Sherry Chibnall Lectors: Lorenzo Rizzi, Steve Rubie Cantor: TBA Servers: Livvy & Zach Tomek, Allie Walsh Ushers: Howard Schroeder, Carlene Wiegand, Carol O’Connor 10:30 a.m. Extraordinary Minister Captain: Pat Knobbe Lectors: Ginny Vendt, Shelia Dettmann Cantor: Seraphim Singers Servers: Nick Wilhelm, Grant Vonder Haar, Grant Fischer Ushers: Tom Lutkewitte, Glenn Siemer, Kathy Hoehl Proclaimer of the Word: None Sunday: After all Masses in the Church Hall: Grocery Certificate & Scrip Sales Adopt-A-Family Profiles 8am-12Noon Boy Scout Pancake Breakfast - Cafe 9:00 am RCIA - Library 4:00 pm Variety Guild - Church Hall 6:00 pm Basketball Manager’s Mtg. - Cafe Monday: 7:00 pm Men’s ACTS - Church Hall, Room 2 7:00 pm St. Vincent de Paul Mtg. - Church Hall 8:30 pm Mary’s Daughters - Library Tuesday: 8:45 am Eucharistic Adoration - Church 6:00 pm Basketball Mtg. - Church Hall 7:00 pm Devotions - Church 7:00 pm Boy Scout Meeting - Cafe Wednesday: 5:00 p.m. & 6:45 p.m. PSR - School, Church 7:00 pm Women’s ACTS Team DeBrief Church Hall 8:00 pm Adult Choir - Church Thursday: 7:00 pm Women’s ACTS Reunion - Church Hall 7:00 pm St. Vincent de Paul Blanket Making Cafe 7:30 pm Youth Ministry Mtg. - Church 8:00 pm Mold Remediation Committee Mtg. Rectory Bsmt. Saturday After 5:00 pm Mass in the Church Hall: Grocery Certificate & Scrip Sales 6:30 pm Mouse Races - Cafe 12:00 Noon Extraordinary Minister Captain: Joe Waddock Lectors: Youth Ministry Cantors: Youth Ministry Servers: Andrew & William Leingang, Christian Weber Ushers: Mike Bradford, Lisa Heinzman, Linda McMullen Grocery Certificate Sales Teams November 1 - 2, 2014 5:00 p.m. Greg & Amy Kapp 5:00 p.m. 7:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 12:00 noon 7:30/9:00 a.m. Kelli Madigan 10:30/12:00 Noon Mark & Therese Ruzicka Scrip Certificate Sales Teams Rick & Roselyn Page Pat Czajkowski Tricia Niewoehner Tricia Niewoehner Pam & Roger Luchtefeld DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME ENDS! Remember to set your clocks back one hour at 2:00 a.m. on FALL BACK Sunday morning, November 2, 2014 October 26, 2014 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time October 26, 2014 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time October 26, 2014 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time The QAS Youth Ministry presents The QAS Holiday Boutique Thursday, November 6, 2014 5:30 p.m.-9 p.m. (in the school) If you’re looking to show off your creative talent, special craft or home based business, reserve a space for this exciting event! Set up: 4:30 p.m.-5:30 p.m. on Thursday, November 6. All areas must be set up by 5:30 p.m. 1. Space rental fee is $35.00 per 8 foot table space. 2. Only one business per table please. 3. Payment is due with application to reserve your space. Sorry, no refunds. (make checks payable to QAS Youth Ministry) 4. All reservations must be postmarked by October 27, 2014. 5. We ask for a donation of an item from your inventory to be included in our raffle. 6. Space rental will be limited to one representative per company, first come, first serve basis. 7. All exhibitors are responsible for setting up and dismantling their displays on Thursday, November 6. If you have questions please contact: Becky Giegling at bgiegling@aol.com or 314-401-1207 OR Christine Detwiler at youthminister@qasstl.org or (636) 448-4301 ……………………………………………………………………………………………… Holiday Boutique Vendor Application Please complete application, detach and return via mail with payment by Monday, October 27, 2014 to: Queen of All Saints, c/o Becky Giegling, 6611 Christopher, St. Louis, MO 63129 (make checks payable to QAS Youth Ministry) Name: Phone: Address: Email: Company Name: Type of products: Number of spaces needed: (Maximum 2 spaces) x $35 per space = $ Amount enclosed (please circle) Table needed: YES NO Folding chair(s): 1 2 Electric outlet: Special Request: Date Received Check # Table # YES NO October 26, 2014 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time Church Name & Address Queen of All Saints #012323 6603 Christopher Drive St. Louis, MO 63129 Contact person: Mary Arconati, 314-846-8207, ext. 202 or 200 Software: WinXP-SP3, Pub 2003, AA-X Date of publication: Number of pages transmitted: Cover + 13 text pages + this page = 15 (2 ad pages) Day & time of transmission: Wednesday, 4 PM for Friday delivery Special instructions: 16-pager for this week, please. FedEx shipping address: 6603 Christopher Drive St. Louis, MO 63129 Special shipping instructions: Please leave on porch of rectory. FedEx tracking e-mail: queenparish@qasstl.org
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