The Parish Gazette For the church communities of Christ the King & St. Colman Our Lady of the Assumption Twinned with the Catholic Parish of the Transfiguration in Tver' Russia and St. Brigid Churches in Southampton East Pastoral Area Pass on the Good News.... Thirtieth Sunday of Ordinary Time Weekend of the 25th & 26th October2014 5.30pm Saturday Vigil Mass Our Lady of the Assumption -Hedge End Sarah Barlex RIP 11.00am Sunday Mass Christ the King & St Colman -Bitterne John Barker 5.30pm Sunday Mass St Brigid -West End There will be Refreshments after: the 5.30pmVigil Mass at Our Lady of the Assumption and every Sunday after the 11am Mass at Christ the King & St Colman and every 2nd Sunday in the month at St Brigid after 5.30 Mass . All welcome Mon 27th Oct 10.00am 30th Week of Ordinary Time Mass Bitterne Tue 28th Oct 10.00am Ss Simon & Jude Service of the Word & Communion Hedge End Wed 29th Oct 10.00am 30th Week of Ordinary Time Service of the Word ,Communion & Rosary West End Thur 30th Oct 10.00am Blessed Winchester Martyrs Mass George & Lily Watkins & Relations Bitterne Fri 31st Oct 30th Week of Ordinary Time No Mass due to Fr Paul’s funeral Hedge End Reconciliation 12—12.30 Christ the King & St Colman Church Sat 1st Nov Holy Hour 10.30-11.30am Christ King & St Colman Church Today we focus on the love God has for us and our response to that love both to God and our ‘neighbour’. We are swamped by adverts on tv about disasters and famines around the world and mail shots from all sorts of charities. As a result we have become largely oblivious of our ‘neighbours’ needs, before we even look at who our neighbour might be. In these tight economic times it isn’t always easy to find cash to help, fair enough, but do we ever think to pray for our ‘neighbours’ and their needs, or do we confine it to the odd prayer of the faithful? Do we ever think of giving up a little time to help a charity? Fr James Please note Due to half term the Office is closed on Wednesday & Thursday next week so skeleton staff only. Please be patient. Please pray for the Repose of the soul of Fr Paul Spellman whose funeral Mass will be at The Immaculate Conception Church on Friday 31st October at 11.30am. There will be a Vigil Mass at the Immaculate Conception Church on Thursday 30th October at 7.30pm Pope Francis from Joy of the Gospel Just as the commandment “Thou shalt not kill” sets a clear limit in order to safeguard the value of human life, today we also have to say “thou shalt not” to an economy of exclusion and inequality. Such an economy kills. How can it be that it is not a news item when an elderly homeless person dies of exposure, but it is news when the stock market loses two points? This is a case of exclusion. Can we continue to stand by when food is thrown away while people are starving? This is a case of inequality. Please Note this weekend there will be an appeal and 2nd Collection for Survive Miva -See posters Date Day DIARY EVENT Where Time 29th Oct Wed Clergy Meeting - Prophet Jeremiah & Xtian Ministry Park Place 10.30 - 4pm 3rd Nov Mon CKSC—Liturgy meeting 2 Dean Road 7.30-9pm Collections 18th & 19th October 2014 Christ the King & St Colman To be advised - not ready at time of press Our Lady of the Assumption & St Brigid Loose Plate £150.31 Gift Aid £93.32 2nd Collection Missio £126.34 Gift Aid £85 Cafod £230 Correction to figures for 11/12 Oct Loose plate £157.37 Gift Aid £86.50 BAMENDA SUNDAY NEXT WEEKEND Every year we have a special collection to support the projects driven by our friends in our twinned Diocese of Bamenda, Cameroon. Please ensure you see a copy of the Bamenda Newsletter to see how we benefit from our twinned relationship and how much your help is needed. Diocesan Youth Retreat: BELIEVE @ BOURNEMOUTH Young people aged 16 to 30 are warmly invited to this year’s diocesan youth retreat which takes place from Friday 31 October, 5pm, to Sunday 2 November, 2pm, at St Peter’s School, Bournemouth. Young people themselves lead this retreat, as Pope Francis said: “The best instrument to evangelise young people is other young people.” The retreat is ideal for post-Confirmation teenagers and will include engaging talks on the essentials of Catholic faith, Mass and opportunities for Confession, workshops and discussion groups, and time for participants to meet and socialise with other young Catholics. Last year, over 100 young people from around the diocese participated in this retreat. Bishop Philip will celebrate Mass during the weekend. To book your place, email or visit The suggested donation is £60 for those who are working, and £45 for those who are students. More details are available from Will Hince, retreat coordinator, on 07780221686. Don’t forget Basic Bank You can make a difference in someone’s life—perhaps a hungry child Buy an extra item when shopping Please continue to pray for all the sick, housebound in our parishes: Valerie Caesar, Tom Alford, Julie Hyans, James Adie, Marcus Sanderson, Margaret Lohse, Margaret Philips, Eileen Goble, Bill Byrne, John Gallen, Ron & Pat Viney, Mrs Betty Bailey, Mrs June Pond, Mrs Veronica Jackson, Madge Oldfield, Mrs Kay Fenton, Mrs Marie Beddow, Margaret Jackson, Florrie Jones, Julia Baldwin and Michael Dowling . Please also pray for all our friends and family who have died recently. Fr Paul Spellman, Ken Anderson & Bridget Maiden ROTA Saturday 1st & 2nd November All Saints 5.30pm Oct H/End 11.00am 2nd Nov Bitterne 5.30pm W/ End Welcomers Fiona McDonald Rosemary, Isis, & Raeven Martin Beryl Horner Eamon Flynn, Lorna Sugden Ministers of Holy Communion Bob Amore Peter Bassom Simon Grummitt H Rosemarie Martin Kathryn Jordan Veronica Cleary, Keith Goode David Hill Dot Caswell Dawn Swann Sacristan — Veronica Cleary Graham Farrington — Altar Servers — Readers — Bidding Prayers — Offertory Pippa, Rachel, Amy, Isis, Lemuella — Jan Prima Pat O’Brien John Murphy Eiry Allen Chris Cookson — The Podasta Family Michelle & Tom Harman First Communion 2015: If your child will be 8 in the coming school year (ie, was born on or before 31st August 2007 and is in Year 3 or above this coming September) and you would like her/him to prepare for First Communion next year, please fill in one of the Registration forms in the porch and return it by 9th November – Feast of Christ the King. Dates (for all our Pastoral Area) are: Enrolment on 29/30th November The 1st Reconciliation – to be confirmed 1st Holy Communion Day will be 6/7th June 2015– the Feast of Corpus Christi BISHOP’S CORNER The Diocese of Portsmouth now issues a weekly e-news with photos, news, and information from around the Diocese. . See Commentary on Extraordinary Synod on the Family on the Bishop’s website Framework News Two exciting projects that are being developed The Marriage and Family Life team has been awarded a grant from the Bishops' Conference to establish a fertility clinic to help couples achieve pregnancy by ethical means. The team for Inactive and Lapsed Catholics is planning a pilot campaign of 'Come Home for Christmas'. CaFE series ‘Strength to Strength’ Just one last opportunity to join us in the popular CaFE series “Strength to Strength’. Next week David Payne will round off the series with a talk entitled ‘Give us this day’. Each week is a separate talk, so even if you have been unable to attend the rest of the series, join us for this last session. This series is designed to help us with our daily prayer life, to renew ourselves each day with prayer as nourishment for our soul and to live our faith in our daily lives. Hedge End Cake Sale this Saturday After 5.30 p.m. Mass outside the church (weather permitting, otherwise in Hedge End Hall). Please bring cakes and biscuits to put on the tables before mass if possible and remember to label if they may contain nuts. Please buy cakes to help raise money for parish funds. Hedge End & West End Fundraising The CHRISTMAS MINI MART 2014 will be held on Saturday 29th November from 18.15-19.30 at the Church Hall in Hedge End Donation Boxes have now been placed at the back of the churches in Hedge End and West End Donations for stalls, the tombola and raffle, such as good quality unwanted presents, gift sets, toiletries, chocolates, any alcoholic beverages, cards, wrapping paper etc. will be greatly appreciated Please make sure everything is either new or in very good condition and has not passed its sell-by date. Please no bric-a-brac, old books or clothes.Mince pies and Christmas biscuits can also be brought on the day. We also need help with setting up on Saturday 29th November at 10.00am in the Hall and help with the various stalls on the day. If you can help with please either ring Beatrice Gill on 01489 790698 or e-mail Tickets for the Mini-Mart are 50p for an adult, children are free and include Tea/Coffee and a mince pie or a piece of Stollen. Please help us make the Mini-mart a success, by donating goods, buying tickets and attending the event. This last talk in the series is on Wednesday 29th October, 7:30pm to 9:15pm at Christ the King & St. Colman’s parish hall, Commercial Street, Bitterne . Please come along and enjoy the company of other parishioners as we listen and share together and learn to deepen our prayer life. Refreshment is provided. “No Justice and Peace without Interfaith Dialogue” On Sunday 2nd November, Alfred Agius will give a talk in Petersfield United Reform Church Hall, College St, GU31 4AG. He was appointed Director of Westminster Interfaith, an agency of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Westminster, where he advised the last three Cardinals of Westminster Archdiocese on Inter-religious dialogue. Alfred has degrees in Sanskrit, Classical Hindi, Political Science, Philosophy and Theology. He has taught Theology at tertiary level and Ignatian Spirituality at the London Spirituality Centre in the City. New Deanery: Southampton East Pastoral Area is now part of the Southampton Deanery which includes Southampton Central and West. The Dean is Mgr Canon Vincent Harvey. The concept of the Deanery is to help in evangelisation and coordinate our efforts. Confirmation 2015: The Sacrament of Confirmation for our Pastoral Area will be celebrated on 30 May 2015 at 3pm in the Cathedral (all Confirmations are now being celebrated there). It is for those aged 13 by 31 August 2014, i.e. mostly school Years 9 and 10, as there has been no Confirmation this year. Candidates are invited to send a short letter or email to the office applying to join the programme and saying why they would like to be confirmed. Details of the programme will be advertised soon. Church Communities Our Lady of the Assumption Freegrounds Rd, Hedge End St. Brigid Woodlea Gardens, West End Christ the King & St. Colman Bitterne Road East, Bitterne Parishes Office Voice in the Desert Saturday 15 November 2014, 10:30am – 4pm. If you are aged between year 8 – young adult, we warmly Invite you to join us for our preparation event for National Youth Sunday The day will kick-start with a performance from awardwinning theatre group, TenTen theatre, and will involve workshops on everything from drama to music to spiritual survival. The day will build towards our final Mass, which will be celebrated by Bishop Philip. Cost: £10. Venue: Saint George Catholic College, Leaside Way, Swaythling, Southampton. SO16 3DQ. Bookings and more info: Will Hince 07780221686 2 Dean Road, Bitterne Southampton SO18 6AP tel:02380449088 Email: Priest: Fr. James Carling Mobile:07917792936 Email Opening Hours: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday 9.30 am to 1.00 pm Mrs Madeleine Wood Mrs Catherine Bassom Mrs Rose Jay Parishes Pastoral Area Website: The Bible Timeline is a Catholic Bible study that can help anyone to make sense of Scripture and experience the life-changing power of God’s Word. This study takes you on a journey through the entire Bible and deep into each period of salvation history, where you will discover the amazing story woven throughout all of Scripture. The study will include a series of twenty-four videos presented by Jeff Cavins with group prayer and discussion. Everyone who participates will receive a colour-coded Bible Timeline Chart and a Bible Timeline Study Kit Our Lady of the Assumption, Hedge End will begin The Bible Timeline on Thursday 27th November 2014 at 7:30pm (venue tbc). We will break the study up into 5 sessions in Advent, 5 in Lent and the remainder to be confirmed. To register for the study, complete one of the Registration Forms at the back of the church (at Hedge End) after Mass or contact Marion Miller via the Parish Office for more information. R e g i s t e r e d HALL BOOKINGS: Bitterne Angela Adams 023 80421639 Hedge End /West End Mary Barker: 01489 781202. Email: LOCAL SAFEGUARDING REPRESENTATIVES Hedge End /West End Margaret Flavin 01489 782150 Bitterne Pat O’Brien 023 8046 3585 Pastoral Area Website: If you are new to the parish, or if you have not let us have your details before, please fill in one of the ‘new parishioner’ forms in the porch, and post it through the presbytery door. Also, if you move within the parish or out of the parish, please let us know .Thank you. C h a r i t y N o : 2 4 6 8 7 1
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