St Paul’s Church, Wokingham St Nicholas’ Church, Emmbrook Pews News 26th October 2014 Last Sunday after Trinity Welcome in the name of Jesus Christ to this house of prayer, especially if you are with us for the first time today! We invite anyone who wishes to receive Holy Communion to come to God’s altar. Please tell the priest if you need a gluten-free wafer. If you’d prefer to receive a prayer of blessing please come forward with everyone else and keep your head bowed at the rail. White Gift Aid envelopes are available in each pew. If you’re a UK tax payer, we can reclaim the tax on the amount you donate, but please remember to fill in your name and address on the envelope. Clergy Contact Details Fr Richard Fr Patrick Mthr Deborah Fr Roy 327 9116 977 3397 978 7658 978 4141 Churchwardens David Ruddock 437 6104 Peter Wells 377 6351 The Parish Office Mon, Tues, Thurs & Fri from 9.00am to 12.00 0118 979 2122 Rest Day– Sat Rest Day- Fri Rest Day- Fri Rest Day– Sat This Sunday: Last Sunday after Trinity 26th October 8.00am Low Mass Celebrant Fr Patrick 9.30am Parish Mass Celebrant Preacher Fr Roy Mthr Deborah 10.00am Woosehill Church: Holy Communion Celebrant 11.00am St Nicholas, Emmbrook Village Hall: Community Eucharist Celebrant Rev’d Patrick King Mthr Deborah 6.15pm Leader Readings: Matthew 22.34 to end Hymns: Gradual: Setting: Anthem: 468, 420, 414, 431 Celtic Alleluia Mass of St Thomas, Thorne Ave verum corpus, W A Mozart Worship at Woosehill Church Collect Blessed Lord, who caused all holy Scriptures to be written for our learning: help us so to hear them, to read, mark, learn and inwardly digest them that, through patience, and the comfort of your holy word, we may embrace and for ever hold fast the hope of everlasting life, which you have given us in our Saviour Jesus Christ, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen. Post Communion Prayer God of all grace, your Son Jesus Christ fed the hungry with the bread of his life and the word of his kingdom: renew your people with your heavenly grace, and in all our weakness sustain us by your true and living bread; who is alive and reigns, now and for ever. Amen Rev’d Patrick King The Week Ahead Morning Prayer 8.30am (Mon, Tues, Thurs at St Paul’s, Wed at Woosehill) Rosary in The Parish Rooms on Saturday 9.00am Wed (29th) James Hannington, bishop, martyr, 1885 10.30am House Mass Mthr Deborah *10 Ashton Road* Thurs (30th) 10.30am Low Mass Mthr Deborah Sat (1st) 9.30am Rev’d Colin James Low Mass Sunday 2nd November – All Saints 8.00am Low Mass Celebrant Fr Roy 8.45am Woosehill Church: Communion Celebrant Rev’d Patrick King 9.30am Parish Mass Celebrant Preacher Fr Richard Mthr Judi Hattaway Readings: Hebrews 12. 18 – 24 Matthew 5. 1 – 12 Hymns: Gradual: Setting: Anthem: 231, 197, 341, 478 Celtic Alleluia Mass of St Thomas, Thorne Give us the wings of faith, E Bullock 10.00am Woosehill Church – Morning Worship 11.00am St Nicholas, Emmbrook Village Hall, See, Hear, Live! Celebrant Fr Richard 6.15pm Sung Evensong & Benediction Celebrant Fr Richard Home Team Church Notices Rosary Until further notice whilst access to the church is problematical the Rosary will be prayed on a Saturday at the usual time of 9.00 am but in the Parish Rooms. For further information or to let us know of anyone who needs our prayers please contact me (9786420) Geraldine Lea Pews News If you have anything for Pews News next week, please would you let the office know by early Wed morning. The office is closed on Thurs & Fri. Many thanks. Temporary closure of the Churchyard We are still in the process of trying to get a surveyor and stone mason to touch the lower pinnacles and check their stability which is why the main path at St Paul's is still closed. All services are back to usual and happening as usual but you still have to walk right round the Church to get to the South Door to get in. We are working as hard as we can to get back to normal, and we do thank you for your patience in the interim. A BIG THANK YOU The last of our big 2014 weekends was a huge success, especially in the context of the complexity around the Church building. Every part of the weekend was a triumph. Many thanks to Woosehill Church for hosting Evensong, to everybody who organised and delivered events and to everybody who came along. The Auction had to be split into two because so many items were donated. An amazing £564 was raised and the second half of the Auction will be over coffee at St Paul’s after Church on the 16th November. We are now beginning to plan what to do in 2015, so do let a member of the clergy know what you have really enjoyed and what we should definitely do again. The Harvest Lunch The Social Committee would like to thank everyone who helped on the day and all who provided puddings. We estimated that 72 people were fed and we made about £460 for CMS. Forthcoming Dates Children’s Chapel Altarpiece & Frontal Workshops will take place in the Parish Rooms over half term to begin colouring the elements of the altarpiece and frontal for the Children’s Chapel. Mon 27 Oct, Tue 28 Oct & Wed 29 Oct: 2pm to 4pm. These sessions are aimed at children aged 5 to 11, but younger siblings will be welcome. All children must be accompanied by an adult. Please call Jane Clark on 0789 999 9608 or email Monday 3rd November All Souls’ service 8.00pm The All Souls’ service is always a time for reflection and thanksgiving where we call to mind those we love who have died. This year the liturgy and music committee have decided that we will read out the names of those who have died in the Parish in the last 12 months. There won’t be a list read out of those who died longer ago, but there will be time in the service for remembering them. Sunday 9th November Remembrance Sunday is the 9th November at 9.30am at St Paul’s, at 11.00am at St Nicholas’. Tues 18th of November Healing Meeting - At Woosehill Church There will be a meeting for people from across the Parish to talk about what we mean by healing and what a healing service is all about. There will then be a discussion about the way forward for healing services in each church. Do please come along, whether this is something you are already involved in or not. Sunday 7th December – Notice for St Paul’s 11.00am St Nicholas Patronal Festival Given how well the people of St Nicks support things happening across the whole Parish, and given how often they come to worship at St Paul’s, it would be brilliant if some people from St Paul’s could return the favour by joining them in the Village Hall for their Patronal Festival, either after the 9.30am or instead of the 9.30am on that particular morning. You would be most welcome. Coming Up ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday 8th November Autumn Bazaar The 2014 Autumn Bazaar will take place at the Parish Rooms on Saturday 8th November, 12.00 noon – 3.30 p.m. Please put this date in your diary and if you are willing to help or have any ideas for stalls please contact Penny Wallace on 0118 978 9076. Thank you. Books and Bric a Brac wanted! If you have any, then send for the "White Van Woman" aka Penny Wallace. Thank you. Prize Draw Hamper The first prize in the Grand Draw is a luxury hamper. There is a list at the back of church of items needed for the hamper. If you are able to donate any of them please sign your name against the relevant item and pass them on to Liz Gallagher or Penny Wallace. Thank you. The Grand Draw will take place at the Autumn Bazaar on Saturday 8 th November in the Parish Rooms. Please take some draw tickets and sell them to family and friends and help make it a bumper draw for the 150th Anniversary. Tickets are available from me, Penny Wallace and Teri Austen. Also, if you have any items that could be used as prizes please pass them to me. Many thanks Liz Gallagher A toy stall at the Autumn Bazaar Heather and I will be running a 'Kids Kingdom' stall at the Autumn bazaar this year full of board games, jigsaw puzzles, toys, books, crayons and artist materials etc. in fact anything that you might expect to find in a children's toy-shop. We appreciate contributions for this new stall if you are tidying out the attic, we can collect if necessary. Thank you in anticipation, and of course please come along on the 8th November to pick up some bargains for children, grandchildren or maybe for Fr Richard's Board Games Evening! Tina & Heather Selwyn-Smith 0118 979 2819 Choir Stall – Bazaar If you would like to contribute towards the Choir Tombola stall at the Bazaar, there will be a box at the back of church. Many thanks ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Saturday 8th November Change of Plan Instead of the board game evening, which will now be put back into the New Year, we are planning to go to Cantley Field to watch the always – excellent Wokingham Fireworks. These start at 7.30pm. We will leave the Rectory at 7.10pm, people are welcome to come round for a mug of Bovril anytime from 6.15pm. This is open to anyone, especially those who have recently joined the Parish. Saturday 15th November Church Cleaning I am planning on holding the next church cleaning session on Saturday morning 15th November - from 10.15am. I would be grateful for as many helpers as possible on those days, male or female! If you would prefer to clean a section of the church at some other time of your choice, please speak to me to arrange the best possible coverage of areas needing attention. Thank you. Teri Austen 9789123 First Steps for pre-schoolers We meet in church for singing, craft, stories, biscuits and drinks. Starting 9.15am (we will be in church from 9.00am) and finishing 10.15am. Dates and topics: 13th November, Winter. 11th December, The Nativity. 8th January, Epiphany. See Father Richard or Liz Gallagher to help or find out more. Other Notices White ‘one off’ Gift Aid envelopes If there are any members of the congregation who are regularly filling out a white envelope, then please consider switching to either a regular Banker’s Order or the personalised coloured numbered envelopes. A Banker’s Order is the most efficient way to donate and removes any uncertainty on locating cash for the Sunday collection! This also provides the treasurer with a better level of confidence when forecasting income. If you would like to take up this method please contact myself or Tina and we will pass a Bankers Order form to you to complete and give to your bank. Alternatively, I do have a spare set of coloured numbered envelopes and would be happy to explain how the system works. The personalised numbered envelopes still allow you to vary your level of giving weekly but without having to write your name, address, date and signature each time. Jerome & Tina Selwyn-Smith – Stewardship Team (0118 979 2819) Biodiversity team wanted for St Paul’s The churchyard is just as much for the living – people, animals, plants – as it is for those who have passed on. The parish is looking for people in the congregation – young and mature – to form a group to look at how the churchyard could be developed to take advantage of the plants and animals, which occur there naturally, in order to make it a more attractive place to visit. Would anyone interested in joining such a group please talk either to Andy Clark or to Michael Johnstone. If you don’t know who we are, our pictures are to be found in the Rogues’ Gallery just inside the main porch. Clerk to Governors The Governing Body of St Paul's C of E Junior School are looking to appoint a new Clerk to the Governors. It is a paid part-time post which would include attending at least two evening meetings a term. Anyone interested and wanting more information, please contact Penny Wallace at Prayer-walking the new Housing Developments A group from Wokingham Baptist Church are keen to start prayer walking the new housing developments on the first Monday of each month, starting on 3rd November. It seems important to be praying as the churches seek to engage with the new residents in the coming months. We'd really like to invite others from across Churches Together in Wokingham to join us. Meeting at 9.15am outside the Lay-By Café on Reading Road (opposite the entrance to the Montague Park development) to finish at 10.15am at the latest. For more details please contact Anna Rogerson or just turn up! Wanted - Shoe Boxes The OTB team would be very grateful for shoe boxes for the (proposed) Fall of Jericho on 10th February 2015. Please ask/give to members of the team, Debbie Davison, Sally Dowling, Liz Gallagher, Geraldine Lea, Nami & Justin Elliott). Many thanks, team OTB. Vacancy in See With Bishop John’s retirement at the end of the month, the consultation about the new Diocesan Bishop begins in earnest. A range of clergy, LLMs and Churchwardens from across the diocese – as well as representatives of many other groups – have already been invited to meet with the Archbishops’ and Prime Minister’s Appointment Secretaries. They would however like to hear the view of anyone wishing to comment on the needs of the diocese, or the wider Church, or who wishes to propose candidates. You are welcome to attend a public meeting to be held in Christ Church Cathedral, Oxford on Tuesday 11th November 2014 at 7.15pm, or you can write to them as below. Letters should be received by the 19 th January 2015 and will be shared between them. Forthcoming Concerts Saturday 15th November Reading Symphony Orchestra 7.30pm Wagner: Overture: Die Meistersinger, Saint-Saëns: Piano Concerto No.4 Soloist Edward Reeve. Brahms: Symphony No.3 in F Tickets from the RSO Box Office: 0118 986 0707 or, or at the door (subject to availability). For Your Prayers Prayer before the Service at St Paul’s At 9 o’clock on Sunday mornings in the Walter Chapel there is an opportunity for a short period of prayer for the parish, our clergy and the 2014 events. Siren Prayer for 2014 We meet at 29 Sewell Ave at 9.55am on the first Monday of the month, excluding Bank Holidays. If you can’t be there, then please pause when the Siren sounds to pray for the Parish and for the community. Sally Dowling 0118 978 2729 Please pray: In 2014: for a successful and enjoyable year of thanksgiving, renewed commitment and active focus in which we grow in our confidence in God, in our relationships with one another and in our links with the wider community. The Sick: Bernice Ross, John Smith, Margaret Hollings, Steve. Recently Departed: Molly Lupton, John Withers, Lewis & Harrison Nash. Those Remembered on our War Memorial who died 100 years ago: Henry Brant, James Chandler, Henry Sadler, Henry Pursey, Frederick Westlake, Reginald Whiting, Albert Chandler. In the Year’s Mind: John Turner (26th), Maud Walter, Lizzie Thorne (28th), Eileen Fenton (29th), Stephen Maddock, Gwendoline Hare, Flossie Mills (1st).
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