Paróiste Naomh Oilibhéar Pluincéid

Paróiste Naomh Oilibhéar Pluincéid
Parish Office: 27b Glenveagh Drive, BT11 9HX
Telephone: 028 9061 8180
Parish Priest: Fr. Aidan Brankin PP
Parish Sisters: Sr Claire and Sr Emmanuel (028 9060 2175)
This week’s Mass times:
Sunday 26th October 2014
30th Sunday in Ordinary Time
7.30pm (Vigil for All Saints)
10.00am (All Saints)
6.30pm (Vigil for Sunday)
10.00am & 12 noon
Parish Office opening hours:
Monday - Friday: 9.00am - 1.00pm
is holding a special Mass for the dead on Thursday 13th November at
7:30pm in the Church of the Good Shepherd, Ormeau Road. The Mass
is in memory of all those generous people who have supported Trócaire
throughout the years. There will be light refreshments afterwards. Please come along to remember your
loved ones and honour their commitment to a just world. Please contact Joseph O'Neill on 028 9080 8030
or for more information.
Bible in a Day Workshop
Sat 15th November
St. Anne’s Parish Centre
This one-day, interactive workshop will make
the Bible accessible as it reveals the amazing
story of salvation from Genesis to Jesus and
the Early Church. By participating in the day
you will gain a greater understanding of your
Faith, the Mass and the Sacraments. Cost of
£30 includes resources, refreshments and lunch.
To register, contact Living Church on
028 9069 0920 or
Youth Mass at 12 o’clock today
The 12 o’clock Mass today is a special Youth Mass.
We give a warm welcome to the young people of our
Parish and offer them support as they read, sing,
take up the offertory and do the collections today.
If any young people would like to get involved in the
next Youth Mass, please contact Deboragh Webb
after Mass or at the Children’s Liturgy next week.
There will be juice, crisps and biscuits in the
Parish Hall after the Youth Mass today!
Divine Mercy Holy Hour
7.30pm, Thursday 30th October
Church of the Nativity, Poleglass
Singing of the Divine Mercy Chaplet
1st: Kieran McCormick
2nd: Sinéad Burns
3rd: Patrick Greer
(£75 prize)
(£25 prize)
(£15 prize)
If you’re not in - you won’t win!
Tickets available from Parish Office
Please note there will be no Children’s Liturgy this week to facilitate the Youth Mass. All children
from P1 to P7 are welcome to join the children’s Liturgy which normally runs during the 12 o’clock Mass.
Due to Safeguarding Regulations only those children whose parents have completed a Parental Agreement
Form may be admitted to the Children’s Liturgy. Forms are available every Sunday from a group leader.
We remember those whose anniversaries occur around this time:
Jackie Harrison, Jean & Paddy Moran, Hugh & Lena McCavana and John McAleese
Month’s Mind
Jimmy Mullan
The Parish Bereavement Group meets every Wednesday at 11am in the Parish Hall.
Anyone who has lost a loved one is very welcome to come along for a cup of tea and a chat.
This week in the Parish...
Sun 26th Oct
12.00pm Mass
Children’s Liturgy
Parish Hall
Mon 27th Oct
Parish Prayer Group
(run by the Legion of Mary)
Wed 29th Oct
Bethany Bereavement Group
Parish Hall
Wed 29th Oct
An Teanga Bheo
Parish Hall
Wed 29th Oct
Legion of Mary meeting
Parish Hall
Thurs 30th Oct
Cookery Group
Parish Hall
An Teanga Bheo, the Parish Irish Language group
meets every Wednesday at 12.30pm in the Parish Hall.
All newcomers are welcome - no matter what level of Irish you have (if any).
It’s a great way to learn (or brush up on) basic prayers and conversation! Bígí linn!
Living Youth - Habitat for Humanity Ethiopia Team 2015
Following on from our successful Habitat for Humanity projects over the past two years
Living Youth is excited to announce recruitment for another youth team due to travel to
Ethiopia next summer. Provisional dates: 20 July - 3 Aug 2015. Applicants should be
18 years or over and all team members will be expected to contribute to the cost of the
trip as well as engage in an extensive fundraising campaign.
For more information and details of online applications please contact:
Claire Smylie, Office Manager, 16 Chapel Lane, Belfast, BT1 1HH, 028 9023 2432, Date for Applications: Monday 3rd November.
November Rotas
Rotas for Readers, Welcomers, Ministers of
the Eucharist, etc. are now available in the
hallway outside the Sacristy or they can be
downloaded from the Parish website.
Friends in Faith Group at Clonard
Are you in your 30s, 40s, 50s or over and
interested in making new friends? Living and
sharing your faith together? Participating in various
events? Simply register now by sending your name
and contact details to or
07842 960198 and they will be in touch.
Thank you to all who participated in our inaugural Table Quiz and an even bigger thank you
to Ann Guilfoyle who compiled the questions for the evening and was quizmaster. It was
great craic and we raised £130 for the Parish. Congratulation to the winning team. We hope
to organise another quiz in the future as well as other social events. If you would like to help
organise an evening in the Parish Hall, please contact the Parish Office during opening hours
Financial News
Weekly collection on Sunday 19th October:
Collection for Propagation of the Faith (the Missions):
(kept by the Parish)
(sent to the Diocese)
Thank you for your contributions and for your continuing generosity!
Remember we accept both Euro and Sterling in our collections.