INNOVATEGY Innovation@Strategy Your Key to Profitable Growth Profitable Growth Optimizers B2B Sales Pipeline Management Order intake professionally optimized and reliably realized • Professional B2B Sales Pipeline Management • For CEOs, CSOs and CMOs Worldwide sole system for professional simulation optimization of your B2B sales and marketing strategy & sales and marketing management Innovation@Strategy Your Key to Profitable Growth INNOVATEGY B2B Sales Pipeline Mgmt engl 14.1 Your strategy optimization expert Prof. Dr. Uwe Hilzenbecher Geschäftsführer INNOVATEGY Kontakt Tel : +49-7556-966355 Fax : +49-7556-966356 INNOVATEGY Innovation@Strategy Your Key to Profitable Growth Profitable Growth Optimizers The B2B Sales Pipeline Management System is available in the formats : • • • • optimization service workshop seminar manual B2B Sales Pipeline Management System B2B Market Modeler (Re-) define your business‘s market segments, forecast segment demand, define target segments and generate leads. B2B Sales Pipeline Forecaster Highly reliable order intake forecast generated by next generation simulation forecasting – based on your sales / CRM data and based on your sales processes, while taking into account market and pipeline uncertainties B2B Sales Pipeline Optimizer Optimize your sales pipeline strategy by means of next generation simulation optimization, while taking into account market and pipeline uncertainties. B2B Sales Pipeline Scorecard Ensure the execution of your business‘s optimum sales pipeline strategy by automatic mapping to a sales pipeline scorecard. Set-up a highly effective SPL Mgmt incentivization system Why INNOVATEGY ? Innovation@Strategy instead of strategy mainstream INNOVATEGY B2B Sales Pipeline Mgmt engl 14.1 • Sustainable benefit increases : order intake growth, stable contribution margins, higher returns, lower risks • Professional strategy development and strategy optimization • Proprietary methods and tools from 31 years of industry practices and 20 years R&D on strategic management, sales pipeline management und optimization under uncertainty • Data and simulation based methods INNOVATEGY - since 2002 - services delivered for : and for 200 more Kontakt Tel : +49-7556-966355 Fax : +49-7556-966356
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