News you can use FA L L 2 0 1 4 Vo l . 2 N o. 2 C H I L D R E N ’ S H O S P I TA L F O U N D AT I O N O F M A N I TO B A Teddy News page 3 Meet Aiden page 7 The Guild Report page 9 Updates page 10 Kids Helping Kids page 13 Legacy of Caring page 17 MICH Microscope Message from the President & CEO Children’s Hospital Foundation of Manitoba Board of Directors 2014/2015 Mark Evans, Chair Karen Cornejo, Vice-Chair Dan Rempel, Past Chair Priti Mehta-Shah, Interim Treasurer & Chair of Finance JJ Burnell, Secretary Karen Cornejo, Chair Governance/Nominating Committee Mark Evans, Chair Development Committee Jim McEachern, Chair Communications & Marketing Committee Darcy Strutinsky, Chair Human Resources Committee Marie-Alice Grassick, Chair Children’s Hospital Guild of Manitoba JJ Burnell, Chair Child Health Advisory Committee Mark Gray, Representative, Manitoba Institute of Child Health Board of Directors Wilf Brock Enzo Cotroneo Neil Duboff Dr. Janet Grabowski Lisa Heimbecker Greg McLaren John Perrin Norva Riddell Holly Toupin Ex Officio Dr. Terry Klassen – Professor & Head, Department of Pediatrics and Child Health, University of Manitoba; Medical Director, Child Health Program, WRHA, CEO & Scientific Director, Manitoba Institute of Child Health Susan Fogg – Program Director, Child Health, WRHA Director of Patient Services, Children’s Hospital, HSC Dana Erickson – Chief Operating Officer, Health Sciences Centre Lawrence Prout – President & CEO, Children’s Hospital Foundation of Manitoba 2 Teddy News Fall 2014 Did you know that your donation has a multiple effect? You may not realize it, but your donation makes a ripple effect throughout our community and beyond. When you make a donation, you help the hospital which helps the staff which helps change that child’s life that affects their brother/sister, cousin, aunt and uncle. It’s truly amazing the work you are able to accomplish. On a personal level, I can not believe over two years has gone by since I took on the role of President & CEO of this amazing Foundation. We have re-worked departments to become more effective, created a five year plan, hired strategically to grow all areas of the Foundation, increased relationships throughout the hospital and are currently working on our behind the scenes systems to run even more effectively. We have taken a deep look into our Foundation and have made decisions on how we can save more money administratively to benefit the children of this province even more. Our goal is to be more efficient and more effective so that together we can make a difference…because sick children need us now. Lawrence Prout, President & CEO Congratulations to Dr. Terry Klassen who has accepted the positions of Head, Department of Pediatrics, University of Manitoba and Medical Director, Child Health Program, Winnipeg Regional Health Authority and we look forward to working with him in this capacity. Dr. KIassen will also remain as the CEO & Scientific Director of the Manitoba Institute of Child Health, the Foundation owned and operated research facility. Coming Soon: Dr. Goodbear Gifts Give a gift that will make a difference in child health and child health research. Send an e-card to your loved ones so we can do more for the children that need us. DRGOODBEARGIFTS.CA Teddy News Fall 2014 • Volume 2 • Issue No: 2 Established in 1971, the Children’s Hospital Foundation of Manitoba works to support the special healthcare needs of children through reliable and consistent funding of pediatric medical research, as well as equipment and programs at Children’s Hospital of Winnipeg. Editor In Chief: Tanya Williams Communications Specialist: Adrian Alleyne Graphic Design: Waterloo Design House Editorial Assistant: Michelle Sankar CE501-840 Sherbrook Street Winnipeg, Manitoba R3A 1S1 Phone: 204-787-4000 Fax: 204-787-4114 Email: Online: @chfmanitoba Published by: The Children’s Hospital Foundation of Manitoba Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: CE501-840 Sherbrook Street Winnipeg, Manitoba R3A 1S1 PM - 40013701 Cover photo: Kelly Morton Photography Photo: Kelly Morton Photography C H I L D R E N ’ S H O S P I TA L F O U N D AT I O N O F M A N I TO B A Meet Aiden Although the extent wasn’t immediately known, Tammy Anderson suspected early on that her baby boy had some challenges. Fast forward nine years and this little superhero is about to become the 2014-2015 Champion Child, presented by Walmart. “Aiden was very, very colicky and a bit of a fussy baby, but our daughter Ella, who was just 21 months older than him was the complete opposite,” recalls Tammy. “He was a horrible sleeper, he couldn’t lay flat, he didn’t want a soother, his nose ran constantly, and we thought, ‘what’s going on?’” Tammy and her husband Blake took Aiden’s differences in stride, managing occasional fevers until the day things became a bit more serious. “When he was about eight months old we were in the car at a stoplight and he just started screaming in the back of the van,” remembers Tammy. “I jumped in the back and he was just soaking wet with such a high fever. When we got him to Children’s Emergency they told us he had a double ear infection, so that was the first round of antibiotics he was put on. From then on it just seemed to be that more often than not he had ear infections. So Aiden had tubes put in his ears just after he turned one.” Subsequently, Aiden began having lung infections. This resulted in more trips to the doctor. In fact it seemed that Aiden’s nose never stopped running, and he was chronically congested. Tests for allergies and asthma both came back negative. When Aiden was four he was given back-to-back rounds of antibiotics for lung infections, and the doctors decided a chest x-ray was in order to see just how well Aiden was fighting the infection. That x-ray would finally provide Aiden’s family with some answers. Tammy vividly remembers the phone call: “They called me the next day and said ‘your son has situs inversus with dextrocardia.’ ” Situs inversus with dextrocardia is a condition where all of your organs are reversed from their normal positions. The condition itself can actually be fairly benign and, without complications, can go undetected unless discovered in a chest x-ray. Aiden, however, did experience complications, and was also diagnosed with kartagener with bronchiectasis which affects his lungs, and results in perpetual airway congestion. Aiden’s condition, with all of his extra considerations, occurs approximately once in every 130,000 births. “That is the one thing that moves secretions along so Aiden is able to cough them up, or else they just sit there and it’s the perfect place for a germ to slip in, and then Aiden is sick again,” explains Tammy. Luckily, the twice daily physiotherapy can be done from home, thanks to the amazing staff at Children’s Hospital. Continued on page 15 Teddy News Fall 2014 3 Dr. Cheryl Rockman-Greenberg How do you thank someone who has given more of herself than anyone we’ve ever met? Dr. Cheryl Rockman-Greenberg’s 11-year term as Medical Director, Children’s Hospital has come to an end but we assure you, she isn’t leaving the building. Dr. Greenberg is a very accomplished clinical and metabolic geneticist who has always been at the forefront of her field locally, nationally and internationally. She is the principle investigator for an international multi-centre clinical trial of a new treatment for hypophosphatasia, a rare and sometimes fata genetic bone disease of infants, children and adults. Throughout her career she has had struggles, but she has risen above them working even harder to be where she is at today. She’s a role model for men and women and we’re proud to call her our friend. Named one of Canada’s most powerful women, Dr. Greenberg is one of the most passionate, dedicated and loving pediatricians you will ever meet. Dr. Greenberg has been a champion for the Foundation whenever we needed her. Her smile, support and love as a medical director will be missed, but we know she’s just around the corner at the Manitoba Institute of Child Health researching a way to make even more of an impact on our world. Bear hugs to you, Dr. Greenberg. We love you! Donors Help Kids Like Greysen Breath Again! Can You Imagine Waiting While Your Child Isn’t Breathing? Recently, amazing donors just like you were part of a team that raised the funds needed to purchase a video laryngoscope to help save the lives of sick children. This important piece of equipment for the Children’s Hospital Emergency Department helps with difficult intubations – getting a piece of tube inside a small child like Greysen so that they can breathe again. We are so grateful, Thank you! “I was holding Greysen and all of a sudden one of the nurses just grabbed him and ran,” remembers Michelle, Greysen’s Mom. “I ran after him and Greysen was no longer breathing. I didn’t realize it. He was rushed to resuscitation.” 4 Teddy News FALL 2014 Babies like Greysen are hard to intubate, because their airways are still so small. Every single month, children’s lives here at the hospital rely on a video laryngoscope. In the past, when a sick child arrives, Gre ter d dsisis senanan eyen Grys ster the hospital has to borrow a laryngoscope from the adult hospital. Now, thanks to your donation, not a precious second will be lost. Imagine the lives that will be saved because of your support. Watch your donation in action: Visit: to see first-hand how you are helping to save lives. UPCOMING EVENTS Spirit Halloween – Spirit of Kids Campaign October 1-31, 2014 All locations Pizza Pizza Slices for Smiles October 1-31, 2014 All locations Dream Lottery for Kids Final Ticket Sales October 3, 2014 Until midnight JDC Chillin’ for Charity October 9, 2014 Outside U of W 515 Portage Avenue Extra Life October 25, 2014 24 hours of playing games to heal kids Children’s Hospital Guild Bake & Trinket Sale November 3, 2014 William Mall-HSC Winnipeg 700 William Avenue Little Angels Craft Sale November 15, 2014 Canad Inns Windsor Park 1034 Elizabeth Road Doors open at 10am 8th Annual Ice Crystal Gala November 17, 2014 RBC Convention Centre Winnipeg 375 York Avenue Christmas for Kids – Polo Park December 5-6, 2014 Polo Park Shopping Centre 1485 Portage Avenue Book Market February Sale February 5, 6, 7, 2015 Thursday to Saturday St. Vital Centre 1225 St. Mary’s Road For information about the above and other upcoming events, visit Teddy News Fall 2014 5 VOLUNTEERS OF THE MONTH May – Holly Toupin Volunteer Years: 14+ Specialty: The Teddy Bears’ Picnic and the Children’s Hospital Foundation Board Fact: Holly always makes everyone feel special. August – Jim & Holly Douglas Volunteer Years: 20+ Fact: Jim is the DQ rep for Manitoba for the Children’s Miracle Network. June – Carson Burr September – Tim Hortons Volunteer Years: 7 Fact: Carson was once a patient at the hospital. Volunteer Years: 10 Specialty: Always there to lend a hand and a smile. July – Paul Warkentein October – Joan Rettie Volunteer Years: 9+ Fact: Paul helps Dr. Goodbear as an ambassador for the Foundation. Volunteer Years: 40+ Specialty: The Children’s Hospital Gift Store Fact: Joan has amazing fashion sense and charm. “Volunteers do not necessarily have the time; they just have the heart.” –Elizabeth Andrew To read more about the amazing hearts these volunteers have, visit 6 Teddy News Fall 2014 Guild Report On June 3, the Guild held their annual dinner at the St. Charles Golf & Country Club. The evening was very well attended and took time to honour the work of retired Children’s Hospital Foundation employee, Chris Anderson, for his support of the Guild and their activities. The Nearly New Shop will soon be placing a sign on their building at 961 Portage Avenue. The sign will feature the Guild logo and will definitely be eye-catching to everyone who passes by. The shop also held numerous sales over the summer and look forward to their Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas in October sales. If you have gently used household items that you would like to donate to the Nearly New Shop, please call: 204-772-3629. Make a difference today! Volunteer with the Children’s Hospital Guild of Manitoba. For membership information, contact: Ryan’s Rambles ✔ 9,762 Kilometres ✔ 60 Presentations ✔ Over 1,000 People Met What goes into an amazing year of being the 2013-2014 Champion Child? Is it the smile, constant energy, meeting new people, or the Starbucks on the long trips? Ryan Veldkamp’s reign as the 2013-2014 Champion Child, presented by Walmart ended in September, but our good times with Ryan and his family will live on. Over the past year, Ryan has travelled over 9,762 kilometres across Manitoba, Canada and the United States. He has spoken at over 60 events, met over 1,000 people – including other Champion kids, Winnipeg Jets Evander Kane and Mark Stuart. He’s gotten to ride in a race car, sat on the eTalk TV set, played in Disney World and rubbed shoulders with Nick Cannon, Marie Osmond, Magic Johnson and the Duke of Hazzard himself, John Schneider. Through it all, Ryan has inspired everyone he has met. He gave a voice to the children in the hospital who can’t speak for themselves. We are so proud of him and the fantastic job he has done. What will Ryan miss most about this experience? “Getting to go to these events and meeting new people is what I’ll miss the most,” states Ryan. Ryan, we will miss being in the passenger seat of your journey and look forward to our continued friendship with you, Mom Carla, Dad Albert and now shorter – but still older – brother, Wesley. Teddy News Fall 2014 7 Dream Lottery for Kids Launch It was a hot and sunny day in July as the Dream Lottery For Kids officially launched to the world a new concept never seen before! For the first time ever, buyers can custom build their own Dream Prize with just a couple clicks of a mouse at Using the exclusive online Dream Builder app, buyers can choose a combination of their Dream House – more than one if they wanted, their Dream Drive, Dream Toy, Dream Trip and Dream Furniture or walk away with the Dream Grand Cash of $1,060,000 – playing the game and sharing it as many times as they wish. With over 4,700 prizes to be won worth over $2.5 million and amazing exclusive early bird draw prizes, this fundraiser is sure to be Manitoba’s summer favourite! Special thanks to Dr. Brandy Wicklow, Winnipeg Jets Mark Stuart and the fantastic Foundation families that came together to be a part of the whole campaign. Final day to buy tickets: Friday, October 3, 2014 at midnight. Main draws will begin on Monday, October 20, 2014 at 11:30am. The Dream Builder Grand Prize Draw will take place Thursday, October 23rd, 2014 from 6:00pm to 6:30pm in the Everett Atrium at the St-Boniface Hospital, 409 Tache Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba. Congratulations to Derek and Carly! Wedded Bliss One night on an evening drive, Derek turned to Carly and asked her to marry him. Little did she know that by saying yes, she would not only change her life, but also help kids at the Children’s Hospital. “We have owned a house for close to seven years already and really did not need any household items that most people receive for shower gifts,” mentioned Carly. “We decided in lieu of a gifts we should look into a charity for others in need and both agreed that it should be the children.” Everyone has a connection to the Children’s Hospital in some way whether it be through friends or someone in their own family. For Carly, it was personal. “In high school, my dear friend Benjamin battled a brain tumour and I spent lots of time visiting him,” remembers Carly. “Everyone was always so good to him ensuring he was as comfortable as possible and the staff were always so kind to everyone.” Derek and Carly contacted the Children’s Hospital Foundation and set up an online donation page. They also held a shower where people could donate to the hospital rather than bringing the couple gifts. “ T his was a very fulfilling and rewarding alternative.” Choose the Children’s Hospital Foundation of Manitoba as your charity of choice. For more information, contact Jessica at or 204-787-4068. 8 Teddy News Fall 2014 Updates In our last newsletter, you learned about how your donation benefits programs like the Children’s Hospital Advisory Committee (CHAC). Here are some updates on how two of the grants are proceeding: Starting with the Babies: Reducing Pain from Immunization Needles in Outpatient Care at the Children’s Hospital Our goals as we move forward in this project are to standardize comfort positions and to transfer our experience with these pain reduction strategies to other outpatient areas. Vaccinations (immunizations) are an essential part of a developing child’s routine health care. Most vaccinations are delivered by needle injections, and most babies need 10 or more vaccinations by the time they are 12 months old. For more information about reducing procedural pain, visit the Immunize Canada website pain.aspx or contact Maureen MacKay at These needles are usually painful. Babies are less wellequipped to cope with the pain than older children and adults and are easily overwhelmed by the stress. An advantage of preventing needle pain in young children is that it may reduce the likelihood that the child will become fearful or phobic about future medical care. The good news is that there are safe and effective ways to reduce a baby’s pain during vaccinations (and other medical procedures). We are working with nurses and other outpatient clinic personnel to promote these painreducing methods and to implement them into clinical practice. Among the many evidence-based ways to prevent and relieve pain in infants, we are emphasizing the following: 1. Comfort positioning – Babies should be held upright and close to their parent or caregiver before, during, and after their immunization injections. Nurses and other healthcare providers can show parents the appropriate positions. 2. Mothers who are breast-feeding can nurse the baby before, during, and after the immunization needles. Breast-feeding, which combines holding with the familiar taste of the mother’s milk, is one of the best ways to reduce pain in babies. 3. When breast-feeding is not available, a few drops of a mild sugar solution (oral sucrose) can be placed in the baby’s mouth one minute before the injection and during the procedure, while sucking, if possible. Numerous studies show that this is effective in reducing procedural pain in babies up to 18 months of age. 4. Distraction – Parents can sing or talk in soothing tones to their infant before, during, and after the immunization injections, and also use interesting distracting toys that the baby can touch or look at. With older babies the possibilities for effective distraction are endless. Development and Piloting of a Food Allergy Anaphylaxis Education Program for Adolescents The Children’s Allergy & Asthma Education Centre (CAAEC) has previously developed asthma education programs as well as food allergy education programs for young children, school age children and their parents. Now, thanks to funding from your donation, the CAAEC is focusing on the needs of teens that have serious food allergies. The first step of this project has been to gather information about what teens need or would like to learn and effective strategies for helping them increase their knowledge and food allergy management skills. We are especially interested in how social media and mobile technology can be used to engage teens. At this point, we have reviewed a variety of literature related to food allergy, teens and educational approaches, including web-based and mobile-based initiatives. Food-allergic teens have been interviewed in small focus groups to learn more about their perspective on what would be helpful for teens. The results of the literature review and interviews will be shared with other allergy professionals at the Canadian Society of Allergy & Clinical Immunology meeting this fall. The final step in the information gathering phase is a national online survey of foodallergic teens, which should be completed in September. Once a program draft is completed, feedback will be requested from other food allergy experts and adjustments made before the program pilot, currently scheduled to begin in November. We look forward to the feedback that will be obtained from teens that take part in the pilot, and from the program facilitators. Teddy News Fall 2014 9 Kids helping kids Lending an ear Crafty Kids Sweet Tooth Bear hugs to the three grade six classes at Ecole Neil Campbell School who spent some class time cutting Bear Ears. These ears are a huge Teddy Bears’ Picnic favourite and raise money to help sick kids in need. Special thanks to teachers Ashley Brown and Samantha Holscen. Wayoata School donated $77 from the students in the Kids Helping Kids Club. A group of grade five students did a variety of projects through the year with the goal of helping kids in their community. They raised this money by selling crafts at their annual school concert. Oakbank Elementary students sold chocolates to raise money in support of the Pediatric Oncology ward and raised $1,360. Bday Bonanza Hair Do’s Sensational Sierra Big thanks to Dylan Camungol Yuen. For her birthday, Dylan solicited gifts from her friends and family to support the PICU in memory of her godson Jedrien Manucduc. Lyra McLean from Balmertown, Ontario cut her long, long hair into a cute bob to raise money for the Hospital ($375) plus brought some nice toys for the kids. Sierra Wilde raised $70 with a lemonade and iced tea stand. Sierra also had to stay in the hospital last month. If you’re interested in creating a fundraiser for the Children’s Hospital Foundation of Manitoba, please contact Jessica at or visit under PARTICIPATE for more information. 10 Teddy News Fall 2014 Children’s Miracle Network Minute It’s been a busy time for the Children’s Miracle Network partners. Here’s an update on what some of our partners have been up to: In June, Walmart held their 11th annual Walk for Miracles. Despite the on-again, off-again rain, associates and supporters showed up in record numbers and a great time was held by all. For the month of May, all the Manitoba Costco stores became the Month of Miracles headquarters. Staff held raffles and sold bears as well as balloons in support of the hospital. Over $145,000 was raised. Great job Costco! The folks at TD were busy in June running a “When you give a little, they get a lot” campaign in support of the Children’s Hospital. Branches held BBQ’s, theme days and ran touching videos of how their own staff have been personally touched by the hospital. August marked the return of Canada’s favourite day – Dairy Queen Miracle Treat Day. Stores and Blizzard® lovers united in support of our great cause. Media, celebrities and Foundation ambassadors who came had a great time including Winnipeg Jets Mark Stuart who delivered a Blizzard® cake to the kids in the hospital. The second annual campaign kicked off in June where all Manitoba KFC stores sold icon balloons. Also a portion of proceeds from the sale of a bucket menu benefited the hospital. The Children’s Hospital Foundation of Manitoba has been a proud partner of the Children’s Miracle Network for the past 30 years. The network works with over 170 hospitals North America wide helping to raise money for local hospitals - most of it $1 at a time. All money raised in Manitoba, stays in Manitoba. Welcome Beth! Beth Proven, CFRE, joined the Children’s Hospital Foundation as Director of Major Gifts and Planned Giving in mid-June. For the past 19 years, Beth has worked in the charitable sector for the University of Manitoba, Brandon University and recently received both the provincial and the national Friend of the Canadian Association of Gift Planners (CAGP) “Friend of CAGP” Awards. Beth’s role will be to educate individuals about making major gifts to the Foundation, to help build the Foundation’s endowed funds, and to facilitate bequests in wills or other types of planned gifts including gifts of life insurance, pension funds or RRSPs, gifts of securities, real-estate or other types of tax-wise gifts. For information about these types of gifts, or to arrange a personal meeting with Beth contact her at 204-787-4040 or Teddy News Fall 2014 11 Celebrate Successes Teddy Terrific The saying, “rain or shine teddy bears always have a great time,” was especially true at this year’s 28th Annual Teddy Bears’ Picnic. Over 30,000 kids, parents, guardians and stuffed animals came to enjoy of day of education, entertainment and eating. Special thanks to everyone who volunteered their time to make this day such a success. Bear hugs to the Rotary Club of St. James who donated $8,100 from proceeds of the food sold at Teddy Bears’ Picnic. Need for cribs Fore The Kids On November 18th, 2013, the Children’s Hospital Foundation of Manitoba Ice Crystal Gala, presented by The Fast Family, was held under the glittering aurora borealis sky. Throughout the night, funds raised benefited two important areas: the Children’s Hospital and diabetes research at the Manitoba Institute of Child Health. Because of the generous donors, the Ice Crystal Gala raised over $335,000 including the purchase of four cribs for the hospital. Tables for the 2014 Ice Crystal Gala are almost sold out. Please call the Foundation office at 204-787-4000 to book yours today. Finally a fabulous day as the Dr. Goodbear Curtis Gray Memorial teed off June 17th, 2014 at Glendale Golf & Country Club. A fun time was had by all with $100,000 raised. Dr. Goodbear Becomes Tech Savvy Text to donate to the Children’s Hospital Foundation of Manitoba. A one-time donation of $20 will be charged to your cell phone bill. It’s as easy as texting “Goodbear” to 45678. What does your will say about you? Leave a gift in your will ...because sick children need us NOW. Contact Beth Proven, CFRE 204-787-4040 12 Teddy News Fall 2014 Legacy of Caring If you ask anyone to tell you about Margaret Bishop smiles will cross their face. Words like wonderful, passionate, caring and loved will cross their lips. She was a woman whose middle name was dedication. Margaret was born in Miami, Manitoba and grew up in Altamont. During her teen years, she was a patient at Ninette Sanatorium. She survived and eventually moved to Winnipeg where she worked at Canada Mortgage and Housing for 26 years. Though she loved her career, her volunteerism with the Children’s Hospital Guild is where her heart lay. Margaret was a founding member of the Children’s Hospital Book Market. At the market she was given the name “the Pocket Book Lady.” She spent many years as a board member of the Children’s Hospital Foundation and was a quarter century member of the former Chown Guild of the Children’s Hospital. “She was a sweet lady and I dearly miss her,” Bonnie Patenaude, Past-President, Children’s Hospital Guild reflected. “She had a lot of friends at the Guild. She loved kids and she’d do anything to help. Her attitude about life was that she would help anyone.” In 2002, Margaret kept true to her beliefs and with a gift of $10,000 established the Margaret Bishop Child Life Endowment Fund. As with any endowment fund, the original donation is invested and a portion of the annual income earned on those monies is spent on the identified area of need. Margaret’s perpetual endowment fund ensures that Child Life Programs will always be available to hospitalized children. Margaret continued to donate to her fund throughout her lifetime and when she died in 2009 she left a gift in her will that has made a substantial impact on what the fund disburses each year. “The Child Life Department strives to help alleviate the stress and anxiety of hospitalization on children and their families,” stated Renee Ethans, the Manager of Child Life for the Children’s Hospital. “We do this by preparing the children for medical procedures, normalizing the Share Your Story Has the Children’s Hospital - HSC Winnipeg made an impact on your life? Share your story with us. Contact Tanya Williams at 204-787-4080 or environment and allowing children lots of opportunities to play. Margaret’s fund helps to enhance these beneficial programs and also purchase books, toys, games and activities that truly make a difference in the lives of our pediatric patients. We are deeply grateful for Margaret Bishop’s generous support, compassion and vision.” Even though Margaret is no longer with us, through her named fund her memory lives on to continue the great work helping sick children. “Margaret was a passionate lady who deeply loved children,” remembered Marie-Alice Grassick, President of the Children’s Hospital Guild and a friend of Margaret’s. “She always wanted sick children to have the best and that is why she established the endowment fund.” Thank you, Margaret. Five Reasons to Make a Gift in Your Will to Children’s Hospital Foundation: 1. Sick children need specialized equipment, new technologies and extra comforts that regular hospital funding cannot provide. 2. A gift in your will provides flexibility because you may not know how much you will need to live your own life to the fullest. 3. Receive comfort knowing your financial affairs are in order. 4. Provides tax benefits. 5. You have your say on where your money goes and the impact it will make. We can help. Talk to Children’s Hospital Foundation representative Beth Proven, CFRE, at 204-787-4040 or to learn how easy it is to make a bequest and make a difference. Teddy News Fall 2014 13 WITH GRATITUDE In Memory Thank you to those who made contributions in memory of the following individuals from January to July, 2014. Gary Alards Bella Antel Olive May Atkins Thomas James Atkins Landon Barnes Carole Marie Beaudoin Cassidy Begin Baby Blake Ronald Bennett Clara De Wulf Andrew Kerr Kenneth Newton Margaret Del Bigio Sydney Gerald King Baby Markus David Edward Doerksen Hazel Kooning Kolawole Babajide Jan Opanubi Helen Frances Rose Doyle Ike Kraut Henry Eichler Bryann Lange Maria Ilda Lourenco Fagundes Paul Latocki Dr. Jack Fainman Owen John Joseph Koster Ainslie Mya Lavallee Baby River Paul Florence Jean Pollock Beatrice Pomeranz John Peter Pruden Harry Rayburn Frances Lavallee Pat Royal Baby Marita Rueckert Marion Catherine Flintoft Kathryn Mary Moffat Lawson Michael Alden Ruiz Geoffrey Larry Kenneth Foss Bryn Elizabeth Lee Reina Rybuck Max and Lil Leibl Alipon Sahulka Sheila Maureen Lugtig Parker Maxwell Sansregret Karla MacKenzie Deklyn Jeffrey Reid Sawatzky Edward Wayne Faulkner Cash William Friesen Renate Blobel Jackson Fitsimmons Gadient Pauline Boitson Mary-Ann Garand Linda Marie Mager James Edward Boles Lydia Geronney Domenico Enrico Mancini Joan Breakey Herbert Gibbings Ronald McAuley Joyce Brooks Jeffrey McDermot Patricia Brutto Marjorie Loretta Sue Blanche Gilbert Patricia Buchholzer Sophie Globa Gerald Bennett McIntyre Alex Bugera Edward Goetz Shelia McMullan Reece Burdy-Ostermann Tegan Gowryluk Norman Melnychuk David Caligiuri Benjamin Frederick Hancock Sarah Jane Menzies Pat Stapleton Robert Steffens J.L. Hay Joy Katherine Irene Middleton Annie Stewart Baby Magnus Edward Hay Leslie Dawn Milne Mildred Lucille Sweeney Jenny Hayhow Olive Irene Milne Eric Swirsky James Hiddleston Jordan Mark Mistelbacher Anna Tarnopolski Susan Hildebrand Ruth Isabella Louise Moore John James Terwin Ed Hilderman Archie Morrison Eva Timmerman Edna (Teddy) Hooper Dr. Garth Mosher Amberly Maria Tolpa Sophie Conner Alice Hutcheson Harley Mynryk Myla Toogood Catherine Cox Carissa Dawn Ilyniak Eleanor Narick Allan Tymko Helen Crust Eigill Johnson Lawrence Corbet Nazer Alexander Koha Cuddy John (Jack) R. Keilback John Leonard Neufeld Baby Evan Michael Warwaruk Margaret Kellner Cynthia Newton Celine Carriere Brodie Taylor Chabot Stanley Cherney Florence Catherine Christie Brody David Patrick Church Shirley Anne Church Baby Matteo Filippo Kenneth Colosimo 14 Teddy News Fall 2014 Lori McGregor Richard Schellenberg Gertrude Shannon Sophie Sherbeth Valerie Simard Alva Jean Smart Robert Parrish Spear Karen (Kay) Anne Stapleton Dr. George Bertram Watkins Continued from page 3 Heather Dawn Watt Eleanor Gibson Joyce Pachkowsky Lindsay Weldon Doris Gilman Amelia Paronuzzi Phyllis M. Wilson Knox Giroux Chasity Penner Jeanne Wyenberg Eddy Giroux Baby Bailey Phillips Baby Jacob Young Ben Goderis Ruth Podheiser Joyce Zilkie Aidan Guidan Bonnie & Sean Potyk In honour Caroline Guscott Bev Reske Greyson and Calianne Holland Ethan Robson Ruth Kettner Joanne & Brian Selby Thank you to those who have donated in honour of the following individuals from January to July, 2014. Maurita Kiesman Beckham Koscielny Adam Krentz Heidi Albrecht Koby Lagasse Dayton Anderson Paul & Nadia LaJeunesse Mary Anna Ryan & Angelic Laurin Charlie Annandale Murray Long Skyrah Bachmeier Julita Manzanilla Robert & Billie Blue Dell McCabe Carly & Derek Boklaschuk Tetty McConnell Christopher Botterhill Jamie McDonald Ethan Burnell Ryan McFadyen Ben & Anjum Carriere Aleksei Minarik Ted & Alace Chambers Callen Mitton Derek Cumming Children’s Hospital - NICU Staff Brady Desautels Baby Hank Douglas Jordyn Espenell Amrine Ghattora Rodney & Debbie Neufeld Dwight Nightingale Maureen Onofreychuk Austin (Gramma Schmidt) Esther Seipp Gail Shaw Peter Siemens Greysen Siemens Jamie Smith Jace Spence David Tulk Baby Micah Vadnais Dr. Ken Van Ameyde Baby Sasha Vincent Karen Wachnian Nona Ward Jacob Robert Wenner Aidan Wilson Abigail Elizabeth Winter Nicole Yanke “There’s an awesome physiotherapist at the hospital, Linda, whom we now just see annually. She trained us from the beginning,” recalls Tammy. “Physio is the one thing we can do to affect Aiden’s health, and it has actually improved since his diagnosis.” Even with the active life of a nine year old boy, Aiden makes time for his physiotherapy. It is something Aiden will have to do every day for the rest of his life. Tammy has a deep appreciation for Children’s Hospital. “Children’s Hospital has such a sense of community. Whenever Aiden is discharged I kind of think I’m not ready to go. It’s such a safe place for him. It’s such a team.” Although Aiden will never outgrow his condition, it doesn’t effect his life expectancy and certainly doesn’t dampen his enthusiasm for karate, swimming, biking, video games and all of the other fun stuff this amazing little boy loves to do. Aiden’s journey as the 2014 - 2015 Champion Child starts shortly. Look for the Adventure’s of Aiden through on-going updates on Facebook, Twitter and e-Newsletters. Ross & Shelagh Yarnell Dorothy Zeewuen GO GREEN! Help us save our costs. If you prefer to have your newsletter e-mailed to you, send an email to with “Go green!” in the subject line. Include your first name, last name, and preferred email address. Our next newsletter will show up in your inbox instead of your mailbox! Teddy News Fall 2014 15 in remembrance Dr. Agnes Bishop Dr. James Haworth Dr. Charles Ferguson Numerous Manitobans who fought cancer as children have Dr. Agnes Bishop and the team she created to thank for their lives. Unfortunately after trying to fight her own battle, Dr. Bishop passed away in May. Dr. James Haworth died peacefully on July 16, 2014 after a short illness. When you look at the interior of the Children’s Hospital, you would be astounded at the amazing men and women who helped build it and those who continue to do astonishing work within it. In August, one of those amazing men passed away. Dr. Charles Ferguson left us on his 82nd birthday. What we must celebrate is a man who started the world of protecting children in this province. Dr. Bishop, an oncologist at Children’s Hospital, became the first woman to head Children’s Hospital in 1985. She was also head of pediatrics at the St. Boniface General Hospital and chairwoman of the University of Manitoba’s pediatrics department. She headed Children’s Hospital until 1994, when she turned down the chance to be the first female president of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada to become president of the Atomic Energy Control Board. While heading the AECB, she led its transition to becoming the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission. She left the position in 2001. One of her former patients and HSC employee, Carole Keeley, remembers her fondly... “I am very lucky to have met and been in her care. To this day I donate to the Children’s Hospital and volunteer when I can. Little did I know that years later I would be working here and she would remember me when I ran into her.” 16 Teddy News Winter/Spring 2014 As the former head of the Children’s Hospital from 1979-1985, he was involved in significant changes in Neonatology, expanded the Children’s Hospital, and used his research expertise to make a major difference around the world. He was an expert in children’s malnutrition and metabolic disorders, and took part in sabbaticals in South Africa, Uganda and Australia. He was a lecturer, examiner, and he was an author/co-author of numerous professional papers, review articles and book chapters. Following his retirement in 1992, Jim became the Executive Director of the Medical Services Research Foundation for 10 years. In his spare time he helped with archiving the history of the Children’s Hospital in Winnipeg. For all his contributions, Dr. Haworth will always have an important part in the story of the Children’s Hospital and the strides made in child health. Dr. Ferguson was the founder of Manitoba’s Child Protection Centre. His expertise as a pediatrician also played a significant role in identifying symptoms of Shaken Baby Syndrome. He was utterly devoted to children’s care. He worked to improve communication with northern families of hospitalized children, including arranging for interpreters. Former nurse Collen Horbay remembers him fondly: “Charlie was an amazing, wonderful, caring man. Our dear abused children have so much to be thankful for due to his caring and compassionate nature.” Ferguson worked full time at the Child Protection Centre until he was about 80. He then reduced his hours to three days a week. Even though he retired, he was often there if anyone ever needed him; truly dedicated to the cause until the end.
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