Document 395946

NEWSLETTER – October 2014
71 Dundas St
Brighton, Ontario K0K 1H0
Jeff Kawzenuk, Principal
Lisa Hickman, Vice-principal
Scott Johnson, Vice-principal
Joseph Tompkins, Superintendent of Student Achievement, Northumberland – Contact Information:
1-877-741-4577, Ext. 2602 or
Cyndi Dickson, Trustee – Contact Information: 613-475-4222 or
From the Office of Principal Jeff Kawzenuk
Another school year is upon us and as always, ENSS is a very busy place. Being the largest school in the
Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board, we are able to offer an abundance of activities.
We are happy to welcome to Lisa Hickman, our new Vice-Principal, to ENSS.
We began this year with our Terry Fox Campaign. Our goal is to break the 1 million dollar mark for total fund
raised dollars since we began our involvement with the Terry Fox organization.
Students are on our track and sports field!!!! Our new “track and sports field” is spectacular… featuring
lighting, a sprinkler system, bleachers and a huge scoreboard to be installed in mid-October. We thank our
students as well as our community members for their patience.
We are extremely proud of how our students performed on the EQAO Provincial Tests. ENSS saw a 10.8%
improvement in literacy scores and are above the Board and Provincial averages in applied and academic math
scores. Applied math scores saw a 24% increase in math scores. While EQAO is one small measurement of how
students and schools are performing, teachers and students worked very hard to demonstrate improvement.
The ENSS 60 Reunion is just around the corner….May 1, 2 & 3, 2015!!!! All former students and staff are
invited to attend. For more information check out our web site at: Please pass on the information to
all your friends and families.
The ENSS chocolate fund-raising campaign is on and we encourage everyone to buy some delicious chocolate.
Student government raises money through chocolate sales which supports co-curricular activities and help to
reduce user fees. Congratulations to this year‟s student government for providing excellent activities and
encouraging all students to get involved in all aspects of ENSS school life.
We wish all students a successful school year and ask parents to encourage their children to get involved.
Wow…..ENSS is
celebrating 60
years in May 2015
Music Department
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The Music Department is in full swing! Music students are
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working hard to learn new pieces.
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Jazz Eh! and Razzmajazz are preparing themselves for
our Feeder School Tour. This year we have all 7 feeder
schools participating! A letter will come home soon with
the schedule and the permission form.
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Gr. 9/10 Instrumental Class is working on three band
point. on
pieces for of
9/10 Band Festival
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textsing at the
Nov. 10 in
the evening….more info to come. Both groups will perform
at the ENSS Remembrance Day Assembly on Nov. 11,
and on Nov. 12 the groups will be singing WWI songs at a
PROBUS meeting during the day at the Brighton
Community Centre. It is very important for members of
these groups to return the Information and Communication
Release Forms ASAP as this will allow me to take them on
this walking trip and have their picture in the local paper.
2013 – 2014 Grade 9 Mathematics
Assessment (EQAO)
In September, EQAO announced our schools‟
combined achievement on the Winter and
Spring Grade 9 Math Assessment. At the
Applied level, 58% of our students achieved at
or above the provincial standard (Levels 3 and
4), while at the Academic level, 87% of our
students achieved at or above the provincial
standard. We are very proud of our students‟
accomplishments and wish them continued
Individual student achievement results will be
sent home along with the Progress Report
Card. Your child‟s results are private and will
give you an indication of his or her achievement
in relation to Ontario‟s high school provincial
standard. The standard, or Level 3, represents
the range from 70% to 79%. Meeting the
standard means your child has a solid grasp of
the required knowledge and skills, which is a
good indication that he or she will be ready for
math work in Grade 10.
ENSS Concert Band will be working with the Brighton
Community Concert Band! We will have professional
musicians working with each section of the band, and
rehearse with the community band for a joint performance
at Music Night (Dec. 11) and at a Brighton Concert Band
performance. More info to come about this exciting
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact
L. Tonkin.
Mark your calendar:
EQAO Gr. 9 Math Assessment dates:
January 14 & 15, 2015
Student Services
Grade 12 students are encouraged to attend the College Fair on Oct 16 and/or the University Fair on Oct 22 to
gain more information about post-secondary schools. To also help students better familiarize themselves with postsecondary school programs multiple schools will be visiting ENSS to discuss their programs. Students can sign up
to attend these presentations in Student Services. All grade 12 students have also received information about
important websites and dates related to post-secondary planning. Please see this information on
under Student Services. Also on this website you can find information on scholarships and bursaries. We have also
created a texting system to help stay informed about important information about post-secondary and
graduation. Parents are encouraged to visit to find instructions on how to also join this texting system.
Sports, clubs, student and grad photos, all major events and
more……oh the memories!!!! Yearbooks will be on sale at the
school store (TFox Foyer) from Tuesday, October 14 to Friday,
October 24. You must pre-order a yearbook as there will not be
extra copies available in June.
School Photos
Photo proofs were sent home on Monday, October 6. Photo orders were due Thursday, October 9 either
online or by returning the order form included with the proofs.
RETAKE DAY is Thursday, October 23 (morning only) in the East Foyer.
Any student who was absent on the original photo day may have their photo taken. Also, any student
requesting retakes MUST bring the original proofs with them in order to have their photo retaken.
Lifetouch Photography (Belleville) sets up a small studio within our
school for grad photos to be taken. Students must pre-book an
appointment for a 20-minute photo session (Stage Gym A/B). A sitting
fee of $30 is charged (photograph orders are an additional cost).
Students MUST keep their appointment time. Contact Judith MurthaAnderson (Minister of Graduate Affairs) for additional information
regarding appointment bookings.
Appointments booking times will be made from Tuesday, October
14 – Friday, October 17 @ the school store (TFox Foyer).
Grad Photo dates: Tuesday, October 28th to Thursday, November 6th
Retake Grad Photo date: Monday, December 8th
You also have the option of going directly to Lifetouch Studios in
Belleville to have photographs taken. Students wishing to have grad
photos taken by other photographers may submit a copy (JPEG format
only) to to be included in the yearbook.
Deadline (firm) for submission is Friday, January 30th.
Attention Graduates: Are you graduating this year??? Do you
have your 40 hours of community service done??? Have you
handed in your hours to Student Services???
E-Waste Collection
Grand Tour of Italy
March Break 2015
March Break 2015 is fast approaching and if you
haven‟t already signed up for the Grand Tour of
Italy…there is still time!!!! The deadline to
register for this fun-filled, action packed,
educational tour is October 31, 2014.
Join D. Gough and R. Knight as they chaperone
students from ENSS on a grand tour of Venice,
Florence, Assisi, Pompeii and Rome. They will
also visit the Doge‟s Palace, Duomo, Basillica of
St. Francis, Roman Forum, Pompeii Roman
Ruins, Coloseum and so much more while
participating in glass blowing and gladiator
demonstration, as well as some free time to
enjoy the beautiful sights and sound of Italy.
If interested in registering for the March Break
2015 Grand Tour of Italy contact:
D. Gough at or
R. Knight at
Friday, October 17 ENSS will be holding
another E-Waste Collection from 3 – 7 pm in
the North East parking lot (tech parking lot).
Parents can go to for
more information on what can be recycled.
Don‟t forget we also have collection boxes for
old cell phones and household batteries in
the main office.
Dates to Remember
Progress Reports Cards go home
Grad Photo appointments made
Loyalist College Fair
Parent‟s Night
E-Waste Collection
University Fair
Academic Awards Night
Hallowe‟en Dance & Haunted Halls
Spirit Week
Grad Photos
Parent Conference on Mental Health
The Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board
is hosting their 14 Annual Parent Conference
Saturday, October 18
8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Bowmanville High School
49 Liberty St. N.
Canadian singer/actor Lesley Andrew will offer
the keynote address on Beating the Odds.
Child minding for ages two and older, a light
breakfast, handouts and information booths by
agencies that support families‟ mental health will
also be included – all at no charge
For more information and to register to to:
Turn back Clocks
Grad Photos continue
Jr. Girls Rugby – COSSA @ ENSS
Take Our Kids to Work (gr. 9‟s)
Sr. Girls Rugby – COSSA @ ENSS
.5 Career/Civic classes switch
MADD Assembly
Remembrance Day Assembly
Interim Report Cards go home
Brighton Santa Claus Parade
Afternoon of Talent
30 Hr Fast
PA Day
ASG Volleyball tournament @ ENSS
Gr. 8 Orientation Night
Music Night
Winter Semi-Formal
Christmas Assembly
Last day of school before Christmas
ENSS Cross-Country Team
The ENSS cross-country season began officially on the second day of school.
More than 50 athletes have been attending daily practices. To date, the team
has attended three invitational meets in what promises to be a very exciting
On September 17th, the team finished 8th at the Trinity Harrier, a competition that
featured teams from more than 60 schools. Highlights included the senior boys‟
4th place finish and the midget girls‟ and senior girls‟ 5th place finishes.
The team traveled to Rochester to compete at the 50th annual McQuaid
Invitational, on September 27th. This meet, one of the largest in North America,
featured 8000 athletes from more than 250 schools. The ENSS junior high girls‟
team finished an impressive 2nd while the seeded varsity girls‟ team finished 12th
and the seeded varsity boys‟ team was 16th.
On October 3rd, the Blue Dragons hosted 26 schools at the Bay of Quinte
Invitational Cross-Country Meet. In the team overall result, ENSS finished a
narrow second to the powerhouse KCVI.
The team travels to Waterloo to compete on October 9th and returns to GoodrichLoomis for the Bay of Quinte and COSSA Championships on October 15th and
October 22nd. BQ and COSSA action starts at 11:30. Come out and cheer on
the team!
ENSS Curling Teams hosting OFSAA Curling during the 1st
week of March 2015. Many volunteers are needed…..please
contact S. Doornbos for more information.
Friends of Rachel Club (F.O.R. Club)
Get Involved…….October BAM Lunch
Members have begun planning a Chain
Reaction at ENSS called Rachel‟s
Challenge. Students participating in this
school wide initiative will focus on
promoting kindness, inclusiveness and
creating a positive school culture. Some
topics of awareness will be: Random
Acts of Kindness, Anti-Bullying and
Mental Health.
„Buddies and Mentors‟ (BAM) is a leadership
program at ENSS involved with providing
support to our grade 9 students during their first
year of high school. BAM Leaders, along with
Student Government, will be hosting their
second „BAM Lunch‟ on Thursday, October 23rd
in the South Side Cafeteria. Bring your lunch,
get involved and show your school spirit!!
Students are always welcome to join our
F.O.R. Club…..see S. Kerr or D. Gilbert
for more information.