东方艺术品拍卖 International auction 857 B R U U N R A S M U S S E N O R I E N TA L A R T ORIENTAL ART A U C T I O N 8 5 7 • J U N E 2 01 5 ORIENTAL ART International auction 857 AUCTION 3 June 2015 PREVIEW Thursday 28 May 3 pm - 6 pm Friday 29 May 11 am - 5 pm Saturday 30 May 11 am - 4 pm Sunday 31 May 11 am - 4 pm Monday 1 June 11 am - 5 pm or by appointment Bredgade 33 · DK-1260 Copenhagen K · Tel +45 8818 1111 · Fax +45 8818 1112 info@bruun-rasmussen.dk · bruun-rasmussen.com DAYS OF SALE ________________________________________________________ FINE ART + ANTIQUES Tuesday 2 June 4 pm Paintings and drawings ________________________________________________________ ORIENTAL SALE Wednesday 3 June 2 pm Oriental art 140 - 296 ________________________________________________________ FINE ART + ANTIQUES Thursday 4 June 2 pm Russian sale Furniture, clocks and bronzes Silver and ceramics Oriental carpets Monday 8 June 2 pm Jewellery, Hermès and Chanel handbags Wristwatches ________________________________________________________ MODERN ART Tuesday 9 June 4 pm Modern paintings and sculptures Wednesday 10 June 2 pm Modern paintings and sculptures Prints Photographs ________________________________________________________ NORDIC DESIGN Wednesday 10 June after 4 pm Silver Decorative art Thursday Furniture and lamps 11 June 4 pm ________________________________________________________ DEADLINE FOR CLAIMING ITEMS: 24 JUNE Items bought at Auction 857 must be paid no later than eight days from the date of the invoice and claimed on Bredgade 33 by Wednesday 24 June at the latest. Otherwise, they will be moved to Bruun Rasmussen’s storage facility at Baltikavej 10 in Copenhagen at the buyer’s expense and risk. This transportation will cost DKK 100 per item VAT included, and storage will cost DKK 100 per item per week VAT included. Lot 155 东方艺术品拍卖 857国际拍卖会 拍卖会 2015年6月3日 预展 5月28日星期四 下午3-6点 5月29日星期五 上午11点-下午5点 5月30日星期六 上午11点-下午4点 5月31日星期日 上午11点-下午4点 6月1日星期一 上午11点-下午5点 或根据预约时间 Bredgade 33 · DK-1260 Copenhagen K · Tel +45 8818 1111 · Fax +45 8818 1112 info@bruun-rasmussen.dk · bruun-rasmussen.com Lot 167 拍卖日期 ________________________________________________________ 美术品+古董 6月2日 星期二 下午4点 美术及绘画 ________________________________________________________ 东方艺术品 6月3日 星期三 下午2点 东方艺术品 140 - 296 ________________________________________________________ 美术品+古董 6月4日 星期四 下午2点 俄罗斯艺术品 家具, 钟表, 铜器 银器和陶瓷 东方地毯 6月8日 星期一 下午2点 珠宝 爱马仕和香奈尔手包 手表 ________________________________________________________ 现代艺术 6月9日 星期二 下午4点 6月10日 星期三 下午2点 现代绘画和雕塑 现代绘画和雕塑 印刷品 照片 ________________________________________________________ 北欧设计 6月10日 星期三 下午4点 6月11日 星期四 下午4点 银器 装饰品 家具和灯饰 ________________________________________________________ Lot 183 Important information regarding the oriental auction Free shipping of purchased items We offer free shipping to Hong Kong six times a year. We work with the international forwarding company DSV, which has extensive experience in transporting valuable and fragile items. For further information, please contact Simon Saks Holst by e-mail: ssh@bruun-rasmussen.dk or phone: +45 8818 1057. Items made of ivory Several countries outside the EU prohibit the import of items with parts consisting of materials from endangered species. Certain catalogue numbers at this auction are affected by this, and potential buyers are advised to check the specific rules that apply in their country. Bidding Bidding on items in this catalogue requires prior registration of a valid debit/credit card, presentation of photo ID and the payment of a deposit of €10,000 on request. Please contact Bruun Rasmussen’s bidding department about this by 10 am (CET) on Tuesday 2 June 2015 by e-mail bids@bruun-rasmussen.dk or phone +45 8818 1013. 有关东方艺术品拍卖会的重要通知 所购物品免费海运 每年免费运送香港六次,我们与DSV公司合作,该公司对运送贵重物品和易碎物品经验丰富并 且十分专业。请联系Simon Saks Holst,邮箱:ssh@bruun-rasmussen.dk,电话:+45 88181057。 象牙制品 欧盟以外的一些国家禁止含有濒危物种材质的物品进口,本拍卖目录中有所涉及,有意购买者 应查看所在国的具体法规。 竞投 对本期拍卖会的竞投者需提前用有效的借记卡/信用卡事先登记,提供有本人照片的身份证, 并且如果拍卖行要求, 需预交10.000欧元的保证金。请在2015年6月2日上午10点之前联系竞投部 门,电子邮件: bids@bruun-rasmussen.dk 或者致电:+45 88181013。 “China is my second country” These are the words of one of the great Danish collectors of Chinese artefacts – words that will no doubt ring true with many expatriate Danes who have experienced such feelings during their lengthy stays in China in the 19th and 20th centuries. Their work for Danish enterprises such as the East Asiatic Company and the Great Northern Telegraph Company brought them in close contact with the culture of South East Asia. At the time, the Chinese themselves were not particularly interested in their own cultural heritage, making it financially accessible to foreigners. Expatriate Danes were therefore able to establish unique private art collections, which they brought back home with them to Denmark. It is thanks to them that we have so many outstanding oriental artefacts on Danish soil today. In this catalogue, we present the most exquisite selection of oriental art in Bruun Rasmussen’s history. The absolute highlights include a number of Buddhist gilt bronze figures from wellknown private Danish collectors. One such passionate collector was Aage V. Jørgensen, who was Danish consul and head of the East Asiatic Company’s branches in northern China. While the First World War raged in Europe, he arrived, a young man, by train to the country that would become his second country. During the 29 years that he was stationed in China, he satisfied his strong collector’s gene, decorating his family home in Harbin with Chinese rugs, artwork and bronze figures. The item carrying the highest estimate in the auction is a gilt Ming Buddha, which was owned by Jørgensen (cat.no. 225). A number of the other precious bronze figures up for auction come from another qualityconscious Danish collector of oriental art, Sophus Black, who was stationed in China as an employee of the Great Northern Telegraph Company. As a telegraph manager, he lived in various parts of China from 1902–1931. Over the years, Danish auction houses have had the pleasure of auctioning off various artefacts from his diverse private collection, and this time we present, among other things, a Tibetan figure depicting the Buddhist master Tsongkhapa, who lived from 1357–1419 (cat.no. 221). Join us on this exceptional journey to the East! Jesper Bruun Rasmussen ”中国是我的第二个祖国” 在此,我要讲述一个了不起的丹麦人, 一个中国艺术品收藏家-无疑也说的是许多19和20世纪那 些长期居住在中国的丹麦人的感受。那些为丹麦企业例如东亚公司和北方电讯公司工作的丹麦 人,工作经历给了他们对东南亚文化的接触。那个时期,中国人自己对于他们本有的文化遗产并不 特别热衷,因此给了外国人购买的机会,使得丹麦人建立起来自己独一无二的私人收藏。当他们 返回丹麦,随身带回来那些珍品,正因如此,才应该感谢他们让我们在丹麦的土地上有了如此之 多的东方艺术品。 在本目录中,我们选择了Bruun Rasmussen拍卖行有史以来最精美的东方艺术品,不容置疑的 聚焦点就是那些著名丹麦收藏家的一些铜镀金佛造像。 其中一位满腔热情的收藏家就是Aage V. Jørgensen,曾为丹麦驻中国领事兼东亚公司在中国北 方的负责人。第一次世界大战在欧洲爆发的时候,他还是个小伙子,登上了火车,开往那个即将成 为他第二个祖国的地方。他在中国长驻了29年,沉迷在收藏的根基里,把他在哈尔滨的家用中国 地毯、艺术品和铜造像装饰起来。这次拍卖估价最高的一尊明代鎏金铜佛,就属于Jørgensen。 (目录第225号)。 其它一些上拍的铜像来自于另外一位有品味的丹麦东方艺术收藏家Sophus Black。作为大北方 电讯公司的雇员,他曾在中国长驻。1902年至1931年,他居住过几个不同的地方。历经多年,丹麦 的拍卖行都十分惬意为他那些不同的私人藏品挥动标槌。这次,我们从他各种收藏之中选了一尊 藏传佛像,佛教大师宗喀巴-1357-1419。 (目录中第221号) 来加入这次独特的东方之旅吧! Jesper Bruun Rasmussen Telegraph Manager and Art Collector Sophus Black, 1882-1960. Photo: Royal Library, Denmark. Sophus Black and J.H. Zeeman In this catalogue, we present 15 lots from various descendants of Sophus Black. The items were collected, while Black was stationed in China. Sophus Black 1882-1960, telegraph manager, and art collector. After his final exam, Black was employed in the large Northern Telegraph Company, and he was stationed in London in 1900 and 1902-31 in China. After doing service in Shanghai, Chefoo and Tientsin, Black came to Beijing in 1907 and 1919, where he served as manager of the company’s station there, as well as periodically in Tientsin, Chefoo and Hong Kong. Black was soon preoccupied with Chinese culture and art, and he soon began a collection. Over the years this collection became highly diverse with items such as Buddhist figures, ancestral portraits, porcelain etc. Several of Black’s items found their way to the National Museum of Denmark as gifts or through sales. In addition, Black and his wife Minna Dich were advisors to Danes who were going to China, and for various Museums. The catalogue also comprises 12 lots from the Dutch chargé d’affaires to China (1954-57) Dr J. H. Zeeman. In 1947, he met his coming wife the Danish correspondent Birgitte in Berlin, where she was working for the Danish foreign ministry. They were stationed in China from 1954 to 1957, before they settled in Denmark. Premier of The People’s Republic of China Zhou Enlai together with the Dutch Chargé d’affaires in China (1954-57) Dr J. H. Zeeman with family. Sophus Black 和 J.H. Zeeman 在本目录中,我们展示了15件Sophus Black不同的拍品,所有这些拍品全部是Black驻华时期 的收藏。 Sophus Black 1882-1960,电讯经理,同时是艺术收藏家。他在完成学业后,便受雇于北方电 讯公司,1900年先派驻伦敦,后于1902-1931年派驻中国。上海、烟台和天津的工作结束后,19071919年Black来到北京作为公司的派驻经理,时常巡视天津、烟台和香港。他很快就投入到中国文 化艺术之中,继而开始收藏。经久的收藏达到多个种类,比如佛像、祖像、瓷器等等;某些艺术品 早已作为礼物进入丹麦国家博物馆或者被博物馆收购。此外,Black及其夫人Minna Dich还是那 些前往中国的丹麦人的顾问以及各个博物馆的顾问。 本目录还包括了12件来自前荷兰驻中国代办 (1954-1957) J. H. Zeeman博士的拍品。1947年, 他在柏林遇见了后来的妻子-正在为丹麦外交部工作的丹麦记者Birgitte。从1954年到1957年,他 们长驻中国,之后才定居丹麦。 SPECIALISTS IN ANTIQUES AND ORIENTAL ART Head of Department Ralph Lexner +45 8818 1161 rl@bruun-rasmussen.dk Ceramics, glass and oriental art Charlotte Hviid +45 8818 1162 chv@bruun-rasmussen.dk Chinese representative Li Guan +45 8818 1111 chinese@bruun-rasmussen.dk Ceramics and oriental art Alexandra Nilsson +45 8818 1164 ani@bruun-rasmussen.dk International relations Frederik Bruun Rasmussen +45 8818 1003 fbr@bruun-rasmussen.dk Silver and branding Alexa Bruun Rasmussen +45 8818 1091 alexa@bruun-rasmussen.dk ORIENTAL SALE Wednesday 3 June 2 pm Lot 140 - 296 东方艺术品拍卖 六月三日, 星期三下午两点 目录第140 - 296号 140 Bronze Budai, gilt laquer, laughing and seated on a double lotus throne in a loose robe with his mala. China, Ming 1368-1644. H. 29 cm. Weight 10.5 kg. DKK 40,000 / € 5,350 鎏金弥勒佛铜像, 笑佛袒胸露怀坐在莲台。明代 1368-1644, 高29cm。重10.5公斤。 估价: 40,000 丹麦克朗 (5,350欧元) 140 141 Patinated bronze Budai with remains of colour and gold, seated with left hand holding a sack and the right holding a mala. China, Ming 13601644. H. 16.5 cm. With later carved hardwood stand. Weight 1915 gr. DKK 30,000-40,000 / € 4,000-5,350 古色古香的弥勒佛铜像, 仍有彩, 左手持麻袋, 右手持念珠, 后配木座。中国, 明代1368-1644, 高16.5cm。重1915克。 估价: 30,000-40,000 丹麦克朗 (4,000-5,350欧元) 18 141 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 142 142 Bronze figure of Budai seated with his crown and mala dressed in a loose robe and flanked by servants. China, Ming 1368-1644. H. 25 cm. Weight 5.7 kg. Provenance: Bought by Andreas Hansen Eriksen who was employed by Northern Telegraph Company in China, hence heirs. Andreas Hansen Eriksen is mentioned in "The Peking Who's Who 1922": "Adviser and foreign chief supt. of Telegraphs, Ministry of Communications. Address: 18 Ma Chia Miao. Born 1868 in Denmark. Nationality, Danish. Tel. No. 1530 W. Danish Govt. Service 1883-9, Gt. Northern Telegraph Co. 1889-1913, Chinese Govt. Service since 1913. Decorations: Knight Commander Danebrog 2nd Class, Vaea 2nd CUsas, St. Stanislaus 2nd Class, Ta Shou Ghiaha. Clubs: Peking, Shanghai, Shanghai Race Club." DKK 30,000-40,000 / € 4,000-5,350 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 青铜弥勒佛像, 佛头上戴冠, 着坦腹宽袍, 两侧各 一脅侍。明代1368-1644, 高25cm。重5.7公斤。 来历: 由Anders Hansen Eriksen购得, 此人曾经为 Northern Telegraph Company 在中国工作。 估价: 30,000-40,000 丹麦克朗 (4,000-5,350欧元) 19 143 143 A porcelain dish decorated in blue with dragons chasing the flaming pearl. Ming mark. China, Ming 1368-1644. Diam. 32.5 cm. Provenance: Dr. J.H. Zeeman, Dutch chargé d'affaires to China 1954-57. DKK 10,000-15,000 / € 1,350-2,000 20 明代青花龙纹盘, 大明成华年制六字款。明代 1368-1644, 直径32.5cm。 来历: Dr. J.H. Zeeman, 荷兰驻中国办事处1954-57。 估价: 10,000-15,000 丹麦克朗 (1,350-2,000欧元) BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 144 144 Deep Chinese dragon porcelain bowl, decorated in underglaze blue with four clawed dragons chasing the flaming pearl. Marked. 17th century. Diam. 21 cm. H. 7.5 cm. Provenance: From a Danish private collection DKK 20,000-30,000 / € 2,700-4,000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 中国龙纹青花碗, 绘龙戏珠图纹。直径21cm, 高 7.5 cm。 来历:丹麦私人收藏。 估价: 20,000-30,000 丹麦克朗 (2,700-4,000欧元) 21 145 146 145 A Chinese porcelain vase, decorated in blue with dragon. Kangxi mark to the bottom. 20th century. H. 8 cm. Provenance: Carl Alfred Jensen, 1886 -1953. CAJ was an engineer at Northern Telegraph Company and was posted in China 1911-1927, where he lived with his wife and two daughters. The family stayed in various places in China, but were mainly living in Tiensien. The vase has been in the family ever since. DKK 10,000 / € 1,350 中国青花瓷罐,绘有龙图纹,大清康熙年制六字 款。20世纪,高8cm。 来历:Carl Alfred Jensen, 1886-1953,此人曾经 是Northern telegraph Company 北方电讯公司的工 程师,于1911-1927年期间派往中国,曾携妻子 女儿在中国不同的城市生活,主要曾住天津, 此 物一直存放家中至今。 估价: 10,000丹麦克朗 (1,350欧元) 22 146 A porcelain brush washer, decorated in underglaze blue with two dragons and tendrils. Kangxi mark. China, 19th century. H. 6 cm. Provenance: A Danish family living in China, c. 19001940. DKK 15,000 / € 2,000 青花龙纹水盂, 康熙款识。中国, 19世纪, 高6cm。 来历: 曾经生活在中国的一个丹麦家庭, 约19001940年代。 估价: 15,000 丹麦克朗 (2,000欧元) BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 147 147 Chinese foursided porcelain vase, decorated in underglaze blue, sides with kilins in flame cartouches. Marked Jiajing 1522-1566. H. 17.5 cm. Wooden stand incl. Top reduced and repaired. Provenance: Telegraph Manager and Art Collector Sophus Black, 1882-1960. DKK 10,000 / € 1,350 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 嘉靖青花四方罐, 开光处有麒麟图纹, 款识为大 明嘉靖年制。明代1522-1566, 高17.5cm, 带木 座。瓶顶有修。 来历: 电报经理和艺术收藏家 Sophus Black, 1882-1960。 估价: 10,000 丹麦克朗 (1,350欧元) 23 149 148 148 Eleven-headed Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara gilded bronze figure standing. Nine of the heads with serene expressions arranged in three tiers, surmounted by one head with a wrathfull countenance topped by a small head of Amitabha, the principal hands held in anjalimudra, the other six fanned out with some holding attributes, the figure adorned with jewelry, placed on a circular lotus throne. Tibet, 17th -19th century. H. 23.5 cm. Weight 1.162 gr. DKK 50,000-60,000 / € 6,700-8,050 铜镀金十一面观世音菩萨立像, 佛像的九面分为 三层叠置, 中央主臂双手合十, 两侧各臂各持法 器, 佛身佩璎珞, 立于圆形莲台。西藏, 17-19世 纪, 高23.5cm, 重1162克。 估价: 50,000-60,000 丹麦克朗 (6,700-8,050欧元) 24 Chinese gilt bronze figure of Songzi Guanyin and Child seated in rajalilasana on a round lotus throne, in the position of royal ease with one arm resting lightly on a raised knee while the other hand supports the front of the child. Dressed in long robes engraved with lotus scroll at the hem, opening at the chest to reveal the beaded necklaces, face framed by elongated earlobes with earrings, the tall headdress centered by a figure of Amitabha Buddha. China, Ming 1368-1644. H. 50 cm. Weight incl. throne 9468 gr. Buddha weight 6100 gr. DKK 150,000 / € 20,000 铜镀金送子观音像, 观音菩萨坐于圆形莲花宝 座, 右膝立起, 手置膝上, 左手携童子。天衣飘曳 垂落于莲台, 胸前坦露佩戴璎珞, 头冠上现阿弥 陀佛像。中国明代1368-1644, 高50cm。包括座 重9468克,佛像重6100克。 估价: 150,000 丹麦克朗 (20,000欧元) BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 149 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 25 150 150 ANONYMOUS ARTIST, 17TH-18TH CENTURY Chinese scroll with figures and architecture in mountainous landscape, indistinct signed, ink on silk, mounted on silk. Framed. Image 95 x 54 cm. DKK 15,000 / € 2,000 中国古画, 绘有山水风景人物, 绢本设色, 镜 框。中国17-18世纪, 95x54cm。 估价: 15,000 丹麦克朗 (2,000欧元) 26 151 LV JI, AFTER, 19TH CENTURY Scenery with quails, pinetree and blooming flowers. Seal mark Si Ming Lv Ji. Ink and watercolour on silk mounted on paper. Qing. Visible size 189 x 101 cm. DKK 20,000-30,000 / € 2,700-4,000 绢本设色镜框百安图, 绘松柏花卉和鹌鹑画 面。款识: 四明吕纪。仿品, 清代19世纪, 镜心 尺寸189x101cm。 估价: 20,000-30,000 丹麦克朗 (2,700-4,000欧元) BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 151 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 27 152 152 Longquan celadon dish, centre freely carved with flowers, border with flowers and foliage. China, Ming 1368-1644. Diam. 33 cm. Provenance: Dr. J.H. Zeeman, Dutch chargé d'affaires to China 1954-57. DKK 10,000-15,000 / € 1,350-2,000 中国明代龙泉窑大盘, 中央有花卉图案, 边有缠枝花 卉纹。明代1368-1644, 直径33cm。 来历: Dr. J.H. Zeeman, 荷兰驻中国办事处1954-57。 估价: 10,000-15,000 丹麦克朗 (1,350-2,000欧元) 28 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 153 Jun tripod ding-shaped censer, decorated in blue with purple splashes, stylized rosette on neck. Later carved wooden stand incl. Song-Ming, 960-1644. Restored. H. 12 cm. Provenance: From a Danish private collection DKK 8,000-12,000 / € 1,050-1,600 钧窑三足香炉, 蓝色釉带紫斑, 木座。宋-元, 960-1644, 高12cm。有修。 来历:丹麦私人收藏。 估价: 8,000-12,000 丹麦克朗 (1,050-1,600欧元) 153 154 A Qingbai porcelain vase decorated in light relief with dragons, waves and borders, top mounted with a copper rim. China, Yuan 1280-1368. H. 20 cm. Provenance: Dr. J.H. Zeeman, Dutch chargé d'affaires to China 1954-57. DKK 20,000-30,000 / € 2,700-4,000 元代青白釉包沿瓶, 瓶身刻海水龙纹图纹。中国元代 1280-1368, 高20 cm。 来历: Dr. J.H. Zeeman, 荷兰驻中国办事处1954-57。 估价: 20,000-30,000 丹麦克朗 (2,700-4,000欧元) 154 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 29 155 155 ANONYMOUS ARTIST, 19TH CENTURY Scroll in colours with genre scene depicting noble family seated on a terrace, in front of their house with a look through the window to a learned man's studio. China. Image 142 x 80 cm. Framed. Provenance: Telegraph Manager and Art Collector Sophus Black, 1882-1960. DKK 10,000-15,000 / € 1,350-2,000 30 人物画, 画面是一个贵族家庭的庭院, 亭台楼 阁和家庭人 成 员。佚名画家, 19世纪, 带框 142x80cm。 来历: 电报经理和艺术收藏家 Sophus Black, 1882-1960。 估价: 10,000-15,000 丹麦克朗 (1,350-2,000欧元) BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 156 ANONYMOUS ARTIST, 19TH CENTURY Heavenly gods amongst scrolling clouds and inscribed with Chinese characters for Emperor Yongle. Hanging scroll, ink and colours on silk. China. Image 154 x 74 cm. Provenance: Telegraph Manager and Art Collector Sophus Black, 1882-1960. DKK 15,000-20,000 / € 2,000-2,700 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 156 设色绢本立轴人物画像, 关公立于云端, 下方有“ 永乐元年献”等文字。中国19世纪, 154x74cm。 来历: 电报经理和艺术收藏家 Sophus Black, 1882-1960。 估价: 15,000-20,000 丹麦克朗 (2,000-2,700欧元) 31 157 Gilt bronze Amitayus Buddha, seated in vajra posture on a lotus throne, hands in front holding a now missing alms bowl, partly set with turquoises and corals. China/Tibet, c. 1800. H. 17.5 cm. Weight 1213 gr. DKK 40,000 / € 5,350 铜镀金无量寿佛, 佛于莲台结跏趺端坐, 双手 应持长寿瓶但瓶已遗失, 饰松石和珊瑚。中国 西藏, 18世纪, 高17.5cm。重1213克。 估价: 40,000 丹麦克朗 (5,350欧元) 157 158 Gilt bronze Guanyin figure, seated in dhyanasana, right hand raised holding stem, the left extended forward with a cup, adorned with pierced crown, heavy earrings and three-parted necklace, wearing garment with engraved borders, lips with remains of red paint. China. Ming 1368-1644. H. 20 cm. Weight 1557 gr. DKK 30,000-50,000 / € 4,000-6,700 铜镀金观音像, 全跏趺端坐, 左手持持净瓶右 手持柳枝, 头戴宝冠, 佩戴璎珞钏环, 天衣錾 刻华美, 唇仍有红彩。中国明代1368-1644, 高 20cm。重1557克。 估价: 30,000-50,000 丹麦克朗 (4,000-6,700欧元) 32 158 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 159 Gilt bronze Shakyamuni Buddha, dressed in richly pleated garment and seated in dhyanasana on a double lotus throne, right hand touching the ground in the so-called bhumisparsha mudra, with remains of blue colour on the hair and red on mouth and below the socalled ushnisha. Inscribed in Chinese on the back, according to this possibly made during the reign of Zhengde 1491-1521. H. 24.5 cm. Weight 2053 gr. Inscription: Made in Zhengde (misspelled, but likely) Sixth Year July on a lucky day. The sixth year in the reign of Zhengde is 1511. DKK 100,000-150,000 / € 13,500-20,000 铜镀金释迦牟尼佛像, 佛身着华美衣饰, 全跏 趺坐于双层莲台, 右手触地持触地印, 螺发仍 有蓝彩, 唇有红印, 座上刻有: 正德六年7月吉 日造。中国明代, 高24.5cm, 重2053克。 估价: 100,000-150,000 丹麦克朗 (13,500-20,00欧元) 159 160 Chinese gilt bronze figure, an official holding an item covered with cloth. Ming 1368-1644. H. 19 cm. Weight 727 gr. DKK 8,000-12,000 / € 1,050-1,600 160 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 铜镀金人物立像, 明代1368-1644, 高19 cm。 重727克。 估价: 8,000-12,000 丹麦克朗 (1,050-1,600欧元) 33 161 HUI ZONG, COPY AFTER Two swimming ducks between lotus flowers. Inscribed: Zong Zuanhe Yubi. In the year 1116 the Imperial brush. Four indistinct seal marks. Water colour on silk 69.5 x 50 cm. Xuande (1426-1435) has done calligraphy in gold ground: Imperial gift. Sign. Xuande third year. 5th months (June-July 1428). Palace of the Seals. Guang yun zhi bao. Ink on silk. 38 x 50 cm. Dimensions total 107.5 x 50.5 cm. DKK 15,000-20,000 / € 2,000-2,700 仿中国艺术家徽宗(1082-1135), 内容为双鸭 图, 上面有御赏两字并有钤印, 右书: 宣德三年 五月(1428年)。绢本设色镜框。38x50cm, 整 体尺寸107.5x50.5cm。 估价: 15,000-20,000 丹麦克朗 (2,000-2,700欧元) 161 162 ZHU DA, AFTER, 19TH CENTURY Composition with a carpe and poetry describing man's ambition symbolized as a carpe swimming against the stream. Seal mark Zhu Da and inscribed Ba Da Shan Ren. Ink and watercolour on paper mounted on silk. Qing. Image 144 x 64 cm. DKK 40,000-60,000 / € 5,350-8,050 朱耷(后仿) 纸本设色镜框鲤鱼图, 提拔及钤印分别有: 八 大山人、朱耷。清代19世纪, 144x64cm。 估价: 40,000-60,000 丹麦克朗 (5,350-8,050欧元) 162 34 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 163 163 ANONYMOUS ARTIST Scroll depicting a portrait of a monk seated in meditation on a wooden throne, watercolour on paper. Sino-Tibet, Ming 1368-1644. Mounted in frame. Painting 137 x 84 cm. DKK 75,000-100,000 / € 10,000-13,500 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 纸本设色人物肖像, 画面为一打坐的僧师。西 藏, 明代1368-1644, 带框。137x84cm。 估价: 75,000-100,000 丹麦克朗 (10,000-13,500欧元) 35 164 Buddha Sakyamuni partly gilt and lacquered bronze figure, seated on lotus throne, holding a nectar vase, dressed in a robe with opening at the chest with large bow tied on the front. China, Ming 13681644. H. 27 cm. Weight 2252 gr. Provenance: Sophus Rasmussen Schmidt (1897-1957). Arrived in China 1922 as a telegraphist and later head of department in East Asiatic Company and worked in Shanghai, Wanhsien and Hankow. DKK 30,000 / € 4,000 释迦牟尼铜像, 部分镀金部分漆金, 佛像坐于 莲台, 腿上置放净瓶, 身着坦胸僧衣。明代 1368-1644, 高27cm。重2252克。 来历: Sophus Rasmussen Schmidt (18971957) 于1927年来到中国, 最初为报务员, 后 成为远东公司的部门经理, 曾在上海、万县和 汉口工作过。 估价: 30,000 丹麦克朗 (4,000欧元) 164 165 Patinated and gilt bronze Buddha Shakyamuni figure, seated in dhyanasana on double lotus throne, with hands in Bhumisparshamudra, the earth touching gesture. China, Ming 1368-1644. H. 26 cm. Weight 4261 gr. Provenance: Acquired in Vienna, Austria in the beginning of the 20th century. DKK 15,000 / € 2,000 释迦牟尼铜像, 此尊结跏趺禅定于双层莲台, 手持 触地印。中国明代, 1368-1644, 高26cm。重4261克. 来历: 在奥地利的维也纳20世纪初期购得。 估价: 15,000 丹麦克朗 (2,000欧元) 165 36 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 166 verso 166 166 Gilt bronze Medicine Buddha, seated in dhyanasana, wearing garments with richly decorated flower borders, right hand holding a myrobalan fruit, the left resting on his lap, incised with swastika on chest, with black pupils, traces of blue colour on spiky, curly hair and red colour on mouth. China, Ming 1368-1644. H. 32 cm. Weight 4800 gr. DKK 150,000-250,000 / € 20,000-33,500 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 铜镀金药师佛造像, 此尊全跏趺而坐, 身着僧衣, 衣缘錾刻缠枝花卉, 胸前有卍字。右手拈一诃果, 左手结定印于脐前。螺发及唇仍有彩。中国明 代1368-1644, 高32cm, 重4800克。 估价: 150,000-250,000 丹麦克朗 (20,000-33,500欧元) 37 167 167 Pair of Chinese porcelain vases pearshaped with slender neck, decorated in colours with insects on white ground. Marked Daoguang 1821-1850. 20th century. H. 44 cm. (2) DKK 50,000 / € 6,700 一对白地粉彩百虫细颈瓶, 道光款识, 清代18211850, 20世纪, 高44cm。(2个)。 估价: 50,000 丹麦克朗 (6,700欧元) 38 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 168 168 Large Chinese famille verte baluster porcelain vase, decorated in colours with ladies playing music and dancing in front of noble lady holding ruyi scepter and standing beside phoenix, scenery set in a garden. Kangxi 1662-1722. H. 39 cm. Proveniens: From a Danish private collection. DKK 20,000 / € 2,700 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 康熙青花加彩大罐, 绘生动的仕女图像。清代 1662-1722, 高39cm。 来历: 来自丹麦私人收藏。 估价: 20,000 丹麦克朗 (2,700欧元) 39 169 169 Daoist deity cast bronze with remains of gild and red colour, seated with arms raised to her chest supporting a circular mirror with an eye, dressed in loose flowing robes and a tunic top hemmed by lotus and foliate scrolls, the pendent earrings suspending long tassels falling over the shoulder, her face depicted with downcast eyes, the hair gathered into a high chignon framed by an elaborate headdress formed from three phoenixes. Seated on a carved wooden throne. Ming 1368-1644. The figure H. 38 cm. Weight 4276 gr. DKK 75,000-100,000 / € 10,000-13,500 40 道教铜像碧霞元君, 铜像上依然有红彩, 此尊为座 像, 双手置于胸前持宝镜, 发髻高挽头戴凤冠, 上 有三只凤鸟。身披霞帔, 双耳垂饰长及肩部, 目光 低垂。雕刻木座。明代1368-1644, 高38cm。重 4276克 。 估价: 75,000-100,000 丹麦克朗 (10,000-13,500欧元) BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 170 170 Manjushri bronze and gilt lacquered figure, seated in dhyanasana on double lotus throne, hands held in dharmachakra mudra, the gesture of teaching, while holding slender stems of lotus flowers that rise to the shoulders, one supporting a bell the other supporting a book. He wears a crown that surrounds a topknot, pendant earrings and adorned with jewelry, dressed in a robe tied at the waist. Kangxi 1662-1722. H. 48 cm. Weight 12.7 kg. DKK 100,000-150,000 / € 13,500-20,000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 文殊菩萨铜座像, 佛全跏趺端坐于双层莲台, 双手 持说法印, 头戴五叶花冠, 耳饰铛环, 手拈莲茎绕 臂而上, 置花蕊于肩侧。帔帛绕臂飘逸, 身着坦胸 绸群并佩戴璎珞。康熙1622-1722, 高48cm。重 12.7公斤 估价: 100,000-150,000 丹麦克朗 (13,500-20,000欧元) 41 171 171 A Meiping porcelain vase decorated in blue with scrolling prunus and design. China, Ming 13681644. H. 29 cm. H. 32 cm incl. base. Fitted box included. DKK 20,000 / € 2,700 中国青花梅瓶, 瓶身绘缠枝花卉图纹, 带盖。明代 1368-1644, 高29cm, 含座高32cm。 估价: 20,000 丹麦克朗 (2,700欧元) 42 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 172 172 173 Luanbai porcelain bowl inside decorated with stylized flowers and tendrils. China, Yuan 1280-1368. H. 7.5 cm. Dia. 17 cm. Provenance: Dr. J.H. Zeeman, Dutch chargé d'affaires to China 1954-57. DKK 20,000 / € 2,700 A Qingbai "Phoenix bowl" inside moulded with Phoenix, lingzhi fungus, lotus flowers and design and with an unglazed rim. China, Yuan 1280-1368. Dia. 18.5 cm. Provenance: Dr. J.H. Zeeman, Dutch chargé d'affaires to China 1954-57. DKK 20,000-30,000 / € 2,700-4,000 元代卵白瓷碗, 缠枝花卉图纹。中国元代12801368, 高7.5cm, 直径17cm。 来历: Dr. J.H. Zeeman, 荷兰驻中国办事处1954-57. 估价: 20,000 丹麦克朗 (2,700欧元) 元代青白釉包沿碗, 碗内刻凤纹灵芝和莲花图 纹。中国元代1280-1368, 直径18.5cm。 来历: Dr. J.H. Zeeman, 荷兰驻中国办事处1954-57. 估价: 20,000-30,000 丹麦克朗 (2,700-4,000欧元) 173 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 43 174 ANONYMOUS ARTIST, 19TH CENTURY Chinese portrait of an official seated on his throne inscribed Ru Xue Zheng Tang. Gouache on silk. Qing. Image 164 x 99 cm. DKK 10,000-15,000 / € 1,350-2,000 中国绢本设色人物肖像, 端坐宝座上的一位文官, 旁有儒学正堂文字。清代19世纪, 164x99cm。 估价: 10,000-15,000 丹麦克朗 (1,350-2,000欧元) 174 175 ANONYMOUS ARTIST, 19TH CENTURY Chinese ancestor portrait of an official seated in dark blue robe with dragons on a throne covered with tiger skin standing on a carpet with flowers and foliage. Painted on paper. Image 184 x 65 cm. Framed. Provenance: Telegraph Manager and Art Collector Sophus Black, 1882-1960. DKK 10,000-15,000 / € 1,350-2,000 中国人物肖像, 人物为身穿藏蓝色绣龙纹的绸袍, 端坐铺垫虎皮的宝座, 座下铺有花卉图案的地 毯。纸本设色加框, 19世纪, 184x65cm。 来历: 电报经理和艺术收藏家Sophus Black, 18821960。 估价: 10,000-15,000 丹麦克朗 (1,350-2,000欧元) 175 44 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 176 176 ANONYMOUS ARTIST, C. 1900 Chinese ancestor portrait, mandarin seated on a terrace surrounded by family members and animals in genre scenes, and a text which tells the image was commissioned by the students and family, the text celebrates the mandarin's good virtues and contribution. Qing. Mounted on a stretcher. 210 x 142 cm. DKK 20,000-30,000 / € 2,700-4,000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 中国肖像画, 画中一位端坐的官员, 周围有各种人 物, 周边有跋文, 为家族成员及学生献颂。清代, 约210x142cm。 估价: 20,000-30,000 丹麦克朗 (2,700-4,000欧元) 45 177 A copper Buddha Shakyamuni with elongated ears, seated on af double lotus throne wearing an elaborate robe. Tibet, 16th-17th century. H. 27 cm. Weight 3080 gr. DKK 40,000-60,000 / € 5,350-8,050 释迦牟尼铜像, 佛像双耳垂肩, 坦右式僧衣, 坐在双 层莲台。西藏, 16-17世纪, 高27cm。重3080克 。 估价: 40,000-60,000 丹麦克朗 (5,350-8,050欧元) 177 178 Amitayus patinated bronze Buddha, the Buddha of longevity, seated on a double lotus throne with hands supporting the kalash, the head crowned and closed eyes, wearing large earrings, clad in a robe with border finely incised with pattern and scarf around his shoulders. China, 18th century. H. 26 cm. Weight 3222 gr. DKK 20,000-25,000 / € 2,700-3,350 46 178 铜镀金无量寿佛像, 此尊端坐双层莲台, 手捧长 寿宝瓶, 头戴五叶冠, 耳饰环, 帔帛顺肩而下绕臂 飘逸而上, 双目微垂。中国18世纪, 高26cm。重 3222克 。 估价: 20,000-25,000 丹麦克朗 (2,700-3,350欧元) BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 179 A rare Drubchen Buddha Shri patinated figure, seated in dhyanasana on double lotus throne, with hands in vitarka mudra, dressed in richly adorned garment with flower borders, hair coloured in black, with Tibetan inscription on base. Tibet, 15th century. H. 12 cm. Weight 369 gr. Provenance: From a private Danish collection. Inscription: May it bring happiness. You trained unequivocal with perseverance and completed the vajra yoga. Widely famed under the name Buddha Shri, You will for ever be our venerable refuge. Inscribed and (paid for) by his monastery community. Drubchen Buddha Shri, 1339-1419, was a Sakya master. The figure was in all likelihood sponsored by his students at the monastery shorly after his death. DKK 75,000 / € 10,000 罕见的布达师利铜像, 此尊于双层莲台宝座上禅定, 僧衣上錾刻丰富华美的纹饰, 发髻施黑彩, 底座有经 文。西藏15世纪, 高12cm。重369克。 布达师利, 1339-1419, 曾为教主, 在他圆寂后, 寺中 学徒捐造了(极有可能为此尊)铜像。 铭文: 以此给予幸福 以此加持明确不渝, 并得金刚瑜伽圆满 布达师利至尊名闻广泛 将永世为我们的避难所 铭刻并于寺内供奉。 来历: 丹麦私人珍藏。 179 铭文(捐献)来自其所在寺院。 估价: 75,000 丹麦克朗 (10,000欧元) BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 47 180 180 A deep egg shell porcelain plate, decorated in blue with scrolling lotus and design. Qianlong mark. China, Republic 1912-49. Diam. 18 cm. Provenance: A Danish family living in China c. 19001940. According to owner, aquired in Amoy (Xiamen) 1940. DKK 10,000-15,000 / € 1,350-2,000 青花薄胎缠枝莲纹盘, 乾隆款识。民国19121949, 直径18cm。 来历: 一个1900-1940年间生活在中国的丹麦家 庭, 1940年在厦门购得。 估价: 10,000-15,000 丹麦克朗 (1,350-2,000欧元) 181 48 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 182 181 Eight-sided low Ming porcelain flower pot decorated in underglaze blue with Buddhist symbols and foliage, standing on eight small legs. China. Ming 1368-1644. Diam. 20 cm. H. 12 cm. Provenance: Telegraph Manager and Art Collector Sophus Black, 1882-1960. DKK 10,000-15,000 / € 1,350-2,000 明代青花六方缠枝纹花盆, 中国明代1368-1644, 直径20cm, 高12cm。 来历: 电报经理和艺术收藏家Sophus Black, 18821960。 估价: 10,000-15,000 丹麦克朗 (1,350-2,000欧元) BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 182 Chinese Ming porcelain vase, decorated in underglaze blue with figure scenery in cartouches, surrounded by Buddhist symbols and swastica ground. 1368-1644. H. 25 cm. Wooden base incl. Reduced at the neck. Provenance: From a Danish private collection DKK 10,000-15,000 / € 1,350-2,000 青花开光人物瓶,绘人物故事及佛宝图纹。明 代1368-1644,高25cm。带木座。瓶口裁截。 来历:丹麦私人收藏。 估价: 10,000-15,000 丹麦克朗 (1,350-2,000欧元) 49 183 183 Gilt bronze Sakyamuni seated on a lotus throne in vajrasana with his right hand lowered in bhumisparshamudra while the left resting in his lap, dressed in a robe leaving his right shoulder bare and its border decorated with grooves. His gilded face displaying a serene expression with down cast eyes, ushnisha topped with a lotus bud. China, Qianlong 18. årh. H. 33 cm. Weight 9600 gr. Provenance: Telegraph Manager and Art Collector Sophus Black, 1882-1960. DKK 400,000-600,000 / € 53,500-80,500 50 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 183 鎏金释迦牟尼铜座像, 佛全跏趺端坐于莲花宝座, 左手 持定印, 右手持触地印, 着坦右式僧衣, 面部表情寂静 双目微垂。中国乾隆时期18世纪, 高33cm, 重9600克。 来历: 电报经理和艺术收藏家Sophus Black, 1882-1960。 估价: 400,000-600,000 丹麦克朗 (53,500-80,500欧元) BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 51 184 184 ANONYMOUS ARTIST, 19TH CENTURY Double ancestral portrait, chinese official seated next to his wife in ceremonial attire, seated on a tiger skin in a horse-shoe chair, painted on silk mounted on paper support. Qing. Image 105 x 85 cm. Provenance: Telegraph Manager and art collector Sophus Black, 1882-1960. DKK 15,000-25,000 / € 2,000-3,350 52 清代佚名人物肖像, 画中一对夫妻端坐于铺 垫兽皮的圈椅之中, 绢本设色。清代19世纪, 105x85cm。 来历: 电报经理和艺术收藏家Sophus Black, 18821960。 估价: 15,000-25,000 丹麦克朗 (2,000-3,350欧元) BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 185 185 ANONYMOUS ARTIST, 19TH CENTURY Ancestor portrait, depicting an elderly lady seated in brightly coloured dragon decorated winter robe on an animal skin in a horse-shoe chair. Ink, colour and gouache, silk on paper. Hanging scroll. Qing. Image 210 x 95 cm. Provenance: Telegraph Manager and art collector Sophus Black, 1882-1960. DKK 30,000-50,000 / € 4,000-6,700 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 巨幅清代祖像, 工笔重彩描绘了一位满清贵妇 肖像, 身穿色彩艳丽的龙袍, 端坐在铺垫兽皮的 圈椅上。清代19世纪, 纸本设色 立轴, 作者: 佚 名。210x95cm。 来历: 电报经理和艺术收藏家Sophus Black, 18821960。 估价: 30,000-50,000 丹麦克朗 (4,000-6,700欧元) 53 187 186 187 186 Chinese baluster vase, decorated in colours with figures in landscape in fields on foliage ground in underglaze blue, border with palm leaf. Marked Qianlong. 20th century. H. 27.5 cm. Wooden stand incl. DKK 30,000 / € 4,000 中国粉彩人物瓶, 开光处绘人物故事图纹, 青花地 绘蕉叶纹。款识为乾隆。20世纪, 高27.5cm, 带木 座。 估价: 30,000 丹麦克朗 (4,000欧元) 54 Chinese porcelain vase, decorated in underglaze blue with Fo-dog, elephant kilin, tiger and borders. Qing, 18th century. H. 45.5 cm. Provenance: From a Danish private collection DKK 10,000-15,000 / € 1,350-2,000 青花走兽洗口瓶, 瓶身绘有虎、象等兽纹。清代 18世纪, 高45.5cm。 来历:丹麦私人收藏。 估价: 10,000-15,000 丹麦克朗 (1,350-2,000欧元) BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 189 188 188 189 Chinese transition beaker vase, feng wei zun, with bulging belly and flaring mouth, decorated in underglaze blue with figures in exterior and interior scenery. Qing 17th century. H. 43 cm Provenance: From a Danish private collection DKK 15,000-25,000 / € 2,000-3,350 Slender Ming porcelain vase, decorated in underglaze blue with lotus scroll. Ming 1368-1644. H. 47 cm Provenance: Telegraph Manager and Art Collector Sophus Black, 1882-1960. DKK 50,000-75,000 / € 6,700-10,000 青花凤尾尊, 描绘人物故事图纹。清代17世纪, 高 43cm。 来历: 丹麦私人收藏。 估价: 15,000-25,000 丹麦克朗 (2,000-3,350欧元) 明代青花缠枝莲纹瓶, 明代1368-1644, 高47cm。 来历: 电报经理和艺术收藏家Sophus Black, 18821960。 估价: 50,000-75,000 丹麦克朗 (6,700-10,000欧元) BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 55 190 190 Ming Sakyamuni Buddha seated in dhyanasana with hands in bhumisparsa- and avakashamudra, the robes chased with floral borders, the head and ushnisha covered with tight curls above an urna centering the forehead, all supported on an associated high lotus throne. China. Ming 1368-1644. H. 31 cm. Figure H. 14 cm. Weight in all 2600 gr. Buddha 1165 gr. Stand 1449 gr. Provenance: Telegraph Manager and Art Collector Sophus Black, 1882-1960. DKK 50,000-75,000 / € 6,700-10,000 56 铜镀金释迦牟尼佛像, 此尊全跏趺坐在多层莲座, 手持触地印, 衣缘錾刻精美, 螺发规整, 肉髻高耸, 莲座之下复承六棱台座。中国明代1368-1644, 高 31cm, 佛像高14cm, 重2600克。佛重1165克,座 重1449克 来历: 电报经理和艺术收藏家Sophus Black, 18821960。 估价: 50,000-75,000 丹麦克朗 (6,700-10,000欧元) BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 191 191 Marici Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva bronze figure with remains of gilding and red colour, seated in vajrasana, his eight arms radiating around the body some holding attributes (missing) clad in a robe with border finely incised with pattern, scarf around his shoulders, encircling around his arms. On circular elevated lotus throne on sixsided base. China, Ming 1368-1644. H. 35.5 cm. Weight in all 3.351 gr. Buddha 1511 gr. (three parts) Provenance: Telegraph Manager and Art Collector Sophus Black, 1882-1960. DKK 50,000-75,000 / € 6,700-10,000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 摩利支天菩萨观世音铜像, 佛像仍有鎏金并有红 彩, 跏趺端坐于多层莲台, 八臂各持法器 (缺失), 裙裳边缘有精美图案, 缯带飘于两肩环绕双臂, 莲 台为六棱形高台。明代1368-1644, 高35.5cm, 重 3351克。佛重1511克。(分为三个部分)。 来历: 电报经理和艺术收藏家Sophus Black, 18821960。 估价: 50,000-75,000 丹麦克朗 (6,700-10,000欧元) 57 192 193 192 Chinese hardwood low table, Kang, rectangular top set with panel, profiled apron with carved ornaments, cabriole legs with curved srolls. Qing, late 19th century. H. 30 cm. L. 79 cm. W. 44 cm. Provenance: Telegraph Manager and Art Collector Sophus Black, 1882-1960. DKK 10,000-15,000 / € 1,350-2,000 中国硬木炕桌, 牙板有雕饰, 虎脚形桌腿。清代20 世纪初, 高30cm, 长79cm, 宽44m。 来历: 电报经理和艺术收藏家Sophus Black, 18821960。 估价: 10,000-15,000 丹麦克朗 (1,350-2,000欧元) 58 193 Chinese hardwood low table, kang, the rectangular table is set with a floating panel, openwork frame carved with foliage, cabriole legs. First half of the 20th century. H. 29 cm. L. 78 cm. W. 44 cm. Provenance: A Danish manor house. DKK 10,000-15,000 / € 1,350-2,000 中国硬木茶几, 20世纪上半叶, 高29cm, 长78cm, 宽44cm。 来历: 一个丹麦庄园。 估价: 10,000-15,000 丹麦克朗 (1,350-2,000欧元) BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 194 194 Chinese cabinet with dark ground laquer and all over gold decoration, in the shape of arcitecture, figures and landscapes, brass hings and lockplate. The cabinet is assumed to originate from the Fujian province, 18th century. H. 153 cm. W. 100 cm. D. 53 cm. DKK 50,000 / € 6,700 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 黑漆描金柜, 描绘了风景建筑和人物等图案, 铜合 页和铜锁, 出自福建,18世纪。 高153cm, 宽100cm, 深53cm。 估价: 50,000 丹麦克朗 (6,700欧元) 59 195 196 195 Monk’s head of carved slate stone, the face with downcast expression, eyebrows in high relief, broad nose broad lips and long earlobes. 14th-15th century. Head H. 27 cm. H. incl base 36 cm. Proveniens: From a Danish private collection. DKK 30,000 / € 4,000 僧人石头像, 双眉舒展双目微合, 高鼻厚唇两耳下 垂。14-15世纪, 头像高27cm, 含底座高36cm。 来历: 丹麦私人收藏。 估价: 30,000 丹麦克朗 (4,000欧元) 60 196 A carved stone Lohan head with traces of colour. China, Song 960-1279. Mounted on metal stand. H. 24/34 cm. DKK 20,000 / € 2,700 石雕罗汉头像, 仍有彩, 头像粘合在座上。宋代 960-1279, 高24/34cm。 估价: 20,000 丹麦克朗 (2,700欧元) BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 197 197 Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara as the Water Moon Guanyin of partly gilded and patinated bronze with traces of red colour on crown and the animal, seated in lalitasana on a rock, her right arm resting on her right knee. Her face with a downcast gaze and a meditative expression, ears adorned with embellished earrings and a large crown atop her head, dressed in a shawl and dhoti and adorned with a necklace, beside her foot a reclining animal turning its head upwards to look at the figure above. China 1368-1644. H. 29 cm. L. 21 cm. Weight 5703 gr. Provenance: Telegraph Manager and Art Collector Sophus Black, 1882-1960. This figure is likely to depict the Water-Moon Guanyin (Shuiye), a representation derived from Tang dynasty paintings. It is thought that these paintings, which no longer survive, served as prototypes for sculptors and such representations of Guanyin were particularly popular during the Song period. BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART The moon is believed to be the controller of the water, circulating through the universe and sustaining all living creatures; moreover the moon in water is common in Buddhist scriptures and symbolises the transitory nature of the world. Although there is no scriptural basis for linking Guanyin with these metaphors, it is thought this imagery was adopted and adapted from sources outside Buddhism. DKK 200,000-300,000 / € 27,000-40,000 部分铜镀金的水月观音, 头冠及兽仍有红彩, 观音 坐在岩上, 耳戴铛环, 头戴宝冠, 身披天衣并佩戴 璎珞, 右手置于右膝, 目光低垂呈冥想状, 足边有 卧兽, 抬头仰望观音菩萨。中国明代1368-1644, 高29cm, 长21cm, 重5703克。 来历: 电报经理和艺术收藏家Sophus Black, 18821960。 估价: 200,000-300,000 丹麦克朗 (27,000-40,000欧元) 61 198 A large porcelain fish bowl decorated in blue with scrolling lotus, leaves and design. China, Qing 19th century. Diam. 47 cm. H. 41 cm. DKK 15,000-20,000 / € 2,000-2,700 大型青花缠枝莲纹缸, 中国清代19世纪, 直径 47cm, 高41cm。 估价: 15,000-20,000 丹麦克朗 (2,000-2,700欧元) 198 62 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 199 199 Deer-head shaped porcelain vase, decorated in underglaze blue with floral scroll of blooms among scrolling foliage, handle in the shape of stylized dragon. The mouth and foot with border. Marked Qianlong. 20th century. H. 46 cm. Wooden stand incl. DKK 25,000-30,000 / € 3,350-4,000 青花鹿头尊, 瓶身绘满缠枝花卉图纹, 款识为乾 隆。20世纪, 高46cm, 带木座。 估价: 25,000-30,000丹麦克朗 (3,350-4,000欧元) BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 63 200 200 200 Gilt bronze Shakyamuni Buddha seated in dhyanasana, right hand touching the ground in the so-called bhumisparsha mudra, wearing dhoti and loose garments richly and detailed incised with flower border, engraved with swastika on chest and dharma wheel on both foot soles, remains of red colour on mouth and blue on the hair. China, Ming 1368-1644. H. incl. later carved wooden throne 42 cm. H. excl. throne 34 cm. Weight 8600 gr. Provenance: Acquired by ship captain Hans Christiansen when working for The Great Northern Telegraph Company in Shanghai, where the family was stationed in 1900-1930. In that period they acquired a large collection of Chinese art and the present Buddha figure has been in the family's ownership ever since. DKK 600,000-800,000 / € 80,500-105,000 64 铜镀金释迦牟尼座像, 此尊全跏趺坐, 右手 触地印, 身穿衣缘錾刻精美花纹的袒胸式袈 裟, 胸前有卍字, 双足均现法轮。螺发有蓝彩, 唇仍有红彩。中国明代1368-1644, 含座高 42cm, 不含座高34cm, 重8700克。 来历:来自Hans Christansen船长, 此人曾经为 Store Nordic Telegraf-Selskab公司在上海工作, 1900-1930年间全家在那里居住。其间, 他们 运送了一大批艺术品回国, 包括这尊保留至 今的佛像。 估价: 600,000-800,000 丹麦克朗 (80,500-105,000欧元) BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 200 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 65 201 201 Chinese table screen of carved hardwood with porcelain plaque, decorated in colours with peonies and a poem about spring, signed Yu Quan and dated Xin You 1921. Plaque 47 x 32 cm. H. 66 cm. incl stand. DKK 10,000-15,000 / € 1,350-2,000 66 中国瓷板画, 绘有牡丹花卉图纹以及咏春诗文, 款识: 时在辛酉年秋月玉泉自制。木框, 瓷板 46x32cm, 高66cm。含座。 估价: 10,000-15,000 丹麦克朗 (1,350-2,000欧元) BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 202 202 A Chinese 20th century porcelain plaque, decorated in colours with text about mountainous landscape with architecture and river. After Wang Youtang. Diam. 28 cm. H. with carved wood stand 51 cm. Bought in the 1920s and has been in the family ever since. DKK 20,000-30,000 / € 2,700-4,000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 仿汪友棠浅绛彩山水瓷板插屏, 直径28cm, 高 51cm, 精细雕刻的木座。 来历: 1920年购得并保存至今。 估价: 20,000-30,000 丹麦克朗 (2,700-4,000欧元) 67 203 Patinated bronze figure of seated Dvarapala, a socalled guardian, dressed in armour and seated with legs wide apart and hands resting on knees. On stand of wood. China, Ming 1368-1644. H. 31 cm. DKK 20,000-25,000 / € 2,700-3,350 铜镀金座像, 此尊为财神, 身批战甲, 双腿分开 而坐, 手放置膝上。木座。明代1368-1644, 高 31cm。 估价: 20,000-25,000 丹麦克朗 (2,700-3,350欧元) 203 204 A bronze figure of Guanyin seated on a recumbent elephant, with pierced crown and wearing loose robes, adorned with necklaces, hand holding a scepter, rectangular lotus base. China, Ming 13681644. H. 25 cm. Weight 1857 gr. Provenance: From a private Danish collection. DKK 20,000 / € 2,700 一座骑象观音铜像, 观音头戴宝冠身着僧衣, 佩戴 璎珞, 骑在横卧的象身上。佛像底部有长方形莲 座。中国明代1368-1644, 高25cm。重1857克。 来历: 来自丹麦私人收藏。 估价: 20,000 丹麦克朗 (2,700欧元) 68 204 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 205 An archaistic Fang Ding bronze censer, rectangular on four legs cast with dragon heads, the sides with stylized taotie masks and design. Hardwood base and pierced cover with carved soapstone, finial in the shape of Buddha's hand. Ming 1368-1644. H. 36 cm. H. incl. later carved wooden stand 45 cm. L. 24 cm. Weight 4624 gr. Provenance: From a Danish private collection DKK 75,000 / € 10,000 鼎式铜炉为长方形, 四足铸龙首, 周边有规则 饕餮图纹及规则纹饰, 硬木座和镂空木盖, 盖 钮为雕刻成佛手的寿山石。明代1368-1644, 高36cm, 含座高度45cm, 长24cm。重4624克。 来历: 丹麦私人收藏。 估价: 75,000 丹麦克朗 (10,000欧元) 205 206 A 19th century Chinese patinated bronze censer cast with handles and Koran quotes in cartouches. Marked Jia Cang Zhen Bao, means the treasure of the family. H. 10 cm. Weight 663 gr. DKK 10,000 / € 1,350 桥耳阿纹铜香炉, 炉身刻有阿文图纹, 底款: 家藏 珍宝。19世纪, 高10cm。重663克。 估价: 10,000 丹麦克朗 (1,350欧元) 206 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 69 207 ANONYMOUS ARTIST, CA. 1820 Two very large watercolours depicting houses with figures in scenery. Possibly Canton or Shanghai. Each 95 x 166 cm. Framed and glazed 101 x 171 cm. (2) Very impressive large scale watercolours of Chinese scenes, presumably executed for the Western market by an anonymous master and depicting internal and external views of a house. This type of export watercolours is usually found in a much smaller format; due to their delicate nature, it is very uncommon to find examples of such size as the present group, and with the colouring still very fresh. DKK 200,000 / € 27,000 207 70 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 207 两幅大型水彩画, 画面是生活情景和建筑风景图, 可能是广东或上海。约1820, 每幅95x166cm, 加 框101x171cm。(2幅) 估价: 200,000 丹麦克朗 (27,000欧元) BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 71 208 Gilt bronze figure in the form of a Buddha, seated in dhyanasana on a triangular base, right hand in bhumisparsha mudra, dressed in simple pleated robe, face with downcast expression, aquiline nose and a pronounced urna, finely modelled hairsnails, base with Tibetan inscription on back, written after casting and before gilding. Tibet/Nepal, 16th-17th century. H. 25 cm. Weight 4048 gr. Provenance: Telegraph Manager and Art Collector Sophus Black, 1882-1960. The Tibetan inscription identifies the figure to be The Thus Gone Clearly Knowing Through Pure Radiance and is a rare figure of presumably a set of thirty-five. Thirty-five buddhas are listed in the homage section of the Sutra of the Three Heaps, and this statue depicts the 24th of them. The Sutra of the Three Heaps is a Mahayana scripture and its chanting is used to reconfirm the bodhisattva vow to bring all sentient beings to happiness, freedom and enlightenment. At least three other close examples are known and presumably make part of the series. One being in Los Angeles County Museum (P. Pal, Art of Nepal, Berkely 1985, p. 117), the two others have been sold at auctions: Sotheby's, London, 14 November 1988, lot. 8. and Christie's, Amsterdam, 5 December 1989, lot. 191. The four abovementioned figures are similar in style and design. They are all inscribed in the back either with abbreviated names or number probably identifying the Buddha they represent in the series. This story tells how The Sutra of the Three Heaps originated: "A group of thirty-five monks, who had taken the bodhisattva vow and had accidentally caused the death of a child while they were out begging for alms, went to Upali, one of the closest disciples of the Buddha, and asked him to request from the Buddha a method of apologizing and purifying what they had done. The Buddha then spoke this sutra, and as he did so, light radiated from his body and thirty-four other buddhas appeared in the space all around him. The thirty-five monks prostrated before these buddhas, made offerings, apologized for their misdeed, took refuge and re-awakened bodhichitta." DKK 500,000-800,000 / € 67,000-105,000 72 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 208 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 73 铜镀金佛像, 此尊全跏趺端坐在三角形坐台, 左手持定印, 右手持触地印, 裹身僧衣, 双目微合, 螺发规整肉髻高耸, 座 刻有经文, 经文刻于镀金之前。西藏/尼泊尔, 16-17世纪, 高25cm, 重4048克。 来历: 电报经理和艺术收藏家Sophus Black, 1882-1960。 藏文中明喻此尊为三十五佛之一的罕见佛像, 即功德华 佛。三十五佛出现在大宝积经中, 此经为大乘佛教经典, 菩 萨通过诵经加持誓予众生以喜乐自由与觉悟, 这尊排列第 二十四。至少目前还有另外三尊佛像闻名于世;一尊在 Los Angeles County Museum (P. Pal, Art of Nepal, Berkely 198, p.117), 另外两尊已拍卖: 佳士得, 阿姆斯特丹, 1989年12月 5日, 拍品第191号, 苏富比伦敦拍卖会, 1988年11月14日, 拍 品第8号。以上所述的四尊佛像形体风格相似, 它们全部在 背后有名字缩写或者有在排列中的佛号。 估价: 500,000-800,000 丹麦克朗 (67,000-105,000欧元) 74 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 208 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 75 209 209 Pair of Chinese porcelain baluster vases, decorated in underglaze blue with wise men in scenery and pine tree. Marked Yung Cheng. 20th century. H. 24 cm. (2) Provenance: Sophus Rasmussen Schmidt (1897-1957). Arrived in China 1922 as telegraphist and later head of department in East Asiatic Company and worked in Shanghai, Wanhsien and Hankow. DKK 10,000-15,000 / € 1,350-2,000 一对中国青花瓷瓶, 绘人物故事图纹, 款识为雍 正。20世纪, 高24cm。(2个) 来历: Sophus Rasmussen Schmidt (1897-1957) 于 1927年来到中国, 最初为报务员, 后成为远东公司 的部门经理, 曾在上海、万县和汉口工作过。 估价: 10,000-15,000 丹麦克朗 (1,350-2,000欧元) 76 210 Near a pair porcelain Kangxi bojars, decorated in underglaze blue with flowers and leaf design. Marked with blue double circle to the bottom. Cover and stand of carved wood. China 1662-1722. H. 22/25 cm with cover and 21.5/23.5 cm with cover. (2) Provenance: From a Danish private collection DKK 20,000-30,000 / € 2,700-4,000 相似的一对青花罐, 绘有花叶纹, 底款为双圈。带 有镂空雕刻梅花的木盖和木座。中国1662-1722, 含盖的高度22/25cm, 另外一只21.5/23.5cm含木 盖的高度。 (2个) 来历: 丹麦私人收藏。 估价: 20,000-30,000 丹麦克朗 (2,700-4,000欧元) BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 210 211 Chinese globular porcelain vase, decorated in colours with fish on white ground. Qing, 19th century. H. 9. Diam. 12 cm. Wooden stand incl. Provenance: From a Danish telegraph manager who traveled to China in 1891 and went back to Denmark in 1917. DKK 20,000-30,000 / € 2,700-4,000 211 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 青花釉里红鱼纹洗。清代19世纪, 高9cm, 直径 12cm, 带木座。 来历: 得自于1891曾游历中国的丹麦电讯经理, 1917年返回了丹麦。 估价: 20,000-30,000 丹麦克朗 (2,700-4,000欧元) 77 212 Lama Sachen Kunga Nyingpo (1092-1158) of gilt bronze seated on a circular lotus throne, dressed in richly pleated robe with his hands in mudra, bottom with Tibetan inscription My heartfelt salute to the master Sachen Kunga Nyingpo = rje sa chen only dga 'snying po la na mah. Tibet, c. 1800. H. 13 cm. Weight 779 gr. DKK 30,000 / € 4,000 萨钦. 贡噶宁波喇嘛 (1092-1158) 镀金铜像, 此 尊身着袈裟, 手持法印, 坐于圆形莲座, 底有铭文由衷向萨钦. 贡噶宁波大师致敬。西藏, 约1800, 高13cm。 重779克。 估价: 30,000 丹麦克朗 (4,000欧元) 212 213 Gilt bronze Medicine Buddha seated in meditative position. The head adorned with a crown and earrings, hands in ksepana with swastika on his chest. China, late Ming. C. 1600. H. 16 cm. Weight 1467 gr. DKK 40,000 / € 5,350 铜镀金药师佛造像, 此尊呈冥想状, 头戴宝 冠, 耳佩铛环, 胸露卍字。中国明代晚期, 大约 1600年, 高16cm。重1467克。 估价: 40,000 丹麦克朗 (5,350欧元) 213 78 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 214 214 verso 214 Tibetan patinated and gilt figure of a Buddhist master, dressed in richly pleated robe, seated in dhyanasana on two-layered cushion with blanket, right hand raised in the vitarka mudra, face with striking individualized traits and although unidentified must be a portrait. Tibet, 17th-18th century. H. 9 cm. Weight 515 gr. Provenance: Telegraph Manager and Art Collector Sophus Black, 1882-1960. DKK 30,000-50,000 / € 4,000-6,700 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 西藏铜镀金佛僧座像, 跏趺坐于双层蓬座之上, 僧 衣华美, 右手持托与印, 面部特征明显, 虽无处识 别但确认为某个人物肖像。西藏, 17-18世纪, 高 9cm。 重515克 来历: 电报经理和艺术收藏家Sophus Black, 18821960。 估价: 30,000-50,000 丹麦克朗 (4,000-6,700欧元) 79 215 215 A Chinese set of hardwood furniture, consisting of a square folding table and four chairs. 20th century. H. 74 cm. L. 93 cm. W. 93 cm. (5) DKK 20,000 / € 2,700 一套硬木折叠桌和四把椅子。20世纪, 高74cm, 长93cm, 宽93cm。(5件) 估价: 20,000 丹麦克朗 (2,700欧元) 215 80 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 216 216 A pair of Chinese hardwood Horseshoe-back armchairs, each chair with a sweeping crest rail ending in outward hooks, back splat decorated with carved ornaments, rattan cane seats set within a rectangular frame, legs joined by foot rest. Qing, late 19th century. (2) Provenance: The Danish author Steffen Anton Klubien (1890- 1970) was employed as head of the Chinese customs in Peking, Tiensin and Shanghai from 1916 to 1928. DKK 30,000 / € 4,000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 一对中国硬木圈椅, 藤面, 背板有简单雕饰。晚 清19世纪。(一对) 来历: 丹麦作家Steffen Anton Klubien (1890-1970) 曾经为海关负责人, 1916-1928年受雇于北京、 天津和上海。 估价: 30,000 丹麦克朗 (4,000欧元) 81 217 A Chinese hardwood pedestal table, the apron adorned with openwork carvings on square form supports. Qing, early 20th century. H. 81 cm. W. 42 cm. D. 31 cm. Provenance: Telegraph Manager and Art Collector Sophus Black, 1882-1960. DKK 5,000-7,000 / € 670-940 中国长方形高茶几, 清代, 20世纪初, 高81cm, 宽 42cm, 深31cm。 来历: 电报经理和艺术收藏家Sophus Black, 18821960。 估价: 5,000-7,000 丹麦克朗 (670-940欧元) 218 A set of three Chinese octagonal hardwood stools, with floating panelled tops and richly carved pierced aprons. Qing, early 20th century. H. 49 cm. W. 40 cm. (3) DKK 10,000-15,000 / € 1,350-2,000 217 一套三件硬木六腿管脚杖如意凳, 清代20世纪初, 高49cm, 宽40cm。(3个)。 估价: 10,000-15,000 丹麦克朗 (1,350-2,000欧元) 218 82 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 219 219 220 Chinese fan describing the story of Yaochi where longevity peaches are grown. Signed Lu Shaopo. Ink and watercolour on paper mounted in hardwood frame carved with flowers. H. 35 cm. W. 58 cm. incl. frame. DKK 8,000-10,000 / € 1,050-1,350 A Chinese freestanding hardwood music table, top with floating panel, curved sides, apron with openwork carvings in the shape of cloud motif, foliage and ornaments. Qing, late 19th century. H. 89 cm. L. 123 cm. W. 40 cm. DKK 20,000-25,000 / € 2,700-3,350 鲁少坡中国扇面, 三到瑶池人物图。纸本设色, 镶扇形镜框。硬木镶框上刻有花卉纹。高35cm, 含框宽58cm。 估价: 8,000-10,000 丹麦克朗 (1,050-1,350欧元) 硬木卷头案, 牙板镂空雕刻云头及其它纹饰。清 代, 19世纪晚期, 高89cm, 长123cm, 宽40cm。 估价: 20,000-25,000 丹麦克朗 (2,700-3,350欧元) 220 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 83 221 221 Tibetan gilt bronze figure of Tsongkhapa seated on multi-layered richly decorated cushion with blanket, his right hand raised and the left resting in his lap, dressed in robe with engraved borders. C. 1800. H. 35 cm. Weight 14600 gr. Provenance: Telegraph Manager and Art Collector Sophus Black, 1882-1960. DKK 1,000,000 / € 135,000 84 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 221 西藏鎏金宗喀巴铜造像, 此尊坐于复式台座, 座 垫及蓬面有精美的錾刻, 左手结与愿印, 右手作 说法印, 身披藏袍, 袍边阴刻华美纹饰。约为 1800年, 高35cm, 重14600克。 来历: 电报经理和艺术收藏家Sophus Black, 18821960 。 估价: 1,000,000 丹麦克朗 (135,000欧元) 221 verso BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 85 222 A Chinese qiyang stone relief carved with mountainous landscape and architecture. In pierced wooden frame. Qing, C. 1900. Relief 28.5 x 25 cm. DKK 10,000 / € 1,350 祁阳石雕板, 浮雕出中国的风景和亭台楼阁, 镶 木框。清代, 19世纪, 28.5x25 cm。 估价: 10,000 丹麦克朗 (1,350欧元) 223 A Chinese hardwood cupboard. Early 20th century. H. 78 cm. W. 77 cm. D. 46 cm. Provenance: The cabinet is brought to Denmark by the present owner's family in the 1930s. DKK 10,000-15,000 / € 1,350-2,000 222 中国硬木柜橱, 20世纪初, 高78cm, 宽77cm, 深 46cm。 来历: 1930年由物主带回丹麦。 估价: 10,000-15,000 丹麦克朗 (1,350-2,000欧元) 223 86 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 224 224 A rectangular wooden panel richly carved, one side partly gilded with a noble family in front of a palace, the other side with longevity character and design. China, Qing 19th century. H. 129 cm. W. 125 cm. Provenance: Bruun Rasmussen Vejle, 2006, Auction 109, lot no 577. Aquired by the present owner's family c. 1930. According to tradition from the Temple of Compassion in Canton. DKK 50,000-70,000 / € 6,700-9,400 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 224 verso 方形大挂屏, 正面是描金的浮雕人物故事图, 背 面中央雕刻一个寿字, 周边雕刻了各种小型福寿 图纹。中国, 清代19世纪, 高129cm, 宽125cm。 来历: Bruun-Rasmussen 2006 年拍卖109/577. 1930 年代被丹麦私人拥有。 估价: 50,000-70,000 丹麦克朗 (6,700-9,400欧元) 87 225 Gilt bronze Shakyamuni Buddha seated in dhyanasana, with detailed cast spiral curls, right hand touching the ground in the so-called bhumisparsha mudra, wearing dhoti and garments with richly decorated flower border, incised with swastika on chest and dharma wheel on left palm and both foot soles. China, Ming 1368-1644. H. incl. later carved wooden throne 52 cm. H. excl. throne 44 cm. Weight 19,4 kg. Provenance: From Aage V. Jørgensen, head of the East Asiatic Company's headquarters in Harbin and affiliate in Tientsin and Dairen and was also Danish consul. Lived in China from the period of first world war - to the period after second world war 1946. Aa.V.J. acquired the buddha from H.V. Jacobsen former director of the East Asiatic Compagny. Photo: Shows the family home in Harbin which was called Eastern Paris a mansion of Russian origin, beautifully decorated with Chinese carpets everywhere, vases from among others Ming Dynasty and other Chinese art, interior photo with the mentioned buddha. DKK 1,500,000-2,000,000 / € 200,000-270,000 铜镀金释迦牟尼佛造像, 此尊全跏趺坐, 螺发规整肉髻高耸。左 手结定印, 右手持触地印, 袈裟华美, 衣缘錾刻缠枝花卉。胸前 有卍字, 手心及脚心各现法轮。中国明代1368-1644, 含座高度 为52cm, 不含座高44cm, 重19400克。 来历:Aage V. Jørgensen,东亚公司驻哈尔滨负责人和天津大连 子公司的负责人,同时也是丹麦驻华领事。他从第一次世界大 战时就生活在中国,直至第二次世界大战结束后的1946年。此 尊佛像是他从东亚公司总经理H.V. Jacobsen那里获得的。 照片:展示了这个家庭在有着东方巴黎之称的哈尔滨的庄园 里,到处铺着美丽的中式地毯,装饰着明代的瓷瓶、还有各种 各样的艺术品。这尊佛像就出现在前一照片的家中。 估价: 1,500,000-2,000,000 丹麦克朗 200,000-270,000欧元) Gentlemen meeting: Aage V. Jørgensen seated far left, the gentleman next to him is H.V. Jacobsen. 88 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 225 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 89 225 90 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 225 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 91 226 226 Porcelain Budai with children, seated with sac and mala in hands, decorated in colours and small seated Budai. China, 19th century. H. 4-10.5 cm. (2) Provenance: Telegraph Manager and Art Collector Sophus Black, 1882-1960. DKK 10,000-15,000 / € 1,350-2,000 晚清粉彩弥勒佛像, 身披饰满花卉的袈裟, 膝上 三个童子。另外还有一尊小弥勒佛。中国19世纪, 高 4-10.5cm。(2个) 来历: 电报经理和艺术收藏家Sophus Black, 1882-1960。 估价: 10,000-15,000 丹麦克朗 (1,350-2,000欧元) 227 Emaille-sur-bisquit sage seated on rock, decorated in beige and flambe glaze. China, 19th century. H. 18 cm. Provenance: Telegraph Manager and Art Collector Sophus Black, 1882-1960. DKK 8,000-10,000 / € 1,050-1,350 素瓷圣人像,人物依岩而坐,腿上置放一罐。中国19 世纪,高18cm。 来历: 电报经理和艺术收藏家Sophus Black, 1882-1960。 估价: 8,000-10,000 丹麦克朗 (1,050-1,350欧元) 92 227 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 228 Chinese blanc de chine guanyin seated in voluminous flowing robe that drapes over the dais, the robe is open to the chest to reveal a necklace with a ruyi head pendant. C. 1800. H. 22 cm. Provenance: From a Danish private collection DKK 8,000-12,000 / € 1,050-1,600 德化瓷观音, 观音身批广袖宽衣, 头饰如意胸露 璎珞。约1800, 高22cm。 来历: 丹麦私人收藏。 估价: 8,000-12,000 丹麦克朗 (1,050-1,600欧元) 228 229 Blanc de chine wine cup deriving from the rhinoceros horn form with applied ornament as prunus in blossom and figures around the game board. Qing 18th-19th century. Wooden stand carved with bird heads. H. 13. Provenance: From a Danish private collection DKK 10,000 / € 1,350 德化瓷花卉人物犀角杯, 清代19世纪, 木座雕成 鸟头形状。高13cm。 来历:丹麦私人收藏。 估价: 10,000 丹麦克朗 (1,350欧元) 229 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 93 230 A hardwood dream top table, shaped as a lotus leaf, top inserted with a dream top marble, aprons and strechers richly carved in shape of branches and leaves. China, late Qing, 19th century. H. 83 cm. L. 85 cm. W. 61 cm. DKK 15,000-20,000 / € 2,000-2,700 荷叶形硬木桌, 桌面为云纹大理石, 牙板及桌腿 为随形雕刻的枝叶图案。中国晚清19世纪, 高 83cm, 长85cm, 深61cm。 估价: 15,000-20,000 丹麦克朗 (2,000-2,700欧元) 230 231 231 A Chinese freestanding hardwood music table, top with floating panel, curved sides, apron with openwork carvings. C. 1930. H. 84 cm. L. 117 cm. W. 41 cm. Provenance: The table is bought in Hong Kong, 1936, by Mr. Paul Calderara who was manager of the Swiss company ‘Eduard Anton Keller & Co’. DKK 20,000-25,000 / € 2,700-3,350 94 中国硬木琴案, 约1930, 高84cm, 长117cm, 宽 41cm。 来历: Paul Calderara先生1936年购于香港, 曾任 瑞士公司Eduard Antokeller公司经理。 估价: 20,000-25,000 丹麦克朗 (2,700-3,350欧元) BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 232 232 233 A pair of Zitan horseshoe back armchairs, each chair with arched backs, back splat decorated with a mythical beast, a rattan seat is set within a rectangular frame and legs joined by stepped stretchers and a foot rest. Late Qing, late 19th century. (2) DKK 80,000-100,000 / € 10,500-13,500 Chinese hardwood low table, with carvings. Qing, c. 1900. H. 34 cm. L. 153 cm. W. 41 cm. Provenance: Telegraph Manager and Art Collector Sophus Black, 1882-1960. DKK 10,000-15,000 / € 1,350-2,000 一对紫檀圈椅, 纪。(一对) 藤面, 背板有雕饰。晚清19世 估价: 80,000-100,000 丹麦克朗 (10,500-13,500欧元) 中国硬木长方几, 清代, 20世纪初, 高34cm, 长 153cm, 宽41cm。 来历: 电报经理和艺术收藏家Sophus Black, 18821960。 估价: 10,000-15,000 丹麦克朗 (1,350-2,000欧元) 233 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 95 234 Four-sided Chinese porcelain brush washer, decorated in enamel colours and gold, interior with flowers in fields, exterior decorated with stylized pattern on turquoise ground. Marked Daoquang 1821-1850. H. 6.5 cm. 11.5 x 11.5 cm. DKK 10,000 / € 1,350 中国粉彩开光虫草四方洗, 款识为道光, 18211850, 高6.5cm, 11.5x11.5cm。 估价: 10,000 丹麦克朗 (1,350欧元) 234 235 Large Chinese medaillon bottle vase, decorated in colours with dragons and Phoenix and precious things in medaillons on yellow ground with fruit and foliage. Qing. Presumably Guangxu, 18741908. H. 55 cm. Provenance: Sophus Rasmussen Schmidt (1897-1957). Arrived in China 1922 as telegraphist and later head of departmant in East Asiatic Company and worked in Shanghai, Wanhsien and Hankow. DKK 30,000-50,000 / € 4,000-6,700 中国粉彩黄地开光龙凤大天球瓶, 清代光绪时期 1874-1908, 高55cm。 来历: Sophus Rasmussen Schmidt (1897-1957) 于1922年来到中国, 最初为报务员, 后成为远东 公司的部门经理, 曾在上海、万县和汉口工作 过。 估价: 30,000-50,000 丹麦克朗 (4,000-6,700欧元) 96 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 235 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 97 236 Bronze Fo-dog cast with open mouth and her puppy beneath her left paw, the figure standing on a foursided bronze throne with a blanket. China, c. 1800. H. figure 30 cm. Base 41 cm. Provenance: Vilhelm Ginger Mortensen, telegrapher in Shanghai 1909-29. DKK 40,000 / € 5,350 一尊青铜狮, 立于四方台座, 左掌下有幼狮。 中国, 约1800, 狮子高30cm,含座高41cm。 来历: Vilhelm Ginger Mortensen, 上海报务员 1909-29年间。 估价: 40,000 丹麦克朗 (5,350欧元) 236 237 A bronze Gu vase, cast with taoist symbols in archaistic style. China, Ming 1368-1644. H. 35 cm. Weight 5708 gr. Provenance: The owner's grandfather who worked in China for The Great Northern Telegraph Company in the 1920s. DKK 15,000-20,000 / € 2,000-2,700 青铜觚式尊, 青铜器上有饕餮图纹符饰。中国 明代1368-1644, 高35cm。重5708克。 来历: 持有者的祖父曾经在1920年代为驻中 国的The Great Nothern Telegraph Company公司 工作。 估价: 15,000-20,000 丹麦克朗 (2,000-2,700欧元) 237 98 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 238 Solid cast patinated bronze Shakyamuni Buddha, dressed in a simple robe and seated in dhyanasana, right hand in bhumisparsha mudra, remains of red colour in hair. With carved wooden stand. Nepal/ Tibet, 17th century. H. 20 cm. Provenance: Telegraph Manager and Art Collector Sophus Black, 1882-1960. DKK 30,000 / € 4,000 释迦牟尼铜佛像, 僧衣简洁跏趺而坐, 持触地印, 发髻间仍有红彩。带座。尼泊尔/西藏, 17世纪, 高20cm。 来历: 电报经理和艺术收藏家Sophus Black, 18821960。 估价: 30,000 丹麦克朗 (4,000欧元) 238 239 An archaistic Fang Ding censer, bronze cast with stylized taotie masks and design, hardwood base and cover with carved jade finial. Ming 1368-1644. H. 21/28 cm. L. 23.5 cm. Weight 4735 gr. DKK 30,000-50,000 / € 4,000-6,700 239 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 方鼎铜炉, 炉身刻有龙纹饕餮纹饰, 盖上有 灵芝形状的玉钮。硬木底座。明代13681644, 高21/28cm, 长23.5cm。重4735克。 估价: 30,000-50,000 丹麦克朗 (4,000-6,700欧元) 99 240 240 A pair of porcelain panels decorated in grisaille depicting architecture, text in red characters describing the location Liu Lang Wen Ying (the poetic name of one scenery place in Hangzhou the other the stone (rock) of Wen Lan Ge. Wen Lan Ge is a famous ancient building in Hangzhou. China, 20th century. 31 x 48 cm. Framed with gilt wooden frames. (2) DKK 10,000-15,000 / € 1,350-2,000 100 一对20世纪墨彩风景瓷板, 描绘了杭州的文澜 阁之石以及柳浪闻莺的景致, 有红色字体描述 说明。中国20世纪, 31x48cm。带漆金木框(2幅) 估价: 10,000-15,000 丹麦克朗 (1,350-2,000欧元) BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 241 241 Chinese table screen of carved hardwood with porcelain plaque, decorated in underglaze blue with two figures on a terrace under a pine tree. 20th century. Plaque. 45 x 28 cm. Stand H. 70 cm. W. 41 cm. DKK 15,000-20,000 / € 2,000-2,700 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 中国青花桌屏, 绘人物故事图纹。硬木雕刻框 架。中国20世纪, 板子45x28cm, 框架高70cm, 宽41cm。 估价: 15,000-20,000 丹麦克朗 (2,000-2,700欧元) 101 242 Large Chinese rootwood figure of the immortal Tie Guai Li standing with a stick and gourd shaped bottle, eyes and teeth of bone and glass. Qing, 19th century. H. 104/120 cm. Provenance: Bought by the owner in Hong Kong 1997. DKK 10,000-15,000 / € 1,350-2,000 中国根雕 一件根雕艺术品, 雕刻了神话人物铁拐李立像, 人物手持铁拐, 身挎酒葫芦, 牙齿和眼睛的材质 为骨和玻璃。清代19世纪, 高104/120cm。 来历: 1997年购于香港。 估价: 10,000 -15,000丹麦克朗 (1,350-2,000欧元) 243 A Chinese square low table, the top with floating panel, profiled apron and square legs joined by humpback stretchers. Qing, early 20th century. H. 53 cm. L. 62 cm. W. 62 cm. Provenance: Telegraph Manager and Art Collector Sophus Black, 1882-1960. DKK 6,000-8,000 / € 805-1,050 中国茶几, 四方形, 20世纪, 高53cm, 长和宽各 62cm。 来历: 电报经理和艺术收藏家Sophus Black, 18821960。 估价: 6,000-8,000 丹麦克朗 (805-1,050欧元) 242 243 102 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 244 244 A set of twelve Chinese hardwood chairs, including two armchairs, each with yoke-shaped top rail and central vertical splat with openwork ornament, above panelled cane seat, adorned with geometric design. Republic period, c. 1920. (12) Provenance: The Danish telegrapher Mr. Valdemar Bjerre, stationed by The Great Nordic in China 19061934. DKK 75,000-100,000 / € 10,000-13,500 一套十二把硬木椅, 其中包括两把扶手椅, 背板 上有饰纹。民国, 大约1900。(12个) 来历:丹麦报务员Valdemar Bjerre先生曾经在 中国1906-1934年间为The Great Nordic工作。 估价: 75,000-100,000 丹麦克朗 (10,000-13,500欧元) 244 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 103 245 245 Ten Chinese small bowls, decorated i colours and gold with children playing. Marked Qianlong. Presumably Guangxu 1874-1908. Diam. 12.5 cm. Provenance: Sophus Rasmussen Schmidt (1897-1957). Arrived in China 1922 as telegraphist and later head of department in East Asiatic Company and worked in Shanghai, Wanhsien and Hankow. DKK 15,000-25,000 / € 2,000-3,350 10件中国粉彩小瓷碗, 绘婴戏图纹。款识为乾 隆, 或为光绪年代1874-1908, 直径12.5cm。 来历:Sophus Rasmussen Schmidt (1897-1957) 于1927年来到中国, 最初为报务员, 后成为远东公 司的部门经理, 曾在上海、万县和汉口工作过。 估价: 15,000 -25,000丹麦克朗 (2,000-3,350欧元) 104 246 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 247 246 A pair of miniature porcelain bottle vases, decorated in colours with birds in floral landscape and poetry. Qianlong mark. China, Republic 1912-49. H. 8.5 cm. (2) Provenance: A Danish family living in China, c. 19001940. DKK 10,000 / € 1,350 一对小粉彩花鸟瓶, 山水诗文图纹, 乾隆款识。 中国民国时期1912-1949, 高8.5cm。(2个) 来历:一个曾经生活在中国的丹麦家庭, 约 1900-1940。 估价: 10,000 丹麦克朗 (1,350欧元) BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 247 A porcelain vase decorated in colours with river and mountainous winter landscape, figures and poetry. Marked Xu Ren Chu Pin and signed Xu Ren. China, Republic 1912-49. H. 27 cm. DKK 40,000-60,000 / € 5,350-8,050 中国粉彩雪景山水瓶, 有诗文图纹, 底款为:许 人出品。民国时期1912-1949, 高27cm。 估价: 40,000-60,000 丹麦克朗 (5,350-8,050欧元) 105 248 Gilt bronze Avalokitesvara seated on double lotus throne, with eight pair of arms holding different characteristic implements kila, conch, lotus, sword and more, crown and jewellery set with turquoise. Sino-Tibet, 19th century. Weight 5556 gr. H. 24 cm. Provenance: Acquired in China c. 1900 and has been within the family ever since. DKK 30,000-40,000 / € 4,000-5,350 铜镀金观音, 观音坐于双层莲台宝 座, 八双手臂各持不同法器包括法 螺、莲花和宝剑等, 宝冠及佛身镶 嵌松石。西藏, 19世纪, 高24cm, 重 5556克。 来历: 1900年在中国获得, 从此一直伴 随物主. 估价: 30,000-40,000 丹麦克朗 (4,000-5,350欧元) 248 249 Thousand armed, eleven headed Avalokitesvara, guanyin seated with countless arms of which hold sacred emblems, two pairs in front show the dhyana and the anjali mudras, while others form a fan shaped backdrop, a third pair stretch high above the head holding a small figure of Amitabha. Seated on a circular high lotus throne. Ming 1368-1644. Figure 31 cm. H. incl. lotus 44 cm. Weight 4862 gr. Provenance: Telegraph Manager and Art Collector Sophus Black, 1882-1960. Similar figure at Memorial Collection Seattle Art Museum. No 33821 DKK 75,000-100,000 / € 10,000-13,500 106 铜十一面千手大悲观音像, 观音坐在圆形莲台, 千手各持法器, 第三双手高举过头奉阿弥陀佛, 胸前双手持合十印。明代1368-1644, 佛像高 31cm, 包括莲座高44cm, 重4862克。 来历: 电报经理和艺术收藏家Sophus Black, 18821960。 相似的一尊展示在Memorial Collection, Seattle Art Museum, 第33821号。 估价: 75,000-100,000 丹麦克朗 (10,000-13,500欧元) BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 249 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 107 250 251 Two Chinese pewter tureens in the shape of a duck and a fish, black and green inset eyes and delicate feather and fish scales details on the lid, conforming base applied with brass handles fitted with a warming dish, engraved seal mark beneat both tureens base and inner dish. Qing ca. 1880. L. 21 and 32 cm Provenance: Telegraph Manager and Art Collector Sophus Black, 1882-1960. Chinese album with 12 homo-erotic watercolours, depicting various erotic scenes between mature man and boy. Ink and watercolour on silk glued on paper. C. 1900. Image 19 x 21.5 cm. On the reverse 9 Chinese images of people in traditional costumes, colour on rice paper. 19 x 12 cm. DKK 15,000-25,000 / € 2,000-3,350 The design for these tureens is derived from Qianlong porcelain dinner services, most usually made for the European market. DKK 10,000-15,000 / € 1,350-2,000 中国春宫图册页, 共有12幅图, 内容均为男同性 恋图。绢本设色, 大约1900年, 19x21.5cm。 背面另有9幅,纸本设色,均为身穿传统服装的 人物画像。19x12cm。 估价: 15,000-25,000 丹麦克朗 (2,000-3,350欧元) 两只锡盖碗, 一为鸭子形状, 一为鱼的形状, 碗 的内外底部均有款识。清代, 大约1800, 长21cm, 32cm。 来历: 电报经理和艺术收藏家Sophus Black, 18821960。 估价: 10,000-15,000 丹麦克朗 (1,350-2,000欧元) 251 verso 250 108 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 251 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 109 252 252 Pair of famille verte Kangxi porcelain dishes, decorated in enamel colours and gold with flower arrangements, a deer on a terrace. Border with flowers in cartouches. Marked with a pair of books in double blue circle. China 1662-1722. Diam. 38 cm. (2) Provenance: From a Danish private collection DKK 15,000 / € 2,000 110 一对康熙清供图纹五彩大盘, 底款为图记款。 中国康熙1662-1722, 直径38cm。(2个) 来历:丹麦私人收藏。 估价: 15,000 丹麦克朗 (2,000欧元) BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 253 253 Chinese export porcelain service for the Norwegian marked, decorated in colours and gold with double mirror monogram ASB and EBB in Rococo cartouche with grid trimming and Anno 1747. rim with flower bouquets and spearhead border. China, Qianlong 1736-1795. (17) Comprising: 1 round dish, diam. 38 cm, 10 plates, diam. 22.5 cm, 2 cups, glued 1 teacaddy, top missing, 1 teapot, with glued handle 1 salt cellar, 1 plat de menage, 3 lids lacking, 1 ewer with crack and handle missing Provenance: The service was ordered to Anders Sørensen Brinch (1701-1742), Kommerceraad, Groceries in Kristiansand and Else Bolette Bircherods (16961775) engagement party. Norway DKK 20,000-25,000 / € 2,700-3,350 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 一套中国出口瓷器, 描金彩的纹章图纹。中国 乾隆时期1736-1795。(17件) 包括: 1件圆盘, 直径38cm。 10个盘, 22.5cm。 2个杯, 有修。 1个茶叶罐, 盖缺。 1把茶壶, 柄有修。 1个盐罐 1个大盘及其它。 来历: 此套瓷器是为Anders Soerensen Brinch (1701-1742)定制的。 估价: 20,000-25,000 丹麦克朗 (2,700-3,350欧元) 111 254 Uma maheshvara bronze figure, seated in lalitasana on a throne on a rectangular base, the right hand with index finger touching the thumb, the left hand holding a book. South India, 19th century. H. 70 cm. DKK 25,000 / € 3,350 湿婆铜像,此尊坐在四方形座上,左手持书, 右手持手印。印度南部,19世纪。高70cm。 估价: 25,000 丹麦克朗 (3,350欧元) 254 112 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 255 255 Shakyamuni gilt bronze Buddha seated in dhyanasana with loose robe. Nepal, 19th century or later. H. 74 cm. DKK 30,000 / € 4,000 铜镀金释迦牟尼座像, 佛身披僧衣, 全跏趺坐。 尼泊尔, 19世纪或后, 高74cm。 估价: 30,000 丹麦克朗 (4,000欧元) BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 113 256 256 Famille jaune rouleau porcelain vase, decorated in yellow, green, black and aubergine with figure scenery. Marked with Kangxi Artemis leaf. China, 19th century. H. 43 cm. Provenance: Brought to Denmark by the present owners family during travels to the East in the 1920s. DKK 10,000-15,000 / € 1,350-2,000 康熙素三彩棒槌瓶, 绘人物故事图纹, 款识为康熙 叶纹图记款。中国19世纪, 高43cm。 来历:物主1920年代游历东方后带回丹麦。 估价: 10,000-15,000 丹麦克朗 (1,350-2,000欧元) 114 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 257 Chinese famille verte porcelain jar, decorated with enamel colours with a legend - two women standing on a palace and court ladies with fans and servant. Later carved wood cover and stand. Marked with double blue circle. Kangxi or later. H. 34 cm. Provenance: From a Danish private collection, bought at Winkel & Magnussen Auction House, Copenhagen. DKK 40,000 / € 5,350 257 中国康熙粉彩将军罐, 绘有人物故事图纹, 后配置 的木盖和木座, 底款为双圈款。康熙或以后, 高 34cm。 来历: 丹麦私人收藏, 在Winkel Magnussen Auction House, Copenhagen购得。 估价: 40,000 丹麦克朗 (5,350欧元) BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 115 258 258 A colossal brass brazier, bell shaped cover on a fluted body and standing on a tray, tughra mark. Turkey, 19th century. H. 88/96 cm. Diam. 86 cm. DKK 10,000-15,000 / € 1,350-2,000 116 土耳其铜高足盖盘, 为餐桌中央饰物, 盖为玲形, 底有托盘。土耳其19世纪,高88/96cm, 直径 86cm。 估价: 10,000-15,000 丹麦克朗 (1,350-2,000欧元) BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 259 259 260 A colossal bronze censer, bombe shaped and with elephant shaped handles with eyes of dark glass fastened and supported on a circular pedestal foot. China, late Qing. Weight c. 37 kg. H. 36 cm. Diam. 40 cm. DKK 150,000-200,000 / € 20,000-27,000 Chinese bronze censer on three legs. Xuande mark. 19th century. Weight 1884 gr. H. 6.5 cm. Diam. 15.5 cm. DKK 20,000-30,000 / € 2,700-4,000 一座大铜香炉, 衔环象首双耳。晚清, 重大约37 公斤, 高36cm, 直径40cm。 估价: 150,000-200,000 丹麦克朗 (20,000-27,000欧元) 三足铜香炉, 宣德款, 19世纪, 重1884克, 高6.5cm, 直径15.5cm。 估价: 20,000-30,000 丹麦克朗 (2,700-4,000欧元) 260 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 117 261 White jade pendant carved in shape of the character of virtues. China. C. 1900. L. 5 cm. Weight 25 gr. DKK 10,000 / € 1,350 中国白玉配件, 雕刻“义”字。大约1900年, 长 5cm。 重25克。 估价: 10,000 丹麦克朗 (1,350欧元) 261 262 262 A pale jade brush washer, richly carved with openwork, flowers and leaves. China, c. 1900. H. 4 cm. Weight 126 gr. DKK 15,000-20,000 / € 2,000-2,700 青白玉雕水盂, 镂空雕刻缠枝花卉, 生动立体。 中国19世纪, 高4cm。重126克。 估价: 15,000-20,000 丹麦克朗 (2,000-2,700欧元) 263 A white and russet jade pendant carved as a figure taking a bath. China, Qing or later. L. 5.5 cm. Weight 35 gr. Provenance: Dr. J.H. Zeeman, Dutch chargé d'affaires to China 1954-57. DKK 10,000 / € 1,350 白玉带糖色元宝童子雕件, 中国清代或晚期, 长 5.5cm。重35克。 来历: Dr. J.H. Zeeman, 荷兰驻中国办事处1954-57. 估价: 10,000 丹麦克朗 (1,350欧元) 263 118 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 264 Carved jade and silvered hand mirror in the form of celadon jade carved insect belt hook handle and a round white jade plaque with peaches and a ling chi mushroom, mounted in a silvered copper repoussé frame set with tourmaline cabochons and jadeite. China, c. 1900. L. 21,5 cm. DKK 30,000-40,000 / € 4,000-5,350 中国手镜, 把柄为玉雕, 银托。背面镶嵌一块白 玉雕, 周边镶嵌了翡翠和碧玺。中国19世纪, 长 21.5cm。 估价: 30,000-40,000 丹麦克朗 (4,000-5,350欧元) 264 265 A shallow spinach green jade dish supported by a low circular foot. China, Qing dynasty, 19th century. Diam. 23.5 cm. H. 4.5 cm. Weight 850 gr. DKK 15,000-20,000 / € 2,000-2,700 中国碧玉盘, 19世纪, 直径23.5cm, 高4.5cm。重 850克。 估价: 15,000-20,000 丹麦克朗 (2,000-2,700欧元) 265 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 119 266 267 NI YUN, B.?-1864, LATE QING ARTIST "Noted porcelains of succesive dynasties" Colourprints on rice paper in silk cover. Chih Chai Publishing Company, Peiping 1931. Revised and annotated by Kuo Pao-Chang and John C. Ferguson. DKK 15,000-20,000 / € 2,000-2,700 Painting book with nine flower paintings in ink and watercolours depicting hydrangea, wisteria, blooming fruit branches, chrysanthemums a.o. Seal mark Jie Sun. Title page: Ni Jiesun ink and colour flowers. On the right bottom it says: To Doctor Bei Te Sheng. On the left bottom it runs: From Zhao Fushou. In woven silk binding with figures. DKK 30,000-40,000 / € 4,000-5,350 校注项氏历代名瓷图谱, 宣纸印刷的图文, 绢面, 中华民国二十年北平觯斋书社印。(1931年)由 Kuo Pao-Chang和John C. Ferguson修订批注。 估价: 15,000-20,000 丹麦克朗 (2,000-2,700欧元) 倪芥孙绢本设色花卉册页,共9幅花卉,款识芥 孙。封面书:倪芥孙设色花卉,右下侧:贝德 医师惠存,左下侧:赵馥寿敬贻。 估价: 30,000-40,000 丹麦克朗 (4,000-5,350欧元) 266 HSIANG YÜAN-PIEN 120 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 267 268 Chinese book with 10 pictures with 18 Luo-Hans painted by Wu Qiuping, in wooden cover, and wooden bookend. Republic. Book 27.5 x 22 cm. (2) DKK 20,000 / € 2,700 吴秋平罗汉图册页, 共10幅人物白描生动细腻描 绘了罗汉形象, 纸本设墨, 硬木封面, 硬木书架。 民国1912-1949, 27.5x22cm。(2件) 估价: 20,000 丹麦克朗 (2,700欧元) 268 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 121 269 An ivory brush washer richly carved with two chilong and masks and a carved wooden hardwood stand. China, Republic 1912-1949. L. 9 cm. Provenance: Aage Corrit (1892-1987) engineer and member of the Danish Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai during 1920-30'ies. DKK 10,000 / € 1,350 269 吴秋平罗汉图册页, 共10幅人物白描生动细腻描 绘了罗汉形象, 纸本设墨, 硬木封面。民国19121949, 27.5x22cm。 估价: 10,000 丹麦克朗 (1,350欧元) 270 Chinese carved ivory dragon seal, top carved with a dragon head chasing the flaming pearl, sides with smaller dragons fighting for the pearl. The lower half of the seal is left undecorated, with six characters Qian Long Yu Lan Zhi Bao. Early 20th century. H. 7 cm. Provenance: Acquired by the present owner's family who was stationed in China in the period 1917-1935. Similar illustrated in: Chinese Ivories from the Shang to the Qing, The British Museum, 1984. P. 174. no. 234. Exhibited at Ashmolean Museum, Oxford. DKK 20,000-30,000 / € 2,700-4,000 270 中国牙雕印章, 印章上半部浮雕苍龙教子, 下半 部为素面, 印章内容:乾隆御览之宝。20世纪初, 高7cm。 来历: 物主的家庭曾经在1917-1935年之间居住 中国。 估价: 20,000 -30,000丹麦克朗 (2,700-4,000欧元) 122 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 271 272 271 Set of Seven Immortals of carved ivory, depicted with their attributes, Lü Tung-pin, T'ieh-kuai, Lan Ts'ai-ho, Chang Kuo, Ho Hsien-ku, Ts'ao Kuo-ch'iu and Chung-li Ch'üan, on wooden bases. China. C. 1900. H. 22-24 cm. (7) DKK 40,000 / € 5,350 A qin shaped zitan box inlaid with mother of pearls, and soapstone in shape of a bird sitting on flowering branches. China, Republic 1912-49. L. 25 cm. DKK 75,000-100,000 / € 10,000-13,500 七件牙雕神仙立像, 为八仙人物形象, 吕洞宾、 铁拐李、蓝采和、张果老、何仙姑、汉钟离、 曹国舅。约1900, 高22-24cm。(7个) 一只古琴形状的紫檀木盒, 上面镶嵌了螺钿、寿 山石材质的花鸟图案。民国时期1912-1949, 长 25cm。 估价: 75,000 -100,000丹麦克朗 (10,000-13,500欧元) 估价: 40,000 丹麦克朗 (5,350欧元) 272 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 123 273 273 A childs russet coloured silk robe embroidered with dragons and design. China, late Qing, c. 1900. H. 94 cm. Provenance: Dr. J.H. Zeeman, Dutch chargé d'affaires to China 1954-57. DKK 10,000 / € 1,350 晚清儿童绣袍, 绣龙纹等图案。大约1900, 高94cm。 来历: Dr. J.H. Zeeman, 荷兰驻中国办事处1954-57。 估价: 10,000 丹麦克朗 (1,350欧元) 124 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 274 274 Chinese silk robe, embroidered with butterflies and roundels wherein butterflies and peonies, broad border with bats and peonies on ground of waves. C. 1900. L. 125 cm. B. 156 cm. Provenance: The telegraph at The Great Nordic, Valdemar Bjerre stationed in China 1906-34. DKK 20,000 / € 2,700 中国绣袍, 衣身绣有蝴蝶牡丹图案和蝙蝠海水图纹。大 约1900, 长125cm, 宽156cm。 来历:Voldemar Bjerre 1906-34年在中国为Great Nordic 公司工作。 估价: 20,000 丹麦克朗 (2,700欧元) BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 125 275 275 An oval white jade pendant carved with horseman, dog and trees. China, Qing or later. L. 5 cm. Weight 35 gr. Provenance: Dr. J.H. Zeeman, Dutch chargé d'affaires to China 1954-57. DKK 10,000 / € 1,350 椭圆形白玉坠, 浅雕狩猎图。中国清代或以后, 长5cm。重35克。 来历: Dr. J.H. Zeeman, 荷兰驻中国办事处195457。 估价: 10,000 丹麦克朗 (1,350欧元) 276 Chinese jade pendant, carved with lotus flower, bud and boll, mounted with gold eye. 20th century. L. 7 cm. Weight 96 gr. DKK 15,000-20,000 / € 2,000-2,700 276 126 白玉雕, 雕刻莲花和莲蓬, 改做成金坠件。20世 纪, 长7cm, 重96克。 估价: 15,000-20,000 丹麦克朗 (2,000-2,700欧元) BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 277 277 A white rectangular jade pendant, one side carved with cranes the other side with characters, top carved as lingzhi fungus. China, Qing or later. L. 7.5 cm. Weight 60 gr. Provenance: Dr. J.H. Zeeman, Dutch chargé d'affaires to China 1954-57. DKK 20,000 / € 2,700 长方形玉佩, 一面雕刻鹤纹另外一面雕刻文字。 中国清代或晚期, 长7.5cm。重60克。 来历: Dr. J.H. Zeeman, 荷兰驻中国办事处195457。 估价: 20,000 丹麦克朗 (2,700欧元) 278 A circular jade pendant pierced and carved with figures and scrolling flowers on silvered brooch mount. China, 20th century first half. Diam. 5.5 cm. Weight 31 gr. DKK 10,000 / € 1,350 翡翠透雕和合二仙佩, 被做成银胸针。中国20世 纪上半叶, 直径5.5cm。重31克。 估价: 10,000 丹麦克朗 (1,350欧元) BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 278 127 279 280 279 QI BAISHI? b. 1864, d. 1957 280 LI KERAN ? A drunk official and poem about the virtues of being honest. Seal mark Qi Huang. Watercolour and ink on rice paper. 69 x 34 cm. Provenance: From a private collection aquired in the 1960s. DKK 10,000 / € 1,350 Composition with children, ox and poetry. Signed sealmark Li Keran. Ink and watercolour on ricepaper. 67 x 45 cm. Provenance: A private collection aquired in the 1970s. DKK 10,000 / € 1,350 齐白石?纸本设色镜心, 题材为宰相归田,画中为 醉酒的宰相, 提拔:宰相归田, 囊底无钱, 宁肯为 盗, 不肯伤廉。钤印:白石翁。69x34cm。 来历:私人收藏于1960年代。 估价: 10,000 丹麦克朗 (1,350欧元) 李可染?纸本设色镜心, 题材:忽闻蟋蟀声, 容易秋风起。画中为水牛及牧童, 款识及钤印为 李可染。67x45cm。 来历:私人收藏于1970年代。 估价: 10,000 丹麦克朗 (1,350欧元) 128 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 281 CHEN BAN DING 1876-1970 Chinese scroll decorated in colours with blackbirds under flowering wisteria, with poem written in upper corner. Watercolour on paper. Signed to Chen Ban Ding. 1940. Image 42 x 92 cm. DKK 20,000-30,000 / € 2,700-4,000 陈半丁, 1876-1970 设色纸本立轴紫藤春鸟图。题识及钤印陈年半 丁、半丁老人。1940, 42x92cm。 估价: 20,000-30,000 丹麦克朗 (2,700-4,000欧元) 282 JU LIAN 1829-1904 ? Chinese scroll decorated in colours with oleander and two beetles. Watercolour on silk. Signed Ju Lian. C. 1900. Image 60 x 51 cm. DKK 20,000-30,000 / € 2,700-4,000 居廉花卉立轴, 绢本设色, 款识及钤印:居廉。 大约1900。51x60cm。 估价: 20,000-30,000 丹麦克朗 (2,700-4,000欧元) 281 282 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 129 283 284 130 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 283 A Japanese Imari porcelain deep charger plate, decorated in underglaze blue and iron-red, highlighted in gold, the centre with a bojan and two flower vases on a checkered table, the rim with bamboo fence and flowers, the reverse decorated with cherry branches and flowers, the centre with two flower branches. Remains of a laquer seal. Edo period, Genroku Era, c. 1700. Diam. 51 cm. DKK 30,000-40,000 / € 4,000-5,350 日本瓷盘,饰青花矾红描金的清供图纹和花卉 图纹。江户时期,直径51cm。 估价: 30,000-40,000 丹麦克朗 (4,000-5,350欧元) 284 A separ steel shield engraved and decorated in gold damascene with animals, scripture in cartouches and design, centre with three bosses (one missing). Iran, Qajar period 19th century. Diam. 47 cm. Provenance: Bought in Paris, France by owners grandfather c. 1920. DKK 15,000 / € 2,000 伊朗纹盘, 钢材质地, 纹刻不同组合的图案。19 世纪, 直径47cm。 来历: 1920年左右购于巴黎。 估价: 15,000 丹麦克朗 (2,000欧元) BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 285 285 A Japanese gilt and painted bronze figure of a cockerel, standing with the head turned to the left, stamped Genryusai Ryusho Zo (made by). Meiji 1868-1911. H. 60 cm. DKK 30,000 / € 4,000 日本公鸡铜像,有款识Genryusai Ryusho Zo.明治 1868-1911,高60cm。 估价: 30,000 丹麦克朗 (4,000欧元) 131 286 286 A Chinese silver flower bowl, open-work lattice cover, sides with applied bamboo decoration. C. 1900. Unidentified maker's mark. Weight 709 gr. H. 16 cm. Diam. 21 cm. Provenance: Dr. J.H. Zeeman, Dutch chargé d'affaires to China 1954-57. DKK 10,000 / € 1,350 中国银碗, 边有竹纹, 有款识。约1900, 重709 克, 高16cm, 直径21cm。 来历: Dr. J.H. Zeeman, 荷兰驻中国办事处195457。 估价: 10,000 丹麦克朗 (1,350欧元) 287 132 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 288 287 A pair of Chinese sterling silver flower bowls, openwork lattice cover, sides with applied bamboo decoration. 20th century. Unidentified maker's mark. Weight 645 gr. H. 10 cm. Diam. 12.5 cm. Provenance: Dr. J.H. Zeeman, Dutch chargé d'affaires to China 1954-57. DKK 10,000 / € 1,350 一对中国纯银碗, 盖为镂空的网状, 碗身凸雕竹 叶图纹, 有款 (不详)。20世纪, 重645克, 高10cm, 直径12.5cm。 来历: Dr. J.H. Zeeman, 荷兰驻中国办事处195457。 估价: 10,000 丹麦克朗 (1,350欧元) BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 288 A Chinese silver tazza, the stem modeled as flower and leaf stalks, bowl of mother of pearl mounted with three silver birds. Mounted on hardwood stand. Late 19th century. Unidentified maker’s mark. H. 15/23 cm. DKK 15,000 / € 2,000 中国出口银饰品, 螺钿镶嵌, 三只银鸟, 硬木 座。19世纪晚期, 有款识。高15/23cm。 估价: 15,000 丹麦克朗 (2,000欧元) 133 289 289 Chinese export silver bowl, pricked body with chrysanthemums in relief. Hung Chong, Canton and Shanghai, c. 1860-1930. Weight 479 gr. H. 11 cm. Diam. 18 cm. DKK 15,000 / € 2,000 中国出口银碗, 有菊花图纹。Hung Chong, 广东 和上海, 大约1860-1930, 重479克, 高11cm, 直径 18cm。 估价: 15,000 丹麦克朗 (2,000欧元) 290 134 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 291 290 Chinese porcelain plaque/dish, decorated in colours with three men in a sampan surrounded with weaping willow and bamboo, signed Xiao Xuan and painted in Zhu Shan. Mounted with pierced silver border. Late Qing. Diam. 27 cm. H. 3 cm. Provenance: Sophus Rasmussen Schmidt (1897-1957). Arrived in China 1922 as telegraphist and later head of department in East Asiatic Company and worked in Shanghai, Wanhsien and Hankow. DKK 10,000 / € 1,350 浅绛彩人物瓷板/镶银托盘, 绘有绿柳行舟图 案, 款识:珠山客作小轩写意。晚清时期, 直径 27cm, 高3cm。 来历:Sophus Rasmussen Schmidt (1897-1957) 于1927年来到中国, 最初为报务员, 后成为远东公 司的部门经理, 曾在上海、万县和汉口工作过。 估价: 10,000 丹麦克朗 (1,350欧元) BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 291 Chinese circa 1900 export silver tea- and coffee set, comprising coffee pot, teapot, sugar bowl, creamer, sugar tongs and sugar strainer, set with prunus in blossom in relief, handles in the shape of twisted twigs. In fitted boxes. Maker teapot, and sugar and cream set Wang Hing & Co, Hong Kong. Maker coffee pot Yok Sang, presumably Shanghai. Weight 2337 gr. H. 7-18 cm. (6) DKK 50,000 / € 6,700 中国出口银茶具/咖啡具, 有咖啡壶、茶壶、糖 罐、奶缸、糖钳等。容器上有桃花纹, 竹节把 柄, 其中茶壶糖罐和奶缸有款识Wang Hing & Co, Hong Kong。咖啡壶款识YOK Sang, 上海。 重2337克, 高7-18cm。(6件) 估价: 50,000 丹麦克朗 (6,700欧元) 135 292 292 A Chinese Export silver cocktail shaker, chased with dragons in relief. Maker Woshing, Shanghai C. 1910. Weight 561 gr. H. 29.5 cm. DKK 15,000 / € 2,000 中国出口银调酒器, 上面浅雕龙纹, 款识Woshing, 大约1910。重561克, 高29.5cm。 估价: 15,000 丹麦克朗 (2,000欧元) 136 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 293 293 Chinese export silver tea set, decorated with dragons in relief, bamboo handles, lid engraved with prunus in blossom. Comprising teapot, sugar bowl and creamer. Wang Hing & Co, Hong Kong circa. 1900. Weight 1111 gr. H. 7-14 cm. (3) DKK 10,000-15,000 / € 1,350-2,000 中国出口银茶具 一套银茶具, 上面刻龙图, 竹形把柄, 壶盖刻了梅 花。包括茶壶、糖罐和奶缸。Wang Hing & Co, Hong Kong, 大约1900年, 重1111克, 高7-14cm。 (3件) 估价: 10,000-15,000 丹麦克朗 (1,350-2,000欧元) 294 294 Chinese export silver coffee- and tea set, decorated with dragons in relief, bamboo handles, lid engraved with bamboo leafs. Comprising coffee pot, teapot, sugar bowl and creamer. Wang Hing & Co, Hong Kong circa. 1900. Weight 1702 gr. H. 8-22 cm. (4) DKK 20,000 / € 2,700 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 中国出口银咖啡/茶具 一套中国出口的银咖啡和银茶具, 饰有龙形图纹, 竹形把柄, 壶盖刻有竹子。包括咖啡壶、茶壶、 糖罐和奶缸。Wang Hing & Co, Hong Kong, 大约 1900年, 重1702克, 高8-22cm。(4件) 估价: 20,000 丹麦克朗 (2,700欧元) 137 295 295 A Chinese export silver bowl sides with flowers and dragons and initial S in cartouche, handles and supports in the shape of dragons, with fitted glass liner. Maker Wang Hing & Co, Hong Kong c. 1890. Weight 651 gr. H. 11 cm. Diam. 26 cm. DKK 25,000 / € 3,350 中国出口银碗, 碗身有龙纹及花卉纹和S标识, 龙柄。款识为Wang Hing & Co, Hong Kong, 约 1890, 重651克, 高11cm, 直径26cm。 估价: 25,000 丹麦克朗 (3,350欧元) 138 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 296 296 A Chinese silver circular box and cover, richly chased with dragons and skies, cover with character. C. 1900. Unidentified maker's mark. Weight 512 gr. H. 6 cm. Diam. 15 cm. Provenance: Dr. J.H. Zeeman, Dutch chargé d'affaires to China 1954-57. DKK 10,000 / € 1,350 中国圆形龙纹银盖盒, 大约1900, 有款识, 重512 克, 高6cm, 直径15cm。 来历: Dr. J.H. Zeeman, 荷兰驻中国办事处195457。 估价: 10,000 丹麦克朗 (1,350欧元) BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 139 FURNITURE 4 June 2015 A Northern European black and gilt japanned cabinet. 18th century. Estimate: DKK 500,000 / € 67,000 140 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART WALLASSE TING 9 June 2015 Walasse Ting: “I have melancholy itch in eyes”, 1974. Acrylic on canvas. 61 x 81 cm. Estimate: DKK 400,000 / € 53,500 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 141 JEWELLERY 8 June 2015 A diamonc necklace. Estimate: DKK 80,000-100,000 / € 10,500-13,500 A diamond ring. Estimate: DKK 60,000 / € 8,500 A pair of diamond ear studs. Estimate: DKK 100,000 / € 13,500 142 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART WATCHES 8 June 2015 A. Lange & Söhne: A gentleman’s wristwatch of platinum. Estimate: DKK 200,000 / € 27,000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART 143 KØBSKONDITIONER § 1. BUDGIVNING Køber er den byder, der får hammerslag. Den, der byder for andre, hæfter som selvskyldnerkautionist for berigtigelsen af købet. På opfordring fra Bruun Rasmussen Kunstauktioner (herefter benævnt Bruun Rasmussen), skal alle bydere, hvadenten de ønsker at afgive et bud ved personligt fremmøde på auktionsstedet eller afgive en kommission pr. brev, fax eller hjemmeside eller byde direkte pr. telefon eller hjemmeside, kunne dokumentere deres betalingsdygtighed samt til enhver tid identificere sig. Bruun Rasmussen er altid berettiget til at nægte at acceptere et bud, hvis på forlangende ikke tilstrækkelig sikkerhed er stillet eller en passende à conto betaling har fundet sted. Bud afgives af byderen ved personligt fremmøde på auktionsstedet eller ved skriftlig kommission enten pr. brev, fax eller hjemmeside. På online-auktioner afgives bud direkte fra hjemmesiden. Afgivelse af bud pr. telefon er muligt under visse forudsætninger, der afgøres af Bruun Rasmussen. 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Bruun Rasmussen er berettiget til at afvise bud afgivet af en køber, der er i misligholdelse med sine betalingsforpligtelser over for Bruun Rasmussen eller et bud afgivet af en anden på den pågældendes vegne, ligesom Bruun Rasmussen er berettiget til at kræve et depositum som betingelse for accept af fremtidige bud. § 3. FORTRYDELSESRET For privatkøb af emner på en online-auktion gælder loven om fjernsalg, herunder også 14 dages fortrydelsesret. Eventuelle omkostninger forbundet med transport af købte emner retur fra køber, betales af køber selv. Såfremt køber benytter sig af sin fortrydelsesret, refunderer Bruun Rasmussen betalingen umiddelbart efter, at varen er sendt retur og modtaget af Bruun Rasmussen. Bruun Rasmussen gør opmærksom på, at det herefter er op til bankerne/kreditkortselskaberne, hvornår refusionen indgår på købers konto. § 2. BETALING § 4. AFGIFTSFRITAGELSE Ved køb på alle net-auktioner tillægges hammerslagsprisen 25%, der dækker salær på 20% samt moms af salæret. Ved køb på alle traditionelle auktioner tillægges hammerslagsprisen 30% (for vin, mønter og frimærker 25%), der dækker salær på 24% samt moms af salæret. Visse numre handles efter særlige regler til fuldmoms, så udover auktionsomkostninger på 24% (for net-auktioner, vin, mønter og frimærker dog 20%), beregnes moms på 25% af både hammerslag og auktionsomkostninger. Disse numre er mærket med en stjerne (*). Danske momsregistrerede købere skal overfor Bruun Rasmussen oplyse deres SE-/CVR-nr. (moms-nr.), da dette skal anføres på de fakturaer, hvor varen købes i fuld moms. For visse udenlandske købere gælder der særlige regler for afgiftsfritagelse jvf. § 4. Afgiftsfritagelse omfatter ikke EU private købere, som ligestilles med danske købere jvf. gældende dansk lovgivning om handel med brugte varer, kunstgenstande, samlerobjekter og antikviteter. Købesummen forfalder til betaling ved tilslaget. Der kan betales kontant op til DKK 50.000 eller med Dankort, banknoteret check, rejsechecks, Visa-, Master-, Diners Club- eller Eurocard. Personlige udenlandske checks kan kun anvendes efter forudgående aftale. På de traditionelle auktioner i Bredgade skal betaling af købte emner finde sted under eller umiddelbart efter auktionen og under alle omstændigheder senest 8 dage efter fakturadatoen. På net-auktionerne trækkes købesummen automatisk på det af kunden oplyste betalings-/kreditkort i forbindelse med, at det købte emne udtages til transport (ca. 12 timer efter dagens salg). Samtidig tilsendes køber faktura og transportoplysninger. Betales købesummen ikke rettidigt, skal der svares rente heraf med 1,5% pr. påbegyndt måned. Betales købesum og renter ikke inden 8 dage efter at Bruun Rasmussen har afsendt påkrav herom til køber, er Bruun Rasmussen berettiget til at annullere købet og bortsælge det købte på ny auktion hos Bruun Rasmussen eller underhånden og afkræve køber ethvert herved opstået tab. Et eventuelt overskud tilfalder den, der har indleveret det købte til auktion. Har den misligholdende køber tilgodehavender fra salg af effekter hos Bruun Rasmussen, er Bruun Rasmussen berettiget til at berigtige ethvert tilgodehavende hos køber ved modregning. Har den misligholdende køber indleveret andre effekter til salg, er Bruun Rasmussen berettiget til at bortsælge sådanne effekter Udenlandske købere, der opfylder nedennævnte betingelser, betaler henholdsvis 24% i auktionsomkostninger af hammerslaget på traditional auktion og 20% i auktionsomkostninger af hammerslaget på net-auktion, og bliver ikke belastet af danske afgifter. A. Købere med bopæl i et andet EU-land: Købere, som er momsregistreret i et andet EU-land, fritages for at betale dansk moms, når momsregistreringen dokumenteres over for Bruun Rasmussen, som skal påføre momsnummeret på fakturaen. B. Købere med bopæl uden for EU: 1. Forsendelse gennem speditør: Effekter, der eksporteres gennem en af Bruun Rasmussen godkendt speditør, fritages for afgift. 2. Udførsel som rejsegods: Der kan ske fritagelse for dansk afgift, når køberen selv medtager det købte under forudsætning af, at følgende betingelser er opfyldt: Fakturaen skal være betalt, og den danske afgift på 25% af fakturabeløbet skal være deponeret hos Bruun Rasmussen. a. Købere med fast bopæl i Norge vil få den danske moms refunderet, så snart Bruun Rasmussen har modtaget købsfakturaen retur med påtegning om officiel indførsel fra det endelige lands toldmyndighed eller anden på omsætnings-afgiftsområdet kompetent myndighed, hvis købet overstiger DKK 1.200. b. Købere med fast bopæl andre steder uden for EU vil få den danske moms refunderet, efter at effekterne har været forevist til toldbehandling i forbindelse med køberens udrejse fra EU. Eksportørblanketten returneres til Bruun Rasmussen efter at være forsynet med et toldvæsens attest for udførslen, hvis købet overstiger DKK 300. Dette gælder også for Færøerne og Grønland. 144 § 5. AFGIFTSBETALING A. Momsregistrerede i andre EU-lande, der ikke ønsker at gøre brug af § 4, kan i stedet vælge at handle til brugtmoms/fuldmoms på lige fod med private købere. Dette skal meddeles Bruun Rasmussen inden kl. 10 den følgende auktionsdag. B. Momsregistrerede i Danmark kan vælge at købe til fuldmoms med 25% af både hammerslag og auktionsomkostninger. Dette skal meddeles inden kl. 10 den følgende auktionsdag. BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART § 6. UDLEVERING Købesummen skal være betalt, inden det købte kan udleveres til køberen. Det købte henligger fra hammerslaget for købers regning og risiko. For varer, der ikke afhentes ifølge aftale efter hammerslaget, vil blive kørt på fjernlager på købers regning og risiko. Købte varer, der er betalt, men ikke afhentet, vil efter 1 år blive videresolgt for købers regning ved auktion eller underhånden. § 7. FORSENDELSE Såfremt Bruun Rasmussen påtager sig at emballere og fremsende købte varer, sker dette på købers regning og risiko. Bruun Rasmussen kan således ikke drages til ansvar for skader forvoldt på købte varer under forsendelse eller for forsvundne forsendelser. § 8. KUNSTNERAFGIFT TIL COPY-DA N CD Ifølge gældende dansk lovgivning om ophavsret skal der opkræves følgeretsvederlag for værker af nyere danske og visse udenlandske kunstnere, som enten er nulevende eller ikke har været døde i mere end 70 år. Følgeretsvederlaget opkræves af Bruun Rasmussen på vegne af kunstnernes organisation Copydan. Disse værker er mærket (CD) for Copydan ud for katalognummeret. Den såkaldte Copydan-afgift tillægges hammerslagsprisen inkl. salær, når beløbet overstiger €300. Copydan-afgiften er: • 5% af den del af hammerslagsprisen og salæret (ekskl. moms), der udgør indtil €50.000. • 3% af den del af hammerslagsprisen og salæret (ekskl. moms), der ligger mellem €50.000 og €200.000. • 1% af den del af hammerslagsprisen og salæret (ekskl. moms), der ligger mellem €200.000 og €350.000. • 0,5% af den del af hammerslagsslagsprisen (ekskl. moms), der ligger mellem €350.000 og €500.000. • 0,25% af den del af hammerslagsprisen (ekskl. moms), der ligger over €500.000. Copydan-afgiften kan ikke overstige €12.500 for det enkelte kunstværk. Euro-kursen er fastsat af Copydan i 2015 til kurs 744,01 pr. €100. Såfremt det må erkendes, at det købte er en forfalskning, eller såfremt beskrivelsen har været behæftet med væsentlige fejl, der har medført en væsentlig højere hammerslagspris, end en korrekt beskrivelse må antages at ville have resulteret i, er køber berettiget til at annullere købet, hvorefter den samlede erlagte købesum tillagt auktionsomkostninger og evt. moms, vil blive refunderet køber. Væsentlige fejl i beskrivelsen relateret til mål eller vægt erstattes kun procentuelt i forhold til differencen. Retten til under de her anførte betingelser at annullere et køb kan kun udøves af den, der købte den pågældende effekt hos Bruun Rasmussen og er betinget af, at krav om annullering fremsættes skriftligt over for Bruun Rasmussen inden 2 år efter købsdagen, og af at det købte inden samme frist returneres til Bruun Rasmussen i den samme stand i enhver henseende, som det købte var i på hammerslagstidspunktet. Køber kan i tilfælde af annullering ikke gøre krav på betaling af renter af købesummen og er ej heller berettiget til at kræve anden udgift eller tab, herunder eventuel mistet videresalgsfortjeneste, dækket. Et køb kan ikke kræves annulleret efter ovenstående bestemmelser, såfremt: a. beskrivelsen i katalog eller på hjemmesiden på hammerslagsdagen var i overensstemmelse med den på dette tidspunkt gældende opfattelse blandt lærde og eksperter. b. den eneste måde til på salgstidspunktet at få fastslået et falskneri var iværksættelsen af videnskabelige processer, hvis gyldighed først blev anerkendt efter salgstidspunktet, eller som ville have været uforholdsmæssigt omkostningskrævende eller uigennemførlige uden beskadigelse af den pågældende effekt. I tillæg til ovenstående frist gælder de almindelige forældelsesregler i forældelsesloven, efter hvilke køber ikke under nogen omstændigheder kan gøre noget krav gældende over for Bruun Rasmussen, når der er forløbet mere end 5 år fra købsdagen. Bruun Rasmussen Kunstauktioner Jesper Bruun Rasmussen, Auktionsholder Jørgen Byriel, Auktionsleder § 9. EKSPORTTILLADELSE Kulturværdiudvalget er blevet ansøgt om eksporttilladelse, hvor dette kræves iflg. gældende dansk lovgivning om sikring af kulturværdier i Danmark. Foreligger en sådan ikke, vil dette blive meddelt den udenlandske køber umiddelbart efter hammerslaget. Derefter vil Bruun Rasmussen igen ansøge Kulturværdiudvalget på købers vegne, nu hvor prisen kendes. Gives eksporttilladelse ikke, er Kulturværdiudvalget forpligtet til at overtage det købte til den opnåede pris, hvilket betyder at købet bliver hævet for køber. § 10. BESKRIVELSE AF EMNER Alt sælges i den stand, hvori det ved hammerslaget er at forefinde og som beskrevet i katalog eller hjemmeside med senere offentliggjorte ændringer og modifikationer. Beskrivelsen er foretaget efter bedste overbevisning og under anvendelse af de anførte katalogiseringsprincipper. De solgte effekter er ofte af en alder eller af en art, der bevirker, at de kan være behæftet med fejl, mangler, restaurering eller beskadigelser, der ikke nødvendigvis angives i katalog eller på hjemmesiden. Afbildninger i katalog eller på hjemmesiden er blot til identifikation og kan ikke anvendes til vurdering af effekternes stand. Enhver der ønsker at byde på auktion, bør derfor ved selvsyn på de før auktionen afholdte eftersyn forvisse sig om de ønskede effekters stand. Beskrivelsen er udtryk for den på salgstidspunktet blandt lærde og eksperter herskende opfattelse. Skulle der efter købet opstå tvivl om det købtes ægthed eller dettes overensstemmelse med beskrivelsen, skal dette straks meddeles til Bruun Rasmussen. BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 857 - ORIENTAL ART KOMMISSIONER Bruun Rasmussen påtager sig at byde i kommission for bydere, der ikke kan være til stede ved auktionen. Det er en forudsætning, at kommissioner indleveret pr. brev eller fax er Bruun Rasmussen i hænde i 24 timer før auktionens start, så om nødvendigt bydernes kreditværdighed kan undersøges. Via hjemmesiden er denne deadline 3 timer. Bruun Rasmussen påtager sig intet ansvar for eventuelle fejltagelser, der måtte opstå ved brug af denne service KONDITIONSRAPPORTER Bruun Rasmussen påtager sig, hvis det er muligt, at orientere nærmere om numrenes kondition og tilstand. Dette er ment som en service for kunder, der ikke selv har mulighed for ved selvsyn at undersøge numrene på eftersynet. Det understreges, at de givne oplysninger ikke kan gøres til genstand for reklamationer; her henvises til beskrivelsen. FRITAGELSE FOR DANSK FULDMOMS Købere skal ifølge § 2 betale fuldmoms af de varer der i katalog eller på hjemmesiden er markeret med stjerne (*). Når virksomheder, der er momsregistrerede i andre EU-lande, køber hos Bruun Rasmussen og videresælger til private, skal der ikke betales dansk moms, men moms i henhold til de regler der gælder, hvor den udenlandske virksomhed er momsregistreret. Det tilrådes at søge oplysning hos de lokale myndigheder. 145 CONDITIONS OF PURCHASE § 1. BIDDING The buyer shall be the highest bidder at the “hammer price”. Any person bidding on behalf of a third party shall be liable in surety for completion of the sale. 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