Pastor’s Monthly Message Volume 207 Rev. Dr. Russell C. Hildebrandt Senior Pastor Rev. Dr. David B. Joeckel Pastor Emeritus Dr. Serena Pace, D.C.E. Family & Children’s Ministries Micah Raebel Minister of Music SERVANTS THIS MONTH Elders on Duty: 8:30 AM - Stan Taber 11:00 AM - Mike Curtis Usher Captain: 8:30 AM - Paul Wolter 11:00 AM - David Swille Lector: 8:30 AM - Jim Runzheimer November 2014 Dear Fellow Redeemed, A pastor friend of mine would always say this at the end of any Bible class he led: “God is good all the time; all the time, God is good.” How often do we thank God when a prayer is answered? There is an old story of a man going to heaven and he sees the area of heaven where the prayers arrive and all the angels busy collecting the prayers to take to God. He notices that there is one angel who seems to have little to do. He asks the angel who is giving him the tour why this angel is not busy like the other angels. The angel replied, “He is the one in charge of answered prayer and there are not many who say thank you.” Well I know we say thank you when we have answered prayer. As we approach Thanksgiving, could we focus a little more on what we have versus what we don’t have and say “thank you” to God for his gracious provision? We are so blessed to have Jesus and have family and friends. Perhaps this Thanksgiving we could look at inviting foreign students from Lutheran Student Center to be our guest for Thanksgiving. What a wonderful opportunity to Greeters: go on a foreign mission trip and never leave the area and share the abundance of 8:30 AM - Barbara Spivy what God has given to us. Did you know that we are hosting over 250 students 11:00 AM - Lynette Mangels each week at LSC? Many of the students are post graduate students working on their masters or above. These students do not go home for the holidays so why INSIDE THIS ISSUE can’t we bring the holidays (Thanksgiving and Christmas) to them by having them 1 Pastor’s Message as our guest? Just think; a student would have a new way of seeing a citizen of 2 Welcome/Surviving the Holiday our country and have been exposed to seeing Jesus in your home! Could an invitation make a difference for eternity? Only God knows. 3 Grow & Know 4 UTA/LSC/55+/Grace Workday 5 Festival of Tables 6 Eyeglasses/Memorials 7 P.G. Smith Schl/Carter Blood 8 Small Group Listing 9 Small Group/TX Dist. CEF 10 All Saints 2014/St. Peters LC 11 Grace School (GO SAINTS!) 12 Family and Children’s Ministry 13 Family and Children’s Ministry 14 Family and Children’s Ministry 15 Church Information 16 Birthdays/Anniversaries 17 November Calendar It is my prayer that you count your blessings and know that all blessings flow from God. I have attached Psalm 67 which is special to me and I call it ‘the blessing or benediction psalm’: “May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face shine on us—so that your ways may be known on earth, your salvation among all nations. May the peoples praise you, God; may all the peoples praise you. May the nations be glad and sing for joy, for you rule the peoples with equity and guide the nations of the earth. May the peoples praise you, God; may all the peoples praise you. The land yields its harvest; God, our God, blesses us. May God bless us still, so that all the ends of the earth will fear him.“ (NIV) In Christ, Pastor Hildebrandt Sunday, Nov. 2nd is Daylight Savings Time! Please turn your clocks back an hour! 1 WELCOME TO THE GRACE NEWSLETTER FOR NOVEMBER! Welcome visitors! If you are a first time or returning guest to our church, please take a moment to stop by the Connection Corner to fill out a Guest Card and receive your FREE gift! We hope you will come to worship with us again soon! Our church’s vision is one of bringing the hope of Christ to our community, and we are so glad that you’ve chosen to worship our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ with us! We appreciate your presence and hope you will return to celebrate the Lord’s Day with us often. Current members: We welcome your input on this newsletter format and encourage you to submit articles relevant to the ministries at Grace, our membership, or any news connected with your neighborhoods and/or community outreach services. Our newsletter deadline is the 15th of each month. This newsletter is an excellent forum to keep us connected and prayerful of each other, our friends, family and our community. God bless each of you this month and always! Debbie Hall , Publications editor email: Surviving the Holidays Grieving the loss of a loved one: separation or divorce. Sunday, Nov. 16th - 3:00-5:00 PM - Fireside Room Hosted by our Stephen Ministers both of these programs, one focusing on the loss of a loved one and the other on separation or divorce, will be presented each date and can be very helpful as you face the holidays with mixed emotions to sort through. There is no "time limit" regarding who should attend in relation to WHEN you lost your loved one, became separated or divorced. Join us for the GriefShare - Grieving the loss of a loved one OR DivorceCare - Going through the difficult emotions of separation or divorce. You will leave with information to help you not only survive the holidays, but to find strength, healing and tools to move forward in your daily walk through these painful emotions! Cost is $5 and each participant will receive a Survival Guide that has 30 daily devotions and other resources to help you find strength and healing. Scholarships are available if needed. The sessions are for adults - we will not have childcare. This excellent program is being offered as an outreach tool to our community, so please invite friends, neighbors, or co-workers who may be experiencing grief to come join us as we share the love, blessings and hope of Christ to our community. DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME THIS MONTH! Turn your clocks back before you go to bed on Saturday evening so you’ll be on time for Sunday church on November 2nd! 2 Once you’ve seen God at work, there’s no turning back. Prepare to be transformed. . .to see the world through new eyes. To experience God every day! Watch for “God Sightings” in your life this week! Joining Jesus On His Mission ► Adult Sunday Morning Bible Studies - “Study of Isaiah“ “The Light Has Come” “Spiritual DIscipline“ Led by Jim Runzheimer Led by Joel Peterson Led by Stan Taber - Music Room - Library - Fireside Room November 3 Romans, Part 1, Session 7 November 10 Romans, Part 1, Session 8 November 17 Romans, Part 1, Session 9 Handout given for Romans, Part 2 November 24 Romans, Part 2, Session 1 NEW LifeLight Bible Studies for 2014-2015 There will be two studies this season: ROMANS I & II - Romans Part 1 ends November 17 and Romans Part 2 begins November 24. I and II CHRONICLES - A 9 week study will begin on March 2, 2015. We will continue with 2 classes shown below: Monday Morning Class (for all ladies) -- meets 9:30 - 11:15 a.m. in the Fireside Room. Our lecturer is Cherry Coffman. We will have occasional luncheons throughout the year to enjoy each other’s company and renew friendships. Monday Evening Class (for all adults) -- meets 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. in our school at Grace West. Pastor Emeritus Dr. David Joeckel is our lecturer. A light meal is served at each evening class. Child care will be available for both classes upon request. Everyone is encouraged to be in "THE WORD" and to enroll in these exciting studies. All are welcomed, members, non-members, friends, neighbors and the community. No previous bible study experience is needed! Lutheran Student Center @ UTA with Sabir Bashir • Monday Lunch & Devotion @ noon • Tuesday Dinner @ 7:00 PM • Friday Biryani Dinner @ 7:00 PM Be Sure to check out Brews & Bibles on Mondays @7:00 at various homes 3 UTA LUTHERAN STUDENT CENTER - MINISTRY NEWS Grace Ministry to Serve UTA Students at the Lutheran Student Center. The Lunches Ministry has changed from Wednesday to Monday in order that – “praise God”- Sabir Bashir, our new LSC Director, may be pre sent. With very short notice, 20 students enjoyed pizza, salad, IceCream Sandwiches and loving fellowship with 10 volunteers from our Grace Family. We’re now able to divide into volunteer teams to serve for the coming weeks. The 2nd week 46 students from the Middle East, Asia, Mexico, South America, and Africa enjoyed the pizza, salad, and dessert meal; and again the seeds of the Gospel were planted in their hearts through devotions. Each Friday evening Grace shares God love through Biryani Night meals, a Middle Eastern dish, that draws 130+ students. Our Savior Lutheran Church, WELS hosts dinner and Bible Study on Tuesday night, averaging 25+ students. Each of these events is a “mission trip” waiting to happen - and guess what - you can hear the evening news, sleep in your own bed and be blessed by sharing the love of our Lord and Savior. Want to have a part in this “stay home mission field” by donating money or desserts or best of all visiting with one of the students? Call Delores Smith at (817) 469-1578 or call the church office. All donations are accepted with the “biggest smiles” that can cover the faces of all nationalities! 55+ - NOVEMBER ENTERTAINMENT “Janet Boyanton. Esq.” is an Attorney who specializes in Medicare, Medicaid, VA Benefits, and Long Term Care Solutions. No one l ikes to think about retirement and they usually start planning for it when near retirement. Janet Boyanton can advise us on the following: • What Medicare and Medicaid will-and won’t pay for. • How veterans and their spouses can tap into little-know benefits. • How private pay options like long-term care insurance, annuities and life insurance can be used. JANET BOYANTON WILL TEACH US WHAT WE NEED TO KNOW CAN CLEAR UP ANY FALSE ASSUMPTIONS THAT WE MAY HAVE. Do not miss this program!! Church Workday here at Grace Lutheran! Saturday, November 8th from 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM. Lunch will be served at 12:00! The day’s focus will be to organize the storage building, pulling everything out and rebuilding storage spaces in order to make room for items currently stored in other areas at Grace. Thank you! 4 Come join us. . . and invite friends, co-workers and neighbors to enjoy delicious desserts, exciting entertainment and beautiful decorations as we pause to worship our God, the creator of everything, who gives us hope, strength, comfort and joy. We’ll reflect on the calm silences and sounds heard on that holy night so long ago and more recently. Elizabeth Ott is in charge of hostesses again this year. Several hostesses have claimed their table, but we still need more hostesses and our male servers. Please contact Elizabeth at or 817.875.4105 or the Church Office for more info. Hostess are encouraged to attend the hostess meeting that is scheduled for Nov. 16th at 9:45 AM in the GLEE Wing Room E-8. Men - Joe Elmers is the Captain in charge of the male servers the night of the event. Please contact Joe at 817.773.7706 to let us know we can count on you this year to be a server - the ladies appreciate you very much!! TICKETS WILL BE ON SALE NOV. 9, 16 & 23 in the Connection Corner for $8 each. Buy your tickets early - we sell out quickly! Don’t miss this year’s special event and bring a friend with you - what a great way to start your holiday! 5 THE EYEGLASS MINISTRY AT GRACE Did you know this year four million pairs of eyeglasses will be thrown away in the U.S. while 158 million people worldwide will suffer from uncorrected vision? Each year, MOST Ministries, a recognized LCMS service organization, provides recycled eyeglasses to people living in developing nations around the world. Generous individuals, churches, and organizations across the U.S. collect and send used eyeglass to MOST Ministries where they are sorted and tested by volunteers, and repackaged for distribution through short-term mission teams. The cost of a pair of glasses in many developing nations is equivalent to a year’s salary. Without assistance from MOST Ministries, thousands of people would go without the glasses they need to work, read, or attend school. MOST Ministries often provides the only pair of eyeglasses a person will ever own. Please support MOST by putting your used eyeglasses, and those of your friends and family, in the marked basket on the round table in the narthex. Grace has sent several hundred pairs of eyeglasses to MOST over the last few years. The eyeglasses help in reaching those who have yet to hear the Good News of God’s love and saving grace. Your used eyeglasses really do matter and the used glasses and YOU can make a HUGE difference in people’s lives! MEMORIALS and HONORARIUMS Memorials: Monetary gift given to a Grace Ministry Fund in memory of a loved one or friend. Honorarium: Monetary gift given to a Grace Ministry Fund in recognition of a loved one or friend. The following memorials/honorariums have been received within the period of September 15 thru October 15, 2014: LifeLight Bible Study: In memory of Jerry Sparks (brother of Joe Sparks) by Cherry Coffman and Jean Muelschen. Music Ministry: Honoring Walt and Diane Baumann on their 50th anniversary by Larry & Joyce Milbrandt, Brad & Brenda Baumann and Paul Baumann. The holiday sign-up Sheet for the Poinsettias Will be available soon! Order yours today! We’re looking for a few volunteers for our nursery during the Sunday ser vices. A love for children is all that is required. See Mrs. Amy Laird for more information! 6 Please help support Perry Smith School in Liberia, Africa (Perry is a member of Grace) by taking a bag and filling it with school supplies. Perry’s school has children from grades Kindergarten to 5th and his school has graduated 9 children from kindergarten. Perry’s village is poor and this is a great opportunity for children in his village to break the cycle of poverty by becoming Christians and leaders in his country. This is a FREE Lutheran School. At Grace, we have the potential to save lives. Not just spiritually, but physically as well! DID YOU KNOW: Your Donation Can Save 3 Lives! Grace Lutheran Church Sunday, November 16 9:00 am - 1:00 pm 210 W. Park Row Arlington, TX 76010 All aboard the Carter BloodCare Bus over by the youth shed. 7 All are welcome to attend! B2 Small Group We are a group of young adults with children who meet one Friday a month. For more information, please contact Lindsay Ali at 817.296.6416. Blessings Group We meet the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month at 7:00 PM in various homes. This group welcomes couples and singles. No child care provided. Contact Sid and Mary Jo Cook at 817-457-1198 for more information. Brews & Bibles We meet every Monday at 7:00 PM at various locations. Calling ALL young adults 21-30 (single, engaged or married)! Led by Micah Raebel, Chelsey Masterson and Jen Rukavina. For information, call Micah at 219.613.6343. Cross Training Coffee Club CALLING ALL MEN!! What: Men’s Coffee Time @ Mochalux Coffee Where: 1101 Bardin Rd., Arlington, TX. 76018 When: Every 3rd Tuesday at 7:00 PM Why: Bible Study, Coffee & Bond of Brothers Contact: Scott Pinnow 817.714.0936 email: Empty Nesters We meet the 2nd and 4th Fridays at 7:30 PM in the Fireside Room. This group is for mature singles or couples who enjoy mutual support, Bible study, prayer, fellowship and mission opportunities. For more information, call Nancy Grieser at 817.467.7212 or Susan White at 972.979.2188. Golf Group Led by Robert Matthys. For more information, please call Robert at 817.860.8641. This is a SUMMER ONLY interest group. Hankins’ Group We meet the 2nd and 4th Thursdays at 7:00 PM in various homes. This group is for retired couples and individuals who care for and support each other while enjoying Bible study, fellowship and outreach. Contact Wayne Hankins at 817.375.3922. Hertel TLC Group We meet the 4th Wednesday of the month at 7:00 PM in various homes. This group meets for Bible study, prayer, fellowship and support of each other. They also serve dinner at the Arlington Life Shelter once or twice a year, provide Christmas for a family in need, and provide refreshments for SOULedOut Students the 4th Wednesday of each month. This group is for couples only. Contact Donna Hertel at 817.277.6984 for more information. Hunting & Fishing Group Led by Eric Rathjen. For more information, please call Eric at 817.860.2460. This interest group is still forming! Mama’s and Papa’s Group We meet the 1st and 3rd Fridays at 7:00 PM in the Fireside Room and Gym. This group is focused on a relationship with the Lord and each other. They study curriculums that question our struggles and point us back to God. For more information, contact Andrea Oliver at 469.371.8581. 8 Piecemakers This group welcomes everyone with willing hearts and hands to help make quilts and assemble kits benefitting those less fortunate. They meet every Saturday at 9:15 a.m. in the church basement. Please contact Cyndy Otto at 817.861.8208 if you can help! No experience needed! Schmidt/Alloy Group This group includes families of various ages and children/youth. They meet one Friday per month. Please contact the Alloy’s at 817.446.1170 or Stephanie Schmidt at 817.561.6338. Scrapbooking Group Do you love to scrapbook and have great conversations? The day and time to meet will be determined by those who sign up. For more information, call Susan Hoar at 817.299.9592. This interest group is still forming. Women of Wisdom (WOW) We meet the 1st Friday at 7:00 PM at 1501 North Watson Road in Arlington. All married or single women over 50 who would like to grow in Bible study, wisdom, summer mission opportunities, faith and friendship may contact Gwen Coy at her work number 817.640.4151. WANT TO LEARN MORE? Stop by the Texas District Church Extension Fund (TexasCEF) table in the narthex on Sunday, November 2, to learn about an investment that benefits you and the Lutheran Church. Invest in the Texas District Church Extension Fund and receive a return on your investment. More information as well as investment applications can also be found on the Texas CEF website: You can also call the CEF at 888-951-1233 for assistance. In addition, Sandra Pecard (817-308-2061), the Grace congregation representative, can help with getting any information you may need. WHAT ARE THE CURRENT RATES? Investment Type Rate APY Flex Savings (deposit and withdrawal at any time without penalty) Fixed-Rate Term Note - 1 year 0.5% 0.5% 0.75% 0.75% Fixed-Rate Term Note - 3 years 1.25% 1.26% Fixed-Rate Term Note - 5 years 1.75% 1.76% Floating-Rate Term Note - 1 year 0.25% 0.25% Floating-Rate Term Note - 3 years 1.00% 1.00% Floating-Rate Term Note - 5 years 1.75% 1.76% 9 Beulah Bentley ~ “I love the LORD, for he heard my voice; he heard my cry for mercy.” Psalm 116:1 Robert Earl Borchardt ~ “I want to know Christ - yes, to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, and so, somehow, attaining to the resurrection from the dead. Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me.” Philippians 3:10-12 Andreas “Andy” Peter Karaganis ~ “Then one of the elders asked me, “These in white robes—who are they, and where did they come from?” I answered, “Sir, you know.” And he said, “These are they who have come out of the great tribulation; they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. Revelation 7:13-14 Vera McLeod ~ Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his faithful servants. Psalm 116:15 Grace Lutheran Church to host St. Peter’s Lutheran College! From Sunday, November 30th to Wednesday, December 3rd, Grace will be hosing the St. Peter’s Lutheran College Band hailing from Brisbane, Australia! St. Peter’s LC will be taking a three-week tour through the southern United States and we are their very first stop! They will perform a concert of sacred and secular music for all ages at Grace on Monday, December 1st at 7 PM. We would like to invite YOU to host these kids, ranging in ages from 15-18. This is a great opportunity to create lasting relationships with friends overseas! And hosting is so very EASY! Here’s a schedule for our hostsR 11/30 Sunday 4:00p Hosts pick up kids from GLC 12/1 Monday 8:00a Hosts drop kids off at GLC 6:00p Hosts may help provide food to kids before the Concert (optional) 7:00p St. Peter’s Lutheran College performs at Grace! 9:00p Hosts take kids home from GLC 12/2 Tuesday 7:30a Hosts drop kids off at GLC 6:30p Hosts pick up kids from GLC 12/3 Wednesday 8:00a Hosts drop kids off at Grace for farewells. If you need help dropping the kids off early because of work, let us know. Do not let that deter you from hosting! THANK YOU! 10 Grace Lutheran School News November, 2014 The Kindergarten through 8th grade children will present the Christmas play A Christmas Carol on Tuesday, December 16 at 7pm in the Sanctuary. This adaptation of Charles Dickens’ classic tale demonstrates the joy and power of a life changed by grace. The children will sing many favorite Christmas carols throughout the presentation. We invite you to join us in preparing for the coming of the Christ child with this delightful and beloved story! Thursday, December 4 Preschool Christmas Program 6:30pm in the Sanctuary Join us as we celebrate the birth of Jesus! For the seventh year, the GLS Band students, decked out in red shirts, blue jeans, and Santa hats, will be participating in the Richardson Christmas Parade! This year’s event will take place on Saturday, December 6. The band students will also be demonstrating what they have learned so far this year with a Christmas concert at 1:15pm on Wednesday, December 17 in the school atrium. Tell Your Friends! GLS is hosting an Open House on Monday, December 1 at 6:30pm. At this time of year, parents start considering new educational options for the next school year and we are opening our doors to interested families. If you know a family that would benefit from the kind of one-on-one attention in a Christian context that GLS can provide, please encourage them to attend this fun event! Friday, December 19 is an Early Dismissal Day, with classes ending at 11:30am. Classes for all ages and grades resume on Wednesday, January 7. The children, faculty, staff of Grace Lutheran School wish you a Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year! Go Saints! 11 FAMILY/STUDENT MINISTRY – November SUNDAY MORNING MINISTRY, 9:45 – 10:45 a.m. KIDS’ POWER HOUR At KPH, we want our children to experience the love of Jesus through high impact discipleship that teaches kids to know and love God with their whole person: heart, soul, mind and strength! At KPH, Kids Kount! (Partnering with Kingdom Quest Sunday School) Toddlin’ (2 and younger) meets in Room 101 (Grace Lutheran School - GLS) Faith growth opportunities are important and essential for our youngest members! At this point in time, TWO TEACHERS ARE NEEDED for this age group. • • 3 Year Olds - Kindergarten meet in Room 110 (GLS) with Mrs. Amy L. Grades 1-4 meet in Room 111 (GLS) with Ms. Shelley S. TWEENS Grades 5-6 (Meeting Room 3) with Mrs. Lydia M. and Mrs. Sherry B. Our LIVE curriculum is designed to help students explore key biblical truths and scriptural moments all with the goal of helping them live Jesus-centered lives as they dis cover what the Bible is all about. LIFEGROUP Confirmation Ministry (Meeting Room 4) Our goal is to build up our 7th and 8th grade students in the Christian faith while equipping parents to serve as their child’s primary faith facilitator. Through Catechism studies, life-application, discussion, projects, family faith interaction, speakers, field trips, service and fellowship, preteens and young teens will eagerly explore the awesomeness of God and the mysteries of the Christian faith. They will grow in knowledge of the unique history of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, and they will have the opportunity to take personal ownership in declaring, by the power of the Holy Spirit, their own allegiances to Christ. The focus for November is on the Lord’s Prayer, led by Principal Steve Stigler and accompanied by mentors who guide students along the way (Mrs. Alease B., Ms. Diana P. and Mr. Frank V.). There is no lesson on November 30. HIGH SCHOOL Youth Grades 9-12 (Youth Shed) Youth will finish Joining Jesus on His Mission and then dive in to LIVE (as in liv), where they will tackle timely topics and biblical truths through engaging conversations. Students will discover how Scripture directly relates to what they’re dealing with right now. They will be challenged to think critically and figure out why they believe what they believe. Join us for authentic discussion! POST-HIGH SCHOOL/COLLEGE/YOUNG ADULT BIBLE STUDY We are blessed to have many young adults at Grace and in our community. We would love to start a Sunday morning Bible study for 18-20somethings, but we are in need of leadership. Please let Serena P. or Micah R. know if you are interested in learning more about leading this ministry that would offer our students and their friends a great opportunity to dig into Scripture together and explore God’s relevance in their lives! 12 WEDNESDAY NIGHT MINISTRY, SOULedOut Students (SOS) 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. Not only are we striving to make a difference in the lives of our children and youth, but we are striving to make a difference in families, in the community and in the lives of those whom Christ calls us to minister to! SOS is guided by Matthew 22:37-39 and includes Bible lessons, fellowship, games, service, missions, outings, food and family fellowship. A (free-will donation) meal will be served in the Family Life Center in the Fireside Room at 6:00p, with programming beginning at 6:30 and ending at 7:30. (Meals will vary.) NO SOS on Nov. 26 – Happy Thanksgiving!!! CHILDREN up to 4th Grade meet in the gym with Mrs. Sharon V. and Mrs. Vinessa Y. TWEENS AND YOUNG TEENS (Grades 5-8) (MR4) Nov. 5 On Campus Nov. 12: Heritage Oaks Nursing and Rehab Center Ministry (Off Campus) Nov. 19 On Campus Nov. 26 - Thanksgiving Eve (Remember: NO SOS) HIGH SCHOOL (Youth Shed) 5 Braille Ministry 12 Bible Study/Fellowship 19 Campus Mission SPECIAL EVENTS - November and early December! We believe it’s important for the body of believers to enjoy one another’s company! We live such busy lives and travel to so many different places throughout our week, it’s nice to connect with one another every now and then and pause to celebrate what God is doing in our lives as a church family. Sometimes we meet as family units, and other times we meet in various age groups. Sometimes we meet at church and other times out in the community. Friends are always invited! TWEENS AND YOUNG TEENS Dec. 14 Save the date! Christmas Party! HIGH SCHOOL Nov. 2 Lunch Out will be rescheduled for another month. Nov. 9 House Group: God’s Not Dead Bible Study, 4:30p, Schmidt’s Nov. 15 Meet at church 5:45p. Whirly Ball in Hurst is $10 per person. Laser tag is an extra $5. You may want to bring $ for snacks. Eat before you come. Invite friends! Parent/Adult drivers needed! Return by 9p. Nov. 23 The Driving/Choices Milestone will be moved to another night in 2015. Dec. 5-6 Save the date! Girls vs. Guys Overnighter (& Christmas party, including a gift exchange from items around your house)! This event is in place of Pine Cove and the progressive dinner. 13 PRAYER PARTNER MINISTRY This ministry partners adult prayer mentors with elementary students, tweens, teens and young adults (2 years post high school). If you are interested in having a prayer partner, please speak with Serena. Ways to serve this November as a family in the community: Heritage Oaks Thanksgiving Meal: Help is needed from 5-9p, Thursday, Nov. 20. Contact Greydon, the Activities Director, 817-274-2584. Church Work Day: 8a-12 noon Saturday, Nov. 8, : Tweens & Teens will refresh (aka: paint!) the Youth Shed, MR 3 & 4. Everyone else is invited to grab your hammers, work gloves, rakes & such and join us! VOLUNTEER SPOTLIGHT Heidi Peterson serves as the Volunteer Director for Kids’ Power Hour on Sunday mornings and is always willing to lend a helping hand! “I grew up in Ft. Wayne, Indiana. My dad was a pastor and my mom was a stay-at-home mom. I am the youngest of 4. I have been to Lutheran schools my entire life, from nursery school to college (until I went to Texas Wesleyan to get my graduate degree). I played tennis in high school. My family loved to travel. I met Joel here at Grace; we also love to travel with our own children and explore God's amazing world! I thank and praise God every day for the beautiful family He has given me!” Also On The Menu: Don’t forget on November 15th, we will meet at church to get to WHIRLY BALL in Hurst! Time to catch a ride will be 5:45 PM. The cost is $10 per person with laser tag costing an extra $5. Bring some extra cash for snacks, (but eat before you come) and invite your friends! Parent/adult drivers are still needed and we’ll all be back home by 9 PM! And yet another great idea! On November 14th, at 6:30 PM, we’re having a PIZZA & MOVIE NIGHT “Grace Unplugged” at Serena’s home! Bring a sweet and/or salty snack to share when you come! God’s joy and blessings to you all in Jesus! Serena Pace, DMin, DCE Family Life & Student Minister 817-274-1626, X 114 14 Please note our new extensions which are available! Phone calls received between 6 PM to 7 AM will automatically go into a general mailbox where you will have the option to select a specific extension. Any calls in the general mailbox will be returned as soon as possible. Rev. Dr. Russell C. Hildebrandt, Senior Pastor 817.274.1626 X103 - office 817.475.8853 - cell Rev. Dr. David B. Joeckel, Pastor Emeritus 817.265.6146 - home 817.688.0454 - cell Dr. Serena Pace, DCE (Family & Student Minister) 817.274.1626 X114 Lou Anne Hoffman (Church Office Manager) 817.274.1626 X100 Darla Creel (Church Office Assistant) 817.274.1626 X101 Debbie Hall (Publications Editor) 817.274.1626 X102 Sharon Folks (Business Manager) 817.274.1626 X104 Steve Stigler (Dir. of School Ministries) 817.274.1654 Elizabeth Ott (School Business Manager) 817.275.5131 X106 Sherry Burgdorf (Dir. of Preschool Ministries) 817.275.5131 X107 Mark Oxner (Media Room) 817.274.1626 X110 Josh Smith (Media Room) 817.274.1626 X110 Scott Cunningham (Facilities Manager) 817.274.1626 X112 Micah Raebel (Dir. of Music & Worship Arts) 817.274.1626 X115 We are located at: 210 W. Park Row, Arlington, TX. 76010 Hours of operation: Monday-Thursday 9 AM to 5:00 PM Phone: 817.274.1626 Fax: 817.861.0193 Website: or Church Email: Newsletter Publications: GRACE LUTHERAN CHURCH ELDERS AND THEIR ASSIGNED MEMBERS Eric Rathjen A-B Greg Roe I-L DelRay Alberts S Hank Jacobs C-E Mike Curtis M-O Gary Folks T-Z Jim Schmidt F-H Stan Taber P-R Head Elder Joe Masterson The Grace Newsletter is printed monthly. Articles are welcome to be published if submitted by the15th of each month no later than 5:00 PM. Articles concerning our congregation may be emailed to the publications address above or written/typed and brought to the Church Office. 15 11/2 Al & Joyce Schultz 11/1 Keith Platt 11/11 John Biel 11/21 Kara Alloy 11/3 Chris & Susan Roberts 11/2 Melinda Schmidt 11/11 Tanner Harty 11/21 Peggy Alloy 11/4 A.J. & Susan Jones 11/3 Nancy Masterson 11/11 Barbara Pinnow 11/21 Nancy Mickelson 11/5 Alan & Moira Meyer 11/3 Anthony Westbrook 11/11 Kayla Thiede 11/21 Sheri Sterling 11/11 Dick & Martha Malec 11/4 James Layton 11/12 Troy Baumann 11/22 Cecilia Chavez 11/15 Brent & Aundrea Reynolds 11/4 Karissa Pratt 11/12 Jacob Hoar 11/22 Shawna Gibbs 11/17 Hosny & Huda Gad 11/4 Carol Rosse 11/12 Mackenzie Holtman 11/22 Ashley Jacobs 11/17 John & Donita Spawr 11/5 Addison Laird 11/14 Daryl Seefeldt 11/22 Kristin Runzheimer 11/19 Charles & Gerry Sparks 11/5 Simone Oliver 11/15 Paul Burgdorf 11/23 John Matthys 11/23 Deryl & Nichole Surratt 11/5 Christine Owens 11/16 Zachary Baumann 11/23 Charles Sparks 11/27 Hugh & Joann Boyle 11/6 Terry Coomes 11/16 Alexandria Baumann 11/25 Serena Pace 11/6 JoAnn Jeske 11/17 Grace Massie 11/26 Kim Bell 11/6 Luke Joeckel 11/17 Ethel Patterson 11/26 Jimmy Braziel 11/6 Matthew Joeckel 11/17 Michael Pulley 11/27 Judy Megaffin 11/6 Jessica Nieves 11/17 Lynn Smith 11/27 Christian Sessums 11/7 Deborah Hildebrandt 11/17 Alexander Stacy 11/28 Duane Satre 11/7 Norris Pratt 11/17 Mary Wolter 11/28 Donita Spawr 11/7 Imelda Rodriguez 11/18 Ellen Nielsen 11/29 Edith Goetsch 11/8 Don Walker 11/18 Arnold Petsche 11/29 Carol Hall 11/9 Charles Kunze 11/19 Ryan Baumann 11/29 Judy Horton 11/9 Esther Smith 11/19 Cameron Bodenstab 11/29 Kathy Petsche 11/9 Howard Stacy 11/19 Erica Farley 11/29 Laura Smith 11/9 Jennifer Tatrow 11/19 Linda Rawe 11/29 Paul Tatrow 11/9 Rae Ann Wagoner 11/19 Dawn Stacy 11/30 Chuck Dratwick 11/10 John Buckmaster 11/19 Dave Voss 11/30 Shannon Pinnow 11/10 Jason Voehl 11/20 Darla Creel HONORING OUR HOMEBOUND! Emma Colburn 1712 Glynn Oaks Arlington, TX 76010 Terry Coomes 1115 San Juan Ct. Arlington, TX 76012 (VISITING, PHONING OR SENDING CARDS) 817-275-3703 Sylvia Irwin 727 Brentford Place, #102 Arlington, TX. 76006 817-277-4047 Marshall & Gladys Moran 1406 Montclair Arlington, TX. 76015 Al & Joyce Schultz 2029 Woodhaven Dr. Arlington, TX. 76010 817-797-8083 817-275-4724 Marilyn Singer 2006 Iron Horse Ct. Arlington 76017 817-465-3205 817-733-6713 Joshua Smith 2609 Chatham Ct. Grand Prairie, TX. 75052 817-917-9423 817-560-3332 Nancy Turnbough Grand Prairie Healthcare Center, 820 Small St. Grand Prairie, TX. 75050 817-307-5904 682-478-7670 Dottie Engel 2500 Woodside Dr. Apt 1304 Arlington 76016 Shirley Palmer 810 Harmon Terrace Arlington, TX. 76010 Billie Froehlich 419 Coker Valley Kennedale, TX 76060 Arnold Petsche 704 Santo Cova Ct. Ft. Worth 76126 James & Gladys Golden Castle Rock Assisted Living, 5519 S Collins #104, Arlington, TX 76018 817-999-6618 Linda Rawe Horizon Bay, 2500 Woodside Dr, #1112 Arlington, TX. 76016 817-451-1127 Eileen Watkins 1413 Porto Bello Ct. Arlington, TX. 76012 Barbara Hibbard Waterford Apt. #209, 2650 W Park Row Dr, Arlington Park in front circle 817-275-0311 Jo & Lew Schmidt 2915 S Fielder Arlington, TX. 76015 Judy Wendland Heritage Oaks, 1112 Gibbins Rd, Rm 613, Arlington, TX. 76011 817-274-2584 817-375-0585 817-469-6507 16 Sunday 11/2 8:30a & 11:00a Worship Childcare - both services 9:45a Adult Bible Studies 9:45a KPH/Preteen S.S. 9:45a Lifegroup Conf. Study 9:45a Sr. High Bible Study 12:45p Lunch Out 1:00p Asset Mapping Seminar 5:00p Bean Supper Daylight Savings Time! 11/9 8:30a & 11:00a Worship Childcare - both services 9:45a Adult Bible Studies 9:45a KPH/Preteen S.S. 9:45a Lifegroup Conf. Study 9:45a Sr. High Bible Study 4:30p HS “God’s Not Dead” (House Group) 11/16 8:30a & 11:00a Worship Childcare - both services 9:45a Adult Bible Studies 9:45a KPH/Preteen S.S. 9:45a Lifegroup Conf. Study 9:45a Sr. High Bible Study 3:00p Surviving the Holidays Carter Blood Drive Near the Youth Shed 11/23 8:30a & 11:00a Worship Childcare - both services 9:45a Adult Bible Studies 9:45a KPH/Preteen S.S. 9:45a Lifegroup Conf. Study 9:45a Sr. High Bible Study 4:30p Milestone Night: Driving/Choices 11/30 8:30a & 11:00a Worship Childcare - both services 9:45a Adult Bible Studies 9:45a Lifegroup Conf. Study 9:45a Sr. High Bible Study St. Peter’s Lutheran College kids arrive today! First Sunday in Advent Monday 11/3 9:30a Ladies LifeLight Bible Study 11:00a UTA/LSC Spaghetti Bible Study 7:00p Evening LifeLight Bible Study 7:00p Brews & Bibles Tuesday 11/4 6:00p Zumba! 7:00p UTA/LSC 6:30p Grace Fellowship Ministry 7:00p Blessings Group 7:30p Men’s Basketball 11/11 1:00p After Lunch Brunch 6:00p Zumba! 7:00p UTA/LSC 7:00p BOD meeting 7:30p Men’s Basketball Wednesday 11/5 6:00p Wednesday Night Dinner 6:30p SOS Ministry 6:30p Joybells 7:00p Legacy Journey 7:30p Sanctuary Choir 11/19 6:00p Wednesday Night Dinner 6:30p SOS Ministry 7:30p Sanctuary Choir 11/12 6:00p Wednesday Night Dinner 6:30p SOS Ministry 6:30p Stephen Ministry 6:30p Joybells 7:00p Legacy Journey 7:30p Sanctuary Choir 11/18 1:00p Young Sr. Braille 6:00p Zumba! 7:00p UTA/LSC 7:00p Cross Training Coffee Club 7:00p Blessings Group 7:30p Men’s Basketball 11/26 6:00p Joybells 7:00p THANKSGIVING EVE WORSHIP 11/10 9:30a Ladies LifeLight Bible Study 11:00a UTA/LSC Spaghetti Bible Study 7:00p Evening LifeLight Bible Study 7:00p Brews & Bibles 11/17 9:30a Ladies LifeLight Bible Study 9:30a UTA/LSC Spaghetti Bible Study 6:30p British Club 7:00p Evening LifeLight Bible Study 7:00p Brews & Bibles 11/25 7:00p UTA/LSC 6:00p Zumba! 7:30p Men’s Basketball Veteran’s Day 11/24 9:30a Ladies LifeLight Bible Study 9:30a UTA/LSC Spaghetti Bible Study 7:00p Evening LifeLight Bible Study 7:00p Brews & Bibles Thursday 11/6 9:00a Braille Alpha 6:30p Praise Team 7:00p Braille Thumbprint Friday 11/7 Church Office CLOSED 7:00p UTA/LSC BIryani Night 5:30p AAU Basketball 7:00p Mama’s and Papa’s 7:00p Women of Wisdom Saturday 11/1 9:00a AAU Basketball 9:00a Altar Guild 9:00a FPU 9:00a Asset Mapping Seminar 9:15a Piecemakers 11/8 9:00a AAU Basketball 9:00a Altar Guild 9:15a Piecemakers Grace Work Day! 11/15 9:00a AAU Basketball 9:00a Altar Guild 9:15a Piecemakers 5:45p H S Youth Whirlyball 11/22 9:00a AAU Basketball 9:00a Altar Guild 9:15a Piecemakers 11/14 Church Office CLOSED 7:00p UTA/LSC BIryani Night 6:30p Pizza & Movie Night at Serena’s (Grades 5-8) 7:00p B2 (B Square) Grp 11/21 Church Office CLOSED 7:00p UTA/LSC BIryani Night 6:00p Braille WWFF 7:00p Mama’s and Papa’s 11/29 9:00a AAU Basketball 9:00a Altar Guild 9:15a Piecemakers 11/13 12:00p 55 + 6:30p Praise Team 7:00p Board of Elders 7:00p Hankins Group 11/20 6:30p Praise Team 11/28 Church Office CLOSED 5:00p UTA/LSC BIryani Night Newsletter Deadline Today 11/27 Church Office CLOSED 6:30p Praise Team 7:00p Hankins Group Thanksgiving Day 17
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