Pastor's Monthly Message

Volume 209
Rev. Dr. Russell C. Hildebrandt
Senior Pastor
Rev. Dr. David B. Joeckel
Pastor Emeritus
Dr. Serena Pace, D.C.E.
Family & Student Minister
Micah Raebel
Minister of Music
Elders on Duty:
8:30 AM - Joe Masterson
11:00 AM - Keith Mangels
Usher Captain:
8:30 AM - Ken Sterling
11:00 AM - Jimmy Braziel
8:30 AM - Jim Runzheimer
8:30 AM - Joanne Elmers
11:00 AM - Elizabeth Ott
Pastor’s Message
Pastor’s Msg/Cheerful Givers
Grow & Know
Attendance Cards/Homebound
Small Group Listing
Small Group/Sr. Saints Group
New Members & Baptisms
Quran To Bible Study
Grace School (GO SAINTS!)
Family and Children’s Ministry
Family and Children’s Ministry
Family and Children’s Ministry
Family and Children’s Ministry
Chronicles (Dec. and Jan.)
Church Directory
Non-Ministry Facility Requests
January Calendar
Pastor’s Monthly Message
January 2015
Dear Fellow Redeemed,
January is a time when we make plans to know
what direction we are headed, and with God’s
blessings and following his lead, we can accomplish
what God has planned. As we wait on the Lord and
he shows us his mercy we move forward to share
his message and his blessings.
I want to share with you where God is leading me
as I invest the time God has given me and his
resources in being a follower of Jesus and joining
him on his mission. The Ministry Team has set five goal areas for 2015 and
with the support of the Board of Directors, we will move in the following
direction of being stewards of God’s grace.
These are the five goal areas:
• Beautification of our campus
• YMCA athletics on our campus
• Fund dedicated accounts
• Discipleship training of members
• Promoters for success stories
Let me briefly flesh these areas with you:
Beautification of our campus has started as the result of our grant from
the City of Arlington. The Board of Directors will talk about specific
ways to enhance our campus in 2015, bringing this to the voters at a
later date.
Working with the YMCA headed up by a committee that Pastor Joeckel
is leading to create a framework for job descriptions; and recruiting
of volunteers from Grace to greet the families that God sends to us.
We will be hosting soccer in March for ages 3-6 years old.
Funding dedicated accounts will be a voters item that will be presented
in the spring of 2015 as we follow the wishes of the voters meeting
that affirmed our school and how we can work together to have a
fiscally healthier church and school.
Discipleship training ties in with Joining Jesus On His Mission, which we
studied in September – October, and having our members engaged
in daily discipleship. You will hear more about this as we get into
January and February.
Continued on page 2.
Pastor’s message continued from page 1;
Promoters for success stories is mainly about the internal survey that is being taken at the
school November – December of this year to identify school families that positively regard
our school. These families will share stories of success about our school. I have shared
with Mr. Stigler, Principal, that from my point of view one of our strengths is how our children
are encouraged to read. Did you know that a student may read two to three books a week
or more? Another major plus is we share Jesus everyday with the students and in turn they
share Jesus with their families. God is good and it is my prayer that you join us in using our
resources to accomplish these five goal areas.
We will also have a sermon series about what healthy families look like and God’s design to help
us to be healthy. The sermon series will deal with the following areas:
• Physical health
• Emotional health
• Spiritual health
• Singles
• Marriage
• Relationship with God
I look forward to taking this journey with you as we share the joy of Jesus and follow in his
footsteps leading others to know him!
Pastor Hildebrandt
Giving Like the Magi
“Lord, what do You want me to do with all the gifts You have given to me?”
If you find it difficult to remember to begin each day with a simple
stewardship prayer – asking God how He wants you to share the gifts He
has given you – you might want to let one of the Magi be your reminder.
The Magi – or three wise men – traveled far distances and made great sacrifices to bring gifts to
Jesus. This year, before you pack away your nativity set, you might want to select one of the wise
men bearing his gift for Jesus and put it in a place that you will see every day – maybe on your
desk, your dresser or your kitchen counter. When you see this gift bearer let it be a reminder to ask
Jesus what gifts He would like you to give for Him each day throughout the year.
And if someone asks why you still have a Christmas decoration out, you can simply say that this
little statue is reminding you to be more generous.
Perhaps you are wondering, “How much financially are we to give to our local congregation of
Grace? Our biblical instructions are these:
to give:
(1 Corinthians 16:1–2)
proportionally (1 Corinthians 16:1–2; 2 Corinthians 8:12)
(2 Corinthians 8:20)
of our first fruits (Genesis 4:4; Proverbs 3:9; Leviticus 27:30)
with a spirit of
eagerness (2 Corinthians 9:2)
earnestness (2 Corinthians 8:7)
cheerfulness (2 Corinthians 9:7)
(2 Corinthians 8:23)
Once you’ve seen God at work, there’s no turning
back. Prepare to be transformed. . .to see the world
through new eyes. To experience God every day!
Watch for “God Sightings” in your life this week!
Joining Jesus On His Mission
Adult Sunday Morning Bible Studies -
“Breakfast Club”
Led by the Elmers
- Grace West, Room 111
“Study of Isaiah“
Led by Jim Runzheimer
- Music Room
“The Light Has Come”
Led by Joel Peterson
- Library
“Spiritual Discipline“
Led by Stan Taber
- Fireside Room
NEW LifeLight Bible Studies for January 2015
NO CLASS (School Holiday)
January 12
Romans, Part 2, Session 5
January 19
NO CLASS (MLK Holiday)
January 26
Romans, Part 2, Session 6
There will be two studies this season:
Romans & Chronicles
I and II CHRONICLES - A 9 week study will begin on March 2, 2015.
We will continue with 2 classes shown below:
Monday Morning Class (for all ladies) -- meets 9:30 - 11:15 a.m. in the Fireside Room.
Our lecturer is Cherry Coffman. We will have occasional luncheons throughout the year to
enjoy each other’s company and renew friendships.
Monday Evening Class (for all adults) -- meets 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. in our school at Grace
West. Pastor Emeritus Dr. David Joeckel is our lecturer. A light meal is served at each
evening class.
Child care will be available for both classes upon request. Everyone is encouraged to be in "THE
WORD" and to enroll in these exciting studies. All are welcomed, members, non-members, friends,
neighbors and the community.
No previous Bible study experience is needed!
Lutheran Student Center @ UTA
at 7:30—10:30 PM On Tuesdays
Monday nights @ 7:00 PM (at VARIOUS HOMES)
In the office, we’d love to keep up with your news! Please let us
know if things are changing for you, whether it be an address,
a new phone number, email or family updates, mark your
attendance card so we can update our records!
There’s also a comments section on the back; we’d invite you
to let us know what you are thinking about the service, about
the church, or things you like or don’t like...we are open to
Use the front of a card (middle area) to indicate changes in your
personal information. If you bring a guest, welcome them to fill
out their information on a separate card as well. Once you fill out
the card, please send them to the center aisle during the service.
This helps us to help you so we look forward to seeing those
updates! Thank you!
phone calls,
Emma Colburn
1712 Glynn Oaks
Arlington, TX 76010
Terry Coomes
1115 San Juan Ct.
Arlington, TX 76012
Marshall & Gladys Moran
1406 Montclair
Arlington, TX. 76015
Shirley Palmer
810 Harmon Terrace
Arlington, TX. 76010
Al & Joyce Schultz
2029 Woodhaven Dr.
Arlington, TX. 76010
Marilyn Singer
2006 Iron Horse Ct.
Arlington 76017
Joshua Smith
2609 Chatham Ct.
Grand Prairie, TX. 75052
Nancy Turnbough
Grand Prairie Healthcare Center, 820 Small St.
Grand Prairie, TX. 75050
Dottie Engel
2500 Woodside Dr. Apt 1304
Arlington 76016
Sherri Sterling
2808 Claremont Drive
Mansfield, TX 76063
Billie Froehlich
419 Coker Valley
Kennedale, TX 76060
Arnold Petsche
704 Santo Cova Ct.
Ft. Worth 76126
James & Gladys Golden
Castle Rock Assisted Living, 5519 S Collins
#104, Arlington, TX 76018
Linda Rawe
Horizon Bay, 2500 Woodside Dr, #1112
Arlington, TX. 76016
Sylvia Irwin
727 Brentford Place, #102
Arlington, TX. 76006
Jo & Lew Schmidt
2915 S Fielder
Arlington, TX. 76015
Judy Wendland
Heritage Oaks, 1112 Gibbins Rd, Rm 613,
Arlington, TX. 76011
All are welcome to attend!
B2 Small Group
We are a group of young adults with children who meet one Friday a month.
For more information, please contact Lindsay Ali at 817.296.6416.
Blessings Group
We meet the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month at 7:00 PM in various homes. This group welcomes couples
and singles. No child care provided. Contact Sid and Mary Jo Cook at 817-457-1198 for more information.
Brews & Bibles
We meet every Monday at 7:00 PM at various locations. Calling ALL young adults 21-30 (single, engaged or
married)! Led by Micah Raebel, Chelsey Masterson and Jen Rukavina. For information, call Micah at
Cross Training Coffee Club CALLING ALL MEN!!
What: Men’s Coffee Time @ Mochalux Coffee
Where: 1101 Bardin Rd., Arlington, TX. 76018
When: Every 3rd Tuesday at 7:00 PM
Why: Bible Study, Coffee & Bond of Brothers
Contact: Scott Pinnow 817.714.0936 email:
Empty Nesters
We meet the 2nd and 4th Fridays at 7:30 PM in the Fireside Room. This group is for mature singles or couples
who enjoy mutual support, Bible study, prayer, fellowship and mission opportunities. For more information, call
Nancy Grieser at 817.467.7212 or Susan White at 972.979.2188.
Golf Group
Led by Robert Matthys. For more information, please call Robert at 817.860.8641. This is a SUMMER ONLY
interest group.
Hankins’ Group
We meet the 2nd and 4th Thursdays at 7:00 PM in various homes. This group is for retired couples and
individuals who care for and support each other while enjoying Bible study, fellowship and outreach.
Contact Wayne Hankins at 817.375.3922.
Hertel TLC Group
We meet the 4th Wednesday of the month at 7:00 PM in various homes. This group meets for Bible study,
prayer, fellowship and support of each other. They also serve dinner at the Arlington Life Shelter once or twice
a year, provide Christmas for a family in need, and provide refreshments for SOULedOut Students the 4th
Wednesday of each month. This group is for couples only. Contact Donna Hertel at 817.277.6984 for more
Hunting & Fishing Group
Led by Eric Rathjen. For more information, please call Eric at 817.860.2460. This interest group is still forming!
Mama’s and Papa’s Group
We meet the 1st and 3rd Fridays at 7:00 PM in the Fireside Room and Gym. This group is focused on a
relationship with the Lord and each other. They study curriculums that question our struggles and point us back
to God. For more information, contact Uvonne Duppstadt at 817.261.9726.
This group welcomes everyone with willing hearts and hands to help make quilts and assemble kits
benefitting those less fortunate. They meet every Saturday at 9:15 a.m. in the church basement. Please
contact Cyndy Otto at 817.861.8208 if you can help! No experience needed!
Schmidt/Alloy Group
This group includes families of various ages and children/youth. They meet one Friday per month. Please
contact the Alloy’s at 817.446.1170 or Stephanie Schmidt at 817.561.6338.
Women of Wisdom (WOW)
We meet the 1st Friday at 7:00 PM at 1501 North Watson Road in Arlington. All married or single women over
50 who would like to grow in Bible study, wisdom, summer mission opportunities, faith and friendship may
contact Gwen Coy at her work number 817.640.4151.
Senior Saints - January!
(formerly 55+)
Here is the synopsis of Bob’s talk:
Most people don’t realize that the Bible contains more than 2,350 verses
dealing with money and possessions, and 15% of everything Jesus said had
to do with money. Since how we use our money is a reflection of our beliefs
about abundance, scarcity and the promises of the Bible. It’s our duty as
Christians to make a concentrated effort to reflect God’s design for dealing
with our money and possessions.
In “Getting Your Financial House In Order the Bible Way” is as follows:
What the Bible really says about money
Why debt has always been an issue
Why tithing is essential for a prosperous life
Please support the eyeglass ministry by putting your used eyeglasses, and those of your friends and
family, in the marked basket on the round table in the narthex. The glasses are cleaned and
checked and then sent with short-term mission teams to various countries where they are provided
to individuals needing vision correction. The “re-cycled” eyeglasses help in reaching those who
have yet to hear the Good News of God’s love and saving grace. Your used eyeglasses really do
matter and can make a difference in people’s lives in more ways than one!
A HUGE welcome to:
John Barber,
Yousaf Hameed,
Ayesha Hameed,
and to their children
Christian and Precious!
We hope you’ll continue to join us
and grow in Christ each week!
We also celebrated the baptisms of:
Madison Paige Peterson (12-7)
Parents: Keith L. Peterson
and Meghan E. Lewellen
Christian Y. Hameed (12-21)
Parents: Yousaf Hameed
and Ayesha Rashid
Precious Y. Hameed (12-21)
Parents: Yousaf Hameed
and Ayesha Rashid
and Payton Nicole Zarosky (12-28)
Parents: John Matthew
and Kristen D. Zarosky
Welcome into God’s holy family!
The Piecemakers would like to remind everybody
to save your used postage stamps! Please see
the previous lists we gave of items that we save for
our assorted kits, and we continue the HAPPY
celebrations regarding our Kings coming!
Cyndy Otto
at 5:00 PM)
regarding the
authenticity of
the Bible in the
Adam, Abraham
and Jesus in the
Quran and in the
Jesus in the Light of Quran and Bible
Starting Monday, January 26, 2015 a detailed serious study of Quran
and Bible about Jesus with reference from Quran in Arabic with
authentic English translation and the Bible. This will take place
every Monday afternoon at the Lutheran Student Center.
Everyone’s invited: Muslims, Christians, Hindu students, non-students
and adults. Open to the entire Community.
For further information please email Sabir Bashir,
Director/Pastor for the Lutheran Student Center at:
Thank you!
Was Christ
The Myth of
Three Gods of
The Lutheran Student Center at UTA
311 College Street
Arlington TX 76010
Classes every Monday evening at 5:00 PM
Grace Lutheran School News
January 2015
Much of the church's enthusiasm today for evangelism
and mission involvement is fueled by opportunities for
"hands-on" service and learning along side Christians
around the world. Parishioners travel across the globe
to meet, work with and witness to people in other
countries who need to hear about the eternal life God
offers through Jesus Christ.
Children's opportunities for hands-on service in the field
tend to be limited - but through Lutheran Hour Ministries'
International Online Mission Trips, students attending
Grace Lutheran School can experience much of the
learning and thrill of a mission trip - and develop a deeper understanding and appreciation for the
work of Lutheran Hour Ministries International
Ministry Centers.
This year's Online Mission Trip will travel to Latvia during the week of January 26 - 29, 2015 from
1:00 to 1:30 p.m. CST. We are blessed beyond our imagination to partner with school
children across North America as they witness first-hand how
their mission dollars help Lutheran Hour Ministries spread the
Good news of salvation through Jesus Christ to the people of
Our school will connect with Lutheran Hour Ministries and
LHM’s ministry center director via videoconferencing, which
includes live presentations and short, pre-recorded video
segments. Also, our students will be able to interact with
the ministry center within the videoconference environment—
asking questions and praying with them!
Early Childhood Conference 2015
The preschool will be closed for two days when our preschool staff are
attending this year’s Texas District LCMS Early Childhood Conference in
Dallas January 29-31! The theme for the conference is “Jesus knows me,
this I love” based on the text John 10:14 where Jesus states “I am the good
shepherd; I know my sheep, and my sheep know me.” What a blessing for
all of us to have a personal Savior who knows us and loves us!
The event includes four informative sectionals and keynote addresses from
Emmy Award winning science educator Steve Spangler and educational
innovator Allan Johnson. In addition to gaining new insights into education, participants will pray
and worship together. Please be in prayer for safe travel and inspirational growth among our
preschool teachers!
Go Saints!
Classes for all ages and grades resume on Wednesday, January 7th.
CHILDREN (Preschool through 4th Grade)
Kids’ Power Hour (Sundays 9:45-10:45 a.m.)
At KPH, we want our children to experience the love of Jesus through
high impact discipleship that teaches kids to know and love God with
their whole person: heart, soul, mind and strength!
• Toddlin’ (Two year olds and younger) Two volunteers
are needed so that we may offer a class for this age group.
Speak with Serena if you would like to volunteer!
Three Year Olds - Kindergarten meet in Room 110 (GLS) with the Alberts’.
Grades 1-4 meet in Room 111 (GLS) with Ms. Shelley S.
SOULedOut Students - SOS (Wednesdays 6-7:30 p.m.)
Not only are we striving to make a difference in the lives of our children, but we are striving to make
a difference in families, in the community and in the lives of those whom Christ calls us to minister
to! Guided by Matthew 22:37-39, SOS includes Bible lessons, fellowship, games, service, missions,
outings, food and family fellowship.
A (free-will donation) meal will be served in the Family Life Center Gym at 6:00p. Meals vary.
Children should be accompanied by a family member or assigned adult for the meal portion of SOS.
Preschoolers may attend SOS, but should be accompanied by an adult. Led by Sharon Vance.
Join us for Game Night on January 7 and a meaningful and fun time all month through!
Special Events
comingU The Daddy Daughter Dance is next month!
More details are on the way! We hope you’ll think of volunteering!!
4th Graders! Sign up by 1/9 for SUPER START (The Nation’s Biggest Event
for Christian Preteens!) held Feb. 13 & 14 at Crossroads Christian Church in Grand
Prairie ($45). Email Serena to sign up! Visit online at
to see what it’s all about!
TWEENS (Grades 5-6)
Sunday Morning Bible Study 9:45-10:45 a.m.
We explore key biblical truths and scriptural moments all with the goal of helping tweens live Jesuscentered lives as they discover what the Bible is all about.
We meet in Meeting Room 3 across from the gym (top right) with Mrs. Lydia M. and Mrs. Sherry B.
SOULedOut Students - SOS (Wednesdays 6-7:30 p.m.)
Join us for Game Night on January 7 and a meaningful and fun time all month through!
Special Events
Hey, Preteens! Sign up by 1/9 for SUPER START – The Nation’s Biggest Event for
Christian Preteens, held 2/13 & 14 at Crossroads Christian Church in Grand Prairie ($45).
Email Serena to sign up!
JR. HIGH (Grades 7-8)
LIFEGROUP Confirmation Ministry 9:45-10:45 a.m.
Our goal is to build up our 7th and 8th grade students in the Christian faith while equipping parents
to serve as their child’s primary faith facilitator.
We meet in Meeting Room 4 across from the gym (top left) with Pastor Hildebrandt as we continue
learning about the Ten Commandments.
SOULedOut Students - SOS (Wednesdays 6-7:30 p.m.)
Join us for Braille Night on January 7 and a meaningful and fun time all month through!
Special Events
SIGN UP for the Dallas YOUTH QUAKE (Feb 27-March 1) by EMAILING SERENA!
THE DEADLINE TO REGISTER IS 1/15! Cost is $150. We will stay at the Crowne Plaza
Dallas Market Center, 7050 Stemmons Freeway, Dallas 75247.
Middle School Mission Trip to Austin: July 26-31, 2015, $299, Must be 12 years old by the
Time of the trip OR entering 7th grade. Make checks payable to Grace Lutheran Church and
submit to Serena or church office. Call Sharon Folks for credit card payment: 817-274-1626.
Call or email Serena with questions. Register on-line at:
www.glcs.weekofhope.msmission. THIS TRIP WILL BE CLOSED BY JANUARY 9.
HIGH SCHOOL (Grades 9-12) (Youth Shed)
Sunday Morning Bible Study 9:45-10:45 a.m.
What do you believe? What does the Bible tell us? How do we live it out? Join us for authentic
discussion! This month, we will continue discussing romantic relationships with the opposite
gender and move into Questions of Jesus.
Our schedule is on the next page. . .
Here’s the schedule!
Dating and Relationships (Matthew 19:1-12)
11 Sexual Wholeness (1 Corinthians 6:18-20)
Questions of Jesus
18 The Power of a Question (Luke 8:26-39)
25 Questions from a Rich Young Man (Matthew 19:16-22)
SOULedOut Students - SOS (Wednesdays 6-7:30 p.m.)
7 Braille Night
14 Heritage Oaks Off-Campus Service
21 Bible Study
28 Scavenger Hunt Off-Campus
Special Events
• God’s Not Dead Bible Study at Schmidt’s, January 11, 4:30-6:30p.m.
Bring a dessert or snack to share!
• SIGN UP for the Dallas YOUTH QUAKE ZONE (Feb 27-March 1) by EMAILING SERENA!
THE DEADLINE TO REGISTER IS 1/15! Cost is $150. We will stay at the Crowne Plaza
Dallas Market Center, 7050 Stemmons Freeway, Dallas 75247.
“A transformational weekend where lives will be renewed and faith will get real!”
HS Summer Trip to Quest Ranch at Canyon Lake and San Marcos, TX, July 12-19, 2015!
The cost? $496. We will serve to improve a camp facility that builds housing units for
people who’ve lost their homes due to fires, etc. This is followed by attendance at Glory
Bound in San Marcos. Glory Bound is the LCMS Texas District Youth Gathering for high
school students. (Scholarships available!) Make checks out to Grace or call church office
to pay a deposit by credit card. Contact Serena with questions.
This trip includes a day at Schlitterbahn!
Register at:, or email Serena. Hurry because THIS TRIP WILL
We’re going POT-LUCK on January 25 from 12:45-2p in the gym! Please RSVP to Serena by
Jan. 21! Join us for great conversation with our Prayer Partner families and for fun fellowship!
This ministry partners adult prayer mentors with elementary students, tweens, teens and young
adults (2 years post high school). If you are interested in having a prayer partner, please speak
with Serena.
Nursery Volunteer Training in the Fireside Room on January 18th at 12:45 p.m.
Sandwich lunch provided! Please RSVP to Amy Laird (Nursery Coordinator) by 1/14/15!
She can be reached by phone: 817-812-8900 or by email:
YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY (18-20 somethings)
Sunday Morning BIBLE STUDY, 9:45-10:45
This Bible study is currently on hold. If you are someone interested in leading a study for this age
group, please let Serena know. What a great opportunity for young people to join together to dig
into Scripture and explore God’s relevance in their lives!
If you would like to lead and plug into this material from your college campus or elsewhere (your
apartment community/neighborhood) as an extension of our church, please speak with Serena and
she will get you set up to do so.
GLORYBOUND YOUNG ADULT VOLUNTEERS Young adults 19-25 years old and at least one year out of high school may download information
to volunteer for Glorybound (July 16-19, 2015) at:
CAN-DO Summer Mission Trip (18-20somethings) $299
June 14-19, 2015, Creekside Christian Retreat in Mexia, TX
Participants will be involved in a VBS tailored for children with special needs. There is an
opportunity to help build out a new greenhouse. General maintenance and light construction as
needed - need to build a fenced playground area with picnic tables for the younger children.
There also is a need for gardening work and some animal care.
Make checks out to Grace or call the church office to pay a deposit by credit card.
Email Megan Roe ( or Serena Pace ( with questions.
Only 10 spots are available! Register at
God’s peace and blessings to you all in Jesus!
Serena Pace, DMin, DCE
Family Life & Student Minister
817-274-1626, X 114
Julie Tembrock
Family Life & Student Ministry Administrative Assistant or 817-274-1626, x113
Chronicles of a Seminarian - January 2015 (Happy New Year!)
May the God of Grace grant you
peace in this time of Advent and
Christmas as we look forward to
God’s gift of peace in Jesus Christ,
our Lord.
Another quarter has begun! I am
finishing up some requisites that many
take in their second year. I guess I’m
just a little slow. These two classes
are both with Dr. Okamoto. One is
World Religions, in which we focus
our time on the confessions and
beliefs of Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism,
and an overview of the religions of
China. However, in Religious Bodies
in America, rather than going through
the various denominations, we will
treat topics such as Pietism, Moralistic
Therapeutic Deism, and even Nihilism
and how these relate to Christians and Christianity in the United States.
My other two classes are more fourth-year oriented. My final history class is entitled Luther
on the Church and goes through what is actually meant by that big word, Church, primarily by Luther. Yet we are also wrestling with the Church Fathers and their usage of that word. My final
preaching class is Preaching the Old Testament Lessons. Dr. Saleska, with whom I had Psalms
and Writings, will lead us through Preaching Christ from the Old Testament while remaining true to
the actual text.
Outside of class, I have begun helping Dr. Ronald Feuerhahn on Wednesday mornings so his
wife, Carol, is able to go to water aerobics. It’s awesome! Usually we go to chapel together so he
can partake in the Lord’s Supper and reconnect with some former students and faculty. But, some
days we are also able to just talk and/or dig through his many years of service as a Pastor and a
Doctor of the Church. As a family connection, he used to serve on the Commission on Worship at
the same time as my mother did. The man knows a lot. He’s contributed to the production of hymnals in multiple settings and cultures, including one recently published for the Lutheran Church in
Kenya. I look forward to spending time with him this year.
Homeschooling continues to go well with Sarah and the kids. All three of the older children
continue to make great strides in many areas. Also, the flexibility permitted by the homeschooling
schedule allowed us to venture all the way to Colorado to visit family over my Thanksgiving break.
We were also blessed to visit with many other family members on the way!
We continue to be blessed in multiple ways. Thank you for your support and for all you do in
your individual communities. May you have (or have had) a blessed Christmas!
Christ’s Peace,
John Werner
WE HAVE A NEW PHONE SYSTEM! Please note our new extensions which are available!
Phone calls received between 6 PM to 7 AM will automatically go into a general mailbox
where you will have the option to select a specific extension. Any calls in the general
mailbox will be returned as soon as possible.
Rev. Dr. Russell C. Hildebrandt, Senior Pastor
817.274.1626 X103 - office
817.475.8853 - cell
Rev. Dr. David B. Joeckel, Pastor Emeritus
817.265.6146 - home
817.688.0454 - cell
Dr. Serena Pace, DCE (Family & Student Minister)
817.274.1626 X114
Lou Anne Hoffman (Church Office Manager)
817.274.1626 X100
Darla Creel (Church Office Assistant)
817.274.1626 X101
Debbie Hall (Publications Editor)
817.274.1626 X102
Sharon Folks (Business Manager)
817.274.1626 X104
Steve Stigler (Dir. of School Ministries)
Elizabeth Ott (School Business Manager)
817.275.5131 X106
Sherry Burgdorf (Dir. of Preschool Ministries)
817.275.5131 X107
Mark Oxner (Media Room)
817.274.1626 X110
Stan Taber (Homebound Visitation)
817.274.1626 X100
Scott Cunningham (Facilities Manager)
817.274.1626 X112
Micah Raebel (Dir. of Music & Worship Arts)
817.274.1626 X115
We are located at:
210 W. Park Row, Arlington, TX. 76010
Hours of operation:
Monday-Thursday 9 AM to 5:00 PM
Website: or
Church Email:
Newsletter Publications:
Eric Rathjen
Greg Roe
DelRay Alberts
Hank Jacobs
Mike Curtis M-O
Keith Mangels
Jim Schmidt
Stan Taber P-R
Head Elder
Joe Masterson
The Grace Newsletter is printed monthly. Articles are welcome to be published if submitted
by the15th of each month no later than 5:00 PM. Articles concerning our congregation may be
emailed to the publications address above or written/typed and brought to the Church Office.
1/4 David & Judy Joeckel
Laci Richmond
1/21 Paul Horton
1/8 Gerald & Sharon Wilhelm
John Rutledge
1/21 David McPartlin
1/8 Robert & Madonna Lorenz
Erika Brown
1/22 Sumaira Inayat
1/10 Lynn & Patty Smith
Gary White
1/22 Brett Crow
1/19 William & Jann Richmond
Kaitlin Jones
1/24 Judy Wendland
1/21 Gary & Susan White
Carolyn McDaniel
1/24 Melinda Taber
1/22 Ray & Susan Hamann
Becky Giesselmann
1/26 Karl DeRooy
1/23 Roland & Kay Savant
Kecia Schmidt
1/26 Allison Spradlin
1/25 Terry & Pat Coomes
Scot Dailey
1/26 Joe & Phyllis Sparks
1/10 Ryan Westbrook
1/27 Gene Lowke
1/27 Christopher William Estell
1/11 Arnold Petsche
1/28 Kay Savant
1/11 Nancy Turnbough
1/28 Adam Crane
1/12 Mark Halverson
1/28 Stephanie Andrews
1/12 Chloe Braziel
1/28 Tiffany Seefeldt
1/13 Ryan Hoar
1/29 Kim Platt
1/15 Marilyn Jones
1/29 Eric Roe
1/16 Bobby Halliburton
1/30 Franklin Pinnow
1/17 Richard Malec
1/30 Mary Moretz
1/18 Shahid Ali
1/30 Carol Schlesinger
1/19 Diane Nelsen
1/30 Alease Bodenstab
1/31 Jeanette Naumann Patterson
Next Month!
1/19 Chet Lytle
1/20 Jennifer Rukavina
Important information: Reserving Grace Non-Ministry Facilities/Request form
On the following page is a form we use to reserve any non-ministry (church) facilities. These forms
can be obtained from your church office. They must be completely filled out by anyone wanting to
reserve a room or to hold any events.
The church will contact the ministry team for approval on any and all events or reservations and
notify the event requestor of any decision(s) they’ve made.
If this is something that might interest you, please take time to review the form on the next two
pages and read about the policies and information regarding our approval process, guidelines and
procedures, etc.
Keep in mind we need approximately 4 to 6 weeks advance notice to make any reservation for you
(or your party), so plan early! Get your parties started!
Grace Lutheran Church and School
Non-Ministry Facility Request Policies, Procedure and Guidelines
These policies, procedures and guidelines apply to all Grace Lutheran Church members, individuals, community groups or organizations seeking to use our church facilities or property for a non-ministry event, such as a
birthday party, baby or bridal shower, etc.
The activity must have prior approval by the Ministry Team. Upon approval, this form must be completely
filled out and returned to the Church Office with the event fee and key deposit.
Approval Process
At least 4 to 6 weeks prior to the event, call the Church Office to see if the date and room or space you
need is available for the event.
Fill out the Facility Request Form and return it to the Church Office. Your request will be presented to the
Ministry Team for their decline or approval. You will be notified of their decision.
If approved, please make your check payable to Grace Lutheran Church and turn it in with this form at
least 2 weeks prior to the event. Having your signed form and check will guarantee your request. Without
it, we have the right to allow others to use the requested room(s) or space.
In all cases, church and school facility usage need will supersede any non-ministry facility usage event.
Guidelines and Procedures
Keys and Alarm Codes •
If you need a key to a building, one will be provided for your use.
There is a $50 refundable key deposit that will be returned to you when the key is turned into the
Church Office.
An alarm code will be given to you with the key and you will be given instructions on how to use the
alarm keypad. If the alarm should go off when you enter the building immediately call Scott
Cunningham at 817.875.0107. He will call the alarm company for you.
Promoting the Event •
NO fliers promoting the event should be put on any of the church doors or windows.
Set Up/Clean Up •
We will provide the number of tables and chairs that you request for your event.
If you need help setting up, please indicate that on the form.
Following the event, you are asked to clean up and clear the room of all trash, turn off lights, air conditioning or heat, lock doors and set the alarm.
The long tables should be folded up and placed against a wall; the round tables placed on the rolling
cart; chairs should be folded up and placed against a wall or put back on the long carts under the
If you need to move a TV/DVD player or other piece of property from another location, you must return
it to the place you got it.
Grace Lutheran Non-Ministry Facility Request Form
Please complete and return this form to the Church Office at least 2 weeks prior to the event.
Today’s Date:
Your Name:
Event Contact:
(If Different) Phone:
Name of Event:
Start Date: End Date:
Start Time:
End Time:
Brief Description of Event:
Room Set Up Information:
Location/Name of Room(s): ________________________________________________________________________
Number of Tables: 6’ ________
8’ ________
Other Items Desired: Podium ______
Round ________
Projector _____
Number of Chairs ________
Screen /Small _____
Screen/Large _____
TV/DVD Player _____
Portable Sound System _____
Mic w/Stand _____
I will need help setting up _____
Specify other items: _________________________________________________________________________
Diagram of set up desired
age fee
A uswill be charged to cover building utility and event labor charges. Your event fee is $______________.
Please make your check payable to Grace Lutheran Church and turn it in with this form at least 2 weeks prior to your event.
Please check here that you have read and agree to the policies, practices and guidelines associated with the rental use of
property of Grace Lutheran Church.
Church Office Use Only
Church Office Received Date:
Received By:
Ministry Team Approved Date:
Approved By:
Event Requestor Notified Date:
Notified By:
Effective: 7/22/2012
8:30a & 11:00a Worship
Childcare - both services
9:45a Adult Bible Studies
9:45a KPH/Preteen S.S.
9:45a Lifegroup Conf. Study
9:45a Sr. High Bible Study
12:45p Family/Child Ministry
Planning Team
12:00p Senior Saints (55+)
6:30p Praise Team
7:00p BOD meeting
7:00p BOE meeting
7:00p Hankins Sm Group
9:00a Braille Alpha
6:30p Praise Team
7:00p Braille Thumb print
Church Office CLOSED
5:00p UTA/LSC Biryani Night
7:00p B2 Small Group
Church Office CLOSED
5:00p UTA/LSC Biryani Night
7:00p Mama’s and Papa’s
7:00p Women of Wisdom
9:00a AAU Basketball
9:00a Altar Guild
9:15a Piecemakers
9:00a AAU Basketball
9:00a Altar Guild
9:15a Piecemakers
9:00a AAU Basketball
9:00a Altar Guild
9:15a Piecemakers
11:00a Chapel Service
6:30p Wednesday Meal
6:30p SOS Youth Worship
7:30p Sanctuary Choir
6:30p Praise Team
7:00p BOE meeting
Church Office CLOSED
5:00p UTA/LSC Biryani Night
6:00p Braille WWFF
7:00p Mama’s and Papa’s
9:00a AAU Basketball
9:00a Altar Guild
9:15a Piecemakers
6:00p Zumba!
7:00p UTA/LSC
6:30p Grace Fellowship Ministry
7:00p Principal Adv. Panel
7:00p Blessings Group
7:30p Men’s Basketball
11:00a Chapel Service
6:30p Wednesday Meal
6:30p SOS Youth Worship
6:30p Stephen Ministry
7:30p Sanctuary Choir
Church Office CLOSED
5:00p UTA/LSC Biryani Night
7:00p Empty Nesters
12:00p UTA/LSC
Pizza & Bible Study
7:00p Brews & Bibles
1:00p Braille After Lunch Bunch
6:00p Zumba!
7:00p UTA/LSC
7:00p BOD
7:30p Men’s Basketball
6:30p Praise Team
7:00p Hankins Sm Group
9:30a Ladies LifeLight
Bible Study
12:00p UTA/LSC
Pizza & Bible Study
7:00p Evening LifeLight
Bible Study
7:00p Brews & Bibles
11:00a Chapel Service
6:30p Wednesday Meal
6:30p SOS Youth Worship
7:00p Hertel TLC Group
7:30p Sanctuary Choir
5:00p UTA/LSC Biryani Night
8:30a & 11:00a Worship
Childcare - both services
9:45a Adult Bible Studies
9:45a KPH/Preteen S.S.
9:45a Lifegroup Conf. Study
9:45a Sr. High Bible Study
4:30p God’s Not Dead (HS)
12:00p UTA/LSC
Pizza & Bible Study
6:30p British Club
7:00p Brews & Bibles
1:00p Young Seniors Braille
6:00p Zumba!
7:00p UTA/LSC
7:00p Blessings Group
7:00p Men’s Cross Training
7:30p Men’s Basketball
6:30p Praise Team
9:00a AAU Basketball
9:00a Altar Guild
9:15a Piecemakers
8:30a & 11:00a Worship
Childcare - both services
9:45a Adult Bible Studies
9:45a KPH/Preteen S.S.
9:45a Lifegroup Conf. Study
9:45a Sr. High Bible Study
12:45p Nursery Training
7:00p UTA/LSC
6:00p Zumba!
7:30p Men’s Basketball
WEEK ends today!
11:00a Chapel Service
6:30p Wednesday Meal
6:30p SOS Youth Worship
6:30p Stephen Ministry
7:30p Sanctuary Choir
9:30a Ladies LifeLight
Bible Study
12:00a UTA/LSC
Pizza & Bible Study
7:00p Evening LifeLight
Bible Study
7:00p Brews & Bibles
8:30a & 11:00a Worship
Childcare - both services
9:45a Adult Bible Studies
9:45a KPH/Preteen S.S.
9:45a Lifegroup Conf. Study
9:45a Sr. High Bible Study
12:30p Prayer Partner Potluck
Jan. 25 – Jan. 31, 2015,