Immaculata News

Immaculata News
October 31, 2014
and later as a grant writer for North
Carolina State University and Duke
Immaculata is very fortunate to have
Mrs. Rains as part of our school.
After School Counselors
SAT 11/1
MON 11/3
Fall Sports Banquet in
Fellowship Hall, 6pm
TUE 11/4
Are you or anyone you know looking
for a fun part-time job? Immaculata
needs After School Counselors. Hours
are 3-5:45pm, Monday-Friday. Duties
include overseeing study hall and
recreational activities for children
ranging from PreK to 8th grade. Interested parties should contact Ms.
Langlois at
Mass led by 7A
MS Boys Basketball
Open Gym in EK,
WED 11/5
Cultural Arts Assembly:
Tales from the Latino
World for Grades 3-5 in
EK, 1pm
In this issue…
Get to Know
Mrs. Rains
After School
Counselors Needed
Fall Fundraiser
From Mr. Tobin
Fall Sports Banquet
Picture Day
Choir Performance
Halloween Carnival
ICS Open House
Report Cards &
Dec/Jan Lunches
Winter Sports News
Quick Links (Friday
Folder Postings)
Get to Know Mrs. Rains
Cindy Rains is the kind of person that
enjoys building meaningful relationships and making a difference in people’s lives. Mrs. Rains contributes
much to Immaculata – including
teaching Middle School Social Studies, running a Junior Historians Club,
and assisting students in the Learning
Mrs. Rains is also the proud parent of
a 14 year-old daughter, who graduated
from Immaculata last year.
When Mrs. Rains is not in the school,
she enjoys cooking new dishes, reading, and gardening. Also, for the past
20 years, Mrs. Rains has coached
swimming for the Special Olympics.
Before Mrs. Rains began teaching, she
worked in development for the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
It’s Finally Here...
MS Girls Basketball
Open Gym in EK,
THU 11/6
PreK in Session
Grades K-8
We are looking forward to seeing
many of you tomorrow night for Grit
and Glamour at the beautiful Durham
Bulls Club Lounge. Tuition raffle
tickets will be available at the event
and the winner will be drawn. We
have 62 auction items, more than 25
bottles of wine in our Wine Wall,
delicious food being prepared, a wonderful speaker and music cued and
ready to go. All we
need is you!
Please note: No tickets
are being issued for the
event. There will be a
guest list at the door.
Visit Immaculata on FaceBook:
Conferences for Grades
K-8, 1:30-7:30pm
FRI 11/7
PreK in Session
Grades K-8
Conferences for Grades
K-8, 7:30am-3:30pm
Dec/Jan Lunch Cycle
Ordering Opens
Sun 11/9
Liturgical Choir
at Mosaic Church, 3pm
When Halloween is Through
Class/Group Picture Day
Happy Halloween! Enjoy the day and
your costumes! If once it’s over, you
were planning on throwing your costume into the attic to be lost to time,
think about donating your costume to
the ICS Drama Club and our Spirit
Elective (who help work on our Friday
Morning Prayer Skits). With your donations, we can make our skits even
more fun and creative! —Mr. Tobin
Everyone should wear their dress uniforms on Wednesday November 5th.
No PE wear. If a class has PE on
Wednesday, they will take it wearing
their dress uniform. There is no need
to send in a change of clothes.
Fall Sports Banquet
November 3rd
Join us in Fellowship Hall to celebrate
the accomplishments and hard work
of our Fall sports team athletes. Please
use the Olive Tree entrance and bring
a dish to share. Families with last
names beginning with A-G:sides, H-N:
desserts, and O-Z:main dish.
Boys’ Soccer Team
Cormac Baxter
Ian Hausen
Hunter Labriola
Will Newton
Egan O’Hara
Andrew Paschall
Joshua Sansom
Linas Soper
Pictures will be taken of each homeroom as a class and of Junior Choir,
Liturgical Choir, and Band. Due to
some scheduling constraints, the band
picture needs to be taken at 7:30am.
Younger band members are already at
school by that time, but all Middle
School Band students must be in the
courtyard with the band teachers by
7:30am if they wish to be included in
the band picture.
Picture order forms to pre-order class
pictures, band, and/or choir pictures
have been distributed. Extra order
forms are available in the front office.
David Carroll
Stefan Johnson
Pierce Lindblom
Justin Nguyen
Jameson O’Hara
Jackson Pausback
Justas Soper
Soccer Coaches: Soren Nelson
Greg Hansbrough
Bill Healy
Girls’ Volleyball Team
Sarah Davis
Chelsea Frazilus
Molly Furman
Victoria Manson
Iza Querubin
Fionn Russell
Grace Stutz
Zoey Wisniewski
Catherine Field
Za’Kiree Furlow
Sydney Graham
Claire Murphy
Kaitlyn O’Donnell
Mandy Schiltz
Ella White
Volleyball Coach: Martha Schiltz
Liturgical Choir Performance
Please join the “Immaculata Youth
Choir” as they perform for the Community Resource Council of the
North Carolina Correctional Institution for Women’s “A Celebration of
Second Chances Gospel Expressions”
on Sunday, November 9th at 3:00 pm
at the Mosaic Church located on 2031
W. Club Blvd Durham NC 27705
Extending a helping hand to those
behind prison walls!
Be sure to see the
October edition of
the school newspaper, the Eagle
Express. To view
it, click where
indicated in the
section at the end
of this newsletter.
Please help us promote our upcoming
Open House by
signing up to hand
out flyers at Masses
the weekend of November 8th and 9th.
A Sign-Up Genius is
available through
the Quick Links /
Friday Folder section at the end of the
November 6th and/or 7th may deduct
the amount from their payment for
the next lunch cycle. Please clearly
indicate such deductions.
Next Lunch Cycle
Ordering for the 2014-15 December/
January Lunch Cycle opens on Friday,
November 7th. Orders must be placed
by Monday, November 17th and paid
for by Monday, November 24th to be
Winter Sports News
Report Cards & Conferences
Report cards are issued today. Parents
of Kindergarten – 8th grade students
may address any questions they may
have with teachers during the conferences being held next week on November 6th and 7th. More immediate
concerns may be emailed or called in
to teachers.
Remember the conference schedule
dictates a noon dismissal on Thursday, November 6th for Kindergarten –
8th grade. There is no school for Kindergarten – 8th grade on Friday, November 7th. Pre-Kindergarten will be in
session on November 6th and 7th. PreKindergarten will have regular lunch
service on those days as well.
November 4th: Middle School Boys
Basketball Open Gym in EK, 3:304:30pm
November 5th: Middle School
Girls Basketball Open Gym in EK,
November 10th and 11th: Basketball Tryouts in EK — boys 3:305:15pm, girls 5:30-7pm.
November 11th and 12th: Cheerleading Open Gym in Fellowship
Hall, 3:30-4:30pm
November 14th and 21st: Volleyball Clinics for grades 4-8, 3:305pm
click on the underlined items to learn more
Students in Kindergarten – 8 grade
who ordered and paid for lunches on
Open House Volunteers
Share information at local parish Masses.
Place a personal ad in the Yearbook
for your graduating 8th grader!
Lunch Information & Ordering
Sign-up for the Dec/Jan cycle begins on
Friday, November 7th.
Eagle Express School Newspaper