Dear Parents: The second semester for the 2014/15 school year has arrived. The third marking period began on Monday, January 26th. Report cards, for those students whose parents are not on parent portal, were mailed on or around January 30th. We will hold our building-level Spelling Bee Competition on Thursday, February 5th, at 2:30pm in the MS/HS auditorium. Fifteen students who qualified through their grade-level Spelling Bee will compete for a chance to go to the Scripps Regional Spelling Bee, to be held in March at General Brown High School. Our next awards assembly will be held on Thursday, February 26th, 2015 beginning at 9:00 am. The week of February 9th is Spirit Week. Students will enjoy wearing a variety of attire each day. On Tuesday, February 10th, there will be a Dress for Success Day where middle school students are invited to get together in the middle school gym from 2:30 – 3:30 for music and dancing. School will not be in session for the mid-winter recess from February 16th, through February 20th. Classes will resume on Monday, February 23rd. The Wellness/Fitness Center is now open to the community. Check the school website calendar for hours of operation. Sincerely, Michael Bashaw, Jr. Principal To be able and willing to persuade, guide, and direct others in a certain direction. Grade 6: Haylee Alteri, Kennady Amo, Hunter Bismarck, Chase Brooks, Dereck Cupernall, Alex Davis, Kyle DeLuke, Ashley Forkey, Nick Fox, Drew Fulmer, Ava Handley, Xander Howard, Micah Ingerson, Mia Jongeneel, Jenna Leone, Connor MacKay, Nick Mason, Sam Madison, Holden Manning, Mari Matthews, Rachel Ramie, Emma Resch, Olivia Riddoch, Jack Thompson, Natalie Wetterhahn, Roree Wilkie, Harrison Wood, Evan Youngs. Grade 7: Tommy Bannister, Gabe Clement, Megan Kilborn, Lanie Lindsey, Luke Riddoch, Claudia Wedel. Grade 8: Matthew Barton, Logan Beerman, Kelsy Dennie, Hannah Ingerson, Hunter McFarland, Jason Reprogle, Antonio Rodriguez, Ariana Strong, Kira Votra, Alita White. Several articles of clothing have been turned in to the Middle School office. Please have your student(s) stop by to see if any of the found items belong to them. Items that remain in the office after Friday, February 13th, will be donated to charity. Special Educator’s Corner Tim Lauraine Many times students, as well as parents, will ask me exactly how to study. Studying is not hard but learning how to best study for you takes some work. Here are a few ways that may help you learn how best to study: √ Say or repeat the information – daily is best √ Type or write the information √ Break it into small chunks: chunking √ Make it into a song √ Draw or chart the information √ Make 3 x 5 cards √ Create a story √ Have a friend ask you questions √ Teach the material to someone else √ Elaborate on the facts √ Associate it with something you can remember √ Invite some friends in your class over and have a study group √ Make a mnemonic device – in fourteen hundred ninety two, Columbus sailed the ocean blue . . . . . Reviewing the information for 20 minutes may be enough to study the important science vocabulary or practice a new math formula. The important thing is to do something that works for you. If you have any “special” questions feel free to contact me at 7th Grade Science Happenings Mrs. Bowman Seventh grade science classes will be starting a unit on living things and classification. Students will learn an array of new vocabulary terms and will also work on classification. In January students had the opportunity to participate in whale classification activities compliments of Cornell University. In February students will further their classifying skills by working with dichotomous key labs focused on local trees and fish common to the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River. As always you can find out weekly assignments in seventh grade science by checking my website. Go to the school’s homepage, click on district, teachers, and my name. Counselor’s Corner – Mrs. Bartlett Parents of Sixth Grade Students Your child will attend a foreign language presentation in French and Spanish. The presentation by the foreign language teachers will give your child the opportunity to obtain information on both languages that are offered here at Thousand Islands. In the third quarter your child will be choosing a foreign language and a music selection for the 20152016 school year. The following are course choices that your child will have next year: French or Spanish (once chosen your child must continue with the same language) *Band, *Choir, or *Guitar *Band, *Choir, or *Guitar guidelines for adding or dropping: Students must stay in the music they chose for the remainder of the school year; they cannot drop that music choice. A student can however add choir after the Holiday Concert in December. ALL seventh grade students are required to take one of the following: Band, Choir, or Guitar. Parents of Seventh Grade Students If your child chooses band and/or choir they will be required to stay in the class for the entire eighth grade year. If your child has taken band/choir or guitar in the seventh grade they will not be required to take music in the eighth grade but are encouraged to continue with their band or choir class. Parents of Eighth Grade Students During the week of February 23rd, the high school counselors will be presenting to the eighth graders in their Family & Consumer Science classes. Students will learn more about the New York State graduation requirements, and will have the opportunity to request their courses for their ninth grade year. A follow up letter will be sent home to parents in March, which will include their child’s course selections for the 2015-2016 school year, core classes (English, Social Studies, Science, Math, and Foreign Language) as well as Physical Education and Fine Arts class (Studio Art, Band, Choir, or Design & Drawing for Production). In June eighth grade students will learn more about the transition to high school directly from current ninth and tenth grade students. Students will hear about what the first day of high school is like, high school teacher expectations, and how high school is different from middle school directly from current high school students. FACS NEWS – MRS. CURTIS FACS Club Welcomes Guest Speaker COMING SOON . . . Bake for Good Kids! It’s a free educational program put on by the King Arthur Flour Company. On March 4th, a representative from the company will be coming to present a bread baking assembly for the sixth and seventh graders. Students will learn to make bread from scratch. They’ll discover that math, science, reading, and baking know-how all add up to delicious bread! At the end of the school day each student will be given the recipe, the ingredients, and other materials so that they can bake a couple loaves of bread at home. Your family can enjoy the bread with an evening meal. The only thing we ask is that each student would bring back the other loaf to be donated to a local food pantry. At the last FACS Club meeting, on January 14th, the students enjoyed having Mrs. Lynette Chapman, Cafeteria Manager here at TICS, as a special speaker. She shared that recently there have been more students taking advantage of the breakfast foods offered early each morning in the cafeteria. This may indicate that more of the students are realizing that breakfast is important for their ability to learn better in school. For those students who rush out of the house every morning without breakfast, the food items offer some energy to begin their day. The members of the club asked Mrs. Chapman questions about the lunch menus and she shared some of the criteria and regulations that she uses to create the menus. She also willingly received some ideas from the students for use in the future. 6th Grade FACS – Food Unit The students in the sixth grade are getting an opportunity to prepare some foods and then taste them. In December they made Christmas cookies and in January they made some quick breads. All of the breads were successfully made, looked and tasted great! As they sampled each bread, they were given the task of comparing the taste, appearance, and texture, along with the nutrition and the time each would take to prepare. Next week they will learn how to make Focaccia bread. The students really enjoyed the day when a local chef, Christian Ives, came into the classroom and demonstrated safe knife techniques when cutting up vegetables and fruits. 8th Grade FACS – Careers The eighth graders have been learning about the process of actually getting a job. They have each filled out a Job Application and created a personal resume. They learned the difference between a friendly letter and a business letter. They then wrote a cover letter to be sent off with their resume. There has also been some class discussion about interviewing. On February 3rd they will each have the experience of being interviewed by an adult. Student Council has been working hard to plan our middle school Spirit Week, February 9 th – February 13th. There are some very special events planned. The following dress themes have been selected: Monday – Pajama Day Tuesday – Wear Your Best, Dress for Success Day Wednesday – Favorite Sports Team Day Thursday – Twin/Multiple Day Friday – Unity Day On Friday students are asked to wear the unity shirt given to them by the PTO. Homeroom counts will be done each day and prizes will be given to the homerooms whose dress shows the most spirit. On Tuesday, Dress for Success Day, middle school students are invited to a get-together in the middle school gym from 2:30 – 3:30. Students will be able to listen to music and dance. On Wednesday, Favorite Sports Team Day, Student Council members will track and tally our overall middle school favorite sports team based upon student dress. It will be fun to see which sports team our middle school supports the most. Math 7 – Ms. Roux Can you believe it is already February? We are more than half-way through the school year! As we begin this quarter we will be really buckling down and preparing for the State Assessments. If you haven’t had a chance to look at the Engageny website, I encourage that you take a look. The website has a section for parents that you may find useful. I have enough Casio scientific calculators for all students to use during classes as well as on the assessment. However, I am not able to have these leave my room, to assure that they will be here for the testing. You are welcome to purchase a calculator for home use. Any scientific calculator is allowed to be used on the tests. If your child wants to use their own calculator they are welcome to do so, however, they need to make sure they know how to use the functions, as I am unable to help during testing. The State Math Test is April 22 nd, 23rd, and 24th. Many of our students are getting low on writing utensils and supplies. Would you please ask your child how this situation is for them? Teachers are running extremely low on writing utensils and paper, and are at risk of depleting our own reserves. I would appreciate it if you would ask if your child needs some pencils or other supplies. They do need to use loose leaf paper for their homework most nights, which is assigned four nights a week. Enjoy your winter break and stay safe! COMMUNITY PRESENTATION ON DRUG USE THOUSAND ISLANDS HIGH SCHOOL WILL BE SPONSORING A PRESENTATION ON THE ISSUE OF DRUG ABUSE IN OUR SCHOOLS AND COMMUNITY. THE PRESENTATION WILL TAKE PLACE AT THE END OF FEBRUARY. WATCH FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION TO COME HOME WITH YOUR STUDENT, INFORMATION ON OUR WEBSITE, AND IN THE THOUSAND ISLANDS SUN. Sixth Grade Band Mrs. Wiley This month in sixth grade band we have discussed and practiced the difference between legato and staccato, dynamics, tempo, and balance. We have learned our concert B flat scale and practiced watching the conductor while playing this scale. We continue to work on achieving the best possible sound on our instruments. We have also talked about tuning our instruments; what it is and how to do it. I continue to be impressed with the effort these band students are putting forth on their instruments. The band has two of their concert pieces and is working hard! Our first performance will be the Sixth Grade Band and Choir Tour and then the Middle School Spring Concert. Many members of the sixth grade band have also decided to participate in NYSSMA Solo-Festival in April. These students will be preparing solos and scales to be played in front of a judge on Saturday, April 18th. This is a great way to enhance their musicianship skills. 7th/8th Grade Band Mrs. Wiley The 7th/8th grade band continues to develop their musicianship skills during band rehearsal and lessons. The band has a great blend and balance as they work on concert music. These will also be the pieces that we will be competing with at the NYSSMA Majors Festival in May. Please continue to encourage your instrumentalist to play their instrument at home. They should be playing from their Method Books, NYSSMA Solos, and band music. Many members of the 7th/8th band have also decided to participate in NYSSMA Solo-Festival in April. These students will be preparing solos and scales to be played in front of a judge, on Saturday, April 18th. These students have gone above and beyond by preparing a NYSSMA Solo. Thank you for making yourselves better! Keep up the great work and remember to enjoy your music! 7th/8th Guitar – Mrs. Ingerson Student guitarists have had a very successful first half of the year! They have learned to play and read the notes on the first four strings and are getting quite good at sight-reading new material. We have also learned tablature. This is exciting because most contemporary music that is published for guitar is written this way. We have also found that it has reinforced the students’ understanding of note-reading and finger position. Our knowledge of chords and strumming has advanced to full C & G Chords (Eleanor Rigby, Duke of Earl, and Tell Ol’ Bill) and now includes Em & D7. A more complex strumming pattern of down and up strokes are gradually being incorporated into these pieces as well as a pick-strum technique where the bass notes are plucked first. We have had our first opportunity to play a duet with another classmate as we learned the French folksong, Au Claire de la Lune. 6th Grade Choir Mrs. Ingerson January has been a great month for all sixth grade vocal musicians. We have been spending much time sharpening our sight-reading skills in the key of C and F major. This has helped our overall musicianship and has assisted us in preparing for our Spring Concert music. We have successfully learned a three-part round, I Music, Sweet Music, and have started working on our spring concert repertoire. We will include some popular favorite selections and some good concert choir repertoire choices. We have lots of movement and solo opportunities planned for this program which includes: We go Together, (from Grease), Manx Lullaby, Galop, 50 Great States, and Boats That Sail on the Rivers. 7th/8th Grade Choir Mrs. Ingerson 7th/8th grade choir has had a tremendous month building their sight-singing skills. We devote 10 minutes of each first rehearsal a week toward the goal of achieving successful sight-reading and solfege work with sing back patterns! So far we have focused on C and F major. We will be adding the keys of G and Eb major, using the sight-reading criteria from the NYSSMA manual. We have also been spending most of our time learning new pieces. Our spring repertoire will feature them in a traditional Appalachian fiddle tune called Shady Grove. As we develop this piece it will also include a fiddler from our group, along with non-traditional percussion that will typify this style. Other selections will include a Zambian call and response style piece called Bonse Aba, Hallelujah from Shreck, a beautiful piece called I Was Here by Lady Antebellum, and an English madrigal, Sing We and Chant It. Congratulations again to all Bi-County Junior High Chorus participants on your selection to the Spring Festival Chorus: Lily Connerton, Ailene Lindsey, Kassandra Votra, Logan Beerman, Alyssa Nugara, Aidan Sullivan, Jonathan Clark, Lonnie Campany, and Luke Riddoch. These middle school students will join others from 25 school districts, representing T.I., as part of the JLCMTA Junior High Chorus at the annual Spring Bi-County Festival on February 27th & 28th at South Jefferson. The first preparatory rehearsal is on Thursday, February 12th. Rehearsals will be held again on Monday Feb. 23rd and Thursday, Feb. 26th. Prior to these rehearsals all students will be given music and a CD of their particular part so they can practice and have the music learned before February 12th. On the festival rehearsal days students will take the bus to South Jeff. A bus schedule will be published shortly. NYSSMA sign-ups are now complete. All students who signed up to prepare a NYSSMA Solo should make weekly arrangements to see Mrs. Ingerson to choose and practice their solo. A practice CD will be provided upon request. Don’t forget about the Annual Valentine’s Day Dessert Theater and Silent Auction Featuring T.I. High School Select Vocal Ensemble Wednesday, February 11, 2015 Doors open: 6:15 PM Music: 7:00 PM Emceed by Mr. Mel Busler of Channel 7 News All proceeds benefit the Select Vocal Ensemble fund raising efforts toward their trip to NYC in April Tickets can be purchased through any Vocal Ensemble member or by requesting them through Kathryn Ingerson @ MONDAY TUESDAY 2 Ham Sandwich Or Shrimp Poppers w/Cocktail Sauce Rice Green Beans 9 Ham Sandwich Or Bosco Cheese Filled Breadsticks Spaghetti Sauce Green Beans 16 3 Turkey Sandwich Or Soft Shell Taco w/Lettuce, Cheese, and Salsa Baked Beans 10 Turkey Sandwich Or BBQ Rib Sandwich Seasoned Corn WEDNESDAY 4 Ham Sandwich Or Grilled Cheese Sandwich Tomato Soup THURSDAY FRIDAY 6 Tuna Sandwich Or Cheese Pizza Romaine Salad w/Dressing 17 11 Ham Sandwich Or Chicken Patty on a Bun French Fries Carrot Sticks 18 5 Turkey Sandwich Or Hamburger on a Whole Wheat Bun Tater Tots Carrot Sticks 12 Turkey Sandwich Or Hot Dog on a Bun Macaroni and Cheese Baked Beams 19 NO SCHOOL NO SCHOOL NO SCHOOL NO SCHOOL NO SCHOOL 23 Ham Sandwich Or French Toast Sticks w/Syrup Sausage Patty Hash Brown 24 Turkey Sandwich Or Nacho Grande w/Cheese and Salsa Baked Beams 25 Ham Sandwich Or Cheeseburger on a Whole Grain Bun Waffle Fries 26 Turkey Sandwich Or Chicken Nuggets Mashed Potato w/Gravy Green Beans 27 Tuna Sandwich Or Personal Pan Pizza Romaine Salad w/Dressing Cup USDA Is An Equal Opportunity Provider And Employer Menu Is Subject To Change Without Notice 13 Tuna Sandwich Or Stuffed Crust Pizza Romaine Salad w/Dressing 20 February Thousand Islands K–8 Lunch Menu Daily Entrée Choices PBJ Sandwich Yogurt Parfait Salad w/Grilled Chicken and Dinner Roll Choice of Sides Fresh Fruit Canned Fruit Applesauce Cup Choice of Fat Free White Milk 1% White Milk Fat Free Chocolate Milk THOUSAND ISLANDS MIDDLE SCHOOL CALENDAR FEBRUARY 2015 SUNDAY 1 8 2 9 MONDAY Day 6 Day 5 3 *BOE Mtg. – 6pm 10 Day 6 15 *Faculty Mtg. – 2:30pm 16 17 22 23 24 Day 4 TUESDAY Day 1 Day 5 *DLT Mtg. – 3:30pm *BOE Mtg. – 6pm WEDNESDAY 4 Day 2 5 THURSDAY Day 3 6 FRIDAY Day 4 SATURDAY 7 *Grade 6 Foreign Language *MS Spelling Demonstration Bee – 2:30pm 11 Day 1 12 Day 2 *Wear Red Day 13 Day 3 14 *HS Select Vocal Dessert Theater 18 *Bi-County Festival Rehearsal 19 *Locker CleanOut *Christopher Hopper Presentation 9am 20 21 25 26 27 28 Day 6 *BPT Mtg. – 2:30pm Room 117 Day 1 *Awards Assembly – 3rd Period Day 2 *Bi-County Festival Rehearsal *Bi-County Festival T. I. Middle School 8481 County Rte. 9 Clayton, NY 13624 SCHOOL CLOSING The decision for closing or delaying the school will normally be made by 6:00am. If school is closed or delayed, the announcement will be made over Radio Stations: Regents Broadcasting 790 AM WTNY, 1410 AM WUZZ, 93.3 FM WCIZ, 97.5 FM WFRY; Community Broadcasters: 1240 AM WATN, 103.1/100.1/104.3 FM WTOJ Majic, 106.7/92.7 FM WBDI/WBDB The Border, 100.7 FM WOTT Real Rock, 102.7 WBDR KIX Country TV Stations: TV 7 WWNY, TV 50 WWTI, TV 3 WSTM Syracuse and, News 10 NOW. In the event that school is delayed, it will always be a two-hour delay. Parents should be advised that bus students will be picked up two hours later than normal.
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