From by guest on November 7, 2014. For personal use only. 1994 84: 3422-3428 B-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma cell line (Karpas 1106) with complex translocation involving 18q21.3 but lacking BCL2 rearrangement and expression E Nacheva, MJ Dyer, C Metivier, D Jadayel, G Stranks, R Morilla, JM Heward, T Holloway, S O'Connor and PC Bevan Updated information and services can be found at: Articles on similar topics can be found in the following Blood collections Information about reproducing this article in parts or in its entirety may be found online at: Information about ordering reprints may be found online at: Information about subscriptions and ASH membership may be found online at: Blood (print ISSN 0006-4971, online ISSN 1528-0020), is published weekly by the American Society of Hematology, 2021 L St, NW, Suite 900, Washington DC 20036. Copyright 2011 by The American Society of Hematology; all rights reserved. From by guest on November 7, 2014. For personal use only. B-Cell Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma Cell Line (Karpas 1106) With Complex Translocation Involving 18q21.3 but Lacking BCL2 Rearrangement and Expression By E. Nacheva, M.J.S. Dyer, C. Metivier, D. Jadayel, G. Stranks, R. Morilla, J.M. Heward, T. Holloway, S. O'Connor, P.C. Bevan, C.-J. Larsen, and A. Karpas A B-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (B-NHL) cell line (Karpas 1106) with anunusual three-way translocationinvolving 18q21.3 has been derived from a patient with mediastinal lymphoblastic B-NHL. Although conventional cytogenetics showed a derivative 18q- identical to that seen in cases with t(l4;18)(q32.3;q21.3), no translocationsofeitherchromosome 14 could be detected. Instead fluorescent in situ hybridization analysis using a chromosome-l8 paint showed that the segment 18q21.3-18qter had become sandwiched on a derivative chromosome Xbetween segments Xqter-cXq28 and 13q12-qter, with the centromeric site of 18q21.3 subband juxtaposed to the X sequences. Pulsed-field DNA blots failed to detect rearrangement of the BCL2 gene. Conventional DNA blots using a variety of restriction digests and both 5' and 3' BCL2 and FVT l probes also failed to detectrearrangement in Karpas1106.Arearrangedfragment seen only in Hindlll digests with 5' BCLZ probes may represent a local microalteration, which is eithermutation a or small deletion involving the Hindlll site as seen in other cases of B-NHL.Neither BCLZ RNA nor BCLZ protein expression were detected. These and other data suggest that genes at 18q21.3, other than BCLZ and M 1 , may be targets for translocation in certain subgroups of B-NHL. 0 1994 by The American Society of Hematology. C rncr or vcr, and other mechanisms such as the ability to form Z-DNAhavebeen proposed toexplain the clustering of breakpointstothe vcr." Therefore,the different types of BCL2 translocations seen in the different subtypes of B-cell malignancy may represent the action of different pathogenic mechanisms. Recently, translocationsinvolving18q21.3havebeen identified that appear to deregulate the expression of genes other than BCL2. A case of follicular B-NHL with t(2;8)(pl l;q21.3) was shown to involve the IgK locus with a gene termed FVTI on 18q21.3 that lies immediately telomeric of BCL2.I3 Another translocation, which again does not involve BCL2 directly, is the t( 11; 18)(q21 ;q21.3), seen in lymphocytic and mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue BNHL.14"h The involvement of the MLL gene at chromosome 1lq23 in a similar translocation (t( 1 1; 18)(q23;q2 1.3)) has also beendescribed, although whetherthis case involved BCLZ was not reported." These data indicate that in certain specific subgroups of B-cell disease, genes at 18q21.3 other than BCL2 may be activated by translocations. We report here the preliminary characterization of an unusual B-NHL cell line derived froma patient with mediastinal lymphoblastic B-NHL with chromosomal translocation involving 18q21.3, but with no rearrangement of the BCL2 gene and noBCL2 expression. Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis showed that the segment 18q21.3-qter had become sandwiched between fractions of chromosome X and 13. This cell line mayallow the isolationof other genes at 18q21.3 of importance in the pathogenesis of some B-NHL. HROMOSOMAL translocation t( 14; 1Q(q32.3; q21.3) was first identified in follicular B-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (B-NHL) in 1976 by Fukuhara and colleagues.' Identical translocations were subsequently detected in about 30% of diffuse B-NHL' and rarely in acute leukemias of mature B cells3 and B-cell chronic lymphoid leukemias (BCLL).4 Molecularcloningstudieshaveshown that the t(14;18)(q32.3;q21.3)translocation juxtaposesthe BCL2 gene with the Ig JH segments.'" In B-NHL, more than 90% of breakpoints in the BCL2 gene cluster to two regions of the 3' portion of the gene, which are termed the major breakpoint region (mbr) and the minor cluster region (mcr).' A different breakpoint cluster region lying between the mbr and rncr may be preferentially involved in rare cases of B-CLL with t(14; 18)(932.3;q21.3).' In addition, BCL2 translocations involving the 5' region of the BCL2 within the variant cluster region (vcr) with the Iglight-chain genes have been observed preferentially in B-CLL, but also infollicular B-"L.'"' Translocations involving the mbr may be promoted by the presence of recombinogenic chi-like sequences withinthe rnbr." However, no such sequences have been shown in the From the Department of Haematology, University of Cambridge, MRC Centre, Cambridge, UK;the Academic Departmentof Haematology and Cytogenetics, Institute of Cancer Research, Royal Marsden Hospital, Sutton, UK; and Unite'de gknitique cellulaireet mole" culairedes IeucLrnies, lnstirut deGinitiqueMoliculaire,Paris, France. Submitted February 16, 1994; accepted July 6, 1994. Supported by the Kay Kendall Leukaemia Trust (fo E.N. and DJ.), the Leukaemia Research Fund (to M.J.S.D.)and the Cancer Research Campaign (to G.S.). The cell line Karpas 1106 may be obtained by written request to A. Karpas. Address reprint requests to A Karpas, DSc, Department of Haematology, University of Cambridge, MRC Centre, Hills Rd, Cambridge CB2 2QH, UK. The QubfiCatiOncosts of this article were defrayedin part by page chargepayment. This article must therefore be hereby marked "advertisement" in accordance with 18 U.S.C. section I734 solely to indicate this fact. 0 1994 by The American Society of Hematology. 0006-4971/94/8410-0108$3.00/0 3422 MATERIALS AND METHODS Patient Material, Cell Culture, and Cytogenetics The cell line was derived from a 23-year-old lady with no significant previous medical history who presented in September 1983 with mediastinal lymphoblastic B-NHL. She was treated with intravenous combination chemotherapy (cyclophosphamide, hydroxydaunorubicin, vincristine, and prednisolone) and initially remitted, but relapsed in May 1984 with widespread disease. Despite further therapeutic attempts, she died 4 months later with progressive chemotherapy-resistant B-NHL including massive ascites, bilateral pleural effusions, and CNS disease. Cell lines were established from Blood, Vol 84, No 10 (November 15). 1994: pp 3422-3428 From by guest on November 7, 2014. For personal use only. B-CELL LINE WITH 18q21.3 LACKING BCL2 3423 1kb A) FVT-l c- 3MOkb CI I E L E l I B E I 35R6 Fig l. Schema of both 5’ and 3’ regions of the B C U and M 1 gene involved in chromosomal translocations in B-cell malignancies and positionof DNA probes used in this study. The 5‘ and 3‘ B C U regions are separated by an intron of a250 kb. E denotes EcoRl sites; H, Hindlll sites; B, BernHl sites. H+ represents Hindlll siteloston one B C U allele in Karpas 1106. The map linking mbr and mcr has been taken with permission from Kiem et l E 7161 B) 5’BCU 140CA VCR BCLZ 5‘ I 1kb J ” p H 6 0 4 pxX1-9 pB16 2 kb c] 3 ’ B C U c ( pFLl PMW-1 both pleural andasciticeffusions as previouslydescribed’*andhavewasperformedassisted by computer-basedimage-analysissystem (Smartcapture, Digital Scientific, Cambridge, UK). The ISCN 1991 beenmaintained in intermittentculturesinceOctober 1984. No patient material exists to comparedirectlywiththiscellline,butthenomenclaturewasusedtodescribetheabnormalchromosome cytogeneticpatternobserved48hoursafterculturinghasremainedmarkers. as described.” Briefly, constant. Cytogenetic analysis was performed cells were synchronized with ethidium bromide and harvested 24 Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization (FISH) 4 weeks and 28 hours after the initiation of culture and at intervals of FISH wasperformedwithchromosomepaints(Cambio,Camthereafter,usingroutinemethods.Chromosomepreparationswere UK) following the manufacturer’s protocol. In brief, chromoG banded with Wright’s stain, and high-resolution banding analysis bridge, c - 4 der(3) 9 8 7 l!‘ i(9p) 10 c 16 1 5 del(l5) ~ P P m @ * ,a 0 - 0 20 del(20) 11 12 ins(l2) i(:e $8- 14 del(14) 5 4 3 2 del(2) * - Fig 2. c * 1106P with the following karyotype is shown: 49,X.del (2) p25.1). (p11.2p13.3). +i(9p), der ins(l2;)) (3)t(2;3) (p13.3; (q13.1 a21 i(Xp) 22 der(l8) A metaphase c e l l p r e X L der(X) q13.3). del (14) (q11.2q13.1), del t (15) (q11.2q15.31, 1181 der IX;13;18) (q28;q12.l;q21.3), -20, del (20)(q13.lq13.31 x2, der (X) (X;13;18) (q28;q12.lq21.3), +i(Xp). From by guest on November 7, 2014. For personal use only. NACHEVA ET AL 3424 Fig 3. Dual-color FISH analysis with (A) chromosome 18 (in green) and X (in red) paints, (B) chromosome 18 (in green) and 13 (in red) and (c)chromosome 13 (in green) and X (in red) confimed the three-way translocationt(X;13;18)(q28;q21.3;q12.1). Arrows point to the der(X) and der(l81 markers. Note the presence of material from X chromosome at the long arm of der(l8). suggesting a two-step mechanism for the marker formation : firstly, t (X;lSl followed by rearrangementwith chromosome 13. Therefore,the 18q segment (arrow) is sandwichedbetween chromosome X and 13 segments with the 18q21.3 subband juxtaposed to Xq28 and 18q23 to 13q12.1, repectively (D). some preparations were made after the cells were treated with BrdU (20 mg/mL) for 17 hours followed by ethidium bromidelcolcemid incubation for the last 90 minutes before harvest. Before denaturing, chromosome preparations were treated in 2X saline sodium citrate (SSC) for 60 minutes at 37°C. Chromosomal DNA was denatured in 70% formamidel2xSSC at 75°C for 2 to 4 minutes, then dehydrated. Probc (paint) DNA plus unlabeled Cot-l DNA (S mglmL; GlBCO RRL. Gaithersburg. MD) were denatured at 75°C for 10 minutes. allowed to prcanncal for 90 minutes at 37°C and laid onto prewarmed slides under sealed coverslips. The hybridization was performed at 42°C for 12 to IS hours. After hybridization. the slides were washed three times on 2X SSC. SO% formamide at42°C followed hy two washes in 2X SSC and once on 0. I X SSC at 42°C. Visualization of the hybridized probe was achieved after incubation with ( I ) S mglmL fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-avidinDCS. (Vector Laboratories. Burlingame. CA). (2) S mglmL biotinylated goat antiavidin (Vector) and (3) FITCavidin DCS. All incubations were at37°C for 30 minutes. Three washes. each 3 minutes in length, were performed between layers using 4 x SSC, 0.05% Tween 20. Chromosomes were counterstained with DAPl dissolved in antifading solution (Citifluor, Canterbury, U K ) at a final concentration of 80 mglmL. Images were captured with CCD Camera (Photometrics. Tuscon. AZ) aided by dedicated software (Smartcapture. Digital Scientific. Cambridge. UK). The Gbanded appearance of the counterstained chromosomes was obtained by image processing using the same program. Inlmrtrtr~phenor?pirlR Cell surface antigen expression was detected using monoclonal antibodies (MoAhs) and flow cytometry as described.’” Cytoplasmic RCL2 expression was assessed using a cocktail of RCL2 MoAbs” andboth immunocytochemistry and flow cytometry after cell permeahilization.”.” Cell lines Karpas 422 and DoHH2, whichboth exhihit a RCL2 mbr-IgJ,, fusion gene were used as positive controls.’.‘.’’As a negative control, the primary antibody was omitted. From by guest on November 7, 2014. For personal use only. 3425 B-CELL LINE WITH 18~121.3LACKING 6CL2 Table 1. lmmunophenotype of B-NHL Cell Line, Karpas 1106 Antigen Expression CD5 CD10 CD19 CD22 CD23 CD37 FMC7 - + ++ - ++ + - IgM - I9D IgG ++ - IgA ++ - BCL2 lmmunophenotypic analysis was performed by flow cytometry for both cell surface and cytoplasmic BCL2 antigen. Abbreviations: +,weak positive expression; ++, strong expression; -, no detectable expression. DNA and RNA Studies mosomal constitution (Fig 2): 49,X,de1(2)(pl1.2~13.3),der (3) t (2;3) (p13.3;p25.1), +i9(p), ins(l2;?) (q13.lq13.3), del (14)(q11.2q13.1), del (15)q11.2q15.3), der(l8) t (X;13; 18)(q28;q21.3;qlZ.I), -20, del(2O)(q13.1q13.3) x 2, der (X)t(X; 13; 18) (q28;q21.3;q12.1), +iX(p). To confirm this, dual-color FISH analysis with a chromosome 18 (in green) and X (in red) paints was performed (Fig 3). This showed that the 18q21.3-qter segment was retained in thegenome as part of the der(X) marker,sandwiched between segments Xqter-c-Xq28 and 13q12.1-qter (Fig 3D, inset). The presence of material from chromosome X at the telomeric endof der(l8) marker (see Fig3A) is suggestive of a two-step mechanism of marker formation. Firstly t(X; 18) (q28;q21.3) followed by rearrangement between the der(X) and 13. This interpretation is in agreement with the results of the dual-painting experiments with chromosome 18 and 13 (Fig 3B) as well as X and 13 (Fig 3C). Chromosomes 14, 15, and 20 were found to have a partially deleted long arm.FISH analysis with relevant chromosome paints showed the presence of only two signals, thus suggesting that these deletions were interstitial. Painting with chromosome 12 probe showed uniform signal on the der( 12) chromosome, and this finding suggests that the inserted rnaterial belongs to chromosome 12. The t(2;3) was also confirmed with dual-color FISH chromosome painting. Conventional DNA blotting. Conventional DNA blotting was performed as described?6 High molecular-weight DNA from Karpas 1106 and normal peripheral blood mononuclear cells was digested to completion with the following restriction endonucleases: EcoRI, HindIII, BomHI, Psr I, BgEII, EcoRV, and Kpn I (Promega, Madison Irnmunophenotypic Analysis W . Pulsed-jeld DNA blots (PFGE). Pulsed-field DNA blots were Both Karpas 1106A and 1106P had the phenotype of maperformed as described.*’ DNAblocks were digested with restriction ture, class-switched IgG expressing B-cells as shown in Taendonuclease Nor I which yields a 650-kb germline BCL2 fragble l. There wereno differences betweenthe1106Aand ment.” P sublines. BCLZ expression was sought on three separate RNA studies. Nothern blots were peformed using poly (Af) occasions in two laboratories by both flow cytometry and mRNA as described.” Quantitation of the amount of mRNA applied immunocytochemistry; no BCL2 expressionwasdetected and assessment of mRNA integrity were assessed by probing with under conditions when both Karpas 422 and DoHH2 exhiba glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase cDNA probe. ited strong staining (Fig 4). DNA probes. All DNA probes were used as gel-purified inserts and were labeled with 3ZP-deoxycytidinetriphosphate (dCTP) to a specific activity of 2 2 X lo9 disintegrations per minute (dpm)/pg DNA and RNA Studies DNA by the method of oligopriming. Derivation of the probes used Rearrangements of both BCL2 and FVTl were sought in in this study may be found in the following references: FVTI: probes K q a s 1106. Results are summarized in Table 2. In pulsedfor the FVTl locus were 1 4 0 CA, 7/61, and 35R6. Probe 140 CA is a 0.4-kb Kpn I FVTl 3’ cDNA fragment, whereas 7/61 and 35R6 field blocks digested with Not I, no BCL2 rearrangements are genomic clones lying immediately 5’ and 30 to 40 kb 5’ of the couldbedetectedusing 3‘ BCLZ probe pMWl (data not F V T l gene, respectively. 7/61 is a 0.8-kb EcoRI-Xbu I fragment shown). To confirm these data, and to extend the area anaand 35R6 a 0.8-kb HindIII fragmentI3 (and R. Rimokh. personal lyzed, rearrangementsinKarpas1106weresoughtusing communication, November 1993); 5’ BCLZ: two genomic clones both BCL2 and FVTI probes in a wide variety of restriction lying 5’ ofthe BCL2 coding sequences were used:pHB 0.6, a 0.6-kb digests by conventional DNA blot. No rearrangements were HindIII-BamHI fragment” and pXX1.9, a 1.9-kb Xho I f~agment.’~ detected using 3’ BCL2 and FVTI probes. Additionally, no Additionally, a 1.6-kb cDNA clone, pB16, encoding part of the first rearrangements were detected using the 5’ BCL2 probes exand second exons of BCLZ, was also used”; 3’ BCLZ (mbr): clone cept in HindIII digests (Fig 5). The size of the rearranged pm-l, a genomic fragment spanning the mb3; 3‘ BCL2 (mcr): clone pm-2, a genomic fragment spanning the minor cluster region”; 3‘ HindIII fragment is consistent with a local microalteration BCL2 (mbr-mcr): clone pMW-I, a 1.3-kb EcoRI-HindlII genomic at the 5’ end of the BCL2 gene of one allele in the vicinity fragment lying between the mbr and met?* The relationship of these of the 5’ HindIII site {Fig 1) resulting in the loss of that F W I and BCL.2 probes is shown in Fig 1. References for the derivaHindnl site. Furthermore,these data indicate that the cytogetion of immunoglobulin (Ig) probes may be found in reference 26. RESULTS Cytogenetic and FISH Studies A mainline cell clone was seen in all analyzed cells of Karpas 1106P, which was found to have the following chro- netically observed breakpoint at 18q21.3 fell outside both BCL2 and FVTI loci. Studies with probes from the IG loci showed that both Karpas1106Aand 1106P sublines had identical biallelic IgJHrearrangements, indicative of a common clonal origin. Both alleles of IgClc were deleted, with biallelic IgCh re- From by guest on November 7, 2014. For personal use only. 3426 NACHEVA 7 K1106 AL CELL LINE 1l 8 f ]PEG CON DOHH2 CELL LINE Fig 4. Flow cytometric profiles of B-NHL cell lines Karpas 1106 and DoHH2 stained with a cocktail of B C U MoAbs after permeabilization ofthe cell Abscissa, fluorescent intensity; Ordinate, logcell number. DoHH2 showslevelofstaining comparable withthat seen in other B-cell lines with t(14;18)(q32.3;21.3), whereas only background staining was seen in Karpas 1106. Identical results were obtained reproducibly in two of our laboratories and were confirmed by immunocytochemistry. arrangement, consistent with the observed Ig light-chain expression. No BCL2 RNA expression could be detected in Northern blots using 2 p,g of poly(A') RNA (Fig 6). DISCUSSION The cell line Karpas I106 is of interest for two reasons. Firstly, although it was thought initially that BCL2 expression was a specific marker of the t(14; 18)(q32.3;q21.3) translocation, it has become clear that expression of this gene is, in fact, widespread, particularly in tissues characterized by programmed cell death or apopto~is.~ Most follicular and diffuse B-NHL and B-CLL express abundant BCLZ irrespective of whether they carry the t( 14; 18)(q32.3;q21.3) or not.?2.33-37 Also, levels of BCLZ comparable with those seen in B-NHL with t( 14; 18)(q32.3;q21.3) maybe seen in the breast carcinoma cell line MCF-7 with no detectable genomic alteration of the BCL2 gene.3x,3q Therefore, it is surprising that the Karpas I106 cell line should lack expression of BCLZ. To our knowledge, the only other B-NHL cell line with an 18q21.3 translocation that fails to express BCL2 is Hind 111 BamHI C T C T C T Table 2. GenotvDe of B-NHL Cell Line, Karoas 1106 Probe Configuration IgJH 19CP lgCK lgCX 5' BCL2 mbr mcr oMWl RIR DID DID RIR GIG' GIG GIG GIG K~~~~~ 1 1 0 6 ~and 1 1 0 6 ~showed identicalbiallelic - 1.9kb Probe pB 1G JH re- arrangements. Otherwise, both Cp and CK were biallelically deleted with the IgG expression, No rearrangement of BCL2 was Seen by PFGE in a Not I digest when probed with pMW1. Abbreviations: G. germline configuration; R. rearranged configuration; D, deleted DNA sequences. Rearrangement of 5' BCL2seen in Hindlll digests only, which was considered to represent a local microalteration (see text). Fig 5. Southern blotof Karpas 1106 DNA. The blotwashybridized with 5' probe pB1'.% c denotes control and denotes tumor DNA. Germline configuration of Karpas 1106 DNA was observed in all digests with the exception of Hidlll, in which clear rearrangement was Seen with probes pB16, and pxxl.s. The rethanthe germline, arrangedfragment inK~~~~~1106 is-2.5 kb larger and therefore, from the restridion map of this region it seems likely that the rearrangement represents a local microalteration resulting in the loss of the Himllll sitedenotedbyan asterisk in Fig 1. From by guest on November 7, 2014. For personal use only. B-CELLLINE WITH 18q21.3 LACKING BCLZ PROBE BCL2 IDFLI) Track: 3421 A ACKNOWLEDGMENT B -W < 9.5kb < 4.4 < 1.3 PROBE: GAPDH Fig 6. Northernblot of Karpas 1106 RNA. Poly (A') RNA from Karpas 422 (track AI and Karpas 1106 (track B) cell lines was blotted and probed with BCL2 probe pFL-1 (upper panel] and a glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDM probe (lower panel]. No BCLZ mRNA expression was detected in Karpas 1106. SU-DULS, in which one allele of BCL2 has been disrupted in a three-way translocation with MYC and lgJl+3' Other BNHL lines that do not express BCL2 (eg, SU-DHL9) do not exhibit I8q2 I .3 translocations."" Our examination of other B-NHL lines that have 18q21.3 translocations but lack BCL2 rearrangement on DNA blot has shown abundant BCL2 expression in all three cases (M.J.S. Dyer, unpublished observations, December 1993). In Karpas 1106, it is possible that microalterations (either mutations or small deletions) at the S' end of the BCL2 gene (as detected by the rearrangement seen in Hind111 digests alone) may have inactivated the promoter of one allele, whereas the other promoter maybe physiologically repressed. Such microalterations in the 5' region of the BCL2 gene have been previously reported both in B-NHL and in fresh patient In one case of follicular B-NHL, it was shown that these alterations reflect small deletions of the S' region of BCLZ.".' Similar deletions havebeen observed in the B-NHL cell line SUDHL6; these deletions involved the major sites of initiation of BCL2 tran~cription.~' Secondly, despite lacking BCL2 expression, Karpas 1106 nevertheless has a translocation involving 18q2 I .3, although this does not appear to involve the BCL2 gene directly. These and other data""' suggest that genes at I8q21.3, other than BCL2, may have a role in the pathogenesis of certain subsets of B-NHL. Therefore, the Karpas 1106 cell line may allow the study of mechanisms of B-cell neoplasia independent of BCL2 expression. We thank Drs M.L. Cleary(Stanford University. CA) and Y. Tsujimoto(OsakaUniversity,Japan)for kindly providing RCLZ probes, Dr R. Rimokh (Lyon. France) forkindly providing the FVTl probes.and Dr T.H.Rabbitts(Laboratory o f Molecular Biology. Cambridge. UK) and the Human Genome MappingProject Resource Centre (Harrow, UK) for kindly providing If probes. REFERENCES I . Fukuhara S, Rowley JD. Variakojis D. 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