R E D E M PT I O N OF SHARES Press release Antwerp, November 3, 2014 Regulated information within the meaning of the Royal Decree of 14 November 2007 2 Press release 2014 Antwerp, November 3, 2014 RE DE M P TION O F SHAR E S The extraordinary shareholders’ meeting of Acker- In the framework of these powers, Ackermans In addition, Ackermans & van Haaren currently mans & van Haaren NV has on 25 November 2011 & van Haaren has concluded a liquidity contract owns 347,500 own shares, or 1.04% of the renewed the powers delegated to the board of with Kepler Cheuvreux to improve the liquidity of total shares outstanding, in the context of cove- directors to redeem shares for a period of 5 years. the AvH-share. In the framework of this liquidity ring the obligations of the company under the programme, Kepler Cheuvreux has in the period stock option plan. from October 27 until November 1, 2014 acquired a total of 7,445 shares on NYSE Euronext Brussels on behalf of AvH. AvH shares are acquired and sold under this programme. Since 1 January 2014, this has resulted in a net redemption of -1,468 own shares. Number of acquired shares Price per share (in euros) Total amount (in euros) 27/10/2014 1,580 93.25 147,335.00 29/10/2014 1,000 95.73 95,730.00 30/10/2014 365 97.90 35,733.50 31/10/2014 4,500 98.78 444,510.00 Date 3 Press release 2014 Financial calendar Ackermans & van Haaren November 18, 2014 Quarterly update Q3 2014 February 27, 2015 Annual results 2014 May 20, 2015 Quarterly update Q1 2015 is a diversi- trust - Extensa, an important land and real estate Private Equity NXT index of Euronext Brussels and fied group active in 5 key segments: Infrastructure developer focused on Belgium, Luxembourg and the European DJ Stoxx 600. & Marine Engineering (DEME, one of the largest Central Europe), Energy & Resources (Sipef, an dredging companies in the world - CFE and A.A. agro-industrial group in tropical agriculture) and Van Laere, two construction groups with head- Development Capital (Sofinim and GIB). Website vate Bank, one of the largest independent private In 2013, through its share in its participations (incl. All press releases issued by AvH and its most im- asset managers in Belgium, and asset manager CFE), the AvH group represented a turnover of 5.7 portant group companies as well as the ‘Investor JM Finn in the UK - Bank J.Van Breda & C°, niche billion euros and employed 22,706 people. The Presentation’ can also be consulted on the AvH bank for entrepreneurs and liberal professions in group concentrates on a limited number of stra- website: www.avh.be. Anyone who is interested Belgium), Real Estate, Leisure & Senior Care (Leas- tegic participations with significant potential for to receive the press releases via email has to regis- invest Real Estate, a listed real-estate investment growth. AvH is quoted on the BEL20 index, the ter to this website. Luc Bertrand Jan Suykens Tom Bamelis CEO - President Executive Committee Member Executive Committee Member Executive Committee Tel. +32.3.897.92.42 Tel. +32.3.897.92.36 Tel. +32.3.897.92.42 quarters in Belgium), Private Banking (Delen Pri- For further information please contact: e-mail: dirsec@avh.be Ackermans & van Haaren NV - Begijnenvest 113 - 2000 Antwerp - Belgium - Tel. +32 3 231 87 70 - info@avh.be - www.avh.be
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