Central Purchase unit National Institute of Technology Srinagar-190006 Tel:- 0194-2424792/2429423/2424809/2424797 Fax:- 0194-2420475 *************************************************************** No. NITS/CPU/ /2014/CRF/513-20 Dated.:-25.10 .2014 M/S………………………………….. ………………………………………. Sub: Invitation of Bids for the supply of equipment for Centre Research Facility. Dear sir, 1…You are here by invited to submit your most competitive Bid for the lab equipment with detailed Specification of these goods as give in Annexure-A. The offer to be submitted in two bid System. 2. (Envelope- A (Technical Bid) It should contain the following; (As per tender opening format) (a) Authorization /dealership/manufacturer certificate. (b) Valid tax clearance certificate for bidders from J&K State. (c) Technical specification/ literature for the goods/equipment (d) Bid security @ 3% in the form of CDR in favour of Chairman, Central Purchase Unit NIT Sgr. and tender document fee Rs. 300/- in the form of DD, in favour of Director, NIT Srinagar. (e) Certificate of sale after sale service support wherever necessary. (f) Proof of legal status. 3. (Envelope-B (Price Bid) It should contain the following (a) Bid prices ( Preferably in Indian Rupees) (b) Bid price should be firm for the bid validity period. © All duties, taxes and levies (CST/GST/VAT or other taxes) payable, must be quoted separately. (d) As per SRO 129 of Government of Jammu & Kashmir, the institute is Exempted for state entry tax. The Institute will provide Entry tax exemption certificate to successful bidder with supply order. The Institute is also exempted for Custom/Excise duty. (e) The rate quoted should be FOR NIT Srinagar. (f) Bid price should be without over writing, however minor over writing should be clearly signed by the bidder. In case of any discrepancy between price quoted in figures and words, the price quoted in words shall be accepted. (g) The rates should be covered with transparent tape. (h) Bid form in the format given in Annexure-B (i) Technical specification Schedule as per Annexure-C (j) Price bid schedule in the format enclosed in Annexure-D 4. Validity of Bids Bids shall remain valid at least for 120 days from the date of opening. 5. Evaluation of Bids. (a) The purchaser shall evaluate and compare the bids which are found substantially Responsive. i.e which are (i) Properly signed (ii) Conform to terms and conditions and technical specifications. (iii) Accompanied with Bid security and all other documents. (b) Bids shall be evaluated separately for each item. 6. Award of contract (a Contract shall be awarded to the bidder whose bid is commercially, technically responsive and offered at lowest evaluated price. (b) Successful bidder shall be notified about the award of the contract where in terms and conditions of supply shall be incorporated. 7. 8. (a) 9. (a) (b) 10. 11. 12. 13. (a) (b) (c) Payment. 100% payment shall be made against delivery of goods at NIT Srinagar Campus in good condition, as per specifications and successful installation/commission. Warranty: All items shall carry comprehensive standard warranty of three years. Performance security. Successful Bidders shall submit performance security promptly after award of contract. Performance security shall be in the form of Bank Guarantee for the amount as mentioned in the award of contract letter/supply order. However it shall not exceed 10% of the contract value. Penalty for delay. A penalty of 0.15% (fifteen paisa per hundred ) per day shall be imposed if the supply is made beyond the prescribed period mentioned in supply order. Settlement of disputes. Settlement of any dispute will be made under the jurisdiction of Srinagar court. Liquidated Damages. If the bidder after accepting the purchase order of goods/equipments or services, fails to deliver any or all of the goods/equipments or to perform the services with in the specified period, a penalty of 15 paisa per hundred per day shall be charged. The maximum penalty can be limited to 10% of the cost. Once maximum is reached NIT Srinagar may proceed on its own to consider the termination of the supply order. Submission of Bids. The last date for submission of bids is 04.12 .2014 upto 2.30 P.M. Bids should be properly sealed. The two envelopes A & B should be kept in separate one envelope. Enquiry No., due date of opening and Quotation for supply of equipment for Centre Research Facility. must be mentioned on this envelope. (d) Bids should be addressed to Chairman Central Purchase unit NIT Srinagar. (e) Bids shall be accepted up to one hour before opening. (f) Bidders not from Srinagar shall dispatch bids sufficiently well in advance s as to reach the destination one day prior to bid opening. 14. Bid opening (a) The Technical Bid (Envelope- A) will be opened first and price Bid (Envelope-B) of the bidder will be opened after qualifying the Technical Bid (Envelope-A). (b) Interested bidders can attend the bid opening. 15. Not withstanding above the purchaser reserves the right to reject any or all the bids. 16. We look forward for your quotation. Thanking you, Chairman Central Purchase unit, NIT Srinagar Note: 1. Before preparing your valuable bid kindly go through the document fully and take care of all the requirements. 2. Bidders from outside Srinagar may please send their Bids much in advance so that they are received in time. Annexure-A Schedule of Requirements. Details of Equipment:Gas Chromatograph-Mass Spectrometer (GC-MS) S.No Item Description Qty Delivery Period 45 days SPECIFICATIONS 1) GC Specifications The gases to be analyzed are N2, H2, CH4, CO, CO2, C2-C3 hydrocarbons. The system should include necessary valves, columns and FID and TCD detectors for the analysis of permanent gases. An MS detector should also be provided for analyzing liquid samples. The system should have electronic pneumatic / pressure controls for all the gases and should have Chromatography Data system which is based on Microsoft Windows operating system for instrument control, data acquisition, data analysis, quantization, automation & customization with online and offline sessions provided. System should have capability of locking / adjusting the retention time so that same Retention time can be reproduced from system to system and the method should be electronically transferred. The instrument should meet the following requirement: a Provision to install two or more columns b Operating temp range of oven from near ambient to 450oC c Oven temp ramp rate of oven should be at least 120oC d e f Possible to program 15 temp ramps (16 plateaus) or better 15 EPC/PPC channels for inlets, detectors or auxiliary gases or more Flow sensor for control & storage of split ratio g Possible to use capillary columns of 50, 100, 250, 320 microns and Above h The pressure set points should be adjustable by increments of 0.001 psi up to 100 psi Maximum temperature attainable should be 400oc or more i Inlets: One programmable temperature vaporizer inlet for capillary columns having pressure range upto 100 psi and large volume injections. j Gas Sampling Valve as an inlet for gas samples from the reactor. k The system should have one Thermal Conductivity detector with the following specification or better: Dynamic range: 105 or better, Electronic Flow Control (EFC), Temp. Range: Up to 4000C or more All gases flow should be adjustable/controlled by software with no manual control. l The system should have one FID detector with the following specification or better: • MDL: < 1.5 pg c/s OR BETTER(SPECIFY THE COMPOUND) • Dynamic range: > 107 • Data acquisition rate: up to 500 Hz OR BETTER All gases flow should be adjustable/controlled by software with no manual control. m Auto sampler: Having capacity of 15 vials or more with area reproducibility of 0.3% RSD or less. 2) MS SPECIFICATIONS : LAN based quadruple MS system with Non-coated Inert ion source conforming to International safety standards, designed and manufactured under a quality system registered to ISO 9001 with appropriate computer & printer to support the system from original manufacturer. Should include turbo molecular pump WITH 250 L/SEC CAPACITY OR MORE with EI source a) Mass range of 2-1000 amu or better in 0.1 amu steps b) Mass axis stability should be 0.10 amu/48 hrs Scan speed up to 12,000 u/sec or better Transfer line temp – upto 350 DEG C Ionization energy range 5-220eV Ionization current range - 1-315μ A EI source should be inert to active compounds and should be programmable with maximum tempt of 350 deg C h) EI scan sensitivity and is a must parameter to demonstrate at least: 1500:1 S/N for 1 pg OFN scanning from 50-300 amu at nominal m/z 272 ion i) EI SIM Instrument detection limit of 10 fg or better for OFN standard at nominal 272 u ion should be demonstrated at site j) The mass spectrometer shall have the capability to create a 90 SIM ion groups with up to 45 ions per group or more. k) Should have auto tunes feature, One-click auto tune for BFB, DFTPP l) Spectral libraries: Latest version of NIST library; m) The system should have the capability of replacement of GC column without venting MS vacuum which results in elimination of GC/MS downtime n) Extra accessories: Gas purifier, PC and printer, UPS of 7.5 KVA with 30 mins backup, Helium, Argon, Nitrogen, Hydrogen and zero air cylinders with respective regulators. c) d) e) f) g) B. CHNS/O Elemental Analyzer SPECIFICATIONS; 1. Description Elemental Analyzer for CHNS/O Including Auto sampler. Fully Computer and Microprocessor controlled Elemental Analyzer configured for the quantative determination of CHNS/O using Gas Chromatographic Column Separation and Thermal Conductivity Detection The system to analyse Organic, Inorganic and metallorganic component on solid viscous and liquid non volatile samples, mode: CHNS/O. Quantitative determination of Carbon, Hydrogen Nitrogen, Sulphur and Oxygen simultaneously in a sample. The instrument should include a highly advanced and flexible furnace design that allows for in situ Dynamic Flash combustion at 1800° C for full combustion of a wide variety of samples. Pressurized oxygen jet injection on the sample directly, for any volume independent from carrier gas velocity for fullest combustion of sample. Programmable oxygen dosing time and digestion temperature as standard feature. Should have pressure/flow control meter for carrier gas, including Autodiagnostics, digital clock, automatic wakeup routine, start up, stand by, shut down facility. The time set for stand by and autoready are permanently displayed on monitor as strip in the window monitor. Max Furnace Temp 1100°C Combustion Temp. 1800°C GC Column Type: Packed column of appropriate length for CHNS and oxygen. Detector: Supersensitive TCD ( 1 microgram detector response 1500 counts) Analytical Measuring Range: From 0.01% (50 ppm) to 100% Sensitivity: Less than 0.5 microgram for C,H,N,S & O Accuracy: 0.15% absolute & 0.15% relative with organic substance depending upon % element content of samples. Precision : 0.30 to 0.05% RSD Analysis time: CHN less than 5 minutes – CHNS less than 7 minutes, oxygen less than 3 minutes. Sample size: from 0.01mg to as much as can be filled on 3.5x5mm or 5x9mm or 10x10 mm tin or silver caps for maximum accuracy in CHN/CHNS mode with low carbon contain samples. Pressurized oxygen injection technique program independently from carrier pressure/flow for full combustion “in situ” allowing for the most effective combustion related to 1800°C. The system should have automatic facility for optimize oxygen injection, volume set via software and dosing rate through pressure or time independently selectable via software for better and optimum combustion. Solid & Liquid samples: The system should be able to handle solid and liquid samples. Chromatographic display to provide Permanent display of the Chromatogram which provide indications on conditions of the catalyst, column performance by peak shape and baseline stability Real Time Chromatogram: To eliminate the need of run counter to monitor the activities of reagent and other components. Extensive diagnostic: Built in extensive diagnostic routines to continuously monitor electronic and pneumatic components. Gas Leak Test: Intelligent electronics pressure probe to complete the automatic push button leak test procedure quickly and accurately. IRMS Interface: The system be able to be interfaced to Mass Spectrometer Should be able to integrate into a Local Area Network (LAN) via an optional Ethernet card, attached directly onto the analyzer. Software for Control, Integration & Result Reporting with LIMS interface, using windows XP operating system on a VB platform. Permanent display of all parameters for continuous monitoring of EA operation. Neat grouping of functionality in the main menu: Instrument – Analysis –Reprocessing Easily available sets of Instrument and Integration parameters for AutoRuns. Automatic Name selection for Methods and AutoRuns provides immediate retrieval. Automatic downloading of all parameters from a list of AutoRuns or Methods. Electronic import of previously performed Calibration (AutoCal). Instrument Setup without need of sample weighing, blanks or calibration (Setup Run). Facility to export to Excel, if Excel is available. Availability LIMS module for direct import of sample information and results into LIMS. Immediate guidance through a comprehensive set of purposely designed messages. Full implementation of Stand by, Auto Ready & Auto Stand by in one window. Full Diagnostic and Preventive Maintenance. Effective improvement of Automatic Leak Test. Introduction of a Plot function to monitor instrument baseline. AutoRun Features: Automatic Weight transfer to Sample Table with Std data read from a Std Table. All Auto Run parameters fully contained within one two-page window. Fast creation of Auto Run names from a pre-programmed two-field list. Easy retrieval of Auto Runs through extensive capability of name sorting. Powerful Auto Run Queue for running sample sets requiring different parameters. Continuous appending of the Sample Table during AutoRun acquisition. Reprocessing offers: Automatic opening of Results window offering Reprocessing and Reporting facilities. AutoSampler (80 samples) including Optional Ash Removal Device . System featuring: Smooth operation and immediate activation (full purge instantaneous). True Zero Blank eliminating Nitrogen from air contamination Appending samples during Auto Run. Compact Unit easy removal and exhausted reactor change in sec Elimination of Jamming effects .Ash removal Device without extracting the reactor Standard Parts including various olives and fittings, fuses, porous frit, different kind of o-rings, snoop, tubing Tool Kit Bag with the few spanner, Allen keys, screwdriver Spatula for Micro Analysis-2xTweezers for arranging sample in tin caps in round balls. 2. Description Sample Sealing Device: For cold sealing of volatile samples under purging . Analyzer and the software should be validated for the installation (installation qualifications IQ), operation (operation qualification OQ) and performance (Performance Qualification PQ) Configuration Kit for CHNS Should Include initial supply for 1000 samples for solids & liquids samples analysis which comprises reactors, tin capsules, standard (cystine / sulphanilamide), water traps, quartz wool, GC packed column (Tender opening format) Name of the firm:-_____________________________________________ Tender for supply of ___________________________________________ NIT No. & Date:- ___________________________________________ Technical specification/ literature attached:- Yes/No Valid tax clearance certificate attached:- Yes/ No Registration/ Authorization Dealership/ manufacturer certificate attached:- Yes/ No Revenue stamp affixed. Yes/ No Rates covered with transparent tape:- Yes/ No Bid document fee deposited:- Yes/ No Call Deposit Receipt enclosed:- Yes/ No. Bid price in Indian Rupees:- Yes/ No FOR Srinagar:- Yes/ Bid without correction/overwriting:- Yes/ No No Seal & Signature of the Supplier. Annexure-B BID FORM **************** From M/S……………………………… ……………………………………….. To, Chairman, Central Purchase unit, NIT Srinagar. Ref: NIT No.: NITS/CPU/ /2014-15 Dated:.....................................goods/Equipment for ………………………………Department Sir, With reference to above invitation for bids we would like to say that we have gone through your bid document thoroughly and hence offer our competitive Technical/Price Bid in sealed envelope for the supply of various goods/equipment listed in your document. The following documents constitute our Bid. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Bid form Price Bid schedule in the requisite format Authorization dealer ship certificate from the manufacturer Valid sales tax certificate Technical literature for the goods/equipment Names of organization where this equipment has been supplied. (Applicable for equipment whose unit price exceeds Rs.2.00 lacks Bid security as mentioned in the schedule of requirements in the form of CDR drawn in favour of the Chairman Central Purchase Unit NIT Srinagar. Telephone No………………………………………………. Kindly feel free for any enquiries and clarifications. Yours Sincerely (……………..) From M/S……………….. Place…………………. ………………………….. Date…………………… Annexure-C ************** Technical specification. *************************** Name of Equipment /Goods : e.g., Tribometer Make /Model/ Country of origin: e.g., Marus Tribometers and Instruments/ TR20-2013/ ……... S. Technical Specifications (as Technical Complies Higher/Better No. per. NIT/CPU/13/ aaaaSpecifications of the (with detail quantification) Make /Model aaaa Advertised) Higher/Better Quantification 1 2 3 Yes ---Higher Annexure-D ********************** Price Schedule **************************** S. No Name of equipment/goods Ex Factory/Ex show room cost Custom Duty & Excise Duty CST/VAT Packing & forwarding transportation Incidental services Total unit price Quantity Total Price
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