Our Lady Of Victories Catholic Parish Our Lady Queen of Peace

Under the Pastoral Care of the Congregation of St Michael the Archangel
Celebrating Community
09 November 2014
Our Lady Of Victories
Catholic Parish
1788 The Horsley Drive, Horsley Park
Our Lady Queen of Peace
215 Western Road, Kemps Creek
We acknowledge the Dharuk people,
traditional custodians of this land.
May we walk gently and respectfully
upon the land.
Parish Priest
Fr Dominik Karnas CSMA
Pastoral Associate
Mrs Mary Farrell
Parish Pastoral Council
Chairperson: Mr Lino Menolotto
Parish Secretaries
Mrs Lauren Favretti
Mrs Julie Menon
Mrs Edda Santucci
Ezekiel 47 : 1-2, 8-9. 12
I see water flowing from the temple
and all who were touched by it were saved.
Psalm 45 : 2-3, 5-6, 8-9
ALL: The waters of the river gladden the city of God.
Side 1:
God is for us a refuge and strength,
(Ambo side) a helper close at hand, in time of distress:
so we shall not fear though the earth should rock,
though the mountains fall into the depths of the sea.
Parish Office
Monday - Friday 9.30am to 2.30pm
PO Box 56 Horsley Park 2175
Ph: 9620 1242 Fax: 9620 2101
E-Mail: parish@ourladyofvictories.org.au
Web: ourladyofvictories.org.au
Mass Times
Horsley Park:
9.30am & 6.00pm
Mon, Wed, Thu & Fri
Kemps Creek: Sunday
INTRODUCTION: Today we celebrate the dedication of the Lateran
Basilica in Rome. The Lateran Basilica was the first formal dedication of a
building for church purposes and is the Mother Church for the whole world.
Our readings today remind us that we are the temples of God. As baptised
Christians our church is where we unite as a community to praise God and
where we support one another in living out the Gospel message of Jesus so
as to be true and living temples of God.
Side 2:
The waters of a river give joy to God’s city,
(Priest’s side) the holy place where the Most High dwells.
Side 1:
God is within, it cannot be shaken;
(Ambo side) God will help it at the dawning of the day.
Side 2:
The Lord of hosts is with us:
(Priest’s side) the God of Jacob is our stronghold.
Come, consider the works of the Lord,
the redoubtable deeds he has done on the earth.
ALL: The waters of the river gladden the city of God.
Mon, Wed, Thur, Fri: 8.30am-9.00am
Saturday: 5.00pm – 5.45pm
At other times by appointment
You are the temple of God.
Enquiries regarding other
Please ring during office hours.
Marion Catholic Primary School
1788 The Horsley Drive, Horsley Park
Ph: 9620 2045 Fax: 9620 1012
1 Corinthians 3 : 9-11, 16-17
Alleluia, alleluia!
I have chosen and sanctified this house,
says the Lord
that my name may remain in it for all time.
Principal: Mrs Therese Gaunt
An induction loop for the hearing
impaired is fitted in the centre aisle
of the church.
John 2 : 13-22
He spoke about the temple of his own body.
Recently deceased:
Samuel Cavallaro
————————————Anthony & Flory Acosta; Jean
Andrese; Michelle Azzopardi;
Barney & Clara Baldi; Albert,
Antonina, Egidio & Melissa
Barone; Charlie Bartolo,
Riccardo Basso; Alessandro,
Danilo & Maria Bergamin; Luke
Bezzina; Sante & Teresa Bigaran;
Joseph Bonanno; Joe Borg;
Frances Bugeja; Wyndham
Buhagiar; Shena Burgos; Joe &
Mary Busutil; Fortunato
Caccamo; Katerina & Maria
Camilleri; Felix, Gratius, Joseph &
Mary Anne Caruana; John &
Josephine Cauchi; John Paul
Chetcuti; Antoinette & Dominic
Dimech; Carel Edgerton;
Carmen, Guy & Lawrence
Falzon; Josephine, Michael &
Tony Farrugia; Vincenza Femia;
Marion Fenech; Zacharias
Fernandez; Andrew, Carmen,
Grace, John, Joseph, Paul & Tony
Galea; Carmena, Catherine, Jim,
John, Lawrence & Leli Gauci;
Giuseppe & Salvatore Grillo;
Anthony, Carmel, Carmen,
Joseph, Nancy, Sam & Tony
Grima; Joan Jenkins; Vincenzina
Lotorto; Louie, Maureen &
Patrick McHale; Robert
Minovski; Alex, David, Joe, Mary,
Paul, Phillipa, Rita & Sam
Muscat; Yevone O’Keefe; Randal
Pel; Carmelo & Giuseppina
Puleo; Antonio, Giovanni,
Giuseppe, Nicola, Teresa &
Nonni Ranieri; Georgina &
Michael Refalo; Milagros
Sarimento; Elisabetta &
Giuseppe Sartor; Joseph
Schembri; Enrico Servi; Emanuel,
John & Victor Vassallo; Anthony,
Daniel, Frances, Maryanne,
Moses, Victor & Victoria Vella;
Juanita Pearl Vincent; Albert &
Dorothy Warne;
Deceased members of the Baldi,
Basso, Bruzzese, Caccamo,
Camenzuli, Camilleri, Carbone,
Caruana, Cauchi, Cini, Farag,
Fenech, Gauci, Gnanamuthu,
Grima, Mifsud, Urio, Vella,
Vigliarolo, Vincent, Xuereb &
Zucco Families;
All Souls in Purgatory
May they rest in peace. Amen
PRAY FOR OUR SICK PARISHIONERS: May the love of God give them strength and
courage. Sick List forms are in the magazine rack.
Monday November 10:
(Luke 17:1-6) St Leo the Great,
9.00am Morning Mass,
10.30am Funeral for Victor Vella
Tuesday November 11:
(Luke 17:7-10) St Martin of Tours, No Morning Mass
Wednesday November 12:(Luke 17:11-19) St Josaphat,
9.00am Morning Mass, 6.30pm Novena
Thursday November 13: (Luke 17:20-25) NO Morning Mass ,
Friday November 14: (Luke 17:26-37) 8.30am to 9.00am Silent Adoration,
9.15am Marion Primary School Mass - Year 3
7.00pm Mass for Charles Agius ( First Month Memorial)
Saturday November 15: (Luke 18: 1-8) St Albert the Great. No Morning Mass,
Sunday November 16:
(Proverbs 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31, 1 Thessalonians 5:1-6, Matthew 25:14-15, 19-20)
BAPTISM: We welcome into our parish family Angelo Jenaro Salerno, son of Paola
and Nicola, baptised this weekend.
CONGRATULATIONS: To Tony Sartor & Elizabeth Lilley and Amira Zaia & Daniel
Salemon, parishioners to be married next weekend.
KEMPS CREEK WORKING BEE: Will be next Saturday, 15 November from 7.00 9.00am. If you are able to spare some time please come along and help tidy the
church grounds.
BAPTISM PREPARATION EVENING: Parishioners seeking to baptise their children
are invited to attend an information and preparation evening this Monday, 10
November at 7.30pm in the De Piro Chapel.
ROSTERS: For counters and cleaning groups are available in the foyer. If you prefer
to have the roster emailed, leave your details on the sheet in the foyer.
CHARITABLE WORKS FUND APPEAL: Thank you to all who contributed to the
CWF collection last weekend. A total of $3,300 was collected. The Parish quota is
$9,250.00. The shortfall of $5,950 will be met from the Parish Funds.
YOUTH GROUP TOY DRIVE: As the season of giving approaches, the youth group
are holding a toy drive to donate gifts for Christmas to the Children’s Hospital at
Westmead. Donations of new toys (unwrapped) can be brought to the Parish office
before 23 November. The youth group will wrap the items and send them off to the
hospital. Please note: due to Children’s Hospital regulations the toys must be new.
PARISH HELPERS’ LITURGY & DINNER: Monday, 24 November we will have our
annual evening for helpers and volunteers starting with evening prayer in the church
at 6.30pm followed by dinner at Mandavilla. An opportunity for us to thank God
for the generosity of our volunteers and thank you all for your time and energy. For
catering purposes please put your name, contact details and number of people
attending on the sheet in the foyer.
FIRST RECONCILIATION: Children in our Parish are preparing to celebrate their
First Reconciliation on Wednesday, 19 November. As a Parish community let us keep
these children and their families in our prayers.
BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE: During November we remember all our deceased
loved ones. We gather at the Eucharist to unite ourselves with those who have gone
before us to be united with the Creator. A remembrance book will be placed in the
foyer were you can write the names of your loved ones. The book will be placed at
the memorial wall at each Sunday Eucharist.
magazine rack for those wishing to offer Mass for deceased loved ones during the
month of November. Due to the number of requests for Mass Intentions it will not be
practical to announce all names prior to each of the Eucharistic celebrations.
Instead, all intentions will be included in the bulletin and placed in our prayer space.
PUBLIC SCHOOLS’ CATECHIST CHRISTMAS MASS: Thursday, 27 November at 10.30am
students from Horsley Park and Kemps Creek Public Schools who attend Scripture classes
organised by our Parish catechists, are having their annual Christmas Mass to end the year.
Parishioners, especially those who have ministered as catechists in the past, are invited to
attend and participate in this Mass, to support our catechists in their ministry and to be with
our young parishioners on this special day.
MSSP SPONSORSHIP: Renewal of sponsorship in support of the missions of the Missionary
Society of St Paul in Pakistan, Peru and the Philippines is now due. You can either leave
your contribution in an envelope with your name and address at the Parish office or hand it
in to Mary Farrell. If you would like to become a sponsor please fill in one of the sponsorship
forms in the magazine rack. Thank you for your continued support.
MASS FOR DECEASED RELATIVES: For some of us 2014 has brought an experience of
death in our families. With Christmas approaching, this is a time when we especially miss
our loved ones. We invite parishioners and friends who have lost loved ones during the last
twelve months to join us on Friday, 28 November at 7.00pm for Eucharist, where we
remember those that have left us. We invite you to bring a framed photograph or symbol
of your loved one to this Mass. We look forward to journeying with you at this difficult time.
CRAFT GROUP: Will meet this Wednesday, 12 November in the Marion Hall from 9.30am.
FEAST OF SAINT NICHOLAS: Sunday, 7 December, at the Parish of the Good Shepherd,
130 - 136 Hyatt Road, Plumpton. Entertainment commences at 3.00pm, the Festa Mass will
begin at 3.30pm followed by the procession of the statue accompanied by Our Lady Queen
of Peace Band. Father Christmas will visit, rides for the kids, all types of food and other
stalls. A fireworks display will conclude the festa. For further details contact Bill Schembri
on 0416 261 415 or Joe Fenech 0412 009 957.
John Borg, Fred Borg,
Emanuel Borg
Ted Cassar, Peter Grima,
Ted Tokarczyk
Iole Bergamin, Luisa
Zanetti, Elvia Favotto,
Gemma Favero, Margaret
Deguara, Penelope Tabone
Rosa Sultana, Josephine
Sergi, Bernadette Sammut,
Anna Bergamin, Maria
Sartor, Nina Galea
Mon 10, 7.30pm: Baptism
Preparation evening De Piro Chapel
Wed 12, 7.30pm: Faith
Group-De Piro Chapel
All bookings and enquiries to Theresa: 9620 1570 / Josephine: 9620 1680
BERRIMA TRIP: This Thursday, 13 November - bring along a picnic lunch. Bus
leaves Felton Street at 8.00am sharp.
END OF YEAR BEACH DAY: Tuesday 9 December - save the date, further details to follow.
CAROLS IN THE DOMAIN & CHRISTMAS LIGHTS: Friday, 19 December - save the date.
NEW YEAR’S EVE CRUISE: Leaving on Sunday, 28 December for a 12 day cruise to the
islands. Anyone interested in joining please contact Josephine on 0402 040 954.
Sacrament of Ministerial Service to God’s People (CCC 1536-1600)
In the Church’s sacramental system, Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist are called
sacraments of initiation; and Reconciliation and Anointing of the Sick, the
sacraments of healing. The other two sacraments, Holy Orders and Matrimony, are
called the sacraments in service of communion because they minister to our salvation.
The Catechism (1534) states that, if these sacraments help us with our personal
salvation, it is because of our service to others.
Over the next few weeks, we invite you to reflect on the last sacrament which we call Holy
Orders. We will look at:
Biblical Roots of the Priesthood
Two Participations in the One Priesthood of Christ
Bishop, Priest and Deacon
Who May Be Ordained
Effects or Graces of Priesthood
Wed 19, 7.00pm:
Sacrament of First
Mon 24, 6.30pm: Helpers’
Liturgy & Dinner
Wed 26, 7.30pm: Faith
Group-De Piro Chapel
Thurs 27, 10.30am: State
Schools’ Christmas Mass
Fri 28, 7.00pm: Mass for
relatives of deceased
Sun 30: First Sunday of
Wed 03, 7.30pm: Advent
Faith Group - De Piro
Thur 18, 7.00pm: Second
Rite of Reconciliation
Prayer to St Michael the Archangel
Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the
devil; may God rebuke him, we humbly pray and do you, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God,
cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
Dedication of the Lateran Basilica
Each year, on November 9th, the Church celebrates the
Dedication of St. John Lateran Basilica in Rome. When
the feast falls on a Sunday, it displaces the Sunday in
Ordinary time that would normally be celebrated on this
date. On the façade of the basilica there is an
inscription in Latin which reads, “the mother and
mistress of all churches of Rome and the world.”
Every bishop has a cathedral and the Pope’s cathedral
is the Basilica of St. John Lateran, not the more famous
Basilica of St. Peter.
In the early centuries Christianity was outlawed in Rome and many Christians in Rome suffered
martyrdom. The Emperor Constantine converted to Christianity and the famous Edict of Milan in
313 allowed Christians to practice their religion in public. Constantine had been given the palace
in Rome that belonged to the Laterani family and after his conversion to Christianity he gave it to
the Pope. The Lateran Palace was then adapted to become a church and was dedicated on
November 9th 324 and the Pope then lived in the Lateran Palace, as it was called, for the next
1000 years and the basilica was his cathedral. It was first called the Basilica of the Saviour but
later was also dedicated to St. John the Baptist and St. John the Evangelist and so it acquired the
name Basilica of St. John Lateran. It is our oldest church and the observance of this feast
connects our local church with the Church of Rome, which is the centre of unity. On this day we
celebrate and pray for the unity of those churches gathered in communion with the successor of
Saint Peter.
St Paul described this unity in the Church in his first Letter to the Corinthians as the Body of Christ.
For as with the human body which is a unity although it has many parts, all the
parts of the body, though many, still making up one single body, so it is with Christ.
We were baptised into one body in a single Spirit, Jews as well as Greeks, slaves
as well as free men, and we were all given the same Spirit to drink. Now Christ’s
body is yourselves, each of you with a part to play in the whole.
(1 Cor 12:12-13, 27)
On this solemnity the Word of God recalls an essential truth: the temple of stones is a symbol of
the living Church, the Christian community, which in their letters the Apostles Peter and Paul
already understood as a “spiritual edifice,” built by God with “living stones,” namely, Christians
themselves, upon the one foundation of Jesus Christ, who is called the “cornerstone”
(cf. 1 Cor 3:9-11, 16-17; 1 Peter 2:4-8; Ephesians 2:20-22). “Brothers, you are God’s building,”
St. Paul wrote, and added: “holy is God’s temple, which you are” (1 Corinthians 3:9c, 17).
Today’s feast celebrates a mystery that is always relevant: God’s desire to build a spiritual temple
in the world, a community that worships him in spirit and truth (cf. John 4:23-24). But this
observance also reminds us of the importance of the material buildings in which the community
gathers to celebrate the praises of God. Every community therefore has the duty to take special
care of its own sacred buildings, which are not just meeting places, but visible signs to the world of
the Body of Christ in prayer. For this we call upon the intercession of Mary Most Holy, that she
help us to become, like her, the “house of God,” living temples of his love.