Saddle Brook, NJ November 9, 2014 PASTOR Rev. Matthew Fonseka Parish Secretaries Dina Kudlack Janet Marchese Religious Education Sr. Jadwiga Zaremba, L.S.I.C. Director, Religious Education 201-843-2240 God’s Special Children Rel Ed Monica Maniscalco, M. Ed, Dir 917-992-7904 Youth Minister Justin Aughey Music Ministry Basil Pizzuto, Director Francesca Kubian, Adult Choir Barbara Weiner, Children's Choir Rev. Theesmas Pankiraj SUNDAY MASS SCHEDULE 5:30pm (Saturday Evening) 7:00am, *8:30am *10:00am, 11:30am 1:00pm *Children’s Liturgy of the Word WEEKDAYS/SATURDAY 7:00am & 8:30am HOLY DAYS 5:30pm (Eve) 7:00am 8:30am 12:10pm 7:30pm Rev. John Radwan Parish Pastoral Council Rev. Theesmas Pankiraj, Pastor Steve Chewcaskie, Chairperson Rectory 488 Saddle River Road Saddle Brook, N.J. 07663 201-843-1888 Fax: 201-368-9161 E-mail: website: Reconciliation Saturdays 4:00 - 5:00pm Private Reconciliation Call Rectory Devotions Miraculous Medal Novena Saturdays after 8:30am Mass Divine Mercy—3pm Daily— Chapel Recitation of Rosary—Daily (After 8:30am Mass) WORLD MEETING OF FAMILIES PRAYER God and Father of us all, in Jesus, your Son and our Savior, you have made us your sons and daughters in the family of the Church. May your graces and love help our families in every part of the world be united to one another in fidelity to the Gospel. May the example of the Holy Family with the aid of your Holy Spirit, guide all families, especially those most troubled, to be homes of communion and prayer and to always seek your truth and live in the you love. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, pray for us. BAPTISM—3rd Sunday of the Month. To begin preparing for your baby’s birth into the Christian Community, please call the Rectory. Baptisms are celebrated once a month on Sunday at 2:00pm. A Baptismal preparation class for the parents/ godparents is scheduled for Friday evening one week prior to the Baptism at 7:30pm in the Rectory Meeting Room. The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica Sunday November 9 † 7:00 AM Cora Barbieri 8:30 AM Living & Deceased Members Holy Name Society † 10:00 AM George Kunz & Mary Ellen Jackson † 11:30 AM George Aughey 1:00 PM For the People of the Parish Monday November 10 † 7:00 AM All Souls † 8:30 AM Judith Brucato Tuesday November 11 † 7:00 AM Joseph Rigano † 8:30 AM DiSalvo & D'Angelo Families Wednesday November 12 † 7:00 AM Robert Taylor † 8:30 AM All Souls Thursday November 13 † 7:00 AM Erin Barbarito † 8:30 AM Sophie Saydak Friday November 14 † 7:00 AM Ida Mangieri † 8:30 AM Lydia Byard Saturday November 15 † 7:00 AM Mary Rippicandidi † 8:30 AM George O'Mealy - 10th Anniversary 5:30 PM For the People of the Parish Sunday November 16 † 7:00 AM John J. Sonn - 6th Anniversary 8:30 AM End of Abortion in our Land Rosary for Life to be Recited before 8:30am Mass † † † 10:00 AM Stephen & Frances Rosty 11:30 AM Alice Patricia Waters Mercadante 1:00 PM James G. Robinson 5th Anniversary November 9, 2014 The hosts used in the holy sacrifice of the Mass have been offered for the month in loving memory of Cora Barbieri, donated by the Barbieri Family. The wine used in the holy sacrifice of the Mass has been offered for the month in loving memory of Michael Small, donated by the Small Family. The Sanctuary Candle will burn in loving memory of Caroline & Peter Laury, donated by Doreen & Frank Laury. The Holy Family candle will burn in loving memory of the Cypher Family, donated by the Cypher Family. The candle at the shrine of Sts. Elizabeth & Jude will burn in Thanksgiving, donated by Mr. & Mrs. Michael Mazzola. The candle at the shrine of Sts. Anthony & Therese will burn in loving memory of Cora Barbieri, donated by the Barbieri Family. Betty Agnello Pete Morgan Millie & Vinnie Antenucci Jane R. Psota Anjule Consiglio Helen Fitzgibbons William Gent Donna Gentile Jay Goldsamt Gary Grimaldi Joseph Guarino Jacob Leider Anne Lewis Phyllis Marchese Peggy Raphael Emma Rodriguez Jim Rose Lauren Rovetto Patricia Ryerson Joseph Sargenti Alicia Saribalis Mafalda Scotto Joseph Slacke Terese Spezzano Jeanette Taorima Parish Collection 11/2/14: $8128.00 All Saints Day: $1013.00 518-1 The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica November 9, 2014 Dear Sisters and Brothers: Last month, I sent a letter to 2627 parish families explaining the current financial situation of the parish and the importance of using either online giving or weekly offertory envelopes. A census form, along with a return self-addressed, stamped envelope was also included. To date, out of the 2627 letters that were mailed, only 235 census forms have been returned. Twenty-four out of the original 44 parish givers have registered with Faith Direct. Thankfully, 23 new parishioners have signed on. Have you returned your census form to the Rectory? Have you registered for Faith Direct (e-giving) or registered for offertory envelopes? Please take a moment to complete the census and return to the Rectory office as soon as possible. Census Forms and the link to Faith Direct can be found on our website at If you would like to call in your census info, please contact Kim at the Rectory at 201-843-8880. Please note that if you are now enrolled in online giving with Faith Direct, there are Offertory cards on the tables in the rear of the church to place in the collection basket. Thank you for your continued support of the parish. I see that some of you have increased your offerings. I would like to see that all of our parish families increase their offerings. Thank you for contributing your time, talent and treasure to St. Philip the Apostle parish. God Bless You, Fr. Theesmas PRAYER FOR OUR TROOPS Heavenly Father, On this day help us remember those who gave of themselves to keep us safe and secure. Enkindle in our conscience a desire to serve those who served their country selflessly. Give us the grace to aid those who have given aid and protection to others both here and overseas. Let us never forget the causes for which they fought or the bravery they showed on the battlefield. May we always be mindful of those who paid the price for our freedom, just as your Son gave His life to free us from the bondage of sin. Amen. 518-2 The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica November 9, 2014 Leadership and Life “We are blessed in the 21st century with crystal-clear photographs and action films of the living realities within their pregnant mothers. No one with the slightest measure of integrity or honor could fail to know what these marvelous beings manifestly, clearly, and obviously are, as they smile and wave into the world outside the womb. In simplest terms, they are human beings with an inalienable right to live….They are not parts of their mothers, and what they are depends not at all upon the opinions of theologians of any faith. Anyone who dares to defend that they may be legitimately killed because another human being “chooses” to do so or for any other equally ridiculous reason should not be providing leadership in a civilized democracy worthy of the name.”--Cardinal Edward Egan, Archbishop of New York (Press release, August 26, 2008). CHRISTMAS PARTY Thursday—December 11th—6pm Mezza Notte Restaurant—Fair Lawn $28pp—Payment due by Nov 30th—Please call Arlene Ottina for reservations 201-843-6596 GRAB BAG This year the RAS will have a $10 grab bag. If you would like to participate, please bring $10 wrapped gift to dinner on Dec 11th. Next week, our parish will take up the 128th annual National Black and Indian Mission Collection. Our support of this collection helps build the Church in African America, Native America, and Alaska Native communities from coast to coast. Schools, parish religious education programs, and diocesan ministries depend on your generosity to help them spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ! ALTAR SERVERS All Altar Servers should be sure that your cassock and surplice remain on the designated rack in the church. If you currently maintain these garments at home, please return them to the Church. Going forward all garments should be kept in the church as they will be cleaned once a month. If you would like to donate the cost of a cassock in stewardship and in memory of a loved one, the cost is: $55 per cassock. Please contact Loretta with your availability for December/January, by Nov 24th. Also, please advise of your availability for the Feast of the Immaculate Conception (12/8), Christmas & New Year’s day. 518-3 The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica November 9, 2014 CPT Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour. ~Matthew 25:13 Elizabeth Betterbed CPL Joseph Decker CPT Erik J. Filipek PFC Andres Guerrero SPC Justin Mascenik SPC David Rovetto In conjunction with Helping Hands Ministry of Sacred Heart, they’re in need of the following items: All canned items "and" boxed items. Pantry is in need of our help. Please leave in chapel by the door. St. Philip’s collects food donations for Sacred Heart’s Food Pantry Doors open at 6:00pm Early Bird game 7:15pm Regular schedule 7:30pm Volunteers/Callers Needed Call Vicky 201-843-2024 MEALS FOR HIV/AIDS PATIENTS SENIORS Harrison House / Bergen Regional Tues, Nov. 25 & Dec 22 Call Rose 201-791-4640 for details MANY THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT!! From: St. Philip’s To: Atlantic City 1st Thurs of Every Month For information, please Call Evelyn Tortora at 201-791-4962 518-4 The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica November 9, 2014 APRIL 2015 There is still time to join us on our trip to Spain & Portugal (The shrines of Our Lady of Lourdes & Our Lady of Fatima), Lisbon, Burgos, Avila, Zaragoza, Madrid. Apr 8, 2015, we will embark on 11 days of spiritually uplifting and fun-filled days. 11 Days—19 Meals—Fully Escorted Tour $2469pp/Dbl Occupancy (Airfare & Transfers included) You will find brochures at the rear of the church detailing the entire trip. Please take one and look it over. If you are interested, please contact Nuovo Tours 973-882-0021. CALENDAR OF EVENTS 11/9 Iron Chef—2-4pm Rectory Basement 11/22 Archdiocesan Youth Conf 10am—8pm 11/23 Antioch Meeting—4-6pm Rectory Basement November 11/16 Progressive Dinner 5pm 11/23 YG Meeting—2-4pm Rectory Basement 11/30 No Meeting STEWARDSHIP REFLECTION Dedication of the Lateran Basilica “For we are God’s fellow workers…” CORINTHIANS 3:9 We are called to help God build His kingdom on earth. We are His eyes, ears, hands and voice on Earth. By giving of our “first fruits” of our time, talent and treasure we help fulfill God’s call. Are you doing all you can to help? Do you spend time in prayer every day? Do you participate in one of the many parish ministries? Do you give generously in the offertory collection each week? OUR LADY QUEEN OF PEACE CHURCH 400 Maywood Avenue, Maywood, NJ Will host it's annual HOLIDAY MARKET on Sun, Dec 7, 2014 in the auditorium from 9am to 4pm. COME and browse, our guests will have an array of gifts to choose from such as crocheted items, greeting cards, stocking stuffers, jewelry, home accessories, purses, totes and much more. Lunch, bake sale, and 50/50 Raffle will also be available. Bring a friend or two. Hope to see you all!!! 518-5 James Santangelo (1919-1986), James Santangelo, Jr., Mgr., NJ Lic No 3174, Matthew Di Chiara (1940-1999), Albert Di Chiara, NJ Lic No 4374, William Dowson, NJ Lic No 4197, Vincent Di Chiara, NJ Lic No 4242 300 Main Street, Lodi, New Jersey (973) 779-2386 “We’re Above the Rest” VITO’S PIZZERIA & RESTAURANT 10% Discount 2 LRG. PIES $18.95 on New 429 Market St. Install Lisa M. Caggiano Manager N.J. Lic. No. 3934 Joseph J. Caggiano Director N.J. Lic. No. 4083 Elmwood Park w/this ad 201-797-4449 Free Estimates Free Delivery (Min. $8 Order) 13-31 SADDLE RIVER ROAD • FAIR LAWN, NJ 07410 Business & School Accounts 201-797-3500 FAX 201-797-8971 M-Sa 11am-10pm, Su 12-9pm Service • Installation • Maintenance Indoor Air Quality • Water Heaters Fresh Pasta & Seafood Catering For All Occasions WISER TIMES Parishioner BERGHAHN’S GREENHOUSES HOME IMPROVEMENT LLC REPAIR REFRESH REMODEL & GARDEN SHOP Everything For Your Lawn, Garden & Seasonal Holidays Bathrooms • Basements • Custom Tile Work Trim Work • Painting • General Maintenance & Repairs Call Brian For Free Estimate 201-694-8510 483 Midland Ave. Saddle Brook, NJ (Opposite Delta Gas Station) 791-0395 Serving PA, NJ & DE 877-401-4777 SPECIALIZING IN BASEMENT WATERPROOFING & MOLD REMEDIATION SINCE 1984 Wedding Invitations & Holiday Cards Follow us on: DRAINAGE SYSTEMS • PUMPS • COATINGS FOUNDATION REPAIR OUTSIDE WATER MANAGEMENT EMERGENCY SERVICE • FREE INSPECTIONS Check out our reviews on: LICENSED & INSURED Log Onto conveniently from your home or office. Online Catalog • Online Ordering • Online Proofing All Major Credit Cards Accepted FREE UPS GROUND SHIPPING! DEBORAH M. GROSS-QUATRONE, ESQ. 70 Market Street • Saddle Brook, NJ Phone: 201-556-9300 Fax: 201-556-9309 Private rivate practice concentrating in: • Real Estate • Wills & Estates • Personal Injury • Matrimonial • Municipal Court/Criminal • Guardianships Home Appointments Available For Elderly or Disabled * FREE CONSULTATION TO ALL S.B. RESIDENTS * 518 St. Philip the Apostle, Saddle Brook, NJ (i) Board Certified, American Podiatric Medical Specialties Board Primary Care in Podiatric Medicine Dr. Richard E. Filipek Surgeon Podiatrist • Parishioner 486 Van Bussum Avenue, Garfield, NJ 07026-2060 Telephone: (973) 546-1200 “HOUSE VISITS FOR THE HOME BOUND” John Patrick Publishing Co., Inc. (800) 333-3166 • PATRICK J. CONTE FUNERAL HOME, INC. Dignified Service To The Community Patrick J. Conte, Sr. 1903-1993 Stephen P. Conte, Sr., 1934-2007 Stephen P. Conte, Jr., Mgr., N.J. Lic. No. 3785 274 Market St., Elmwood Park 201-796-0060 Reg. Agent • NJ Prepaid • Funeral Trust Fund Family Owned and Operated Since 1942 James W. Killian,N.J. Lic. No. 3063 Robert Kassai, N.J. Lic. No. 3306 Thinking of Selling or Buying A Home?? For ALL Your REAL ESTATE NEEDS.... PLUMBING & HEATING CONTRACTORS, INC. N.J. Lic #4296 N.J. 8070 201-794-9633 Call - Maryann Glover (Parishioner) Re/Max Properties Select Cell: 201-803-5072 Office: 201-796-9400 x108 25 YRS. FULL-TIME REAL ESTATE EXPERIENCE SPECIALIZING IN SADDLE BROOK MARYANN GLOVER ~ CALL FOR A FREE PROPERTY EVALUATION ~ FATHER & SON CONSTRUCTION Building today for tomorrow’s future GEORGE W. DITTUS JR. Owner - CEO, Lic. # 13VH08103600 Also Snow Plowing! 54 West Oldis St., Rochelle Park, NJ 07662 VINCENT L. FAUSTINI II, Mgr. NJ Lic. No 4172 439 Maywood Ave. Maywood,NJ 07607 201-487-3050 MURPHY TAX SERVICE INCOME TAX PREPARATION • IRS PROBLEMS CONSULTATION AND REPRESENTATION BOB & VICKI MURPHY - RETIRED IRS AGENTS 201-580-7395 • (201) 843-2024 • kugler community home for funerals MP Lic.#12941 Dignified, Compassionate Service. Family owned and operated. 311 Fifth Street Saddle Brook, NJ 07663 973-930-6035 Est. 1963 Tel: (973) 478-2500 SUPER DAN LLC PLUMBING & HEATING Dan Acevedo Owner/Master Plumber 201-791-3710 Your Parish Funeral Directors PHARMACY Aatif A. Alhout, R.Ph. - Pharmacist/Owner Robert J. Kugler Mgr., NJ Lic. # 3780 Edward F. Kugler Sr. Dir. , NJ Lic. # 2419 Shayna C. Kugler Asst. Mgr., NJ Lic. # 4863 $25 OFF any service FAX 201-791-5349 PARKWAY FRIENDLY SERVICE, INC. 30-09 BROADWAY, FAIR LAWN, NJ 487 Market Street, Saddle Brook, NJ LESTER F. WOLF, JR. Terra Minimall (201) 291-0844 FREE DELIVERY BATTERIES-ELECTRICAL-BRAKES ® What A Pharmacy Was Meant To Be EXHAUST-STRUTS-SUSPENSION Wedding Invitations & Holiday Cards Log Onto WWW.FRANKSPIZZERIASADDLEBROOK.COM SADDLE BROOK CENTER 189 Rt. 46 West Saddle Brook, NJ 07663 201-587-1979 • 201-587-1931 Fax: 201-880-1478 M-TH: 10AM-10PM F & SA: 10AM-11PM SU: 1PM-9PM conveniently from your home or office. ONLINE CATALOG • ONLINE ORDERING • ONLINE PROOFING All Major Credit Cards Accepted FREE UPS GROUND SHIPPING! NJ Lic. #13VH03327200 RIGHTWAY WATERPROOFING CO. FREE INSPECTION Licensed & Insured BASEMENT WATERPROOFING SPECIALIST 908-282-0220 518 St. Philip the Apostle, Saddle Brook, NJ (b) - UPS Joseph M. Nasello Vice President Leading with ExperienceTM OTTERSTEDT INSURANCE AGENCY Since 1919 Your Trusted Advisors For Over 90 Years 540 Sylvan Ave., Englewood Cliffs, NJ 201-227-1800 x1105 Commercial Rates are at an All Time Low. 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