THE YALE AVENUE “SON” TIMES VOLUME 47, NUMBER 44 OCTOBER 29, 2014 Disciples of Christ MEN’S QUARTERLY BREAKFAST - (WOMEN INVITED) SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 9:00 a.m. Dr. John Sassin will be our guest speaker for our Quarterly Men's Breakfast on Saturday, Nov. 8, beginning at 9:00 AM. We are so excited about this program that we wanted to invite women to join us. Mike Vaughn will be preparing an excellent breakfast once again. Dr. Sassin has entitled his presentation as, "Social Justice from the Christian Perspective." Dr. Sassin has worked extensively for the past 25 years in the fields of head injury rehabilitation, vocational rehabilitation, and special education. His work has included developing and directing continuum of care programs for difficult-to-treat individuals with neurobehavioral, physical, and developmental disabilities. He has chaired and served on the board of directors of professional organizations that pertain to his specialties at the national and state levels. Dr. Sassin has presented internationally. He has also trained rehabilitation professionals throughout the region on the effects of traumatic brain injury, supported living for people with disability, and vocational programs: supported and competitive. He is currently an assistant professor in the disability studies program at Langston University. For more information go to the web site, YACC International Chili Festival With Book and Craft Sale Saturday, November 15th 11:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Chili Tasting and Music Anna Massey and the Praise Band will be performing from 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. Book and Craft Sale Bake and Drink Sale Jupiter Jump for Children CANDIDATE FOR REGIONAL MINISTER, Rev. Pamela G. Holt (Approved by Regional Assembly) In January, 2015, Rev. Pamela G. Holt comes to Oklahoma ready to love, listen, and lead the Region into its fullness as partners with one another and God continuing to build God’s dream. Upon graduation from Brite Divinity School in Fort Worth, Pam has served three very different congregations; Rosemont Christian Church in Dallas, TX, Central Christian Church in Weatherford, TX, and First Christian Church in Mineral Wells, TX. Pam knows ministry is demanding, challenging, sorrow filled, and joy filled. Horses are life-giving to Pam and her ministry. She plays with her horses for spiritual renewal and developing leadership. She does not do any ministry without the love and support from her family-her husband Randy, a rock of stability and always willing to do what is needed for the next mission in ministry, and her daughter, Anna Carole, a delightful young woman, a college student, and an encourager of her mom. Their favorite thing to do as a family is vacation in the San Juan mountains of Colorado. We welcome Pam to the Oklahoma Region. The Yale Avenue “Son” Times is printed every Tuesday and published every Wednesday, and the deadline for submitting articles to is the previous Friday by noon. The next edition will come out on 11/5/14. Deadline for submission for this issue is 10/31/14 at noon. Play and Learn Preschool, Inc. 7:30am - 5:30 pm M-F Ages 6 Wks. To 5 Yrs. 918.747.2440 Affiliated with and a Ministry of Yale Avenue Christian Church "LOVING GENEROUSLY" Stewardship Emphasis, October 12 - November 9 Consecration Sunday, November 9 This Sunday we will continue our look at what it means to "Love Generously," through our cinematic journey with the Donovan family and Rae. Pastor Mike's message will be, "Called to be a 12A Church," from John 15:12-27. 12A stands for "one to another," which provides a shorthand for a community of mutual giving and care, a community of relational generosity. "One to another" is a just another way of referring to a table where everyone is welcome and all are equals in the eyes of God. What would it take and what would it mean for Yale Avenue Christian Church to be known as a "12A" church? How does generously loving and caring for others impact the decision we will make concerning how much we will give to the ministry of Yale Avenue Christian Church in 2015? Dear YACC Church Family: Thank you for all the cards, calls, visits, and food while I’ve been recuperating from neck surgery. It has been a bigger “deal” than I was expecting, but hopefully, most of the pain has subsided and I am on the mend. I cannot thank you enough for all of the food. It has been a Godsend. So far, Joe hasn’t lost an ounce! I will be in a neck brace for at least another two months and will not be able to drive during that time, but I do have a good chauffeur! Thank you again for everything and blessings to all of you. Sylvia Hill Sunday School ... Spiritual Growth ... Christian Education Enrichment Opportunities: You are invited to check out one of our 4 adult classes beginning at 11:00 (or earlier). Over the last few months we have been highlighting our different Sunday School classes. This week, we introduce you to the Come As You Are adult class, which meets in the Prayer Chapel - Room 1108 and is taught by Mike Wallace. “Come As You Are” Class As our name implies, we’re a diverse group that welcomes everyone just as they are and wherever they are on their faith journey. That’s one of the reasons why we’re a great class for first time visitors to Yale Avenue. Our teacher, Mike Wallace, presents interesting Biblical stories and there is a wide range of discussion that usually ends up thought provoking and fun! The topics of our lessons are not only things we are already familiar with, but also subjects we may never have thought much about. Examples include book studies on The Gnostic Gospels, The Koran, and often misused verses of the Bible. Whatever we’re studying, we seek to learn and grow together, sharing opinions and enjoying fellowship. We’re located in the Prayer Room near the library, so you’re always welcome to “come as you are!” Our other adult classes are: Seeker's Class -- Nancy Kouns, Teacher (meets across from church offices - Room 2107) Freindship Class - Lloyd Hurd, Teacher (meets in the “Round Table” room - Room 1106 YACC DISCIPLES WOMEN Hooked N’ Lookin” - Frank & Phyllis Holdsclaw, Teachers (meets in the Music Room - Room 1109) It’s that time of the year when the entire church can get involved in fun things. You know - chili cook-off, book sale, craft sale, entertainment, and did I see a bake sale? Find your best chili and bake goods recipes and get ready to have your name announced as a winner. The date for all of this is November 15th. OR -- The Prayer Group -- meets in Pastor Sei's office upstairs. You can start donating books at anytime now. We will utilize space on the stage in the FLC for donations. The sale will be inside the FLC, so set-up shouldn’t take so long. November Schedule: 11/6 10:00am Board Meeting 11:00am General Meeting, Devotional (by Ferne Lass man), Team #3 (Leader, Ferne Lassman) in charge of luncheon which will be homemade soups, cornbread and dessert for $5.00 Study by Nancy Kazmierski-10 Commandments (3&4) 11/11 7:00pm Esther Group at Pat DeBoard’s 11/15 Book and Craft Sale 11/20 10:00am Bunco (hostess Ferne Lassman) at church 11/22 10:00am Rachel Group at church (need information call Terri Gentry or church office) Hope to see you. You know you don’t have to make reservations or even have a personal invitation to attend any of these, just come, because you will be welcomed. Nancy Hamilton with Pastor Mike in our Holy Grounds Coffee Bar They will gather for prayer for our church during this time of transition. If you just want to talk, have questions -- you are invited to visit Dear Church Family, Thank you for your many kindnesses as we mourned the passing of Junior Green. The flowers, cards, calls, visits and lunch the day of the funeral have all been appreciated. Most of all the loving arms and prayers have been such a comfort. Thank you! The Junior Green Family COME AS YOU ARE The controversy over women’s role in the church was definitely not solved between the orthodox and Gnostic Christians. Two thousand years later it is still being discussed. A question we will explore next week is, “Why were the orthodox Christians persecuted more than the Gnostics?” See you Sunday….Mike Wallace The Yale Avenue “Son” Times is emailed by 5:00pm every Tuesday and mailed via USPS every Wednesday morning 2 The Yale Avenue “Son” Times October 29, 2014 November Serving Schedule November 2 November 9 November 16 November 23 November 30 Worship Leader, HB Robin Sheets Pat DeBoard Jack Pontious Ferne Lassman Joel Garringer 9:00 Bread & Wine, HB Larry Hall Becky Foust Jan Roop Mark Clemons Robin Sheets HB Joel Garringer Nancy Hamilton Jim Roop Van Luster Larry Hall Bob Massey Mike Vaughn Deacons Ella Jean Greeman Frank Holdsclaw Jennie Cleveland Peggy Clemons Phyllis Holdsclaw Susan Trussell Missy Massey Sara Busch Melinda Brannan Joie Holder Barbara Cortright Greg Silvis J.J. Dunne Jim Dunne Karen Silvis Dave Spencer Cathy Spencer Bill Sterling Bobby Keef Don Beil Emma Nichols Freda Keef Judy Beil Ella Jean Greeman Frank Holdsclaw Jennie Cleveland Peggy Clemons Phyllis Holdsclaw Susan Trussell Communion Preparation Jennie Cleveland & Peggy Clemons Sara Busch & Patsy Duckett Barbara Cortright & Jim Dunne Judy & Don Beil Ella Jean Greeman Welcome Center Phyllis Holdsclaw Kari MatthewsVaughn Cathy Spencer Freda Keef Susan Trussell Greeters Frank Holdsclaw Mike Vaughn Dave Spencer Bobby Keef TBD Service: Elders: 9:30 AM Serving Teams Kari Matthews-Vaughn November Birthdays Anna Masssey .................. 11/8 Jay Vaughn ..................... 11/26 Teresa Thorp .................. 11/30 Cailin Fischer .................... 11/8 Katye Tankersley............. 11/28 Carole Gasswint ............... 11/9 Mark Trussell .................. 11/10 Bill Stanley ...................... 11/11 Chalmer Crews ............... 11/11 Robert Goolsby ............... 11/12 Victoria Perry .................. 11/13 Ashley Hurlbut ................ 11/13 Patsy Duckett.................. 11/14 Gin Go Mang .................. 11/15 Joel Garringer ................. 11/16 Becky Foust .................... 11/17 Lynn Ozey....................... 11/17 Lindsey Schluckebier ...... 11/18 Crystal Wantland ............ 11/20 Sarah Hanafin ................. 11/23 3 The Yale Avenue “Son” Times October 29, 2014 Joys & Concerns Week of October 26, 2014 Many within the YACC family are prayed for daily. Please remember these specific needs: Health Issues: Devern Eubank’s daughter-in-law, Sandy Eubanks, lifts up her husband Stephen, who will be having surgery soon and is also experiencing vision problems. Ronda Greer lifts up Max’s daughter, Martha who has cancer and her friends, Mike with cancer and Dennis with ALS. Bryan Petersen was able to return to worship on Sunday, but remains in a great deal of pain. Don Petersen remains at home recovering from back surgery. Debbie West will meet with her breast cancer specialist on 10/30 to go over latest MRI results. Joys: We give thanks that Sylvia Hill was able to be in worship for the first time since her neck surgery. We rejoice that Faye Hinkle was able to be in worship Sunday for the first time in several months. She remains under hospice care. Congratulations to Julia Eubanks, Devern Eubank’s granddaughter, in the marriage to Austin Burgess Saturday. Pastor Mike officiated at the ceremony at Keystone Lake State Park. Congratulations to Gwenn & C.J. Hurlbut whose daughter, Jennifer was married on Saturday. Others Lifted Up for Prayer: Nancy Hamilton lifts up her cousin, Billie Nell Webber, whose husband died last week. Jean Herbert lifts up her granddaughter. Our sympathy is expressed to Ching, Lun and John in the death of their uncle, Pau Gin Mang, who passed away in India last week at the age of 44. Ongoing Prayer Needs: Kimberly Bartholic; Wanda Bousquet; Paulette Burns; Tony & Dorothy Cardenas; Jim & Sharon Chambers; Jeri Cochran; Jay DeGeer; Lora Dewitt’s daughter; Barbara Jean; Patricia Dobbins, Clarence & Hettie Green’s daughter; Carole Gasswint; Mary Griffin; Sue Goodner; Carolyn Goolsby, Ronda Greer’s friend Mike; Kimberly Gualnam; Katelyn Hanafin; Theta Hendricks’ friend, Nora Clark; Tom Ivy; Michelle Kice; Gene & Sue Lower; Rob Massey; Kenya missionary, Jeff Osborne and his wife, Lucy; Marian Pittman; Dennis and Rosemary Moran’s daughter, Rebecca Sayer; Paul Todd (friend of Dennis & Rosemary Moran); Debbie West. Rehabilitation Facilities/ Homebound: Lora Dewitt; Lillian Johnson; Arlene Kennedy; Jack Covey We pray for our country & its leaders, all nations, and our military service men & women. We pray for our church & its ministries, staff, lay leaders, the Food Bank, and Play and Learn Preschool. NEACCO Prayer Calendar for November 2, New Beginnings Christian, Tulsa - Donna Jackson Sunday Attendance on October 26, 2014 9:30 a.m. Worship ..................................................... 124 6:00 p.m. IMF (3rd Year Anniversary) ..................... 150 WORSHIP TOTAL ...................................................... 274 Sunday School/Enrichment Opportunities .................. 51 6:00 p.m. Destination Children & Youth .................... 61 4 The Yale Avenue “Son” Times CHILDREN’S SUNDAY EVENING STUDIES Heroes of Our Faith The 3 yr. olds through 5th graders continue studying the HEROES OF OUR FAITH. This Sunday, 10/26 our hero is: Daniel YOUTH PROJECT AT CAMP CHRISTIAN Friday, 11 youth and 5 sponsors loaded into the church bus and headed to Camp Christian, located near Chouteau, Oklahoma. Several activities on Friday and Saturday were new experiences for many. Cooking hot dogs over a campfire, making smores, playing horseshoes, and working like lumberjacks were a few of those things. Friday night, after the hotdogs, we reenacted the story of Jesus raising the little girl from the dead and healing the woman who dared to touch his cloak. Carrying torches and flashlights the group became the crowd following Jesus through the path in the forest to the little girl's home. Reaching the end of the trail, at Lookout Point, we sat around another campfire and discussed the story in Mark, chapter 5. "Just believe and have faith" was the moral of that story. The power plant looked like a fairy land from the Point. Saturday morning greeted us with pancakes and collecting buckets of walnuts. That afternoon we trekked back to Inspiration Point to see what it looked like in the daylight. We cut down trees, tied them to ropes, pulled them up the cliff, and cut them into smaller pieces. A weary group made it back to the lodge for showers for some and games for others. The camp administrator had many complements for our group and the work that they did. Thank you, Paul and Suzainne for providing the food for this service project. NEW DOORS INSTALLED Cowen Construction completed the installation of new external doors in 3 hallway classrooms in the Education Building during Fall Break. The external door installation in the 3 rooms brings into compliance with current fire code the requirements for rooms housing children ages 2.5 and younger. Compliance with the fire code enables our children younger than 2.5 to reside in these rooms. As a result, the nursery was relocated to its original location across from the church offices. This room will house the preschool infants as well. In addition, new wall mounted cabinets and a new sink were installed in the nursery room. With the exception of new flooring, the nursery room upgrade is complete. New flooring will be installed when funding is available. An announcement regarding the opportunity for donations toward the flooring in the nursery and cabinet and flooring upgrades for other hallway classrooms will be announced soon. The door project was managed by the preschool and funded primarily through preschool donations and fundraisers. A special thank you goes to all who contributed in time, effort and funding to make this project a success and bring these rooms into compliance with the fire code. DO YOU SHOP ON AMAZON? If so, sign up for AmazonSmile and every purchase you make on will result in a 0.5% of the purchase price donation to your selected charitable organization. Play and Learn Preschool is one of those listed! So, do some Christmas shopping and donate to Play and Learn all at one time! To sign up go to: and select Play and Learn as your charity If you have any questions call the church office or Play and Learn Preschool at 918-747-2440. October 29, 2014 Yale Avenue Christian Church The Yale Avenue “Son” Times (USPS 456-450) is published weekly, except the week of Christmas by The Yale Avenue Christian Church of Tulsa, Oklahoma, 3616 S. Yale Ave., Tulsa, OK 741355536. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to “The Yale Avenue Son Times,” 3616 S. Yale Ave., Tulsa, OK 74135-5536. Periodicals postage paid at Tulsa, OK. (Disciples of Christ) 3616 S. Yale Ave. Tulsa, OK 74135-5536 Phone: 918.747.1304 Fax: 918.747.7175 Website: Play and Learn Preschool: 918.747.2440 Mission Statement The prayerful mission of Yale Avenue Christian Church is Caring, Sharing and Serving in the name of Jesus. Regularly Scheduled Events SUNDAY 9:30am ............................................................... Worship Service 10:45am ......................................................................... Fellowship 11:00am ...................... Sunday School & Enrichment Opportunities 1:00pm .............................. AA Meeting in Hooked N’ Lookin’ Room 6:00pm ............................ International Mission Fellowship Worship 6:00pm .................................................................Destination Youth MONDAY 7:30am-5:30pm (Monday-Friday) ................Play & Learn Preschool 12:00noon (Mon-Sat) ........ AA Meeting in Hooked N’ Lookin’ Room 6:00pm ............................................... Adoration Singers Rehearsal TUESDAY 1:00pm (2nd & 4th Tuesdays) ........................... YACC Stitch Group 7:00pm .............................. AA Meeting in Hooked N’ Lookin’ Room WEDNESDAY 7:00am ................................................................... Men’s Breakfast 10:30am (2nd Wednesday) ............. NEATS Meeting and Luncheon 5:30pm ...................................................TLC Small Groups #4, 12 6:00pm .................................................... Praise Ringers Rehearsal 6:30pm ......................................................Ladies Group TLC Study 7:00pm .......................................................... TLC Small Group #2 THURSDAY 7:00pm .. Al-Anon & Al-Ateen Meeting in Hooked N’ Lookin’ Room FRIDAY 6:00pm ...................................................................Games & Sports Sunday, November 2 9:30 a.m. Worship Elders: Robin Sheets, Larry Hall, Joel Garringer Deacons: Ella Jean Greeman, Frank Holdsclaw, Jennie Cleveland, Peggy Clemons, Phyllis Holdsclaw, Susan Trussell Communion Prep: Jennie Cleveland & Peggy Clemons Welcome Center: Phyllis Holdsclaw Greeters: Frank Holdsclaw SATURDAY 5:30pm .............................. AA Meeting in Hooked N’ Lookin’ Room Staff COMING EVENTS: Wed., Oct. 29 Sun., Nov. 2 Thur., Nov. 6 11:00am ........................................... JOY Group Zoo Visit 2:00am ................................... Daylight Saving Time Ends 10:30am ........................Disciples Women Board Meeting 11:00am .................. DW General Meeting and Luncheon Sat., Nov. 8 9:00am .................................... Men’s Quarterly Breakfast Sun., Nov. 9 4:30pm ..................................................... Elders’ Meeting Mon., Nov. 10 5:30pm ......................................................Bread and Jam Tues., Nov. 11 ................................................................... Veterans’ Day 5 The Yale Avenue “Son” Times Ministers ................................. The People of Yale Avenue Christian Church Senior Pastor ............................................................................... Mike Albert Pastor of Community Outreach.................................................. Sei Touthang Interim Worship Pastor .................................................................. Ann Moyer Administrative Pastor ................................................................. Cheryl Clark Administrative Assistant ............................................................ Debbie West Play and Learn Director ............................................................... Carla Story Organist ................................................................................... Lizanne Keith Childcare Attendant ............................................................... Bethany Seaton Custodian ........................................................................................ John Lian View Newsletter online at October 29, 2014
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