THE YALE AVENUE “SON” TIMES VOLUME 48, NUMBER 8 FEBRUARY 25, 2015 Disciples of Christ This Lenten season we will devote a special time to prayer. Prayer is our foundation. It is how God communicates with us and we communicate with God. Anthony Duncan in his book, The Elements of Celtic Christianity, says, “It is not possible to change the church; it is only possible to change oneself. If that is done faithfully, the rest will follow.” Prayerfest begins this Thursday, February 26th at 5:30 p.m. when we will focus our attention on Honoring God. DISCIPLES WOMEN LUNCHEON & GUEST SPEAKER LORI FULLBRIGHT The Church in Transition There will be a special presentation next Sunday, March 1 st immediately following worship. This presentation will be in the place of regular Sunday school classes. Join us as we take a look at the church in transition. The texts for March 1st are: Genesis 17:1-7, 15-16 Psalm 22: 23-31 Romans 4:13-25 Mark 8:31-38 Crime can happen to anyone, both outside and inside your own home. Fortunately, there are simple measures that you can take to minimize your risk of becoming a victim. You are invited to hear from guest speaker Lori Fullbright, anchor and crime reporter with Oklahoma's Own News on 6, on the latest crime trends and what precautions you can take. Thursday, March 5 Family Life Center of Yale Avenue Christian Church 11:30 a.m. - lunch, 12:00 noon - Lori's presentation Please join us and bring a friend! YALE AVENUE CHRISITAN CHURCH OFFICE HOURS Monday - Thursday 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (Closed from Noon to 1:00 p.m. for lunch); Friday - 9:00 a.m. - Noon Play and Learn Preschool, Inc. 7:30am - 5:30 pm M-F Ages 6 Wks. To 5 Yrs. 918.747.2440 Affiliated with and a Ministry of Yale Avenue Christian Church Blanket Sunday Is Approaching Richard’s Reflections Adequate! You would not believe the responses that come my way when I answer the question; “how ya do’in?” - With that one word answer. “Adequate” is not a bad word but I have gotten a variety of guffaws and admonitions when I have used it. Not long ago I was at a class reunion, one of the class stars asked, “how ya do’in” – I said adequate. His response was “Well we’re still here.” Yes, I guess that’s pretty obvious – and I don’t consider my response a contradiction or prediction of doom. I personally thought that my answer was – adequate. A few weeks back at a spiritual retreat a delightful younger lady – faced with my reply decided to give me a pep talk. Understand she meant well – it was not a put-down pep talk but went something like – “well, I expect everyone here to be marvelous, excellent, outstanding or tremendous”. And I have to admit that those are very good adjectives – I like them and use them (usually to describe someone else’s cooking). But don’t sell “adequate” short. After all, the antonym to adequate isn’t awful or horrid or even terrible. The opposite of adequate is inadequate. And frankly, some days I feel like that. But most days I feel … well … adequate. The synonyms for my word include sufficient, ample, enough, plenty, satisfactory, passable and tolerable. [I really like tolerable and have a friend that uses it frequently but like my detractors, it often seems inadequate.] Adequate does not appear in the bible – at least not in any of the translations that I own. But that doesn’t mean that the thought is missing, after all sufficient is there several times – “my grace is sufficient for you,” enough appears more than enough times – 68 times, in fact; including this passage from 2 Corinthians 9.8: “And God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance, so that by always having enough of everything, you may share abundantly in every good work.” There are also 64 passages which contain the word ample and 15 contain the word plenty, the apostle Paul said “I know what it is to have little, and I know what it is to have plenty. In any and all circumstances I have learned the secret of being wellfed and of going hungry, of having plenty and of being in need.” – but you get my drift. I have enough! Each meal I have plenty, my library is sufficient, my transportation acceptable, my friends tolerable! (?) Of course, some things are NOT adequate – time with my grandchildren, devotion to my studies, my patience, and stamina is flagging, and occasionally my health is not quite as satisfactory as I would like. But for all intents and purposes – I am adequate! I pray that you are too. Richard Would you like to donate the warmth and comfort that comes with cuddling up in a blanket to people who are shivering in these chilly temperatures? Disciples Women will be collecting money for blankets on two Sundays, March 1st & March 8th YACC Disciples Women Did you see the ad in last weeks newsletter? You know, the one about Lori Fullbright speaking at the March 5th DW meeting. Lets make sure we have a nice audience for her informative talk. Invite your friends, neighbors and relatives. Oh, and another thing. Don’t forget to bring things for Disciples Village. They can use a variety of items - personal toiletry items, paper products, wrapping paper, cards - for men and women. March Schedule: March 5 March 17 March 26 March 28 10:30am - Board Meeting 11:00am - General Meeting, Devotional by Ella Jean Greeman) 11:30am - Luncheon - potluck - Team 1, hostess (leader Jean Herbert) 12:00pm - Program by Lori Fullbright, News on 6 7:00p.m. - Esther Group at Pat DeBoards 10:00am - Bunco (Rosemary Moran, hostess) at the church 10:00am - Rachel Group at the church (any questions call Terry Gentry or Sara Busch) Hope to see you. Nancy Hamilton If you are interested in taking part in a Pastor’s Class please contact the church office, Pastor Richard or Pastor Sei. The Yale Avenue “Son” Times is printed every Tuesday and published every Wednesday, and the deadline for submitting articles to is the previous Friday by noon. The next edition will come out on 3/04/15. Deadline for submission for this issue is 2/27/15 at noon. The Yale Avenue “Son” Times is emailed by 5:00pm every Tuesday and mailed via USPS every Wednesday morning 2 The Yale Avenue “Son” Times February 25, 2015 March Serving Schedule March 1 March 8 March 15 March 22 March 29 Worship Leader, HB Nancy Hamilton Jim Roop Van Luster Larry Hall Becky Foust 9:00 Bread & Wine, HB Pat DeBoard Jack Pontious Ferne Lassman Joel Garringer Nancy Hamilton HB Becky Foust Jan Roop Mark Clemons Robin Sheets Pat DeBoard Deacons Ella Jean Greeman Frank Holdsclaw Jennie Cleveland Peggy Clemons Phyllis Holdsclaw Susan Trussell Bob Massey Mike Vaughn Kari MatthewsVaughn Missy Massey Sara Busch Joie Holder Barbara Cortright Greg Silvis Karen Silvis Jim Dunne J.J. Dunne Dave Spencer Cathy Spencer Bill Sterling Bobby Keef Don Beil Emma Nichols Freda Keef Judy Beil Bob Massey Mike Vaughn Kari MatthewsVaughn Missy Massey Sara Busch Joie Holder Communion Preparation Susan & Mark Trussell Mike Vaughn & Kari Matthews-Vaugn Karen & Greg Silvis Don & Judy Beil Jim Dunne Welcome Center Peggy Clemons Sara Busch Cathy Spener Emma Nichols Missy Massey Greeters Jennie Cleveland Joie Holder Dave Spencer Bill Sterling Bob Massey Service: Elders: 9:30 AM Serving Teams March Birthdays Karen Silvis ............................. 3/1 Ciarra Hamilton ....................... 3/1 Megan Gage ........................... 3/6 Evelyn Rolen ......................... 3/13 Erin Gage.............................. 3/13 Lydia Lhingnei Kim ............... 3/13 John Holderman.................... 3/14 Vum Ngaih Nuam ................. 3/14 Seilal Haokip ......................... 3/15 Memory Verse Peggy Clemons ..................... 3/17 Stan Richards ........................ 3/17 Leigh Swafford ...................... 3/18 Richard Shelton ..................... 3/19 Joie Holder ........................... 3/19 Chris Gilliam .......................... 3/20 Lloyd Hurd ............................. 3/24 Mike Swafford........................ 3/24 Cing Lam Mang .................... 3/24 Sujan Joshi ........................... 3/24 Eli Allen ................................. 3/24 Elizabeth MangDeih Cing ..... 3/25 Janet Towne ......................... 3/26 Stephen Cortright .................. 3/26 Timothy Massey .................... 3/26 Ella Jean Greeman ............... 3/27 Kimberly Gualnam ................ 3/28 Lee Keeling ........................... 3/29 1st Peter 2:1-5 Rid yourselves, therefore, of all malice, and all guile, insincerity, envy, and all slander. Like newborn infants, long for the pure, spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow into salvation - if indeed you have tasted that the Lord is good. Come to him, a living stone, though rejected by mortals yet cho- sen and precious in God’s sight, and like living stones, let yourselves be built into a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. 3 The Yale Avenue “Son” Times February 25, 2014 Joys & Concerns Week of February 22, 2014 Many within the YACC family are prayed for daily. Please remember these specific needs: Health Issues: Jeri Cochran fell last week and broke her hip. She had surgery at St. John Medical Center and is now at Hillcrest Rehab Facility. Sue Lower was in St. Francis Hospital and is now at Montereau Rehab. Don & Bryan Petersen continue to struggle with health issues. Dave & Cathy Spencer’s son Aaron saw the neurologist last week and was told he has a chronic condition that requires no further treatment. Mike & Kari Vaughn’s brother-in-law Abe’s new treatment is no longer working. Doctors are looking for another treatment. Debbie West continues to be treated for an inflamed optic nerve and ulcer in her right eye. Her next eye Doctor appt. is 2/26. Joys: Lloyd Hurd’s heart cath test showed that the blood flow is good and no need for a valve replacement. Others Lifted Up for Prayer: Our sympathy is expressed to Nancy LaPlante and family in the death of her husband Clarence “Nip” LaPlante on 2/19. Celebration of Life will be at 11:00 a.m. on 2/27 here at YACC. Nancy Hamilton lifts up her sister-in-law, Sue Smith, in the many decisions she needs to make. Tammi Soto’s friend, Terry Moss, is experiencing financial as well as health issues. Linda Weathers lifts up her mom, Betty Newman, that she will rapidly adjust to her new living situation. Ongoing Prayer Needs: Kimberly Bartholic; Wanda Bousquet; Tony & Dorothy Cardenas; Sharon Chambers; Jeri Cochran; Jean Covey; Jay DeGeer; Lora Dewitt’s daughter; Barbara Jean; Patricia Dobbins, Clarence & Hettie Green’s daughter; Mary Griffin; Sue Goodner; Carolyn Goolsby, Ronda Greer’s friend Mike; Katelyn Hanafin; Theta Hendricks’ friend, Nora Clark; Tom Ivy; Michelle Kice; Gene & Sue Lower; Rob Massey; Kenya missionary, Jeff Osborne and his wife, Lucy; Dennis and Rosemary Moran’s daughter, Rebecca Sayer; Paul Todd (friend of Dennis & Rosemary Moran); Debbie West. Reflective Prayer Anoint us O God. Within us is a yearning for healing, wholeness, blessing, and peace. With you is the turning to restoration, wisdom, strengthening, and grace. We gather now the ordinary things; oil, people, words and time. Make possible the impossible! Lead us out of our sin, pain, grief and weariness. Anoint us now, O God. Angel Hymnals Postponed The last choir of angels will debut in a couple of weeks. We will announce what Sunday they will appear. When the last of the choir angels is sold there will not be any more. M & M will be out of town and the youth haven't had a lesson for awhile (we have been making angels!) so a break is in order. The church's response to this program has been phenomenal! Church Humor A minister was having difficulty preparing a particular sermon. He said to himself, “Maybe the Holy Spirit will tell me what to say on Sunday morning.” When at last he stood silently before his congregation, he turned to the Holy Spirit and asked, “What should I say?” A celestial voice said to him, “Tell the people you are unprepared!” Rehabilitation Facilities/ Homebound: Lora Dewitt; Lillian Johnson; Arlene Kennedy; Lee Keeling, Gene & Sue Lower. We pray for our country & its leaders, all nations, and our military service men & women. We pray for our church & its ministries, staff, lay leaders, the Food Bank, and Play and Learn Preschool. Sunday Attendance on February 22, 2015 9:30 a.m. ................................................................... 106 6:00 p.m. IMF ............................................................. 65 WORSHIP TOTAL ...................................................... 171 Sunday School/Enrichment Opportunities .................. 62 6:00 p.m. Destination Children & Youth .................... 25 4 The Yale Avenue “Son” Times DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME BEGINS MARCH 8TH! Remember to change your clocks!!! February 25, 2015 Yale Avenue Christian Church The Yale Avenue “Son” Times (USPS 456-450) is published weekly, except the week of Christmas by The Yale Avenue Christian Church of Tulsa, Oklahoma, 3616 S. Yale Ave., Tulsa, OK 741355536. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to “The Yale Avenue Son Times,” 3616 S. Yale Ave., Tulsa, OK 74135-5536. Periodicals postage paid at Tulsa, OK. (Disciples of Christ) 3616 S. Yale Ave. Tulsa, OK 74135-5536 Phone: 918.747.1304 Fax: 918.747.7175 Website: Play and Learn Preschool: 918.747.2440 Mission Statement The prayerful mission of Yale Avenue Christian Church is Caring, Sharing and Serving in the name of Jesus. Regularly Scheduled Events SUNDAY 9:30am ............................................................... Worship Service 10:45am ......................................................................... Fellowship 11:00am ...................... Sunday School & Enrichment Opportunities 1:00pm .............................. AA Meeting in Hooked N’ Lookin’ Room 6:00pm ............................ International Mission Fellowship Worship 6:00pm .................................................................Destination Youth MONDAY 7:30am-5:30pm (Monday-Friday) ................Play & Learn Preschool 12:00noon (Mon-Sat) ........ AA Meeting in Hooked N’ Lookin’ Room 6:00pm ............................................... Adoration Singers Rehearsal TUESDAY 1:00pm (2nd & 4th Tuesdays) ........................... YACC Stitch Group 7:00pm .............................. AA Meeting in Hooked N’ Lookin’ Room WEDNESDAY 7:00am ................................................................... Men’s Breakfast 10:30am (2nd Wednesday) ............. NEATS Meeting and Luncheon 5:30pm ...................................................TLC Small Groups #4, 12 6:00pm .................................................... Praise Ringers Rehearsal 6:30pm ......................................................Ladies Group TLC Study 7:00pm .......................................................... TLC Small Group #2 THURSDAY 7:00pm .. Al-Anon & Al-Ateen Meeting in Hooked N’ Lookin’ Room FRIDAY 6:00pm ...................................................................Games & Sports Sunday, March 1 9:30 a.m. Worship Elders: Nancy Hamilton, Pat DeBoard, Becky Foust Deacons: Ella Jean Greeman, Frank Holdsclaw, Jennie Cleveland, Peggy Clemons, Phyllis Holdsclaw, Susan Trussell Communion Prep: Susan & Mark Trussell Welcome Center: Peggy Clemons Greeters: Jennie Cleveland SATURDAY 5:30pm .............................. AA Meeting in Hooked N’ Lookin’ Room Staff COMING EVENTS: Thur., Feb. 26 10:00am ........................................................... DW Bunco 5:30pm ............................................................ PrayerFest Sat., Feb. 28 10:00am ............................................... DW Rachel Group Sundays, March 1 and 8 .......................... Blanket Sunday Special Offering Sunday, Mar. 8 4:30pm ..................................................... Elders’ Meeting Mon., Mar. 9 5:30pm ......................................................Bread and Jam Wed. Mar. 11 11:00am ........................... NEATs Meeting and Luncheon Thur., Mar. 12 5:30pm ............................................................ PrayerFest Mon., Mar. 16 6:30pm ........................................... YACC Board Meeting 5 The Yale Avenue “Son” Times Ministers ................................. The People of Yale Avenue Christian Church Transitional Senior Minister ............................................... Richard Newman Pastor of Community Outreach.................................................. Sei Touthang Interim Worship Pastor .................................................................. Ann Moyer Administrative Pastor ................................................................. Cheryl Clark Administrative Assistant ............................................................ Debbie West Play and Learn Director ............................................................... Carla Story Organist ................................................................................... Lizanne Keith Childcare Attendant ............................................................... Bethany Seaton Custodian .............................................................................................Khuppi View Newsletter online at February 25, 2014
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