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Page 8-9A
Page 1B
Bridges Café – five years
of coffee and a lot more
Elizabeth Plachta powers through
her first half-marathon.
Strong at
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RUNNERS continued on page 4
obin Mitchell had one problem when
she volunteered to manage the coffee
café known as Bridges at Woodside’s Troy
campus several years ago.
She did not drink coffee.
“No, I didn’t drink coffee at the time,”
Mitchell said. “I didn’t know anything
about coffee. When I
volunteered to lead this
effort, I said I would
do it if we did it right.
So I learned all I could
about the coffee culture. And, yes, I drink
coffee now.”
The Bridges Café at
the Troy campus celebrated its fifth anniversary in October. It was generally a lowkey affair although patrons were able to
purchase an Affogato – a scoop of gelato
“drowning” in espresso – for a mere $1.88
in honor of the event. (Affogato means
“drowned” in Italian.)
The café is open during mid-week Bi-
Wednesday, Nov. 26, 7 p.m.
Wednesday, Nov. 26, 7 p.m.
(No childcare provided)
BRIDGES CAFÉ continued on page 7
Apologist Lee Strobel helps bring Reasonable Faith in
an Uncertain World to Woodside’s Troy campus
t is maintained by today’s culture that
philosophical certainty about questions regarding the existence of God
and Christianity is impossible to grasp,
and any attempt to achieve an understanding is a fool’s errand. Apologetics is the art of intellectually defending
God and the truth claims of the Christian faith through speech.
While apologetics was developed in
the early church, it is very much alive today and is the tool used to answer false
charges leveled by critics against Christian doctrine. Defending the faith is one
reason the Woodside Troy campus hosted
Woodside Bible Church
6600 Rochester
Troy Mi 48085
Sunday, Nov. 23, 6 p.m.
an apologetics conference Oct. 3-4 titled,
Reasonable Faith in an Uncertain World.
Apologist and author Lee Strobel, a
former atheist and legal editor for The
Chicago Tribune who is now a defender
of the Christian faith, was the keynote
speaker. Strobel, who cultivated a desire to be a newspaper reporter at a very
young age, published a little newspaper
called the Arlington Bulletin when he was
only 12 years old. He also became a columnist for a newspaper by the age of 14.
“My dad would come home on
the train from work every day with
the Chicago Daily News in hand. We
also had the Chicago Tribune delivered
STROBEL continued on page 10
he sun had yet to make
an appearance and the
temperature hovered just
above freezing when more
than 25,000 people lined
up near the intersection of
Second and Fort in Detroit,
MI, on October 19, a day
that many members of the
Woodside Bible Church
community will never forget.
After more than a half
year of intense training, the
Woodside Runners met the
challenge at the Detroit
Free Press/Talmer Bank
Marathon, with 120 runners from the church’s campuses taking part in the various events. Many ran the
half-marathon (13.1 miles on a course
that takes participants into
Windsor, Ontario), while a
handful ran the U.S. half-
ble studies, Saturday evening and Sunday
morning services and, from time to time,
special events held at the church. In addition to serving a variety of coffees, it also
has teas, juices and other soft drinks, along
with breakfast rolls, bagels, chips and other snacks.
Each Woodside campus has some sort
of coffee café but Bridges at the Troy campus was the first and is the most elaborate.
Other campuses operate their coffee programs independently,
but Mitchell often consults with them about
how to operate an effective program.
To Mitchell and her
volunteers, including
her husband, Jay, Bridges is about more
than just selling beverages and goodies.
It’s about creating a warm, inviting atmosphere where people can socialize before
and after services. It’s designed to be a
welcoming environment to those who at-
Lee Strobel
6600 Rochester Road
Troy, MI 48085
SUNDAY 8:30 a.m.,
10 a.m., 11:30 a.m.
27300 Hoover Road
Warren, MI 48093
9:30 a.m., 11 a.m.
9000 Highland Road
White Lake, MI 48386
9:30 a.m., 11 a.m.
2915 Normandy Road
Royal Oak, MI 48073
10 a.m., 11:30 a.m.
2509 Waldon Road
Lake Orion, MI 48363
9:30 a.m., 11 a.m.
28301 Middlebelt Road
Farmington Hills, MI 48334
9:30 a.m., 11 a.m.
Detroit School of the Arts Ford Theater
123 Selden Street
Detroit, MI 48201
SUNDAY 10 a.m.
7800 W. 32 Mile Road
Washington, MI 48095
9:30 a.m., 11 a.m.
SUNDAY 10:30 a.m. and 7 p.m.
TUESDAY 7 p.m.
THURSDAY 8 a.m. and 7 p.m.
830 Auburn Avenue
Pontiac, MI 48342
SUNDAY 11:30 a.m.
one church. ten locations.
Section A
New Beginning,
New Hope
ou are alive today
because Almighty
God, the Maker of
heaven and earth, created you for a special
purpose. The all-wise
Ruler of the universe
holds every person accountable, and each of
us has broken His law.
We deserve God’s wrath
and endless punishment
in hell.
The Great News of
the Bible is that God
loves us so much that
He sent His Son Jesus
Christ to pay the penalty for our sin by dying
on the cross. Three days
later God raised Him
from the dead: demonstrating that Jesus was,
as He claimed, God and
Savior. Anyone who
believes in Jesus has
eternal life instead of
eternal punishment.
God commands all
men to turn away from
sin and to give allegiance to Jesus Christ
as Master. God hears
the prayer of all who
call out to Him. A new
life of forgiveness from
sin and peace with God
comes through commitment to Jesus Christ.
Jesus promises a fulfilling life to all who follow
Him, a life of meaning
and purpose.
God, I am a sinner. I
turn away from my sin
and ask forgiveness. I
believe that Jesus died for
my sins and rose from the
dead. I commit to follow
Jesus as my Lord.
This commitment
to follow Christ establishes a new relationship
with God. It is best developed in a community of believers who are
committed to worship,
prayer, Bible study, fellowship, and outreach.
If you want to learn more
about connecting with
God, the friendly people
at Woodside Bible Church
will gladly welcome
you and share their life
in God with you. For
more information call
248-879-8533, or go
to woodsidebible.org,
or e-mail gospeltruth@
Thinking before
Often the challenges of the
present can cause us to forget the
blessings of the past. Journaling
e all look forward to celcan help create a record of those
ebrating Thanksgiving
blessings, healings and answers
with food, fellowship, family,
to prayers. The ancient Israelites
football and our thanksgiving
used stones and monuments not
prayers. Ann VosKamp in her
only so that they would never
bestselling book, One Thousand
forget the goodness of God, but
Gifts, says that thanks are the DOUG SCHMIDT also so they could pass them on
highest form of thought. And that conto the next generation. The Lord’s Table
centrated thought will produce a deeper
or communion was a practice ordered by
and greater gratitude.
Christ for the church so we would never
I believe that our thanksgiving can
forget the cross and what it means. Let’s
be elevated to another level if we invest
think back to remember.
some time in thinking. Thinking before
Let’s look in and reflect. Pride and
thanking. G.K. Chesterton once said,
thanksgiving don’t normally go together.
“I would maintain that thanks are the
It is when we look in and think of whom
highest form of thought; and that gratiwe really are that we take the first step
tude is happiness doubled by wonder.”
toward thanksgiving.
Think back to remember. In the well
A man once said that humility is the
known psalms of discouragement, (Psalms
recognition that his accomplishments are
42-43), the poet (perhaps David) finds that
a sum total of the work of God and othremembering his blessings is the exit ramp
ers. There really are no self-made men and
from his pain. “These things I remember, as
women. Whatever energy, intellect, power
I pour out my soul: how I would go with the
or wealth we have comes first through the
throng and lead them in procession to the house
God-given gift of life. When we read that
of God with glad shouts and songs of praise, a
Jesus gave thanks ( John 6:11), we drop to
multitude keeping festival.” (Psalm 42:4)
our knees in humble gratitude.
Every human being experiences what
theologians call “common grace” – that
is we have been undeservedly blessed by
God in his revelation to us, his care and
protection, our conscience, and many
other ways including life itself. Additionally, many have experienced special
grace that has changed their past, their
identity and their future.
Humble thinking will cause us to recognize that all kindness toward us is not
deserved and thus results in thanksgiving.
Looking back and looking in should
then cause us to look up. Let’s look up to
recognize the true source of life and blessing is an almighty God. Ann VosKamp in
her best-selling book, A Thousand Gifts,
stated, “The counting of blessings is ultimately summed up in One.” (p.155)
The Psalmist reminds us that God daily loads us with benefits. Every good and
perfect gift does come from above. Recognizing the source of all blessings leads to
gratitude, which breeds praise and greater
trust. There is an old Chinese proverb that
states it well, “When you drink from the
stream, remember the spring.”
Thinking before Thanking. “I will magnify Him with thanksgiving.” (Psalm 69:30)
My new favorite night is
through his word and to apply
Monday night.
it to your life.
That’s because Monday is
At a session last month,
when our Explorer’s Bible Study
I shared with the group how
Class meets at the Troy Cama daily Bible study method I
pus. It’s a year-long, in-depth
learned from a Christian passtudy for men, women and martor named Wayne Cordeiro
ried couples that involves daily
has made that daily time in the
homework, a weekly discussion
word come alive for me.
time and an expository teaching
It’s the SOAP method.
session on the material we’ve
There are all sorts of methods
been studying for the past week.
out there that can help you do this. There
Over and over this year, people have
are great Bible apps and devotional studbeen telling me how glad they are to be
ies. But whether it is in a structured study
doing the study, even though the comlike our Explorer’s Class or my own permitment expectation is major. Many of
sonal quiet time, I have found the SOAP
those in the class have never before studmethod to be powerfully effective.
ied the Bible.
The S is for the scripture I happen to
And what so many are discovering is
read that day.
that God has something to say to us evThe O is my observation on how it
ery single day.
applies to my life at that moment
The fact is, you don’t need to know
The A is the application or how that
Greek or Hebrew to understand the
word from God can be used in whatever
Bible. You don’t need commentaries.
situation or challenge or issue I’m facing
You just need to hear what God says
And the P is my prayer, based on
what God’s word just told me, my response to his word through confession
and thankfulness and petition.
SOAP. That’s just my tool.
There are so many great opportunities to study and apply God’s word at
Woodside, on all of our campuses.
Out Thrive program has numerous
studies, and there are groups that meet
throughout the week. Check the Happenings listing in section B for more information.
And even if a class or group study
doesn’t work out for you, check the You
Version Bible app and website. They
offer dozens of topical and expository
studies that you can work through online or on your smartphone or tablet.
God has something to say to us every
Have you heard him today?
Mike Wendland is Executive Editor of
The Woodside News. He can be contacted
at mikewendland@woodsidebible.org.
My seven “go to” passages
of the Bible
Here are my seven “go to”
passages of the Bible.
Genesis 1. Ever wonder why
f you’re like me – it’s easy to
the natural world is so awesome,
get caught up in the events of
so many parts of the world are
the day and forget (or neglect)
so beautiful? These two chapto spend time reading the Bible.
ters tell us why.
And yet, I’m a follower of JeGenesis 3. Ever wonder why
sus – I’m supposed to spend at
the world we live in is such a
least some time every day read- LARRY HARRISON mess? It started with the Adam,
ing his Word. It’s an important
Eve and a serpent. It’s been a
part of keeping my mind on the way Jewreck ever since.
sus wants me to live.
John 3:1-21. So how do we mere
Let’s be honest, it can be a chalmortals get out of this Genesis 3 dilemlenge - following a reading plan or going
ma? Jesus tells Nicodemus, a religious
through several pages of a formal Bible
scholar of his time, about how we can
find redemption in this narrative.
I’ve found that one way to combat
Matthew 5-7. This is the passage
this issue is to have key passages of the
known as the “Sermon on the Mount.”
Bible I can go to quickly. Don’t get me
Here Jesus takes the law, morality and ethwrong – the entire Bible is important,
ics to another level. If we let it be more than
but there are certain parts that drive
just a “sermon,” it will change our lives.
things home more directly.
John 13:31-17:26. This was a chat
Jesus had with his disciples the night
before he went to the cross. Yet Jesus
makes it clear that what he said to the
eleven that night is what he still says to
his followers today.
Revelation 4 and Isaiah 6. A lot has
been written about heaven – but these
views of the Throne of God were written
by a couple of guys who saw it first-hand.
Awesome does not begin to describe it.
Revelation 21-22. Ever wonder how
it’s all going to end? This passage tells
us how all things will become new – all
things will be as they were in the beginning (before Genesis 3) – all things will
be beautiful again. Very encouraging.
These are passages I read and meditate on often. I hope you find them valuable as you take up your Bible and come
up with your own list of “go to” passages.
Larry Harrison can be contacted at
Section A
Faith in God’s word
helped overcome
difficult illness
bone marrow test revealed
stage two myeloma. Two hospitals turned down the possibility of a double transplant,
while another put her on their
transplant list.
eaders of the “His StoDespite the turmoil and
ry” column may recall
the incredible journey of
life, Sharon always received
Sharon and Paul Borror that
strength from God’s Word –
was shared in the February
especially the Psalms of David.
2008 edition of The Woodside
In 2007 Sharon received exciting
News. The journey was long, fraught
news from the Cleveland Clinic, which
with disappointment, faith, hope and
had originally turned down her request
God’s miraculous power.
for the double transplant. Returning to
By the age of 16, Sharon lost her
the clinic, tests revealed her blood dismother and uncle to Polycystic Kidorder was stable, and the clinic put her
ney Disease (PKD). The disease afname on the transplant list.
fects the liver and kidneys along with
“The news was almost unbelievother possible side effects as aneuable. I knew this had to be a God
rysms and stroke. As devastating was
thing,” says Sharon.
the loss of two family members to this
Two months later as the Borrors
disease, doctors informed Sharon the
were seated in their Adult Fellowship
disease doesn’t skip generations.
Group on a Sunday morning, Paul reFollowing several years of monitorceived a call from the Cleveland Clining, Sharon, at the age of 20, received
ic telling him they had a kidney and
the awesome news that she was free
liver that were a good match for Shaand clear – the disease had indeed apron. The couple arrived at the Clinic
parently skipped a generation.
four hours later to receive the miracle
Twelve years later, however,
for which they had been praying.
while undergoing an abdominal ul-
PASTOR’S PEN.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2A
life-saving surgery to continue recuperation, gaining enough strength to
allow her to perform everyday tasks
such as driving, cooking and cleaning
– tasks she had been unable to undertake during the prior two years.
Having regained strength, Sharon returned to the Cleveland Clinic
in January 2008 to undergo yet another surgery to remove one of her
diseased kidneys. Surgery again was
successful, and Sharon returned
home to totally recuperate from the
saga of the past year.
Today Sharon lives life as a completely healed individual with her
transplanted kidney and liver considered her own organs.
She undergoes routine monthly
blood tests to check the success of the
anti-rejection drugs as well as other
important blood levels. A bi-yearly
trip to the Cleveland Clinic for an
overall check-up on her transplant
surgery has now been reduced to
yearly visits.
Sharon leads an active life today.
In addition to being a homemaker,
she heads a prisoner family group,
which meets twice a month, as well
FROM THE EDITOR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2A
LEADERSHIP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2A
HIS STORY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3A
WHAT’S COOKIN’.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5A
ADVICE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5A
F.R.O.G.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5A
BOOKS OF THE MONTH. . . . . . . . . . . 6A
CROSSCURRENTS.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11A
FAMILY FUN GUIDE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12A
DID YOU KNOW?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12A
CHRISTIAN CROSSWORD.. . . . . . . . 13A
HUMOR.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15A
HAPPENINGS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2B
ERIC HAVEN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3B
VINCE MESSINA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5B
BELONG WOODSIDE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5B
DAN STEWART. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6B
WOODSIDE OF WARREN.. . . . . . . . . . 6B
BRAD HULCY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7B
MOVIE REVIEWS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8B
COMIC.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8B
FIT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9B
“Her story is full of the promises she read and believed in
God’s word. It is amazing how she handled all the stress.”
ANDY BALIGIAN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10B
STEVE ZARRILLI.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11B
STEVE BAKER. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12B
MILESTONES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12B
LORENZO SEWELL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13B
WOODSIDE OF PONTIAC.. . . . . . . . . 13B
TIM HOLDRIDGE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14B
CLASSIFIEDS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15B
TELEVISION SCHEDULE. . . . . . . . . . 15B
TROY, MI 48085
Sharon and Paul Borror
trasound, doctors discovered cysts
on Sharon’s kidneys and liver. PKD
had unfortunately followed its established pattern.
In 2005, complications from the
disease began to develop. Sharon’s
liver became dysfunctional causing
fluids from the organ to begin filling
her abdomen. She was hospitalized
every two weeks to drain the accumulated fluid.
Her hope now was a possible kidney and liver transplant. Another
complication entered the picture. A
Following 13 hours of surgery,
Sharon recuperated so quickly her
hospital stay was only nine days of
what should have been a four-to-sixweek recuperation.
As Paul walked beside Sharon on
this incredible journey, he marvels at
the transformation he saw in his wife.
“Her story is full of the promises
she read and believed in God’s word.
It is amazing how she handled all the
And now the rest of the story…
Sharon returned home from her
as acts as a prayer partner for Woodside’s online services. She also works
with Global Media Outreach, an
online missionary program begun by
Crusade for Christ
“Mine is a huge success story. God
has been incredibly faithful to us. He
spoke directly to me following the
transplant surgery through special
verses in the book of Psalms. They remain my life verses,” says Sharon.
Susan Fulcher can be contacted at
Woodside’s mission is to help people
BELONG to Christ, GROW in Christ
and REACH the world for Christ.
Section A
RUNNERS continued from page 1
marathon (same distance, but runners remain
in the States). Still others took part in the full
marathon, which covered a distance of 26.2 miles
through Detroit and Windsor, and there were even
some who celebrated their camaraderie by forming
a group to run the marathon relay.
The team’s leader, Paul Johnson, helped form
the vision for the Woodside Runners last year, when
they participated in the Detroit races for the first
time as a group. The goal at that time was to support the church’s orphanage in Thailand and the
team was able to raise more than $30,000. This
year, the team raised more than $60,000, though
the final amount was still being tallied at press time.
Wasting no time, Johnson is already making
preparations for the next race. “The Woodside
Runners will be running and walking the Detroit
marathon on October 18, 2015,” he says. “It’ll be
the 38th year for the event and registration opens
on January 1.”
The bright yellow jerseys of the team could be
seen throughout the course, many of them with
photos of an orphaned child pinned on the back near
the logo, “I run to protect orphans.” Others chose to
pin the photo to the front of the jersey over their
heart as a reminder of their purpose when the miles
became difficult. To help boost the spirits of runners, Woodside’s Detroit campus set up a hospitality
tent just a few hundred feet from the finish line and
even held a worship service there during the race.
While the day was replete with stories of personal triumph and dedication, one story seemed to
stand out among all of them.
“I was somewhere between mile 13 and 14 and
had turned down the long, straight stretch,” says
Lindsay Frederick. “Honestly I was thinking, ‘If
anywhere I need a boost, God, this will be it.’ Then
a guy came up behind me, tapped me on the back
near where my shirt read ‘to protect orphans’ and
said, ‘God bless you!’ After he passed me he turned
back and said, ‘I was an orphan.’”
Frederick, who had travelled from Pittsburgh,
PA to take part in her first marathon, recalls how
she felt after that chance encounter. “I got choked
up and thought, ‘Wow, this is it. This is what I’m
running for, here in front of me.’ It was inspiring. I
remember thinking, ‘Thank you, God. That is exactly what I needed at exactly the time I needed it.’”
The impact of her story isn’t lost on Johnson. “Lindsay’s story reminded me that I am so
blessed to be part of our Woodside community of
runners,” he says.
It’s something Frederick isn’t likely to forget
either. “I may never see the direct impact of what
we, as a church, were doing that day for the kids in
Thailand,” she says, “but in that moment I understood more than ever.”
Shawn Conley can be contacted at
From above:
The Woodside
Runners pray
together before the
start of the race.
For your home.
For your office.
For your friends.
12 issues, $10.
Please make check payable to
The Woodside News.
Woodside News Subscriptions
Woodside Bible Church
6600 Rochester Road
Troy, MI 48085
Jeremy Wade glances
at wife Ginnie as they
run their first halfmarathon together.
Bobby Lucas waves
for the camera while
running with Tina
Lucas (left) and
Rebekka Parker.
Section A
Focus the
conversation on
the positives.
rewarding in non-monetary ways.
Focus the conversation on the positives and what they may be content
with rather in what ways they are
If they don’t pick up on the subtle
shift in conversation, you may have
to respond with a simple statement
regarding your wishes that they keep
their comments about their finances
to themselves. Be prepared to kindly
and firmly voice your feelings and
then change the subject. Make sure
this last part is done in private and it
does not get discussed amongst the
rest of the family.
Be prepared to quote some Bible
verses on thanksgiving or contentment. Hebrews 13:5 tells us, “Keep
your life free from love of money, and be
content with what you have, for he [ Jesus] has said, ‘I will never leave you nor
forsake you.” Psalm 150:6 ends David’s praise psalm with, “Let everything that has breath praise the LORD!
Praise the LORD!”
Happy Thanksgiving.
Keep it simple,
O. Kaye
O. Kaye is a licensed mental health
provider and a member of Woodside
Bible Church. Questions and comments
for this column can be addressed to
A: Sounds like they put you in an
awkward position of either feeling
like you have to defend your financial
position or comment on their money
issues. Do they really want an answer
to their comments or are they just
complaining out loud? How do you
feel when they make the comments?
Treat their comments as questions
and reply in response, are you asking
questions for advice on your financial
situation? If they reply in the affirmative you could either arrange a meeting time to give honest input or have
some referrals to a financial advisor
or career counselor. However,
they are more likely to respond by deflecting the focus
in a negative way on how well
off you appear to them. Jealousy may be a primary motivation for their comments.
Be prepared to kindly
and firmly voice your feelings. Confirm their choices
for careers that may be more
Q: My sisters and I were
raised frugally, but comfortably. My oldest sister and her
spouse chose lower-paying careers and pick up extra jobs to
help pay the bills. The problem
is that they are openly envious
of their friends and relatives
who don’t need to take on exO. KAYE
tra jobs. How do I respond to
their constant “if only we had
more money like you do” comments?
Becky Johnson can be contacted at
while a couple of chunks are still visible. Cool, stirring occasionally to just
above body temperature.
Pour remaining 1/4 cup whipping
cream into a metal measuring cup and
sprinkle in the gelatin. Allow gelatin to
set for 10 minutes. Then carefully heat
by swirling the measuring cup over a
low gas flame or candle. Do not boil or
gelatin will be damaged. Stir mixture
into the cooled chocolate and set aside.
In the chilled mixing bowl, beat
cream to medium peaks. Stir 1/4 of
the whipped cream into the chocolate
mixture to lighten it. Fold in the remaining whipped cream in two doses.
There may be streaks of whipped
cream in the chocolate and that is
fine. Do not over-work the mousse.
Spoon into bowls or martini glasses and chill for at least 1 hour. Garnish with fruit and serve.
If mousses are to be refrigerated
overnight, chill for 1 hour and then
cover each with plastic wrap.
In a large blender or with
a food processor, blend all
the ingredients together until a desired consistency is
reached. Taste and add more
Spiced Sweet Potato
olive oil if dry, more hot sauce
if not spicy enough for you,
1 large sweet potato, cubed
or more lemon juice to bring
2 cups cooked chickpeas
out the flavors more.
(I made mine from dried
Serve with your favorite
beans but feel free to use canned)
pita bread, crackers, or chips.
4 Tablespoons tahini
2 Tablespoons olive oil (you may need
Chocolate Mousse
more if the hummus comes out thick)
1 3/4 cups whipping cream
2 garlic cloves, minced
12 ounces good quality semisweet
Juice from 1/2 a lemon
chocolate chips
1 Tablespoon cumin
3 ounces espresso or strong coffee
1 teaspoon of your favorite hot sauce
1 tablespoon dark rum
4 tablespoons butter
dash of nutmeg
1 teaspoon flavorless, granulated gelatin
dash of cinnamon
Salt/Pepper to taste
Chill 1 1/2 cups whipping cream in
refrigerator. Chill metal mixing bowl
Bring a large pot of water to a boil.
and mixer beaters in freezer.
Lower to medium low and add in the
In top of a double boiler, combine
sweet potatoes. Cook until softened
chocolate chips, coffee, rum and but(about 10 to 15 minutes). Strain and
ter. Melt over barely simmering water,
let cool.
stirring constantly. Remove from heat
ere is a great start to
Dinner and a great finish…
Nine-year-old Sudarat M
Editor’s Note: Woodside Bible Church
sponsors an orphanage in Thailand called
the Akha House of Light, ministering to the
children of the Akha hill tribe. Each month,
in this space, we introduce you to one of the
children available for sponsorship.
udarat and her younger brother
have been raised by their grandparents as her parents abandoned
them. Their grandparents are elderly
and poor and could not care for them
so they were sent to live at a Catholic
church. Her grandfather heard about
the House of Light and in her words,
“Delivered me from there.”
She is currently in the fourth grade
and loves going to school. She enjoys
playing games and eating fried long
beans (and no, I am not sure what exactly that is) but it does sound interesting. When asked what she wants to
do when she grows up she responded
with a smile and said teacher.
When she first came to the House
of Light she did not know who Jesus
was, but I am thrilled to tell you that
she does now and has made that commitment of faith. Praise God for the
difference that the House of Light is
making in not only this young lady’s
life, but for all 66 kids at the orphanage.
Like all of the children at The
House of Light, Sudarat is in need
of sponsors. If you would like to help,
please contact missions@woodsidebible.org. You can also still support
Woodside Runners who ran the Detroit Free Press Marathon in October
as all of the financial support will go
to the House of Light. For more information, please go online to woodsidebible.org or call 248-879-8533.
Greta Valleskey can be contacted at
If you really care
that very night. The part that
gets to me as I re-read this
letter from her is the part
running away from
where she writes, “If you rehome. I will not be home for
ally care.”
my 8th birthday.”
It seems no matter how
Thus began the handwritold our children get, the mesten letter we received from
sage is still the same. “Give
our seven-year-old daughter
me my independence,” but at
that we’ve kept and cherished DAN MULVENNA the same time ... “Please nevfrom many years ago. She
er ever stop letting me know
went on ... “Now I’m going to live unthat you really care.”
der the bridge by T.C.B.Y. If you really
Showing we care, while letting
care about me, come find me! P.S. … I
them gain their independence is a
could be runnin’ to dad’s work.”
balancing act. I remember when she
Funny stuff as we look back on
was just two years old. There she was,
it. For the record, she never did run
climbing the jungle gym behind her
away, but was tucked up in her bed
brother, and going down the slide by
herself. She had no fear. There I was,
not wanting to interfere, but without
her knowing, had my hands out make
sure she’d be OK. Yes, she did it on
her own, but there was a safety net she
didn’t even realize was there. What an
opportunity we have as parents to remind our kids, no matter their age, of
the safety net we have in God.
He told us, “I will never leave you
nor forsake you.” What a great reminder that while we as parents are there
to do all that we can, ultimately, they
belong to and are protected by him.
To that seven-year-old girl I say,
“Yes, we do care. More than you’ll
ever know. Yet there is one that cares
so much more than we are able. And
that my dear, is a promise!”
Dan Mulvenna can be contacted at
Section A
Left to right: Derek Skrine, Stephanie Tremblay-Dulong, Joe Linklater, Andrew Menendez, Dale Tremblay- Dulong, Debbie
Reamer, Brad Hulcy and Jean Ruhlen.
Kasmir mission team returns
home with plans for future trips
“The most special memory for me, is when the
village of Diggar hosted a dinner for us to show
their appreciation for our work on their children’s
school. What made it so special was even though
a village elder had passed away that day and they
traditionally will not sing, they went ahead with
our dinner and the children danced and sang for
“I don’t know what God has planned for these
spiritual yet misguided people, but I pray our missions can lead them to a relationship with Jesus.
I’m already planning on going back to Diggar to
put a permanent roof on the school and to tell
ark 16:15 tells us to “Go into all the world and
preach the good news to all creation.” Acts 1:8
says that we are to be witnesses “to the ends of the
On Saturday, Sept. 20, eight determined explorers left the safe and known world of White Lake,
Michigan for two weeks in the ends of the earth.
Their destination was Kashmir, in the Himalayan mountains of northwestern India. Their mission: to help build a school in the village of Diggar,
and to bring the gospel message to
people who are mostly Muslim or
Hindu; while only about 1% are
Joe Linklater, one of the team
members, had this to say, “This was
my first short-term mission trip and
my first time to India. I was excited
and nervous about the trip. Of course
the 24+ hours of travel time was
tough, but the breathtaking spiral
landing in Leh was amazing. Adjusting to the altitude was challenging;
it took me about four days to adjust
and even after that, minimal exertion
made me have to gasp for air.”
Linklater was surprised on how
dirty the streets were from the donkeys, cows and dogs which roamed
freely. He continues, “The wonder- Brad Hulcy enjoys a hot cup of coffee at 14,000 feet with some of the village men.
ful people of Ladakh (with the help
of the Holy Spirit) allowed me to
look past our cultural differences. We had wonderthem more about Jesus.”
ful hosts at our guest house in Leh, Mr. Nabi and
Another team member, Debbie Reamer, had
his wife Idsa. They are some of the few Muslims we
read an article about steep slopes and aching feet
encountered. Our comfort was a priority to them.
and how God walks those paths with us. “It re“Our trekking team, who were Buddhist, not
minded me to be thankful for feet that can ache and
only took care of our transportation and meals while
the slopes ahead that I get to travel on.”
we were in the mountain village of Diggar, they
All 16 aching feet are now safely at home.
worked by our side on the village school. We had
some good conversations about Jesus with a couple
Linda Fishel can be contacted at
of them.
Agents of the Apocalypse:
A Riveting Look at the Key
Players of the End Times
By David Jeremiah
Hot off the press! (I always wanted to say that!)
In Agents of the Apocalypse,
published just last month,
prophesy expert Dr. David
Jeremiah gives us a guide
as to who’s who in the Bible as it relates to the end
Before attending a gathering, you first want to
know who will be there. The same is true for a new
movie: who stars in it? If you are like most Christians, the Book of Revelation captivates but sometimes confuses us. Who is the Antichrist and is he
walking among us today? Who are the 144,000?
Who are the exiled, the martyrs, the false prophet
and the beast? Dr. Jeremiah gives us a broader look
at each of the key players, their motives and, if possible, how we are to recognize them.
Dr. Jeremiah is a conservative evangelical Christian author, televangelist, and currently the Senior
Pastor of Shadow Mountain Community Church,
an evangelical megachurch in El Cajon, California,
a suburb of San Diego.
Between Sundays
By Karen Kingsbury
While the above mentioned non-fiction selection is a brand-new work,
this fiction by well-loved
author Karen Kingsbury
has been around a few
years but is worth a reread. Plus, since it is football season again, this will
be a good time to dust it
Between Sundays is a story about two football
players, one little boy and his foster mother. It is
also the inspiration for the book’s title, proving that
what matters most in life is not just what happens
on game day.
Retiring quarterback Derrick Anderson tries to
teach his teammates just that as he mentors them
both on and off the field. The messages throughout
are good lessons for non-athletes as well, because as
Christians, we need to live out our faith during the
week as well as on “church day.”
NFL star quarterback Aaron Hill has good looks,
gridiron skill and the privileges that go with playing
in front of a televised audience of millions. But his
self-centered life is about to change … he’s asked
by Derrick to meet some at-risk kids, not exactly
Aaron’s idea of a good time. At the Youth Center
is Megan and her foster son Cory, a little boy who
understandably becomes enamored with him.
Cory’s mother died in poverty when he was only
seven years old. However, before she died, she told
him who his father was. Megan, his mom’s best
friend, is left to raise the little boy on her own. Now
she wants to adopt him, but one obstacle stands in
the way. Cory is convinced that 49ers quarterback
Aaron Hill is his father.
Karen Kingsbury is a well-known Christian
novelist with over 13 million copies of her books
in print. Interestingly, she was a sports writer for
the Los Angeles Times early in her career. This background made the football scenes come alive, taking
the reader right onto the field. However, no protective gear is needed while reading this gripping story.
Linda Fishel can be contacted at
BRIDGES CAFÉ continued from page 1
tend the church, especially those who
are new.
“Some people may not be familiar with church,” she said. “They may
not know what to do when they get
to church. But they know how to get
a cup of coffee.”
Mitchell has been involved with
the Troy campus’s “coffee ministry”
from its earliest days. It technically
began in 1997 with a program called
“AWANA Java” (AWANA is a youth
program conducted on Wednesday
evenings during the school year.)
“The church conducted a survey
and learned that a lot of kids that
came to AWANA did not attend our
church. Their parents would bring
them – then have nothing to do. So
we began to provide them with coffee. We wanted them to know we
cared about them,” Mitchell said.
Fresh baked goods bring smiles to Coffee Cafe customers.
“Some people may not be familiar with church. They may
not know what to do when they get to church. But they
know how to get a cup of coffee.”
It wasn’t until 2008 when Woodside began to think about taking coffee to the next level.
“We met once a week for about a
year to work out the details and begin
to build the café we know today,” she
There were a lot of details to work
out. The café, located near the north
entrance of the church, had to be designed and built. There was furniture
and equipment to purchase, volunteers to train and health code regulations to follow. And, of course, they
needed coffee. They looked to the
Great Lakes Coffee Roasting Company for that.
In addition to supplying coffee,
the Bloomfield Hills firm donated
hours of consulting time on how to
operate a quality café. And the company has played a vital role in several
key initiatives over the years.
Early on, Bridges served only “fair
trade” organic coffee. Great Lakes
Coffee ensured that growers received
a fair exchange for their work and
that the product was truly organic.
About a year ago, the café began
serving “farm direct” coffee. Great
Lakes Coffee went to Columbia and
purchased an entire coffee crop directly from a farmer named Manuel
Ortega. It’s the coffee the café serves
Bridges officially opened its doors
on October 7, 2009 and has been a
fixture at the Troy campus ever since.
It takes a lot of volunteers to make
the café happen.
“We have volunteers of every age
and from every walk of life,” Mitchell
said. “We spend a great deal of time
training and interacting with the volunteers to match people with what
they like to do.”
There are between 80 and 100
people on the volunteer list, working
off and on at any given time. They
do everything from serving the customers to producing the posters that
adorn the walls.
Yet Mitchell looks at Bridges,
its volunteers and activities from a
broader, more important perspective.
“Coffee isn’t really why we do
this,” she said. “It’s about increasing
our options for fellowship. It’s a ministry where we can increase our sphere
of influence among our patrons, our
suppliers, our delivery people, our
health department officials and others. We appreciate the opportunity.”
Larry Harrison can be contacted at
Section A
Troy campus families c
Parent/Child Dedicati
roy campus worshippers celebrated with friends and family as 15 children were presented for
dedication over the weekend of Oct.
11-12. The bringing of children before the church body is a public declaration that each child is a gift from
Dedicating a child acknowledges
God’s sovereignty not only over the
child, but also Mom and Dad. Parents also come praying that their
child might one day trust Jesus Christ
as Savior for the forgiveness of sin.
In making this commitment, parents are instructed (Proverbs 22:6) to
raise their children in the ways of the
Lord, and not according to their own
From that point forward, the family is responsible for teaching and
training the child in God’s Word,
demonstrating an example of godliness, disciplining according to God’s
ways and praying earnestly and endlessly for the child.
All at Woodside are encouraged
to lift these families in prayer as their
children grow closer to Christ.
As is tradition at Woodside, each
child was photographed prior to their
dedication service for inclusion in this
ceremonial photo spread.
For more information on Parent/Child Dedication at Woodside,
please contact the church office at
your home campus.
Mateo Achim
Ellie Jae Baker
Lincoln David Clark
Faye Harper Curton
Gabriel William Kocher
Riley Lynn Smith
Section A
ion in October
Carson Chase Bona
James Gabriel Chit
Isabella Noel Clark
Jacob Andrew Felice
Emma Rose Frazier
Charlotte Marie Kesteloot
Lia Mar Lynn Trechsel
Liam Hudson VanderVlucht
Savannah Faith Woods
Section A
Clockwise from top left: Mike Wendland, Craig Hazen, JP MOreland, Clay Jones and Lee Strobel
STROBEL continued from page 1
to our door every morning. I was
reading two newspapers a day,” said
Strobel. “I wanted to be a newspaper
reporter in order to be on the front
page of history.”
Strobel was educated at the University of Missouri, where he earned
a Bachelor of Journalism degree, and
Yale Law School where he earned a
Master of Studies in Law degree. He
always considered himself a skeptic,
but his unbelief was actually born in
his teenage years.
“I was an atheist since I was a
teenager,” said Strobel. “I thought
that the mere concept of an all-loving,
all-powerful, all-knowing creator in
the universe was absurd.”
In his youth, he considered himself
to be, what he termed, a non-thinking
atheist. Later, he studied atheism,
reading such authors as Bertrand Russell, Antony Flew and others.
Strobel came to faith by way of
a systematic investigation into the
claims of the Bible and Christianity.
His investigation focused around two
main points: was Jesus Christ truly the
Son of God, and did he really rise from
the dead. “If the resurrection of Christ
was found true, that would establish
the veracity of Christianity for me, but
if it were false, I could go on living an
immoral atheistic life,” said Strobel.
After two years of intense research
and formal inquiry, Strobel finally
labored over his accumulated pages
of documented facts surrounding
the resurrection of Jesus. In 1981, he
knowledgeable decision. Christianity
found himself in his bedroom on his
gives a picture that matches the way
knees before God confessing Christ
the world really is.”
as Lord and Savior.
J.P. Moreland, Distinguished ProWhile Lee Strobel’s wife Leslie
fessor of Philosophy at Talbot School
had come to faith a couple of years
of Theology, described how Christiprior to his investigation, she and
anity is currently under attack by two
others had labored in prayer for him.
worldviews: scientific naturalism and
Shortly after his conversion, both
post-modern relativism.
his daughter and son came to faith
The former worldview equivocates
through the example of their father’s
that the key questions of life can only
transformed life.
be answered by way of examining sciSeveral faculty members of Biola
entific evidence; the latter view holds
University, a private Christian unithat all answers are bound in relativversity in Southern California, which
ism, or the idea that there is no abserved as one of the sponsors
of the conference, also spoke
on various apologetic topics.
On Friday evening, Dr.
Craig Hazen, Professor of
Comparative Religion and
Christian Apologetics, opened
the conference with the charge
that a palpable fear among
Christians existed and was
disabling them from engaging the world in defense of the
true claims of Christianity.
As Hazen put it, “We’re
here to raise the bar of conAttendees purchase books at the event.
On Saturday, Hazen continued by painting a picture of how
solute truth. Moreland contends that
Christianity, when compared with
the world view of Biblical Christianother world religions, is truly evidenity provides us with a knowledge of
tial and testable.
reality that ultimately leads to truth.
“Christianity gives meaningful
“Christianity gives us knowledge of
evidence where most religions do
the truth. You can know God is real,”
not,” said Hazen. “You can study and
said Moreland. “Truth can be found
investigate Christianity and make a
by matching thought with reality.”
Steve Kozak, Theology Instructor and Student Activities Director at
Maranatha High School in Pasadena,
CA, posed the moral question to his
audience: “Can we do the right thing
without God?” Can morality be accurately defined by a culture overrun
with humanism and relativism?
Atheist Christopher Hitchens
believes that human decency is the
central point. “Human decency is not
derived from religion. It precedes it,”
says Hitchens.
“The value and supposed goodness
of human beings is not the answer,” says
Kozak. “Man cannot do the
right thing without a central
reference point. Relativism is
not objective morality. Morality is a distinction. We must
measure morality by something independent of humanity. We need a central point of
reference for good behavior
and that comes from God.”
Schmidt explains how apologetics fits with the current
Woodside message series, The
Gospel Mosaic. “A full understanding of the scope of the
gospel mosaic, from beginning to end, shows how all the pieces
of the story in the Bible fit together. To
know the Bible and its history is to understand the story and speak in defense
with knowledge and wisdom.”
Bill Rudnik can be contacted at
Section A
A table to reflect
the host
tabernacle sanctuary where
Imagine their excitement and anGod’s presence dwelt among
ticipation as they took their places at
his chosen people.
this specially prepared table. Little
here is hardly a more baThis table was small by todid they know that life was about to
sic yet essential piece of
day’s standards; the length of
take an unimaginable turn and there
furniture than a table. This
a yard stick and only 18 inches
would never be another supper quite
time of year, our ordinary
wide, overlaid with pure gold
like this one.
tables will become the focus
and constructed with a gold
There is imagery here not to be
and centerpiece for holiday
rim all the way around. The
missed. God gave instructions for the
decorating and entertaining.
special bread for the table was
original tabernacle where a bronze
A Google-search of
prepared and eaten only by
laver occupied the outer courtyard
“Thanksgiving Table decorations”
the priests and replaced every week.
where the priests would wash at the
delivers endless inspiration and adThere is great imagery here pointbeginning of every day in preparation
vice for upgrading the common, eving to the Last Supper when Jesus,
for their priestly duties.
eryday table into something uncommonly extraordinary.
Every holiday host, no matter how
few or how many guests are expected,
will be thinking about the appearance
of the table, wanting it to be special
and memorable for the occasion.
Perhaps the table has come to be a
reflection of the host. The emphasis of
the table and its appearance might also
suggest a great love for hospitality as
well as for the guests who are invited.
Even the food that will be served there
may not be remembered as well as the
table itself and those who sat around it.
Whether in a soup kitchen or at
the White House or our own home,
there is something wonderful about
sitting down to a beautifully set table
where everyone invited has a place.
Here, the table and the food set upon
it becomes a symbol of a loving host’s
out-stretched hand to commune with
and welcome the guests who have
come together for celebration.
The idea of elaborate feasts and celThe table and the food set upon it becomes a symbol of a loving host’s out-stretched hand.
ebrations, tables generously spread with
food, banquets, wedding suppers and
so forth originate with the finest host
our great high priest, arranged for a
Thirteen-hundred years later in
there ever was and ever will be.
room and a table where a final meal
an upper room, Jesus our Great High
The Bible contains many references
would be shared with the invited 12
Priest, knows that his mission on
to such things, beginning with the first
disciples, in preparation for the Passearth is finished and he is returning
table for which God gave very specific
over. It was at this table in an upper
to God. He confers to his disciples
instructions in Exodus 25. This table
room, that he “showed them the full
a new priestly mission as he washes
was for the Bread of the Presence in the
extent of his love.” ( John 13:1)
their feet with water he pours into a
There is something wonderful about
sitting down to a beautifully set table
where everyone invited has a place.
tRoy CaMPuS
5-6:15 p.m.
Join us for a
great meal every
Wednesday in the
Community Room
$5 per person including entrée, side, vegetable, salad, drink and dessert
$3 child’s meal hot dog, fruit, chips, drink and dessert
Nov. 5
Nov. 12
Nov. 19
Nov. 26
DeC. 3
DeC. 10
DeC. 17
DeC. 24
DeC. 31
JaN. 7, 2015
Mostaciolli , Green Beans, Salad, Roll & Dessert
victorian Chicken, Noodles, Prince Charles vegetables, Salad, Roll & Dessert
Sweet & Sour Meatballs, Rice, Mixed vegetables, Salad, Roll & Dessert
Meatloaf, Cheesy Potatoes, Carrots, Salad, Roll & Dessert
Baked Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, english Peas, Salad, Roll & Dessert
Baked Ziti, Broccoli, Salad, Roll & Dessert
Swedish Meatballs, Buttered Noodles, Green Beans, Salad, Roll & Dessert
(Cut oN DotteD liNe aND PlaCe oN youR ReFRiGeRatoR aS a ReMiNDeR)
basin or laver, another piece of imagery suggesting the laver of the original
tabernacle. Jesus told Peter and the
disciples that they must be washed or
they would have no part with him.
We know that a meal was served
at this table but the only specific
mention of food is the bread. Another
masterful piece of imagery is given for
us as Jesus breaks bread with his chosen disciples. Here, the Bread of the
Presence has taken on flesh, Jesus, who
with out-stretched hand, invites each
of his 12 guests to share this bread of
the new covenant. “Take and eat; this
is my body.”
Taking the cup, Jesus gives thanks
and offers it to the 12 saying, “Drink
from it all of you. This is my blood of the
covenant which is poured out for many
for the forgiveness of sins.” (Matthew
26: 26-28)
While the Bread in the Tabernacle
was set on the Table in the Holy Place
and consumed only by the Priests,
here at this table where the guests’
feet have been washed by the Host
and bread has been offered and shared
by all along with prayers of thanks, we
see another image of the Holy Place
of the Tabernacle.
However at this table of Jesus
and the disciples, all are Priests under the new covenant; the door has
been opened to all through the bread
(body) of the Presence, God’s perfect
Son. At this table we see a perfect
reflection of the Host of the original
table of the Tabernacle.
That’s the table to which all are invited to come today. There is a place for
everyone; the celebration is ready and
the Host’s hand is always outstretched.
It is at this table of invitation and redemption, if we will come, that He
shows us all the full extent of his love.
Carolyn Mack can be contacted at
Section A
November events
stir excitement for
holiday season
Built To Amaze! international cast of performers as they
prepare for the show.
Tickets starting at $14
reserved are on sale at Palahe holidays will soon
cenet.com, The Palace Tickbe upon us, bringing a
et Store and all Ticketmasbusy list of family activities.
ter locations. Tickets may
As you plan your holiday
be also charged by phone to
schedule, set time aside for
American Express, Discovsome of the Detroit area’s
er, Visa and MasterCard by
traditional holiday events.
calling 800-745-3000. Learn more
Although the very popular Praiat Ringling.com.
rie Home Companion variety show
America’s Thanksgiving Padoesn’t make it to Michigan every
rade®, the nation’s oldest and most
year, Garrison Keillor and his talentcelebrated parade, will step off at
ed team of performers are scheduled
9 a.m. on Woodward Avenue and
into the Royal Oak Music Theatre
Kirby and end at Woodward and
on Sunday, Nov. 9. Funny, moving,
Congress in downtown Detroit on
musical and poetic, Keillor is truly an
Thursday, Nov. 27.
original and brings together a variety
Sponsored by Art Van, the theme
show unlike any other. I am tickled to
be going this year via some gift tickets
given to me by my son Adam.
If you hurry, tickets may still be
available through the box office, at
318 W. Fourth St. in Royal Oak 248399-2980 or online at royaloakmusictheatheatre.com.
Ringling Bros. and Barnum &
Bailey® Presents Built To Amaze!,
Nov. 12-16 at the Palace of Auburn Hills. Guests will enjoy an extraordinary circus experience where
Children Of All Ages® find out
what it takes to build The Greatest
Show On Earth®. The foundation
is set and the rising anticipation of
high-energy, high-jinx and hilarity
is ready to be transported by colorful circus machinery and unleashed
from shipping crates right before the
audience’s eyes.
Built To Amaze! opens with the
All-Access Pre-show where everyone
is invited to join the fun and meet the
of this year’s Detroit Thanksgiving
Parade is “Walking on Sunshine.”
Hundreds of thousands of paradegoers will be watching as the parade
makes its way down Woodward Avenue. If you can’t make it downtown,
the parade will be broadcast live on
WDIV Local 4 from 9-10 a.m. and
on WJR 760 AM. More details are
available online at theparade.org.
A holiday tradition, the Detroit
premiere of Tchaikovsky’s The Nutcracker is always a magical journey
to the land of the Sugar Plum Fairy.
Scheduled for Nov. 28-30 at the Detroit Opera House, this marvelous
live stage performance is sure to excite all ages.
For five magical performances, this
holiday event features a talented cast
of more than 100 professional com-
pany dancers and local children, with
larger-than-life characters, narration
by Sir Roger Moore, and Tchaikovsky’s enchanting score played by
the Michigan Opera Theatre Orchestra, conducted by Peter Stafford
Wilson, Associate Conductor for the
Columbus Symphony.
The Detroit Opera House is located at 1526 Broadway, Detroit, with
ticket office hours 10 a.m.-5 p.m.,
Tickets can also be purchased online at tickets@motopera.org. Several
family matinee shows are scheduled.
Take time to create and enjoy
holiday memories with friends and
Jim Avery can be contacted at
Clockwise from left:
The Greatest Show
on Earth lights up the
Palace of Auburn Hills
Detroit’s Thanksgiving
Day Parade will be
“Walking on Sunshine”
this year;
Garrison Keillor’s Prairie
Home Companion
coming Nov. 9
Tchaikovsky’s The
Nutcracker returns to
the Detroit Opera House
November elections and
turkey talk
ovember traditionally opens the
doors to the holiday season. However, before the celebrations begin, we
have one very important responsibility
to fulfill on Tuesday, Nov. 4.
This year’s mid-term elections will
have 36 Senate seats and every seat
in the House up for grabs, plus numerous races for governor and other
important offices and local measures.
Whatever your political persuasion,
as always it is important to study the
candidates well and exercise your
right to vote.
A good place to start your preparation is to review the actual ballot
you’ll complete on Election Day. You
can do that by going online to votersguide.michigan.com, entering your
home address and then click on “Start
Additional sources of election
information include The League of
Women Voters at lwvmi.org and the
Christian Voter Guide at christianvoterguide.com.
By law, the polls are open 7 a.m. to
8 p.m. for all elections.
This is an important election, and
perhaps Thomas Jefferson said it best:
“The cornerstone of democracy rests
Turkey still dominates the day.
on the foundation of an educated
With that duty taken care of we
can now dive into the holidays.
Thanksgiving continues to be
one of America’s most popular holidays. While traditionally viewed as
a day to express our gratitude for the
blessings of another year, the holiday
also serves as an opportunity to enjoy
family, food and fellowship. As you
plan your Thanksgiving feast you may
want to include some of the delicious
(and nutritious) recipes our “Fit” column writer, Chris Olivero, has shared
in her column this month.
While enjoying the feast you
might impress your guests with the
following Thanksgiving trivia:
The American Automobile Association (AAA) estimates that 42.2
million Americans will travel 50 miles
or more from home over the Thanksgiving holiday.
In 2012, the average American ate
16 pounds of turkey.
95% of Americans surveyed by the
National Turkey Federation will eat
turkey on Thanksgiving.
Minnesota is the top turkeyproducing state in the nation, which
exceeded 46 million birds in 2012.
North Carolina, Arkansas, Missouri,
Virginia, and Indiana also excel in
turkey production.
The average weight of turkeys
purchased for Thanksgiving is 15
A 15-pound turkey usually has
about 70 percent white meat and 30
percent dark meat.
The heaviest turkey ever raised
was 86 pounds, about the size of a
large dog.
Male turkeys (Toms) gobble. Female turkeys (Hens) communicate
with a clicking noise.
Commercially raised turkeys cannot fly, whereas wild turkeys can fly
for short distances up to 55 mph and
can run 20 mph.
June is National Turkey Lover’s
Turkey is lower in fat and higher
in protein that beef or chicken.
Cranberry production in the U.S.
exceeded 750 million pounds in 2012,
with Wisconsin, Massachusetts, New
Jersey, Oregon and Washington being
the top cranberry growing states.
North Carolina, the top sweet potato growing state, annually produces
972 million pounds of the popular
Thanksgiving side dish.
Illinois, California, Pennsylvania
and New York are major pumpkin
growing states. Together they produce over 1 billion pounds of the
sweet treat per year.
The first time the Detroit Lions
played football on Thanksgiving Day
was in 1934, when they hosted the
Chicago Bears at the University of
Detroit stadium, in front of 26,000
fans. The NBC radio network broadcast the game on 94 stations across the
country – the first national Thanksgiving football broadcast. Since that time,
the Lions have played a game every
Thanksgiving (except between 1939
and 1944). In 1956, fans watched the
game on television for the first time.
Happy Thanksgiving and please
pass the taters.
Jim Avery can be contacted at
Section A
Troy campus Women’s Retreat
or the women who have been
searching for rest and an opportunity to reconnect with God
and study his word, the Woodside
Troy Women’s ReFresh retreat, Oct.
24-26, provided the perfect opportunity to do just that.
1. he said, ____, Father, all things are possible unto thee (Mark 14:36) KJV
5. and unto wizards that ___, and that mutter
(Isa 8:19) (KJV)
9. We moved along the ___ with difficulty
(Acts 27:8)
14. a feast of fat things, a feast of wines on
the ____ (Isaiah 25:6)
15. as small as the ____ frost on the ground
(Exodus 16:14)
16. as surely as ___ leads to poverty (Prov
17. For the ___ of twenty, I will not destroy it
(Gen 18:31)
18. and it vomited Jonah ___ dry land (Jonah
19. Forts and towers in the wooded ___ (2
Chron 27:4)
20. parable, or proverb, a prophetic speech
(Mal 1:1)
22. son of Seth (Gen 4:26) KJV 24. Thou ___
the Christ, the Son
of the living God (Matt 16:16) KJV
25. the spear smote him under the fifth ____
(2 Sam 2:23)
26. He also taught about animals and birds,
___ and fish (1 Kings 4:33)
28. The price was two thirds of ___ ___ (1,6)
(1 Sam 13:21)
32. as a ___ doth gather her brood under her
(Luke 13:34) KJV 33. In ___ of all this, they
kept on
sinning (Ps 78:32) 34. In ___ ____ it shall be
with oil; and when it is baken (1,3) (Lev 6:21)
37. And the soldiers’ counsel was to ____ the
(Acts 27:42) 41. Jesus answered: “Watch ___
that no one deceives you (Matt 24:4)
42. Philip went down to the city of ___, and
preached (Acts 8:5) KJV
45. the gazelle, the ___ deer, the wild goat
(Deut 14:5)
46. If a bird’s ____ chance to be (Deut 22:6)
48. each with ___ in hand because of his age
(Zech 8:4)
49. I am he who ___ out your transgressions
(Isa 43:25)
51. abbr. for the 17th book of the Old Testament
53. our struggle is not ___ flesh and blood
(Eph 6:12)
55. a Benjamite, from the ___ tribe of Israel
(1 Sam 9:21) 60. as their lives ____ away in
their mothers’ arms (Lam 2:12)
61. your lightning ___ up the world (Ps 77:18)
62. dead man, “by this time there is a bad
___ (John 11:39)
63. easier for a camel to go through the eye
The event was held at the Yarrow Golf and Conference Center in
Augusta, MI. “Our team has been planning
and praying for months in preparation for Woodside Women of Troy
to step away over this weekend,”
Shelley Jacobson, women’s ministry
coordinator, said.
She added, “We were pleased to
provide the place and the opportunity for space to engage with God
in quiet reflection and engage with
others in conversation and enjoy
some fun and laughter.”
Special speaker Jenny Watson
from Nashville, TN, encouraged
and challenged women through four
teaching sessions. The sessions were
followed by small-group discussions
of a ___ than for a rich man (Mark 10:25)
67. ___ ___ seizes him by the heel; a snare
holds him (1,4) (Job 18:9)
69. ___ up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near (Luke 21:28)
71. And the ____ was upon the earth forty
days and forty nights (Gen 7:12)
72. and for six years ___ your vineyards (Lev
73. whenever anyone turns to the Lord, the
___ is taken away (2 Cor 3:16)
74. Tell the Israelites to bring you ___ ___
heifer without defect (1,3) (Num 19:2)
75. only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many ___ (John 12:24)
76. the ax is dull and its ___ unsharpened
(Eccl 10:10)
77. I am ___ than the least of all God’s
people (Eph 3:8)
1. in the earth in those days; and ___ after
that (Gen 6:4)
2. As a roaring lion, and a ranging ___ (Prov
28:15) KJV
3. the man took out a gold nose ring weighing
a ___ (Gen 24:22)
4. I have ___ ___ message for you, O king
(1,6) (Judg 3:19)
5. I commend to you our sister ___ (Rom
6. a very long period of time 7. Out of the
___, something to eat; out of the strong (Judg
8. Aaron answered.You know how ___ these
people are to evil (Ex 32:22)
9. that I may present you as a ___ virgin to
Christ (2 Cor 11:2) KJV
10. And all that handle the ____, the mariners
(Ezek 27:29)
11. Having believed, you were marked in him
with ___ ___ (1,4) (Eph 1:13)
12. I may tell all my bones: they look and ___
upon me (Ps 22:17)
13. the ear ___ words as the tongue tastes
food (Job 34:3)
21. food for your father, just the way he ___ it
(Gen 27:9)
23. Kephar Ammoni, ___ and Geba (Josh
27. I wrote them with ____ in the book (Jer
28. bring forth ___ ___, and thou shalt call
his name JESUS (1,3) (Matt 1:21)KJV
29. neither cold nor hot, I will ___ thee out of
my mouth (Rev 3:16) (KJV)
30. and he ___ someone so that he dies, he
is a murderer (Num 35:18)
31. Jesus cried out in a loud voice, “Eloi, Eloi,
___ sabachthani?” (Mark 15:34)
35. unleavened cakes, and for that which is
about application in everyday life.
Those who attended had plenty
of time to hangout, have fun and
connect with Jesus.
If you missed this year’s event,
you won’t want to miss next year’s!
Rebekka Parker can be contacted at
baked in the ____ (1 Chr 23:29)
36. a Levite who lived in a remote ___ in the
hill country (Judg 19:1)
38. I will make your heaven as ___ and your
earth as brass (Lev 26:19)
39. Dividing up his clothes, they cast ___ to
see what each would get.(Mark 15:24)
40. ___ there be debates, envyings (2 Cor
12:20) KJV
43. “You ___ foolishly,” Samuel said. “You
have not kept
(1 Sam 13:13) 44. unskilful in the word of
righteousness: for he is ___ ___ (1,4) (Heb
5:13) KJV
47. exiles who lived at ___ Abib near the
Kebar River (Ezek 3:15)
50. criticism of the way we administer this
___ gift (2 Cor 8:20)
52. the western foothills and the mountain
___ (Josh 10:40)
54. is first pure, then peaceable, ___, and
easy to be intreated (James 3:17)
55. pushes himself forward or ___ you in the
face (2 Cor 11:20)
56. thou shalt make the ___ of fine linen
(Exod 28:39) (KJV)
57. May the LORD be ___ ___ and faithful
witness (1,4) (Jer 42:5)
58. explain riddles and ___ difficult problems
(Dan 5:12)
59. Again they ___ to seize him, but he
escaped (John 10:39)
64. for a good man some would even ___ to
die (Romans 5:7)
65. Keep falsehood and ___ far from me
(Prov 30:8)
66. From the ___ of the earth I call to you (Ps
68. James, a servant of God ___ of the Lord
Jesus Christ (James 1:1)
70. Look at the ___ tree and all the trees
(Luke 21:
Section A
White Lake Women’s Retreat inspired many at the Inn at Bay Harbor
The weekend of Oct. 17-19 found 105 women from
the White Lake campus joined together for a threeday retreat at the Inn at Bay Harbor, near Petoskey. The group has enjoyed this inspiring get-away for
the past six years.
The guest speaker for the weekend was Cin-
dy Bultema, author of the Red Hot Faith Bible
study. Bultema has worked with the Radio Bible Class
and maintains an active speaking schedule, serving
alongside many well-known Christian leaders, including
Lysa TerKeurst, Priscilla Shirer and Kay Arthur.
The topic for the weekend was “Living Balanced
in an Unbalanced World.” According to Shari Hulcy,
wife of White Lake Campus Pastor Brad Hulcy, it
was a life-changing event for many and a reconfirming weekend for all. A special thanks goes to Lin
Miller for the outstanding job she did in coordinating
the details of the retreat.
Comedy for a Cause48-bw-ad_4.625” w X 7.875” h BW 300 dpi 9/24/14 1:39 PM Page 1
Nationally Renowned Clean Comedians
for a edy
Ryan was named one of Rolling Stone’s five comics
to watch. He has appeared on NBC’s Last Comic
Standing, Conan, Nick Mom Night Out, Comedy
Central’s Live, and the Showtime special Caroline
Rhea and Friends. Ryan is one of the country’s favorite
stand-ups with immediate comic charisma and a crisp,
clean writing style. You are going to love him.
Taylor uses stand-up comedy, musical comedy, and
his own brand of puppets to make audiences laugh,
very hard. His "one-man show" won the Star Search
Comedy “Grand Prize,” as well as an Emmy Award
for his “Bananas” television special. TV personality,
Ed McMahon said, “Taylor is one of the best comedians
I have ever been around.” Taylor also performed
on NBC’s Last Comic Standing. This is Taylor’s 8th
performance at “Comedy for a Cause” and we are
excited to have him back!
Special Guest Emcee
Chuck Gaidica
Free Admission
A love offering will be taken
Promise Pillar Sponsor: carstohelpkids.org – Rick Frazier, Rochester Hills
Friday, November 21, 2014 • 7 p.m.
(Doors open at 6 p.m.)
Woodside Bible Church
6600 Rochester Rd., Troy MI (North of Square Lake Rd.)
For More Information Call 1-877-A-PROMISE or www.promisevillage.com
Section A
February 8, 2015 • 1-4 p.m.
• Tour the School
• Meet our Teachers
• Talk with Students
Red eyes and brain fog
I’m sad to report those
days are in the rear-view mirror. Even my regular sleep is
his column is being
so lousy I can identify a herd
written on a flight to
of sheep by name.
Quito, Ecuador. I’m really
Overnight flights now take
looking forward to this trip
their toll. A couple months
because I’ll see some great
ago I visited The Philippines,
ministries that are helping
which are conveniently lopeople who have big needs.
cated on the other side of the
It will be inspiring.
earth. The time change was 12 hours.
But what I’m not looking forward
I think my brain is still stuck someto is my return flights. For some reawhere over the Pacific Ocean.
son, devious Delta Airlines only flies
So why do it? Why invite jetlag,
back from Quito at 11:45 p.m. Next,
eyestrain and brain fog?
I’ll connect sleep-deprived in Atlanta
As my friend Jerry Carnill of Ex(mandated by international law).
treme Response likes to say, “We have
I’ll proceed to immigration, then
to customs, where I’ll be
asked why two colorful Ecuadorian blankets are stuffed
in my luggage. I’ll explain
that I used incredible bartering skills (Quanto? Ocho
cinco? Si!) to get the bargain
of a lifetime.
I’m sure the customs
agent will be impressed.
I’ll arrive in Detroit redeyed and foggy-brained at 9
a.m. It won’t be pretty.
From there I’ll look for
my luggage in the highly efficient Detroit airport baggage claim area. People who
once worked with laboratory
rats and have a keen sense of
“stimulus and response” run
this department. They will
wait until everyone from my
flight is amassed near baggage carousel #1. Then they
will turn on a red light and
sound an alarm indicating
our luggage is on the way.
Just like Pavlov’s dogs,
we’ll respond to the stimulating light and sound by
crowding the carousel as
though our luggage is filled
with gold.
Despite the flashing
lights and alarm, our bags
will never drop onto the conveyor at baggage claim #1.
We’ll stay crushed against Good luck finding your luggage on carousel #1.
the conveyor, possibly drooling, waiting and watching.
the rest of our lives to sleep.” Right
After about 15 minutes, our lugnow, there are too many people livgage will quietly feed onto carousel
ing without hope in squatter com#12, which is located a half-mile away.
munities, orphanages and on streets
There won’t be any lights or alarms.
around the world to ignore.
Here’s what’s really happening.
What’s a little brain fog compared
Baggage department employees are
with eternity?
watching us rats, I mean passengers,
and are placing bets on how fast we
Tim Fausch can be contacted at
catch on. I think the record is two days.
The marathon wait for luggage will
add another layer of brain fuzz. Then,
after waiting 20 minutes to ride a
shuttle, I’ll drag my luggage and weary
body to the Big Blue parking structure.
I’ll search for my car on Level 3 for another 20 minutes before finding it hiding between two excursion vans.
Finally, I’ll enter morning traffic
and, assuming I don’t turn “zombie
driver” and end up in Flint, I’ll stumble home about 11:30 a.m. By this
time, my brain will be stuck in the
limbo zone between drop-dead tired
and, “Wake up. It’s time for lunch.”
I once scoffed at “red-eye” flights
that flew through the night. Who
needs sleep? I had enough reserve
energy to go without it and still be
somewhat functional.
Despite the flashing
lights and alarm, our
bags will never drop
onto the conveyor at
baggage claim #1.
We’ll stay crushed
against the conveyor,
possibly drooling,
waiting and watching.
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An estimated 1.4 million children
in Thailand are orphans. More than
900,000 school-age children do not
attend school of any kind. Through
the Akha Light Foundation in Chiang
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future one child at a time.
Sponsoring a Child Changes Two Lives.
Theirs and yours! Your monthly gift of
$32 will provide food, clothing, shelter, education, medical care and most
importantly, they will learn about and
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