VOL 11 ISSUE III APRIL 2015 THAILAND CHILDREN TO VISIT WOODSIDE LAKE ORION CONSTRUCTION UPDATE HOME PLATE SET FOR MAY 3 Page 2A Page 8A Page 1B A PUBLICATION OF WOODSIDE BIBLE CHURCH WOODSIDEBIBLE.ORG PHOTO BY NANCY RUDNIK NYT Bestselling author to host speaking event for Dutton Farm BY RYAN DANDIN WOODSIDE NEWS WRITER A nn Voskamp, New York Times bestselling author of One Thousand Gifts, will be speaking at Woodside Bible Church in Troy to help raise funding for Dutton Farm, a non-profit organization in Oakland County that serves individuals with mental, physical and emotional impairment. Dutton Farm provides the disabled with an array of activities through vocational skills, independent living skills and healthy living programs that help to foster self-confidence. In ad- From left, Gregg Sadowski, Emma Salem, Marie Sadowski and Sydney Yates stir up Super Hero excitement for FLIP Camp. PHOTO BY JENNY BROWN Superheroes to be theme for Woodside’s FLIP Camp dition to this, they come to the farm to care for a variety of animals and learn how to garden from seed to harvest. Along with teaching them valuable life skills, Dutton Farm has a micro-business program where products are made at Dutton Farm and sold in their on-site thrift DUTTON FARM PRE-SORT STANDARD U.S. Postage PAID Big Rapids, MI 49307 Permit No. 62 continued on page 4 BY SUSAN FULCHER WOODSIDE NEWS WRITER S uperheroes will be the theme for Woodside’s second annual FLIP Camp. This year’s plans are in high gear as last year’s inaugural FLIP Camp highlighted the summer for campers with memories of the week lingering through the fall and winter bringing anticipation for the countdown to this year’s event. FLIP is a high impact, exciting four half days filled with parking lot art as campers await each morning’s bell, high-tech worship, exciting Bible lessons and unique indoor and outdoor special daily events including a water day and a super obstacle course this year. “With this year’s theme we want kids Small group gatherings an important part of FLIP Camp. FLIP CAMP continued on page 4 come Woodside Bible Church 6600 Rochester Troy Mi 48085 PHOTO COURTESY OF WOODSIDE KIDS MINISTRY Dutton Farm leader, Jenny Brown (left), introduces a program participant at a recent event. worship with us at woodside TROY 6600 Rochester Road Troy, MI 48085 248-879-8533 SATURDAY 5 p.m. SUNDAY 8:30 a.m., 10 a.m., 11:30 a.m. WARREN 27300 Hoover Road Warren, MI 48093 586-758-4750 SUNDAY 9:30 a.m., 11 a.m. WHITE LAKE 9000 Highland Road White Lake, MI 48386 248-698-1300 SUNDAY 9:30 a.m., 11 a.m. ROYAL OAK 2915 Normandy Road Royal Oak, MI 48073 248-687-7136 SUNDAY 10 a.m., 11:30 a.m. LAKE ORION 2509 Waldon Road Lake Orion, MI 48363 248-481-8069 SUNDAY 9:30 a.m., 11 a.m. DETROIT Detroit School of the Arts Ford Theater 123 Selden Street Detroit, MI 48201 313-494-6000 SUNDAY 10 a.m. ROMEO 7800 W. 32 Mile Road Washington, MI 48095 586-752-3905 SUNDAY 10 a.m., 11:30 a.m. INTERNET CAMPUS http://woodside.tv SUNDAY 10:30 a.m. and 7 p.m. TUESDAY 7 p.m. THURSDAY 8 a.m. and 7 p.m. PONTIAC CAMPUS 830 Auburn Avenue Pontiac, MI 48342 248-499-6416 SUNDAY 11:30 a.m. PLYMOUTH CAMPUS 42021 E. Ann Arbor Trail Plymouth, MI 48170 248-879-8533 x187 SUNDAY 9:30 a.m., 11 a.m. FARMINGTON HILLS 28301 Middlebelt Road Farmington Hills, MI 48334 248-851-0310 SUNDAY 9:30 a.m., 11 a.m. one church. eleven locations. CHILDREN’S PROGRAMS AVAILABLE FOR MOST SERVICES, PLEASE TURN TO SECTION B FOR CAMPUS DETAILS. INTERPRETING FOR THE DEAF AT TROY CAMPUS. ALL SERVICES ARE CONTEMPORARY UNLESS NOTED. Section A 2 the gospel truth New Beginning, New Hope Y If you want to learn more about connecting with God, the friendly people at Woodside Bible Church will gladly welcome you and share their life in God with you. For more information call 248-879-8533, or go to woodsidebible.org, or e-mail gospeltruth@ woodsidenews.org. THE PASTOR’S PEN BY DOUG SCHMIDT [WOODSIDE BIBLE CHURCH SENIOR PASTOR] M arch Madness has alwin their conference, to make it lowed us many opporto the tournament or to become tunities to watch college basnational champs. ketball teams compete for the The Woodside team has a title of National Champ. Each lofty and long-term goal that game draws out the best from is not easily accomplished. Our each team as they realize that if goal is to help people Belong they win, they move on and if to Christ, Grow in Christ and they lose, they go home. Teams Reach the world for Christ. The DOUG SCHMIDT will win or lose as a team. The goal cannot be accomplished championship is not always without God working in us and won by the best athletes, but rather by through us. the best team. The benefits of teamwork in athletics The church of the New Testament and business are obvious – and they are was referred to as an army, a body, a famat church work as well. We go farther, ily and even a building, but it was never faster and better as a team. Combined referred to as a team. And yet the church and coordinated efforts can bring about has the same goals as a team in that it exponential results. In a good team there has a mission that demands everyone’s can be no private agendas and no egos. undivided attention, focus and effort. Commitment levels must be high. Everyone has a role to play and it As I reflect on the Woodside team, takes everyone to accomplish the goal. I am so thankful to be a part of it. I am Every team sets its goals before the seathankful for the diversity of races, ages, son. It may be to win half their games, to personalities and gifts/skills on our team. Team members give of their time, talents and treasure to accomplish the goal. At Woodside we do not have superstars who steal the show. We support and encourage each other to be the best that we can be for The Lord. We applaud victories and learn from losses as a team. Because there is so much at stake, we take risks as a team to accomplish our goal. No sacrifice is too much as we discipline ourselves to work in harmony to reach people. There is no question we are better together. Our motivation is always to bring honor to the One who called us. We compete for the prize, a prize that will endure forever. As some tire in the game, others are there to lift them up and cheer them on. To our staff, our elders and our entire Woodside team, thanks for the privilege that you have allowed me to lead and serve our team. I can only do it through His energy and your constant support. FROM THE EDITOR BY MIKE WENDLAND [WOODSIDE NEWS EXECUTIVE EDITOR] I t was nine years ago that a six The orphans are coming to of us from Woodside stood in visit us! a field just outside Chaing Rai, The Woodside family will Thailand, shared with a couple be visited by all 36 orphans who of grazing water buffaloes and are coming to America to help what our guide said was some us celebrate the Life Impact sort of cobra that had just slithConference and Woodside’s ered off into the bush. commitment to missions. A young pastor from the The main events will be the MIKE WENDLAND Akah hill tribes who we all weekend of April 17-19, but the dubbed “Akha John” pointed kids are staying here for two weeks. across the field. I think I’m as excited by their upcom“I think this is the best place,” he said. ing visit as we all were when we found The six of us – Dave and Mary Anthat land nine years ago. dersen, Sam and Carlene Brenize and The kids will all be on the platform my wife, Jennifer, and me - looked out at the Troy campus from 5 to 6:30 p.m. over the land. We looked at Akha John. Saturday, April 18. The entire church We looked at each other. family is invited. The kids will share And we nodded. their stories and sing and perform a naAnd then we imagined. We imagined tive Akha dance. some buildings, dormitories and classFollowing their performance there rooms. And kids. Orphaned kids who will be a dessert reception in the lobby find Jesus on this field. We could almost where everyone can love on these insee them, hear them. credible children. We had found the perfect land to You’ll hear lots more about the Life build the orphanage. Impact Weekend as the date draws A lot of prayers were answered and in closer. Other missionary partners will be the intervening nine years, literally hunhere as well, including Kim Smith from dreds of other Woodsiders have made the Liberia whpo will share the great things long trip to Thailand. The orphanage has God has been doing in Africa as he and been a reality now for many years. his team have ministered in the face of But here’s some really exciting news: the Ebola epidemic. After the Life Impact Weekend, the Thailand orphans have a very busy scheduled. They’ll visit the Kalahari Water Park in Sandusky Ohio. There’s also a visit on tap for the Sea Life Aquarium at Great Lakes CrossPHOTO BY MIKE WENDLAND ou are alive today because Almighty God, the Maker of heaven and earth, created you for a special purpose. The all-wise Ruler of the universe holds every person accountable, and each of us has broken His law. We deserve God’s wrath and endless punishment in hell. The Great News of the Bible is that God loves us so much that He sent His Son Jesus Christ to pay the penalty for our sin by dying on the cross. Three days later God raised Him from the dead: demonstrating that Jesus was, as He claimed, God and Savior. Anyone who believes in Jesus has eternal life instead of eternal punishment. God commands all men to turn away from sin and to give allegiance to Jesus Christ as Master. God hears the prayer of all who call out to Him. A new life of forgiveness from sin and peace with God comes through commitment to Jesus Christ. Jesus promises a fulfilling life to all who follow Him, a life of meaning and purpose. Prayer: Almighty God, I am a sinner. I turn away from my sin and ask forgiveness. I believe that Jesus died for my sins and rose from the dead. I commit to follow Jesus as my Lord. This commitment to follow Christ establishes a new relationship with God. It is best developed in a community of believers who are committed to worship, prayer, Bible study, fellowship, and outreach. APRIL 2015 Akah John in 2006 showing our fact-finding team the land where Woodside eventually built the orphanage. ing and a big farewell banquet planned for all orphanage spomsors on Monday April 27. Interested in helping out? Chaperones are needed. Just call the Life Impact office at the Troy campus. Mike Wendland is Executive Editor of The Woodside News. He can be contacted at mikewendland@woodsidebible.org LEADERSHIP BY LARRY HARRISON [WOODSIDE NEWS EDITORIAL ADVISOR] The cross as more than a symbol became the central symbol of Christianity. It wasn’t always so. Stott his month’s edition of The states that the early church had Woodside News comes out other symbols to represent their during Holy Week, the most allegiance to Jesus – most notaimportant week on the Chrisbly the fish. The word “fish” in tian calendar. Greek was used as an acronym With Maundy Thursday, for “Jesus Christ, Son of God, Good Friday and Easter Sunday, LARRY HARRISON Savior.” it’s the week Christians recognize and But over the years, it is the cross that honor the death, burial and resurrection came to symbolize Christianity. The of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. reason, according to Stott, is because the Central to much of our meditations cross was what Jesus was all about. will be the way Jesus died – on a cruel cross “The fact that a cross became the reserved for the worst criminals of his time. Christian symbol, and that Christians John R.W. Stott writes in his book stubbornly refused, in spite of the ridiThe Cross of Christ that it’s the cross that cule, to discard it in favor of something T less offensive, can have only one explanation. It means that the centrality of the cross originated in the mind of Jesus himself,” Stott writes. He looks to key passages in the Gospels where Jesus foretold the death he would die – not the least of which was Mark 10:45, where Jesus said he came “…to give his life a ransom for many.” “Despite the great importance of his teaching, his example, and his works of compassion and power, none of these was central to his mission,” Stott writes. “What dominated his mind was not the living but the giving of his life.” Now, I’ll be the first to admit – we have dozens of crosses around our house LEADERSHIP continued on page 5 Section A APRIL 2015 HIS STORY 3 CONTENTS SECTION A BY SUSAN FULCHER [WOODSIDE NEWS WRITER] Woodside member serves God and community with humble spirit W “Wade lives life at full throttle in serving God and others. A man of deep conviction, Wade has selflessly poured his life into others challenging the rest of us.” PASTOR’S PEN.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2A Woodside’s Troy campus in its ongoing mission to reach the community has provided a room where the organization can store collected food before being loaded in backpacks to send home on Fridays. Wade and Paula’s footprints extend beyond business and politics. For the past 15 years, Wade has served on the Board of Promise Village, a nondenominational faith-based organization, which provides a home and mentoring to homeless boys. As members of Troy’s Woodside campus, both Wade and Paula have answered God’s calls to serve in ministry. Wade has been elected to the Elder Board on several occasions, while Paula has served as a Deacon- FROM THE EDITOR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2A LEADERSHIP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2A HIS STORY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3A MOVIE REVIEWS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5A BOOKS OF THE MONTH. . . . . . . . . . . 5A CROSSCURRENTS.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6A F.R.O.G.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6A FIT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10A WOODSIDE WORLDWIDE. . . . . . . . . 11A RAYS FROM THE HOUSE OF LIGHT.. 11A WHAT’S COOKIN’.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12A ADVICE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12A CHRISTIAN CROSSWORD.. . . . . . . . 13A FAMILY FUN GUIDE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14A DID YOU KNOW?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14A PHOTO BY NANCY RUDNIK wanted to serve everyone not just certain political parties. Lots of prayer for godly guidance and wisdom were involved,” says Fleming. “I knew I couldn’t and never can compromise my core valhen you first meet ues. I asked God for the right Wade Fleming, you immediately realize you are SUSAN FULCHER attitude and words to come across as sincere and thoughtin the presence of a humble ful. God is always my ‘go to’ Southern gentleman who for wisdom and direction.” loves the Lord. God doesn’t place Fleming anyRaised in a Southern Baptist backwhere without an agenda for him. ground in Mississippi, Wade came to In January of this year, Fleming was know the Lord at an early age with a chosen to be on the Oakland County destiny that would see him successful Board of Commissioners representin the business world and local poliing District 16, stepping down from tics all the while serving faithfully in his City Council seat. his home church, Woodside Bible. Fleming was the first member in his family lineage to finish high school, although his antics in junior high left his teachers questioning that accomplishment. He worked his way through college graduating in 1974 with a BBA/Accounting degree. That same year he married his wife, Paula, who has walked by his side as his great encourager through the years. The couple has a son, Mark; daughter-in-law, Micki, and a grandson, Cyrus. With his business and accounting degree in his portfolio, it was a natural step for him to enter the business world. He interned at ITT United Plastics Company in Mississippi where God used his success to move him up into management positions. In 1982, Fleming was moved to division headquarters in Madison Heights and placed in charge of purchasing and material control. “I left ITT, a multi-business venture, to move to a small automotive Wade and Paula Fleming company in 1985,” says Fleming. “That was a God thing as I was going to be without a job. God opened a door to a growing business where I began as comptroller and eventually became president and part owner of the business.” With divisions in France, Japan and Brazil, he spent years traveling Europe. At 52, he sold the company and retired – that is, he retired from business, but God had other ventures planned for Fleming. Although city politics wasn’t on his bucket list, Woodside’s Senior Pastor Doug Schmidt dropped Fleming’s name as someone who would be an excellent asset to assist Woodside’s Christina Broomfield in her run for Troy City Council in 2001. Paula, whom Wade calls ‘his rock,’ encouraged him to take on this assignment. “You can help this city and community,” Paula said. A few short years later, Fleming found himself successful in his own run for the city council. “I had the time and wanted to help the City of Troy. I didn’t know what – SENIOR WOODSIDE PASTOR that would be all about, but I hoped DOUG SCHMIDT my business and accounting history would equip me to tackle the tasks at hand,” says Fleming. Wade and Paula continue their In 2010, Troy, like many area citcommunity service by serving on the ies, was facing serious financial probBlessings Troy board, which assists lems. Once again God was at Flemlower income families and children ing’s side as he helped guide the city with weekend food. These families back to stability by reducing the budreceive free lunches, but generally get while providing a surplus to be spend weekends at their homes with used for road repair. very little, if any, food. “There were many problems, but I HUMOR.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15A SECTION B HAPPENINGS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2B BELONG WOODSIDE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2B BOB BRYANT/ANDY MCKEEVER. . . . 3B VINCE MESSINA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5B DAN STEWART. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6B WOODSIDE OF WARREN.. . . . . . . . . . 6B BRAD HULCY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7B WOODSIDE OF WHITE LAKE.. . . . . . . 7B MILESTONES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8B RICK SEIDEL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9B STEVE BAKER. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10B WOODSIDE OF FARMINGTON HILLS. 10B ANDY BALIGIAN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11B WOODSIDE OF PONTIAC.. . . . . . . . . 12B STEVE ZARRILLI.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13B TIM HOLDRIDGE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14B JEREMY WRITEBOL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14B CLASSIFIEDS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15B TELEVISION SCHEDULE. . . . . . . . . . 15B ess. The couple can be found once a month loving and caring for children in the nursery. Presently, they teach a weekly Young Marrieds without Children class. When an announcement of a need for leaders for the class was mentioned in a recent service, Paula elbowed Wade. Wade leaned over and responded, “We’re going to do it, aren’t we?” “We definitely ‘stepped out of the box’ to lead this class,” says Wade. “Both Paula and I love Woodside, and we feel blessed to be co-teaching this class. We don’t have the gift of teaching, but God is leading us.” At the February City Council meeting, Fleming was honored with a service commendation from the Troy City Council with a State Representative and Senator in attendance. The commendation expressed appreciation and recognition for his distinguished service and many contributions to the City of Troy, his church and a variety of non-profit organizations. “Wade lives life at full throttle in serving God and others. A man of deep conviction, Wade has selflessly poured his life into others challenging the rest of us. I am blessed to call him a friend,” says Senior Woodside Pastor Schmidt. Susan Fulcher can be contacted at susanfulcher@woodsidenews.org. ABOUT US: THE WOODSIDE NEWS: PUBLISHED MONTHLY MAILING ADDRESS: 6600 ROCHESTER ROAD TROY, MI 48085 CHURCH WEBSITE: WOODSIDEBIBLE.ORG PHONE: 248-879-8533 EXECUTIVE EDITOR: MIKE WENDLAND ART DIRECTOR: ALEX LUMELSKY MANAGING EDITOR: JIM AVERY PHOTOGRAPHERS: JOHN HECK NANCY RUDNIK TERRY SYKES EDITORIAL ADVISOR: LARRY HARRISON COPY EDITOR: ANN MULVENNA ADVERTISING COORDINATOR SUE GRAF COMMUNICATION AND CALENDAR EDITOR: JOANN WOYAK ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVE: DAN MULVENNA CIRCULATION DIRECTOR: BOB FULCHER ADVISORY BOARD: DOUG SCHMIDT ERIC HAVEN TIM FAUSCH STEVE COLYER SARAH ALLEN NEWSPAPER DESIGN: SKY CREATIVE WWW.SKYCREATIVE.ORG OUR CHURCH MISSION: Woodside’s mission is to help people BELONG to Christ, GROW in Christ and REACH the world for Christ. 4 Section A APRIL 2015 FLIP CAMP continued from page 1 to understand Jesus is our Super Hero, and he can help each of us to be super heroes for God,” explains Troy’s FLIP Camp Director Brittany Compton. Troy, Lake Orion, White Lake and Warren campus camp dates will be June 22-25. Farmington Hills, Romeo and Royal Oak Campus dates are scheduled for July 20-23. Each camp concludes with an all-Family Fun Fest the Thursday or Sunday of camp week where the entire family can enjoy games, inflatable bounce houses, face painting, special treats, and where campers have the opportunity to introduce their parents to their leaders and enjoy time with friends made throughout the week. FLIP is open to three years olds (being potty trained is a requirement) through fifth graders. “We are hoping to reach 2,500-3,000 kids across our campuses,” Compton said. “We are looking to further reach kids in each campus community who have never been in church.” This daunting task will require more than 1,000 volunteers for leadership during camp week, plus additional help will be needed before and during the Family Fun event. “With this year’s theme we want kids to understand Jesus is our Super Hero, and He can help each of us to be super heroes for God.” – BRITTANY COMPTON Cost for camp week is $40 per child. Brochures detailing camp information are available at each campus. Parents can register their children online at the campus website: woodsidebible,org/kids/FLIP. Volunteers may use the same address to register for their campus event. Susan Fulcher can be contacted at susanfulcher@wooodsidenews.org. Dutton Farm team members take time to celebrate during the fall harvest. DUTTON FARM continued from page 1 For your home. For your office. For your friends. 12 issues, $10. Please make check payable to The Woodside News. SUBSCRIPTION REQUEST NAME___________________________________________________ ADDRESS_______________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ EMAIL___________________________________________________ PHONE__________________________________________________ MAIL TO: Woodside News Subscriptions Woodside Bible Church 6600 Rochester Road Troy, MI 48085 store and different venues, including online. The products that they sell are all-natural, organic products, including soaps, lotions, tote bags and bath salts. Dutton Farm was founded by a mother and a daughter in honor of their family member with Down syndrome. “My sister was born with Down syndrome,” said Jenny Brown, the Chief Operating Officer of Dutton Farm. “After high school, my parents could not find a program they were comfortable in putting her in – the programs were more like glorified babysitting services with staff whose hearts weren’t really in it.” With that idea in mind, Dutton Farm was founded and formalized in 2010 with four farmers. Now, Dutton Farm has over 150 farmers and serves individuals with impairments in Oakland, Wayne and Macomb counties. In addition to all of this, Dutton Farm is working with the Dream Center to build a residential facility for the disabled. Matty Moroun, owner of the Ambassador Bridge, leased them a 90-acre area near Woodside’s Pontiac campus, signing the lease for a period of 100 years for one dollar. Woodside will be assisting with the construction of the residential facility. “People with disabilities have a housing crisis because of affordability and they’re subject to whatever the government gives them … there’s also housing discrimination – nobody wants to rent or sign a lease with a disabled group of people,” said Jenny. “Woodside has really stepped up to the plate and we’re really grateful that they are building us a residential facility and a packaging and distributing facility for our online sales.” Dutton Farm has seen some tremendous growth since its start five years ago and this event with Ann Voskamp is just another testament to that. Ann will be speaking at Woodside’s Troy campus on June 20, from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. If you’re interested in purchasing tickets for the “After high school, my parents could not find a program they were comfortable in putting her in – the programs were more like glorified babysitting services.” – JENNY BROWN Ann Voskamp speaking event and to learn more about Dutton Farm, visit DuttonFarm.org. For more information about Dutton Farm, contact Jenny Brown at 248-818-0270 or feel free to add Dutton Farm on Facebook. Ryan Dandin can be contacted at ryandandin@woodsidenews.org. APRIL 2015 Section A 5 BOOK OF THE MONTH BY LINDA FISHEL WOODSIDE NEWS WRITER Oh (Jim Parsons) and Tip (Rihanna) figure out what it means to be Home. MOVIES BY SHAWN CONLEY [WOODSIDE NEWS WRITER] HOME tells the story – the tendency to disof Oh ( Jim Parsons), play irrational hope in an alien from a race of the face of long odds small, cowardly beings – makes Home a feelthat are trying to take good experience even over Earth. However, as aliens are taking over one human – a young the planet,” Common girl named Tip (RiSense Media says. hanna) – has managed Directed by Tim SHAWN CONLEY to evade them. When Johnson. Rated PG for Oh and Tip cross paths, mild action and some these two misfits realize they rude humor. 94 minutes. might need each other to save CINDERELLA, in case you their friends and families. have no idea what the story is This story is fairly predictabout, centers around the title able and the character of Oh character (Lily James) and the seems to jump between endearhumiliation she must endure ing and annoying. There’s also at the hands of her stepmother a decent amount of low-brow (Kate Blanchett) and her mean “A feel-good experience even as aliens are taking over the planet.” – COMMON SENSE MEDIA ON HOME make the story feel new again, and for the most part they succeeded,” says Christianity Today. “But oddly, the movie’s best moments are the ones that didn’t change at all.” Directed by Kenneth Branagh. Rated PG for mild thematic elements. 104 minutes. NOW ON DVD/BLU-RAY: THE BABADOOK: A mother and her young son battle a sinister force that lives in a children’s book. Critically acclaimed and scary, this one is for older teens and adults. Rated PG-13. Coming 4/14. THE IMITATION GAME: Tells the true story of Alan Turing, a British mathematician who helped crack the Nazi code during World War 2. Very well done, but the adult themes justify the rating. Rated PG-13. INTERSTELLAR: Set in the future after Earth becomes a dustbowl, a team of astronauts tries to save it. Long and extremely heady, but worth watching if you can stay completely focused on it. Best suited for teens and adults, and parents should expect lengthy conversations. Rated PG-13. PENGUINS OF MADAGASCAR: The loveable birds from the Madagascar franchise must stop an evil Octopus bent on (what else) world domination. Thoroughly enjoyable and great for the whole family. Rated G. Non-fiction Storm: Hearing Jesus For The Times We Live In by Jim Cymbala Jim Cymbala never fails to tell it like it is. He believes that the church in America is in the midst of a powerful storm, which will only grow more intense. If you are concerned and even disgusted by a culture that’s become increasingly hostile to biblical Christianity, Storm will help to give you encouragement and hope. Storm talks about the tendency of both liberals and conservatives to merge the Kingdom of God with a particular political party. He states: “Many conservative Christians have made the mistake of substituting America for the Israel of the Old Testament, failing to realize the danger of adopting Old Testament principles that were never affirmed in the New Testament. Their message has sometimes been harsh and legalistic, making it difficult for them to proclaim a gospel of grace. Even though there is a great deal of emphasis on the Bible in such churches, it can often be the wrong emphasis.” Using powerful stories of people who have been transformed by Christ, Cymbala reminds the reader, “A life surrendered to Christ in the midst of a church transformed by His presence cannot be defeated.” No amount of spiritual darkness or cultural pressure can drown out the life-giving power of the gospel. humor, though nothing too terrible. All that said, this movie focuses a lot of energy on emphasizing the importance of family and friends and never giving up on either, and it might end up being slightly more enjoyable than parents may expect. “In the midst of fast-paced antics and pratfalls,” says Plugged In Online, “tykes will find some solid encouragement to look beneath the surface and seek out the heart and unique qualities of the ‘misfits’ around them.” “The decision to emphasize humanity’s best characteristics stepsisters Drisella (Sophie McShera) and Anastasia (Holliday Grainger). All this, of course, prior to meeting a fairy godmother and a certain prince (Richard Madden). This tale has been told by Disney (obviously) before as well as several other studios. But Disney takes the reins again in this live-action version and does a really nice job, managing to breathe new life into a timeless story without many major alterations. “Director Kenneth Branagh and the filmmakers tried to LEADERSHIP continued from page 2 Over the years, it is the cross that came to symbolize Christianity. “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me,” Jesus told his disciples (Mark 8:34). I can’t say that I always do. With that in mind, it is my hope and prayer that we followers of Jesus will look to the cross often – and remember what it really means – long after Holy Week is over. Fiction Finding Mercy by Michael Landon, Jr. and Cindy Kelley Finding Mercy is the second in the new Medallion Trilogy Series by Michael Landon Jr. and Cindy Kelley, published just last year; Traces of Mercy was the first. It is filled with just enough history, suspense and betrayal to make you eager for the third installment. While each book is a stand-alone novel, you will want to read them in the order they were written in order to get the full effect of our heroine’s predicaments. “Mercy” is a young woman found wounded under very mysterious circumstances during the Civil War. Due to amnesia, she doesn’t know who she is or why she was dressed as a man. Recuperating with Union supporters in Missouri, she tries to recreate her life without knowing who she is. Then enters Union Captain Elijah Hale, who seems to have met her, but instead of giving her back her identify, he threatens her future. Not only is Mercy not from the North as her new friends believe, she had been fighting for the Confederacy as a soldier! Headstrong and gutsy, I cheered every time she had a victory but cringed when she landed herself in one peril after another. The writers have captured strong personalities from both camps and will keep you guessing throughout the book. what Jesus had to say about the cross as it relates to his followers? Larry Harrison can be contacted at larryharrison@woodsidenews.org. Linda Fishel can be contacted at lindafishel@woodsidenews.org. – the “symbol” kind. Some hang on the wall; others are attached to our jewelry; still others are printed on the covers of our Bibles or the books we read. I’m sure there isn’t a day goes by when I don’t look at a cross in some way, shape or form. Yet, do I really think about what that symbol means? Do I remember what the cross is really all about? Do I acknowledge Shawn Conley can be contacted at shawnconley@woodsidenews.org. 6 Section A APRIL 2015 CROSSCURRENTS BY CAROLYN MACK [WOODSIDE NEWS WRITER] Doors the only life-saving door today is God himself. The door to the glory he offers is His n Easter weekend, the Son. Through this only door, doors that once lead to a true seeker finds the way to the “Always Christmas” store the Father and to salvation. at Canterbury Village will This is the door that leads to open once again, this time new life, mercy, forgiveness, for an open house for any and all who wish to see the CAROLYN MACK and the kingdom of heaven. This, Jesus, is the true grannewly transformed interior. deur of Christmas that waits While we fully expect behind the door. that many who pass through our While many different doors will doors will be Woodside members beckon from day to day or over a coming to church, we also expect lifetime, the ones we enter as well there will be those who might at first as the ones we pass by will create a be disappointed that a church has destiny and tell a story to the world. taken the place of a beloved retail esSome doors that appeared inviting tablishment. O and full of opportunity, doors we entered with great expectation, will be revealed to have been fakes, thieves that stole our time and attention, to our own shame and disappointment. Other doors that initially appeared plain and lacking in appeal, doors that we passed by without a thought, may later be revealed to have been the real doors of opportunity. At Easter, Jesus invites the skeptic once again, this time to the door of the empty tomb. Inside this door is the evidence of a living Savior who conquered death. Like the door of long ago, this is the only door that leads from sin and death to life everlasting. “I tell you the truth, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be condemned; he has crossed over from death to life. I tell you the truth, a time is coming and has now come when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God and those who hear will live.” ( John 5:24-25) As an FYI, the first services in the new Lake Orion Woodside Bible Church will be Sunday, May 3 at 9:30 and 11 a.m. at Canterbury Village’s former Always Christmas Store, 2369 Joslyn Court, Lake Orion. Carolyn Mack can be contacted at carolynmack@woodsidenews.org. When Jesus said, “I am the door,” (John 10:7 and 9) he may very well have been appealing to the Jewish crowd’s own recorded history about the life-saving Ark with only one door. However, the doors that once lead to 90,000 square feet of sparkling Christmas displays and thousands of ornaments and decorations will now be host to something even grander. It is our hope that those who come looking for Christmas and all that it means will find it here. The truth is, when a “seeker” comes through the church doors, we don’t know the circumstances that have brought them there. We don’t know what they are hoping to find or what they expect to see exactly. Change and the uncertainty it brings, marriage, birth, death, sickness, a relocation or job change, can send anyone down a new path or knocking on a new door. If you are one of the “seekers” who finds yourself entering the doors of our church, we welcome you and want you to know that there have been people and circumstances sent and used by God to lead you to these doors. For whatever reason you have come and whatever you expect to see, it is no small coincidence that you are here and we are glad that you have come. We also want you to know that passing through these doors won’t save you; only one Door can do that. Ancient history tells of a particular door that was literally life-saving. This door saved everyone and everything that passed through it. It was most likely very plain and deceptively ordinary, with nothing attractive about it. It was purely functional, coated with black pitch or tar. The builder of this door put it in the side of an Ark; remarkably, it was the one and only door in a structure the length of a football field plus 30 yards. According to the Lord’s specific instructions, the door of the Ark remained open for a set number of days before it was permanently shut by God’s own hand, saving only those who were safely inside. Failure to walk through this door meant certain death for the cynics and doubters who refused to simply enter and be saved. When Jesus said, “I am the door, “ (John 10:7 and 9) he may very well have been appealing to the Jewish crowd’s own recorded history about the life-saving Ark with only one door. The architect and creator of At Easter, Jesus invites the skeptic once again, this time to the door of the empty tomb. F.R.O.G. The empty book (FATHERS RELYING ON GOD) BY DAN MULVENNA [WOODSIDE NEWS WRITER] thought. It was empty. I feel like I knew my dad t’s been some years since I pretty well, especially in his sent him the book. It was later years. This was not a actually a journal. guy that left things unsaid. The idea was to have him He clearly loved his entire write down some thoughts, family, so no sob stories of childhood memories, family having a dad that never said history, maybe even letters to he loved me. He did. DAN MULVENNA his children or grandchildren. At the same time however, Things that I knew some day having something from him would be valued and passed along. in writing now would mean so much I had forgotten about it for the to all of us. I so wish he’d have just most part, but always hoped some taken a few minutes to fill in some of day to have his words down on pathose pages, and I’ll bet if he had it to per. Then, last August, without warndo over again, he’d feel the same. ing, he was gone. While cleaning out It becomes apparent that tellhis belongings from his house I came ing the story of this man now falls across the journal placed carefully in squarely on his remaining siblings, the back of his closet. It looked brand sons, daughters and grandchildren new, and I could tell it had gone unthat hold his memories dear. touched. Opening it confirmed what I May we all leave our lives here I on earth with our feelings clearly expressed to our loved ones in word, and in deed, and also as much as possible, in writing. So that those that come behind us may read of our memories, our ups and downs, joys and sorrows, God left us a love letter. Isn’t that the least we can do? and lessons learned to help them gain from our wisdom and know us better. God left us a love letter. Isn’t that the least we can do? Dan Mulvenna can be contacted at danmulvenna@woodsidenews.org. BILINGUAL AND BILITERATE BY GRADE 5 BIENVENIDOS! what is Language immersion? a proven method of educating children by immersing them in a second language so they become bilingual OAKland christian school now offers a spanish immersion program available for pre-k & kindergarten beginning in the fall! Join us for an informational meeting Tuesday, March 31 - 7pm Wednesday, April 15 - 7pm Monday, April 20 - 7pm HABLA & biliterate. ESPANOL? GRACIAS HOLA For more information, contact: BUENOS Gordon Nickel, Elementary Principal, at gnickel@oaklandchristian.com or 248.373.2700. DIAS? OAKLANDCHRISTIAN.COM MUCHO GUSTO Auburn Hills Campus (EE-12): 3075 Shimmons Road, Auburn Hills Clarkston Location (EE-K): 6300 Clarkston Road, Clarkston 8 Section A APRIL 2015 PHOTOS BY NANCY RUDNIK Lake Orion campus construction on pace for May 3 opening service 1. New south entry way to be cut through existing lower wall level. 2. From left, Doug Johnson (Architect), Tom Lancaster (Woodside Facilities Pastor), Keith McKenzie (TH Marsh Construction), and Clif Seiber (Owners Representative) review architectural plans for interior renovation. 3. Painting of 650seat sanctuary well underway. 4. Main staircase leading up from south entrance to sanctuary, or down to children’s area on right. 5. North entry area ceiling now reinforced with new beams. 6. Lower level children’s area blends new and old for efficient use. PHOTO BY RICK SEIDEL 1 7. Nativity character showing approval of his soon to be new home. 3 4 2 5 6 7 Section A APRIL 2015 9 Woodside launches Plymouth campus; names campus pastor PHOTOS BY TERRY SYKES BY LARRY HARRISON WOODSIDE NEWS EDITORIAL ADVISER I t was literally standing-room-only as Woodside Bible Church launched its Plymouth campus on Sunday, March 15. The campus became a reality after Plymouth Baptist Church and Woodside Bible Church merged in January. It is Woodside’s 10th physical campus in the Detroit metro area. More than 300 people attended the service that included a video greeting from Woodside Senior Pastor Doug Schmidt, praise and worship and a message by Pastor Jeremy Writebol, who was named the campus pastor the week before. The service was followed by a ribbon cutting ceremony conducted by the Plymouth Community Chamber of Commerce and a luncheon in the church’s community room. Writebol was installed as the Plymouth campus pastor in a ceremony held March 8. He and his wife, Stephanie, and their children Allison (age 7) and Ethan (age 4) moved to the Plymouth area earlier this year. “We love it here,” Writebol said. “This is just the type of community we want to live in. You have all Plymouth Campus Pastor Jeremy Writebol and wife Stephanie, with children Allison and Ethan reflecting excitement of dedication day. types of people – from young families to older people. Yet there is a strong sense of community here. We are very excited to become a part of the life of this city.” As he was growing up, Writebol lived in several states across the country – Colorado, Missouri, Minnesota, North Carolina. As a young man, he attended Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, where he graduated with a degree in pastoral studies in 2001. From there, he went to Akron, Ohio, where he was a youth pastor for more than two years. He then worked for a church in California in various youth and college ministries for several years before becoming a pastor of a church in Wichita, Kansas, working in leadership development ministries. Writebol learned of the Woodside’s Plymouth campus opportunity from Andy Baligian, campus pastor at Woodside’s Royal Oak campus. “I went to school (Moody) with Andy. We lived across the hall from each other and became good friends,” Writebol said. “When the Plymouth opportunity came up, he called me and said I should check it out.” In addition to being a pastor, Jeremy Writebol is an author and penned a book with Jonathan K. Dodson, called everPresent: How the Gospel Relocates Us in the Present, in 2014. Along with the Plymouth campus, Woodside Bible Church has an Internet campus and campuses in Troy, Warren, White Lake, Royal Oak, Lake Orion, Farmington Hills, Detroit, Romeo and Pontiac. Larry Harrison can be contacted at larryharrison@woodsidenews.org. Clockwise from top: Plymouth campus family celebrates as Pastor Writebol cuts the official red ribbon. 2. A delicious lunch was provided for all at the dedication service. 3. Plymouth campus members and quest filled the sanctuary for the first official Woodside worship service. 10 Section A APRIL 2015 FIT AND HEALTHY BY CHRIS OLIVERO [WOODSIDE NEWS WRITER] Spring Cleaning- the Nontoxic Way! them and they enter through our skin. Of particular concern are known or suspected t is time for spring cleancarcinogens. We are seeing ing! increased and unexplained Spring is around the corcancers; infertility or difficulner and as the weather warms ty in reproduction; disrupit’s time for the old ritual of tion of the endocrine system; spring cleaning. Unfortuexploding neurological disCHRIS OLIVERO nately, home is where we oforders; ADHD; and autism ten unwittingly expose ourin our children. selves and families unnecessarily to These conditions are thought by dangerous toxins. many to be linked to environmental The very things used to clean our causes, including the toxic ingredients homes are actually among the priin cleaning products. These are serious mary sources of dangerous indoor air concerns, especially if you are pregnant pollution. In many localities there are or have young children at home. three to four times the dangerous polAmmonia is a familiar offender lutants and small particles in the air because it’s extremely irritating to indoors versus outdoors. skin, eyes, and lungs, and can be leSo begin cleaning by opening your thal combined with products containwindows frequently for fresh air; if ing chlorine bleach. Chlorine bleach you live in an urban area this is best itself releases unhealthy toxic gas during low traffic times. but becomes extremely hazardous if The typical American home stocks mixed with any acid, even vinegar. three to 10 gallons of toxic materials But some toxins do not sound in the form of household cleaning alarms. Other harmful chemicals I Vinegar & Baking Soda – The Age Old Cleaners 1. Use baking soda for a safe “no scratch scrub” on metals and porcelain sinks and tubs. 2. For an A+ job on windows and mirrors mix equal parts of vinegar and water in a spray bottle. 3. Clean your oven by sprinkling a cup or more of baking soda over oven floor. Add water to make a paste. Spread and set overnight. Wipe out the bulk of the soda and grime then dab liquid detergent on a sponge and wash out the remaining residue. 4. To unclog a drain pour 1/2 to one cup of baking soda down the drain, then slowly add 1/2 to one cup of vinegar. Cover the drain and let it sit for 15 minutes. If it bubbles like a volcano, it means it’s working. To finish, flush with a gallon of boiling water. 5. Deodorize dry carpets by sprinkling liberally with baking soda. Wait at least 15 minutes then vacuum. 6. For laundry use white vinegar to leather, and metals. It’s particularly useful for cleaning, sanitizing, and conditioning wood items, such as cutting boards and furniture. Following are several practical uses for this fantastic oil: 1. Use as a metal polish, make sure to test a small area first. 2. Moisturize and condition leather goods. 3. Lubricate squeaky hinges and sticky mechanisms with coconut oil instead of WD-40. 4. Clean your hands and paint brushes with coconut oil after using oil based paints, in the place of mineral spirits. 5. Clean and condition your car interior by adding a small amount to a soft lint free cloth. Rub in and wipe off excess. 6. Cleanse and add a glossy finish to indoor plants by wiping the leaves with a small amount of coconut oil on a lint-free cloth. 7. Remove chewing gum from virtually any area, including carpets and hair. The typical American home stocks about three to 10 gallons of toxic materials in the form of household cleaning products and these should be first on our list to purge. products and these should be first on our list to purge. Removing these materials from storage cabinets has an additional benefit of eliminating the toxins in your home. Even “green” alternatives can contain harmful ingredients. It’s unfortunate, but “green” and “natural” have become marketing language that does not necessarily equate with “safe,” as implied. Many toxic ingredients don’t have to be listed on the label, which makes it difficult to know what we’re being exposed to. Because these products are not meant to be consumed, manufactures have lobbied for exemption from certain labeling requirements to protect their brand’s “secret formula.” Even so, toxins in these products do end up in our bodies, we breathe found in common household products are; glycol ethers, phosphates, VOC, phthalates, NPEs, petroleum solvents, perfumes, formaldehyde, butyl cellosolve, chlorine, ethanolamines, and sodium lauryl sulfate. Do we really want to serve up a chemical soup when it’s unnecessary? Fortunately, there’s no shortage of safe alternatives and these basic ingredients typically end up costing a few pennies on the dollar compared to marketed cleaners. Common household items such as vinegar and baking soda can usually cut through dirt and sanitize just as well as any toxic counterpart. You may need to use a bit more elbow grease, but all things considered your health is worth it and these simple ingredients often do an even better job. replace fabric softener, it softens, deodorizes, and cuts static. 7. Remove tarnish from silverware by boiling two to three inches of water in a shallow pan with one tsp of salt, one teaspoon of baking soda, and a sheet of aluminum foil. Totally submerge silver and boil for two to three minutes more. Remove silver and wipe away the tarnish with a clean cotton cloth. Spruce Up Your Home with Coconut Oil Coconut oil is another extremely useful household staple that can replace countless products as it has natural antibacterial and antiviral activity in addition to providing exceptional hydration and conditioning to a wide variety of materials, including wood, And don’t forget the toxic dump in your garage. Your walls haven’t been avocado for years. So why keep the half empty paint can? It and other chemicals lingering on those shelves often contain toluene, a potent reproductive toxin. These products shouldn’t go in the trash so seek a safe disposal site near you. And when entering your home, lose the shoes. Don’t track in toxins such as lawn care pesticides which contaminate floors, carpets, and children. Video tips on Spring Cleaninghttps://shine.yahoo.com/video/springcleaning-shortcuts-150407409.html Chris Olivero, Certified Personal Trainer can be contacted at cbolivero@ gmail.com and at chrisfit.info. Section A APRIL 2015 WOODSIDE WORLDWIDE BY NANCY TENNISWOOD [WOODSIDE NEWS WRITER] S E O F LI G H T O R P H AN AG E PHOTO BY AMOS MIGUEL PHOTO BY STAFF PHOTO BY HILDE REIMER Clockwise from top: Small group breaking bread in Rome; Dan Snow working on the airplane; Guatemala Graduation Day. H OU Nancy Tenniswood can be contacted at nancytenniswood@woodsidenews.org. OC O OF In spite of possible adversities, many missionaries dedicate their lives to taking the Gospel message to a needy world. PHOT SY o one ever said it would be easy. Many knew it would be difficult. No one ever said there would be no problems. Most prepared for the worst. In spite of possible adversities, many missionaries dedicate their lives to taking the Gospel message to a needy world. Woodside Bible Church helps support many of these people by praying, by financial giving, by providing materials and encouraging short-term mission helpers. At the beginning of each month, the mission workers are encouraged to send their praises and prayer requests to the church. This keeps everyone informed, and helps the prayer team to know how and what to pray for. Missionary Dan Snow is an aircraft maintenance technician. His current praise is that the approval of their aviation operations by the local authorities is nearly complete. mala. It was graduation day for many students. Along with this praise, Martinez was grateful for the beautiful auditorium that short-term mission groups that helped build the auditorium. This auditorium is used for many activities. Ashley Miguel, along with her husband Amos, serves the Lord in Rome, Italy. Recently, many of the people from that area have been asking questions about who Jesus is. Ashley expresses her feelings in her own words, “How exciting it is to see God open up a door to share his gospel with this group of natives? How amazing it is to be able to read the Bible with them in their own language?” Another family serving in Bosnia is praising God for the excellent training they received at an educational conference. They really enjoyed the seminars, consultations, and advice they received from specialists. TE N Snow is grateful to God for his direction and provision for his needs. His prayer is that God will provide more people to join the aviation team. Edwin Martinez was happy to be the keynote speaker for the Berea Bible Institute in Huehuetenango, Guate- UR Missionaries are thankful for answered prayer and praise 11 14-year-old Boobeau BY GRETA VALLESKEY WOODSIDE NEWS WRITER Editor’s Note: Woodside Bible Church sponsors an orphanage in Thailand called the Akha House of Light, ministering to the children of the Akha hill tribe. Each month, in this space, we introduce you to one of the children available for sponsorship. Thai children are waiting for your loving support M eet Boobeau. Her mother and father divorced when she was 10 years old and their separation was extremely hard on Boobeau and her three siblings. Boobeau’s father abandoned them shortly after, so her mother and grandmother took care of them. Things were really hard and they didn’t have a lot of money. She had to drop out of school as they couldn’t pay for it any longer. She thought she would never get the chance to go to school again until the House of Light took Boobeau and her little sister, Unnicar, in, and now is grateful to go to school again. Boobeau is 14 years old and is in the 7th grade. She loves to smile and enjoys doing the traditional tribal Akha dance. She has accepted Christ as her Savior and is trying to learn more about him. To sponsor Boobeau, her sister Unnicar or another child from the Akha House of Light, please go to www.woodsidebible.org, then to connect, click on Life Impact and see the banner Sponsor an orphan. Greta Valleskey can be contacted at gretavalleskey@woodsidenews.org. 12 Section A APRIL 2015 WHAT’S COOKIN’ [RECIPE OF THE MONTH] COLLECTED BY BECKY JOHNSON T his chili is perfect for this time of year when the weather is still on the cool side. This Coconut Crème Cake is so worth the steps it takes to produce this amazing and very moist cake. It makes a great Easter dessert. Enjoy! branes. Dice peppers, and add to slow cooker. Stir in broth and next 8 ingredients. Cover and cook on LOW 6 to 7 hours or until chili thickens. Serve with Cilantro Sauce. BECKY JOHNSON Turkey Chili with Quinoa 2 pounds lean ground turkey breast Click to see savings 2 tablespoons olive oil Click to see savings 2-4 jalapeño peppers 2 large poblano peppers 1 (48-oz.) container reduced-sodium chicken broth 2 (15.5-oz.) cans great northern beans, drained and rinsed 2 (15.5-oz.) cans navy beans, drained and rinsed Click to see savings 1 cup uncooked quinoa 2 medium-size yellow onions, diced 5 garlic cloves, minced 3 teaspoons kosher salt 3 teaspoons ground cumin 2 teaspoons dried oregano Cook turkey in hot oil in a large skillet over high heat, stirring often, 10 minutes or until meat crumbles. Transfer turkey to a 6-qt. slow cooker. Using tongs, char each jalapeño and poblano pepper over gas flame, turning occasionally, about 5 minutes or until skins are totally blackened. (If you don’t have a gas cooktop, preheat broiler with oven rack 6 inches from heat. Broil peppers 5 minutes or until blackened, turning occasionally.) Place charred peppers in a bowl, and cover tightly with plastic wrap. Let stand 5 minutes to loosen skins. Peel peppers under running water. Remove and discard seeds and mem- Cilantro Sauce 1 bunch fresh cilantro (leaves and stems) 3 tablespoons olive oil Click to see savings 2 tablespoons fresh lime juice 1 jalapeño pepper, seeded and chopped 1 garlic clove 1/4 cup water Click to see savings Kosher salt Process cilantro, olive oil, lime juice, jalapeño pepper, garlic clove, and water in a blender until smooth, adding more water, if needed, to reach desired consistency. Add kosher salt to taste. Refrigerate in an airtight container up to 1 week. Swirl the vibrant, tangy topping into the chili before serving. If you don’t like cilantro, use parsley instead. The sauce can also be used as a sandwich spread or stirred, like pesto, into hot pasta. Note: This recipe makes a mild chili. For a spicier chili, add pepper seeds to slow cooker. Coconut Cream Cake Filling: 1/2 cup sugar 1/4 cup cornstarch 1/8 teaspoon table salt 4 large egg yolks 1 cup half-and-half 1 cup coconut milk 1 cup sweetened flaked coconut 3 tablespoons butter 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1/4 teaspoon coconut extract Cake Layers: 1 cup butter, softened 2 cups sugar 4 large eggs 3 cups cake flour 1 tablespoon baking powder 1/2 teaspoon table salt 1/2 cup milk 1/2 cup coconut milk 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1/2 teaspoon coconut extract Shortening Additional Ingredients: 1 cup heavy cream Prepare Filling: Whisk together first 3 ingredients in a heavy saucepan. Whisk egg yolks and next 2 ingredients in a glass bowl. Gradually whisk egg mixture into sugar mixture. Cook over medium heat, whisking constantly, 6 to 7 minutes or until mixture just starts to bubble. Cook, whisking constantly, 1 more minute; remove from heat. Whisk flaked coconut and next 3 ingredients into sugar-egg mixture; transfer to a medium bowl. Place plastic wrap directly on warm filling to prevent film from forming. Let stand 30 minutes; chill 4 to 24 hours. Meanwhile, prepare cake layers: Preheat oven to 350°. Beat 1 cup butter at medium speed with a heavyduty electric stand mixer until creamy. Gradually add 2 cups sugar, beating until light and fluffy. Add 4 eggs, 1 at a time, beating just until blended after each addition. Stir together cake flour and next 2 ingredients in a bowl. Stir together milk and 1/2 cup coconut milk in a measuring cup. Add flour mixture to butter mixture alternately with milk mixture, beginning and ending with flour mixture. Beat at low speed just until blended after each addition. Stir in 1 tsp. vanilla and 1/2 tsp. coconut extract. Spoon batter into 2 greased (with shortening) and floured 9-inch cake pans. Bake at 350° for 25 to 30 minutes or until a wooden pick inserted in center comes out clean. Cool in pans on wire racks 10 minutes. Remove from pans to wire racks, and cool completely (about 1 hour). Beat 1 cup heavy cream at high speed with an electric mixer until stiff peaks form. Gently fold whipped cream into chilled Filling. Assemble cake: Split each layer in half horizontally with a serrated knife to make 4 layers. Place 1 layer, cut side up, on a serving platter; spread with 1 1/3 cups filling. Repeat with remaining cake layers and filling, ending with a cake layer, cut side down. Spread top and sides of cake with Fluffy Coconut Frosting. Fluffy Coconut Frosting 3 cups heavy cream 1 teaspoon vanilla extract Click to see savings 1/2 teaspoon coconut extract 1/3 cup sugar Beat cream, vanilla, and coconut extract at medium-high speed with an electric mixer 1 to 2 minutes or until foamy. Gradually add sugar, beating 2 minutes or until stiff peaks form. (Do not overbeat.) Garnish Toasted coconut shavings can be sprinkled on top of the cake. Becky Johnson can be contacted at beckyjohnson@woodsidebible.org. ADVICE BY O. KAYE [WOODSIDE ADVICE WRITER] arguing about their version. Q: One of our children has been Attention getting lies are also having trouble with lying. It common at this age. started out with “little white Early Adolescents: White lies” that we thought were lies in this age category usujust a phase. We talked about ally are done for understandhonesty and the importance of able and forgivable reasons telling the truth. Now it has like avoiding punishment, turned into lying at least once fear of disappointing somea day. There have been times O. KAYE one, or being afraid of apwhen we have actually shown pearing stupid. Basically they her proof and she insisted that tell simple lies to gain something for the lie she told was true. How should we themselves. Avoiding hurting somehandle this? one’s feelings begins at this age. Try to find out what caused the child to A: Don’t panic! It’s normal and usual lie and take her reasons into considfor kids to have reasons to stretch the eration. Don’t engage in an argument truth. The parents’ job is to stay calm about the lie. and reason through what might be Tweens: By this age a kid usutheir motivation. You didn’t mention ally can tell the difference between how old your child is so I will give a a truth and a lie. But they may still few reasons per age group. resort to lying to avoid doing someToddlers: Two-year-olds don’t thing they dislike or that interferes understand the concept of truth tellwith their fun. If you sense that they ing. A simple statement pointing out are chronically lying it may be time to the obvious is best for this age group. seek counseling, either for the child Preschoolers: They like to tell or parents and child. They may have fairy tales or wishful thinking stories. immature problem solving skills and While containing truth, the wild storesort to avoidance and lying to deal ries can be humorous and obviously with stressors or anxiety-producing made up. Think of them as creative situations in their lives. Or they play and tell your own version of the could be really smart and good at story without spending a lot of time manipulating as a convenient tactic to get their way. Teens: Privacy becomes important in the teen years. They may not tell you everything about their lives. This is OK and is a sign that they are growing up. Other reasons older kids lie are to deal with peer pressure and to es- Listen carefully to your kids and involve them in a conversation about the behavior. tablish an identity to impress. To them the lies don’t seem important. They lie to get around rules they consider to be in the way of them being accepted. If you are aware that they are lying and it is dangerous or affects their health, there needs to be good boundary and consequence setting. Focus on what you caught them doing and not on the lie when you give consequences. Listen carefully to your kids and involve them in a conversation about the behavior. Take you own time-out and plan ahead with your spouse to approach them with concern, not condemnation. Don’t lecture; they will tune you out. Keep the conversation emotion neutral and decide ahead of time a consequence for the behavior they lied about that is measureable and achievable. Be specific and state the obvious. Ask what made them feel the need to lie. Don’t accept an excuse. Offer to keep the door open to the problem when they are ready to share. State that you want to help them find solutions so they don’t have to lie. Remind them of the definition of truth. Jesus states in John 14:6, “I am the way, the truth and the life.” Study with your family what that means and practice it as parents. Keep it simple, O. Kaye O. Kaye is a licensed mental health provider and a member of Woodside. Questions or comments on this column can be directed to okaye@woodsidenews.org. Comedy for a Cause50-bw-ad.qxp_4.625” w X 7.875” h BW 300 dpi 2/23/15 11:47 AM Page 1 APRIL 2015 BIBLE CROSSWORD Section A 13 [SOLUTION ON PAGE 15] 50 Nationally Renowned Clean Comedians Comedy for a Cause ADAM TRENT Adam is taking the magic world by storm. Blending dancing and singing with innovative stage illusions, charming wit, and emotion...to create an experience that is part magic show, part concert, and part stand-up comedy. He has performed on the Disney Channel and over 300 live shows in 19 different countries during the last year alone. Adam is currently on a world tour with the incredible ILLUSIONISTS show. Witness Adam’s incredible fusion of magic and comedy. RON PEARSON Ron is a comedian, an actor, and a world record juggler. Ron starred in the sitcom “Malcolm and Eddie” for several years and has guest starred on shows like “The Drew Carey Show,” “Two Guys and a Girl,” and “The George Lopez Show.” As a comedian, Ron has made numerous late night appearances from “The Late Late Show,” to the “Tonight Show” with Jay Leno, and even Comedy Central. He has also hosted television shows on The Family Channel and The Discovery Channel. He’s a crowd favorite at Comedy for a Cause! BENEFIT FOR Free Admission A love offering will be taken © 2005 PEACEFUL PUBLICATIONS • CREATED BY BILL WALTERS ACROSS 1. for your little ____, and for your wives (Gen 45:19) 5. these things write I unto you, ____ ye sin not. (1 John 2:1) KJV 9. Can papyrus grow tall where there is no ___? (Job 8:11) 14. Delilah took the seven braids of his head, ___ them into the fabric (Judg 6:13) 15. People who want to get ___ fall into temptation (1 Tim 6:9) 16. in the third row a jacinth, an ___ and an amethyst (Ex 28:19) 17. the families of the Gershonites was Eliasaph son of ___ (Num 3:24) 18. asked such a thing of any magician or enchanter or ___ (Dan 2:10) 20. be as ___ as snakes and as innocent as doves (Matt 10:16) 22. Then Annas ___ him, still bound, to Caiaphas (John 18:24) 23. the poor man had nothing except one little ___ lamb (2 Sam 12:3) 24. ox knoweth his owner, and the ass his master’s ____ (Isaiah 1:3) 25. have in the skin of his flesh a rising, a ____, or bright spot (Lev 13:2) 27. and put them in the loops to ___ the tent together (Ex 26:11) 30. ___ thought, If I just touch his clothes, I will be healed (Mark 5:28) 31. ___ and Dumah, and Eshean (Joshua 15:52) 35. Lord, how ___ shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him (Matt 18:21) (KJV) 36. the love of God (Gr.) 38. When ___ comes, then comes disgrace (Prov 11:2) 39. The lazy man does not ___ his game (Prov 12:27) 41. and drew the ____ to land full of great fishes (John 21:11) 42. there is a woman that hath a familiar spirit at ____ (1 Sam 28:7) KJV 43. strove against Moses and against Aaron in the company of ____ (Num 26:9) 44. grandfather of Abraham (Gen 11:24) 46. But as the serpent beguiled ____ through his subtilty (2 Cor 11:3) 47. And there shall come forth a rod out of the ____ of Jesse (Isaiah 11:1) 48. a tenth of a bath from each ___ (Ezek 45:14) 49. the pot is to be scoured and ___ with water (Lev 6:28) 51. the boys grew: and ___ was a cunning hunter (Gen 25:27) 53. Bring me any ___ too hard for you (Deut 1:17) 54. they gave the soldiers a large ___ of money (Matt 28:12) 57. Sir, your ___ has earned ten more (Luke 19:16) 59. but he who ___ fantasies lacks judgment (Prov 12:11) 63. magistrates and all the other ___ officials (Dan 3:2) 66. O my people, put on sackcloth and ___ in ashes (Jer 6:26) 67. Bring me a heifer, ___ ___ and a ram (1,4) (Gen 15:9) 68. they shall fall by the ____ of the sword (Luke 21:24) 69. be in rest and at ____, and none shall make him afraid (Jer 46:27) 70. You give a ___ of your spices, mint, dill and cummin. But you (Matt 23:23) 71. Go, post a lookout and have him report what he ___ (Isa 21:6) 72. reached for his sword, ___ it out and struck the servant (Matt 26:51) DOWN 1. ___ shall dwell there, and satyrs shall dance there (Isa 13:21) (KJV) 2. First zookeeper 3. to whom be glory for ____. Amen. (Romans 11:36) 4. I will ___ some of them also to be priests (Isa 66:21) 5. The king had a fleet of ___ ships at sea (1 Kings 10:22) 6. Joshua rent ____ clothes, and fell to the earth (Joshua 7:6) 7. Fifth book of the New Testament 8. should plow in hope; and that he that ___ in hope (1 Cor 9:10) KJV 9. we found out that the island was called ___ (Acts 28:1) 10. Four days ____ I was fasting until this hour (Acts 10:30) 11. Then Nebuchadnezzar in his ____ and fury commanded (Daniel 3:13) 12. let me have some of that red ___ I’m famished (Gen 25:30) 13. Now therefore are we all ____ present before God (Acts 10:33) 19. The death he died, he died to sin ___ for all (Rom 6:10) 21. a beautiful ___ for the remnant of Friday, May 22, 2015 • 7 p.m. (doors open at 6 p.m.) Woodside Bible Church 6600 Rochester Rd., Troy MI (North of Square Lake Rd.) For More Information Call 1-877-A-PROMISE or www.promisevillage.com his people (Isa 28:5) 26. gathering his wheat into the ___ (Matt 3:12) 27. a third of a shekel for sharpening ___ and axes (1 Sam 13:21) 28. like a broken tooth, and ___ ___ out of joint (1,4) (Prov 25:19) 29. I may tell all my bones: they look and ____ upon me (Ps 22:17) 30. Saul hurled his ___ at him to kill him (1 Sam 20:33) 32. the LORD ___ on a swift cloud (Isa 19:1) 33. he sent out ___ ___ to see if the water had receded (1,4) (Gen 8:8) 34. though they ___ ___ like crimson, they shall be as wool (2,3) (Isa 1:18) KJV 37. His thunder ___ the coming storm (Job 36:33) 38. But unless you repent, you too will all ___ (Luke 13:3) 40. In the ___ way, count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God (Rom 6:11) 45. If any man speak, let him speak as the ____ of God (1 Pet 4:11) 48. Adams first son (Gen 4:1) 50. he ___ Damascus on his journey (Acts 9:3) 52. The ____ with the tongs both worketh in the coals,(Isaiah 44:12) 54. He ___ on the ground, and made clay of the spittle (John 9:6) KJV 55. I ___ you to bear with my word of exhortation (Heb 13:22) 56. the whole ___ turned blood red (Rev 6:12) 58. Joshua son of Nun, who had been Moses’ ___ (Num 11:28) 60. ___ like the eagle and make your nest among the stars (Obad 1:4) 61. have no excuse, you who pass judgment on someone ___ (Rom 2:1) 62. Saul ____ his thousands, and David his ten thousands (1 Sam 29:5) 64. a large open container for holding liquids (Hag.2:16) 65. They shall still bring forth fruit in old ____ (Ps 92:14) 14 Section A APRIL 2015 FOR THE FUN OF IT BY JIM AVERY [WOODSIDE NEWS MANAGING EDITOR] Family activities abound in April Disney’s Beauty and The Beast Jr. will come alive at the Macomb Center for the ith Easter being celPerforming Arts on Saturday, ebrated early in April, April 18. Join All The World’s the remainder of the month A Stage at 1 p.m. or 4 p.m. offers plenty of activities for and watch as Belle yearns to all to enjoy. escape her provincial life and If you love art, a wonderGaston. However, Belle gets JIM AVERY ful place to enjoy a few hours more adventure than barof quiet can be found at the gained when she becomes Detroit Institute of Arts (DIA), locaptive in the Beast’s castle. Dancing cated at 5200 Woodward Avenue, flatware, menacing wolves, and singnear Woodside’s Detroit campus. ing furniture fill the stage with thrills With the financial support millage in this beloved fairy tale about very approved by Wayne, Oakland and different people finding strength in Macomb counties a few years ago, all one another and learning how to love. W $12 tickets can be purchased in advance at www.MacombCenter. com, or by calling 586-286-2222. A Day Out With Thomas™ makes its annual visit to Greenfield Village on the weekends of April 2526, May 2-3 and May 9-10. Thomas the Tank Engine™ is the pride of Sir Topham Hatt’s fleet of really useful engines. During Thomas’ annual visit to Greenfield Village, he is the centerpiece of six days of family fun and entertainment. You can ride Thomas around the village, of course, and meet Sir Topham Hatt™ face to face. Advance tickets are highly recom- mended, as some time slots sell out very quickly. Members of The Henry Ford receive free Greenfield Village admission and an exclusive opportunity to purchase Thomas ride tickets in advance. Greenfield Village admission is required for nonmembers to ride Thomas. The full schedule of activities and ticket information is available online at www.thehenryford.org, or by calling 313-982-6001. Get out and enjoy life with your family! Jim Avery can be contacted at jimavery@woodsidenews.org. Clockwise from left: Enjoy a respite with Rembrandt at Detroit Institute of Arts. Marvels of science discovered at Michigan Science Center. Beauty and the Beast comes alive at the Macomb Center. Thomas and friends return to Greenfield Village. residents continue to enjoy free general admission to the DIA. The museum covers 658,000 square feet that includes more than 100 galleries, a 1,150-seat auditorium, a 380-seat lecture/recital hall, an art reference library, and a state-of-the-art conservation services laboratory. The DIA’s collection is among the top six in the United States, comprising a multicultural and multinational survey of human creativity from prehistory through the 21st century. I particularly enjoy the Rembrandt exhibit that includes portraits of Christ with children and driving the moneychangers from the temple. Saturday and Sunday hours run from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Full details are available online at www.dia.org. From stage shows to classroom experiments, the Michigan Science Center has fun down to a science. The Michigan Science Center is yours to discover … from their five theaters – Michigan’s only Chrysler IMAX® Dome Theatre, Dassault Systèmes Planetarium, Toyota Engineering Theater, Chrysler Science Stage and DTE Energy Sparks Theater – to hands-on exhibit galleries focusing on life, space, engineering physical science and more. Located at 5020 John R. Street in Detroit, the Science Center is the ideal place to experience on a Saturday. For more details and discount information, go online to www.mi-sci. org, or call 313-577-8400. DID YOU KNOW? BY JIM AVERY [WOODSIDE NEWS MANAGING EDITOR] Oh my, what’s that smell outside? W ith spring comes mating season in the animal kingdom. Living on a few acres backed by woods, we see it all at this time of the year. The young bucks become dreamyeyed while surveying the available selection of does. Chubby red squirrels that would rather fill their cheeks with seeds from the bird feeder are now seen flicking their tails with excitement over playful female rodents. The colorful red cardinal is the ultimate romantic as he plucks seeds from the feeder for his demure female friend. All are entertaining and busy doing their thing to sustain the breed each spring. There are other courtships taking place under the cover of night, namely the nocturnal animals that venture out after darkness. On a regular basis, possum, porcupine, raccoon and skunk wander our property seeking food and friendship. A troublesome bunch, both the possum and porcupine are cranky, raccoons forever mischievous, and skunks downright stinkers. Like humans, all were created with their own unique gifts and talents for self-preservation. With their claws, jaws and quills Seganku, the small black animal with the white strip from nose to tail. the possum and porcupine are tenacious fighters by nature, while the raccoons are manipulative and crafty for their own purposes. However, it is the skunk (of the Mephitis family) that causes me to scratch my head and wonder what the Lord was thinking when He created this critter. Unless challenged by a predator, or Dexter our Dutch Sheppard, they would rather retreat into the darkness. Yet, skunks are legendary for their powerful predator-deterrent – a hardto-remove, horrible-smelling spray. A skunk’s spray is an oily liquid produced by glands under its large tail. To employ this scent bomb, a skunk turns around and blasts its foe with a foul mist that can travel as far as 10 feet. The early colonist quickly learned about the small black animal with the large white strip from nose to tail. They soon adopted the Algonquian Indian name “Seganku,” meaning “one who squirts,” which eventually became the English word “skunk.” Skunk spray causes no real damage to its victims, but it sure makes them uncomfortable. It can linger for days and defy attempts to remove it. Because skunks have a limited supply of ammunition, they don’t waste their defensive spray. A striped skunk can fire five to eight times before it has to reload, which takes about a week. One commonly held belief is that a pet that has been sprayed should be bathed in tomato juice in order to neutralize the smell. This, however, can require large amounts of tomato juice and is only marginally effective. The Humane Society of the United States recommends using a mixture of hydrogen peroxide, baking soda, and dishwashing liquid. As distasteful as their spray is, God blessed this animal with an effective tool for dealing with burdens. While Christians are taught to “pray and have faith” when the problems of life arrive, Seganku merely has to “spray and create space” for themselves. How neat is that? Jim Avery can be contacted at jimavery@woodsidenews.org. APRIL 2015 Section A 15 10% Off Labor for Woodside Members HUMOR BY TIM FAUSCH [WOODSIDE NEWS WRITER] When cuteness attacks derment. Sure, we occasionally instructed the kids to pick up here is no defense when toys, but not at the expense of cuteness attacks. inspired playtime. Had we atLast Monday, I awoke, tempted to reduce the chaos, walked downstairs and realwe would have missed out on ized we had been vandalized. countless imaginative stories, The destruction was everyartistic creations and incredwhere. A gang had obviously TIM FAUSCH ible musical performances. broken in, tossed objects You might say our grandkid maneverywhere, and left crude drawings agement style reeks of indulgence and throughout the house. a lack of discipline. Just as I was about to call 911, I reOK, so what’s your point? alized I knew the gang responsible for I would never trade a free concert this invasion … Lorelei and Jagger … (oops, slightly past bedtime) with the two cutest kids in the history of the kids standing on chairs (oh, the grandchildren. shame), and ending with our thunAs I surveyed the “damages,” I derous applause and Jagger shouting couldn’t help but smile. Remnants “encore.” from a busy weekend were in every I suppose postponing afternoon room. “quiet time” sounds irresponsible. But Our under-used dining room had not when you are treated to Lorebecome craft central. The normally lei performing The Nutcracker in her neatly decorated table was now a sea ballet costume. There’s nothing that of papers, markers, crayons, coloring compares with a four-year-old twirlbooks, mangled pipe cleaners, and ing with joyful delight in a tutu. spent tape dispensers. And I am definitely guilty of cavHand-made signs announcing ing in every time little Jagger wants various proclamations, accomplishme to pick him up. But in my defense, ments and make-believe events were who can resist the phrase, “Poppy taped and hung prominently. The uppy”? I just hope he stops asking begood news was I was among those infore he weighs more than I can lift. vited to these special events. He’s definitely getting cut off by age I had finally achieved VIP status. 10, or maybe 12. The crafts did create one sticky Some memories are simply too problem. Deb had somehow scored a valuable to trade for discipline. Betreasure trove of thousands of sticksides, isn’t that what parents are for? ers, everything from letters to numbers to animals to shapes. Little finTim Fausch can be contacted at gers had placed these stickers, many timfausch@woodsidenews.org. of them quite tiny, in secret locations throughout our home. At one point I looked down and found four stickers on my socks. I predict we will be peeling off miniaBIBLE CROSSWORD ture stickers for months, if not years to come. Our hallways were strewn with pint-sized clothing … coats, shoes, socks, pajamas, outfits and – hopefully the child protection people don’t learn this – even one of yesterday’s diapers that didn’t quite make it into the garbage. Our family room also was “ransacked.” Legos, wooden blocks, kitchen implements, books, and plastic toys littered the room. However, any thoughts about organization, order and neatness were quickly tossed aside in favor of creativity and won- T is /W n hr un Fu C R y b l K m l 5 mi o a Fa ac u M nn ian t A rist s 1 h C MACOMB CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS 5KRUN/WALK 5 al u nn tA k 1s Par n o n tia tr is Me y Fu r l Ch ek mi K ru lk wa n/ re Fa o m y C an i n ac M Sto rist at r Ch o F b JUNE 6, 2015 STONY CREEK S L O O H C NS K L A W / N U R 5K CHRISTIAN FAMILY FUN! to go : m co fo o in inf 5k. 80 e e 9 n or or tia 1-8 MACOMBCHRISTIAN5K.COM m s m 5 i r r r 7 Fo Fo ch 86) b 5 ( om ll ac ca m r O A I T S RI FOR MORE INFO: OR CALL (586) 751-8980 CH B M O C MA SOLUTION Maintain your spiritual needs as well n lk a would like a free Bible - Just ask tIfiayou Honesty & Integrity Things you want in a financial advisor. Smoke & Mirrors Things you definitely don’t want. Phil Ohman- Vice President, Investments All the things you want. None of the things you don’t. Many at Woodside have trusted Phil with their retirement accounts. 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