11th December 2014 - Woodside Primary School

23 Moffett Street
PO Box 114
Ph. 8389 7083
Fax 8389 7601
Web: www.woodsideps.sa.edu.au
D a te : 11 th D e c e m be r 2 0 1 4
Issue 21 – Week 9 Term 4
Est. 1857
Out of School Hours Care
Phone number 0411779529
Email address :
Fri 12th
Pool Fun Day
Last Day of Term 4 early dismissal 2:15pm
Assembly Roster
Assembly is held in the hall every Friday at
9.05am. Parents are invited to attend.
Term 4
Special Assembly from 1.30pm
(Farewell to Year 7’s)
No lunch orders tomorrow
Friday 12th December
Tues 27th
First Day of Term 1
moving chairs, staging and other equipment around the school, marking out areas for sporting events and fetching balls
Thanks David
off roofs and out of trees. These are alavid, our groundsman leaves us after ways ongoing tasks which David has done
many valuable years of service to the without hesitation.
school. He is retiring at the end of the
The most important aspect of David’s work
year and he will be greatly missed.
for me has been the trust I feel that neither
After the various building projects around the him nor his work requires any supervision.
school there was always landscaping to be done The work just gets done and done thorwhich wasn’t included in the original plans. oughly with no time or money wasted.
Thank to David’s creativity, his preparedness to
have things looking and being good and his On behalf of the school
strong work ethic, all the untidy spots have been community I would like to
attractively remodeled. His work here is clear for thank David for his great
all to see. However, there are many other areas contributions to the school
where David has worked that are not so obvious. and wish him all the best in his retirement.
He has re-assembled our sheds and storage
areas for greater efficiency and access, he has
End of Year Performance
engaged contractors to do joinery, electrical,
gain this year the end of year
plumbing and paving work around the school
performance was a very impresand he removes fallen vegetation and other unsive and successful event. Our
wanted materials from the school. Continuing
concerts are very much about
through all this has been the ongoing maintenance of the grounds and building. There is al- our students and to showcase their work
ways mowing, weeding and watering to be done, and development especially in performing
Principal’s Report
N E W S LE TTE R Te r m 4 Is s ue
P age 2
arts. It is a time to give each student a chance to
shine, to show their confidence and for themselves,
their peers, family and friends to feel proud of their
As parents you would have experienced the excitement of your children,
as they got ready for the big night. You
would then have watched them on
stage - their smiling faces, the look of concentration, the sounds of their voices speaking and singing and their movements and actions. We are very
proud of them all as you would be.
Our senior students play an important role at the
concert and it was pleasing to see all but one attend both nights. For these leaders of the school
the role is more than just their presentation. Certainly we can watch them perform and be proud of
their efforts but their excitement and enjoyment
varies to that of the younger children. The younger
children look up to their ‘big buddies’ and take their
lead from them. The responsibility of our senior students is to make sure that they lead their younger
buddies well. Just by being there was an important
signal, from our oldest students, that this is a very
important event in the school’s calendar. To see
the whole student body dancing together at the end
of the concert on the second night, lead by the students from Room 8, was a spectacular scene and a
memorable experience for our school.
Thanks to parents for their attendance and support,
for keeping a lid on the excitement and for getting
their children ready and energised for 2 busy
The end of the year is a busy time even without a
concert and so the staff has had to put in extra time
and energy to help in the success of this big event.
I acknowledge their energy and efforts to help bring
all the ends together and have the students ready
for both nights. In particular, I wish to acknowledge
and thank Suzanne Bourke again for her work. She
writes and modifies many of the little plays the students do, she develops roles for individual students, she creates musical parts to suit the play or
a particular child and she gives all students a
chance to develop, grow in confidence and to
shine. There were many great moments in the concert but one in particular that many people have
commented on was “Freedom for Chooks”. Suzanne wrote and developed this item knowing, of
course, the part that the silkies play in
Mrs Nicholson’s learning programme.
This was just one of the many items
produced by Suzanne. We are very fortunate to have her with the skills and
abilities she brings to be able to write the words,
music and dance for our students to present to their
parents, peers and friends.
Finally thanks to all the students for their enthusiasm, patience, hard work and energy. Your excitement, smiling faces and eagerness made for two
very special and successful nights.
We have already received plenty of feedback from
you and it has been very encouraging. If people
would like to express their opinions please do so
either by speaking to a member of staff or by writing
a note or an email to the school.
Trip to Challa Gardens Primary
fter the visit to our school of the African
students from Challa Gardens Primary
School, we have been keen to pay a return visit. We decided to do this and combine it with the annual student leaders’ ‘party’. This
we did last Friday. A bus took student leaders and
some other senior students to Challa Gardens
where we had a tour of the school then rotated
around various sports activities. These included archery, golf and boxing.
At about the middle of the day we headed for Semaphore Beach, picking up pizza for lunch (usual
fare for leadership parties) on the way. At Semaphore some students got into their bathers for a
swim and a paddle, the rest waded in the water or
played cricket on the beach. Unfortunately we were
a bit pressed for time and soon had to head back to
The excursion was a successful one. It was a good
opportunity to renew our connection with Challa
Gardens Primary School and then to recognise the
work of our student leaders with a quick trip to the
beach. There are over 50 different ethnic groups
represented at Challa. This was the reason for the
initial contact with the school. We wanted our students to meet peers from difference countries as
part of our multicultural programme this year. We
are already planning to continue the interaction between the two schools next year.
Year 7 Graduation and Final
he Year 7 graduation dinner and presentation was held last Tuesday evening. It was
the seventh year we have held this event
at the school.
The graduates all dressed up and gathered in the
P age 3
staff room before making their way across to the
hall to be presented to the eagerly awaiting invited
members of their families.
Again, this year for dinner, we setup for a buffetstyle meal. Members of each table moved to a
servery to choose their meals. This seemed to
work very smoothly compared to our previous system on meals being served at the tables.
After their meal, one by one, each student was
spoken about by a peer. The speeches outline their
time at Woodside Primary School and the highlights they remembered. Each graduate was presented with a graduation certificate, a summary
booklet of the speeches, graduation class photos
and a commemorative pen. These were presented
to the students by David Fawcett (Governing Council Chairperson), Marcia Bungay (Deputy Principal)
and David Harrison (retiring groundsman).
Four students received special awards for their outstanding service to the school and we congratulate
these students. Benji Collins and Lauryn Rogers
received Academic Excellence Awards for their
outstanding commitment to learning and Jess
Tasker and Mitchell Gaythwaite received awards
for Outstanding Citizenship shown at Woodside
Primary School.
Tomorrow – the last day of term, we will farewell
our Year 7s at an assembly starting at 1:30pm. At
this assembly the Year 7 students will present a
small segment of the graduation speech to the rest
of the students. This latter group will then form a
human arch from the hall to the classroom under
which our Year 7s will walk. This has been a tradition of the school and a fun farewell from the
younger students.
Parents of our graduates might like to attend this
N E W S LE TTE R Te r m 4 Is s ue
End of Year Reports and Classes for
s we did last year we are going to let parents know the class of their children via
the children themselves. Yesterday afternoon the students assembled in their 2015
classes, they met their new teacher and saw the
other students in the class. From this they should
have been able to tell their parents the details of
their class for next year.
This is a common method for many
schools in letting parents know where
their child will be in the upcoming year. It
also saves on paper compared with we
have done in previous years.
End of year reports also went home yesterday. You
should find them in envelopes in your children’s
We have been asked for clarification about ‘Days
absent’ and ‘Times late’ as listed on the front page
of the reports. This data is for the whole year.
End of the Year
he last day of term is tomorrow - Friday 12
December 2014. On the last day of the
year we do not hold a morning assembly
instead we run a special assembly for our
Year 7s as outlined above.
School will finish at 2:15pm on this last day, an
hour earlier than normal.
On behalf of the staff and students of the
school I would like to wish you all a safe
and relaxing holiday and an enjoyable
and rewarding Christmas and New Year.
Woodside Pageant
ust a reminder to those families/children
who have offered to participate in the Woodside pageant: can you please check the
notes that have gone home with the details
of this event. It is important that children come prepared, as outlined in the notes, and that we are informed if you have promised to attend but have to
pull out. One change this year is that we want parents to put a name tag on their child when dropping
them off. This is because we have many children
and not many adults by comparison.
John Balnaves
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P age 4
The school office will be
closing on Friday 12th
December at 12 noon.
We will reopen for sales of uniforms on
Thursday 22nd January 2015.
Student Medication
Any medication held at school will be sent
home with your children tomorrow, please
check their bags.
Remember to send medication back, if
needed, on the first day of school next year.
Achievement Awards
Reception Coad
Grace Dunlop
Being a caring transition
Morgan Burroughes
Doing an excellent job as a
transition buddy.
Luca Truswell Bald
Being a good transition buddy.
Banjo Blades
Being an excellent transition
Elisha Gilligan
Being a wonderful transition
Kayla Langbein
Being a responsible and kind
transition buddy.
Mahalia Beckman
Being a great transition buddy.
Jasmine McMahon
Being a very thoughtful and
attentive transition buddy.
Shae McMahon
Being a great transition buddy.
Ruby Nourse
Concentrating on her work.
Manuela Mazine
Participating in class.
School Newsletter
Do you receive the school newsletter by email?
If you wish to opt in or out of the emailed version
please let the school know for next year. (A hard
copy is still sent home too)
R/1 Hartwig
Daisy Wilson
Thank you and Farewell
Always having high expectations in all areas of learning.
Cristian Shepherd-Colebrook Being very helpful in class
I would like to thank Students, Staff and Parents
for their kind wishes and thoughts that have been
expressed to me on my retirement.
I am looking forward to spending more time with
my family and travelling in the future. I have
enjoyed working with the children and seeing them
develop over the years.
Of course I still intend visiting School when picking
up grandchildren, and may even hear reading in
my spare time!
Once again thank you for all your kind thoughts,
they have been much appreciated.
Judith Davies.
and for having a great sense
of humour.
Starr Hampton
Always having high expectations in all areas of learning.
Brody Gilligan
Excellent work habits and
wilingness to help his
R/1 Merrigan
Charli Plummer
Sharing her great general
knowledge and funny stories.
Tyson Smith
Always being kind and considerate.
Karsha Smolski
Taking more responsibility for
her learning.
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P age 5
Harrison Jones
Always being a kind friend and
a caring helper.
Addison Martin
For being a great “Roadie” for
the End of Year Performances.
Abigayle Murphy
Showing great enthusiasm for
her part as a spider in our end
of year performance of the
spider legend.
Ari Walker
For being a great “Roadie” for
the End of Year Performances.
Aaron Zulian
For being a great “Roadie” for
the End of Year Performances.
Being a good friend and for
always trying her hardest.
Neva Van Raalte
For being a great “Roadie” for
the End of Year Performances.
Harry Chassiotis
Being caring, thoughtful and
always doing his best.
Alana Biermann
For being a great “Roadie” for
the End of Year Performances.
Anqi Li
Being strong, caring and
having High Expectations in
her new class.
Matilda Stott
For being a great “Roadie” for
the End of Year Performances.
Yr 2 Nicholson
Ellie Murray
Emerson O’Shea
Making sure he understands
the stories he is reading.
Jorja Yardley
Always doing her best work.
Yr 3/4 Griffiths / Armstrong
Maddie Donnelly
Continuing to display persistence and determination in all
her school work.
Lauren Schulz
Consitently maintaining high
expectations in all areas of her
Jennifer Beckman
Displaying the school value of
being strong as she faces
challenges with a positive
Billy Wilson
Showing persistence throughout the year and for always
Ruby Kain
Her positive attitude and
caring nature.
Bess Mastanduono
Showing her positive attitude
and being a caring friend.
Yr 4/5 Dodd / Bungay
Matilda Stott
Enthusiasm and effort (Always)
Taryn Walker
Helpfulness, hard work and
initiative cleaning up after the
end of year performance.
Yr 5/6 Holbrook
William Nicholson
Showing enthusiasm towards
writing limericks.
Aaliyah McInnes
Showing excellent organisation to continually finish homework tasks.
Lloyd Mensforth
Working hard on his art work.
Ryan English
Helping to clean up the class
without being asked to.
Ashleigh Millar
Continually demonstrating
good manners.
Imogen Murray
Demonstrating good friend
ship qualities and being
supportive of others.
School Values Award
Mrs Nicholson’s Class Being friendly, caring and
(Year 2)
helpful as they welcomed Anqi
to the class.
Bess Mastanduono
(Year 3)
Using recess and lunchtime to
clean the top playground.
Tess Burroughes
(Year 3)
Using recess and lunchtime to
clean the top playground.
Alice Seppelt
(Year 3)
Using recess and lunchtime to
clean the top playground.
Laura Williams
(Year 4)
Using recess and lunchtime to
clean the top playground.
P age 6
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End of Year Performance
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P age 7
Coming Events
Pool Fun Day
Friday 12th December (Wk 9)
Transition from pre-school to school
For the last three Thursdays, we have
welcomed the kindy children who will be
starting in Reception with us next year.
Last Day of Term 4 is pool fun day!
Remember to bring your $4.50 if not already paid.
Bring your hat, sunscreen, towel, bathers and
goggles if wanted, all named please
& in 2015
Family BBQ Night
(Proposed for Week 2)
They have been getting to know our
teachers and classrooms and our
school routines.
School Governing Council AGM
(Week 3)
All welcome, come along to see what’s involved in
being on the School Governing Council.
Parent / Teacher Interviews
We can’t wait to see you again on the
first day of school next year,
(Week 4)
Tuesday 27th of January.
P age 8
N E W S LE TTE R Te r m 4 Is s ue 2 1
Visit to Challa Gardens Primary School
On Friday the 5th of December a group of student leaders went to visit students at Challa Gardens
Primary School, this visit was an invitation to our students after the successful visit by African background
students to Woodside Primary earlier in the year.
We left Woodside Primary at around 8am by bus and travelled to Challa Gardens Primary School. We
were split into groups and had a tour of the school. They had different activities planned for us including
archery, golf and boxing (boxercise). The archery was a bit hard, you needed lots of strength. Golf was
fun, the teacher said we had to try and get the golf ball into the hoop or hit a pole. He would give a free
ice-cream to anyone who could hit the pole, - Nobody Did! The boxing was a circuit where you changed
activity every 3 minutes.
Luke Hall (Year 5)
We got into groups with kids from Challa Gardens Primary School, then did archery, golf and boxing. The
archery was hard at first but then you got used to it. Not many of us got a bullseye, but Holly and Sarah
both did very well getting 40 points. Golf was fun we used real clubs but practice balls and had to try and
hit the ball into hoops.
The boxing circuit was difficult you partnered up and did a circuit including punching bag, speedball, and
Holly Snooks & Edward Tilbrook (Year 6)
Georgia Ousley & Jessie Prosser (Year 7)
P age 9
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Canteen News
Music Lessons 2015
Wednesday Lunch Times
Canteen Roster 12.50 — 1.20pm
The school canteen is open on Wednesday
lunchtimes for drinks, ice creams and healthy
Senior students are rostered on to help but adult
supervision is required. If no parent volunteers are
rostered on, the canteen is closed.
Thank you to all the fabulous parent
helpers we had in 2014.
We hope you can help again in 2015 and
we encourage any “new” school
parents to come and help out if possible.
Any parents who would like their child to have
piano / keyboard, guitar or ukulele lessons in 2015
should contact Peter Beeby on 0431 151 104 or
email pbeeby@gmail.com
Places are limited and it is best to enrol early to
guarantee a spot.
The cost of piano / keyboard and guitar lessons is
$25 for a 30 minute individual lesson.
Ukelele is taught in a group situation at a cost of
$7.50 per student.
All lessons are given during school hours.
Thank you
Mappinga Road Oakbank
0417 894 497
Thank you to Doug Fleet of Marne Valley Turf
(Growers and suppliers of quality lawn), for
donating the grass for the new garden area, outside
of the Junior Primary Building.
Please support this company, if you are in the
market for:
Valley Green Sterile Kikuyu
Santa Ana Couch
Conquest Couch
Sir Walter Soft Leaf Buffalo
Kings Pride Soft Leaf Buffalo
Dear Parents and Care Givers,
With a 50 year tradition of educating girls, Mitcham
Girls High School remains the only Single Sex
Public school in South Australia.
Mitcham Girls High School is located at Kingswood, with easy access to bus and train transport.
It is unzoned, accepting girls irrespective of where
they live. Simply complete the “Application for
enrolment in Year 8”. No special application
We offer all girls a specialised learning environment emphasizing:
Global and community citizenship
Well being
Mitcham Girls High School Gift Program includes
the prestigious Gift Dance Program.
Ph: 8272 8233
P age 10
N E W S LE TTE R Te r m 4 Is s ue 2 1
A Final Word from our Graduating Year 7’s
Lauryn Rogers
I have been at Woodside Primary School for 4 years. I will be going to Oakbank Area School next year.
At primary school I have enjoyed camps, art, PE and sports events. My favourite primary school memory
is making life long friends. The thing I will remember most about WPS is the sports events, teachers and
friends. When I finish school I would like to be a flight attendant or pilot.
Jess Tasker
I have been at Woodside Primary School for 8 years and I will be going to Heathfield High School. At
primary school I have enjoyed the experiences and events. My favourite primary school memory is
making amazing friends. The thing I will remember most about Woodside Primary is the supportive
students and staff. When I finish school I would like to be a pastry chef or work with young kids.
Dylan Taylor
I have been at Woodside Primary School for all my school years. I will be going to Oakbank Area School.
At primary school I have enjoyed PE. Some of my favourite memories have been the 6/7 play and school
camps. When I finish school I would like to be a second fix carpenter.
Benji Collins
I have been at Woodside Primary School for two years and I will be going to Oakbank Area School for
high school. I have had a brief but fun time at WPS. I hope I do well at Oakbank. When I finish school I
would like to be a helicopter pilot in the Navy.
Caitlin Stanbury
I have been at Woodside Primary School for 8 years and next year I will be going to Oakbank Area
School. At primary school I have enjoyed the music lessons. My favourite primary school memory was
before the school was redeveloped and there was a wooden playground and a see saw. I was devastated
when the see saw was taken away. The thing I will remember most about Woodside Primary School is
the caring and friendly kids. When I finish school I would like to be a marine animal trainer.
Jessie Prosser
I have been at Woodside Primary School for 8 years and will be going to Urrbrae next year. At primary
school I have enjoyed the time with my friends, and my favourite school memory is of washing the silkies
in Mrs Nicholson’s class. The thing I will remember most about Woodside Primary is all the friendships I
have made. When I finish school I would like to be an architect and interior designer.
Rose Mason
I have been at Woodside Primary School for 8 years and next year I will be going to Urrbrae. At primary
school I have enjoyed all the great activities. The thing I will remember most about Woodside Primary is
forming such good friendships with all the people and feeling at home. When I finish school I would like to
do something with music or animals.
P age 11
N E W S LE TTE R Te r m 4 Is s ue 2 1
Georgia Ousley
I have been at Woodside Primary School for 8 years. I will be going to Urrbrae Agricultural High School
next year. At primary school I have enjoyed making new friends and my favourite memory is going on
camps. The thing I will remember most about Woodside Primary is all the amazing friends and the
memories I’ll never forget.
Mitchell Gaythwaite
I have been at Woodside Primary School for 8 years now and I will be going to Heathfield High School
next year. I have enjoyed my time here at WPS and the thing I will remember most is the good people
and teachers here. When I finish school I would like to be a cartoonist or an author.
Dean Mugan
I have been at Woodside Primary School for 8 years and next year I will be going to Heathfield High
School. At primary school I have enjoyed all the camps, sporting events and excursions. When I finish
school I would like to be a Medical Examiner or a pro BMXer or forensic scientist.
Tom Smart
I have been at Woodside Primary School for 8 years and I will be going to Heathfield High School next
year. At primary school I have enjoyed being buddies with Hamish. When I finish school I would like to be
a pro BMX rider.
Sarah English
I have been at WPS for 5 years and I will be going to Heathfield High School. At primary school I have
enjoyed being a year 7 and having good friends. The thing I will remember most about Woodside Primary
is the Year 6/7 class. I don't know yet what I want to do when I finish my school years.
Mitch Keating
I have been at WPS for 3 years and I will be going to Heathfield High School. At primary school I have
enjoyed most of the camps and SAPSASA. When I finish school I would like to be in the SAS (Special Air
Tayla Graetz
I have been at Woodside Primary for 1 year. I will be going to Heathfield High School. The thing I will
remember most about Woodside Primary is the people and help I have gotten over the year. When I
finish school I would like to be an engineer in the army.
Tyson Paech
I have been at Woodside Primary School for 8 years and I will be going to Heathfield High School. At
primary school I have enjoyed going on camp and SAPSASA sport days. My favourite primary school
memory is meeting Tom, Mitch, Dean and Matt. The thing I will remember most about WPS is the
teachers and all of the work I have done. When I finish school I would like to be a fireman or a plumber.
P age 12
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Year 7 Graduation Evening
P age 13
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Community Notices
Adelaide Hills Council Libraries,
Youth & Community Centres
School of Languages
School Holiday Program 121-23 January 2015
Free activities at Woodside Library
26 Onkaparinga Valley Road
Find out how to spell your name using maritime
flags to make a banner.
Make a small boat that can really float!
Thursday 22 January 11am-12pm, Ages 5+
FREE - Bookings Essential
Phone 8408 0400 or online www.ahc.sa.gov.au
Free activities each day, do it yourself craft, available all holidays on the craft table. Ages 5+ free.
(Supervision not provided, no bookings required)
Free play Lego available all holidays, ages 5+ free.
(Supervision not provided, no bookings required)
Activities for Youth:
Open Mic & Jam afternoon. Try our your stuff for a
welcoming audience, and join in the jam if you’re
up for it!
Sunday 18 January 2015, 3pm-6pm, Woodside
Hall, all ages, levels, styles welcome.
Guitarists are encouraged to bring their own amp,
drummers to bring sticks, snare and cymbals.
A Spanish language course will be introduced at
Nairne Primary School in 2015 as well as the
Japanese already offered.
Classes will be held on Wednesdays from 3.30 until
5.00pm and cost $75 for the whole year.
For more information contact Anne Reuter at the
School of Languages on 8301 4800 or
School Holiday Christmas Craft
Come and make some great Christmas craft for you
and your family! Thursday 18th of December at Torrens Valley Community Centre Gumeracha10am–
1pm $5 per person Book early to avoid disappointment Ph 8389 1711
Hills Youth Theatre Proudly Presents
Don’t Stop Believin’!
At the Stirling Community Theatre, 7 Avenue Rd,
Tues 13 Jan @ 7pm, Wed 14 Jan @ 2pm
Thurs 15 Jan @ 10.30am, Fri 16 Jan @ 10.30am
Sat 17 Jan @ 2pm, Sun 18 Jan @ 2pm
Bookings available at trybooking.com/FZRZ
Adults $15 Child/Concession $12 Family $48
For further information visit hillsyouththeatre.com
Children’s Holiday Art Classes
Drawing, painting, mixed medium and collage
Tuesday 6 January & Wednesday 7 January
10am-12noon 5-8yrs old, 2pm - 4pm 9-13yrs old
Monday 12 January and Tuesday 13 January
10am-12noon 9-13yrs old, 2pm-4pm 5-8yrs old
Session, maximum 8 per class, contact 8391 2910
or mobile 0402 273 025 (after 4.30pm any day)
SA School Dental Service
The school dental clinic at Mt Barker will be closed
from 23/12/14 to 11/01/15 inclusive.
Patients of the school dental service who require
emergency care during that time should call Marion
GP Plus Clinic on 7425 8400 or after hours
emergency advice number PH 1800 022 222
Little Legs on the Big Stage
Register in the Bupa Mini Tour for kids presented
by the University of South Australia to ride part of
the final stage of the 2015 Santos Tour Down
Under. For children aged between 6 and 12 years
of age. Ride takes place on Sunday 25th January
2015. For more information and entry details visit:
Artlings Studio
Summer Art Workshops- Adelaide Hills
During the January school holidays we are offering
a collection of four unique and fun workshops near
you. An educational holiday solution for 5-13 year
olds, our talented and passionate art specialists
will inspire your child to create unique and priceless masterpieces!
My Flip Flop Summer Mon 19 Jan 10am-12pm
Dog’s don’t do art Mon 19 Jan 12.30pm-2.30pm
Miro Inspired Creatures Wed 21 Jan 10am-12pm
Dinosaur chalk pastel Wed 21 Jan 12.30
Aldgate Hall & Oval, Churinga Road Aldgate 5154
N E W S LE TTE R Te r m 4 Is s ue 2 1
P age
23 Moffett Street Woodside South Australia 5244
Phone: 0411 779 529 Fax: 8389 7601 Email: woodside.oshc@gmail.com
Monday 15th
Tuesday 16th
Wednesday 17th
Thursday 18th
Friday 19th
Craft Day
Bouncy Castle
Cooking Day
Pageant Day
Movie & Pool
Bring your
Race your friends
Help us with the
Let’s spend the last
on the Dual Lane
day relaxing at the
Christmas spirit
cookies or choc mint finishing touches to
Super Slide!!! If it’s a cake? What reminds
the Woodside
movies. Choose
today and make
some decorations to
you of Christmas?
turning this into a
hang on our OSHC
We will be making pageant float. Finish and Paddington. We
slippery wet slide!
off any other
will then be heading
Christmas tree!
lots of delicious
Christmas things
down to the
Make a stained
sweets to take home
you have created for
Woodside Pool.
glass paper bauble
your family.
to take home and
stick on your
Leaving at 9.30am
window! And there
will be lots of other
Pick up from
Christmas craft
Woodside pool
things to make.
Monday 5th
Tuesday 6th
Wednesday 7th
Thursday 8th
Friday 9th
Gardening Day
Marion Leisure
Creative Craft
Experiment Day
Today we will be
revamping our
Who loves diving
Bring your bikes and We will be creating
Messy, messy,
chook pen and
into a giant foam
scooters and create a masterpiece today
messy will be the
making a scarecrow pit?? Come with us
a giant course
using water pistols
day today. Making
to protect all of our
to bounce around
around the entire
and paint!! And then
bubbles that
lovely fruit and vegand play some
school. We have
hopefully we will get
bounce, moulding
etables. While we
heaps of different
enough wind during sand and making all
are outside let’s get
sports equipment to the day to fly some
sorts of coloured
messy and make
play with from our
amazing kites.
some potions and Leaving at 9.00am & shed. Get a group
Returning at 4.00pm together and start a
mud pies!
game of outdoor
twister, lacrosse or
N E W S LE TTE R Te r m 4 Is s ue 2 1
P age
23 Moffett Street Woodside South Australia 5244
Phone: 0411 779 529 Fax: 8389 7601 Email: woodside.oshc@gmail.com
Monday 12th
Tuesday 13th
Wednesday 14th
Thursday 15th
Friday 16th
Water Play
Chill Out
Waterslide Day
Which movie will you
see? Big Hero 6,
Penguins of Madagascar Night at the
Museum Secret of
the Tomb?
Leaving at 9.30am &
Returning at 3.30pm
Water balloon com- Building is the word of Only one week left of Today we are headpetitions, foam water the day today. Can we Vacation Care so lets ing to the Semaphore
pistols and water
successfully create relax. We’ll be watch- Waterslide for a fun
slides are just some
an air fort? We will
ing movies and playfilled day!
water things we will
also be having a
ing electronics.
be doing today. Be sandcastle competition Bring your favourite
prepared to spend the
using all of our new
book and read it to a Leaving at 9.30am &
Returning at 5.00pm
day getting wet!
sandpit equipment!
carer in a nice quiet
Prizes for the most
area. Or create a
book of your own!
Monday 19th
Tuesday 20th
Wednesday 21st
Thursday 22nd
Friday 23rd
Illusion Day
Wild Things
Cooking Day
Celebration Day
Can you create an
illusion? Does it look
like you are holding
the playground in
your hands? Or that
an ant is carrying you
by the foot? What
illusion can you come
up with? Prize for the
most original.
What can you find
outside? We will be
having an outside
scavenger hunt today. We will also be
making a bug house,
some wind chimes
and doing some
nature craft. Phew!
What movie do you
want to see? Big Hero
6, Penguins of Madagascar or Night at the
Museum Secret of the
Today we will be
cooking lots of different foods from all
over the globe. Mexican, Italian, Chinese
and more!
Leaving at 9.30am
Returning at 3.30pm
Come and Celebrate Australia Day
with us. We will be
having a
sausage sizzle for lunch
and enjoying a day
on an inflatable water slide! We will be
making some foam
thongs for you to
wear and take home.
Wk 1
Wk 2
Wk 3
Wk 4
Wk 5
Wk 6
Wk 7
Wk 8
Wk 9
Wk 10
Wk 11
Tues 27th First Day Term 1
Thurs 29th Newsletter
Tues. 3/2 Family BBQ night
Mon 9/2 Governing council AGM
Thurs 12/3 Newsletter
Parent Teacher interview week
Mon 16/2 cyber Bullying presentation
Swimming Week R-2 (TBC)
Thurs 26/2 Newsletter
Mon 9/3 Adelaide cup PH
Thurs 12/3 Newsletter
Mon 15/6 Governing Council meeting
Tues 16/6 School Photo Day
Mon 8/6 Queens Birthday (public holiday)
Thurs 11/6 Newsletter
Woodside Primary School Annual Planner by Terms 2015
Mon 27/4 Pupil free day
Thurs 30/4 Newsletter
Mon 11/5 Governing Council Meeting
Naplan Testing
Thurs 14/5 Newsletter
Mon 16/3 Governing Council meeting
Aquatics Camp (TBC)
Thurs 25/6 Newsletter
Thurs 28/5 Newsletter
Thurs 26/3 Newsletter
Fri 27/3 Sports Day
Fri 3/7 Wholde school bike ride/walk
Swimming Week 3-5 (TBC)
Fri 3/4 Good Friday (public holiday)
Mon 6/4 Easter Monday (public holiday)
Thurs 9/4 Newsletter
Fr 10/4 Whole school bike ride/walk