The First Sign of Winter Family News & Notes An old man once told me about being the gas station attendant in a small town during the great depression. He said that no one had antifreeze in their cars because of a lack of funds. Therefore all winter they would fill their radiators in the morning and the running engine and the warmth of the day would keep them from freezing. Each evening on the way home they would stop at the gas station and he would, as a free service to his customers, crawl under each car and open the little valve that let out the water. He said they would drive away toward home draining the little stream of water from their car. I always think about that story every time we come to this time of year. When it first feels cool, it’s time to check the antifreeze in the car. Waiting for a good hard freeze can mean serious damage to your engine. Checking it early cost you nothing. Waiting too long can be expensive. It’s best done at the first sign of winter. What would it be like if we decided to turn off the television at the first sign of immoral behavior, profanity, or suggestive language? The program you are watching may be quite entertaining. It may have you hooked with suspense or becoming characters. You will probably be tempted to believe that you can just ignore the bad parts. Yet you are a Christian. You are supposed to be sanctified. You are supposed to be pure. You are supposed to be an example to those around you. Please keep your commitment to live a new life in Christ by denying the smutty program its access to your mind and heart at the very first sign of impure activity, language, or suggestion. OUR ILL—Charlene Reynolds returned home from the Heart Hospital this past Thursday a week ago & is now recuperating. Bobbie Day is also home from the Heart Hospital & wants everyone to know that she & Dan appreciate your prayers so much! Mae Bottoms underwent an angiogram Tuesday in the Heart Hospital & had to have 2 stints. She came home Wednesday & is doing well. Bob Powell (son-in-law of Phyllis McCutcheon) was taken to an ER in Dallas Tuesday due to having a hematoma. He underwent surgery later that night & is now doing better. Z.B. Davila (3 month-old infant & family member of Santos & Maria Davila) remains hospitalized in Houston. Lee Martin is scheduled for surgery to replace two heart valves Wednesday in the Heart Hospital. Please continue to pray for Red & Kendaleen Moore, Geoff Bissett, Leroy & Betty Jeter, Lee & Paula Martin, Dan & Bobbie Day, Henry Norman, Jimmy & Elaine Rodgers, & Hunter Hillock. Bo Shero NOTE: If your name was on the list to buy the “Nelson’s Complete Book of Bible Maps & Charts” in which Bo has been referencing in the Wednesday night Bible class, the books are in. The books are $16.00 & can be picked up & paid for in the church office. If you didn’t sign up to order one, but would like to buy one, extras were ordered. A Veterans Day breakfast will be held tomorrow (Saturday), from 6:00 AM – 9:00 AM, at the Terry County Senior Community Center (1201 Tahoka Rd, Bfld). All VFW members & local veterans & their families; Brownfield Police Department; Terry County Fire Departments; Terry County Sheriff’s Department; Texas State Troopers; & the Texas Rangers are invited. PRAYER REQUEST—“Please pray for our friend Dr. Dee Witherspoon of Artesia, N.M. He is battling progressing prostate cancer. He will be going back for a follow-up appointment in a couple of weeks. We covet prayers for him and his family.”—Kenny & Lana Powell Ukraine Is saying "Yes!" Since 2008, seven Ukrainian regions, or regions, have asked for Bibles to be placed in their public schools. Now, three more regions, Kherson, Ternopil, and Zaporizhzhya, Ukraine, have said "Yes" to Bibles and biblical literature for their students! That is 341,000 students in 2,071 public schools, and 27 universities. In order to respond to this opportunity, on November 30th, our entire contribution will go to EEM’s $1,000,000 Sunday effort. $950 is all it takes to ensure an entire school can have enough Bibles and biblical literature so all students can study on a regular basis. PRAYER OF THANKSGIVING—We have great news about 3 yr.-old, Hudson Prowell, who was on our prayer list last week. Hudson underwent surgery last Friday in the Children’s Hospital in Dallas in order to remove a mass that was discovered on his brain the weekend before. We have been told that the mass was benign & the surgeons said that his surgery went as well as it could possibly go. Hudson does not show to be in any danger at this time! Hudson’s father, Ben Prowell, is an assistant principal at Brownfield’s Oak Grove Elementary school. SYMPATHY—We are in sympathy with Inez Wilkerson & Judy Sansom over the passing of Inez’s nephew & Judy’s cousin, Windell Whisenant, Sunday. Windell was a former member of the Brownfield Church of Christ years ago. The funeral service was conducted in Lubbock Wednesday followed by the burial in the Terry County Cemetery with Bob officiating. Also, Inez & Judy would like to ask for prayers for Windell’s children, Carolyn Crowson & Danny Whisenant, & their families. MEN’S BREAKFAST MEETING—The men’s monthly breakfast meeting was initially scheduled to resume tomorrow (Saturday) but instead will resume in December. WORLD BIBLE SCHOOL—This month’s WBS mail-out will be on Monday at 9:30 A.M. Also, for WBS preacher sponsors, the quarterly preacher pay is due this month. MEN & LADIES VISITATION—The meeting for men & women’s visitation has been canceled for Monday. How many schools will we say "Yes!" to? “For no matter how many promises God has made, they are ‘Yes’ in Christ.” — 2 Corinthians 1:20 The spaghetti that Maria Davila, Pam Salinas, & Celsa Clayman prepared for us this past Wednesday night was great! We really appreciate them for doing this. Be sure to join us this coming Wednesday as Dan & Susie Bray will be serving pizza! LADIES SUPPER & GAME NIGHT—The Ladies Supper & Game Night will be Tuesday, at 6:00 PM, in the FLC. The sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board. HELP NEEDED FOR CHILDREN’S CHURCH—We are in great need for volunteers to sign up & help with Children’s Church on Sunday evenings at 5:00 PM. Please be sure to stop by the bulletin board next to the Teacher Center & sign up. If any questions about this program, please contact Jennifer Gustin or Johnna Shero. GEOFF BISSETT HAS CHANGED ROOMS—Please be sure to change Geoff Bissett’s room address from 2558-2 to 73-1. Therefore his new mailing address should look like this: VA Hospital, % Geoff Bissett, 6010 Amarillo Blvd West, CLC -B RM 73-1, Amarillo TX 79106. Reynolds Rap Brownfield Church of Christ Charlene is suffering from congestive heart failure. She is under home health care. She will not be able to get out for a while. Thank you very much for your prayers! We love you! I want to share some POSITIVE THOUGHTS with you: “The only people with whom you should try to get even are those who have helped you.” – John E. Southard “We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures.” – Thornton Wilder PRESORT STANDARD US POSTAGE PAID BROWNFIELD TX PERMIT NO 502 I really appreciate your comments about my sermon Sunday evening! You are great! November 7, 2014 Vol. 10. No. 43 “To grow old is to pass from passion to compassion.” – Albert Camus Sorry to be late with this one. “In October what a feast to the eye our woods present! They are giving back the light they have been absorbing from the sun all summer.” – John Burroughs “Have the courage to live. Anyone can die.” – Robert Cody “We become what we think about.” – Earl Nightingale “What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson “Keep on going. The chances are that you will stumble on something, perhaps when you are least expecting it. I never heard of anyone ever stumbling on something when they were sitting down.” – Charles Kettering. “If God is your co-pilot, you better switch seats.” – Church Sign “A smile is a gently curved line that can set a lot of things straight.” “Rely on our dear Savior. He will be the Father of the fatherless and husband to the widow. Trust in the mercy and goodness of Christ, and always be ready to say with heart-felt resignation, ‘May the Lord’s will be done.’” Attendance: Bible Classes Morning Assembly Evening Assembly Midweek Men & Ladies AM Classes Midweek Classes & Outreach Thursday School $ 8173 $ 8500 120 202 63 (women) 25 119 45 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED The Weekly Record Contributions: Sunday’s Offering Weekly Budget PUBLISHED WEEKLY BROWNFIELD BUILDER “We cannot hide from God No matter how we try; For He knows all we think and do— We can’t escape His eye.” Brownfield Church of Christ 502 Lubbock Road Brownfield, Texas 79316 (806) 637-4597 Fax (806) 637-1704 email: “Sin may be hidden from others, but never from God.” From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work. Ephesians 4:16 Meeting Times Sunday: Bible Class Morning Assembly Evening Assembly Wednesday: Bible Class 9:30 am 10:30 am 5:00 pm 7:00 pm
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