Apply Online! Important Application Notice All applicants are required to create an account and submit a resume through CareerQuest at Existing paper applications are no longer considered. Computers are available for your use during business hours at: Dept. of Human Resources 8115 Gatehouse Road Falls Church, VA 22042 Contact HR Client Services at 571-423-3000 or 1-800831-4331 for assistance. FCPS Job Specifications are available on the web at : salary/jobspecs.shtml Deadlines Resumes for jobs posted in this issue must be submitted by November 11, 2014 Connect to Your Future F A I R F A X C O U N T Y P U B L I C S C H O O L S November 5, 2014 Facilities & Transportation Services tion and experience equivalent to graduation from high school plus four years' progressive bus transportation experience, two years as a bus driver and one year as a bus driver supervisor. Two years' college preferred. HVAC Supervisor (B) US-19 Knowledge of the organization, function, Facilities Management, Merrifield laws, regulations, and procedures of school Support Center 5656BR bus transportation operations. Knowledge of the local street and road system of Fairfax County. Experience with performance evaluDescription: Supervises the full range of ations. Ability to utilize a computer, peripherheating and air conditioning equipment maintenance, repair, renovation, and instal- al office equipment, and software applications. Sufficient strength, agility, dexterity, lation activities. Qualifications: Any combination of educa- visual acuity, and ocular-motor reaction time tion and experience equivalent to graduation to operate a school bus at all times including emergencies. Valid driver's license with a from high school supplemented by an acgood driving record and possession of a ceptable apprentice-level air conditioning, refrigeration, heating maintenance, or HVAC CDL-B with P and S (passenger and school training program, plus six years' progressive bus) endorsements. Must have passed anexperience in air-conditioning, refrigeration, nual physical examination and random drug test. heating, commercial steam/hot water boiler repairs, and general HVAC cleaning and repair maintenance, some at the lead level. Knowledge of local, state, and national Structural Supervisor US-18 codes. Skill in written and oral communicaFacilities Management, Sideburn tions. Ability to assign and supervise suborSupport Center 5655BR dinate employees. Ability to read and interpret work orders, diagrams, sketches, blueDescription: Supervises the full range of prints, and manufacturers' manuals and to structural maintenance, repairs, and alteraestimate costs of work performed. Strength tions of FCPS facilities, centers, and adminand dexterity necessary to perform all reistrative buildings or shops. quired tasks. Possession of a valid EPAapproved universal refrigerant recovery certi- Qualifications: Any combination of educafication to include Types I, II, and III. Posses- tion and experience equivalent to graduation from high school supplemented by an acsion of a valid Commonwealth of Virginia master's mechanical license preferred. Valid ceptable apprentice-level structural maintenance training program plus six years' prodriver's license with a good driving record. gressive experience in the structural mainteMay be required to work an evening and/or night shift on a regular or rotating basis, ac- nance trade, one year at the lead level. cept call-back overtime or regular overtime, Knowledge of the methods, materials, equipand/or agree to assume an emergency call- ment, and tools used in the structural maintenance trade. Knowledge of local, out list status. state, and national codes. Basic computer skills. Ability to follow written and oral instructions, diagrams, blueprints, and manuTransportation Supervisor US-19 facturers' manuals. Strength and dexterity Transportation Services, Stonecroft necessary to perform all required tasks inTransportation 5646BR cluding lifting, stooping, bending, and working in tiring and uncomfortable positions. Description: Supervises bus driver supervi- Valid driver's license with a good driving sors, bus drivers, and transportation attend- record. May be required to work an evening and/or night shift on a regular or rotating ants; and arranges student transportation basis, accept call-back overtime or regular and related school bus maintenance activities for assigned routes within a designated overtime, and/or agree to assume an emergency call-out list status. sector of Fairfax County. Qualifications: Any combination of educa- DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES FAIRFAX COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS CAREERQUEST Cabinetmaker I US-15 Facilities Management, Woodson Complex 5654BR Description: Performs the skilled journeylevel work required to construct and repair wooden items using millwork, skilled cabinet making machines, and various hand tools. Qualifications: Any combination of education and experience equivalent to graduation from high school and completion of an apprentice-level carpentry training program plus four years' progressive millwork and cabinetmaking experience, two years at the apprentice II level. Knowledge of methods, materials, equipment, and tools. Knowledge of characteristics and properties of various woods, wood products, wood stains, and paints. Knowledge of hazards and safety precautions and of local, state, and national codes. Basic computer skills. Strength and dexterity necessary to perform all required tasks including lifting, stooping, bending, and working in tiring and uncomfortable positions. Valid driver's license with a good driving record. May be required to work an evening and/or night shift on a regular or rotating basis, accept call-back overtime or regular overtime, and/or agree to assume an emergency call-out list status. NOVEMBER 5, 2014 ty necessary to perform all required tasks including lifting, stooping, bending, and working in tiring and uncomfortable positions. Valid driver's license with a good driving record. May be required to work an evening and/or night shift on a regular or rotating basis, accept call-back overtime or regular overtime, and/or agree to assume an emergency call-out list status. Building Supervisor I US-10 Fairhill Elementary School 5647BR Woodburn Elementary School for the Fine and Communicative Arts 5649BR Description: Supervises and participates in the cleaning, maintenance, operation, and security activities for a school or an FCPSowned building. Qualifications: Any combination of education and experience equivalent to graduation from high school plus, one year of progressive experience with public building maintenance to have included oversight or supervision of custodial personnel. Knowledge of custodial methods, materials, practices, and equipment. Ability to operate and adjust central heating and air conditioning systems. Ability to train, assign, and supervise. Ability to maintain records and Grounds Equipment Technician I prepare routine reports. Strength, agility, US-13 and dexterity to perform all required tasks Woodson Complex indoors and outdoors in a variety of temper(Readvertisement) 5350BR atures and climatic conditions. Must successfully complete the FCPS Custodial CerDescription: Performs the skilled journeytification Course within 12 months of aplevel work required to inspect, maintain, and pointment. May be required to work an repair small engines and related equipment. evening and/or night shift on a regular or Qualifications: Any combination of educa- rotating basis. tion and experience equivalent to graduation from high school and completion of an apprentice-level mechanic training program Custodian II US-06 plus three years' progressive small engine Carson Middle School 5645BR repair experience, two years at the appren Centreville Elementary School tice II or equivalent level. Knowledge of 5651BR methods, materials, equipment, and tools. Knowledge of local, state, and national Falls Church High School codes and of hazards and safety precau5639BR tions. Skill in the diagnosis of problems and in making appropriate mechanical repairs. Description: Performs and may oversee Basic computer skills. Strength and dexteri- cleaning, maintenance, and security of DEP ARTMENT OF HUM AN RESOURCES classrooms, offices, restrooms, halls, stairs, and public areas in an FCPS-owned building. Qualifications: Any combination of education and experience equivalent to an eighth grade education plus one year of successful public building custodial experience. Knowledge of custodial methods, materials, and equipment. Ability to read, write, follow, and repeat oral and written directions in English. Sufficient strength, agility, and dexterity to perform all required tasks indoors or outdoors in a variety of temperatures and climatic conditions. Must successfully complete the FCPS Custodial Certification Course within 12 months of appointment. May be required to work an evening and/or night shift on a regular or rotating basis. Financial Services Business Operations Technical Specialist I/II US-18/19 Payroll Management, Gatehouse Administration Center I (One Year Only; Open Until Filled) 5653BR Description: Independently administers the online address change maintenance, payroll help e-mail account and performs the operational, administrative, and logistical tasks required to provide support for payroll services. Qualifications: Any combination of education and experience equivalent to graduation from high school plus six years' progressive experience in payroll, two years with data analysis and problem solving. Knowledge of practices, procedures, and policies of the assigned office. Effective organizational skills. Skill in oral and written communications. Ability to analyze and interpret data and reach sound conclusions. Ability to deal quickly and accurately with quantitative information. FAIRFAX COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS PAGE 2 CAREERQUEST NOVEMBER 5, 2014 Information Technology development, professional training opportunities, and development of materials and resources for the provision of comprehensive county-wide social work services; and provides leadership in the development, by social workers, of professional training and related materials that meet the needs of FCPS staff (i.e. Depression Screening and Suicide Prevention, the Comprehensive Services Act and community agency collaboration, Child Abuse Recognition and Reporting, Poverty and Homelessness). Qualifications: Master's degree from an approved program in school social work, or a program deemed equivalent by the Virginia Department of Education review consisting of 60 graduate semester hours, plus a one-year internship as prescribed by the college awarding the degree, plus six years' progressive experience which include delivering social work services, and one year of experience as a team leader. Knowledge of philosophy, goals, procedures, organization, and the professional specialties of social work services. Familiarity with applicable regulations, legislation, and policies. Knowledge of public education organization and administrative requirements in social work services. Ability to manage and coordinate programs and to supervise and evaluate personnel. Instructional Services Office Personnel Qualifications: Master's degree in psychology or social work, professional certification in clinical social work desirable or enrollFunctional Applications Technician ment in an approved program for licensure, plus three years of experience as a social I/II/III US-15/16/17 Administrative Services, Gatehouse worker or psychologist, preferably in an early childhood/preschool setting. Administration Center I (Open Until Knowledge of psychological theory and Filled) 5652BR practice as applied to the behavior and development of children. Ability to apply Description: Performs progressive techknowledge to the needs and requirements nical tasks related to the hardware, softof a public school system. Ability to estabware, peripheral equipment, and other tech- lish and maintain positive relationships with nologies supporting Department of Facilities other professionals within the school and and Transportation Services (FTS); and community. Skill in oral and written commuperforms routine and repetitive technical or nications. administrative customer service team tasks. Qualifications: Any combination of education and experience equivalent to graduaBusiness Operations Technical Spetion from high school plus five years' progressive technical experience, three years' cialist I/II US-18/19 PreK-12 Professional Learning and technical experience supporting the FTS School Support, Fairfax Ridge Customer Service Team. Knowledge of databases, customized reporting, and basic 5650BR hardware troubleshooting. Knowledge of practices, procedures, and policies of the Description: Independently administers day to day operations of FTS, including grants, tuition assistance, and university application and customer support. Skill in cohorts and performs the operational, adoral and written communications. Ability to ministrative, and logistical tasks required to manage databases, and to process, devel- provide financial administrative services. op, and create reports. Qualifications: Any combination of education and experience equivalent to graduation from high school plus six years’ progressive experience, two years with financial and Lawson experience. Knowledge of practices, procedures, and polices of the Early Childhood Mental Health Spe- assigned office. Effective organizational skills. Skill in oral and written communicacialist US-24 tions. Ability to analyze and interpret data Early Childhood and Family Serand reach sound conclusions. Ability to deal vices, Fairfax Ridge (219 Days; quickly and accurately with quantitative Readvertisement; One Year Only) information. Knowledge of Virginia Depart5567BR ment of Education licensure requirements preferred. Description: Performs a variety of professional mental health duties required to plan and coordinate a comprehensive mental health services program for special needs/disabled children; plans Manager, Social Work Services and implements training for staff and parUS-27 ents in mental health and related issues; and performs related duties as required or Intervention & Prevention Services, assigned. Fairfax Ridge 5643BR Special Services Description: Provides leadership in staff DEP ARTMENT OF HUM AN RESOURCES Student Services Assistant US-13 Rocky Run Middle School 5642BR Description: In a middle school, serves as the administrative assistant to the student services office; performs accurate, responsible, and confidential computerized student information processing and reporting following local directives and state guidelines; and performs administrative support duties involving public and student contacts. Qualifications: Any combination of education and experience equivalent to graduation from high school, plus three years of progressively more responsible experience, two years of which shall have been at the office assistant level or above. Can demonstrate knowledge of procedures, practices, and operations of public school setting to FAIRFAX COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS PAGE 3 CAREERQUEST which assigned. Ability to maintain confidentiality. Skill in business English, grammar spelling, and punctuation. Ability to operate computers and use appropriate software and peripheral equipment. Ability to develop and maintain effective working relationships with faculty, students, and parents. Office Assistant US-8 Graham Road Elementary School (199 Days) 5648BR Description: Performs a variety of office duties required to support the activities of the school to include responding to requests for information, maintaining and updating records, and preparing documents. Qualifications: Any combination of education and experience equivalent to graduation from high school plus some general office experience. Knowledge of procedures, practices, and operations of an office. Skill in oral and written communications. Ability to utilize a computer, peripheral office equipment, and software applications. NOVEMBER 5, 2014 tion and experience equivalent to completion of a bachelor's degree in education, a language, or a related field, plus five years of progressively more responsible multilanguage experience with proficiency in Urdu or Vietnamese and English. Experiential knowledge of the culture, customs, governmental and school services. Ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing, in English. Must pass a FCPS translator’s exam to qualify. School Bus Driver Positions Available. $18.52 Starting Salary $1000 Referral Bonus for FCPS Employees To Apply: Interested candidates should email their resumes to Pernilla Urps, language services specialist, at Hourly Field Operating Engineer Position $19.60 per Hour Benefits include: Excellent retirement, health, and dental plans as well as life and disability insurance Childcare cost savings: infant and preschool age children and grandchildren may ride with you Paid training program 6 paid nonworking days Description: Provides technical maintenance and repair for FCPS-owned mechan- ical and electrical equipment with major responsibility for HVAC systems; and performs related duties in various FCPS facili- ties as required or assigned. Qualifications: Any combination of education and experience equivalent to graduaContact HR Client Services tion from high school plus three years' profor more information at gressive experience operating, maintaining, and repairing HVAC, electrical, and plumb571-423-3000 ing systems. Knowledge of HVAC operating Hourly Multilingual Translator systems, equipment, tools, and procedures. Special Services; Operations and *Non-Virginia residents must possess ComAbility to maintain logs and write reports. Strategic Planning; Language mercial Driver’s License (CDL-B) with P Strength and dexterity necessary to perform Services (passenger) and S (school bus) endorseall required tasks, including lifting, stooping, ments prior to training. Drivers must be 18 $24.30 per Hour bending, working in tiring and uncomfortayears of age, have a good driving record, ble positions, and from ladders, scaffolds, and be able to pass a physical exam. Description: Reviews and evaluates docu- and roofs. Valid driver's license with a good ments; translates school-home communica- driving record. May be required to work an Equal Opportunity Employer tions and systemwide documents from Eng- evening and/or night shift on a regular or lish to the target language of Urdu or Vietrotating basis, accept call-back overtime or namese; clarifies terminology and content; regular overtime, and/or agree to assume uses technology in English and Urdu or an emergency call-out list status. Vietnamese appropriately to format, translate, save and retrieve work; assumes reTo Apply: Send resumes by fax to 703-641 sponsibility for quality of translation work -8673 or e-mail to submitted by reviewing, editing and revising own work; responds to editing suggestions of other; learns new translation skills and new technology; maintains records of translations. Qualifications: Any combination of educa- Other Opportunities DEP ARTMENT OF HUM AN RESOURCES FAIRFAX COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS PAGE 4 CAREERQUEST NOVEMBER 5, 2014 Open Until Filled Positions Jobs designated Open Until Filled (OUF) will remain on the FCPS job board ( until a candidate has been selected and placed in the position. Job# Job Title Grade Office/Department Location 5554BR………Accounts Payable Analyst I …………………………. US-21…………. Comptroller …………………………….. Gatehouse Adm Ctr 5605BR………Benefits Specialist II …………………………………..US-24 ………… Benefits Services ………………………. Gatehouse Adm Ctr 4081BR……... Bus Driver I/II…………………………………………. US-11/12…….. Facilities Management…………………. Various 5525BR……... Business Operations Assistant I/II/III ………………. US-12/13/14….. Payroll Management ………………….. Gatehouse Adm Ctr 5571BR……... Business Operations Assistant I/II/III ………………. US-12/13/14…. Facilities Management ……………….. Herndon Ctr 5653BR………Business Operations Technical Specialist I/II……… US-18/19………Payroll Management…………………… Gatehouse Adm Ctr 5113BR…….. Buyer I/II………………………………………………. US-17/18………Financial Services……………………… Gatehouse Adm Ctr 5434BR …….. Coordinator III, Classification & Compensation ….. US-27...………. HR Benefit Services ………………….. Gatehouse Adm Ctr 5402BR…….. Director III, Budget Services ………………………... US-30………… Budget Services………………………. Gatehouse Adm Ctr 5634BR………Director II, Safety & Security………………………….US-29…………. Safety and Security…………………….. Gatehouse Adm Ctr 4763BR…….. Domain Architect …………………………………….. US-27…………. Information Technology……………….. Wilton Woods Ctr 5612BR………Educational Interpreter I/II …………………………… US-17/18……... Special Education …………………….. Various 5045BR………Field Construction Representative………………….. US-19…………. Design & Construction…………………. Gatehouse Adm Ctr 4044BR………Food Services Manager-in-Training………………… US-6………….. Financial Services……………………… Various 5041BR…….. Food Services Van Driver……………………………. US-7………….. Financial Services……………………… Various 5228BR………Food Services Worker I/II……………………………..US-1/2……….. Financial Services……………………… Various 5652BR………Functional Applications Technician I/II/III………….. US-15/16/17…. Administrative Services…………………Gatehouse Adm Ctr 5641BR………Network Architect………………………………………US-27…………. IT Operations……………………………. Wilton Woods Ctr 5556BR………Producer/Director - One Year Only ………………… US-22 ……….. IT Support Services …………………… Sprague Ctr 5494BR………Public Health Attendant ……………………………… US-4…………... Special Services ……………………….. Various 5493BR………Public Health Training Assistant ….………………… US-9…………... Special Services ……………………….. Various 5564BR…….. Senior Communications Specialist ………………… US-25 ………… Strategic Communications ……………. Gatehouse Adm Ctr 5220BR………Sheet Metal Worker I ………………………...……… US-14……….… Facilities Management ………………... Woodson Complex 5065BR………Software Developer…………………………………… US-23/25……... Information Technology……………….. Wilton Woods Ctr Coaching positions can be found at Call for Coaches DEP ARTMENT OF HUM AN RESOURCES FAIRFAX COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS PAGE 5 FCPS VALUES DIVERSITY AND IS AN EQUAL-OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER. EOE
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