Apply Online! Important Application Notice All applicants are required to create an account and submit a resume through CareerQuest at Existing paper applications are no longer considered. Computers are available for your use during business hours at: Dept. of Human Resources 8115 Gatehouse Road Falls Church, VA 22042 Contact HR Client Services at 571-423-3000 or 1-800831-4331 for assistance. FCPS Job Specifications are available on the web at : salary/jobspecs.shtml Deadlines Resumes for jobs posted in this issue must be submitted by March 17, 2015. Connect to Your Future F A I R F A X C O U N T Y P U B L I C Superintendent’s Office and School-Based Administration Assistant Principal I/II, High/ Secondary School US-25/27 Robinson Secondary School (219 Days) 6235BR Description: Assists with the planning, assessment, instructional leadership, communication, community relations, and safety and administrative management required to manage the instructional and special programs, organization, and facilities of assigned high school. Qualifications: Must hold or be eligible for Postgraduate Professional License with endorsements as a secondary school principal or in administration and supervision preK-12, plus five years' progressive secondary school level teaching and leadership experience, or equivalent experience. Knowledge of principles and practices of modern public school secondary education and an ability to apply them to the needs of the school. Skill in oral and written communications. Ability to plan, organize, and coordinate high school or adult education level instructional programs and services. Ability to supervise programs and evaluate the work of instructional and support staff. Ability to develop effective working relationships with students, staff, and the community. S C H O O L S March 11, 2015 prentice-level plumbing training program plus five years' progressive plumbing, pipefitting, and commercial kitchen equipment service/repair, one year at the journey level. Knowledge of methods, materials equipment, and tools. Knowledge of local, state, and national codes and of hazards and safety precautions. Basic computer skills. Strength and dexterity necessary to perform all required tasks including lifting, stooping, bending, and working in tiring and uncomfortable positions. Valid driver's license with a good driving record and Commonwealth of Virginia backflow certification. Required to work an evening and/or night shift on a regular basis, accept call-back overtime or regular overtime, and/or agree to assume an emergency call-out list status. Plumber I US-15 Facilities Management, Edison Support Center 6243BR Description: Performs skilled journey-level plumbing and pipefitter work required to install, inspect, maintain, and repair new and existing water, steam, and natural gas systems and appliances. Qualifications: Any combination of education and experience equivalent to graduation from high school and completion of an apprentice-level plumbing training program plus four years' progressive experience in plumbing repairs, pipefitting, and commercial kitchen equipment service/repair, two years at the apprentice II or equivalent level. Knowledge of local, state, and national codes and of hazards and safety precautions. Basic computer skills. Strength and dexterity necessary to perform all required tasks including lifting, stooping, bending, and Plumber II US-17 working in tiring and uncomfortable posiFacilities Management, Sideburn tions. Valid driver's license with a good drivSupport Center (Readvertisement) ing record and Commonwealth of Virginia 5523BR backflow certification. May be required to work an evening and/or night shift on a reguDescription: Leads and performs the skilled lar or rotating basis, accept call-back overjourney-level work required to install, modify, time or regular overtime, and/or agree to repair, maintain, and troubleshoot new and assume an emergency call-out list status. existing water, steam, or natural gas systems and appliances. Qualifications: Any combination of education and experience equivalent to graduation from high school and completion of an ap- Facilities & Transportation Services DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES FAIRFAX COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS CAREERQUEST Building Supervisor III US-14 Edison High School 6249BR Description: Supervises and participates in the cleaning, maintenance, operation, and security activities for a school or an FCPSowned building. Qualifications: Any combination of education and experience equivalent to graduation from high school plus, three years of progressive experience with public building maintenance, one year of which shall have included the oversight or supervision of custodial personnel. Knowledge of custodial methods, materials, practices, and equipment. Ability to operate and adjust central heating and air conditioning systems. Ability to train, assign, and supervise. Ability to maintain records and prepare routine reports. Strength, agility, and dexterity to perform all required tasks indoors and outdoors in a variety of temperatures and climatic conditions. Must successfully complete the FCPS Custodial Certification Course within 12 months of appointment. May be required to work an evening and/or night shift on a regular or rotating basis. Building Supervisor II US-13 Mountain View Alternative High School 6244BR Description: Supervises and participates in the cleaning, maintenance, operation, and security activities for a school or an FCPSowned building. Qualifications: Any combination of education and experience equivalent to graduation from high school plus, three years of progressive experience with public building maintenance, one year of which shall have included the oversight or supervision of custodial personnel. Knowledge of custodial methods, materials, practices, and equipment. Ability to operate and adjust central heating and air conditioning systems. Ability to train, assign, and supervise. Ability to maintain records and prepare routine reports. Strength, agility, and dexterity to perform all required tasks indoors and outdoors in a variety of temperatures and climatic conditions. Must successfully complete the FCPS Custodial Certification Course within 12 months of appointment. May be required MARCH 11, 2015 to work an evening and/or night shift on a regular or rotating basis. gressive food services experience, one including supervision of employees. Ability to work in uncomfortable conditions and sufficient visual acuity, strength, and dexterity to perform required tasks. Ability to give Grounds Equipment Technician I and follow oral and written English direcUS-13 tions. Ability to operate related computerFacilities Management, Woodson ized programs. Possession of a Fairfax Complex 6242BR County Sanitation Certification. Free from any infectious or communicable disease Description: Performs the skilled journeywhich, according to a determination by the level work required to inspect, maintain, and U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Serrepair small engines and related equipment. vices, poses a risk of transmission through Qualifications: Any combination of educa- the handling of food. Successful completion tion and experience equivalent to graduaof the Manager Training Course. tion from high school and completion of an apprentice-level mechanic training program plus three years' progressive small engine repair experience, two years at the apprentice II or equivalent level. Knowledge of methods, materials, equipment, and tools. Project Manager, Psychological SerKnowledge of local, state, and national vices US-26 codes and of hazards and safety precautions. Skill in the diagnosis of problems and Intervention and Prevention Serin making appropriate mechanical repairs. vices/Psychology Services, Fairfax Basic computer skills. Strength and dexteri- Ridge 6241BR ty necessary to perform all required tasks including lifting, stooping, bending, and Description: Plans, manages, and coordiworking in tiring and uncomfortable posinates the daily programmatic operations tions. Valid driver's license with a good driv- required to develop tiered systems of mening record. May be required to work an tal health support and implement the evievening and/or night shift on a regular or dence based Youth Mental Health First Aid rotating basis, accept call-back overtime or program. regular overtime, and/or agree to assume Qualifications: Valid qualifying Postgraduan emergency call-out list status. ate Pupil Personnel or Professional License with endorsements in school counseling, school psychology, or school social work, plus five years of progressively more responsible successful professional experience related to specialty, some of which may have been in a supervisory or adminisFood Services Kitchen Manager III trative role. Experience in all aspects of US-12 program management, including managing Food & Nutrition Services - 7.75 Hours, West Springfield High School a budget and reaching objectives within timelines. Experience with mental health (195 Days) 6229BR agencies and the juvenile justice systems preferred, in-service training and related Description: Manages the operations of a activities and provide a high level of leaderfood services finishing kitchen responsible ship. Excellent human relations skills and for 900 + meal equivalents, which receives ability to establish and maintain successful most of its food pre-prepared by a central cooperative working relationships with apkitchen; and may provide limited food serpropriate school communities and school vices for other on-site programs. based and central office staffs. Ability to Qualifications: Any combination of educacommunicate effectively, both orally and in tion and experience equivalent to graduawriting. tion from high school plus three years' pro- Special Services Financial Services DEP ARTMENT OF HUM AN RESOURCES FAIRFAX COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS PAGE 2 CAREERQUEST School Assistants Safety & Security Assistant US-11 Lee High School (190 Days) 6248BR Description: Performs a variety of duties required to maintain a safe and secure environment in a school, an alternative learning center, or for adult and community education programs held during or after school in the evening and/or on weekends; enforces the regulations establishing a tobacco-, alcohol-, weapons-, and drug-free school setting; and may monitor students in a selfcontained setting. Qualifications: Any combination of education and experience equivalent to graduation from high school supplemented by specialized safety or security environment training plus two years' progressive experience. Skill in oral and written communications and in record keeping. Ability to control students and maintain a healthy school environment. Sufficient mobility to move about school building and school grounds as required. Strength to deter and/or restrain students to prevent injury in cases of unruly behavior. Ability to successfully complete compulsory certification training approved by the Virginia Center for School Safety within 60 days of hire. Must successfully complete compulsory recertification training annually. Applicants must be 21 years old at time of appointment. Office Personnel Administrative Assistant III US-15 Hearings Office, Gatehouse Administration Center I 6237BR Description: Serves as administrative assistant to the administrative hearing officer; and ensures smooth and efficient operation of the administrative office. Qualifications: Any combination of education and experience equivalent to graduation from high school plus five years' progressive experience, three years in the administrative or office assistant classes. Knowledge of procedures, practices, and MARCH 11, 2015 operations of office setting. Skill in business will also be expected to teach one class. English, grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Ability to utilize a computer, peripheral To Apply: Please e-mail Matt Eline, princioffice equipment, and software applications. pal, at Office Assistant US-8 Fairview Elementary School (199 Days) 6239BR Orange Hunt Elementary School (199 Days) 6240BR Hourly Mathematics and Science Teachers Out-of-School Support – Homebound/ Homebased, Fairfax Ridge $32.13 per Hour Description: Performs a variety of office duties required to support the activities of the school to include responding to requests for information, maintaining and updating records, and preparing documents. Qualifications: Any combination of education and experience equivalent to graduation from high school plus some general office experience. Knowledge of procedures, practices, and operations of an office. Skill in oral and written communications. Ability to utilize a computer, peripheral office equipment, and software applications. Description: Out-of-School Support (OSS) offers instruction to students, ages 3 through 21. Homebound students are confined at home or in a health care facility for medical reasons that prevents normal school attendance. The purpose of OSS is to provide continuity of educational services between the classroom and home, health care facility, or other situation, for students who, because of illness or disciplinary action, are unable to attend school. Qualifications: Qualified candidates should carry a teaching license. It is important that the candidate feel comfortable in home settings with students who have significant and unique needs. Other Opportunities To Apply: Interested applicants should email resumes to: Jeanne Veraska, program manager, at IB Coordinator – Teacher Contract, 194 Days Robinson Secondary School Hourly Multilingual Translator Special Services; Operations and Strategic Planning; Language The International Baccalaureate (IB) coordi- Services nator is responsible for the administration of $24.30 per Hour theIB Diploma Program. Responsibilities include providing information and guidance to students, parents, and teachers about the IB program; coordinating the IB curriculum in the school, including creativity, action, and service , the extended essay, and Theory of Knowledge; providing appropriate professional development for teachers; administering the IB examinations; and maintaining appropriate data. Candidates should have strong interpersonal, communication, and administrative skills, be technologically literate, and have a strong sense of responsibility for the academic needs and personal welfare of the students. The IB coordinator at Robinson Secondary School DEP ARTMENT OF HUM AN RESOURCES Description: Reviews and evaluates documents; translates school-home communications and systemwide documents from English to the target language of Urdu; clarifies terminology and content; uses technology in English and Urdu appropriately to format, translate, save and retrieve work; assumes responsibility for quality of translation work submitted by reviewing, editing and revising own work; responds to editing suggestions of other; learns new translation skills and new technology; maintains records of translations. Qualifications: Any combination of education and experience equivalent to comple- FAIRFAX COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS PAGE 3 CAREERQUEST tion of a bachelor's degree in education, a language, or a related field, plus five years of progressively more responsible multilanguage experience with proficiency in Urdu and English. Experiential knowledge of the culture, customs, governmental and school services. Ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing, in English. Must pass a FCPS translator’s exam to qualify. To Apply: Interested candidates should email their resumes to Pernilla Urps, language services specialist, at Hourly Warehouse Worker/Driver Forte Center $11.74 per Hour; Up To $14.88 per Hour with a Commercial Driver’s License MARCH 11, 2015 ence to applicants with proficient keyboard skills and knowledge of Microsoft office computer software as well as knowledge of date entry and database management tools, such as SAP or Filemakerpro. School Bus Driver Positions Available $18.52 Starting Salary Valid driver's license with a good driving record. Summer only, from mid-May to end of August availability. $1000 Referral Bonus for FCPS Employees To Apply: Interested applicants should fax resumes to Jesse Martin, at 571-642-9159 or Temporary Hourly Position Document Management – Wilton Woods Center $11.72 per Hour During the months of June, July, and early August, document management needs temporary, part-time assistance with the collecDescription: Performs routine manual work tion and destruction of records from schools and offices. Hours are 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. with associated with receiving, warehousing, a 30 minute unpaid meal break (7.5 work issuing, and/or delivering supplies, materihours per day), Monday through Friday. als and equipment, moves material to and from storage, loading and salvage areas by Must have the ability to safely and repeatedly lift and move heavy boxes while workhand truck or forklift; stores stock material ing quickly and safely. Must be able to tolin appropriate storage locations; receives erate working in the heat and standing for delivery of ordered supplies, materials and equipment at a loading dock and compares long periods and operate a large paper items with freight bills: prepares and packs shredder. Please note this is part-time seasonal work with no benefits. items with freight bills prepare and packs items for shipment to various offices and To Apply: Please send resumes to manlocations; and performs related duties as, by Monday, April 20, assigned. 2015, with the subject line of “Shredding”. Qualifications: Any combinations of education and experience equivalent to completion of the tenth grade and one year of experience in warehouse receipt, stocking, and inventory. Working knowledge of: storekeeping practices and procedures; stock control and inventory methods. Good ability to follow oral and simple written instructions. Handle various types of material and warehouse equipment. Ability to establish and maintain cooperative working relationships with others. Must write legibly, have good verbal communication skills and solve simple arithmetic problems. Strong desire to work hard and perform well. Good physical ability to move moderately heavy and/or bulky material. Ability to manage information efficiently and accurately. Prefer- DEP ARTMENT OF HUM AN RESOURCES Benefits include: Excellent retirement, health, and dental plans as well as life and disability insurance Childcare cost savings: infant and preschool age children and grandchildren may ride with you Paid training program 6 paid nonworking days Contact HR Client Services for more information at 571-423-3000 *Non-Virginia residents must possess Commercial Driver’s License (CDL-B) with P (passenger) and S (school bus) endorsements prior to training. Drivers must have a good driving record and be able to pass a physical exam. Equal Opportunity Employer FAIRFAX COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS PAGE 4 CAREERQUEST MARCH 11, 2015 Applications due March 27, 2015 for Great Beginnings Coaches 2015-16 school year The Office of Professional Learning and School Support, Instructional Services Department, is seeking coaches for the Great Beginnings Programs for the 2015-2016 school year. Current elementary and secondary classroom teachers, counselors and librarians who have an interest in supporting new instructional employees should consider applying. All Great Beginnings coaches receive a stipend, as well as recertification points for licensure renewal. Applicants should possess the following: A minimum of three years of successful teaching experience in FCPS, with a preference for candidates who possess five or more years of experience Extensive knowledge of curriculum and instruction, the FCPS Best Practices for Teaching and Learning, Professional Learning Communities, Portrait of a Graduate and effective classroom management skills A desire to work with beginning or continuing instructional employees to support their growth and learning in the profession Strong communication, human relations and facilitation skills A commitment to collaboration and teamwork Interested applicants must be available two days per month for professional development and after-school seminars during the school year. Applicants must also be available August 17-21 for the Coach Professional Development Institute and August 2428 for the Great Beginnings: The Next Generation Summer Institute. The application, a current resume, a principal recommendation, and a colleague recommendation are required. Application packets are available on the Intranet at: For more information, call 571-423-1340. All applications and supporting materials must be received by Friday, March 27, 2015. 2015 Summer Learning Programs and Extended School Year (ESY) Opportunities Please visit Summer Learning Programs and ESY for all program details and job opportunities. Summer Learning Programs Credit Recovery SOL Remediation Online Campus IFTA (Institute for the Arts) Elementary IFTA (Institute for the Arts) Tech Adventure Camp STEM Camp (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) ESOL Programs Extended School Year, Special Education (ESY) ESY Secondary Opportunities (Included Key and Kilmer Center) ESY Elementary Opportunities ESY Preschool Opportunities ESY Related Services Opportunities DEP ARTMENT OF HUM AN RESOURCES FAIRFAX COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS PAGE 5 CAREERQUEST MARCH 11, 2015 Open Until Filled Positions Jobs designated Open Until Filled (OUF) will remain on the FCPS job board ( until a candidate has been selected and placed in the position. Job# Job Title Grade Office/Department Location 6172BR………Accounts Payable Assistant I/II/III………………….. US-12/13/14…. Comptroller……………………………… Gatehouse Adm Ctr 5847BR………Architectural Capacity Engineer…………………...…US-21…………. Design & Construction…………………. Gatehouse Adm Ctr 6209BR………Architectural Engineer…………………………………US-24…………. Design & Construction…………………. Gatehouse Adm Ctr 5644BR………Auditor General……………………………………….. US-33…………. School Board Office…………………… Gatehouse Adm Ctr 5629BR………Budget Analyst IV…………………………………….. US-26…………. Financial Services……………………….Gatehouse Adm Ctr 4081BR……... Bus Driver I/II…………………………………………. US-11/12…….. Facilities Management…………………. Various 6184BR…….. Business Operations Assistant…………………….. US-12/13/14... Financial Services……………………….Gatehouse Adm Ctr 6171BR………Civil Engineer II (May Be Underfilled)………………. US-24…………. Design & Construction…………………. Gatehouse Adm Ctr 5565BR………Coordinator IV, Instructional Employment Services. US-28…………. HR Talent Acquisition & Management.. Gatehouse Adm Ctr 5434BR …….. Coordinator III, Classification & Compensation ….. US-27...………. HR Benefit Services ………………….. Gatehouse Adm Ctr 6191BR…….. Coordinator III, Accounting Operations ……………. US-27……… Comptroller……………………………… Gatehouse Adm Ctr 5402BR……... Director III, Budget Services ………………………... US-30………… Budget Services………………………. Gatehouse Adm Ctr 4763BR……... Domain Architect …………………………………….. US-27…………. Information Technology……………….. Wilton Woods Ctr 5612BR………Educational Interpreter I/II …………………………… US-17/18……... Special Education …………………….. Various 5871BR…….. Enterprise Messaging Supervisor………………….. US-26…………. Information Technology……………….. Wilton Woods Ctr 5589BR………Equity & Employee Relations Specialist……………… US-24…………. HR Equity & Employee Relations…….. Gatehouse Adm Ctr 5909BR……... Equity & Employee Relations Specialist (One Year Only) . US-24………… HR Equity & Employee Relations…….. Gatehouse Adm Ctr 6178BR…….. Field Information Systems Technician …………… US-15……….. Information Technology……………… Woodson Annex 5896BR………Financial Analyst II……………………………………. US-24…………. Design & Construction…………………. Gatehouse Adm Ctr 5924BR………Food Services Manager-in-Training………………… US-6………….. Financial Services……………………… Various 5041BR…….. Food Services Van Driver……………………………. US-7………….. Financial Services……………………… Various 5228BR………Food Services Worker I/II……………………………..US-1/2……….. Financial Services……………………… Various 5940BR……... Internationalization Specialist………………………... US-21…………. Instructional Services………………….. Fairfax Ridge 5927BR…….. Manager, HR Communications & Client Services… US-27………… Human Resources……………………... Gatehouse Adm Ctr 5444BR………Plumber I………………………………………………. US-15………… Facilities Management………………… Sideburn Ctr 6199BR………Public Health Attendant………………………………. US-4………….. Special Services…………………………Various Locations 5918BR………Retirement Communications Representative……… US-19…………. ERFC Office…………………………….. Forbes Place 5065BR………Software Developer…………………………………… US-23/25……... Information Technology……………….. Wilton Woods Ctr 5958BR………Summer Programs Specialist (One Year Only)……. US-21…………. Instructional Services………………….. Fairfax Ridge Coaching positions can be found at Call for Coaches DEP ARTMENT OF HUM AN RESOURCES FAIRFAX COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS PAGE 6 FCPS VALUES DIVERSITY AND IS AN EQUAL-OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER. EOE
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