Facilities & Transportation Services

Application Notice
All applicants are
required to create an
account and submit a
resume through
CareerQuest at
Existing paper applications
are no longer considered.
Computers are available for
your use during business
hours at:
Dept. of Human Resources
8115 Gatehouse Road
Falls Church, VA 22042
Contact HR Client Services
at 571-423-3000 or 1-800831-4331 for assistance.
FCPS Job Specifications
are available on the web at :
Resumes for jobs
posted in this issue
must be submitted by
March 31, 2015.
Connect to Your Future
Superintendent’s Office and
School-Based Administration
Assistant Principal I/II, High/
Secondary School US-25/27
Hayfield Secondary School (219
Days, Readvertisement) 6300BR
Description: Assists with the planning, assessment, instructional leadership, communication, community relations, and safety
and administrative management required to
manage the instructional and special programs, organization, and facilities of assigned high school.
Qualifications: Must hold or be eligible for
Postgraduate Professional License with endorsements as a secondary school principal
or in administration and supervision preK-12,
plus five years' progressive secondary
school level teaching and leadership experience, or equivalent experience. Knowledge
of principles and practices of modern public
school secondary education and an ability to
apply them to the needs of the school. Skill
in oral and written communications. Ability to
plan, organize, and coordinate high school
or adult education level instructional programs and services. Ability to supervise programs and evaluate the work of instructional
and support staff. Ability to develop effective
working relationships with students, staff,
and the community.
Facilities & Transportation
Coordinator III, Energy Management
Energy Management, Sideburn Support Center 6264BR
Description: Plans, manages, and coordinates program activities and personnel for
energy management of facilities management; and exercises leadership to design,
implement, assess, and revise programs or
activities of energy management.
Qualifications: Any combination of education and experience equivalent to a bachelor's degree in energy management/
mechanical engineering, plus six years' pro-
March 25, 2015
gressive experience in energy management
systems with course work in principles, concepts, and methods relevant to energy management, some in a supervisory capacity.
Knowledge of theories, procedures, practices, material, methods, regulations, and/or
legislation related to building sustainability
and energy conservation. Ability to manage
and supervise program activities, budget,
and personnel.
Facilities Management Liaison US-20
Facilities Management, Edison
Support Center 6258BR
Description: Acts as frontline customer service representative between a maintenance,
central operations, and/or grounds maintenance facility and the various schools and
offices. Responsible for the oversight and
coordination of electrical, mechanical and
structural trades activities.
Qualifications: Any combination of education and experience equivalent to a bachelor's degree in business administration, supervision, or in a technical specialty field to
which assigned, plus two years' progressive
experience in the specialty field to which
assigned, one year with oversight or lead
responsibilities. Knowledge of national,
state, county, and school board regulations,
directives, and policies and/or codes applicable to functional responsibilities. Knowledge
of best practices with respect to customer
service. Skill in oral and written communications. Ability to work independently to resolve conflicts and problems. Ability to maintain effective working relationships with
school personnel, peers, subordinates, and
the public. Valid driver's license with a good
driving record. May be required to work an
evening and/or night shift on a regular or
rotating basis, and/or agree to assume an
emergency call-out list status.
Architectural Engineer I US-21
Design & Construction, Gatehouse
Administration Center I (Open Until
Filled) 6293BR
Description: Performs responsible professional field and office planning and technical
work in architectural engineering; performs
design, construction, maintenance, installation, or communication design duties; and
assists more senior-level engineers.
Qualifications: Any combination of education and experience equivalent to a bachelor's degree in the architectural engineering
field, plus two years' progressive professional experience in the architectural engineering field. Good knowledge of theory,
practices, materials, and equipment of the
engineering field to which assigned. Good
knowledge of engineering design, maintenance, and inspection techniques. Ability to
perform engineering tasks within field of
specialization. Ability to formulate life-cycle
projections. Skill in writing reports, specifications, and contract documents. Ability to
communicate effectively, both orally and in
MARCH 25, 2015
necessary to perform all required tasks including lifting, stooping, bending, and working in tiring, uncomfortable positions and in
cold temperatures. Possession of a valid
EPA-approved universal refrigerant recovery certification to include types I, II, and III.
Valid driver's license with a good driving
record. May be required to work an evening
and/or night shift on a regular or rotating
basis, accept call-back overtime or regular
overtime, and/or agree to assume an emergency call-out list status.
HVAC Technician I US-17
Facilities Management, Sideburn
Support Center (Readvertisement)
Description: Performs the skilled journeylevel work required to install, modify, inspect, troubleshoot, repair, and maintain
HVAC Technician I US-17
heating, ventilation, air-conditioning, refrigFacilities Managment, Herndon Sup- eration (HVACR) equipment and direct digiport Center 6296BR
tal controls systems.
Qualifications: Any combination of educaDescription: Performs the skilled journeytion and experience equivalent to gradualevel work required to install, modify, intion from high school supplemented by
spect, troubleshoot, repair, and maintain
completion of an acceptable apprenticeheating, ventilation, air-conditioning, refrig- level HVACR training program, plus four
eration (HVACR) equipment and direct digi- years of progressive experience in airtal controls systems.
conditioning or HVACR, two years of which
Qualifications: Any combination of educa- shall have been at the apprentice II or
tion and experience equivalent to graduaequivalent level. Can demonstrate
tion from high school supplemented by
knowledge of the methods and skills used
completion of an acceptable apprenticein the repair and preventive maintenance of
level HVACR training program, plus four
HVACR or trade related components, sysyears of progressive experience in airtems, and equipment, to include application
conditioning or HVACR, two years of which -specific and basic computer programs.
shall have been at the apprentice II or
Knowledge of local, state, and national
equivalent level. Can demonstrate
codes and of common hazards and safety
knowledge of the methods and skills used
precautions. Ability to read and interpret
in the repair and preventive maintenance of instructions, diagrams, sketches, blueprints,
HVACR or trade related components, sysand manufacturers' manuals. Capability to
tems, and equipment, to include application estimate time and material needs, deter-specific and basic computer programs.
mine when repair is not economically practiKnowledge of local, state, and national
cal, and perform routine tasks and arithmecodes and of common hazards and safety
tic computations. Strength and dexterity
precautions. Ability to read and interpret
necessary to perform all required tasks ininstructions, diagrams, sketches, blueprints, cluding lifting, stooping, bending, and workand manufacturers' manuals. Capability to
ing in tiring, uncomfortable positions and in
estimate time and material needs, detercold temperatures. Possession of a valid
mine when repair is not economically practi- EPA-approved universal refrigerant recovcal, and perform routine tasks and arithme- ery certification to include types I, II, and III.
tic computations. Strength and dexterity
Valid driver's license with a good driving
record. May be required to work an evening
and/or night shift on a regular or rotating
basis, accept call-back overtime or regular
overtime, and/or agree to assume an emergency call-out list status.
Cabinetmaker I US-15
Facilities Management, Woodson
Complex (Readvertisement) 5654BR
Description: Performs the skilled journeylevel work required to construct and repair
wooden items using millwork, skilled cabinet making machines, and various hand
Qualifications: Any combination of education and experience equivalent to graduation from high school and completion of an
apprentice-level carpentry training program
plus four years' progressive millwork and
cabinetmaking experience, two years at the
apprentice II level. Knowledge of methods,
materials, equipment, and tools. Knowledge
of characteristics and properties of various
woods, wood products, wood stains, and
paints. Knowledge of hazards and safety
precautions and of local, state, and national
codes. Basic computer skills. Strength and
dexterity necessary to perform all required
tasks including lifting, stooping, bending,
and working in tiring and uncomfortable
positions. Valid driver's license with a good
driving record. May be required to work an
evening and/or night shift on a regular or
rotating basis, accept call-back overtime or
regular overtime, and/or agree to assume
an emergency call-out list status.
School Security Planning Officer
Office of Safety and Security, Gatehouse Administration Center I
Description: Plans, implements, and monitors security and emergency preparedness
programs specific to the needs of the
schools to which assigned; formulates and
conducts training programs for FCPS faculty and staff; and provides technical and
other assistance on security initiatives and
facility assessments.
Qualifications: Any combination of educa-
tion and experience equivalent to graduation from high school supplemented by
course work in security and planning plus
three years' progressive experience in a
security-related position. School-based experience preferred. Ability to use computers
and related software. Skill in oral and written communications. Ability to interact in a
positive, professional manner with students,
staff, and members of the public. Ability to
exercise good judgment under stressful and
potentially dangerous conditions. Ability to
successfully complete compulsory certification training approved by the Virginia Center
for School Safety within 60 days of hire.
Must successfully complete compulsory
recertification training annually. Applicants
must be 21 years old at time of appointment. Valid driver's license with a good
driving record.
Custodian I US-05
 Centreville High School 6289BR
 Centreville High School (Part
time) 6290BR
 Clearview Elementary School
 Edison High School 6291BR
 Hayfield Secondary School
 Robinson Secondary School
MARCH 25, 2015
Financial Services
Coordinator IV, Budget Compensation US-27
Budget Services, Gatehouse Administration Center I (Open Until Filled)
Description: Plans, manages, and coordinates program activities and personnel for
budgeting employee salaries and benefits,
calculating staffing and per-pupil allocations, and managing budgeting systems in
budget services; and and exercises leadership to create, design, implement, assess,
and revise programs or activities of budgeting, financial analysis, and reporting.
Qualifications: Any combination of education and experience equivalent to a bachelor's degree in public administration, technical specialty, or a related field plus six
years' progressive experience related to
budgeting, forecasting, compensation, and
staffing, some in a supervisory or leadership capacity. Master's degree in relevant
field preferred and may be substituted for
one year of the required experience.
Knowledge of the theory, procedures, practices, expertise, methods, materials, and
technology required to accomplish the mission of budget services. Familiarity with
school division regulations and/or legislation. Ability to interpret, assess, and recommend modifications to procedures, regulations, and legislation. Skill in personnel,
financial, and administrative management.
have been at a level requiring independent
judgment. Certification by a nationally recognized professional procurement or purchasing organization preferred. Knowledge
of fundamentals of governmental or private
sector purchasing. Skill in oral and written
communications. Ability to operate an automated purchasing system and related
equipment to process, develop, analyze,
and create data. Ability to exercise tact,
good judgment, and initiative. Ability to work
effectively under pressure.
Human Resources
Coordinator III, Benefit Services
Benefit Services, Gatehouse Administration Center I (Open Until Filled)
Description: Plans, manages and coordinates daily operation of assigned benefit
program activities and personnel for the
Office of Benefit Services; administers, projects, and allocates assigned and required
resources; directs the development of shortand long-range program plans, budgets,
staffing profiles, and related strategies and
procedures that ensure the program missions are accomplished; assists with the
planning of policy and program objectives;
develops and maintains working relationships with school, county, association, and
outside agency personnel; performs work of
Description: Cleans, maintains, and sesubordinate staff as required to fulfill office
cures classrooms, offices, restrooms, halls,
mission; ensures regulatory compliance as
stairs, and public areas in FCPS-owned
well as best fit for FCPS culture and plan
participant needs; creates and provides
Qualifications: Any combination of educa- Design & Construction, Gatehouse
benefits system-wide training; and may
tion and experience equivalent to a sixth
serve as acting director of office, as asgrade education plus knowledge of custodi- Filled) 6292BR
al methods, materials, and equipment. AbilQualifications: Any combination of educaDescription:
ity to communicate in English. Ability to
tion and experience equivalent to a bacheparaprofessional procurement activities
understand, follow, and repeat basic oral
lor’s degree including or supplemented by
and written instructions in English. Sufficient involving routine market research and comcourse work in principles, concepts, and
strength, agility, and dexterity to perform all petitive purchasing.
methodologies relevant to human resources
required tasks. Ability to work outdoors in a Qualifications: Any combination of educamanagement plus six years of progressively
graduavariety of temperatures and climates. May
more responsible experience in the adminbe required to work an evening and/or night tion from high school plus five years' of proistration of benefits, some with supervisory
gressive experience in procurement, acshift on a regular or rotating basis.
counting, or business, preferably in govern- or leadership experience. Master’s degree
mental purchasing, two years of which must in a relevant field is preferred and may be
substituted for one year of the required ex-
perience. Knowledge of theories, procedures, practices, and regulations and/ or
legislation related to general benefits programming with an emphasis on workers
compensation, disabilities, and a broad
range of pension program experience. Skill
in personnel, financial, and administrative
Office Personnel
Administrative Assistant I US-13
PreK-12 Curriculum and Instruction,
Fairfax Ridge 6301BR
Description: Serves as administrative assistant to an administrator of prek-12 curriculum and instructional services in a center;
and ensures smooth and efficient operation
of assigned office.
Qualifications: Any combination of education and experience equivalent to graduation from high school plus three years' progressive experience, two years in the administrative or office assistant class. Financially related work experience and/or accounting course work preferred. Knowledge
of procedures, practices, and operations of
an office. Skill in business English, grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Ability to
utilize a computer, peripheral office equipment, and software applications
Other Opportunities
Employment and Transition
Various Locations
198 Days; Teacher Contract
Description: Career and Transition Services is seeking applicants for Employment
and Transition Representative vacancies for
the 2015-2016 school year. The Employment and Transition Representative (ETR)
supports the transition from secondary to
postsecondary settings for students receiving special education services in collaboration with school staff, families, employers,
and community service providers. Daily
MARCH 25, 2015
travel is required among assigned schools
and community businesses.
Qualifications: To be considered for an
interview, a candidate must hold a valid
Virginia teacher’s license with special education endorsement(s) or a pupil personnel
license, a valid driver’s license and have
experience working with transition-aged
youth. Applicants must have:
Knowledge of special education services, the IEP process and evidence
based practices related to transition
Knowledge of formal and informal transition assessment approaches
Ability to collaborate with students,
school staff, and parents regarding
school and postsecondary options
Ability to provide instruction in self advocacy, transition and job seeking skills
Ability to assist students in developing
post-secondary plans and identifying
community services and resources
Knowledge of job seeking and job retention skills identified by employers as
essential for successful employment
Ability to develop work based learning
opportunities for students with disabilities
Ability to assist students in obtaining
paid employment
Ability to utilize student assessment
and outcome data to plan transition
To Apply: Interested applicants should
send resumes to: Interested and qualified
candidates should send a resume by April
8, 2015 to Career and Transition Services
at: MPHyatt@fcps.edu.
Hourly Position- Mason I
Woodson Complex
$19.60 per Hour
Description: Performs the skilled journeylevel masonry work required to construct,
maintain, repair, or replace interior and exterior surfaces.
Qualifications: Any combination of education and experience equivalent to graduation from high school and completion of an
apprenticeship masonry-training program
plus three years' progressive masonry experience, two years at the apprentice II or
equivalent level. Knowledge of masonry
methods, materials, equipment, and tools.
Knowledge of hazards and safety precautions and of local, state, and national codes.
Basic computer skills. Strength and dexterity necessary to perform all required tasks
including lifting, stooping, bending, and
working in tiring and uncomfortable positions. Valid driver's license with a good driving record. May be required to operate a
commercial motor vehicle and possess a
Commercial Driver's License (CDL-B). May
be required to work an evening and/or night
shift on a regular or rotating basis, accept
call-back overtime or regular overtime, and/
or agree to assume an emergency call-out
list status.
To Apply: E-mail Alicia Szramoski, at
Hourly Warehouse Worker/Driver
Forte Center
$11.74 per Hour; Up To $14.88 per Hour
with a Commercial Driver’s License
Description: Performs routine manual work
associated with receiving, warehousing,
issuing, and/or delivering supplies, materials and equipment, moves material to and
from storage, loading and salvage areas by
hand truck or forklift; stores stock material
in appropriate storage locations; receives
delivery of ordered supplies, materials and
equipment at a loading dock and compares
items with freight bills: prepares and packs
items with freight bills prepare and packs
items for shipment to various offices and
locations; and performs related duties as
Qualifications: Any combination of education and experience equivalent to completion of the tenth grade and one year of experience in warehouse receipt, stocking,
and inventory. Working knowledge of: storekeeping practices and procedures, stock
control, and inventory methods. Good ability to follow oral and simple written instructions. Handle various types of material and
warehouse equipment. Ability to establish
and maintain cooperative working relation-
ships with others. Must write legibly, have
good verbal communication skills and solve
simple arithmetic problems. Strong desire to
work hard and perform well. Good physical
ability to move moderately heavy and/or
bulky material. Ability to manage information efficiently and accurately. Preference to applicants with proficient keyboard
skills and knowledge of Microsoft office
computer software as well as knowledge of
date entry and database management
tools, such as SAP or Filemakerpro.
Valid driver's license with a good driving
record. Summer only, from mid-May to end
of August availability.
To Apply: Interested applicants should fax
resumes to Jesse Martin at 571-642-9159
or jlmartin1@fcps.edu.
Partnership for Teacher
Preparation in Special Education
Various High Schools
Description: The Fairfax Partnership Program is a cooperative, special education
teacher preparation program between The
George Washington University (GW) and
Fairfax County Public Schools resulting in
teacher licensure and a master’s degree in
special education. The program includes a
yearlong internship with a master educator
and GW support. During the first 4 semesters 100 percent of the tuition cost is covered, amounting to over 80 percent of the
total cost. Participants work as full-time
special education teachers during the second year. Classes begin summer 2015 and
participants graduate the summer of 2017.
Qualifications: Candidates must have a
bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution of higher education.
MARCH 25, 2015
Central Academic Programs - Safety
& Security Assistant (6/23-8/7)
The safety and security assistant supports
the centrally located programs at the high
school academic site. Assists with the development and implementation of a program for student security and supervision
that fosters a safe environment and positive
school–community relations, supports various aspects of student activities, and performs related duties as required or assigned. Experience as a Safety and Security Specialist required; must have successfully completed compulsory certification
training approved by the Virginia Center for
School and be 21 years old at the time of
School Bus Driver
Positions Available
$18.52 Starting Salary
$1000 Referral Bonus for FCPS
To Apply: Please submit an application
online at http://careers.fcps.edu/
Benefits include:
Credit Recovery Academy Geometry Teacher (7/17-8/4)
Teachers must be endorsed in the subject
they teach and have experience using
Blackboard to facilitate instruction. Preference will be given to applicants with successful experience as instructors of essential knowledge and skills in a fast-paced
learning environment.
To Apply: Please submit an application
online at http://careers.fcps.edu/
To Apply: Interested candidates should
send an inquiry along with their resume to
Dr. Deanna Ortiz, project director, at
Excellent retirement, health, and dental
plans as well as life and disability insurance
Childcare cost savings: infant and preschool age children and grandchildren
may ride with you
Paid training program
6 paid nonworking days
Contact HR Client Services
for more information at
*Non-Virginia residents must possess Commercial Driver’s License (CDL-B) with P
(passenger) and S (school bus) endorsements prior to training. Drivers must have a
good driving record and be able to pass a
physical exam.
Equal Opportunity Employer
MARCH 25, 2015
Call for College Partnership Program JMU Summer Experience Staff
The College Partnership Program (CPP) will conduct a Summer Experience Program for selected rising ninth and tenth
grade CPP students from July 7 – July 10, 2015, on the campus of James Madison University in Harrisonburg, Virginia. The
purpose of the program is to offer students an opportunity to reside on a college campus while engaging in a college and
career readiness curriculum that will enhance their exposure and knowledge of preparing for, applying to, and paying for
college. The program has openings for four college and career specialists and four English teachers (four male, four female
to reside on single sex dormitory floors). Staff for the program must have a working knowledge of the framework of college
and career readiness. Compensation includes room and board and a stipend of $550.
Ideal candidates for the college and career specialist positions must demonstrate a working knowledge of the college application process, be willing to teach the college and career readiness curriculum, and work collaboratively in a team. Teacher
candidates should have a minimum of three years successful teaching experience in English, have the ability to develop and
teach a three-day writing curriculum that reflects the goals of the College Partnership Program, and be able to work collaboratively on a team. All candidates should have the ability to provide around the clock supervision for all students outside of
assigned program duties and obligations.
Interested applicants should send their resume to Gwen Cooper-Evans, Administrative Assistant, College Success Program,
at gcooperevans@fcps.edu by April 14.
Call for College Partnership Program North Carolina Summer Experience Staff
The College Partnership Program (CPP) will conduct a Summer Experience Program for selected rising eleventh and twelfth
grade CPP students from July 21 – July 24, 2015, on the campus of The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in Chapel
Hill, North Carolina. The purpose of the program is to offer students an opportunity to reside on a college campus while engaging in a college and career readiness curriculum that will enhance their exposure and knowledge of preparing for, applying to, and paying for college. The program has openings for four college and career specialists and four English teachers
(four male, four female to reside on single sex dormitory floors). Staff for the program must have a working knowledge of the
framework of college and career readiness. Compensation includes room and board and a stipend of $550.
Ideal candidates for the college and career specialist positions must demonstrate a working knowledge of the college application process, be willing to teach the college and career readiness curriculum, and work collaboratively in a team. Teacher
candidates should have a minimum of three years successful teaching experience in English, have the ability to develop and
teach a three-day writing curriculum that reflects the goals of the College Partnership Program, and be able to work collaboratively on a team. All candidates should have the ability to provide around the clock supervision for all students outside of
assigned program duties and obligations.
Interested applicants should send their resume to Gwen Cooper-Evans, Administrative Assistant, College Success Program,
at gcooperevans@fcps.edu by April 14.
MARCH 25, 2015
Applications due March 27, 2015
for Great Beginnings Coaches
2015-16 school year
The Office of Professional Learning and School Support, Instructional Services Department, is seeking coaches for the Great
Beginnings Programs for the 2015-2016 school year. Current elementary and secondary classroom teachers, counselors and
librarians who have an interest in supporting new instructional employees should consider applying. All Great Beginnings coaches receive a stipend, as well as recertification points for licensure renewal. Applicants should possess the following:
A minimum of three years of successful teaching experience in FCPS, with a preference for candidates who possess five or
more years of experience
Extensive knowledge of curriculum and instruction, the FCPS Best Practices for Teaching and Learning, Professional Learning Communities, Portrait of a Graduate and effective classroom management skills
A desire to work with beginning or continuing instructional employees to support their growth and learning in the profession
Strong communication, human relations and facilitation skills
A commitment to collaboration and teamwork
Interested applicants must be available two days per month for professional development and after-school seminars during the
school year. Applicants must also be available August 17-21 for the Coach Professional Development Institute and August 2428 for the Great Beginnings: The Next Generation Summer Institute. The application, a current resume, a principal recommendation, and a colleague recommendation are required.
Application packets are available on the Intranet at: http://fcpsnet.fcps.edu/is/Offices/PLSS/
For more information, call 571-423-1340.
All applications and supporting materials must be received by Friday, March 27, 2015.
2015 Summer Learning Programs and Extended School Year (ESY) Opportunities
Please visit Summer Learning Programs and ESY for all program details and job opportunities.
Summer Learning Programs
 Credit Recovery
SOL Remediation
Online Campus
IFTA (Institute for the Arts)
Elementary IFTA (Institute for the Arts)
Tech Adventure Camp
STEM Camp (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math)
ESOL Programs
Extended School Year, Special Education (ESY)
 ESY Secondary Opportunities (Included Key and Kilmer Center)
ESY Elementary Opportunities
ESY Preschool Opportunities
ESY Related Services Opportunities
MARCH 25, 2015
Transfair 2015
Teacher Transfer Opportunity (Transfair) to Be Held April 15 th and 16th
Vacancy lists available April 10th through April 16th on UConnect
Elementary Schools Only
April 15
3:30 to 9 p.m.
Middle and High Schools Only
April 16
3:30 to 9 p.m.
West Springfield High School
Fairfax High School
Transfair is an opportunity for current FCPS teachers/ librarians/counselors to interview with principals for openings in
other schools.
 Part-time teachers can transfer to part-time positions and full-time teachers can transfer to full-time positions.
 Transfair is for like-to-like subject areas or for a transfer from a noncritical field to a critical field.
Critical fields are:
ESOL, Gifted Education, Immersion, Librarian, Mathematics, Occupational
Therapy, Physical Therapy, Physics, reading, Special Education, Speech-language
Pathologist, Technology Education, World Language
Employees not eligible to attend Transfair
 Teachers on one year only contracts
 Teachers being nonrenewed for any reason
 Employees currently subject to FCPS nonrenewal process due to licensure are not eligible to attend Transfair. If you
are uncertain of your licensure status, please email HRLicensure@fcps.edu.
 Instructional assistants
 Teachers transferring to a different subject area that is not a critical field
 Teachers wanting to change contract status (full-time/part-time)
Vacancies will be posted on UConnect from April 10 through April 16. Teachers wishing to transfer should contact
individual schools identified on the vacancy list to schedule interviews. Schools will not do an on-site interview without a
prior interview registration. Interview slots are limited and will fill-up quickly.
Once you have scheduled your interview(s), you will meet a school administrator at the assigned Transfair school location
above. This year all elementary schools will be conducting their interviews April 15 at West Springfield HS. The middle
and high schools will be conducting their interviews April 16 at Fairfax HS.
For instructional positions, the date for resignation without prejudice is June 15, 2015. This date is consistent with all other school systems in Northern Virginia. To resign, an employee will need to complete a Notification of Resignation or Retirement form (HR-2): http://www.fcps.edu/it/forms/hr2.pdf. Employees, who resign after the June 15 deadline, may jeopardize their rehire status with the county.
CONTACT: For more information, contact HR Connection here.
MARCH 25, 2015
Open Until Filled Positions
Jobs designated Open Until Filled (OUF) will remain on the FCPS job board
(http://careers.fcps.edu) until a candidate has been selected and placed in the position.
Job Title
5847BR………Architectural Capacity Engineer…………………...…US-21…………. Design & Construction…………………. Gatehouse Adm Ctr
6293BR………Architectural Engineer I………………………………. US-21…………. Design & Construction…………………. Gatehouse Adm Ctr
5644BR………Auditor General……………………………………….. US-33…………. School Board Office…………………… Gatehouse Adm Ctr
5629BR………Budget Analyst IV…………………………………….. US-26…………. Financial Services……………………….Gatehouse Adm Ctr
4081BR……... Bus Driver I/II…………………………………………. US-11/12…….. Facilities Management…………………. Various
6184BR…….. Business Operations Assistant…………………….. US-12/13/14….. Financial Services……………………….Gatehouse Adm Ctr
6292BR………Buyer I/II……………………………………………….. US-17/18………Design & Construction…………………. Gatehouse Adm Ctr
6171BR………Civil Engineer II (May Be Underfilled)………………. US-24…………. Design & Construction…………………. Gatehouse Adm Ctr
6302BR………Coordinator IV, Budget Compensation…………….. US-27…………. Budget Services………………………… Gatehouse Adm Ctr
5565BR………Coordinator IV, Instructional Employment Services. US-28…………. Human Resources……………………... Gatehouse Adm Ctr
6299BR………Coordinator III, Benefit Services…………………….. US-27…………. Human Resources……………………… Gatehouse Adm Ctr
5434BR …….. Coordinator III, Classification & Compensation ….. US-27...………. HR Benefit Services ………………….. Gatehouse Adm Ctr
6191BR…….. Coordinator III, Accounting Operations ……………. US-27…………. Comptroller……………………………… Gatehouse Adm Ctr
5402BR……... Director III, Budget Services ………………………... US-30………… Budget Services………………………. Gatehouse Adm Ctr
6265BR……... Domain Architect …………………………………….. US-27…………. Information Technology……………….. Wilton Woods Ctr
5612BR………Educational Interpreter I/II …………………………… US-17/18……... Special Education …………………….. Various
5871BR…….. Enterprise Messaging Supervisor………………….. US-26…………. Information Technology……………….. Wilton Woods Ctr
5589BR………Equity & Employee Relations Specialist……………… US-24…………. Human Resources……………………... Gatehouse Adm Ctr
5909BR……... Equity & Employee Relations Specialist (One Year Only) . US-24………… Human Resources……………………… Gatehouse Adm Ctr
6279BR………Executive Director, FCPS Foundation……………… US-32…………. Superintendent’s Office………………... Gatehouse Adm Ctr
6178BR…….. Field Information Systems Technician ……………. US-15…………. Information Technology………..……… Woodson Annex
5896BR………Financial Analyst II……………………………………. US-24…………. Design & Construction…………………. Gatehouse Adm Ctr
5924BR………Food Services Manager-in-Training………………… US-6………….. Financial Services……………………… Various
5041BR…….. Food Services Van Driver……………………………. US-7………….. Financial Services……………………… Various
5228BR………Food Services Worker I/II……………………………..US-1/2……….. Financial Services……………………… Various
6303BR………Information Technology Inventory Technician…….. US-15…………. Information Technology……………….. Woodson Annex
5927BR…….. Manager, HR Communications & Client Services… US-27………… Human Resources……………………... Gatehouse Adm Ctr
6199BR………Public Health Attendant………………………………. US-4………….. Special Services…………………………Various Locations
5065BR………Software Developer…………………………………… US-23/25……... Information Technology……………….. Wilton Woods Ctr
5958BR………Summer Programs Specialist (One Year Only)……. US-21…………. Instructional Services………………….. Fairfax Ridge
Coaching positions can be found at Call for Coaches