Saint Joseph Catholic Church Iglesia Catolica De San Jose November 9, 2014 The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica The LORD of hosts is with us; our stronghold is the God of Jacob.- Psalm 46:8 Mass Schedule/ Horario de Misas Saturday/Sábado 4:00pm English , 6:00pm Español Sunday/Domingo 9:00 am, 4:00 pm in English 12:00 pm en Español Daily Masses: Monday and Friday: 8:15am, Wednesday: 6:00pm, Thursday: 12:15pm Holy Days: 7:00pm Vigil / 8:15am, 12:15pm, 7:00pm (Español) Sacrament of Reconciliation Para Confesarse Saturday at 5:00pm / Wednesday at 5:30pm or by appointment Pueden confesarse los sábados a los 5:00pm y Miercoles a los 5.30pm de la tarde o puede llamar al Párrocco, el Padre Philip por cita especial Eucharistic Adoration Adoración Eucharistica First Friday/Primer viernes 9:00am– Saturday 6:00am 512 West Wainman Avenue Asheboro, NC 27203 Ph: 336-629-0221 E-mail: Website: Office Hour Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Parish Staff Fr. Philip Kollithanath: Pastor, Email: Jean Hyatt: Parish Secretary; Teresita Ramirez: Office Assistant Colette Estes Music Coordinator Jason Kroeger Faith Formation Coordinator (English) Manuela Torres: Hispanic Faith Formation Coordinator Michael Thurlow: Parish Council; Scott Harris: Finance Council 2 PARISH OF ST. JOSEPH November 9,,2014 From the Pastor’s Desk Fr. Philip Kollithanath One of the basic principles in the Catholic Tradition is that we all have to do God’s will. Only when we discern, recognize and embrace God’s will for us and accomplish it do we find peace and joy that will lead to real happiness in life. That is our agenda. Anything contrary to that is not Catholic. No two ways about it for us. Jesus said, “ rejoice because your names are written in heaven” (Lk.10:20The world will tempt us with the idea of “pursuit of happiness” through many a worldly ways which never has proved bringing lasting happiness for any human individual in this world. Those offers may give some excitement for a while but at the end will lead to emptiness and a hollow inside. St. Augustine rightly said that our soul is made for Him and will not find rest until it rests in Him. We cannot claim to be Catholic and advocate the secular agenda which contradicts the Catholic teaching while ignoring our responsibility to defend our faith and live it sincerely. Such pseudo-Catholics are a great threat to the Church these days. They do a lot of harm to the younger generation especially by corrupting their minds about the true faith. What they do is instead of proclaiming the Lord’s teachings through His Church, taking advantage of the opportunity for teaching on behalf of the church they present their individual opinions as “modern thinking”. Children or newcomers to the faith would not know the difference hence would not be able to challenge them or correct their fallacious presentations. It is so obvious that Jesus came to do the will of His Father and He constantly reminds of it. Same way we have to continuously seek God’s plan for us and accept it. That is the Catholic way of life. In this effort the help of the Church Magisterium is tremendous. It provides the objectivity to protect us from subjectivism. Such concern will bring about a spirit of devotion to the Lord and a respectful loyalty to the Church. The secular world cannot accept this. It will use all its power and influence to detract believers. This is where the Devil is very active in collusion with the secular agenda. This is where we need help from all the saints to win the battle against the powers of darkness. Devil is very active in our midst to destroy our loyalty to the Lord as a faith community. He is actively alive in several of our minds. Divisive attitudes, challenging the authorities, forming clicks and pressure groups against the unity and fellowship of this worship community, are some of the ways devil works here. That is why we seek the help St. Michael the Archangel who has experience in touting the skillful maneuverings of Satan. Prayer to St. Michael has already produced results here in our community. Without resorting to any exorcism devil is driven out with the help St. Michael. It is highly recommended that all our families do the St. Michael prayer every day together so that our loyalty to the Lord and his Church will be deeply rooted in the hearts and minds of our children and youth. Once the influence of devil is eradicated from our minds, we will easily accept God’s Will when adversities occur in our lives. Suffering in itself is of no consequence but when it is accepted in union with the Lord’s sufferings it becomes redemptive. To promote Euthanasia the world will talk only about “quality of life” and that ended without suffering. Jesus would have avoided pain by accepting the drink at the last moment. St. John Paul II did not end his suffering by such means but endured it to the last moment God has planned for him. He was following Jesus. This is true Catholic Tradition relevant and practical even today. That is what Jesus meant when He taught us to pray “ Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done” in our lives every day. Let us try to be Catholic in name and in truth. God bless you all. Welcome to Visitors & New Members You are welcome to worship with us at any time. If you are new to the Randolph County area, may we invite you to register as a member of the parish? Registration forms are available in the parking lot vestibule or by calling the office. THE CELEBRATION OF INFANT BAPTISM: Baptism is an important celebration in the community. It requires a time for parents (and sponsors, if available) to be prepared. This can even be done before a child is born. Baptismal preparation is done with Jason Kroeger. To schedule an appointment, please call 301-4418 ORDER OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION: Children over age six and all adults who believe the Spirit of God is moving them to Baptism, Confirmation and the reception of the Eucharist participate in a process that moves through the year and culminates at the Easter Vigil each year. Contact the church office for details of this process and to enroll in the precatechumenate or candidate programs. Bienvenida a los visitantes y nuevos miembros Usted esta bienvenido a nuestra parroquia en cualquier momento. Si es usted nuevo en el condado de Randolph, lo invitamos a registrarse y formar parte de nuestra parroquia. Las formas para registrarse están disponibles en el estante de los panfletos o llamando a la iglesia. ORDEN DE INICIACIÓN CRISTIANA: Niños mayores de sies años y todo adulto que cree que el espíritu de Dios los esta moviendo al bautismo, confirmación y a la recepción de la Eucaristía deben participar en un proceso que se mueve durante el año y culmina con la vigilia pascual cada año. Contacte la oficina parroquial para más detalles de este proceso y la inscripción en el precatecumenico o candidato a los programas. *CELEBRACIÓN DEL BAUTISMO INFANTIL: El bautismo es una importante celebracion en la comunidad. Esto require el tiempo de los padres y padrinos para ser preparados. Esto se puede hacer antes del nacimiento del nino. Nuestro programa de preparacion (platicas prebautismales)es ofrecido el primer sábado de cada mes alas 8:45 am A 12:00 noon Los Bautismos son celebrados el primer sábado y el ultimo sábado de cada mes. Ecepto en la estacion cuaresmal. Para registrarse all programa, contact Julia Rodrigues al (336) 381-2921—O Valentin Corona al (336) 460-5798. CHRISTIAN MARRIAGE: Because of the important sign of God's love Catholics believe a married couple to be, a time of preparation and reflection is an important MATRIMONIOS CRISTIANOS: Porque el importante signo del amor de Dios por first step for couples wanting to marry. The parish requires that a six month advance notice be given so that appropriate paperwork and preparation can be under- las parejas de matrimonios católicos creyentes, un tiempo de preparación y reflexión es un importante primer paso para las parejas que quieran casarse. La parroquia requiere taken. Contact the church office for an initial appointment to begin this process. que se debe hacer con seis meses de anticipación el proceso de preparación de las formas y clases que deben tomar. Contacte la oficina parroquial para hacer el acuerdo VISITATION OF THE SICK AND HOMEBOUND: We want to stay connected to those who may not be able to join us regularly for the Eucharist. Arrangements can inicial para comenzar el proceso. VICITACIÓN A ENFERMOS EN EL HOGAR: Nosotros queremos estar conectados be made for a lay minister to visit and for the Sacrament of the Sick to be adminiscon quienes no pueden disponer de nuestro servicio de la Eucaristía regularmente. La tered by the pastor. Call the church office to make these arrangements. orden se puede hacer por un ministro para vicitar y llevar los sacramentos de unción a los enfermos administrados por el pastor. Llamar a la oficina parroquial para hacer el FAITH FORMATION: The parish offers Kindergarten through grade 5 faith formation f rom 10:15-11:15 in English on Sunday—Choir 10-11:15 am. Confirma- acuerd FORMACION DE FE: La parroquia ofrece clases de formación a kindergarten tion,2:45 to 3:45 Life Teen 5-6 pm hasta 5 grado, los domingos en la mañana a las 10:15-11:15 (ingles). Las clases en español se ofreceran los sabados a las 4 -:5:30 PM. Las clases de Confirmación se ofreceran los domingos a las 2:45-3:45 pm. Life Teen 5-6:30 November 9 2014 Parish of St. Joseph Offertory______________________$ 5,318.00 Year to Date._______________$ under/over ________________________$ Needed ___________________________ $ 86,964.50 ( 30,535.50,) 117,000.00 Building Fund ……… $1,350,404.90 Building Fund Goal:… $1,500,000.00 We appreciate your generous pledges and your regular payments. We are climbing up to our goal!! Thank you and God Bless you for all the sacrifices you have made to get this far. Masses for the week of November 8th Saturday 8th + 6:00 Sunday 9th BIRTHDAY LIST November Nov 8th Erika Cortez,Gabriel Dubis, Antonio Perez, Nov 9th Sharleen Kindley, CurƟs Alan Parks, Nov 10th Thomas Herbert, Anayah Mulles Nov 11th Cil Chong, Nov.12th Richart Markvart Victoria Rodriguez Nov 14th Miriam Rico Nov. 16th Calixto Yolisbet, John Charvat + 4:00 pm Mass English - 12:00 noon Spanish Monday 10th Tuesday 11th join us Wednesday 12th Thursday 13th Friday 14th Saturday 1st 15th + 9:00 am Mass Ernestine White,Req. by Ruthie Scanlan 8:15 am Mass 1:00 10:00 Bible Study please all are welcome 1:00 pm Rosary Group 5:30 confession 6:00 pm Mass 12:15 + 8:15 am Mass +4:00 Max Bennett, req. Ladies Guild +6:00 pm Mass Spanish Flora Hernandez, Req. by Lorena Hernandez 8:00 am Eng Mass 12 noon Spanish Liturgical Ministers Altar Servers: Eucharistic: Hospitality: Lectors: 3 November 15 Jenna Graham Carol Rich Lynn Hyatt , Mike Leach Mike Leach November 16 Altar Servers: Smith. Pincus, Krasowski Eucharistic : Tom Murphy, Dan Higgins. Hospitality : David Poupore, Pat Whitehead, Lectors: Joan Sloyan, Dan Higgins ALTAR FLOWERS: November The sign up sheet is hanging on the wall if you would like to donate any flowers in memory of or in thanks for something special that you have received from God or any of your favorite Saints. God Bless you all!! DSA - 2014 Diocesan Support Appeal “Salt of the Earth...Light of the World” Is the theme for the 2014 Diocesan Support Appeal. Please try and give to the DSA we are short $5,000.00 dollars to reach our assessed amount of $25,000.00. There are envelopes near the kitchen door for donations or pledges, You can also use generic envelopes on the stand just put DSA on the envelope. Thank you for your generosity. 4 PARISH OF ST. JOSEPH Faith Formation Notes November 9, 2014 From Jason Kroeger The All Saints party for the children was a great success, thanks to all the Knights who helped put this on for the children. Good Job. Knights Of Columbus will be taking orders for the Cut Christmas Trees, Wreaths and roping after all the Masses.The Order forms will be available at the church entrances. Final orders will be taken on Nov. 23rd. Planned delivery to the parking lot is the Friday after Thanksgiving. Please support your Building Fund and the Knights. Bible Study classes have begun, they are studying “Luke” anyone is welcome to join them. It is a very enjoyable venture to learn more about our Bible. Rosary Group meets every Tuesday at 1:00 pm everyone is welcome to join them in prayer. Hispanic Rosary Group: Fridays at 7:00 pm everyone is welcome. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS & LADIES GUILD The Knights of Columbus will be saying the Rosary on the 2nd & 4th Sunday of each month at 8:30 am before the 9:00 am Mass. The Women’s Guild will lead the Rosary on 1st & 3rd Sundays at the same time. Please come and join them in prayer. The Educational Minute Committee meeting will be held on Monday, November 3rd at 6:30pm in the Council room.We will be discussing the presentations for Advent through Lent. Anyone interested in working please see Kim Price. Remember in your Prayers, Gary Hutchins, Samuel Lopez, Socorro Monteon Machuec; Pat Whitehead,Grace Gizzi, Ben Green Carl Maloney’s son inlaw. Lauri Newsome having surgery on Friday 24th, Ardist Holyfield. Please keep Sandy and Dan Higgins in your prayers for the loss of her mother. Those at their homes or nursing centers: Marilyn Janzer, Jean Dawson’s cousin, Christopher Gardner, Mr. & Mrs.Albert Gardner’s son, Please add Jean & Wayne Dawsons Aunt she is going to have surgery. Jackie Vruwink’s mom Adele, please pray for her she is very ill Prayers for our Parishioners in the Military: Please pray for our parishioners serving in the Military, William Ball, Maxi La Rose and General Kevin Wendel serving in Afghanistan. , if you have someone who is serving in the Military, please call the office and we will put him or her on the prayer list. God Bless our Troops. PARISH OF ST. JOSEPH Nov. 9th, 2014 TODAYS READINGS 5 SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES First Reading — I saw water flowing out of the temple; wherever the river flows, every living creature shall live Sunday: Monday: (Ezekiel 47:1-2, 8-9, 12). The Dedication of the Lateran BasilicaThirty-second Week in Ordinary Time; St. Leo the Great Psalm — The waters of the river gladden the city of Tuesday: St. Martin of Tours; Veterans DayGod, the holy dwelling of the Most High (Psalm 46). Wednesday: St. Josaphat Second Reading — Do you not know that you are the Thursday: St. Frances Xavier Cabrini temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? Saturday: St. Albert the Great; Blessed Virgin Mary (1 Corinthians 3:9c-11, 16-17). TREASURES AND TRADITIONS For several weeks, we have considered penance as a sacrament of forgiveness, and yet there are two other sacraments in this category. The first, of course, is the Eucharist itself. The other is the sacrament of the sick, long associated with penance. The Letter of James sets out the deep tradition for caring for the sick: sending for the priests, who will pray and lay their hands on the sick ones, anointing them with oil, and giving them forgiveness. Long before other rites of penance developed, the sacrament of the sick was therefore a profound experience of forgiveness. Jesus often healed the sick, nearly always as a visible sign of forgiveness of sin. The tradition didn’t unfold smoothly, however, and within a few centuries the oil of the sick was taken home to be applied by caregivers as a salve, or even to be drunk as a medicine. As early as the second century, bishops were therefore urging that priests should be the ones to visit those separated by illness from the Sunday assembly. Thus the practice of consigning the Eucharist and the oil of the sick to the non-ordained faithful to bring home was relatively short-lived. —Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Ti 1:1-9; Ps 24:1b-4ab, 5-6; Lk 17:1-6 Tuesday: Ti 2:1-8, 11-14; Ps 37:3-4, 18, 23, 27, 29; Lk 17:7-10 Wednesday: Ti 3:1-7; Ps 23:1b-6; Lk 17:11-19 Thursday: Phlm 7-20; Ps 146:7-10; Lk 17:20-25 Friday: 2 Jn 4-9; Ps 119:1-2, 10-11, 17-18; Lk 17:26-37 Saturday: 3 Jn 5-8; Ps 112:1-6; Lk 18:1-8 Sunday: Prv 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31; Ps 128:1-5; 1 Thes 5:1-6; Mt 25:14-30 [14-15, 19-21] ************************************ Columbiettes Auxiliary A little information on this group. It is comprised of Catholic women ages 17 & up who work together to support the Church, the community, each other and the Knights of Columbus. one does not have to be married or related to a Knight to join the Auxiliary. The Columbiettes are women of all ages from 18 and up. We would really like to get it started—all are welcome—This is in no way going to take away from any of the other groups Spanish or English. In fact it would be nice to all work together in this venture. If anyone has any questions please call Jean in the office—she will try to explain more about the group and if she doesn’t know the answer will get one for you. Please consider to come to an informative meeting before you say NO. sign up sheet on kitchen wall. 6 Iglesia De San Jose Novembre 9,,2014 Fr. Philip Kollithanath Pastor—Iglesia Católica de San José Uno de los principios básicos de la tradición católica es que todos tenemos que hacer la voluntad de Dios. Sólo cuando discernimos, reconocer y aceptar la voluntad de Dios para nosotros y lograr que haga encontramos la paz y la alegría que nos llevará a la verdadera felicidad en la vida. Esa es nuestra agenda. Cualquier cosa contraria a la que no es católica. No hay vuelta de hoja para nosotros. Jesús dijo, "se alegran de que vuestros nombres están escritos en los cielos" (Lc 10: 20El mundo nos tentará con la idea de la "búsqueda de la felicidad" a través de muchas maneras mundanas que nunca ha demostrado traer felicidad duradera para cualquier individuo humano en este mundo. Esas ofertas puede dar un poco de emoción por un tiempo pero al final conducirá a un vacío y hueco por dentro. San Agustín ha dicho con razón que nuestra alma está hecha para él, y no encontrará descanso hasta que descanse en Él. No podemos pretender ser católico y defensor de la agenda secular que contradice la enseñanza católica, ignorando nuestra responsabilidad de defender nuestra fe y vivir sinceramente. Estos pseudo-católicos son una gran amenaza para la Iglesia en estos días. Ellos hacen mucho daño a las generaciones más jóvenes, especialmente por corromper sus mentes acerca de la verdadera fe. Lo que hacen es en lugar de proclamar las enseñanzas del Señor a través de Su Iglesia, aprovechando la oportunidad para enseñar en nombre de la iglesia a la que presentan sus opiniones individuales como "pensamiento moderno". Los niños o los recién llegados a la fe no saben la diferencia, por tanto, no sería capaz de desafiarlos o corregir sus presentaciones falaces.Es tan obvio que Jesús vino a hacer la voluntad de su Padre y Él constantemente recuerda a ella. La misma manera que tenemos que buscar continuamente el plan de Dios para nosotros y aceptarlo. Ese es el estilo de vida católico. En este esfuerzo la ayuda de la Iglesia Magisterio es tremendo. Proporciona la objetividad que nos proteja de subjetivismo. Tal preocupación traerá consigo un espíritu de devoción al Señor y una lealtad respetuosa a la Iglesia. El mundo secular no puede aceptar esto. Se utilizará todo su poder e influencia para distraer a los creyentes. Aquí es donde el diablo es muy activo en connivencia con la agenda secular. Aquí es donde necesitamos la ayuda de todos los santos para ganar la batalla contra los poderes de las tinieblas. Diablo es muy activa en medio de nosotros para destruir nuestra lealtad al Señor como una comunidad de fe. Él está activamente con vida en varias de nuestras mentes. Actitudes divisivas, desafiando a las autoridades, que forman los clics y los grupos de presión en contra de la unidad y la comunión de esta comunidad de adoración, son algunas de las formas diablo trabaja aquí. Es por eso que buscamos la ayuda de San Miguel Arcángel que tenga experiencia en pregonan las maniobras hábiles de Satanás. Oración a San Miguel ya ha producido resultados aquí en nuestra comunidad. Sin recurrir a ningún diablo exorcismo es impulsado a cabo con la ayuda de San Miguel. Es muy recomendable que todas nuestras familias hacen la oración de San Miguel todos los días juntos para que nuestra lealtad al Señor ya su Iglesia será profundamente arraigada en los corazones y las mentes de nuestros niños y jóvenes. Una vez que la influencia del diablo está erradicada de nuestra mente, vamos a aceptar fácilmente la voluntad de Dios cuando ocurren adversidades en nuestras vidas. El sufrimiento en sí mismo no tiene ninguna consecuencia, pero cuando se acepta en unión con los sufrimientos del Señor se convierte en redentor. Para promover la eutanasia el mundo va a hablar sólo de "calidad de vida", y que terminó sin sufrir. Jesús habría evitado el dolor mediante la aceptación de la bebida en el último momento. San Juan Pablo II no terminó su sufrimiento por los medios, pero aguantó hasta el último momento que Dios ha planeado para él. Él estaba siguiendo a Jesús. Esto es cierto incluso hoy Tradición Católica relevante y práctica. Eso es lo que Jesús quiso decir cuando Él nos enseñó a orar "Venga tu reino, hágase tu voluntad" en nuestras vidas todos los días. Tratemos de ser católico en nombre y en la verdad. Dios los bendiga a todos. LECTURES DE LA SEMANA Lunes: Ti 1:1-9; Sal 24 (23):1b-4ab, 5-6; Lc 17:1-Martes:Ti 2:1-8, 11-14; Sal 37 (36):3-4, 18, 23, 27, 29; Lc 17:7-10 Miércoles: Ti 3:1-7; Sal 23 (22):1b-6; Lc 17:11-19 Jueves: Flm 7-20; Sal 146 (145):7-10; Lc 17:20-25 Viernes: 2 Jn 4-9; Sal 119 (118):1-2, 10-11, 17-18; Lc 17:26-37 Sábado: 3 Jn 5-8; Sal 112 (111):1-6; Lc 18:1-8 Domingo: Pro 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31; Sal 128 (127):1-5; Tes 5:1-6; Mt 25:14-30 [14-15, 19-21] Iglesia De San Jose La coordinadora de Formacion en la Fe: November 9,2014 7 Manuela Torres Enhorabuena la venta de garaje fue todo un éxito. Gracias a todos los que se ofreció y donó los productos para vender. Buen trabajo. TRADICIONES DE NUESTRA FE Hoy celebramos la memoria de la Iglesia madre de la cristiandad. Por extraña coincidencia, no está en Jerusalén donde nació la Iglesia, tampoco es la Basílica de San Pedro en el Vaticano, donde está el sepulcro (o la tumba) de san Pedro. Esta iglesia es la Basílica que está dedicada a la memoria del Divino Salvador, a san Juan Bautista y a san Juan Evangelista. Fue la primera basílica consagrada en el año 324 al culto cristiano en Roma. De allí ha tenido una larga trayectoria, y aunque es la catedral del obispo de Roma, el Papa se trasladó al Vaticano en 1377, luego de que el papado estuvo durante un período de 100 años en Francia. Al recordar la consagración de la Basílica de Letrán no debemos olvidar lo que dice san Pablo: “Cada uno de nosotros somos un templo del Espíritu Santo” (1 Corintios 6:19). En un sueño, Inocencio III vio que Letrán estaba por caerse, pero san Francisco pudo sostenerla en pie. Ojalá que cada vez que nosotros estemos por caer, llegue alguien que nos pueda sostener como templos de Dios.—Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Nov 15th Eucaristia: Lectors : Hospitalidad Altar Servers: Eucaristia, Lectors: Anuncios Altar Servers Hospitalidad: Liturgical Schedule Mali, Cecilia Rico, Yance Gonzalez,Ofelia Gallegos, Maria Plata Antonio Arce Eriberto Hernandez, Julio Cesar Gonzalez Beatriz Sanchez, Carmen Valdez Carolina & Charly & Luis Corona, Teresa Barron Nov.16th Roberto Arellano,Ma Luz Cortez, Altagracia & Jose Grullon,Marie Uribe Kenia & Jose Frias Leonila Osorio, Victor Manuel Eduardo, Teresa Baron, Orlando Martinez, Jenny Vasquez, Hilario Dominguez,Miguel & Agustin Dominguez .Columbiettes auxiliar Un poco de información sobre este grupo. Está compuesto por mujeres católicas mayores de 17 y hasta los que trabajan en conjunto para apoyar a la Iglesia, la comunidad, entre ellos y los Caballeros de Colón uno no tiene que estar casado o en relación con un caballero a unirse a la Auxiliar. Los Columbiettes son la mujer de todas las edades de 18 en adelante. Realmente nos gustaría ponerlo en marcha-todos son bienvenidos-Esto es de ninguna manera va a tomar distancia de cualquiera de los otros grupos españoles o ingleses. De hecho, sería bueno que todos trabajemos juntos en esta aventura. Si alguien tiene alguna pregunta por favor llame a Jean en la oficina-Voy a tratar Por favor considerar venir a una reunión informativa antes de decir NO. hoja de inscripción en la pared de la explicar más sobre el grupo y si no sé la respuesta voy a conseguir uno para usted. LECTURES DE HOY Primera lectura — Siempre que las aguas frescas del templo fluyen, todo florece (Ezequiel 47:1-2, 8-9, 12) Salmo — Un río alegra la ciudad de Dios (Salmo 46 [45]) Segunda lectura — Tú eres el templo de Dios y el Espíritu de Dios vive en ti (1 Corintios 3:9c-11, 16-17 Evangelio — “Destruyan este templo y yo lo reedificaré en tres días”, Jesús dijo hablando del templo de su cuerpo (Juan 2:13-22). Asheboro ~ Troy ~ Randleman 336-625-2171 SMITH & BUCKNER - Siler City Locally owned and operated ASHEBORO RAMSEUR • RANDLEMAN LEXINGTON • THOMASVILLE Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 Saint Margaret Sunday Missal An ideal companion for personal prayer. In Stock & Ready to Order Today. CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. $39.95 800-566-6150 • ABOGADA Victoria Gonzalez Parishioner Member SIPC A way for you to partner with service providers who support your parish through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. INMIGRACION • DEFENSA DE DEPORTACION • NUEVA LEY DEL PERDON • ACCION DIFERIDA • CIUDADANIA • PETICIONES FAMILIARES • NACARA, TPS • DEFENSA CRIMINAL • ACCIDENTES (704) 567-9500 4448 Central Ave. Charlotte, NC 28205 Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. 625 S. FAYETTEVILLE S T. A SHEBORO 336-625-3466 For further information, please call the Parish Office. 000033 St Joseph Church an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA RIDGE FUNERAL HOME & CREMATION SERVICES (336) 626-2115 Locally Owned And Operated Corie F. McRae Agency, Inc NATIONWIDE INSURANCE Associates: Cindy Hains, Michelle Wood & Cecilia Cruz. 128 N Park St., Asheboro, NC PH: 629-9151 FAX: 629-9152 SE HABLA ESPANOL Equal housing opportunity BOWLING BILLIARDS MINIATURE GOLF VIDEO ARCADE SNACK BAR MON-THURS 9 AM - 11 PM, FRI-SAT 9 AM - 1 AM SUNDAY 1 PM - 11 PM FAMILY FUN AT AFFORDABLE PRICES! ¡FAMILIAS BIENVENIDOS! 219 NC HWY 42 626-2695 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240
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