back to God with a grateful heart 647 Locust Street Collegeville, PA 19426-2541 Phone: 610-489-1647 FAX: 610-489-7469 Email: Website: ST. ELEANOR CHURCH November 9, 2014 PASTORAL STAFF Msgr. Michael T. McCulken, Pastor Rev. John A. Franey, Pastor Emeritus Rev. Thomas J. Furey, Parochial Vicar Rev. Christopher C. Moriconi Parochial Vicar Deacon James H. Burns, Retired Deacon John A. Hasson Mrs. Linda Coyne, Finance Director Mr. Dan Weckerly, Music Director Mrs. Susan Gordon, Stewardship/Secretary Mrs. Jean Phillips, Administrative Assistant Mrs. Louise Quinn Receptionist /Secretary WEEKEND MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Evening Vigil: 5:15 PM Sunday: 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 AM, 12:00 Noon and 7:00 PM WEEKDAY MASS SCHEDULE Monday to Friday: 6:30 AM Monday to Saturday: 9:00 AM SACRAMENTS BAPTISMS: Scheduled every Sunday at 1:00 PM. Arrangements must be made in advance by phone. PRE-JORDAN: Baptismal Preparation Held the first Sunday of the month at 2:00 PM in Vianney Hall. MARRIAGES: Arrangements must be made with the priest at least six months before the wedding. MARRIAGE PREPARATION: Requires attendance at the Archdiocesan Marriage Prep Program (also held here at St. Eleanor). ANOINTING OF THE SICK: For anyone needing the Anointing of the Sick, call the rectory. Communion will be brought to the homebound. *********** FUNERALS They will be scheduled at the request of the family. PERPETUAL ADORATION In Our Lady Chapel HOLY DAYS OF OBLIGATION Holy Day: 6:30, 9:00 AM, 12:05 and 7:00 PM CONFESSION SCHEDULE Saturday: 8:00 to 8:45 AM 4:00 to 4:45 PM By appointment anytime. EDUCATION RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) Instructions to become a member of the Catholic Church given Tuesday at 7:00 PM, through the school year. Those wishing to take instructions must call the Rectory. HOLY CROSS REGIONAL CATHOLIC SCHOOL: Enrollment is open to any child in order to learn the teaching of Christ in a Catholic environment. 610-489-9434, ext. 2225. Mrs. Theresa Healy, Principal. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PREP: After-school religious instruction for children in grades 1 thru 6. Classes held on Tuesday 4:45—6:00 PM and 6:30—7:45 PM ; Wednesday 4:45—6:00 PM 610-489-4677 ext. 2233 , Ms. Teri Lahey, Director of Religious Education G.I.F.T.: Junior High Program held on select Sundays. Contact Matt Kirsch 610-489-1647 ext. 15 PREGNANCY HOTLINE 1-800-CARE-002 PASTORAL COUNCIL The Council is made up of elected and appointed members who suggest a Pastoral Plan for the parish with our mission statement in mind. PARISH REGISTRATION At the Rectory Rectory hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 AM to 7:30 PM FINANCE COMMITTEE Meets six times a year to advise the pastor on business matters. 0010 Feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica November 9, 2014 The Basilica of Saint John Lateran is the “Mother Church” of all the churches of the world and the cathedral of the Diocese of Rome. We commemorate its dedication as a way of honoring all the consecrated churches of the world, including our own. But we must heed the words of Saint Paul, “You are God’s building,” and today remember that by our baptism each of us is consecrated to God’s service. MASS INTENTIONS Saturday November 8 5:15 PM Kenneth A. Goodman Sunday 7:30 9:00 10:30 12:00 PM 7:00 November 9 Ann Marie Milligan Stanley Grabnish Carmella Di Marco For the People of the Parish Elaine Renzi Monday November 10 St. Leo the Great Rachael D’Achille Joe Nash 6:30 9:00 Tuesday 6:30 9:00 6:30 9:00 November 13 St. Frances Xavier Elaine Noga For the Holy Souls Friday 6:30 9:00 November 14 Cullen Keffer James Petaccio Jr. Saturday November 15 BVM St. Albert the Great For the Holy Souls Clayton Reese 9:00 5:15 PM Congratulations and prayers from our St. Eleanor Family to the parents, godparents, and families of the newly baptized incorporated into the Body of Christ: ~ Anthony Ryan, son of Michael and Nicole DeSteffano ~Lorenzo James, son of Lorenzo Muniz and Caterina D’Amore Our next Pre-Jordan Program will be held on Sunday, December 7 at 2 PM in Vianney Hall (lower level of the rectory). You may attend this program before the birth of your child. Baptismal paperwork is due in the rectory two weeks prior to the Baptism. Rose for Life November 11 St. Martin of Tours Walter Ostroski For the Holy Souls Wednesday November 12 St. Josaphat 6:30 For the Holy Souls 9:00 Dr. James Madden Thursday Baptisms 0010 To reserve a Rose for Life, please call Donna Kolb at 610-948-3955. Rose of Resurrection For a Rose of Resurrection to remember those who have passed away, call Paula Pezzano at 610 -489-0533. Please request roses at least one month before the rose is to be placed on the altar. Prayer Wheel for Priests and Deacons For the month of November we will be praying for our pastor emeritus, Rev. John Franey, and all his intentions. If you would like to be a part of the Prayer Wheel for Priests and Deacons, please call Betty Rowlands at 610-489-3742. 2 Dear Friends, During this month of prayer for our Faithful departed, Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary conducts its annual appeal for critical funding of its central mission to educate and form Catholic men for the priesthood (both its College and Theology divisions) as well as for its work in preparing men for the Permanent Diaconate and providing orthodox Catholic education for religious and laity. There are many dioceses and religious communities who send their students to Saint Charles Seminary, which enjoys a well-deserved reputation around the country and the world. Many laity have benefited from its programs and curriculum. Next weekend, a third year college seminarian, Greg Kramp, from the Diocese of Harrisburg, will speak at all our Masses about the Seminary Appeal. I know that we will welcome him warmly and I ask our parish family to do all that it can to support this annual appeal to insure wellformed and educated men to serve as priests in the future. God bless you for your care and concern for us, your priests, and for our future priests. As a parish family, we are blessed to have a newlyordained priest, Father Moriconi, serving here and to have a seminarian in first year theology, Richard Lyons, also from the Harrisburg Diocese, serving here on Thursdays for part of his apostolic formation. In such a vitally alive faith community as our parish family of Saint Eleanor, I know that the good Lord is calling our young people to consider vocations to the priesthood and to the religious life; not everyone, but many of them. The family is the place where vocations of every kind are nurtured and supported in love, care and compassion. I pray that our parents will always turn to the Holy Spirit to seek His grace and help in fulfilling your awesome calling to share our Catholic faith, to assist your children in growing closer to Christ, and in helping them to discern God’s personal call for their lives so that they can be all that God created them to be. Next weekend, November 15 and 16, our parish will welcome Greg Kramp, a seminarian studying for the Diocese of Harrisburg. He will share his personal experience at Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary. The following week you will be given the opportunity to pledge your support to St. Charles Seminary. For those of you who may have never contributed, you are invited to make the effort to do so this year. For us to reach our goal and support those in formation at St. Charles Seminary, we need everyone’s prayerful and financial support. The St. Padre Pio Prayer Group meeting and Mass for November will be on the fourth Saturday of the month, November 22. The prayer meeting and confessions will begin at 9:40 AM. Mass will begin at 10:30 AM and blessing with Padre Pio’s relics will take place after Mass. Our guest speaker, Julia Lineberg, Director of the National Center for Padre Pio, will be speaking after the Mass. Please join us for a unique fundraiser for Holy Cross Regional School just in time for holiday shopping. Nancy, the owner of her hideout, (family-owned jewelry & accessory boutique) has generously offered to donate 20% of ALL sales during this private event to Holy Cross Regional School. Sunday, November 9th from 5.00pm-7.00pm at her hideout 141 Market Street, Collegeville (across from The Movie Tavern) 484.973.6333 Light refreshments will be served. RSVP required as soon as possible to Marie Urban at so we can let the store know how many people to expect. Ladies-please bring your friends. Gentlemen-please stop by the event and their staff will help you pick out the perfect holiday gift. God bless you, God love you, I love you, Monsignor McCulken We are fortunate here at St. Eleanor to have a good number of parishioners who volunteer their time as Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist. One of the ways they serve the parish family is to take communion to the homebound. If you or someone you know is unable to get to Mass, please let them know that all they need to do is call the rectory at 610-489-1647 and we can set up an Extraordinary Minister to visit them weekly. 0010 Brand Collections: Brighton, PANDORA, Alex & Ani, Vera Bradley Mariana Jewelry, Crislu Jewelry, Bourbon & Bowties Bangles, Lollia & Mangiacotti (Fragrance, Lotion), Lilly Pulitzer and Rifle Paper Co items, Gathering Friends Cookbooks, Swan Creek Candles and Warmers, Dansko, Oka B, Bernie Mev Shoes, Emily Ley 2015 Planner and Karen Adams Design Calendars 3 REMEMBER OUR SICK: Nathan Allen, Elizabeth Ashenfelter, Kathleen Bani, Lori Bani, Christine Barrett, Kathleen Beaudoin, Rachel Beck, Angela Bense, John Betz, Jennifer Buczkowski, Diane Burg, Baiiley Cafone, Chito Cainglet, Anne Cartenuto, Alexa Cipriani, Monica Cipriani, Kristin D’Antonio, Denise DeCaro, Andrew DiSanto, Betty Dougherty, Linda Dougherty, Claire Esposito, Joe Fauls, Frank Fierro, Sandy Forcine, Joe Gardiner, Helen Guarnaccia, Bobby Henzler, Myrna Knaide, Jack Kurtz, Ann Lentz, Nate Lentz, Carol Logue, Joe Lutz, Mary Mahoney, Ralph McGee, Charles McGuigan, Jeff Miller, Charles Mruskovic, Jr., Gene Mullin, Marla Pennypacker, Jenne O’Malley, Linda Sauer, James Sidie, Dorothy Sloan, Ray Smyth, Stephen Stanton, Anne Marie Stoudt, Yoshiko Strohlein, Anne Marie Tate, Barbara Tulio, Dominic Vacanti, Jr., Beatrice Vogler, Jack Waina, Nancy Wenrich, George Wert, Barbara Wynne FOR OUR LITTLE ONES: Jack Andrew Keffer, Maggie Lutz, Baby Zachary Sinnk, Justin Wichner, Isaiah Thoxton FOR OUR DECEASED: Ralph Magee; Pat Pugliese, uncle of Cindi Veverka; Joseph McGowan, nephew of Pat & Rebecca McGowan and Maureen & Bob Dee; James Butler, brother of Florence Sheldon; Jim Arrison, son of Micki Week Ending October 17, 2014 Regular Collection $ 25,624 Other Collections Diocesan Collections $ $ Total 4,127 25 $ 29,776 Fiscal Year-to-Date Regular Sunday Collections 2014 Regular Sunday Collections 2013 $ 384,595 $ 395,405 Pray for Those Serving Our Country Mass for Healing Wednesday, November 19, 2014 We are beginning a monthly Mass for Healing. Our first one will be on Wednesday, November 19 at 7:00 PM. We warmly invite everyone to this Mass including your family members, friends and neighbors. At every Mass, the healing power of Christ is made available to us. Christ’s ministry of healing continues in a most special way in His Sacraments, especially in Holy Communion, Confession and the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick. A Mass for Healing is an opportunity to offer Mass specifically for the intention of healing ~we will be praying for healing for those who attend, healing for all those who are being prayed for, healing for our Church, our country, our world. It is a special time to open ourselves and those for whom we pray to the healing power of God. Monsignor McCulken will be the celebrant. Monsignor has offered such Masses for many, many years in many parishes. God never disappoints and always touches everyone who attends in a unique way ~not always in the exact way that they may be praying for but always in the way He knows is best for each person. So, we encourage you to come. It is a unique experience of God’s grace, healing and love for us. Come experience God’s mercy and healing. Come for yourself, for those you are praying for, and for the intentions you are praying for. Pray for healing for those who have suffered abuse, for those who have left the Church, for those confused or angry with the Church, for those experiencing change in parish and school structures, for our parish, our priests, our country, our society, and our world. Abandon yourself and our world to the power of God. When we surrender to God, He always surprises us by His greatness and the depth of His love for us. Sgt. Thomas Albany 2nd Lt. Andrew Bone SM/Sgt. Charles Gordon Lt. Cmdr. Wendy Gordon, MD Bryan Luther Andrew Somplasky Jeremy Somplasky Ryan Somplasky Mother and Son Dance Saturday, November 15th 6:30-8:30PM in the Holy Cross Gym. All ages welcome! Hosted by the St. Eleanor Women’s Guild. Contact Alice Ann Schiele at or 610-489-6280 with questions. Limited to the first 300 guests. Visit the website at for registration form. Pilgrim Virgin Statue Week of 11/9: Amy Jacobo Week of 11/16: Deborah Casperson Call Kevin (610-489-4412) to schedule a week in 2014. 0010 4 St. Eleanor Catholic Youth Organization is open to all 5th through 8th grades, 9th through 12th grade (Basketball only & CoEd Volleyball in Spring), and 1st through 3rd (Pee Wee Track/Cross Country) children of our PARISH. Please visit our web-site for more information SE CYO Dances: SE CYO sponsors monthly dances throughout the school year. These dances are open to 6th through 8th grade boys and girls in our local community. To enter the dance, the student must have a Dance Pass. Parish children have the choice of ordering an Annual Dance Pass or a Single Dance Pass. Children who are not members of St. Eleanor Parish must purchase a Single Dance Pass online prior to the dance and bring proper ID to enter the dances. Annual Dance Passes cost $35 and will admit you into all 7 dances. Individual Dance Pass cost $7- per dance. Current school year ID's are considered proper ID. The dances are chaperoned by parents of our CYO teams and programs. The doors open at 7 PM and the dancing ends at 10 PM sharp. Once inside, a child cannot leave without a parent before 10 PM. When dropping off your child please ensure your child has entered the dance before you depart. Please remember that there will be no dance tickets sold at the door. There is a standard dress code for the dance. Please visit our web-site for more information and to purchase dance passes: http:// SE CYO Dance: The next dance will be held on Saturday December 13th, 2014 from 7-10pm. This will be a Christmas theme dance. Each child is asked to bring at least one of the following: toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, shampoo, toilet paper, paper towels, tissues, dish detergent, or laundry detergent which will be donated to the St. Eleanor Food Bank. Thank you in advance for your help with this worthy cause. (Tom Brennan: SE CYO High School Basketball Registration is Open to ALL St. Eleanor Parishioners - Girls and Boys - Grades 9th-12th. Teams for the boys will be split as such: 9th-10th graders (JV) and 11th-12th graders (Varsity). Teams for the girls will be a combination of 9th-12th graders. Registration is open now through Sunday, November 23rd. Any questions, please contact Winter AD, Chris Phillips or Vince DeFlavia Has your email address changed? If so, please visit our web-site and update your profile so we can keep you informed. United Way is an important source of funding for our program. Please consider us when you are completing your donor card. Our number is 08018. Thank you! Perpetual Adoration "The best, the surest and most effective way of establishing everlasting peace on the face of the earth is through the power of Perpetual Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament." (Pope John Paul II) "A thousand years of enjoying human glory is not worth even an hour spent in sweet communing with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament." (St. Padre Pio) Everyday many people stop in for a visit in Our Lady Chapel. Our Scheduled Adorers come faithfully for their holy hour and many others come in and out all day and night. All find solace and understanding in His quiet Peacefulness. Please consider signing up to be an Hourly Adorer. One hour each week with Jesus will bring you great blessings – He will never be outdone in generosity! The Adoration Chapel is open 24 hours a day, with the exception of 9 AM Saturday until 2 PM Sunday and during evening Mass on Sunday from 7 to 8 PM. Call the Adoration Hot Line at 484-483-6584 at any time for the latest status of Adoration. We have been steadily building up our numbers over the past few months but are in need of additional Adorers in order to ensure that Jesus is never left alone. Please prayerfully consider becoming a Scheduled Adorer. We can indicate where the need is greatest; however, you get to choose your day and hour. Call Kevin at 610489-4412. Holiday Bulletin Deadlines Thank you to all who offered to help with the school district portion of our Helping Hands program at Christmas. Cheryl Borrelli is going to head this up. Please contact Cheryl at if you would like to help—even if you contacted the rectory For Nov. 30th bulletin—Nov. 14th For Dec. 21st bulletin—Dec. 5th For Dec. 28th bulletin—Dec. 10th For January 4th bulletin—Dec. 15th Inserts should be e-mailed to the rectory by the same dates. previously. The 7th & 8th Grade Girls CYO Volleyball team would like to extend a heartfelt "THANK YOU" for your support in helping the families of Ronald McDonald House. We raised $1,040 in monetary donations as well as over $200 in goods. The Ronald McDonald House staff were touched at the overwhelming outpouring of love for the families in need. Only our parishioners could have helped make this worthy cause a success. God Bless you all. 0010 5 Sept. 22-27, 2015 In order to help us prepare for the World Meeting of Families and the anticipated visit from Pope Francis, a catechism on family life entitled, Love is Our Mission: The Family Fully Alive, has been prepared. Each month for the next ten months, our parish will reflect on one chapter from this catechism. You can order a copy of this beautifully illustrated catechism and learn about the World Meeting of Families at World Meeting of Families coming to Philadelphia in September 2015 and you can help! November 2014: Chapter 1: Created For Joy Thousands will visit for this international event from September 22‐ 27, 2015. “Love is Our Mission” because love is our origin and destiny. Created in the image of God, a human being is created for communion, which means that loving God and neighbor is the reason for our existence. Catholics believe these things because of Jesus, our bedrock and cornerstone. Jesus suffered and yet persevered in love; he was crucified and yet rose again. In Jesus, we believe that the Creator of the universe became one of us, revealing not only who God is, but also who we are created to be and become. In a world of anxiety and doubt, Jesus is trustworthy. When we follow Jesus, body and soul, even when it hurts and requires sacrifice, we are living lives of integrity, for only in living this way will our lives coincide with the reason for our existence. This brings us great joy. We sin and stumble, but the God we meet in Christ is faithful even when we are not. God’s forgiveness is a gift that gives us back to ourselves, enabling us to embrace our mission and destiny anew. You can open your home and host a family or an individual. It is easy to sign up online. Be a part of this historic event and learn more at or email us at You can text “World” to 51555 for updates or text “Pray” to 80888 with your prayer intentions to make a $10 donation. Like us on Facebook at “World Meeting of Families 2015” & Follow us on Twitter @WMF2015 Catholic sacraments and moral teachings serve this destiny. The sacraments are a genuine encounter with Christ, while the moral teachings show what As National Vocation Week comes Christ-like love looks like in particular situations. Catholic life summons us to an end, we bring to your attention to heroism and adventure even in ordinary daily life. The world is charged some thoughts on vocations from with the beauty and grace of God, and neighbors who need our love and kindness are all around us. Please keep reading the Love Is Our Mission catechism for more! ~ Dr. Christopher C. Roberts, editor, Love is Our Mis- Pope Francis: “Behind and before every vocation to the sion Preparatory Catechism priesthood or to the consecrated life there is Did you know? The World Meeting of Families event was established by someone: a grandmother, a grandfather, a Pope St. John Paul II in 1994. It is held every three years in cities across the mother, a father, a community...Vocations are world. 2015 is the first time it will be in the United States. Its goals are (1) to born in prayer and from prayer; and only strengthen family bonds and (2) to give witness to the fundamental role of through prayer can they persevere and bear the family in society. Learn more at fruit.” Please continue to pray for vocations. always the strong and intense prayer of 0010 6 Holy Cross Regional School Ladies Basket Raffle. Friday, December 5th, 2014 Sunnybrook Ballroom 50 Sunnybrook Road, Sanatoga, PA 19464 Doors open at 5:30pm, Raffle starts at 8:00pm. Tickets: $20.00 Advance; $25 at the door Over 200 baskets, 3 50/50's and Grand Prizes No outside drinks permitted, bring your own snacks To order tickets call Kim at 610-948-5698 or Email Highlighting our Ministries St. Eleanor Playgroup Please join us on Wednesday mornings from 9-11 AM in Vianney Hall (basement floor of the rectory). This group provides an opportunity for friendship and fellowship with other moms and parishioners while celebrating the Catholic faith with your child. Our morning includes free play, a simple craft, circle and story time and a snack (please provide for your child). We welcome moms, dads, grandparents, caregivers and their infants or children. For more information or to sign up, contact Laura at 215.390.0933 or The Catholic TV Network America’s Catholic Television Network® is now available to cable and satellite in our area. Please help provide this upbeat, youthful and exciting Catholic network and a powerful resource to the people of our area and the entire nation. To help, simply visit as an easy way to petition your cable or satellite provider. If you are unable to access the internet please follow up with a postcard or letter to your provider. 0010 Congratulations to all of our CYO St. Eleanor’s Cross-Country runners who competed in last Sunday's Championship meet! They brought home NINE individual medals, and in a sport that is very much a team sport, they captured some significant team awards: Novice Girls-2nd place Minor Girls-2nd place Cadet Girls-1st place Overall Girls-2nd place (only 3 points behind perennial powerhouse St. Andrew) Please consider joining our St. Eleanor's CYO Spring Track and Cross-Country team next year! Month of the Holy Souls We all have loved ones who have died and who we remember in a special way this month. This is a good time to commit to more regular prayer for all our loved ones. Check out the CDs/books/booklets in our Resource displays to help you grow in your prayer life! Thank you for your generous donations that help to support the mission of Stewardship: A Mission of Faith and Lighthouse Catholic Media to bring these resources to more parishes. 7 Who: Mid-Atlantic Knights of The Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul conducts an evangelization ministry with Cathedral Ambassadors. This enthusiastic group of trained Ambassadors staffs the Basilica every day of the week and is comprised of volunteer parishioners from all over the Archdiocese. They answer questions, offer assistance and give tours. Cathedral Ambassadors provide a personal presence in the Basilica, they put a face on the Church. Cathedral Ambassadors are assigned 4 hour shifts. The schedule is flexible - one day or more a month. They are provided training and materials to support their evangelization ministry. Learn more about our Cathedral Basilica at For more information on the Ambassador Program and/or to become an Ambassador, please contact Nick or Louise Pascale, coordinators of the Program at the Immaculate What: Men’s Weekend Retreat When: November 21-23, 2014; Friday 6 p.m. to Sunday Noon. Where: Malvern Retreat House, Malvern, Pa. 19355 Why: To help you be the best husband and father you can be! Cost: $235 suggested offering. 50% off for first time Malvern retreatants. Best-selling author and inspiring speaker, Father Michael Gaitley, will lead the Knights of the Immaculate on their annual retreat. Over 300 men are expected to come from all over the East Coast and Midwest to learn how they, their fmailies and their workplaces can be transformed. And as Fr. Michael says: “The surest way to do that is to consecrate yourself to the Mother of Divine Mercy.” They would be honored to have you among the group. They promise it will be lifetransforming. Talking With the Dead The difference between asking for the intercession of saints and conjuring up the dead. Please join us for a presentation by Susan Brinkmann, OCDS Author and Journalist November 12, 7PM The Month of the Holy Souls St. Anthony Parish - Friendship Hall Volunteer drivers needed to pick up donated food from local grocery stores. For more information, please call Catholic Social Services, 353 E. Johnson Hwy., Norristown, PA – 610-279-7372 and ask for Elizabeth Peteraf. Food Cupboard at Catholic Social Services, 353 E. Johnson Hwy. Norristown, PA is in need of volunteers. Hours of Food Cupboard: Monday and Thursday morning 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m., and Thursday evening from 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. If you are available to help at any of those times, please contact Elizabeth Peteraf at 610-279-7372. 257 Forest Avenue, Ambler PA 19002 215-646-4742 ROMAN CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL The Nation’s First Diocesan High School will proudly celebrate its 125th Anniversary at the RCHS Annual Communion Breakfast Sunday, November 16, 2014 at 9:30am Cathedral Basilica, SS. Peter & Paul The Homecoming Social will follow at 1pm Register online at Breakfast2014 or by calling RCHS at 215-627-5487 Advent Retreat Day for Women IHM Spirituality Center 1140 King Rd, Immaculata, PA 19345 “Discovering the Shape of Your Emptiness: Encountering Christ Within” with Presenter: Jeannine Peters Dec. 10, 2014 9:30am – 3pm For more information and/or registration, contact Sister Barbara Cook at 610-6474136: or visit website: 0010 8 PRAYER TO SAINT MICHAEL Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly hosts, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan, and all the evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen. The above prayer is well-known to most Catholics of a certain age. It was for a long time recited at the end of Holy Mass. It is a powerful prayer for protection and help. Given the circumstances of our world and country, it is printed here to help each of us once again in these difficult times. Try to say it daily! Discernment Retreat November 14 to 16 Friday 6PM - Sunday 1PM Villa Maria House of Studies Young women (18-35) are invited to join us for this retreat which focuses on the IHM Charism and the importance of listening to God's call and discovering the many ways that God speaks to us. Time will be included for personal and communal prayer as well as the opportunity to interact with the Sisters in Formation (Contact: or 610-889-1553). A Special Event for Catholic Families Living Bridges, a Catholic lay ministry in their 37th year, is sponsoring a great event later this year. Mary: Masterpiece of Mercy, Sun. Dec. 7 – 12:30 pm-6:30 pm A day for families to honor Mary. Team includes: Fr. Louis Marie Leonelli, CFR, Fr. Christopher Rogers, Fr. Stephen DeLacy, Fr. William Gaffney, CSsR, Marty Rotella, Bob & Anna Iatesta. This event will be held at Malvern Retreat House. The day includes talks, Mass, Confession, activities and spaghetti dinner. For more information and registration – contact: Living Bridges, 610-525-4770, Fax 610-525-4749, Saint John's Hospice Needs Your Volunteer Support Saint John's Hospice has extended its evening meal program for an additional three months. The evening meal program will continue to provide two dinners each week, on Friday and Monday evenings, until January 9, 2015. These meals will be in addition to the current noon lunchtime program. Volunteers are needed for these evening meals. Volunteer shifts will be from 3:30-5:30p.m. on Mondays and Fridays. For more information on how you can help, contact Kris Jaeger, Director, Community Relations at or by calling 215.563.7763. Thank you for your support. 12 STEP SPIRITUALITY Would you like to explore the spirituality of 12 steps from our Catholic Christian perspective? Come to our first 12 Step Spirituality Faith Sharing group starting Sunday, Nov 9, at 7:30 pm in the St. Norbert Parish Oratory, Paoli, PA. Sponsored by our new Gethsemani Ministry for Addictions, this group is open to all people in 12 step programs (AA, Al-Anon, Gamblers Anonymous, etc.). Meets the second Sunday of the month. Contact Deborah m. at 610.644.1823. St. Joseph’s Preparatory School invites interested 8th Grade boys to sit for the Scholarship/ Entrance Exam on Saturday, November 15, or Sunday, November 16, 2014 at 8:30 AM. Students must be applicants and are registered automatically upon completing an application. Academic scholarships and financial aid grants will be awarded to eligible students. The Neumann - Goretti Family’s Millay Club’s 77th Annual Alumni Meeting and Rev. George Feider, O. Praem Memorial Communion Breakfast to be held at Ss. John Neumann and Maria Goretti High School, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 2014. Mass 9:00 am and breakfast 10:15 am. For information and tickets, call 215.389.0925 or email Tweeted by Pope Francis on October 25: Jesus’ Cross shows the full force of evil, but also the full power of God’s mercy. 0010 9 Phoenixville 610-933-0660 Bentz Dental Implant & Prosthodontic Center Dr. Robert Bentz, DMD, FACP 2012 People’s Choice Award Recipient & LB Parishioner Preferred Rates For Good Drivers • Home - Auto Discounts INSURANCE AND FINANCIAL SERVICES Travelers Property Casualty A member of citigroup Call For A Fast Free Phone Quote 610-454-0861 AUTO • HOMEOWNERS HEALTH • MOTORCYCLE LIFE • MUTUAL • IRA Collegeville Securities offered through Horner Townsend & Kent Inc, 600 Dresher Rd., Horsham, PA 19044 • 215-957-7300 2014 Miraculous Medal Solemn Novena & Feast Day Mass Monday, Nov. 17th to Tuesday, Nov. 25th Miraculous Medal Shrine Feast Day Mass November 26th Many services each of the 9 days of prayer Check for times 500 E. Chelten Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19144-5785 (215) 848-1010 John Di Rosato • Plumbing & Heating Co., Inc. Residential Commercial Industrial Hot Water & Steam Heating • Water Heaters • Bathrooms (610) 277-2140 2130 Carol Lane Cooley-Bentz Dental Associates, P.C. Got Gutter Leaks? Call The EXPERT GUTTER EXPERT 610-409-8663 Dr. Sara Cooley-Bentz, DMD, FAGD 2601 01 1 DeKa DeKalb eK lb Pike • East Eastt Norriton, n, PA A 19401 1 401 • 610-272-6949 19 610 272 2 6949 49 SPRING FORD COUNTRY CLUB We Welcome W Welco l ome A All l N ll Non-Member on n Mem ember Catere Catered redd Events ts MEMBERSHIPS AVAILABLE 610-948-0580 Paul & Jennifer Holloman, Parishioners DIOCESE MEMBER MIR Electronic Tune-Up General Repairs • Towing 1851 Ridge Pike • Royersford, PA 19468 State Inspection Emission Inspection (610) 489-6888 Physical Therapy St. Philip Neri Catholic Family Life Center RICH STILES STILES,, PT Lederach 215.679.2237 Serving St. Eleanor Parishioners since 1991 215-256-1991 An Exciting and Dynamic place for all Catholics in the Region 26 East Sixth Street, East Greenville, PA 18041 For all activities, programs and events please visit: HOST AN INT'L HS STUDENT $69 Air Conditioning Tune-Up 215-880-8088 1718 West Main St., Trappe 489-4220 Visitation BVM Parishioner New World Academic & Cultural Exchange Interior/Exterior Carpentry: Crown Molding & Trimwork Over 12 acres of nursery products AUTO • HOME • BUSINESS LIFE AND HEALTH 212 W. Main Street Trappe, PA 19426 Power Washing (610) 489-9442 Deck Staining 484-614-1177 ~ PARISHIONER ~ Piano Lessons IN YOUR HOME Waterproofing Mold Remediation Structural Repairs 15% OFF Your Gutter Solution Specialist We Clean & Repair, Install Seamless & Specialty Gutter, Gutter Leaf Protection, and More Free Estimates & Fully Insured 1.888.799.3056 TAG & NOTARY SERVICES AVAILABLE! Call Jerry: 610-310-1937 Email: Robert J. Talamo, M.D. ~ Parishioner Always accepting new patients from St. Eleanor’s 610-831-2280 PLUMBING, HEATING, DRAIN CLEANING & AIR CONDITIONING SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT FREE ESTIMATES Ph: (215) 728-1482 Fax: (215) 742-7098 8675 Torresdale Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19136 WWW.BILLFRUSCO.COM Leaf Removal Fall Cleanup FREE INSPECTION Licensed & Insured (610) 564-2869 DELPHI FAMILY HEALTH CENTER Dennis A. DeBias, M.D., Parishioner Board Certified in Family Practice We Offer Garden Design Think Spring! What is 7% of 250 ? 99 + 99 + 99 = ? Is zillion a number ? For All Your Health Care Needs 1000 Gravel Pike (Rte. 29), Schwenksville Tags & Notary Talamo Family Practice Group 555 2nd Ave., Ste. 201, Collegeville Children or Adults Beginner or Intermediate Musically Challenged Adults Private, Semi-Private, Groups Upper/Lower Providence TWP, Collegeville Collegeville Trappe 610-287-6650 Color Lock® technology matters. Exceptional resistance to fading and scrubbing makes our paint extraordinarily irresistible. visit We Make Math Make Sence Mathnasium of Collegeville • Redner's Shpg. Ctr. • • 484-973-6889 Convert your tub to a WALK IN Tub! Collegeville Home Paint & Decorating 468 E Main Street • Collegville, PA 19426 610-489-2060 15% OFF Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning $75 OFF Tile & Grout Cleaning (200 sq ft min) 20% OFF 25% OFF Air Duct & Dryer Vent Cleaning CLEANING SOLUTION INC. Carpet Stretching & Repair ✔ Air Duct Cleaning (helps w/ allergies & sinus issues) Licensed ✔ Carpet Cleaning, Stretching & Repair & ✔ Tile & Grout Cleaning - Kitchen, Bath & Shower Re-caulking, Insured Re-grouting, Sealing, Tile Replace & Repair ✔ Dryer Vent Cleaning (major fire hazard!) ✔ Power Washing for Decks, Walkways, Patio & Siding SENIOR CITIZEN CHURCH MEMBER DISCOUNT DISCOUNT 1.866.264.8444 010 St. Eleanor - Collegeville (3) Rt. Cr. 3800 Ridge Pk., Collegeville, PA 19426 CLASS A REALTY CORP COMMERCIAL • RESIDENTIAL • PROPERTY MGMT. O: 610-489-3750 • F: 610-489-3684 Email: Emergency: 610-220-9658 GUTTER CLEANING 610-776-2000 GUTTER DOCTO RX Licensed & Insured PA 050067 In just 1 Day ready to use the next. Don't risk slips & Falls! 866-972-0113 John Patrick Publishing Company 1-800-333-3166 • NATALE & ONUFER HOME REMODELING, INC. ROOFING•SIDING•BATHS•BASEMENTS REPLACEMENT WINDOWS•KITCHENS ADDITIONS•SEAMLESS GUTTERS 610-454-1177 From birth throughout life. Supporting & Serving People with Special Needs John E. Onufer, St. Clare’s Parishioner Leaders in Speech & Hearing Care for Children & Adults EIGHTH GRADE SCHOLARSHIP AND ENTRANCE EXAM Saturday, December 6, 2014 STAIRLIFTS Sales • Rentals • Service New - Refurbished Please visit our website at for information on scholarships, financial aid, and transportation. 215.695.4218 Servicing Bucks, Montgomery and Philadelphia counties FREE HOME EVALUATIONS Serving PA, NJ & DE 610-696-0100 Diocese member owned & operated SPECIALIZING IN BASEMENT WATERPROOFING & MOLD REMEDIATION SINCE 1984 Bond, Pezzano & Etze, PC Route 29, Collegeville Free Consultations Available Joseph Pezzano, Parishioner 610-409-0366 CARDIOLOGY CONSULTANTS OF PHILADELPHIA Collegeville 610.489.6032 Gilbertsville 484.945.0336 For All Your Swimming Pool and Spa Needs Getting Married? 631-1950 50% WITH BULLETIN 215.587.5650 323-1950 101 North Park Ave. (Rt. 363 N) Lower Providence Twsp. 610-539-8010 Timothy J. Meyers, FD James T. Meyers, Supervisor Stanley A. Szpindor, FD Eric Hans D.M.D Dentistry for CHILDREN AT THE HEART OF CHARITY IS Providence Town Center ® COLLEGEVILLE 610-831-1100 COME IN FOR OUR GREAT DEALS BUY ONE GET ONE FREE! 30% OFF ONE PAIR! GET HALF OFF Funeral Home, P.C. Rt. 724 & 422 Pottstown, PA The Catholic Foundation of Greater Philadelphia is your single source for charitable giving by supporting what you care about most. 260 Mall Blvd, King of Prussia, PA 19406 Located at the Court at Upper Providence SAVE Szpindor-Meyers Szpi ndor-Meyers Inground & Above Pools Spas • Pool Tables • Supplies 3246 Ridge Pk. Eagleville, PA Call us at 610-908-6041 for Receptons, Rehearsal Dinners and Guest Rooms JOHN P. FOORE, DDS GEETHA SRINIVASAN, DMD Robert Belasco, M.D., F.A.C.C. 610-489-9005 Arthur D. Belber, M.D., F.A.C.C. Cosmetic & Preventative Dentistry • Orthodontics Edward R. Buonocore, M.D., F.A.C.C. 16 East First Avenue, Trappe, PA 19426 Paul R. Casey, Jr., M.D., F.A.C.C. Howard Cobert, M.D. Scott Fredd, M.D., F.A.C.C. Philip R. Goldstein, M.D., F.A.C.C., F.S.C.A.I. Albert E. Janke, III, D.O., F.A.C.O.I. Hugh Lipshutz, M.D., F.A.C.C. Edward R. Magargee, M.D., F.A.C.C. Richard J. Mercier, M.D., F.A.C.C. Colin Movsowitz, M.D., F.A.C.C. Chakram S. Nalini, M.D., F.A.C.C. Vincent J. Quinn, M.D., F.A.C.C. RYAN NYCE, Sales Associate Gary R. Schwartz, M.D., F.A.C.C. 610-764-6178 • Harinder Sharma, M.D., F.A.C.C. 215-542-7700 office Steve A. Vaganos, M.D., F.A.C.C. 598 Skippack Pk., Blue Bell 25% OFF Signature Series 100 Market St., Ste. 400, Collegeville, PA 19426 Holy Cross Teacher (610) 831-0300 • Fax (610) 831-1334 610-955-8137(NTBC) Orthodontist David McSurdy, DMD Sarah Pavlow, DMD Follow us on: DRAINAGE SYSTEMS • PUMPS • COATINGS FOUNDATION REPAIR • OUTSIDE WATER MANAGEMENT EMERGENCY SERVICE • FREE INSPECTIONS LICENSED & INSURED Check out our reviews on: Certified Public Accountants Corporate and Individual Services PEARLE VISION 610-287-6002 OPEN HOUSE Sunday, November 9, 2014 555 Second Avenue - Suite D-204 Collegeville, PA 19426 610-265-4700 • FREE ESTIMATES • FULLY INSURED ALL PHASES OF REMODELING ON AN EXAM WITH THIS Plumbing • Heating • Cooling Anthony Tosco Cell 610.304.9160 Taking Care of All Your Plumbing, Heating, and Cooling Needs 515 W. Main Street (610) 409-1940 Trappe Pa 19426 Fax (610) 409-1941 AUSTIN BEVERAGE INC. 3905 Ridge Pike & Crosskeys Road Collegeville COUPON! 489-9432 WITH THE PURCHASE OF A COMPLETE PAIR OF GLASSES OR A YEAR’S SUPPLY OF CONTACTS Brian J. Broker, MD ENT And Allergy Specialists Laurence V. Cramer, DO Ear Nose and Throat / Allergy Paul B. Swanson, MD Facial Plastic Surgery • Head & Neck Surgery Carol F. Actor, MD Hearing Aids • Adult & Pediatric Stephen J. Tai, MD Board Certified Vivek V. Gurudutt, MD Lisa H. Black, PA-C 5 Locations To Serve You: ENT/ALLERGY Phoenixville, Pottstown, Sue E. Perez, PA-C Bryn Mawr, Roxborough Rachael R. McQuillan, CRNP & East Norriton Heather T. Kern, PA-C Gail A. Mickalonis, CRNP Call: 610-415-1100 610-323-0460 IN-HOME CARE FOR LOCAL SENIORS 010 St. Eleanor - Collegeville (i) Rt. Cr. Franco’s Pizzera 610-409-0780 • 3815 Ridge Pike, Collegeville, PA Catering for Any Occasion • Hoagies & Wrap Trays • Pizza Stromboli’s • Pasta Dinners • Meatballs & Sausage Cheesesteaks & Pork Sandwiches WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE A CAREGIVER? Part-time/Flexible Hours/Competitive Pay 610-323-0459 J Moser & Son Inc. Residential Painting 484-973-6584 Finished Carpentry • Drywall Repair Wallpaper Removal • Joe Moser LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE Lawn Cutting • Mulching • Clean-Up Tree Work • Landscaping Dan Stiefel 610-631-0687 John Patrick Publishing Company 1-800-333-3166 • Holcombe Funeral Home, Inc. Celebrating Our 32nd Year Anniversary R I C H A R D A . H O LCO M B E , F U N E R A L D I R E C TO R - S U P E R V I S O R 610.489.6225 VOICE: 610/489-7266 FAX:610/489-2300 T R A P P E , PA • I N F O @ H O LC O M B E F H Pre-planning for all ser vices FFamily amily miily Res Restaurant Restaura ur nt OR MORE ze in $5.00 OFF $40 Exp. 10/31/14 We speciali s, e h is D sta Sauteed Pa OFF $25 OR MORE & Chicken $3.00 p m ri With Coupon. May not be h S Veal, K EENAN , C ICCITTO & A SSOCIATES ATTORNEYS AT LAW 376 E. Main Street Collegeville (610) 489-6170 Pick up our New Catering Menu Expertise in Credit Repair... Dentistry For Children FALL CLEANUPS LEAF & DEBRIS REMOVAL RAIN GUTTER CLEANING Allan Pyke, D.D.S. Joe’s Landscaping Infants, Children, Adolescents & Handicapped Toothprints • Child I.D. 610-489-0442 610-299-3999 Free Estimates 592 Schuylkill Rd. - Rt. 724, Phoenixville 610-323-1004 610-917-9470 PA I N T I N G Driveways and Parking Lots Seal Coating and Stone Delivery Concrete Sidewalks and Patios Back Hoe & Dump Truck Rentals COMMUNION DRESSES AND SUITS RELIGIOUS GIFTS AND BOOKS 1590 Medical Dr., Suite C, Pottstown 610-489-0986 Wrubleski Bros. NATE Certied • Fully Insured DEPHILLIPPO PAVING Angels of Our Lady Office Hours: Mon to Thurs 7:30am to 4:30pm Exp. 10/31/14 610-754-6073 “Service You Can Depend On” Air Conditioning • Gas Heat • Heat Pump Specialist $49/Month $4 9/Month 610.489.6060 060 combined with any other offers. FRANCIS J. MASCARO HVAC Debt and Credit Issues? ues? Collegeville Shopping Ctr. INTERIOR - EXTERIOR Melinda Bastable R E A LTO R POWERWASHING Mark 610-564-4248 Darren 267-421-3993 610-489-4744 FULLY INSURED LOCAL DIOCESE MEMBERS See me for all your insurance needs: M a r k B e a u d o i n , Parishioner 202 Bridge Street • Phoenixville 610/933-6320 STATE FARM INSURANCE COMPANIES 484-557-6045 • O: 610-489-5900 C: • HOME OFFICES: BLOOMINGTON, ILLINOIS Each ofce Independently owned and operated East Norriton Women’s Healthcare Joann Sansone, DO • Dominick Giuffrida, DO Obstetrics: Individualized Pre-natal Care & Delivery • Gynecology: Specializing in Robotic Surgery Grace Adofo, MD • Jeffrey Blatt, MD Accepting new patients and offering evening and weekend appointment hours Margaret Toth, CRNP • Katherine Schneider, CRNP For all women’s healthcare needs, please call 610-239-8970 for an appointment Francesca Kotey, CNM 325 W. Germantown Pk., Ste. 300, East Norriton, PA 19403 Dan & Kathy Ayres Parishioners Ayres Insurance Agency Auto • Home • Life 610-992-1690 PLUMBING PUMPS WATER SOFTERNERS BUILDERS INC FUNERAL HOME & 610-287-1595 Custom Homes • Additions • Renovations Garages • Basements Decks • Kitchens TOM MAGUIRE INT./EXT. PAINTING ~ Parishioner Discount ~ 852 Limerick Rd. 287-7831 Schwenksville 610-584-4402 Oil to Gas Conversions All Heating & A/C Types Water Heaters No Job Too Small Sales • Installation • Service 30 Years Exp. Tim Grim Renovations Home (610) 222-3824 Joseph Corropolese Bakery & Deli 610-495-8332 29 Kugler Rd. (Foxridge Shopping Center) Cell Limerick, PA 19468 (610) 504-4800 Fully Insured M-F 7am-7pm; Sat. 8am-6pm; Sun 8am-4pm TG 610-220-3566 • Quality Work • 15 Years Experience • Registered and Insured • Reasonable Prices • Free Estimates • No Job Too Small 440 Repair, Remodel, Restore & More Heather Hovorka Wanner ® Associate Broker, REALTOR BETH BRESLOW Ind. Beauty Consultant 215-272-5217 (Parishioner) 484-653-5800 PA018147 215-659-5239 The Quality, Reliability & Experience You Expect Christopher J. Bruder Investment Executive DEFER TAXES Margo McDonnell, Holy Cross Parent 610-792-4880 LLEGEVILLE COHANDYMAN SERVICES Michael R. Herot, Owner Collegeville, PA HOME REPAIR SPECIALIST Affordable Prices Quality Results Fully Insured Free Estimates 610-547-8853 COLLEGEVILLEHANDYMANSERVICES@YAHOO.COM I Love What I Do...and You Will Too! G Selling investment property? Call Today for Complimentary Review BASEMENT WATERPROOFING • MOLD REMOVAL • FOUNDATION REPAIR Pediatric Dentistry Where children’s smiles are the sweetest! ALLISON BETH ROSE, D.M.D. Pediatric & Adolescent Dentistry 555 Second Avenue, E-202 Collegeville, PA 19426-3600 610.409.2599 ROOFING • SIDING • GUTTERS Custody, Support and Divorce Matters 610-389-4952 610.489.8193 BI G CANNON General Practitioner 3940 Ridge Pike, Collegeville Each office is independently owned and operated Gregg S. Catagnus, FD • Jason Pozar, Supv. Also Serving Pottstown 610-323-4440 • Boyertown 610-367-4440 The Law Ofces of Leah N Westerman, LLC Fleet Services • All Major Car Repair O: 610-584-1160 • C: 610-888-9596 Cremation Center, Ltd. “Caring and Compassionate Service” Serving Your Parish 329 N. Lewis Road, Royersford • 610-948-1950 491 Allendale Road, Suite 306 King of Prussia, PA 19406-1432 610.265.4142 010 St. Eleanor - Collegeville, PA (b) Rt. Cr. $5.00 OFF for 1st Time Customers 1850 S. COLLEGEVILLE RD RT 29 COLLEGEVILLE 484-973-6397 MOTORIZED RETRACTABLE FABRIC AWNINGS 484-410-4110 BURNS CONSTRUCTION Masonry & Home Remodeling Areas of Excellence Brick • Concrete Stairs & Walks Chimney Repairs • Stucco & Siding Patio Installation • Stone Renovations 610.306.1901 E-mail: CALL Jack Caparro Today! 610-416-0604 Norristown, PA PATIO CANOPIES, MOTORIZED RETRACTABLE AWNINGS & SOLAR SHADES Riverside Monuments 200 S. Montgomery Ave., Norristown 610-539-1073 $125 OFF New Monument John Patrick Publishing Company 1-800-333-3166 •
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