November 2014 St. Peter’s Lutheran Church, Lexington SC The “News for St. Peter’s family and friends” Dear Members and Friends of the St. Peter’s compared to the reason the psalms offer for Family: thanksgiving. The psalm writers insist that we offer thanks to the Lord, not for things Several times in the Psalms we find these and pleasures and conveniences, but words printed above. In the first verse of because the Lord is good—the Lord is good Psalm 106, 107 and 118 we read: “O give to us and His love for us never fails. WE thanks to the Lord, for he is good; for his should daily tell the Lord how thankful we steadfast love endures forever!” This is our are because He is always so kind and primary reason for thanks-giving: the Lord merciful to us. He is always with us— is good and his steadfast love is everlasting. always loving us—always giving us what we need, the least of which is not the gifts of In just a few short week we’ll observe forgiveness, grace, and eternal life. Thanksgiving Day here in our country. It’s a time when we feel obligated to list some of So, indeed, this Thanksgiving Day and every the things we’re thankful for—home, family, day let us truly “give thanks unto the Lord, a good job, plenty to eat, lots of clothes to for he is good; for his steadfast love endures wear, a nice car or two, sports and forever.” entertainment., friends, vacations, some money in the bank, air conditioning in the In joyful partnership with you in Christ’s summer—and the list goes on and on. The service, list is long because we, in this land, in this community, have so much for which to be thankful. We have received more blessings than the majority of the people in this world Pastor Leon A. Rawl in terms of material things, opportunities, safety and peace. As is always the case, we will truly have much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving Day. But as grateful as we are for all those things—and we are grateful—they pale 1 Daylight Savings Time Ends November 2. Don’t forget to set your clocks BACK one hour before going to bed on Saturday night. Confirmation Classes for grades 7 and 8 meet, Saturday, November 8 at 9:00 AM. Buster’s Bible Study, a young adult Bible Study for married and singles at 6:00 PM on Sunday, November 16. Offering Envelopes— If you do not currently have offering envelopes and would like a box for 2015 or if you would like to have offering envelopes for your children in 2015 please email Amber at or call the church office by November 15. Thanksgiving at St. Peter’s —Come and join us for fellowship and worship on Thanksgiving Eve, November 26, at St. Peter’s. We will have a chicken stew dinner at 6:30 PM in the Parish Life Center, and then move to the Sanctuary at 7:30 PM for worship as we remember the real reason for the Thanksgiving holiday. Our offering will consist of a food offering and a money offering for LICS and/or World Hunger. We will bring forward our food and money offerings at the appropriate time during the service. Sympathy— We express sincere Christian sympathy to: Evelyn Bickley at the death of her sister, Charlene Skaggs, on September 19 Bill McGready at the death of his father, Jim McGready, on September 21 Barbara Leaphart at the death of her husband, Marvin Leaphart, on September 28. The family of Tyler Wessel Barry Powell at the death of his father, Claude Powell. 2015 M a r r iag e Ret reat Registration Forms are now available on the table at the PLC entrance. Registrations are due by November 16. Lock Team Members Needed — We need some additional people to serve on our Lock Team. Lock Team members open and close the facility on Sunday mornings and for all other events. For more information or to offer to serve, contact Paul Arnold at 3597632. Newberry College Jazz Band will play at St. Peter’s on Sunday, November 9. The Jazz Band is now under the director of Dr. Jerry Gatch who many of you know from his years at Lexington High School. Dinner, sponsored by Lutheran Men, will be served at 6:00 PM and the band will play at 7:00 PM. Invite your family and friends. 2015 Singles Retreat The Health Fair is scheduled for Tuesday, January 6, 2015 from 7:30 to 10:30 AM. 2 will be held January 28-31, 2015 (Wednesday– Saturday). Registration forms are now available on the table at the entrance of the PLC. A Thank You From The Property Committee— We extend a very special and huge “THANK-YOU” to Melanie Webb for repainting and refurbishing our manger scene for the front lawn of the church. Update From Our Missionary Matthew Riak— In an October 6 email Matthew writes that the St. Luke’s Theological College in Bor, South Sudan will not open until January 2015. He is currently opening another St. Luke’s Theological College in Nimule, South Sudan near the border of Uganda some 30 kilometers from the refugee camp. He also continues to do some leadership training and other ministry at the refuge camp in Adjumani, Uganda. Our Annual Congregational Meeting is Sunday, November 9 at 9:30 AM in the Sanctuary. Mark your calendar and plan to attend. We will elect Council members and an Endowment Board member, adopt a budget for 2015, ratify the constitution we adopted at last year’s congregational meeting, vote on an amendment to our constitution, vote on an item from the NALC concerning the date of the annual convocation, and consider calling a part-time associate pastor. See the back of this newsletter for full details Unable to Come to Worship due to physical or other problems? If so, Pastor Rawl will gladly visit you in your home and bring you the Sacrament of Holy Communion. Just call the church office at 359-2470 to request a visit. It’s time to order your poinsettias! We must have your order by Sunday, November 9. No poinsettia orders will be accepted after that day. Plants are $12.00 each and will have 4-6 blooms, foil wrapping and a bow. You may take your plant home after the 10:00 PM service on Christmas Eve. Rather than giving a poinsettia, you may choose to give a special gift in the same amount as a poinsettia (or more) to Relay for Life. Envelopes are available on the table in the entrance of the Parish Life Center and the church office. The Service Committee will be providing the “Gifts of Love and Thanksgiving” program again this year. Many have enjoyed donating to a charity in honor of a loved one or friend. A committee member will send a Christmas card telling the honoree of the gift given in their name. We will begin taking orders the first week of December and go through Sunday, December 21. Look for the list of charities in the December Newsletter. Mission Market Garage Sale— It is time to de-clutter and clean out those items you to longer are using or don’t have room for in your house. You may bring items to the church and put them in the room at the back of the Old Fellowship Hall; or if you prefer, you may bring them to the church on Friday, November 14, after 5:00 PM. The Mission Market is Saturday, November 15. Please make sure clothing is clean and gently worn. St. Peter’s is now on Facebook! Please check us out at and “like” our page. 3 The Church Office will be Closed on November 27-28 for the Thanksgiving holiday. All Saints Sunday is November 2— In the Prayer of the church on All Saints’ Sunday, we will remember those who have died this past year and are now members of the Church Triumphant. All names must be submitted to the church office by Sunday, October 26. Please include only names of loved ones or friends who have died since the last All Saints’ Sunday, November 3, 2013. Complete the form below and drop it in the offering plate or email the church office at no later than October 26. Please remember the following in the prayers: (PLEASE PRINT) ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ST. PETER’S LUTHERAN CHURCH CALLED CONGREGATIONAL COUNCIL HIGHLIGHTS October 19, 2014 Jenny Stone, Council Secretary A called meeting of the Congregational Council was held October 19, 2014 in the office building conference room at 4:00pm. Larry James, Vice President of the Council presided. All council members were in attendance. Larry informed the council that he had met with Pastor Rawl on Monday morning; October 13th after Pastor Rawl announced his retirement at the council meeting on Sunday evening, October 12th. Larry then followed up with calls to the Assistant to the Bishop for Ministry and Ecumenism for the NALC, The Rev. Dr. David Wendel and the Dean of the Carolinas Mission District, The Rev. Carl M. Haynes. The purpose of the council meeting was distributing and reviewing the Call Process Manual as outlined by the NALC. The council unanimously decided to wait until after the Annual Congregational Meeting in November to assemble a Call Committee that will work with aforementioned NALC leaders. The Rev. Dr. David Wendel gave Larry the name of a possible interim pastor to contact with council approval. ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Submitted by ___________________________________ 4 Dear St. Peter’s Lutheran Church congregation and staff, Thank you for your generous donation of school supplies. We appreciate your continued support. Thank you for all you do for our students here at Saxe Gotha Elementary. Sincerely, Elizabeth Houck Dear Friends, Thank you so much for your recent gift to Lutheran World Relief in support of our work to address the root causes of hunger. For millions of people around the world, hunger is a daily reality. For some it’s because of drought. For others, it’s because poverty has simply stunted every aspect of their lives. And for others still, natural disaster has uprooted their livelihoods, leaving little behind to feed and support families. In Peru, your gift is combating hunger in rural communities by helping them revive traditional potato crops. A combination of poverty and conflict caused farmers to migrate and stop growing these important sources of income and nutrition. With your help, we are training farmers to grow potatoes once again, giving their families a chance for a better future. Dear Friends, Thank you so much for your gift of $786.27 for your South Carolina Lutheran Retreat Centers. Your gift to the annual fund provides the greatest flexibility for the support of our ministry. With your gift, we can meet our day to day costs while we plan for the future. Thank you again for your thoughtful support of South Carolina Lutheran Retreat Centers. With your gift, you help provide places of hospitality where people can grow in faith and experience the glory of God’s creation. Blessings, Dallas J. Shealy, AIM Executive Director Dear Christian Friends, Thank you so much for your generous doantion to our church. We are continuing on our path and have welcomed a new Pastor. Glory be to God! Your thoughtfulness is greatly appreciated. Your Friends of New Hope Lutheran Church I’d love to show you more about how your gift is changing lives. To learn more about our work in Peru– and to meet Daisy, a girl whose family has been touched by your generosity– visit On behalf of LWR, our network of partners and those we serve through your generosity , thank you for your gift and all that it will do. God bless you! Warm Regards, Daniel Speckhard President and CEO 5 STEWARDSHIP THOUGHTS John answered, “A person cannot receive even one thing unless it is given him from heaven. John 3:27 (ESV) On whom do you depend? Every day we depend on people to help us through life. We depend on our family, our friends, and our church. We also depend on our elected officials to represent our interests, our law enforcement officials to keep us safe, the heating repairman to keep us warm, and even the garbage man to pick up our trash. Whether we like it or not, we depend on others. But sometimes it happens that those on whom we depend can no longer be there for us in the way that they have always been. When a loved one passes away, a marriage dissolves, or a friendship grows apart, we can be left feeling sad, fearful, disappointed, and very alone. But we are never alone! God is always by our side, continually leading us, guiding us, and directing our paths. He supplies everything we need, and we can be certain that He will always surround us with the people we need. Yes, this life is filled with loss and change. The people on whom we depend will come and go, but God remains the same - always good, always gracious, and always with us. Written by Vicar Paulette McHugh On behalf of the Stewardship & Finance Committee Good N.E.W.S. Ministry A New Committee for Our Church (News Events Worth Sharing) A new committee was formed in July of this year called the Good N.E.W.S committee. The acronym stands for News Events Worth Sharing. The purpose of this new committee is two-fold. First, as self-evident from the name of the committee, we will attempt to communicate, publicize and enhance participation in all events that occur during the year at St Peter’s. These communications will remain a major responsibility of each committee that produces the events, but the Good N.E.W.S committee will assist in the communications to increase participation. One of the core values of the NALC is to be Mission-Driven; in essence to make disciples for Christ. Therefore the second purpose of the Good N.E.W.S committee will fall in line to implement this core value in our congregation. We will not do it by ourselves, but with the help of each member. Our vision is that each member will discover the need to serve and participate in all aspects of ministry to build up the body of Christ at St Peter’s. Our ultimate goal is to renew, re-energize and revive our members to discover God’s directions in our lives so that we may be useful servants to Him! We hope to do this by inspiring, equipping and empowering each of us for service and ministry in a way that puts the gifts and passions of our members to use to really make a difference in God’s world. The Good N.E.W.S committee’s effectiveness in its communications will take many forms and hopefully will be evident in the next year as we continue to lift up St Peter’s vision statement which states: “With God as our guide and His Word as our foundation, we, as members of St. Peter’s Lutheran Church, accept God’s command to become disciples and share His love with all people.” In Christ’s service committee members are Jay Freeman, Larry James, Darla Jennings, Vicar Paulette, Rachel Price (secretary), Pastor Rawl, Landis Sandel (chairman), Paul Schreiber and Buck Vaughan. 6 WE NEED YOU!! 2014 Annual Missions Market Saturday, November 15, 2014 If you have not already done so, please mark your calendars for Saturday, November 15, from 8:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. This is the date for our Annual Missions Market at St. Peter’s. We need every member of the congregation to be a part of the market in some way—provide items, donate some of your time that day, or come and purchase things for yourself or others. There will be a Country Café from 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. with Richey’s famous, freshly made corndogs, hamburgers, and catfish stew. Plan to eat lunch with us that Saturday. The Country Store will have fresh, in-season vegetables, canned goods, cutlery, flavoring, and some other special items. Our Craft Store will have all kinds of homemade items many members of our congregation are providing which will be great gifts. Remember, we always have new things each year. Fresh homemade cakes, pies, breads, cupcakes, and cinnamon rolls will be available in our Bake Shop. Then there will be at least 20+ vendors who will have some great items you have been wanting to purchase but unable to find; we have many new Vendors this year and you will not want to miss them. We will also have the Cookie Bar filled with great homemade cookies. Don’t forget our frozen Casseroles—meat, breakfast, vegetable, soup, etc. Our Garage Sale starts at 8:00, and who doesn’t like a garage sale! If you have items around your house you are tired of, items just gathering dust, or grandma’s whatever that you have no use for, please consider donating it to our garage sale. You may put items in the small room in the Old Fellowship Hall or you may bring them to the church on November 14. Photography Studio will be the perfect gift for grandparents. Look for times to sign up for those picture appointments. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15, – 8:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Parish Life Center We need your talents—If you garden, please share vegetables or fruits; if you are a carpenter, we would like to have some of your wooden items; if you are an artist, share some of your artwork; if you are a baker, we would like some of your baked from scratched goods; if you sew, share some of your beautifully hand-made items. Whatever your talent, we want You to be a part of the Missions Market. We still need volunteers to help with the garage sale on November 15 and set up on November 14. All proceeds go to outreach ministries —Relay for Life, Snack Sack Ministries, Samaritan’s Well and missionary support . Again this year, the Lexington/Saluda Thrivent Chapter is providing us with supplemental funding. This funding really helps us reach our goal of $12,000. For more information, see Sharon James, Darla Jennings, Karen Price, Susan Rawl, Clyde Sanders or Kathy Schreiber. 7 Operation Christmas Child It’s shoebox time! Operation Christmas Child brings joy and hope to children worldwide through gift-filled shoe boxes and the Good News of God’s love. Shoebox collection here at St. Peter’s will be November 1-16. We will present and bless the gifts at the 11:00 worship service on November 16. If you have not participated in this meaningful (and fun!) outreach ministry before, here’s a few questions and answers to help you get started. How do I know what to pack in the shoeboxes? Instructional brochures that explain how to pack your boxes are available in the Narthex and on the table outside of the Parish Life Center. First you choose what age and gender child, and then go shopping! Think about what your children or grandchildren would like. The brochures have great suggestions and also a list of items not to include. Why do they want a $7 donation? Samaritan’s Purse asks for $7 for each box to help cover the costs of shipping the boxes around the world. If you make your donation online, you will get a special label for your box that will have a tracking number. Samaritan’s Purse will then email you the location where your box was delivered. Do I have to use a shoebox? No. You may use a similarly sized-storage container or other box; just be sure it has a removable lid. There are also 100 red and green “ready boxes” in the PLC that you can use. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if all 100 boxes were filled and returned this year? Can I gift-wrap the box? Yes. Be sure to wrap the lid separately. It’s also helpful to put a rubber band around the box to keep it together. Can I send a photograph or letter to the child? Yes! Operation Christmas Child hears story after story of how the children who receive them love the personal connection that a photo or letter gives. If you include an address, children sometimes are able to write letters back. Be sure to share it with us if you get one! Where do I bring my box? Collection of our shoe boxes here at St. Peter’s will be November 1-16 in the PLC; look for the Christmas tree and place your gifts underneath. You can also bring them to the church office. If you have questions or need more information, please contact Jennifer Williams For more information about Operation Christmas 8 (356-6743 or Child, go to PRAYER LIST Sarah Addy (mother of Jo Wessinger) Wanda Arnold Cindy Breneman (friend of Cathy and Ray Klotz) Buddy Cashion (father of Hillarie Vaughan) Lois Curtin Wayne Curtin (son of Lois Curtin) Pattie Elkins (friend of Cindy Evans) DeeDee and Hannah Fogle (friends of Tim Pearson) Ricky Harrison (friend of Julie Porth Smith) Kathy Kimes (friend of Steve Teer) Blake Knight (friend of Emily Grace Carter) Darrell Lee (Uncle of Tim Pearce) Nancy Lee (Aunt of Tim Pearson) Pat Lee (Aunt of Time Pearson) Roland Lee (Uncle of Tim Pearson) Sharon Lee (Aunt of Tim Pearson) Dr. and Mrs. David Lyle (friends of Donna Shealy) Camille Martin (mother of Michael Guerette) Carlton Matthews Richard McMillan (father of Keith McMillan) Gladys Meetze (mother of Elizabeth Lindler) Michele Meyer Don Mills (friend of Brian and Kristina Gilbert) Bill Moore (friend of Tim Pearson) Caroline Norris (mother of Judy Nichols) Lonna Paul Dot Pearson (mother of Tim Pearson) Adelyn Peterson (friend of Julie Porth Smith) Violet Porth (at Lexington Extended Care) Bula Roof (Bonnie Long’s mother) Bill Saitta (brother –in-law of Vicki Jorgensen) John Scaturro (father of Debbie Buchman) Arthur Shealy (son of Margie Shealy) Dorothy Shealy (Trudy Moore & Linda Gable’s Mother) Gracie Ray Smith Jerry Steele (Violet Porth’s brother) Barbara Summers (mother of Susan Bailey) Wendy Taylor (daughter of Sylvia Darden) Jane Truett (mother of Chip Truett) Rick “Chief” Ward (friend of Hillarie Vaughan) Carol Waring (mother of Linda Guerette) Barbara Watson (friend of Doreen Edmondson) Retha Wessinger Joe Young (uncle of Ted Zee) Let us also remember in our daily prayers our missionaries, Pastor Matthew Riak in South Sudan and David Davis in Brazil David Ballington Heath Fulmer Andrew Henry Justin Roberts Brad Smith Courtney Weed Kyle Weed L.J. Perrier 9 SANDERS, Jim & Clyde CRAPPS, Jeffrey & LeeAnn LUNSFORD, Ken & Shawn GILBERT, Kristina & Joe PEARCE, JR, Ed & Meredith JOHNSON, Ken & Suzette MCMULLAN, Jared & AshleyAnne BALLENTINE, Chet & LeAnne CAVANAUGH, Arthur & Barbara HUGHES, Phil & Alice COOPER, Clark & Jennifer SANDEL, Landis & Reba 11/04 11/06 11/07 11/08 11/08 11/11 11/12 11/17 11/18 11/23 11/29 11/29 LINDLER, Grady CANNON, Katelyn BEARD, Tara CAVANAUGH, Arthur CUTTER, Pastor Lester HOWARD, Frank POWELL, Terri SCHNEIDER, Taylor SCHNEIDER, Tyler SOWELL, Jennifer CRAPPS, LeeAnn BALLENTINE, Grayson RIVARD, Stephen MCGREADY, Madeline BALDWIN, Bryan BALDWIN, Rick MASSEY, Kim SHEIDER, Ricky SMITH, Susan MCEWEN, Robyn BUCHMAN, Emma GILBERT, Melinda LAX, Donna 11/01 11/02 11/03 11/03 11/04 11/04 11/04 11/04 11/04 11/04 11/05 11/06 11/06 11/07 11/08 11/08 11/08 11/08 11/08 11/09 11/11 11/12 11/12 10 STONE, Reita YOUMANS, Henry SHEALY, Richard AULL, David COLVIN, Courtney FREEMAN, Rachael SCHNEIDER, Mark SMITH, Gracelynn JORGENSEN, Kai LINDNER, Stephanie SHAW, Lauren DUELL, Nathan HOWARD, Jerrod LINDLER, Tanner RILEY, John David SHEALY, Ally COOPER, Kathy JACKSON, Carla VAUGHAN, Hillarie PORTH, Bobby EARGLE, Hans WEED, Kellie HARMON, Zoie FRICK-HALL, Alice GOBBI, Kevin SPENCE, Kylie CHASSERAEU, Claudia PARSON, Connie CURTIN, Lois JORGENSEN, Vicki OSBORNE, Victoria SMITH, Bradley BAILEY Jr, George MCEWEN, Brett WHITESIDE, Nevin ELLIOTT, Zachary MANN, Jennifer 11/12 11/12 11/13 11/15 11/15 11/15 11/17 11/17 11/18 11/18 11/18 11/19 11/19 11/19 11/19 11/19 11/20 11/20 11/20 11/21 11/22 11/22 11/23 11/24 11/24 11/25 11/26 11/26 11/27 11/27 11/27 11/27 11/28 11/28 11/28 11/29 11/30 Those Serving in November Please note any areas where volunteers are needed and call the Church Office if you are available to serve in this capacity. Communion Assistants 2 16 (8:30 a.m.) LeeAnn Crapps (11:00 a.m.) Julie Porth Smith (8:30 a.m.) Todd Bedenbaugh, N/A at printing (11:00 a.m.) Ernie Chaplin, Linda Gable Lectors 2 9 16 Greeters/Popcorn Ministry 2 9 16 23 26 30 (8:30 a.m.) Jordan & Ryan Slattery (11:00 a.m.) Ed & Meredith Pearce (8:30 a.m.) Russell & Robin Rawl (11:00 a.m.) Kevin & Karen Gobbi (8:30 a.m.) Todd & Melinda Bedenbaugh (11:00 a.m.) Elizabeth Lindler (8:30 a.m.) Jean Hundley (11:00 a.m.) Russell & Robin Rawl (Thanksgiving Eve) Tommy & Jenny Stone (8:30 a.m.) LeeAnn Crapps (11:00 a.m.) Beryl Roberts Ushers (8:30 a.m.) Russell Rawl, Chairperson Miles Rawl, Chairperson Ushers (11:00 a.m.) Russell Rawl, Chairperson Miles Rawl, Chairperson Dory Arnold, Greg Webb The Usher Chairpersons are also the Lock Team members for this month. Coffee Hour Hosts 2 Educational Ministry 9 Congregational Meeting– No Coffee Time 16 Sharon James & Karen Price 23 Service Committee 30 N/A at printing Altar Flowers 2 9 16 23 26 30 Dennis & Jo Wessinger Bill & Darla Jennings Bob & Ginny Benson Alice & Philip Hughes (Thanksgiving Eve) N/A at printing Nancy Wylie 23 27 30 (8:30 a.m.) Lester Cutter (11:00 a.m.) Jennifer Williams (8:30 a.m.) N/A at printing (11:00 a.m.) Karen Price (8:30 a.m.) N/A at printing (11:00 a.m.) Elizabeth Lindler (8:30 a.m.) Karen Price (11:00 a.m.) Marvin Parson (Thanksgiving Eve-7:30 a.m.) Marvin Parson (8:30 a.m.) Sheryll Gill (11:00 a.m.) Connie Parson Acolytes 2 (8:30 a.m.) Troy Craps (11:00 a.m.) Emily Grace Carter 9 (8:30 a.m.) N/A at printing (11:00 a.m.) Grayham Carter 16 (8:30 a.m.) N/A at printing (11:00 a.m.) N/A at printing 23 (8:30 a.m.) N/A at printing (11:00 a.m.) Brandon Riley 26 (Thanksgiving Eve) N/A at printing 30 (8:30 a.m.) N/A at printing (11:00 a.m.) N/A at printing Altar Guild Barbara Weed, Beth Hardwick, Anna Harmon Offering Counters Jenny and Tommy Stone Front Porch Visitor Michael Guerette Nursery Assistants 2 (8:30 a.m.) N/A at printing (11:00 a.m.) Gina Rawl 9 (8:30 a.m.) N/A at printing (11:00 a.m.) Gina Rawl 16 (8:30 a.m.) N/A at printing (11:00 a.m.) Valerie & Addie Porth 23 (8:30 a.m.) N/A at printing (11:00 a.m.) N/A at printing 26 (Thanksgiving Eve) N/A at printing 30 (8:30 a.m.) N/A at printing (11:00 a.m.) N/A at printing 11 S.P.Y. NEWS—November 2014 St. Peter’s Youth All St. Peter’s youth and visitors are invited to attend youth events. Travis McLeod, Youth Director 803-603-3152 CLUB 345…………………....Third, Fourth and Fifth Grades November 7-9 CLUB 345 –LEAP at Lutheridge JUNIOR HIGH YOUTH………..Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Grades November 2,9,16,23,30 5:30 PM, Junior Youth Meeting November 11,18,25 7:00 PM, Prayer Breakfast at Chick-Fil-A, meet at church by 6:50 to ride bus. November 26-28 Thanksgiving Break Senior HIGH YOUTH………..Ninth thru twelfth grade November 2,9,16,23,30 7:00 PM, Senior Youth Meeting November 11,18,25 7:00 PM, Prayer Breakfast at Chick-Fil-A, meet at church by 6:50 to ride bus. November 26-28 Thanksgiving Break 12 13 2 All Saints Sunday (White) 08:30 AM-Worship/Communion 09:30 AM-Coffee/Fellowship/PLC 09:45 AM-Angel Choir 09:55 AM-Junior Choir 10:00 AM-Sunday School 11:00 AM-Worship/Communion 03:00 PM-Shealy Wedding 05:30 PM-Junior Youth 05:30 PM-Handbells 07:00 PM-Senior Youth Meeting 9 22nd Sunday after Pentecost (Green) 08:30 AM-Worship 09:30 AM-Congregational Meeting 09:45 AM-Angel Choir 09:55 AM-Junior Choir 10:00 AM-Sunday School 11:00 AM-Worship 04:30 PM-Council Meeting/CR 05:30 PM-Junior Youth 05:30 PM-Handbells 06:00 PM-Newberry Colleg Jazz Band 07:00 PM-Senior Youth Meeting 16 23rd Sunday after Pentecost (Green) 08:30 AM-Worship/Holy Communion 09:30 AM-Coffee/Fellowship/PLC 09:45 AM-Angel Choir 09:55 AM-Junior Choir 10:00 AM-Sunday School 11:00 AM-Worship/Holy Communion 05:30 PM-Junior Youth 05:30 PM-Handbells 06:00 PM-Buster's Bible Study 07:00 PM-Senior Youth Meeting 23 Christ the King (White) 08:30 AM-Worship 09:00 AM-Blood Pressure Clinic 09:30 AM-Coffee/Fellowship/PLC 09:45 AM-Angel Choir 09:55 AM-Junior Choir 10:00 AM-Sunday School 11:00 AM-Worship 12:00 PM-Blood Pressure Clinic/FH 05:30 PM-Junior Youth 05:30 PM-Handbells 07:00 PM-Senior Youth Meeting 30 1st Sunday of Advent (Blue) 08:30 AM–Worship 09:30 AM-Coffee/Fellowship/PLC 09:45 AM-Angel Choir 09:55 AM-Junior Choir 10:00 AM-Sunday School 11:00 AM-Worship 05:30 PM-Junior Youth 05:30 PM-Handbells 07:00 PM-Senior Youth Meeting Sunday 4 06:00 AM-General Election/ PLC 07:00 AM-Jr & Sr Prayer 10:00 AM-Staff Meeting/CR 06:00 PM-Service Committee/ CR 11 07:00 AM-Jr & Sr Prayer 10:00 AM-Staff Meeting/CR 03:00 PM-Dorcas Circle 07:00 PM-Worship/Music/CR 18 06:00 AM-Run Off Election 07:00 AM-Jr & Sr Prayer 10:00 AM-Staff Meeting/CR 07:00 PM-Heritage/ Celebration Cmte 07:00 PM-Lydia Circle/FH 25 07:00 AM-Jr & Sr Prayer 09:00 AM-Loving Group/FH 10:00 AM-Staff Meeting/CR 07:00 PMStewardship&Finance/CR 07:00 PM-Anna Circle/FH 10 01:30 PM-GriefShare/ CR 06:15 PM-Matins Choir 17 01:30 PM-GriefShare/ CR 06:15 PM-Matins Choir 24 01:30 PM-GriefShare/ CR 06:15 PM-Matins Choir Tuesday 3 01:30 PM-GriefShare/ CR 06:15 PM-Matins Choir 07:00 PM-Lutheran Men/FH Monday 26 10:00 AM-Bible Study/FH 06:30 PM-Dinner/PLC 07:30 PM-Thanksgiving Eve Service 27 Church Office Closed 19 20 10:00 AM-Bible Study/FH 06:00 PM-Dinner before worship 06:30 PM-Worship on Wednesday 07:30 PM-Chancel Choir 07:30 PM-Cantata Practice/FH Friday Saturday 8 08:00 AM-Habitat Build 09:00 AM-Confirmation Class 1 08:00 AM-Habitat Build 05:00 PM-Shealy wedding rehearsal 28 Church Office Closed 21 29 22 08:00 AM-Habitat Build 14 15 08:00 AM-Mission Market 08:00 AM-Proclaimer Articles Set up Due 08:00 AM-Mission Market/ PLC 08:00 AM-Habitat Build 6 7 09:00 AM-St. Peter's works @ LICS 07:00 PM-Youth Committee/FH 07:00 PM-Educational MInistry/CR Thursday 12 13 10:00 AM-Bible Study/FH 07:00 PM-Good 06:00 PM-Dinner before worship N.E.W.S. Com/CR 06:30 PM-Worship on Wednesday 07:30 PM-Chancel Choir 07:30 PM-Cantata Practice/FH 5 10:00 AM-Bible Study/FH 06:00 PM-Dinner before worship 06:30 PM-Worship on Wednesday 07:30 PM-Chancel Choir 07:30 PM-Cantata Practice/FH Wednesday 2014 14 St. Peter’s Staff Pastor Matins Choir/Instrumentalist Chancel Choir/Bell Director Children’s Choir Director Angel Choir Director Organist Youth Director Vicar Administrative Coordinator Nursery Attendant The Rev. Dr. Leon A. Rawl Craig Davis Barry Moore Ralph Rocanella Jennifer Howell Martha Hill Travis McLeod Paulette McHugh Amber Scarborough Allison Black How to contact us 1130 St. Peter’s Road Lexington SC 29072 Telephone ~ 803-359-2470 Fax ~ 803-957-3163 Email ~ Web site ~ Pastor Rawl’s cell ~ 803-238-8051
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