St. Mary’s Church 70 Church Street, West Warwick, Rhode Island 02893 The Church of Our Lady of Mount Carmel (1844) The Oldest Catholic Church in Rhode Island Reverend Douglas J. Spina, Ph.D. ~ Pastor Rev. Thomas D. O’Neill ~ Rev. Paul F. Reynolds, Pastors Emeriti Mary A. DePrete & Kenneth J. Morin, Trustees WEEKEND MASSES Saturdays: 4:00pm Sundays: 9:00am, 11:00am 5:00pm, September ~ April WEEKDAY MASSES Monday ~ Thursday 8:00am Rosary & Devotions 7:35am Wednesday, Chaplet of Divine Mercy 8:30am HOLY DAY MASSES 8:00am & 7:00pm SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturdays 3:00pm ~ 3:30pm RECTORY OFFICE Monday ~ Thursday 9:00am ~ 1:00pm Telephone (401) 821-5555 Fax (401) 615-0304 Email: Website: RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE Reverend Douglas J. Spina, Ph.D. Director of Religious Education (401) 821-5555 ~ Grades 1-4 ~ Sunday 9:45 ~ 10:45am Grades 5 ~ Confirmation II Sunday 6:00 ~ 7:00pm SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Last Sunday of the month by appointment only CEMETERY OFFICE Clerk: Diane M. Tellier (401) 822-1006 SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Please contact Rectory one year in advance ST. MARY’S OUTREACH Sheila E. Hunt (401) 885-1370 SACRAMENT OF THE SICK Please contact Rectory PARISH NEWS DEADLINE Copy Deadline: Monday 12 noon Copy must be in writing or email to SACRAMENT OF HOLY ORDERS Please call Vocations Office (401) 331-1316 SAINT MARY’S CHURCH WEST WARWICK, RHODE ISLAND Saint Mary’s Church Weekly Summary of Parish Support Saturday 4:00PM Sunday 9:00AM 11:00AM 5:00PM Monday 8:00AM Tuesday 8:00AM Wednesday 8:00AM Thursday 8:00AM Saturday November 8 VIGIL DEDICATION LATERAN BASILICA Norma Cullen (3rd Anniversary) Req. by son, Wayne November 9 DECICATION LATERAN BASILICA Karl Kania (Birthday Remembrance) Req. by wife, Amy & family th Sandi Lavallee (6 Anniversary) Req. by husband & family Gilda Spina (Birthday Remembrance) Req. by children November 10 Pro Populo – For the People of St. Mary’s November 11 Herman & Mary Panciera (Thanksgiving Remembrance) Req. by family November 12 In Honor of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Req. by devotees November 13 Harold Everet Santos (Memorial) Req. by friend November 15 VIGIL 33 SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Alexander A. Capalbo (Birthday Remembrance) Req. by family Mass for Those in Recovery Margaret Valliere (Memorial) Req. by friends, Marc & Sandy Curran November 16 33 SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Kenneth A. Grillo (Month’s Mind) Req. by Beverly Paolucci th Gustave Schiavulli (10 Anniversary) Req. by wife & children st Eleanor C. Gallogly (1 Anniversary) Req. by friends RD 4:00PM 6:00PM Sunday November 1/2 All Saints Day All Souls Day $ 2,660.00 $ 317.00 $ 773.00 Please remember to make up any Missed budget envelopes We are relying on your continued support! THIS WEEKEND’S SECOND COLLECTION Fuel NEXT WEEKEND’S SECOND COLLECTION Campaign for Human Development All Souls Day envelopes may be given throughout The Month of November Remember to write The names of your beloved deceased on the envelope. The envelopes will remain on our altar Throughout November. A Mass of Remembrance will be celebrated on Tuesday, November 25, at 8:00am Please continue to be as generous as possible in your weekly giving as we count on your support to meet our operating expenses. If you are not receiving budget envelopes, please call the office and we will update your census record and enroll you in the program! Your weekly support is crucial to the day-to-day operation of the parish. This fiscal year’s anticipated need will be approximately $4,000 per week. Thank you for your generosity! RD 9:00AM 11:00AM 5:00PM PARISH MEETINGS FINANCE COMMITTEE Wednesday, November 19 6:30pm in the rectory LITURGY COMMITTEE Please remember in your prayers… Tuesday, November 18 4:30pm in the rectory The Sick: Philip O’Connell, Saverio Giusti, Rita & Robert Strasser, Maria Coelho, Frank Lane, Kelley Campoli, James Cummiskey, Melissa Gallucci-Wohlust, Melissa Campoli Nolan, Joseph Baldo, Karen Briggs, Thomas Boucher, Joan M. Newman, Rebecca Magiera Karen Forit, Gloria Selby, Shane Carmadella, Joyce Ryan, Susan Lawton, Robert Souza, Maddayson Holm, Jack Casey, James Sousa, James Harrington, Michael Rather, Mary Sylvia & Carolyne O’Mara. The Deceased: Brian T. Cummiskey, Catherine F. Clarke, Phyllis H. Richards, Jean F. Benoit, Ruby M. Silvaggio, Rosaria L. White, Umberto “Al” & Jeanne D’Ercole, Margaret DellaCioppa, Linda Fratus, Frances Smith, William Stromberg, Robert Phillips, Paul Ryan, Catherine Couture, Nichols R. Zarlenga, Nativa Muschiano, Wayne Pierce, Anna Shannon, Thomas H. Boyle, Jr., Stephen G. Kowalik, Jr., Leon Gough, Normand Goulet , Carol A. Padula & Robert A. Scungio, Ernest “Ernie” Pacheco, Josephine Dean, John “Bud” Warner, Sr., Gary Kindle, Edith R. Fleury, Herman Panciera & Anne Woolfall. Page 1-945 CEMETERY COMMITTEE Thursday, December 18 9:00 a.m. in the rectory PARISH COUNCIL Thursday, December 18 6:30 p.m. in the church hall SOCIETY OF WOMEN Monday, December 2 6:30pm in the church hall St. Mary DEDICATION LATERAN BASILICA NOVEMBER 9, 2014 ST. MARY’S INCREASED GIVING PROGRAM CONCLUDES THIS WEEKEND Jesus, Our Divine Brother Religious Education News First Eucharist ~Confirmation Mandatory Parents Meetings His Excellency, the Most Reverend Bishop, Thomas J. Tobin, DD initiated an increased giving program for all the churches throughout the Diocese of Providence. Many churches have already completed this initiative. The final reflection will be delivered by Father Doug at all Masses this weekend, November 8/9. The program includes various mailings and opportunities for questions. The goal of the program is to increase the first collection, while maintaining the same level of giving for the second collection. Let us pray for the success of this program. Thank you. Next Sunday, November 16 Dedication of Church Hall First Communion Parents 10:00-10:45 am Confirmation Parents 6:15pm-7:00pm Parents may be represented by a family member Weekend of the First Sunday of Advent, Saturday, November 29 In Honor of FATHER JAMES P. GIBSON Second Pastor of St. Mary’s Church KIDS: FOOD FOR THANKSGIVING BASKETS All Gift Certificates & Foods Are Due Next Weekend Place non-perishable foods in church stairwell These foods will be distributed to those in our community who are needy, through the Diocesan Outreach Center in Arctic. Please be generous. Thanks! Mass for those in Recovery~Saturday, November 15 Open to all in recovery from addictions to alcoholism, drugs, and mental/emotional distress. All families, friends and parishioners are also invited to attend. These Masses begin at 6:00pm and will be celebrated at St. Mary’s quarterly. The next Mass will be celebrated on Saturday, November 15. This Mass satisfies your Sunday Mass obligation. BLOOD DRIVE AT ST. MARY’S All Foods must be delivered no later than Next Weekend, November 15/16 St. Mary’s Society of Women is sponsoring a BLOOD DRIVE on Tuesday, November 11, from 3:00pm – 6:00pm in the church hall. Each donation saves three lives. Please, give the gift of life! RCIA Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults Adults (18 and over) who would like to receive the sacraments of baptism, first communion and confirmation, are asked to call Father Doug at 821-5555. Classes will begin this Sunday, November 9, at 7:00pm. All are welcomed. Mary Doran Council Knights of Columbus Grand Knight Lee Rossetti ~ 823-8166 Membership: John Pettinicchio ~ 499-4670 Meetings: 1st & 3rd Wednesdays of each month. Autumn Angel Bazaar Remember in prayer the brave men & women, who serve our country, especially in the Middle East. May God bless and protect them. We thank the following Major Donors Anonymous Compliments of #1 Finest Car Wash Providence, RI Faithful Departed SS PETER & PAUL, West Warwick, November 15 9:00am – 6:00pm, church hall, variety of activities/foods. Call 821-2198. Remember in prayer our faithful departed, especially John “Jack” Lamb, who was recently buried from our church. May he rest in peace. CHRIST THE KING, West Warwick, November 22 8:00am – 5:30pm and November 23, 8:00am – 2:00pm, church hall, variety of activities/foods. Call 821-9228. We thank the family of the late Jack Lamb for the memorial contributions made to our church, in Jack’s beloved memory. Page 2-945 St. Mary Local Parish Bazaars I WAS HUNGRY AND YOU GAVE ME TO EAT THE REASON FOR THE SEASON! HERE’S HOW YOU CAN HELP! $10.00 GIFT CERTIFICATES TO PURCHASE TURKEYS Certificates must be from local supermarkets in the West Warwick and Coventry areas. Place the certificate in an envelope, marked holiday gift certificate, and then either place it in the collection basket or mail it to the rectory. Thanks! NON-EXPIRED CANNED GOODS like … soups, vegetables, cranberry sauce … stuffing, instant mashed potatoes, cookies, candy, nuts etc. Be sure to check expiration dates! You may place the food items in the church stairwell, near/on the collection shelving, which is located in that area. Only non-perishable foods! All Thanksgiving Foods Must Be Collected No Later than Next weekend, November 15/16 LOOK FOR THE ADVENT GIVING TREE IN THE LOWER ENTRANCE OF THE CHURCH THE WEEKEND OF NOVEMBER 22/23 Simply take a gift tag from the Advent Giving tree. Purchase the requested gift/gift certificate. Return the gift unwrapped with the gift ornament attached. Place the gift in the church stairwell. All gifts must be returned no later than the Weekend of December 13/14 All gifts will benefit the poor in our community! Page 3-945 The Pastor’s Pulse Dear parishioners & friends: This weekend we celebrate the Solemn Feast of the Dedication of St. John Lateran Basilica in Rome. I have visited this Basilica many times over the years. It is the official church, from which his Holiness, the Pope, presides. The basilica, dedicated to St. John the Baptist, was first built in the mid-fourth century by the Roman Emperor Constantine. It is mater et caput; that is, both mother and head. Today, I deliver the final charge for our increased giving program. Throughout our diocese, St. Mary’s Church is respected and much loved as mater et caput. Being members of the oldest existing Roman Catholic Church in RI, you and I are called to celebrate, protect, and herald her future. It is quite fitting, then, that today, on this great feast, we conclude our increased giving campaign. By God’s grace, St. Mary’s Church will continue the Lord’s work, throughout the ensuing years. Committed to this sacred task, those who follow after us will benefit from the spiritual gifts, which flow from the heart of this old and noble church: one family, united in one Spirit; living stones, firmly anchored onto Christ, her foundation. I thank Ken Morin and Deb McAllister, our first two presenters, for their challenging words and example. I am grateful to each and every one of you for your kindness; in making this increased giving campaign a success in every way. I thank God daily for the gift of your faith, your ardent prayers, your many sacrifices, good works and boundless efforts: the sharing of time, talent and treasure. With Thanksgiving Day quickly approaching, we recall the many blessings we have received from almighty God. I know of your great charity and willingness to serve others. These are hallmarks of who you are; Disciples of Christ, a Family of Faith. With prayerful gratitude, I reecho, in your regard, the inspiring words of St. Paul, which appear in his Letter to the Philippians. I make his words my own. I give thanks to my God at every remembrance of you, praying always with joy in my every prayer for all of you, because of your partnership for the gospel from the first day until now. I am confident of this, that the one who began a good work in you will continue to complete it until the day of Christ Jesus. Philippians 1:3-6 Your grateful Pastor, Father Doug St. Mary Kid’s Korner Today’s Gospel, from John, tells us that The House of God is holy. We are the People of God. Christ is the Head of the Church. We are His members. Color the picture below of people from all over the world Who make up the Church, the Body of Christ. We are ONE in Christ. Can you tell where in the world these people are from? Page 4-945 ~ St. Mary HG HENAULT-GALLOGLY 821-8484 Deco Decor Original Handcrafted & Artistically Inspired Come in and find your unique Something Special! 1686 MAIN ST., WEST WARWICK, RI 401.615.8485 GIFT CERTIFICATES, CUSTOM ORDERS & LAYAWAY AVAILABLE FIND US ON FACEBOOK West Valley Catering FUNERAL HOME 5 Eddy Street • West Warwick Pre-Need Planning Available JOHN P. GALLOGLY - DIRECTOR R. GEORGE HENAULT - DIRECTOR JOSEPH NOTARANTONIO - FD FRESH FOODS Ray Roch, President WEDDINGS • TESTIMONIALS • CATERING ROCH’S FRESH FOODS 401-284-2900 PERSONALIZED SERVICE 1183 Boston Neck Road, Narragansett 4 Blossom St., West Warwick, RI 02893 “A Specialty Market” 401-822-2834 • F: 401-823-0160 ROCH’S PRODUCE 401-828-4343 1480 Main Street, West Warwick MOFFITT & ASSOCIATES, LLC Financial Services Victor G. Moffitt, Investment Professional O: 401-828-0097 M: 401-265-7798 F: 401-823-1896 1260 Main Street (Rt. 117), Coventry, RI 02816 • Securities offered through NEXT Financial Group, Inc., Member FINRA and SIPC Moffitt & Associates is not an affiliate of NEXT Financial Group. Inc. JOHNSON’S AUTO SERVICE Dave Johnson Certified ASE L1, Master Technician 1501 MAIN ST., WEST WARWICK, RI 828-1818 Fax: 586-6338 Approved Auto Repair FINE AFFORDABLE ITALIAN CUISINE 272 Cowesett Avenue West Warwick, RI 02893 821-0060 Restaurant and Banquet Facility MICHELLE R. BOULIANE, D.V.M. 401-921-4394 401-921-4546 90 Airport Rd. Warwick, RI Wedding Invitations & Holiday Cards Liberty-Mobility Log Onto Buying and Selling pre-owned power wheelchairs and scooters Mention this ad and get 15% OFF conveniently from your home or office. 1542 Main St., Ste. 6 401-827-8800 West Warwick, RI All Major Credit Cards Accepted Online Catalog • Online Ordering • Online Proofing FREE UPS GROUND SHIPPING! Robert A. 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OUTDOOR POWER EQUIPMENT SALES & SERVICE Saws - Knives - Tools - Sharpened 401-828-1231 649 East Greenwich Ave., West Warwick Please pat onize the businesses that adver ise in your bulletin and thank them for their continued suppor . They make your bulletin possible. If you would like to adver ise in this bulletin please contact John Pat ick Publishing (800) 333-3166 ex . 161 945 St. Mary, West Warwick, RI, (U) John Patrick Publishing Company 1-800-333-3166 •
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