St. Mary’s Church 70 Church Street, West Warwick, Rhode Island 02893 The Church of Our Lady of Mount Carmel (1844) The Oldest Catholic Church in Rhode Island Reverend Douglas J. Spina, Ph.D. ~ Pastor Rev. Thomas D. O’Neill ~ Rev. Paul F. Reynolds, Pastors Emeriti Mary A. DePrete & Kenneth J. Morin, Trustees WEEKEND MASSES Saturdays: 4:00pm Sundays: 9:00am, 11:00am 5:00pm, September ~ April WEEKDAY MASSES Monday ~ Thursday 8:00am Rosary & Devotions 7:35am Wednesday, Chaplet of Divine Mercy 8:30am HOLY DAY MASSES 8:00am & 7:00pm SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturdays 3:00pm ~ 3:30pm RECTORY OFFICE Monday ~ Thursday 9:00am ~ 1:00pm Telephone (401) 821-5555 Fax (401) 615-0304 Email: Website: RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE Reverend Douglas J. Spina, Ph.D. Director of Religious Education (401) 821-5555 ~ Grades 1-4 ~ Sunday 9:45 ~ 10:45am Grades 5 ~ Confirmation II Sunday 6:00 ~ 7:00pm SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Last Sunday of the month by appointment only CEMETERY OFFICE Clerk: Diane M. Tellier (401) 822-1006 SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Please contact Rectory one year in advance ST. MARY’S OUTREACH Sheila E. Hunt (401) 885-1370 SACRAMENT OF THE SICK Please contact Rectory PARISH NEWS DEADLINE Copy Deadline: Monday 12 noon Copy must be in writing or email to SACRAMENT OF HOLY ORDERS Please call Vocations Office (401) 331-1316 SAINT MARY’S CHURCH WEST WARWICK, RHODE ISLAND Saint Mary’s Church Saturday February 14 VIGIL 6 SUNDAY ORDINARY TIME th Michael Muro (27 Anniversary) Req. by sister, Paula Reyes February 15 6 SUNDAY ORDINARY TIME Joan Skurka (Birthday Remembrance)5 Req. by husband, Milton & daughter, Debbie Mary Gloria Venezia (Memorial) Req. by children Lorenzo & Filomena Spina (Memorial) Req. by grandchildren February 16 Pro Populo For the People of St. Mary’s Church February 17 Rev. Rene E. Gagne (Memorial) Req. by friend February 18 ASH WEDNESDAY + BEGINNING OF LENT In Honor of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Req. by devotees Deceased Priests, Deacons, Religious Parishioners, Friends & Benefactors of St. Mary’s Church Angelo & Gilda Spina (Memorial) Req. by children February 19 B. Frank Lombardi (Memorial) Req. by niece & nephew February 20 Victims of the Station Night Club Fire (Memorial) Req. by friend February 21 VIGIL 1 SUNDAY OF LENT Adrienne Lee (Birthday Remembrance) Req. by sister, Paula MASS OF HEALING/ANOINTING OF THE SICK For the Sick & Those in Recovery February 22 1 SUNDAY OF LENT Joan Skurka (Birthday Remembrance) Req. by husband, Milton & daughter, Debbie Angelo & Gilda Spina (Memorial) Req. by children Lorenzo & Filomena Spina (Memorial) Req. by grandchildren Weekly Summary Report TH 4:00PM Sunday February 7/8 Maintenance $2,634.00 $ 745.00 TH 9:00AM 11:00AM 5:00PM Monday 8:00AM Tuesday 8:00AM Wednesday 8:00AM 3:30PM 7:00PM Thursday 8:00AM Friday 8:00AM Saturday This Week’s Second Collection Fuel Next Week’s Second Collection Snow Removal – My heavens, can we use your HELP!!! Please remember to make up any Missed budget envelopes, especially during the winter months. We are relying on your continued support! Please continue to be as generous as possible in your weekly giving. We count on your support to meet our operating expenses. If you are not receiving budget envelopes, please call the office and we will update your census record and enroll you in the program! Your weekly support is crucial to the dayto-day operation of the parish. This fiscal year’s anticipated need will be approximately $4,000 per week. Thank you. PARISH MEETINGS FINANCE COMMITTEE Wednesday, March 18 6:30pm in the rectory CEMETERY COMMITTEE ST 4:00PM 6:00PM Sunday Thursday, March 19 9:00am in the rectory PARISH COUNCIL Thursday, March 19 6:30pm in Father Gibson Hall ST 9:00AM 11:00AM 5:00PM Deceased: Brian T. Cummiskey, Catherine F. Clarke, Phyllis H. Richards, Jean F. Benoit, Ruby M. Silvaggio, Rosaria L. White, Umberto “Al” & Jeanne D’Ercole, Margaret DellaCioppa, Linda Fratus, Frances Smith, William Stromberg, Robert Phillips, Paul Ryan, Catherine Couture, Nichols R. Zarlenga, Nativa Muschiano, Wayne Pierce, Anna Shannon, Thomas H. Boyle, Jr., Stephen G. Kowalik, Jr., Leon Gough, Normand Goulet , Carol A. Padula & Robert A. Scungio, Ernest “Ernie” Pacheco, Josephine Dean, John “Bud” Warner, Sr., Gary Kindle, Edith R. Fleury, Herman Panciera,, Blanche A. David, John “Jack” Lamb, Richard T. Kelly, Genevieve H. Carpenter, Eileen Giblin, Michael Rather, Margaret C. Dean, Harry Nill, Jr. & Anne Woolfall Sick: Philip O’Connell, Saverio Giusti, Rita & Robert Strasser, Maria Coelho, Frank Lane, Kelley Campoli, James Cummiskey, Melissa Gallucci-Wohlust, Melissa Campoli Nolan, Joseph Baldo, Karen Briggs, Thomas Boucher, Joan M. Newman, Rebecca Magiera Karen Forit, Gloria Selby, Shane Carmadella, Joyce Ryan, Susan Lawton, Robert Souza, Maddayson Holm, Jack Casey, James Sousa, James Harrington, Mary Sylvia & Carolyne O’Mara. Page1-945 SOCIETY OF WOMEN Tuesday, March 3 6:30pm in Father Gibson Hall FESTIVAL/CARNIVALCOMMITTEE Monday, February 16 7:00pm in the rectory Little Sisters of the Poor to Visit St. Mary’s On the weekend of February 28/March1, the Little Sisters of the Poor, who administer the St. Jeanne Jugan Residence, Pawtucket, will visit our parish, collecting at the doors of the church. These monies will assist in their ministry throughout the world. Thank you for your generosity. Deanery Holy Hour for Life There will be a Holy Hour for Life on Thursday, February 19, at SS John & James Church, West Warwick at 7:00pm. For more information call the rectory at 821-7661. St. Mary SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME FEBRUARY 15, 2015 The Holy Season of Lent Begins Wednesday ASH WEDNESDAY – FEBRUARY 18 Masses: 8:00am, 3:30pm & 7:00pm Imposition of Blessed Ashes Jesus, Our Divine Brother Annual Ash Wednesday Collection will be taken up at all Masses Ash Wednesday & Good Friday are days of fast & abstinence, Only one full meal and no meat eaten. All Fridays of Lent are days of abstinence – no meat. The annual Ash Wednesday Collection Will be taken up at all Masses. Religious Education News Children attending religious education classes at St. Mary’s are required to sign the Mass attendance book, which is available at the conclusion of Mass, at the back of the church. If a child attends Mass at another church, the child must return the bulletin signed by the priest/deacon. FRIDAY LENTEN MASS & STATIONS OF THE CROSS 8:00am Mass is celebrated Monday - Friday during Lent. The Stations of the Cross precede the Friday Mass, Beginning at 7:30am. Children’s Stations of the Cross will be prayed Sunday, March 1 at 10:15am & 6:15pm LENTEN PENANCE SERVICE WITH INDIVIDUAL CONFESSIONS Sunday, March 15, 6:00pm in the church Attention High School Young Men LENTEN REPAST – CLAM CAKES & CHOWDER If you believe that God may be calling you to serve Him and His people as a priest, there will be a vocation retreat day on the priesthood, with an emphasis on sophomores and juniors, Saturday, February 28, 10:00am – 3:30pm, at the Seminary of Our Lady of Providence. If you are considering a vocation to the priesthood, please call Father Doug at the rectory, 821-5555. … sponsored by the Diocesan Life & Family Office – From Ash Wednesday to Passion Sunday: Prayer, fasting & community outreach. For more info, call Carol Owens, 421-7833, ext. 218. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION LENDING LIBRARY COMING SOON! St. Mary’s Religious Education will sponsor a lending library for the children of the parish. It will be located in the lower level of the church. The library will contain children’s religious and spiritual books at a variety of grade levels. If you have any children’s religious books, which would help develop our children’s relationship with Jesus, please place them on the library shelves. When a child is finished with the book, please return it so that another child may grow and benefit by it. Check it out, kids. ATTENTION FIRST COMMUNION PARENTS First Holy Communion Classes are now held Friday, March 27, from 4:00pm – 7:00pm Father Gibson Hall - More information to follow 40 DAYS OF LIFE - LENTEN CAMPAIGN CATHOLIC CHARITY FUND APPEAL BEGINS SOON MAKE SACRIFICIAL GIVING PART OF YOUR LENTEN PRACTICE The Catholic Charity Fund Appeal (CCFA) will begin here at St. Mary’s, February 28 - March 1, the weekend of the Second Sunday of Lent. Our CCFA Chairpersons are Sheila Hunt and Frank Pari. Frank will make the annual appeal at all Masses on the weekend of February 28 - March1. Our parish goal is $23,954.00. Thank you for your generosity in supporting the CCFA. Healing Mass - Anointing of the Sick For Those Who Are Ill or in Recovery Next Saturday, February 21 ~ 6:00pm Open to all, who are sick or in recovery from addictions to alcoholism, drugs, and those suffering from mental/emotional distress. All families, friends and parishioners are also invited to attend. Masses begin at 6:00pm, next Saturday, February 21. Additional Masses will be celebrated on May 16, August 15 & November 21. This Mass satisfies your Sunday Mass obligation. at 12:00noon in the rectory hall. Page 2-945 St. Mary Saints Preserve Us! IT’S St. Paddy’s Day Traditional Irish Corned Beef & Cabbage Dinner The Pastor’s Pulse Dear parishioners & friends: Silly Shamus, that grand old leprechaun says, “Don’t sit on your shamrocks. Shake a leg and join us on Saturday, March 7 For Irish Delicacies, a jig or two and A Barrel of brew!” It all happens after the 4:00pm Mass In Father Gibson Hall - Beginning with appetizers Followed by traditional Corned Beef and Cabbage Dinner BYOB ~ Door Prizes and Raffle Tickets $20.00 adults, $7.00 children 10 & under Tickets sold weekends of 2/21-22 and 2/28 – March1 Door Prizes and Raffle Music by the Three Amigos BETHLEHEM CHRISTIAN FAMILY GUILD TO VISIT ST. MARY’S … this weekend, February 14/15. They will sell their beautiful religious art, handcrafted olive wood from the Holy Land. Stop by Father Gibson Hall, before or after Mass. You will marvel at the stunning and inspirational handcrafted art work. All proceeds will benefit the Catholic Community in the Holy Land. St. Mary’s Festival/Carnival The BIGGEST CARNIVAL in WEST WARWICK Our Next Festival/Carnival Meeting Is Monday, February 16 at 7:00PM In the Rectory Mary Doran Council Knights of Columbus Grand Knight Lee Rossetti ~ 823-8166 Membership: John Pettinicchio ~ 499-4670 Meetings: 1st & 3rd Wednesdays of each month. New Members Welcomed Remember in prayer the brave men & women, who serve our country, especially in the Middle East. Page 3-945 The venerable Season of Lent is soon upon us; forty days of prayer, fasting, alms giving and reconciliation. Confession of sin, absolution and completing a penance are spiritual tools, preparing us for the sacred triduum, the Mystery of our Faith: Christ’s passion, death and resurrection. In this way we, sinners, are renewed once more, reunited to God and the Community of Christians. The early Church knew nothing of auricular confession or penance. Forgiveness of sins was offered only twice in one’s lifetime; first, at the time of baptism and eventually at a time of one’s choosing. Usually, baptism was delayed until later in life and sacramental forgiveness of sins was reserved, typically at the time of one’s death. For this reason, the Sacrament of Penance became inextricably linked to the Last Rites of the Church. At some point, during the mid to late fourth century, public penance was introduced; with the creation of two classifications of sin; mortal or deadly sin and venial, less serious sin. The performance of public penance, as retribution for incurring sin, squarely placed the penitents outside the doors of the church. Clad in sack cloth and ashes, they acknowledged their sinful acts before the Christian Community. Some people, on entering the church, simply passed them by; while others jeered - an outward sign of disdain. As a result of their sinfulness, they were temporarily separated from the Church Community. Once their penance and public mortification were completed, they were joyfully reconciled with God’s people. Around the seventh or eighth century, private confessions to a priest became somewhat commonplace. It is generally believed that this practice was introduced by Irish monks, who heard individual confessions at their monasteries. These monks also composed books called penitentials, which contained an “appropriate” penance for any given sin. Private, individual confession eventually proliferated; becoming a normative practice within the life of the Church. By God’s grace, today you and I are called to confess our sins sacramentally, whenever we choose, sharing our personal offenses against God and others. Lent offers ample opportunities to examine our lives, seek absolution and pardon for sin. Standing at the threshold of another Lent, may we trust in the God of mercy, who readily forgives and welcomes us home! Your grateful Pastor, Father Doug St. Mary Kid’s Corner Kids, we begin the holy season of Lent, February 18, Ash Wednesday. Those who have celebrated First Penance may receive blessed ashes on their forehead. This is a sign of personal sorrow for sin and the need for God in our daily lives. During the 40 days of Lent, we prepare to celebrate The Death and Resurrection of Jesus. Color the picture below of a little boy receiving blessed ashes. Page 4-945 ~ St. Mary HG HENAULT-GALLOGLY 821-8484 MICHELLE R. BOULIANE, D.V.M. 401-921-4394 401-921-4546 90 Airport Rd. Warwick, RI FUNERAL HOME 5 Eddy Street • West Warwick Pre-Need Planning Available JOHN P. GALLOGLY - DIRECTOR R. 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Call us today 215-586-1575 or 267-251-0341 3900 City Avenue, Suite 107 • Philadelphia, PA 19131 401-821-1100 ROBERT A. IANNOTTI, JR., RE-FD ROBERT A. IANNOTTI, CFSP JAMES A. MOREL, RE-FD ROBERT A. IANNOTTI, III, RE-FD KIM IANNOTTI Please pat onize the businesses that adver ise in your bulletin and thank them for their continued suppor . They make your bulletin possible. If you would like to adver ise in this bulletin please contact John Pat ick Publishing (800) 333-3166 ex . 161 945 St. Mary, West Warwick, RI, (U) John Patrick Publishing Company 1-800-333-3166 •
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