V{âÜv{ Éy ft|Çà `tÜç 40 Spring Mount Road Schwenksville, PA 19473-1739 Phone 610-287-8156 Fax 610-287-4226 www.churchofsaintmary.org November 9, 2014 St. Mary's Parish is a community of Catholics, striving to be an open and caring people, living our faith, spreading God's word, and serving as Jesus' disciples to our families, our parish and our surrounding communities. ONE FAITH ONE FAMILY ONE SPIRIT Sacrament of Baptism: Baptisms are celebrated on the second and fourth Sundays of each month immediately following the Noon Mass. For more information, please contact the Parish House. Sacrament of Marriage: Parishioners must contact the Parish House at least six months prior to the wedding date. Pre-Cana session is required. Pastoral Care of the Sick: If you know of anyone who is sick, elderly or homebound, please call the Parish House and let us know so that we can minister to them. Adoration: All day, every day in our Chapel. Rosary: The Rosary will be prayed daily before the 9:00 a.m. Mass and on Sunday’s before the Noon Mass. Divine Mercy Holy Hour: The Thursday before the first Friday of the month from 7:00 – 8:00 p.m. Miraculous Medal Novena: Mondays after the 9:00 a.m. Mass New Parishioners: If you have recently moved into our community, welcome! Please call the Parish House to register. Rev. Louis P. Bellopede Pastor FatherB@ChurchOfSaintMary.org Rev. Charles J. McElroy Pastor Emeritus Rev. Brian M. Kean In Residence Deacon Donald O. Nichols Permanent Deacon DNichols@ChurchOfSaintMary.org Sister Marie Rose Gibson, RSM Spiritual Ministry SisterMR@smsk-8.org Mrs. Mary Beth O’Connor Business Manager MOConnor@ChurchOfSaintMary.org Miss Stephanie Leichner Administrative Asst to Pastor SLeichner@ChurchOfSaintMary.org Mrs. Kathleen Wasniewski Coordinator, PREP; Business KWaz@ChurchOfSaintMary.org Manager Assistant Mr. Kevin Conwell Principal of St. Mary School KConwell@smsk-8.org Mr. Eric Lenz Facilities Manager Sunday Mass Schedule Vigil (Saturday evening) 4:00 p.m. Sunday Morning 7:30 a.m. † 9:00 a.m. † 10:30 a.m. † 12:00 p.m. Weekday Mass Schedule Monday through Saturday 9:00 a.m. Confession Schedule Saturday 9:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. † 2:45 p.m. to 3:45 p.m. School St. Mary School Website Religious Education (PREP) PREP Classes Little Church (Ages 4 and 5) Youth Group 610-287-7757 www.smsk-8.org 610-287-4517 6:30 - 7:45 p.m. Mon or Tues Sunday 10:30 a.m. First and Third Sundays MASS INTENTIONS Saturday 4:00 p.m. Sunday 7:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 12:00 p.m. Monday 9:00 a.m. Tuesday 9:00 a.m. Wednesday 9:00 a.m. Thursday 9:00 a.m. Friday 9:00 a.m. Saturday 9:00 a.m. 4:00 p.m. Sunday 7:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 12:00 p.m. November 8 Mary Alice Hamel - Sam November 9 Dedication of Lateran Basilica Mort Tate - John and Claire Coneghen William Daly - The Camilleri Family Edward Jackson - Teresa Sinclair People of Saint Mary Parish November 10 Saint Leo the Great Living/Deceased Members of the US Marine Corps November 11 Saint Martin of Tours Abbie Johnston - Gail Gallagher November 12 Saint Josaphat People with Addictions - Erica Fox November 13 Saint Francis Xavier Cabrini Helinia O’Hara - Patrick Rush and Family November 14 Weekday Mildred Melso - Faculty/Staff of St Mary School November 15 Saint Albert the Great In Thanksgiving - Marge and Ron Nosek Helen Tubertini - The Allen Family November 16 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Frank Captetola - Marge and Ron Nosek Paul Rigby - The Rigby Family Michael J Burek - The Natale Family People of Saint Mary Parish PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS Kimberly DiPietro Alexander, Marisa Allen, Infants Matthew and Mya Allen, Margaret Bajor, Patricia Beauchamp, Janelle Bergandino, Christine Broadwell, Infant Brendan Brisar, Joe Brady, Bruno Capobianchi, (granddaughter) Kathryn Capobianchi, Sabrina Capperella, Lisa Caruso, Art Chandler, Patricia Chermela, Anthony Corbicz, Randy Cornell, Jeremy Cosgrove, Rosemarie DeRosa, Diana DeSantis, Madeline Dobbs, Tony Downey, Derek Dvorjak, Charles Fries, Anthony Gdonski, Nancy Grubb, Mark Giambrone, Grace Guckin, Thomas B. Hammer, Anne Hale, Jennifer Harleigh, Abby Heilman, Ed Heilman, Anton Hevener, Mateo Heye, Art Hinson, Michael Holva, Sr Patricia Hoey, Richard Hood, Charlotte Hvorecky, Aileen Hyden, Justin Michael Johnson, Virginia John, Lisa Keeder, Thomas Kees, Debbie Keister, Chris Krinvick, Nicholas Kumpf, Eleanor Kunz, Frank Larkins, Maryann Lepone, Pearl Loch, Ed Loughery, Charles and Doris Marsh, Anthony Martin, Margaret (Maggie) McCallum, Margaret Murphy, Matthew McGann, Jerry McGee, Francis and Helen McHugh, Pat McMahon, Joan Mooney, Priscilla Miller, Nicholas Noel, Fred Nubbemyer, Susan Ondo, Teresa Ott, Frank and Dianne Ponzio, Scott Rafter, Patricia Reigner, Dorothy Rush, Brendan Saboe Jr., Mary Ellen Salerno, Joan Santello, Anthony Sammartino, Dave Schumaker, Leo Scotto, Clay Sebra, Richard Sinclair, Tom Shilling, Katherine Veneziano, Joshua Stern, Ron Szewczak, Anna Taglianetti, Lorraine Tausz, Baby Emanuel Thomas, Baby Nicholas Trojanski, George Tyler, Jane and Dennis Vicchio, Shannon Yockel, Walt and May Young, Lois Walterhammer, Walter Wasilwski, Frank Wilson Jr, Ed Woods, Beverly Ann and Joseph Zapata, Paul and Dawn Zottoli 2-004 LETTER FROM THE PASTOR Dear Parish Family, A warm welcome to you, our faithful parishioners and all who may be joining us today for Mass. Please know you always have a home at the Church of Saint Mary! NOVEMBER: REMEMBERING THE FAITHFUL DEPARTED - I really thank all of you for your kind words about our Masses last weekend. Thanks so much for bringing your framed pictures of your deceased loved ones. It was very moving. I thank Deacon Don for his excellent homily. I thank Kathy Wasniewski, her daughter Nicole and Peggy Hinson for decorating our ALL SOULS MEMORIAL TABLES. The tables looked beautiful. Thank you all so much! Every year, during the first weekend of November we will remember all of our faithful departed. ALL SOULS ENVELOPES: Would you kindly write the names of your loved ones on your ALL SOULS envelope and place it in the collection basket as soon as possible. If you do not have or cannot find your ALL SOULS ENVELOPE please use a plain white envelope. These envelopes will be placed on the Main Altar of our Church for a "memorial remembrance" during the month of November - the month of All Souls. Thank you very much! The priests will remember your loved ones at every Mass during the month of November. FINANCIAL REPORT: On the feature page of this bulletin you see the Budget for the Church only for the 2014 -2015 fiscal year. The Budget for the School is located on the School Web Site. The 1st Quarter Report for the Church is located on the feature page as well. The 1st Quarter Report of the School is on the School Web Site. The Finance Council, our Business Manager and I humbly thank you for all you do for our parish. ANNUAL PARISH APPEAL: Beginning this year, during the month of November we at the Church of Saint Mary will begin an Annual Appeal for our parish (specifically, capital needs). This Annual Appeal will be for the Church of Saint Mary. In other words, the Appeal is for our property, our needs, our campus and our buildings. Coupled with this Annual Appeal is a Census Form that we need for our records. In addition, the Archdiocese of Philadelphia ask all parishes to ascertain this information for their Pastoral Report. Thank you in advance for your love, support and cooperation for the Church of Saint Mary. You will be receiving the Annual Parish Appeal information shortly in the mail. This mailing will include: A letter from me, The Pastor of Saint Mary Parish, The Financial Report of the Church (last year fiscal year), The Financial Report of the School (last year fiscal year), The Spiritual Report of the Parish (last year), A Census Form and an Appeal Envelope. Rooted in faith, sustained in hope and alive in grace we are called to move forward today, tomorrow and in the future. ONE FAITH, ONE FAMILY, ONE SPIRIT: We are the Church of Saint Mary! SAINT CHARLES BORROMEO SEMINARY ANNUAL APPEAL: A warm welcome to Seminarian Kyle Adamcyzk from Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary. Kyle will be speaking at all our Masses immediately after Holy Communion concerning the Annual Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary. Welcome, Kyle! SAINT MARY YOUTH GROUP: will be sponsoring a BOWL-A-RAMA at Limerick Bowl this Saturday, November 15 from 7pm until 9pm. $12 a ticket or $60 a lane (up to 6 bowlers). Proceeds benefit the Saint Mary Youth Group. Contact Lisa Longua @ smsyouthgroup@gmail.com for tickets or more information. CHRISTMAS BAZAAR AND CRAFT SHOW: The Church of Saint Mary will conduct its Annual Christmas Bazaar and Craft Show on Friday, November 21 from 5pm to 9pm and Saturday, November 22 from 9am until 3pm. Please spread the good news! Bring a friend! Have a nice week, everyone! Love and prayers, Father Bellopede LITURGICAL MINISTRY ASSIGNMENTS FOR NOVEMBER 8-9 MASS CELEBRANT LECTOR EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS ALTAR SERVERS MUSIC SACRISTAN Brady, George, Lugo Organ/Cantor Chalmers 4:00 PM Fr. Bellopede Tony Rhuberg Bradbury, Bushey, Davis, Freed, Freed, Gdonski 7:30 AM Fr. Badeaux Sean Chalmers McGeeney, Shofran, Zandier, Allen, Chalmers, Coneghen B. J. & S. Wade Quiet Olzinski 9:00 AM Fr. Bellopede Deborah Ford Walsh, Bickel, Bickel, Cahill, Kolesky, Forsyth J. & J. Antosh, Bickel Folk Music Ministry Olzinski 10:30 AM Fr. Bellopede Jack Carney O’Donnell, Bintner, Cornely, Gentner, Gibson, Kling A. B. & P. Vince Acclaim Olzinski 12:00 PM Fr. Kean Anna Maria Hazel Klisch, Luckenbach, Schnaubelt, Smart, Keller, Watt J. J. & M. Allwein Spirit Choir Olzinski UPCOMING LITURGICAL MINISTRY ASSIGNMENTS FOR NOVEMBER 15-16 MASS CELEBRANT LECTOR EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS ALTAR SERVERS MUSIC SACRISTAN A. E. & R. Grossbauer Spirit Choir Olzinski/Little 4:00 PM Fr. Bellopede Bill Buschey Grossbauer, Hines, Hinson, Matthews, Moyer, Swantek 7:30 AM Fr. Kean Bob Paolucci Dewees, Kelly, Kirby, Kosiorek, McCloskey, McGeeney Jacobs, McElroy, Roberts Quiet Kosiorek 9:00 AM Fr. Kean Joe Cahill Dyson, Kunz, Saboe, Storti, Walsh, Bickel A. K. & T. Bryant Bell Choir Kosiorek 10:30 AM Fr. Bellopede Emily Little Brady, Longua, McCarron, McHugh, O’Donnell, Pirrall Behrens, Ondo, Snyder Acclaim Kosiorek 12:00 PM Fr. Bellopede William John Hamel, Uhl, Klisch, Luckenbach, Schnaubelt, Smart G. N. & T. John Organ/Cantor Kosiorek Memorials The Rose For Life in the front of the Blessed Mother statue has been donated in memory of ___ at the request of ___ . The Vigil light in our Chapel is burning next to an image of our Blessed Mother is in honor of June Robinson at the request J Swantek. The Sanctuary Lamp burning next to our tabernacle in the Church is in memory of ___ at the request of ___ . The Sanctuary Lamp burning next to our tabernacle in our Chapel is in memory of ___ at the request of ___ . The Altar Candles burning on the Altar in our Church this week are is in memory of Richard Stauffer at the request of Leona Franks. The Altar Candles burning on the Altar in our Chapel this week are in memory of ___ at the request of ___ . The Altar Bread and Wine donated this week is in memory of Leona and Raymond Franks at the request of Leona Franks. The Altar Flowers are donated this week is in memory of Deceased Members of the Dilworth and Coddington Families at the request of Art and Valerie Coddington. If you are interested in having Memorials in memory of a loved one, please contact the Parish House. Memorials are for one week. Donations: Rose for Life, Vigil Light are $5, Sanctuary Lamps are $10, Altar Candles are $20, Bread and Wine is $50, Altar Flowers are $175 PRAY FOR THOSE SERVING OUR COUNTRY Tim Fitzgerald Yaphet Blair Frank P. Roth Michael Hood David Sinnk Brian Dunn Keith E. Mason Timothy Ryan McGinnis Lauren Shaw Ryan Nolan Madeline Augustine Albert Joseph Augustine Blaise Fountaine Kayla Carroll Fr. David A. Daigle Eric Himmel David Casas Matthew Foley John Walsh John Weaver Jonathan Minkler William Ian Holdsworth Michael E. Ingram Wayne Cherry, Jr. Kyra Chamberlain Dominic D. Zottoli David Gentner Bridgette Augustine Travis R. Quimby Andrew Schnaubelt Shawn O’Connor Brian Sinclair Bobby McCall Jim Gotlewski Gerard Pettine Brian Smith Brett R. Karkheck Michael Boehret Joseph Wolf George Lockbaum Collin Hamel Matthew Kearney Charles Joseph Maloney III Thomas Fisher Tim Murray Tom Gutherman Jackie Perrie Aaron Hart Geoff Ostrowski Jennifer Foley Richard Granozio Sharon Hyland Keyser Ed Loughery Jr. Jacob McLendon Ian Keyser Michael Regan Ryan Decker William Schweitzer Eric Funk Kevin K. O’Malley Matthew Dager Kyle Houchins Kyle Kearney Brian Murray Kevin Kochanski PARISH NEWS ARE THERE REAL TRUTHS? What is truth? Is everything ok as long as I am not hurting others? Is there such a thing as right and wrong? How truthful are all of these statements? Come to the next Patricians as Susan Rodzewich speaks about Moral Relativism. All members of our parish family are cordially invited to attend on Thursday, November 13th from 7-9PM in St. Mary's Annex with Fr. Bellopede. Refreshments will be served at break time. Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration "When I am close to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, I feel as if my heart is bursting out of my chest." - St Padre Pio ~ We have SIX hours where we need coverage: Tues @ 3:00pm, Wed @ 3:00AM, Thurs @ 5 & 11:00pm, Fri @ 12:00pm, & Sat @ 3:00AM. PLEASE NOTE: ALL SCHEDULED ADORERS & SUBSTITUTES: We need your email address. Please send to: ST. MARY CHRISTMAS BAZAAR AND CRAFT SHOW - COME ONE COME ALL! tinycarmel@comcast.net To sign up for Adoration, Find the perfect gift and shop for beautifully crafted please call MaryKay @484-415-0338. designs from talented local artisans at St. Mary Christmas Bazaar and Craft Show on Friday, The Perkiomen November 21st from 5PM - 9PM and Saturday, Valley Council November 22nd from 9AM - 3PM. featuring over 50 3633 of the unique crafters, musical entertainment, food, raffles, Knights of Columbus of St. Eleanor and St. Mary pictures with Santa and so much more! For more Parishes are offering two Scholarships to The Pope information or to learn how you can volunteer or John Paul II Catholic High School. Each Scholarship donate a food or wish list item, please go to the St. is for an entering freshman and is limited to a one Mary website at www.churchofsaintmary.org or year award of $1500.00. These competitive contact Sandi Olzinski at solzinski66@gmail.com or Scholarships are available to any Catholic eighth 610.287.0831. grade student enrolled in either St. Mary’s school or Part Time Help Needed in Parish House the Holy Cross Regional School, or belonging to St. Eleanor or St. Mary’s Parish, regardless of where or The Parish House is looking for an individual to fill how they complete their elementary education. The our weekend Rectory Guardian position, Sunday applicant must have made a request for admission to morning from 8am to 1pm. Duties include: answering Pope John Paul II High School and received phone and door, filing, and other duties. Applicants notification of eligibility prior to the awarding of the must be 18 years old and have a positive and scholarship. The application form will provide professional attitude. To apply, please submit your additional details. Please contact Grand Knight resume to Mary Beth O’Connor, Saint Mary Parish Manager, through email at Thomas Kinney at the above address or go to the Business Council Web Site after January 1, 2015 MOConnor@churchofsaintmary.org. If you have www.kofc3633.org to download the complete questions, please call the Parish House at 610-287application form and criteria. The application and 8156 criteria will be available on the parish website as well. UPCOMING HOSPITALITY DATES! Reminder! Women’s Gr owth Gr oup will meet **HOSPITALITY NOVEMBER 16th EVENT! November 10th after the 9am Mass in the Parish Please plan to attend The Hospitality Breakfast on Sunday Nov 16 after the 7:30, 9:00 & 10:30 masses. House. Enjoy all your favorite menu items! Crafters Wanted! Saint Mary Christmas Bazaar: November 21-22 Email: saintmarybazaar@gmail.com 4-004 **The Hospitality December event will be a cookie sale after all Masses in the back of the Church on Dec 20 & 21st. Suppor t our effor ts to impr ove the parish hall kitchen! FINANCIAL FACTS Saint Vincent dePaul Grocery List Collection for November 2, 2014 Week 18 Shopping this week? Can you pick up a few items from the list below and donate them to Saint Vincent dePaul? They can be dropped off during the week in any vestibule of the Church or on the first Sunday of the month in the Hall! Don’t forget: you can donate your turkey certificate you earn at grocery stores! Target Needed for the 14-15 Fiscal Year…….... $957,000.00 Weekend Collection Target Needed Weekly for 14-15 Fiscal Year…… $18,135.00 Collection for Weekend of November 2…....….. $16,216.58 Electronic Funds Transfer (Parish Giving)……..... $2,153.00 Over (Under) Target............................................... $234.58 Hands Together Capital Campaign (Blue Envelope) Target Needed Weekly………………………...… $1,856.00 Collection for Weekend of November 2…....….. $480.00 Over (Under) Target............................................... ($1,376.00) Total Collected To Date........................................ $299,731.73 Total Envelopes Mailed.......................................... 659 Total Envelopes Used............................................. 284 Mortgage Owed for Catholic Education Center…. $1,834,146.17 Debt......................................................................... $797,974.52 Debt Reduction (Gold Envelope)…………………..... $290.00 New Debt Total…………………………………... $797,684.52 All of our parishioners are invited to use our new option of electronic funds transfer by logging onto our website and clicking ‘PARISH GIVING’. PLANNED GIVING: All parishioners and friends of The Church of Saint Mary are kindly asked to include Saint Mary Parish in their will and estate planning. We kindly thank you in advance for remembering this great community of faith in your will so its mission and ministry may continue in the years ahead. NEIGHBORHOOD A Marian Celebration for families at Malvern Retreat House Dinner COST - $7/Child (4 to 17 years) $17/Adult $60/ Family (max) (Parents & more than 3 children) TEAM: Fr. Louis Marie Leonelli, Fr. Christopher Rogers, Chaplain, Fr. Stephen DeLacy, Fr. Bill Ganey, Bob & Anna Iatesta Co-Founders and Directors of Living Bridges. Registration by Friday November 14th. Register by phone, fax or email Living Bridges: Phone: 610-5254770, Fax 610-525-4749, email staff@livingbrigdes.org, www.LivingBridges.org 5 –004 Health Soup Chicken Broth Canned Fruit Canned Tuna Hand Soap Deodorant Shampoo/Conditioner Toothbrush, Toothpaste Cereal, Grain, Snacks Paper, Cleaning Cereal Canned Ravioli Mac and Cheese Pre-packaged snacks Granola Bars Napkins, Paper towels Toilet Paper, Tissues Dish Soap All Purpose Cleaner Clorox Thanksgiving Items Needed! Stuffing Mix Canned Vegetables Canned Gravy Cranberry Sauce Instant Potatoes Pies Chicken Broth Mac and Cheese Yams Juice Client Needs Girls Clothing, size 6x or 7, clothes, size 16 #187 Women’s: Shirts size XL, #157 Women’s or 18 pants size 16 or 18 Always Needed: Diapers Adult Female Diapers, sizes newborn, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 #66 Small and Medium & Pull-ups ARCHDIOCESAN NEWS NEWS The Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul conducts an evangelization ministry with Cathedral Ambassadors. This enthusiastic group of trained Ambassadors staffs the Basilica every day of the week and is comprised of volunteer parishioners from all over the Archdiocese. They answer questions, offer assistance and give tours. The schedule is 4 hour shifts, flexible one day or more a month. Learn more about our Cathedral Basilica at www.cathedralphila.org. For more information on the Ambassador Program and/or to become an Ambassador, please contact Nick or Louise Pascale, coordinators of the Program at npascale@archphila.org Canned Food, Soups World Meeting of the Families Prayer God and Father of us all, in Jesus, your Son and our Savior, you have made us your sons and daughters in the family of the Church. May your grace and love help our families in every part of the world be united to one another in fidelity to the Gospel. May the example of the Holy Family, with the aid of your Holy Spirit, guide all families, especially those most troubled, to be homes of communion and prayer and to always seek your truth and live in your love. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, pray for us! Don’t let sexual violence silence you. Healing can start with a call. Visit www.pacrimevictims.com/healing or call 1-888-800-8780. Church of Saint Mary FY 2014-15 1st Quarter (July 1 through September 30, 2014) Dear fellow parishioners: The Finance Council is pleased to provide you with the 2014-2015 Budget and fisrt quarter results for Saint Mary Church. This information will also be available to parishioners on the parish website. If you have specific questions, please feel free to contact the parish office or any member of the Finance Council, who are listed below. Account Number 1110 1120 1125 1130 1160 1240 7791 7791 Thank you for continued support of our parish. Ex-Officio Members Father Bellopede, Pastor & Chief Financial Officer Deacon Donald O. Nichols, Parish Deacon Consultants Mary Beth O’Connor, Parish Business Manager Kathy Wasniewski, Assistant to the Parish Business Manager Members Manus McHugh, Chair & Facilitator Michelle Beck, Member of the Pastoral Council & Finance Council Pete Conte Hank Fox Ed Wasniewski, Assistant Chair Steve Weirich Expenses 2410 2430 2615 2620 2630 2634 2636 2638 2650 2660 2670 2675 2680 2685 2690 7815 7835 7835 7825 10000 Description Sunday Offering Other Offering Stole Fees Socials & Donations (net) Religious Education Programs Interest, Dividends and Rentals Capital Improvements Campaign (Annual Appeal) Hands Together Capital Campaign (BlueEnv) Total Income Quarters Favorable / 1st Budget (Unfavorable) 207,158 224,380 (17,222) 27,168 20,319 6,849 1,605 3,150 (1,545) 6,981 5,700 1,281 32,703 34,365 (1,662) 644 646 (2) 0 13,755 26,058 (12,303) (24,604) 290,014 314,618 25,175 80,851 267 9,828 5,384 1,527 2,116 9,025 9,726 6,002 10,242 4,125 8,720 634 2,940 20,262 1,315 63,600 261,739 28,275 Diocesan Assessments Salaries and Benefits - Church Transportation Exp. & Vehicle Ins. Property Ins. & Real Estate Taxes Pastoral Administration Outside Printing & Publications Office Supplies & Equipment Liturgical/Altar Supplies Religious Education Programs Residence Operating Expenses Maint. of Property & Equip. - Church Maint. of Property & Equip. - Residence Heat, Light, Water & Sewer - Church Heat, Light, Water & Sewer - Residence Loan Payment & Interest Expense Loan Payment - Principal Other Expense (Campus Renovation) Other Expense (Repayment of AD Debt) Capital Improvements St. Mary School Subsidy Expense Total Expense TOTAL PARISH PROFIT (LOSS) 25,175 84,402 2,625 15,212 5,600 2,160 1,760 4,702 10,800 5,200 8,080 4,850 8,580 1,524 3,005 20,175 3,000 20,000 63,300 290,149 24,468 0 3,551 2,358 5,384 216 633 (356) (4,323) 1,074 (802) (2,162) 725 (140) 890 65 (87) 3,000 18,685 0 (300) 28,410 3,807 Church of Saint Mary FY 2014-15 Budget Spread - Quarterly (as of July 30, 2014) Account Number 1110 1120 1125 1130 1160 1240 7791 7791 Expenses 2410 2430 2615 2620 2630 2634 2636 2638 2650 2660 2670 2675 2680 2685 2690 7815 7798 7798 7825 10000 Quarters Description 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Total Budget Sunday Offering Other Offering Stole Fees Socials & Donations (net) Religious Education Programs Interest, Dividends and Rentals Capital Improvements Campaign (Annual Appeal) Hands Together Capital Campaign (BlueEnv) Total Income 224,380 20,319 3,150 5,700 34,365 646 26,058 314,618 207,120 65,318 2,450 18,240 1,778 646 30,000 33,779 359,330 198,490 20,319 350 1,520 4,740 646 30,000 19,302 275,367 233,010 60,319 1,050 12,540 18,368 646 20,000 17,372 363,304 863,000 166,275 7,000 38,000 59,250 2,582 80,000 96,512 1,312,619 863,000 166,275 7,000 38,000 59,250 2,582 80,000 96,512 1,312,619 Diocesan Assessments Salaries and Benefits - Church Transportation Exp. & Vehicle Ins. Property Ins. & Real Estate Taxes Pastoral Administration Outside Printing & Publications Office Supplies & Equipment Liturgical/Altar Supplies Religious Education Programs Residence Operating Expenses Maint. of Property & Equip. - Church Maint. of Property & Equip. - Residence Heat, Light, Water & Sewer - Church Heat, Light, Water & Sewer - Residence Loan Payment & Interest Expense Loan Payment - Principal Other Expense (Campus Renovation) Other Expense (Repayment of AD Debt) Capital Improvements St. Mary School Subsidy Expense Total Expense 25,175 84,402 2,625 15,212 5,600 2,160 1,760 4,702 10,800 5,200 8,080 4,850 8,580 1,524 3,005 20,175 3,000 20,000 63,300 290,149 25,175 98,260 2,625 5,179 9,800 2,610 2,880 9,608 2,700 2,900 14,160 4,980 7,410 798 7,063 20,175 28,000 20,000 30,000 63,300 357,623 25,175 84,308 2,625 5,179 4,480 2,970 1,600 4,089 8,100 3,200 13,780 5,850 14,430 3,628 7,063 20,175 8,000 20,000 30,000 63,300 327,951 25,175 92,349 2,625 6,797 8,120 1,260 1,760 2,044 8,400 2,700 10,980 3,320 8,580 1,306 3,005 20,175 11,000 20,000 20,000 63,300 312,896 100,700 359,319 10,500 32,366 28,000 9,000 8,000 20,443 30,000 14,000 47,000 19,000 39,000 7,255 20,136 80,700 50,000 80,000 80,000 253,200 1,288,619 100,700 359,319 10,500 32,366 28,000 9,000 8,000 20,443 30,000 14,000 47,000 19,000 39,000 7,255 20,136 80,700 50,000 80,000 80,000 253,200 1,288,619 24,468 1,707 (52,584) 50,408 TOTAL PARISH PROFIT (LOSS) 24,000 24,000
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