Bid Document Tender for hiring of Taxies For O/o. Principal Controller of Communication Accounts Department of Telecom, Tamilnadu Circle, Chennai Tender No. PCCA/TN/ADMN/Hiring of Vehicles/2014-15 dated 1.11.2014 Government of India Ministry of Communications and IT Department of Telecommunications O/o. PCCA, Tamilnadu Circle, Chennai-600028. (Visit us at Price: Rs. 200/- only Page 1 of 43 Signature of the bidder TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Title Page No. Notice Inviting Tender 3-5 A Scope Of Work And General Instructions For Tenderer 6-11 B Terms and Conditions 12-16 C Penalty Clauses D Technical Bid qualification criteria 18-19 E Criteria for Evaluation of Financial Bid with model 20-21 1. 17 calculation F Pro-forma for Technical Bid with declaration 22-24 G Pro-forma for Financial Bid 25-26 Annexure I Format for details of major contracts 27 II Format of the certificate of no relative clause 28 III Checklist for documents to be submitted for tender 29 IV Checklist for documents to be submitted for Technical Bid 30 V Checklist for documents to be submitted for Financial Bid 31 VI Bid Form 32 VII Tender acceptance letter 33 VIII Format for Log Book 34 IX Letter of authorization to attend bid opening 35 X PERFORMANCE BANK GUARANTEE 36-37 XI AGREEMENT PRO-FORMA 38-42 XII PRE BID MEETING PROCEDURE Page 2 of 43 43 Signature of the bidder No.PCCA/TN/ADMN/Hiring of Vehicles/2014-15 Government of India Department of Telecommunication O/o. Principal Controller of Communication Accounts, Tamil Nadu Circle, Chennai 600028. Dated the 1st November, 2014. Notice Inviting Tender HIRING OF TAXIES BY O/o. Principal Controller of Communication Accounts, No 238, 7th Floor, R.K.Nagar Telephone Exchange Building R.K.Mutt Road, Mandaveli, Chennai 600028, Phone: 044 – 24955814. Subject : Hiring of Taxies by Department of Telecommunications Tenders are invited by the Office of Principal Controller of Communication Accounts , TN Circle, Chennai -28 (PCCA) from reputed, experienced and financially sound Taxi Service Providers (herein referred to as Operators) for hiring of diesel taxies by O/o. PCCA, TN Circle, Chennai -28. The contract will be initially for a period of one year. However, the contract may be extended subsequently, on mutual consent and on the same terms and conditions, for a period not more than six months at a time (up to a maximum of one year) on review of performance, depending upon the requirements and administrative conveniences of the O/o. PCCA, TN Circle, Page 3 of 43 Signature of the bidder Chennai. The quantum of requirement of diesel vehicles to be hired on regular monthly basis shall be as under :Sl. No. 1 2 Model ( **) Category Tata Indica or any other similar vehicle (name of the vehicle (s) to be quoted) Non-AC Tata Indigo/Maruti Desire or any other similar vehicle (name of the vehicle (s) to be quoted) AC Projected requirement (*) 1 1 Note: *The above requirement is tentative and it may increase or decrease depending on the needs of the Department from time to time. **The bidder may if he so desires provide higher/superior models than the ones specified above. But the O/o PCCA will not pay any higher amount for such higher / superior models. • In addition the bidders also have to quote for occasional requirement of vehicles to be hired on daily basis in Section G of NIT. 2. The tender documents can be purchased either from the Office of Pr. CCA, Tamilnadu Circle, No 238, 7th Floor, R.K.Mutt Road, R.K.Nagar Telepone Exchange Building R.K.Nagar, Chennai 600028 on payment of Rs.200/- or downloaded from the website of PCCA TN from 03.11.2014 to 20.11.2014 (upto 3.00 PM). The department does not own any responsibility for any alteration/omission in the contents of the tender documents either while uploading on the website or otherwise, in which case the tender will be summarily rejected. 3. This tender document contains 43 pages (including Technical & Financial bid) and bidders are requested to sign on all the pages. The interested taxi service providers may submit the tenders in the O/o. PCCA, TN Circle, under two bid system in a separately sealed envelopes duly super scribed (i) Technical Bid and (ii) Financial Bid in the prescribed pro-forma and putting these two sealed envelopes in a single large cover super scribing “Tender for Hiring of Taxis for the O/o. PCCA, TN Circle, Chennai-28”. Tenders are to be submitted in the Tender Box placed in O/o. PCCA, Tamilnadu Circle, No 238, R.K.Mutt Road, R.K.Nagar Telepone Exchange Building, 7th Floor, Chennai 600028 on or before 11.00 A.M. of 21.11.2014 . Tender sent by any other mode will not be accepted. No tender documents will be accepted after the expiry of stipulated date and Page 4 of 43 Signature of the bidder time for the purpose under any circumstances what so ever. 4. The Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) of Rs. 18,000/- (Rupees Eighteen Thousand only) in the form of Account Payee Demand Draft/Bankers Cheque in favour of AO (Cash), O/o. PCCA, TN Circle, Chennai 28 has to be submitted along with the Technical Bid. If Bid Form is downloaded from website, it must be accompanied by a Crossed Demand Draft for Rs.200/- as cost of tender documents and the same should be kept with the TEHCNICAL BID. If the bid is received without the cost of document/money receipt or EMD, it would not be considered and would be rejected summarily. 5. The Technical Bids will be opened on 21.11.2014 at 3.00 P.M.. in the conference room in O/o. PCCA, Tamilnadu Circle, No 238, 7th Floor, R.K.Nagar Telepone Exchange Building, R.K.Mutt Road, Chennai 600028 by a Tender Opening Committee of this Department. At the first instance, the technical bids shall be evaluated by the Tender Evaluation committee (TEC) constituted for the purpose by the Department. At the second stage, the Financial Bids of only those bidders who qualify in the technical bid will be opened on 28.11.2014 at 3.00 P.M. in the conference room in O/o. PCCA, Tamilnadu Circle, No 238, 7th Floor, R.K.Nagar Telepone Exchange Building, R.K.Mutt Road, Chennai 600028. Changes, if any, in the date & time of opening of bids will be notified to the participating bidders by letter/phone/e-mail etc. Technical & Financial Bid opening may be attended by the bidder or their authorized representative on respective date and time. 6. The competent authority in the Department reserves the right to cancel the tender at any time or amend/withdraw any of the terms and conditions contained in the Tender Documents, without assigning any reason, thereof. 7. The pre-bid meeting will be held on 11.11.2014 at 3.00 P.M. in the Conference Room, in O/o. PCCA, Tamilnadu Circle, No 238, 7th Floor, R.K.Nagar Telepone Exchange Building, R.K.Mutt Road, Chennai 600028. The prospective bidders are requested to attend the aforesaid meeting for any clarification etc in accordance with the procedure as per Annexure XII. 8. Pr. CCA/CCA, TN Circle reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the tenders without assigning any reason. (N. Agasthilingam) Deputy Controller of Communication Accounts Page 5 of 43 Signature of the bidder A. SCOPE OF WORK AND GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR TENDERER 1. The O/o. PCCA, TN Circle, DOT is an office under Department of Telecom, Ministry of Communications & IT, Government of India. Nature of Duty performed is public service and vehicle may be required in the interest of service at any time beyond usual office day/hours. It would be the bounden duty of the successful Tenderer/Bidder to provide vehicle as and when called for. 2. O/o. PCCA, TN Circle, Chennai requires the services of well established and financially sound taxi service providers (hereinafter referred to as “Operators”) to provide taxi services in Chennai. The vehicles proposed for hiring should be registered as a transport vehicle. 3. The contract shall be initially for a period of a one year from the date of signing of the agreement with the successful bidder. However, the contract may be extended subsequently, on mutual consent, on the same terms and conditions for a further period not more than six months at a time upto a maximum of one year as may be decided by the competent authority, after review of performance. 4. The estimated value of the tender is Rs.9,00,000/- . 5. The validity of the bid/tender will be for period of 180 days from the date of issue of notice for tender. 6. The quote in the financial bid at Section G shall be made inclusive of all duties & taxes except service tax. In addition the Service Tax as applicable will be paid. The O/o. PCCA reserves the right to verify the remittance of service tax by the contractor to the Government. 7. Charges for parking and Toll Charges shall be reimbursed on production of receipts along with the hire charges. 8. All registered agencies who are providing similar kind of services for at least last 2 years and having average annual turnover of Rs 3 lakh (Rupees three lakhs) during the last 2 years in the books of accounts may submit the bid in the prescribed format. 9. The tender shall be submitted under Two Bid System. The interested taxi service providers may submit the tenders in the O/o. PCCA, TN Circle, under two bid system in separately Page 6 of 43 Signature of the bidder sealed envelopes duly super scribing (i) Technical Bid and (ii) Financial Bid in the prescribed pro-forma and putting these two sealed envelopes in a single large cover super scribing “Tender for Hiring of Taxis for the O/o. PCCA, TN Circle, Chennai-28”. Tenders are to be submitted in the Tender Box placed in O/o. Pr. CCA, Tamilnadu Circle, No 238, R.K.Nagar Telepone Exchange Building, 7th Floor, R.K.Mutt Road, Chennai 600028 on or before 11.00 A.M. of 21.11.2014. Tenders sent by any other mode will not be considered and the same will be rejected summarily. The technical bid should be submitted in proforma as at Section F and the financial bid should be submitted in proforma as at Section G of this NIT. The financial bid should indicate the rates inclusive of all leviable taxes or any other statutory levies except service tax. 10. The Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) of Rs. 18,000/- (Rupees Eighteen Thousand Only) in the form of Account Payee Demand Draft/Bankers Cheque in favour of AO (Cash), O/o. PCCA, TN Circle, Chennai 28 and is to be submitted along with the Technical Bid. Bid Document and subsequent clarifications on bid terms, if any, can be down loaded from PCCA/CCA web site If Bid Form is downloaded from website, it must be accompanied by a Crossed Demand Draft for Rs.200/- as cost of tender documents and the same should be kept with the TEHCNICAL BID. If the bid is received without the cost of document/money receipt or EMD, it would not be considered and would be rejected summarily. 11. The said EMD will not bear any interest and the earnest money of unsuccessful tenderer would be returned without any interest after finalization of the contract but not later than 30 days after commencement of contract with the successful bidder. 12. The EMD shall be valid for a period of 45 days beyond the final bid validity period. 13. EMD of a bidder will be forfeited, if the bidder withdraws or amends its tender or impairs or derogates from the tender in any respect within the period of validity of its tender. Further, if the successful tenderer fails to furnish the required performance bank guarantee within the specified period, its EMD will be forfeited. 14. The successful bidder/tenderer will have to deposit Performance Bank Guarantee (PBG), for an amount of Rs.90,000/- (Rs. Ninety Thousand Only) after receipt of which the EMD shall be returned. If the successful bidder in the two categories are different, the PBG for monthly hire basis shall be Rs.80,000/- (Rs.Eighty Thousand only) and for occasional / daily hire basis Rs.10,000/- (Rs.Ten Thousand only) for respective successful bidders. PBG should remain valid for a period of 60 days beyond the stipulated date for cessation of Page 7 of 43 Signature of the bidder the contract for initial one year. In case, the contract is further extended beyond the initial period, the Performance Security Deposit will have to be accordingly renewed by the successful bidder. 15. Performance Bank Guarantee shall be refunded to the service provider without any interest, whatsoever, after it duly performs and completes the contract in all respects but not later than 60 days of completion of all such obligations under the contract. Decision of the CCA/PCCA in the matter shall be final and binding. 16. Performance security will be forfeited, either in full or part, by CCA/PCCA, TN Circle as compensation in the event of any loss or breach of contract by the service provider, in terms of the contractual obligations. 17. Conditional bids shall not be considered and will be rejected summarily. 18. All entries in the tender form should be legible and filled clearly. If the space provided for furnishing information is insufficient, a separate sheet duly signed by the authorized signatory may be appended. No correction either in the Technical Bids or Financial Bids is permitted. In no case there be any change in the format of the Financial Bid. The bids submitted in the pro forma other than the pro forma provided for the purpose, will be rejected summarily. 19. In case of partnership firms, a copy of the partnership agreement, or general power of attorney duly attested by a Notary Public, should be furnished on stamp paper duly sworn in and affirmed by all the partners admitting the execution of the partnership agreement or the general power of attorney. The self attested copy of the certificates of registration of firm and the name of authorized partner to interact with the O/o. PCCA should also be submitted along with the tender documents. 20. The Technical Bid shall be opened at the Conference Hall O/o. PCCA, TN Circle, 238, R.K.Mutt Road, R.K.Nagar Telepone Exchange Building, 7th Floor,Chennai 600028 on 21.11.2014 at 3.00 P.M. . 21. The financial bids of only those tenderers will be opened, which are found technically qualified by the Tender Evaluation Committee (TEC) on 28.11.2014 at 3.00 P.M. . Changes, if any, in the date & time of opening of bids will be notified to the participating bidders by letter/phone/e-mail/website etc. Page 8 of 43 Signature of the bidder 22. The bidding firm has to give a self certificate to the effect that it has not been blacklisted by any Central Ministry/Department, PSUs or Public Sector Bank etc. If it is subsequently established or found that the bidding firm has given any false information or facts or has suppressed facts or manipulated the documents etc, the earnest money deposit or the performance bank guarantee, as the case may be, will be forfeited and no excuse what so ever will be entertained.. 23. No bidder will be allowed to withdraw its bids after technical bids have been opened. If any firm intends to withdraw after opening of technical bids, its EMD will be forfeited. 24. If after award of the contract, the successful bidder (L1) fails to provide required number of vehicles/taxies, of if the performance is not in agreement with the terms and conditions of this NIT the contract is liable to be cancelled along with forfeiture of performance security deposit and other consequential actions such as blacklisting of the firm, etc. 21. The non-conformities between the figures and words of the quoted prices to be taken care of as indicated below:(a) If there is discrepancy between the unit price and the total price (which is obtained by multiplying the unit price by the quantity), the unit price shall prevail and the total price corrected accordingly. (b) If there is an error in a total corresponding to the addition or subtraction o subtotals, the subtotals shall prevail and the total shall be corrected: and (c) If there is a discrepancy between words and figures, the amount in words shall prevail, unless the amount expressed in words is related to an arithmetic error, in which case the amount in figures shall prevail subject to (a) and (b) above. If there is such discrepancy in an offer, the same is to be conveyed to the bidder with target date on the above lines and if the bidder does not agree to the observation of the purchaser, the tender is liable to be rejected. 22. PCCA/CCA reserves the right to increase or decrease the number of vehicles as per requirements. 23. The contractor shall indemnify the O/o. PCCA, Tamilnadu Circle, Chennai, Department of Telecom, against all damages/charges due to the negligence of the contractor or his staff or any person under his control whether in respect of accident/injury to the person or damages to the property of any member of the public or any person or in executing the work or Page 9 of 43 Signature of the bidder otherwise and against all claims and demand thereof. The O/o. PCCA, Tamilnadu Circle, Chennai, Department of Telecom shall not be responsible financially or otherwise for any injury to the driver or person deployed by the contractor during the course of performing the duties. 24. The drivers so deployed should exhibit high level of honesty and integrity and should maintain correct records of timing and kms. as per actual usage and should not indulge in manipulating such record(s) or inflate kms. readings, timings or locations, either on their own or on the instigation of operator/his officials or even users of such taxies. 25. The bidder should give a certificate that none of his/her near relative is working in the Office of Pr. CCA, Tamilnadu Circle, Chennai. The Bidder or its authorized signatory should furnish certificate saying that none of the near relative of proprietor Or all partners of partnership OR all the Directors of the company excluding Government of India/Financial institution nominees and independent non-Official part time Directors appointed by Govt. of India or the Governor of the state is working in the unit where the tender is being applied as per the enclosed format at Annexure-II. Due to any breach of these conditions by the company or firm or any other person the tender will be cancelled and Bid Security will be forfeited at any stage whenever it comes to notice the O/o. PCCA will not pay any damage to the company or firm or the concerned person. The company or firm or the person will also be debarred for further participation in the concerned unit. The near relatives for this purpose are defined as:(a) Members of a Hindu undivided family (HUF). (b) Husband and Wife. (c) If one is related to the other in the manner as Father, Mother, Son(s) & Son’s wife (daughter-in-law), Daughter(s) and Daughter’s husband (son-in-law), Brother(s) and Brother’s wife, Sister(s) and Sister’s husband (brother-in-law). 26. FORCE MAJEURE : 26.1 In the event of either party being rendered unable by Force Majeure to perform any obligation required to be performed by them under the contract, the relative obligation of the party affected by such Force Majeure shall be suspended for the period during which such cause lasts. Page 10 of 43 Signature of the bidder 26.2 The term “Force Majeure” as employed herein shall mean acts of God, War, Civil Riots, Fire directly affecting the performance of the Contract, Flood and Acts and Regulations of the two parties, namely O/o. PCCA and the Contractor. 26.3 Upon the occurrence of such cause and upon its termination, the party alleging that it has been rendered unable as aforesaid thereby, shall notify the other party in writing, the beginning of the cause amounting to Force Majeure as also the ending of the said clause by giving notice to the other party within 72 hours of the ending of the cause respectively. 26.4 Time for performance of the relative obligation suspended by Force Majeure shall then stand extended by the period for which such cause lasts. 27. The checklist at Annexure - III must be completed and duly signed by the bidder. ****** Page 11 of 43 Signature of the bidder B. TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. The contract shall be valid for a period of one year from the date of letter awarding the contract, which may be extended subsequently on mutual consent, and on the same terms and conditions for a period of not more than six months at a time and up to a maximum of one year, as may be decided by the competent authority, after review of performance. 2. In the event of bidder unable to supply the entire quantity of vehicles, the remaining quantity will be awarded to the second lowest responsive tenderer (L2) at the rates offered by the Lowest responsive tenderer. 3. The contract can be terminated at any time on account of unsatisfactory services upon review of performance by the competent authority in the O/o. PCCA, TN Circle. The unsatisfactory service shall mean and include non-compliance and non-fulfillment of any of the contractual obligations by the service provider or poor performance or violation of any of the terms and conditions of the tender/contract and failure on its part to correct the discrepancies/shortcomings, brought to its notice in writing by the O/o. PCCA, TN Circle, Chennai 28 and not rectified by the contractor within one day. 4. By virtue of this agreement, no relationship of employees and employer will be created between the drivers deployed and the Department. It will be the sole responsibility of the service provider to pay salary and other perks to its drivers and no complaints by any of its drivers in this regard will be entertained by the Department. 5. The agreement can be terminated earlier by giving one month’s written notice by the Department and three months notice by the Service provider without assigning any reason and the decision of the competent authority shall be binding on the service provider. No claims for compensation of loss of revenue due to such decision shall be entertained. 6. All the vehicles to be provided by the successful bidder should be of 2014 or later model and should be in sound condition and also have decent interiors with other necessary accessories. 7. The O/o. PCCA, TN Circle, DOT is an office under Department of Telecom, Ministry of Communications & IT, Government of India. Nature of Duty performed is public service and vehicle may be required in the interest of service at any time beyond usual office Page 12 of 43 Signature of the bidder day/hours. It would be the bounden duty of the successful Tenderer/Bidder to provide vehicle as and when called for. 8. The services shall be provided on 24X7 basis i.e. on all days & hours of the month as may be required by the office of PCCA, Chennai. The vehicles shall be at the disposal of the designated officer in O/o. PCCA, Tamilnadu Circle, 238, R.K.Mutt Road, R.K.Nagar Telepone Exchange Building, 7th Floor, Chennai 600028, as may be designated from time to time, for deployment. The vehicles hired on monthly basis may therefore be requisitioned even on Sundays & Holidays as and when required and availability of vehicle on such occasion shall be necessarily/mandatorily ensured by the bidder. Extra charges for such usage on Sundays & Holidays in addition to monthly quoted charges, if any, shall be quoted in the financial bid proforma at Section G of NIT. [Holidays for the purpose of this para should mean gazetted holidays notified by the Govt of India, applicable in the state of Tamil Nadu. In case overlapping holidays only one additional charge will be paid.] Duty Hours of vehicle on monthly package basis will be for 12 hours. Charges for extra hours shall be quoted in the financial bid proforma at Section G of NIT. 9. The bidders should consider use of 1500 km per month by the vehicle hired on monthly basis while making the financial bid. For extra KM run on any month, i.e. beyond 1500 kms, charges may be quoted separately in the financial bid at Section G of NIT. 10. Unused KMs out of 1500 Kms, if any, during a particular month will be carried over to the subsequent three months and will be adjusted against any extra KMs performed over and above the 1500 Kms in those months. A Certificate to this effect would be given by the contractor on the body of bill while submitting claim for payment. 11. The mileage for the purpose of “vehicle run” and “hours of duty” shall be reckoned from the allotted place of duty or any other place intimated from time to time and the mileage and time would be calculated accordingly. In addition, mileage will be allowed from garage to allotted place of duty at actual or 5 km one way, whichever is less. However, no extra time will be allowed for movement from garage to allotted place of duty and vice versa. 12. No mileage will be allowed for lunch/breakfast or for filling of petrol/diesel etc. Page 13 of 43 Signature of the bidder 13. Out station charges : The vehicle may be taken outstation beyond the municipal limits of Chennai for which separate outstation/other charges may be quoted by the bidder as provided for in the bid pro forma at Section G of NIT. The firm will ensure that the fuel tank of vehicles provided is filled up before deputing the vehicle for duty. 15. The firm will ensure that all drivers have mobile phone connection so that they can be contacted, whenever, required. 16. The drivers provided by the firm should be well mannered, courteous and polite to the officers with whom they are attached along with vehicle. They should be well acquainted with Chennai area. They should wear uniform with name badge. The drivers should not smoke or drink or use mobile while on duty and should not play cards, etc. during waiting time. They should have understanding of English/Hindi for commuting with officers from other States. 17. The vehicles supplied shall have necessary permit for operating in Tamilnadu Area. 18. The contractor/service provider shall be solely responsible for complying with obligations under Motor Vehicle Act, Road Tax, Workman Compensation Act, Income Tax, ESI, PF, Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, Wages Act, Labour Laws etc. and damages to third party arising due to accident or any other statutory or legal request. 19. During the periodical maintenance of the vehicles, contractor/service provider shall provide similar standby vehicles. 20. It will be the responsibility of the service provider to comply with all statutory obligations on his part arising out of this contract. 21. Payment shall be made on presentation of the bills alongwith duly filled log books (details of journeys performed by the user officer) verified/certified by the user officer and submitted in the first week of the following month to the Dy.CCA (Admn), O/o. Pr. CCA, TN Circle, Chennai for arranging the payment. A format for log book is prescribed in Annexure-VIII. 22. The contractor/service provider shall be responsible for all litigations arising out of the nonpayment of road tax, service tax etc. and other dues to the appropriate authorities and also for the payment of due compensation to the drivers and any other parties involved in the event of deaths/injuries/damages arising out of accidents and due to various other causes etc. Page 14 of 43 Signature of the bidder 23. In case of dispute of any kind, the firm shall abide by the decision of the competent authority i.e. CCA/PCCA or any other authority in the O/o PCCA as may be designated from time to time. In case the dispute is required to be referred to Arbitration, it shall be referred to the sole arbitrator under Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996. The place of settlement of dispute shall be Chennai. In case the settlement of dispute is sought through the Courts, it will be in the jurisdiction of the Courts at Chennai. 24. The service provider shall be responsible for keeping the vehicles insured in compliance with the provisions of Motor Vehicle Act. 25. The service provider shall also be responsible for compliance with all the legal & statutory provision in respect of the vehicle and shall indemnify the Department from any loss on this account. 26. The vehicles will have to be fitted/provided with the following mandatory/additional accessories/utilities :- 27. (i) Clean Seat covers (ii) Reading lamp/light (iii) Umbrella during Monson. (iv) Car perfume (v) Mobile charger. (vi) Seat belts (Front & Rear) (vii) Hand rest/Pillows Vehicles shall be equipped with first aid box and mandatory spares parts, viz tool kit, fuses, spark plugs, belts, fire extinguisher, torch, umbrella etc. 28. The firms should have sufficient numbers of drivers having experience of driving in Chennai. 29. A declaration on the printed letter-head of the firm stating, inter-alia that the drivers provided are of good character, duly verified by the Police Authorities from security angle, having valid commercial driving licenses and also well conversant with the roads of TN and Chennai This declaration should be provided to the Dy. CCA(Admn), O/o. PCCA, TN Circle, Chennai 28. 30. The firm should have adequate number of telephones for contact round the clock and the numbers of the same should be given to authorized officer/ dealing assistant of O/o. PCCA, Tamilnadu Circle, Chennai-28 as well as to the officers to whom the respective vehicles have been provided. Page 15 of 43 Signature of the bidder 31. The vehicles hired on monthly basis by the office of PCCA under this tender/agreement to be signed thereof, shall not be deployed/provided/ for any other commercial purposes, after duty hours or on holidays. 32.The firm shall ensure that the odometer of the vehicles supplied is properly sealed so that no tampering could be done with a view to inflate the distance travelled. 33.A daily record indicating duration of deployment and mileage covered by each of the deployed vehicle from the point of reporting for duty to the point of vehicle released shall be maintained in a log book in the prescribed standard format at Annexure –VIII and will be subjected to scrutiny by the Department. 34.The authorized officer of this Department may conduct surprise check of the odometers of the cars/vehicles supplied from any workshop and the cost thereof will be borne by the agency. 35.Evaluation of Tender for hiring vehicles on monthly/occasional basis shall be done taking into account 95% of applicable charges within Chennai Limits & 5% of Outstation Charges, as has been explained in Section E of this NIT. 36. The lowest bidder will be determined for the two categories i.e. for monthly basis and daily/occasional basis separately. The work/contract will be awarded to the successful bidder(s) in the two categories. ***** Page 16 of 43 Signature of the bidder C. PENALTY CLAUSES Penalty will be levied, for the violation of terms and conditions of the contract in the following manner :- Sl No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Violations Penal amount per car Remarks 1st 2nd 3rd instance instance instance Rs. 500/- deducted per day per Non functioning of car AC in the taxi Failure to provide 500/alternative arrangement within one hour of vehicle breakdown. Changes of driver 500/without prior intimation to the designated Officer , O/o. PCCA, TN Circle & the officers with whom the vehicles are attached. Delay (more than 30 500/minutes) in reporting for duty by driver/vehicles. Non-compliance of 500/any other terms & conditions 1000/- --- 2000/- Rental charges for the day will also not be paid --- On each occasion. 1000/- 2000/- Rental charges for the day will also not be paid 1000/- 2000/- For each violation per vehicle Repeated violations may also lead to termination of contract and blacklisting of the firm. ****** Page 17 of 43 Signature of the bidder D. TECHNICAL BID QUALIFICATION CRITERIA The tenderer must fulfill the following technical specifications in order to be eligible for clearing the technical evaluation of the bid described in detail in Section D & F. (i) The office of the service providers should be located at Chennai. The proof of address is to be submitted with the Bid documents. (ii) In case partnership firms, a copy of the partnership agreement, or General Power of Attorney (GPA) duly attested by a Notary Public, should be furnished on stamped paper duly sworn in and affirmed by all the partners admitting execution of the partnership agreement of the GPA. The attested copy of the certificate of registration of firm by appropriate authority.should also be furnished alongwith the tender. The said documents are to be attached with Bid documents. (iii) The service providers must have a minimum of two year experience in supplying taxies to Government Ministries/Departments/Public Sector companies, Nationalized Banks or reputed companies. Proof of at least one contract relating to supplying of taxies to Ministries/Departments of Central Government/State Government, PSUs, Nationalized Banks or reputed companies in last two years alongwith attested copies of the supply order should be furnished. The said documents are to be submitted with Bid documents. (iv) The service providers should have had a minimum annual turnover (billing amount) of Rs. 3,00,000/- (Rupees three lakhs) each year during last two financial years i.e. 2012-13 and 2013-14. A copy of turn over statement duly certified by the Chartered Accountant is to be furnished with the tender documents. The said documents are to be attached with Bid documents. (v) The service providers should have their own Bank Account. The certified copy of the account maintained for the last two years issued by the Bank shall be attached with Bid documents. (vi) Self attested copy of the PAN card of the bidding firms shall be attached with the Bid document. (vii) The service providers agency should be registered with Service Tax Departments. Certified copy of the registration shall be attached with the Bid documents. Page 18 of 43 Signature of the bidder (viii) Self certificates that the firm has not been blacklisted by any Central Government Ministries/Departments/PSUs/Banks etc. should be attached with Bid documents. (ix) If at any point of time it is found that the information/certificates furnished by the participating firm is incorrect/wrong or bogus, the firm shall be blacklisted, its bids will be ignored and EMD/Performance security will be forfeited. ***** Page 19 of 43 Signature of the bidder E. Criteria for Evaluation of Financial bid with model calculation: The financial bid will be evaluated for (a) and (b) category separately as detailed below with model calculation :(a) Hiring of Vehicles on monthly basis Sl..No. For Non A/c For A/C Total Tata Indica Tata Indigo /Maruti Desire (Inclusive of all Taxes except Service Tax) (Inclusive of all Taxes except Service Tax) (Inclusive of all Taxes except Service Tax) 1200 1500 2700 120 150 270 25 30 55 100 100 200 WITHIN CHENNAI CITY LIMITS i) Rate quoted for 1500 Kms ii) Rate quoted for additional km iii) Extra per hour beyond 12 hours iv) Extra charges for Sundays/Gazetted Holidays, if any Total 1 3225 OUTSTATION USE i) Driver’s Batta Per Night 100 100 200 ii) Night Halt Rate per Night 150 150 300 Total 2. 500 Note: Rates mentioned above are only indicative and for example purpose only. For evaluation 95% of Total 1 and 5% of total 2 will be taken into account as follows:(3225 x 0.95) + (500 x 0.05) = 3088.75. Page 20 of 43 Signature of the bidder (b) Hiring of Vehicles on Occasional/daily basis Duration Engagement Vehicle of of Non A/C Type of A/C vehicles Tata Indica Indigo/ Desire Maruti SX4/ Honda City Total Toyota Innova / Chevrolet Tavera (7 Seater) Within Chennai City Limits 5 Hrs. & 50 KMs. 10 Hrs. & 100 Kms Extra per KM. Rate (beyond 50/100 KM) Extra per Hour rate (beyond 5/ 10 Hrs) 500 600 750 850 2700 1000 1200 1500 1700 5400 50 60 75 90 275 120 150 175 200 645 9020 TOTAL - 1 OUTSTATION USE Driver’s Batta Per Night Night Halt Rate per Night Per running KM Rate/Minimum chargeable KMs for Calendar Day (till 12 Mindnight) for evaluation rate x minmum km 100 100 100 100 400 200 200 200 200 800 6/200 8/200 10/200 12/200 1200 1600 2000 2400 7200 8400 TOTAL - 2 Note: Rates mentioned above are only indicative and for example purpose only. For evaluation 95% of Total 1 and 5% of total 2 will be taken into account as follows:(9020 x 0.95) + (8400 x 0.05) = 8989.00. ******** Page 21 of 43 Signature of the bidder F. PROFORMA FOR TECHNICAL BID Sl No. 1. Particulars Name of the person/firm submitting the bid (referred to as the bidder/tenderer) 2. Status of the bidder (Individual/ Partnership Firm/Company/Any other (Specify) 3. Full address of Registered Office 4. Full address of operating/Branch office in Chennai with Telephone/Fax/e-mail address (Attach Proof thereof) 5. Banker of Agency with full address (attach bankers certificate of account maintenance for the last two years) 6. Registration No. of the Agency/ Firm 7. PAN No. 8. Service Tax Registration No. 9. Service Tax paid during financial years 2012-13 & 2013-14 10. Annual turnover (billing amount) of the Agency/Firm for financial years 2012-13 and 2013-14. (Enclose certificate from Chartered Accountant) 11. Vehicles on offer of 2014 model or later. Proof of registration as commercial vehicle (RC to be enclosed). 12. Details of hiring contracts handled Page 22 of 43 Signature of the bidder 13. in last two years in the prescribed format at Annexure –I Certificate of satisfactory performance from the organization to whom the service was provided. 14. Certificate - not blacklisted etc. 15. Particulars of EMD paid DD No & Date Amount 16. Particulars of Cost of Tender paid DD No & Date Amount Signature of authorized person Date : Name :Place : Seal : Page 23 of 43 Signature of the bidder DECLARATION 1. I, ……………………………………… son/daughter/wife of Shri …………………… Proprietor/Director/authorized signatory of the Agency/firm mentioned above, is competent to sign this declaration and execute the tender documents (proof of authentication for signature to be attached); 2. I have carefully read and understood all the terms and conditions of the tender and undertake to abide by them; 3. The information/documents furnished alongwith the above application are true and authentic to the best of my knowledge and belief. I/we, am/are well aware of the fact that furnishing of any false information/fabricated document would lead to rejection of my/our tender at any sage besides liabilities towards prosecution under appropriate law and forfeiture of EMD and Performance Security Bond. Signature of authorized person Date: Name : Place Page 24 of 43 Signature of the bidder G. PROFORMA FOR FINANCIAL BID (a) Hiring of Vehicles on monthly basis Sl..No. For Non A/c For A/C Total Tata Indica Tata Indigo /Maruti Desire (Inclusive of all Taxes except Service Tax) (Inclusive of all Taxes except Service Tax) (Inclusive of all Taxes except Service Tax) WITHIN CHENNAI CITY LIMITS i) Rate quoted for 1500 Kms ii) Rate quoted for additional km iii) Extra per hour beyond 12 hours iv) Extra charges for Sundays/Gazetted Holidays, if any Total 1 OUTSTATION USE i) ii) Total 2 Page 25 of 43 Signature of the bidder (b) Hiring of Vehicles on Occasional/daily basis Duration Engagement Vehicle of of Non A/C Tata Indica Type of A/C vehicles Indigo/ Desire Maruti SX4/ Honda City Total Toyota Innova / Chevrolet Tavera (7 Seater) Within Chennai City Limits 5 Hrs. & 50 KMs. 10 Hrs. & 100 Kms Extra per KM. Rate (beyond 50/100 KM) Extra per Hour rate (beyond 5/ 10 Hrs) TOTAL - 1 OUTSTATION USE Driver’s Batta Per Night Night Halt Rate per Night Per running KM Rate/Minimum chargeable KMs for Calendar Day (till 12 Mindnight) for evaluation rate x minmum km TOTAL - 2 If our bid is accepted, we shall submit the securities as per the conditions mentioned in the contract. We also understand that the office of PCCA is at liberty to award work to different bidders if lowest bidder in the two categories above i.e. for monthly basis and daily/occasional basis are different. We agree to abide by this Bid for the period as per tender terms & conditions from the date of issue of letter approving contract and it shall remain binding upon us till the expiry of the contract, including its extensions. We agree to abide by this Bid for the period as per tender terms & conditions and it shall remain binding upon us till the expiry of the contract, including its extensions. DATE SIGNATURE SEAL Page 26 of 43 Signature of the bidder Annexure - I Details of major contracts during last 2 years Sl Details of client alongwith No. address, telephone and FAX number 1. Amount of contract (in Rs. Per year) Duration of Contract From To 2. 3. 4. 5. ****** Page 27 of 43 Signature of the bidder Annexure - II CERTIFICATE “I…………………………….….……………… S/o …………….…..………………………… r/o…………………………………………………………… hereby certify that none of relative(s) as defined in the tender document (Tender No. PCCA/TN/ADMN/Hiring of Vehicles/2014-15) is/are employed in O/o. PCCA unit as per details given in tender document. In case at any stage, it is found that the information given by me is false/ incorrect, O/o. PCCA shall have the absolute right to take any action as deemed fit, without any prior intimation to me.” Signature of authorized person Date: Name : Place Page 28 of 43 Signature of the bidder Annexure – III CHECK LIST and the order in which the documents are to be submitted for the tender. Sl. Documents Page No. No. EMD and cost of tender documents by way of Money Receipt /Rs.200 1. DD Turn over certificate for the last two financial years in form of balance 2. 3. sheet Certificate regarding having the office in Chennai 4. Certificates for proof of experience 5. Certificates for proof of financial standing 6. Certificates for proof of service tax registration 7. No relative certificate (as per Annexure II) 8. Copy of certificate of Registration 9. Self attested copy of PAN Card 10. Self certificate that firm is not blacklisted Bidders to ensure: A. That all pages have been stamped and signed by the authorized Person(s). B. That all the pages have been numbered. C. That all the documents are legible (clearly readable). Page 29 of 43 Signature of the bidder Annexure – IV Check list and the order in which the documents are to be submitted for the Technical Bid. Sl No. 1 2 3 4 6 Documents Bid security in the form of Bank Draft for Rs. ____________/[as per clause 10 of section A] or copy for claiming exemption should be submitted. Letter of authorization to attend bid opening [as per Annexure IX] Power of Attorney [as per Clause (ii) of Section D] Certificate of Incorporation/Registration of Firm/Partnership Deed/ Proprietorship Deed/ Declaration of Proprietorship etc. as the case may be [as per clause (ii) of Section D] Copy of PAN card[as per clause (vi) of section D] 9 Copy of Service Tax Registration Certificate [as per clause (vii) of section D] Certificate to the effect that the firm is not blacklisted by any Central Government Ministries/Departments/PSUs/Banks during last three years [as per Clause (viii) Section D] No near relative certificate [as per Clause 25 of Section A] 10 11 Proof for payment of cost of Tender documents for Rs.200/Tender Acceptance Letter [as per Annexure- VII ] 12 13 Proof of ownership of vehicles (RC copies) Details of major contracts handled in last 2 years as per Annx.I format Certificate of satisfactory performance from organization to whom service was provided Proof of authentication for signature for signing declaration in Tender documents. 7 8 14 15 Page No. Bidders to ensure: A. That all pages have been stamped and signed by the authorized Person(s). B. That all the pages have been numbered. C. That all the documents are legible (Clearly readable). Page 30 of 43 Signature of the bidder Annexure - V Check list and the order in which the documents are to be submitted for the Financial Bid. Sl No. 1 Documents Financial Bid Form (as per proforma given in Section G) Page 31 of 43 Page No. 25-26 Signature of the bidder Annexure - VI BID FORM Tender No. PCCA/TN/ADMN/Hiring of Vehicles/2014-15 Date .................. (Name & Address of the Purchaser) Dear Sir, Having examined the conditions of contract and specifications including addenda Nos.….. the receipt of which is hereby duly acknowledged, we, undersigned, offer to supply and deliver ...….......... in conformity with said conditions of contract and specifications for sum of (Total Bid amount in words and figures) or such other sums as may be ascertained in accordance with the schedule of prices attached herewith and made part of this Bid. We undertake, if our Bid is accepted, to commence delivery of taxies within (at any time/day) week/month from the date of issue of your letter. If our Bid is accepted, we will obtain the guarantees of a Scheduled Bank for a sum not exceeding 10% of the contract sum for the due performance of the Contract. We agree to abide by this Bid for the period as per terms & conditions. Until a Order of Contract is prepared and executed, this Bid together with your written acceptance thereof in your notification of award shall constitute a binding contract between us. Bid submitted by us is properly sealed and prepared so as to prevent any subsequent alteration and replacement. We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest or any bid, you may receive. Dated this of ....................2014 (Signature) Witness........................... Tele No.(s):- Signature of………………………… Signature....................... FAX No.(s) in capacity of………………………… Address........................ E-Mail Address:- Duly authorised to sign the bid for and on behalf of........... Page 32 of 43 Signature of the bidder Annexure –VII TENDER ACCEPTANCE LETTER (To be given on Company Letter Head) Date: To, ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ Subject: Acceptance of Terms & Conditions of Tender. Tender Reference No: ________________________ Name of Tender/Work : ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Dear Sir, 1. I/ We have downloaded / obtained the tender document(s) for the above mentioned ‘Tender/Work’ from the web site(s) namely: ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ as per your advertisement, given in the above mentioned website(s). 2. I/We hereby certify that I/we have read the entire terms and conditions of the tender documents from Page No. _________ to __________ (including all documents like annexure(s), etc.,), which form part of the contract agreement and I / we shall abide hereby by the terms / conditions / clauses contained therein. 3. The corrigendum(s) issued from time to time by your department/organization too have also been taken into consideration, while submitting this acceptance letter. 4. I/We hereby unconditionally accept the tender conditions of above mentioned tender document(s) / corrigendum(s) in its totality / entirety. 5. In case any provisions of this tender are found violated , then your department/organization shall without prejudice to any other right or remedy be at liberty to reject this tender/bid including the forfeiture of the full said earnest money deposit and/or performance security deposit absolutely. Yours Faithfully, (Signature of the Bidder, with Official Seal) Page 33 of 43 Signature of the bidder Annexure – VIII Log Book Office of PCCA, Tamilnadu, Chennai. Driver Name Date Vehicle No. …………………………………… Starting time Starting Meter reading Closing Time Closing Meter reading Total Total Kms hours after adding 10 km. User name Page 34 of 43 Details of journey/ Route /visited places Purpose of Signature journey of user Signature of the bidder Annexure IX LETTER OF AUTHORISATION FOR ATTENDING BID OPENING Subject: Authorization for attending bid opening on ----------------- (date) in the tender no. --------------------------- of DoT Following persons are hereby authorised to attend the bid opening for the tender mentioned above on behalf of --------------------- (Bidder) in order of preference given below. Order of Preference Name Specimen signature I II Alternate Representative Signature of bidder Or Officer authorised to sign the bid documents on behalf of the bidder. Note: 1. Maximum of two representatives will be permitted to attend bid opening. 2. Permission for entry to the hall where bids are opened may be refused in case authorization as prescribed above is not received. Page 35 of 43 Signature of the bidder Annexure X PERFORMANCE BANK GUARANTEE In consideration of Principal Controller of Communication Accounts, Tamil Nadu Circle (here in after called the PCCA/CCA, Chennai) having agreed to exempt _________________________________________________ ____________(here in after called the said Service Provider(S) from the demand of security deposit / earnest money of Rs. ______________on production of Bank Guarantee for Rs. __________For the due fulfillment by the said Service Providers of the terms & conditions to be contained in an Agreement in connection with the contract for supply of ___________________________we, (name of the bank) _____________________________________(here in after referred to as “the Bank”) at the request of _________________________________Service Provider’s do hereby undertake to pay to the PCCA/CCA, ______________________an amount of not exceeding ___________________________________, against any loss or damage caused to or suffered or would be caused to or suffered by the PCCA/CCA, ___________ by reason of any breach by the said Service Provider’s of any of the terms & conditions contained in the said agreement. 2. We (name of the bank) ___________________________________________ do hereby undertake to pay the amounts due and payable under this guarantee without any demur, merely on a demand from the PCCA/CCA, ____________________ stating that the amount claimed is due by way of loss or damages caused to or would be caused to or suffered by the PCCA/CCA, ________________ reason of breach by the said Service Provider’s of any of the terms & conditions contained in the said agreement or by reason of the Service Providers failure to perform the said Agreement. Any such demand made on the bank shall be conclusive as regards the amount due and payable by the Bank under this guarantee where the decision of the PCCA/CCA, ________________ in these counts shall be final and binding on the bank. However, our liability under this guarantee shall be restricted to an amount not exceeding Rs. ____________________________________________________________. 3. We undertake to pay to the PCCA/CCA, _________________ any money so demanded not withstanding any disputes raised by the Service Provider(s)/supplier(s) in any suit or proceeding pending before any court or tribunal relating there to our liability under the present being absolute and equivocal. The payment so made by us under this bond shall be valid discharge of our liability for payment there under and the Service Provider(s)/ supplier(s) shall have no claim against us for making such payment. 4. We (name of the bank) ______________________________________________further agree that the guarantee herein contained shall remain in full force and effect immediately for a period of one year from date herein and further agree to extend the same from time to time (one year after) so that it shall continue to be enforceable till all the dues of the PCCA/CCA, ______________________under or by virtue of the said agreement have been fully paid and its claims satisfied or discharged or till PCCA/CCA, ____________________certifies that the terms & conditions of the said agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the said Service Provider(s) and accordingly discharges this guarantee. 5. We (name of the bank) further agree with the PCCA/CCA, ____________ that the PCCA/CCA __________ Page 36 of 43 Signature of the bidder 0 shall have the fullest liberty without our consent and without affecting in any manner our obligations here under to vary any of the terms & conditions of the said agreement or to extend time of performance by the said contactor(s) from time to time or to postpone from any time to time any of the powers exercisable by the PCCA/CCA, _____________________ against the said Service Provider(s) and to forbear or enforce any of the terms & conditions relating to the said agreement and we shall not be relieved from our liability by reason of any such variation, or extension being granted to the said Service Provider(s) or for any forbearance, and or any omission on the part of the PCCA/CCA, ________________ or any indulgence by the PCCA/CCA, ______________to the said Service Provider(s) or by any such matter or thing whatsoever which under the law relating to sureties would , but for this provision, have effect of so relieving us. 6. This guarantee will not be discharged due to the change in the constitution of the Bank or the Service Provider(s) / supplier(s) 7. This guarantee shall be irrevocable and the obligations of the Bank herein shall not be conditional to any prior notice by PCCA/CCA. 8. We, the Bank agree that this guarantee may be invoked on a number of occasions for part amounts, with the balance standing in favour of the PCCA/CCA, but so that the total amount payable hereunder shall not exceed Rs._______________. Dated : _________________________ For ______________________________________ (Indicating the name of the bank) N.B. This guarantee should be issued on non-judicial stamped paper, stamped in accordance with the stamp act. ****** Page 37 of 43 Signature of the bidder ANNEXURE – XI AGREEMENT PRO-FORMA AGREEMENT FOR VEHICLE HIRING This agreement is made on __________________________between M/S _____________________________________________ (herein after called the ‘successful bidder’ which term includes its heir, representatives, nominees, attorneys, successors and assignees) whose registered office is at _____________________________________________________________ and is registered under______________________________________________ and acting through its authorized official Sh._________________________________________________ AND The Principal Controller of Communication Accounts, Tamil Nadu Circle ( herein after called the PCCA/CCA whose term includes its heir, representatives, nominees, attorneys, successors and assignees), acting through Shri …………………………………………………………………….. , Dy.CCA, whose office is situated at 7th floor, R.K.Nagar Telephone Exchange Building, 238, R.K. MUTT ROAD, Mandaveli, CHENNAI-600028. The Successful Bidder will provide Commercial vehicles on hire basis to the office of the Principal Controller of Communication Accounts, Tamil Nadu Circle, Chennai. The “Successful Bidder” has deposited Rs.__________ (Rupees_____________________________________________ ) as interest free Performance Security. Now these present witnesses and it is hereby agreed and declared by and between the parties to these present as followings. 1. That the Office of the PCCA floated a Tender No. PCCA/TN/ADMN/Hiring of Vehicles/ 2014-15 dated 1.11.2014 for hiring of Taxies a copy of which is enclosed with this agreement and shall constitute to be a part and parcel of this agreement. 2. The successful bidder submitted his bid in response to the above tender, duly signing and accepting the terms and conditions in the entire tender document comprising 43 pages. 3. That on evaluation by the office of PCCA, the successful bidder was declared lowest bidder in the category of ……………………………………………………. (monthly hiring/occasional hiring of taxies). 4. The successful bidder shall, during the period of this contract, that is from__________ to ___________ OR until extended period OR until this contract is determined by such notice as herein after mentioned, will provide commercial vehicles on terms and conditions as specified in the abovementioned tender document and shall abide with all its Instructions, terms and conditions, Penalty clauses, technical and Financial conditions and any other conditions mentioned in the tender document. Page 38 of 43 Signature of the bidder 5. The successful bidder shall comply with all the terms and conditions of Bid documents contained which are part and parcel of this agreement and forms integral part of this agreement and also the following. 6. The authorities of PCCA/CCA shall place an order for their requirement on the official Hire order form appendix-I ( herein after called Hire order ) and will receive acknowledgement from the successful bidder for supply of vehicles. It is anticipated that the successful bidder will supply vehicles to these authorities on regular basis until such time the contract is valid and the parties in agreement are satisfied with the performance of the contract. 7. The successful bidder agrees with the PCCA/CCA and with each authority competent to order that every contract of hire order should be subject to the terms of this Agreement for vehicle Hire and in the event of a conflict between these terms and the terms in hire order, the terms of this Agreement for vehicle Hire shall prevail. 8. Successful bidder will provide vehicles to PCCA/CCA not older than 2014 model and registered for the commercial purpose only and taxes, insurance etc. due on such vehicles shall be the liability of the successful bidder 9. The successful bidder should provide the particular make & model of vehicle as agreed upon in the contract. The PCCA/CCA only reserves the right to substitute it with another similar vehicle. If for any reason whatsoever the PCCA/CCA is not satisfied with the condition of the vehicle provided, the successful bidder’s nearest office will be informed immediately and they should accept any liability to replace it as per requirement. If for any reason the successful bidder is not in a position to provide a substitute vehicle as demanded by the PCCA/CCA then the PCCA/CCA/CCA will be free to engage a vehicle from the open market and debit the expenditure on account of it on the claims payable to the successful bidder 10. Successful bidder will submit bills in accordance with the Bid document to the Administration Section of o/o Principal Controller of Communication Accounts, Tamil Nadu Circle on monthly basis for release of payment by PCCA/CCA. 11. In case of any accident resulting in loss or damage to property of life, the sole responsibility for any legal or financial implication would vest with the successful bidder. PCCA/CCA shall have no liability whatsoever. 12. The Bid Document No. PCCA/CCA/TN/ADMN/HIRING OF VEHICLES/2014-15 Dated _____________, schedules annexure/appendix which are annexed to this agreement, shall form part and parcel of this Agreement and integral part of this agreement. 13. That successful bidder is/ shall be liable for any legal dispute/cases/claims that have arisen or may arise during the currency of the agreement in respect of vehicles provided by successful bidder. PCCA/CCA shall not be liable for any loss, damages, etc suffered/ to be suffered by successful bidder or third party as the case may be. Page 39 of 43 Signature of the bidder 14. If for any reason the PCCA/CCA is dissatisfied in any way with the standard of the vehicle or felt deficiency in service during the hire period, it will be reported to the successful bidder in writing. The successful bidder without raising any dispute on such assessment by the PCCA/CCA regarding the standard of the vehicle provided or quality of service rendered by them may immediately replace it with another commercial vehicle on receipt of such complaint. 15. The successful bidder shall also be liable for all fines, penalties, and the like of parking, traffic and other criminal offences arising out of or concerning the use of the vehicle during the hire period and any toll Charges or entry Taxes payable locally and the successful bidder accordingly indemnifies the PCCA/CCA against all such liability. 16. Successful bidder shall not engage any person below 18 years of age. 17. Rates charged by the successful bidder for the services given under this contract, for both Monthly and Occasional hiring, shall not be higher than the rates quoted by the successful bidder in his bid and will be regulated by Section-G of Bid Document. 18. In the event of any question, dispute or difference arising under the agreement or in connection there with (except as to the matters, the decision to which is specifically provided under this agreement), the same shall be referred to sole arbitration of Principal Controller/Controller of Communication Accounts, Tamil Nadu Circle or any other person appointed by him. In the event of such Arbitrator to whom the matter is originally referred to vacates his office on resignation or other wise or refuses to do work or neglecting his work or being unable to act as Arbitrator for any reasons whatsoever, the Principal Controller/Controller of Communication Accounts, Tamil Nadu Circle shall appoint another person to act as Arbitrator in the place of outgoing Arbitrator and the person so appointed shall be entitled to proceed further with the reference from the stage at which it was left by the predecessor and that the award of the arbitrator shall be final and binding on both the parties. successful bidder will have no objection in any such appointment that arbitrator so appointed is an employee of PCCA/CCA or a Government Servant or that he has to deal with the matter to which the agreement relates or that in the course of his duties as a PCCA/CCA employee he has expressed his views on all or any of the matters in dispute. The adjudication of such Arbitrator shall be governed by the provisions of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996, or any statutory modification or re-enactment thereof or any rules made thereof. 19 The venue of Arbitration proceeding shall be Office of Principal Controller of Communication Accounts, Tamil Nadu Circle at 238, R.K. Mutt Road, Chennai-28 or such other place as the arbitrator may decide. 20. Any dispute relating to this agreement and the tender mentioned herein shall be at the Court of appropriate jurisdiction at Chennai only where the vehicle has been hired and not the place where the successful bidder has his registered office. Page 40 of 43 Signature of the bidder 21. The successful bidder is / shall be responsible for compliance of all the laws / rules/ regulations and Government instructions that are/ will be applicable to and aimed to protect the interest of the employees/ workers engaged by it and shall ensure payment of all the statutory dues/ liabilities as may have arisen during the past ‘or’ may arise during the course of performance of this contract. 22. Notwithstanding any thing contained in the Bid Document, the successful bidder shall have to furnish an unequivocal and unqualified undertaking / declaration to indemnify PCCA/CCA in the proforma annexed as Appendix –IV duly attested by a Magistrate / Executive Magistrate. 23. Any notice, request of statement hereunder shall be in writing and deemed to be sufficiently given or rendered when sent by Registered mail or fax to a party’s registered office. with a copy sent to the attention of: _______________________________ (Name of successful bidder) Address : ___________________________________________________ Tel :_____________ Fax : _________________E-mail : ___________ And Principal Controller of Communication Accounts, Tamil Nadu Circle Address : 238, R.K. Mutt Road, Chennai-28 Tel :24955803 Fax : 24955820 E-mail : Further, the said notice shall be deemed to have been validly given on (i) business date and time immediately after the date of transmission with confirmed answer back, if sent by facsimile transmission provided such transmission is immediately followed by a Regd. mail or (ii) five days from the date of despatch, if transmitted by internationally recognized courier or registered air mail. Signed ______________________ Signed ______________________ For and on behalf of the PCCA/CCA For and on behalf of the successful bidder Name (caps) ____________________ Name(caps) _______________ Position _______________________ Position ___________________ Date _____________________ Date _____________________ In the presence of Witnesses In the presence of Witnesses 1. 1. 2. 2. Page 41 of 43 Signature of the bidder Appendix-I Principal Controller of Communication Accounts, Tamil Nadu Circle Hire Order ( only by specified authority ) This document is subject to the terms of the Agreement for vehicle hire. Agreement dated ______________________ between _____________________________ (the successful bidder) and __________________________________________________ , the Authority (the PCCA/CCA/) Order details PCCA/CCA/CCA’s order number ___________________ successful bidder’s reference__________________ Name of Hiring unit ______________________________ _________________ Designation of authority hiring ____________________________ Delivery address ______________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Vehicle details Make _____________________ Model ( year of manufacture)_____________________ Fuel used________________ Horse Power ( cc ) _____________Euro I / II _________ Any other details ________________________________________________________ Hire details Vehicle delivery date ____________________ Period of hire (months) __________________ Monthly hire charge Rs. _____________________ Contracted monthly mileage __________________Kms Signed __________________________ ( on behalf of PCCA/CCA) Name (caps) ______________________ Position _________________________ Date__________________ Page 42 of 43 Signature of the bidder ANNEXURE XII PROCEDURE FOR PRE-BID MEETING PROCEDURE FOR PRE-BID MEETING IS AS UNDER :- (i) Date for Pre-bid Meeting will be held on 11.11.2014 at 3.00 P.M. (ii) The bidder or his designated representative is invited to attend the pre-bid meeting which will take place at the venue and time stipulated in para 8 of NIT. (iii) The purpose of the meeting will be to clarify issues and to answer questions on any matter that may be raised at that stage by the bidder. (iv) The bidder is requested, as far as possible, to submit any questions in writing to reach the Dy.CCA (Admn) on or before 07.11.2014. (v) Minutes of the meeting, including the text of questions raised & responses given will be intimated. Any modification of the bidding documents which may become necessary as a result of the pre-bid meeting shall be intimated to all bidders by Dy.CCA (Admn) through issue of amendment. Page 43 of 43 Signature of the bidder
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