Connect2 Steering Group Flowers for November There will be a meeting for the Connect2 steering group in the Parish Centre this coming Thursday 13th Nov at 7.30 pm. Any one else is welcome to attend. The flowers in front of the Sacred Heart Statue have been provided by Mary Mason for the Holy Souls for November. Christmas Entertainment After the Masses this weekend to celebrate Remembrance Sunday the WW1 Banner on the Sanctuary will be removed and replaced with the Banner of the Angelus as we approach Advent and Christmas. Sunday 7th December at 7 pm. The young Singers present: ’A Christmas Story’ a retelling of the Birth of Jesus through Song and Narration. After the interval, when mulled wine and mince pies will be served, the adults invite you to their Pantoland Christmas Party, with a few familiar characters and the usual Christmas songs and carols to get you in the mood for Christmastime. Tickets on sale Adults £7.00 Under 15: £4.00 Including mince pies and mulled wine Change of Banner Sacred Heart RC Church, Rochdale and Parish Centre Kingsway, Rochdale. OL16 5BX December 25th 2011 Christmas Tel: 01706 645603 Parish Priest - Father David O’ Kane November 9th 2014 Issue 640 Business is brisk In the last fortnight: all boilers have been serviced - security lights all serviced security cameras, of which there are 15, have been checked and will be updated with new lenses and the fire extinguishers etc in the parish centre have been serviced so we are ready for the winter ! Rehearsals Sean was busy Young Singers each Saturday at Adults and Youth Choir this Sun Nov 9th at 7.30 pm after the party has been cleared away. Sean Fogarty spent all day Monday on the big field clearing leaves, cutting the grass and taking all to the tip. He did a great job. Dress Rehearsals Sun 30th Nov. Christmas Cards, Cribs. Young Singers 3.00 - 6.00 pm Adults 5.30 pm These, along with statues, Mass Cards etc. are now on sale on the Piety Stall 6.00 pm Vigil 9.30 am 11.00 am Nov Ged Sweeney Christopher Howard Finola Kelly 8/9 Mary, Muriel, Matt & Margaret Richard & Jackie Mellor Wheatley Family Nov Catherine Simpson Leonard Jones Kathryn Ansley 15 / 16 Manwaring Family Mawdsley Family Westerman Family Website : Follow the Mass or visit the Church from the link on our Website - Live Church Cam Salford Diocese:- The Loop System is installed in our Church and Parish Centre - turn hearing aid to T Dedication of the Lateran Basilica Remembrance Sunday At our Masses this weekend we pray for all who have died, in years gone by and at present in our troubled world, as a result of conflict May they rest in peace. Senior Citizens Party Nearly everything is ready and we are looking forward to our Party to Celebrate the Centenary of the First World War this Sunday afternoon. Please bring cakes/ desserts etc Sunday morning. Those making sandwiches etc. please come to the Parish Centre at 9.00 am. Guests please try to be here by 2.45pm. Those helping need to be here no later than 2.00 pm. Have a wonderful time!! NB. Because of the Party, the Parish Centre will be closed after all the Masses this weekend. Pat and Jeanette Shine first organised these events in the early 1980s in our Primary School when there was no Parish Centre to use. Thanks to them for organising it once again this year and to all who have helped in any way: making cakes or desserts, making sandwiches, providing transport, preparing the room and helping on the day. A special thanks to the young people who will help to serve the drinks and act as waiters/waitresses. About 100 guests and many helpers will enjoy good cheer and enjoyable entertainment from Tony and Marianne Downes. This week in our Parish 9 - 15 November 2014 Sun 9 Nov 9.30 am 11.00 am 3.00 - 5.30 pm - Senior Citizens Party 7.30 pm - Adult / Youth Choir Mon 10 Nov 9.30 am - St. Leo the Great, Pope and Doctor White First Aid Courses 5.30 - 7.00 pm :Young Singers 7.30 - 9.30 pm: Adults Tue 11 Nov 9.30 am - St. Martin of Tours, Bishop White Wed 12 Nov 9.30 am - St. Josaphat, Bishop & Martyr Red Thu 13 Nov 9.30 am - Weekday Green Fri 14 Nov 9.30 am - Weekday Green Sat 15 Nov 10.00 am - Young Singers 12 noon - November Dead list Purple Green 6.00 pm - Vigil Mass White Reconciliation - Before both Saturday Masses. Marriage & Baptism by appointment Mass Offerings Lately dead: Mary Briggs (Chadderton). Sally Reilly (Oregon U.S.A.) Celine & Liam McDevitt. Catherine Batemen. Margaret Kelly Cyril O’ Connor. Sick: Mary Bennett. Sick Parishioners. Anniversaries / Birthdays: Annie Taylor Other Intentions: Special Intentions, Reade & Carroll Families. Those with noone to pray for them. Please pray for: Sick: Monica Reade. Mary Rice. John Day. Michael Paul. Michael Thompson. Jennifer Dewis. Gerard Reeves. Maria Earnshaw. Jean Burns. Winnie Blomfield. Anna Stepniewska Michael King. Francis Pickering. Dolores Pomfret. Pat Wild. Teresa Oswell. Margaret Valentine. Hassa Deriss. Mary Bennett. Maria Farbotko. Computers and Printers For computer problems or queries ring Steve Raines 07775 598 661 / 645070 For Printers, Repairs & Office Stationery ring Kleen Strike: 658582 Offertory Collections Envelopes 628.60 Loose 261.59 Total £890.19 One collection only this weekend. Second collection next weekend for the Diocesan Administration Fund. Monday 8th Dec Feast of the Immaculate Conception We will have Mass in the evening at 7.30pm. That morning Bishop John Arnold will be installed as our new bishop at St. John’s Cathedral Salford. Holy Souls Envelopes Please take time to sit down and list deceased family, neighbours, friends, priests and parishioners you would like to remember each Saturday at the 12 noon Mass in November. Put the envelopes in the box on the altar steps and they will be placed on the altar during Mass. Envelopes are available in the Narthex. Looking at Mass Times and the Sacramental Programme Number of Weekend Masses On Saturday 29th Nov the children who have been taking part in the Sacramental Programme and attending weekend Mass regularly will receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time. In the New Year 2015 we will have a survey of Mass attendances, number of Masses required, the times of Mass to accommodate priest, organists, choir, congregation and good liturgy. Fairtrade Stall next weekend. The Fairtrade Stall will be open after each Mass in the Parish Centre next weekend. Please try to buy at least one thing to help the farmers of the developing world. Only a few parishioners support this very worthy cause - do you ? Funeral Arrangements Please. Please, never arrange the day and time of any funeral - that you want me to take - with the undertaker, without seeing me personally first. Christmas Mass Times 2014 Wednesday 24th Dec - Christmas Eve 6.00 pm & 8.00 pm Thursday 25th Dec - Christmas Day 10.30 am. The Choir and congregation will sing Carols before each Mass . World Youth Day Krakow 2016 At the moment I have had three names of those wishing to attend the World Youth Day with Pope Francis. Names have to be sent to the Diocese in January of the New Year 2015 - must be 16+ with parents’ consent. Meetings for Reconciliation .Parents: Thursday 27th Nov at 7.30 pm. Children: Saturday 29th Nov at 10.00 am The following children were at Mass last weekend: Aoife Brown. Maya Hardman. Bradley Holt. Keane Kennedy. Calum Lucas. Lilli Maguire. Olivia Marriott. Brooke Miller. Lennon Ogden. Danielle Richardson. Ricardo Santos. Tylor Wood. Julia Stefanska. Malakai Traynor. I’ll be in the Parish Centre If anyone wishes to have a Mass Card signed or to see me I will be available in the Parish Centre after each of the weekend Masses. For Special Occasions Two Pilgrims from Fatima have donated a beautiful ‘cut lace’ altar cloth which we will use at Christmas and Easter. Many thanks to them A Great Success The Exhibition of Our Lady’s Statues was a great success; what a beautiful selection admired by all. Many thanks to all those who brought them in and to Mary Park who displayed them so beautifully. Web Camera viewers for Oct Total 2652 from 38 countries e.g. Germany, Canada & Poland.
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