St. John Nepomucene R.C. Church 1140 Locust Avenue, Bohemia, New York 11716 PARISH OFFICE (631) 589-0540 (631) 244-8086 (FAX) FAMILY FAITH FORMATION (631) 567-1765 (631) 750-3770 (FAX) PARISH OUTREACH (631) 567-1995 (631) 750-3770 (FAX) YOUTH MINISTRY (631) 589-4582 STEWARDSHIP (631) 589-0540 The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica Sunday, November 9, 2014 MASS TIMES Saturday Evening: 5 pm Sunday: 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 10:30 am, 12 noon, & 5:00 pm Monday through Friday: Check inside bulletin for schedule. Saturday: 9:00 am—only Holy Days: Check bulletin for schedule. Mass in Spanish: every Saturday at 7:30 pm SACRAMENTS BAPTISM—Call Parish Office for available Saturdays or Sundays. Baptismal preparation is required prior to the baptism of ANY child. RECONCILIATION—Saturdays from 4:00 pm to 4:45 pm; seasonally, at special services; and anytime by request by calling the Parish Office. MARRIAGE—Arrangements must be made at least NINE months prior to wedding. This is to allow for the necessary interviews and required marriage preparation programs. NO DATE for a wedding can be given over the phone or reserved until the couple completes the formal paperwork with a member of the pastoral staff. ANOINTING OF THE SICK—Communal celebrations are scheduled periodically. The sacrament is available whenever there is a personal need by calling the Parish Office. Find us on the web: Pastoral Ministry Rev. Joseph Schlafer, Pastor, ext 229 Rev. Lawrence Chadwick, Associate Pastor, ext 213 Deacon James Bohuslaw, ext 510 Deacon Roger Mott, ext 511 Deacon George Reich, ext 512 Administration Ms. Carol Lee, Parish Facility Manager, ext 233 Mrs. Gina Cicero, Part-Time General Secretary, ext 202 Mrs. Donna Bellucci, Part-Time General Secretary, ext. 200 Sr. Maureen Morgan, RSM, Volunteer Assistant, ext 201 Family Faith Formation Mrs. Kathy Russell-Sica, Director, ext 223 Mr. James Tenney, Coordinator of Confirmation and Assistant Director, ext 224 Mrs. Dawn O’Donnell, Secretary (am), ext 225 Mrs. Barbara Langabeer, Receptionist (pm), ext 237 Music Ministry Mr. Joseph Graffeo, Director, ext 230 Outreach Sr. Lisa Bergeron, Director, OSU, ext.220 Stewardship Ms. Carol Lee, Coordinator, ext 233 Youth Ministry Marian Zahra, Director, ext 217 VISION STATEMENT: Rooted in Jesus Christ, we desire to become a vibrant worshipping community that reaches out in warmth and hospitality as we strive to make Christ known by responding to the challenge of the Gospel. If the weekend Mass intention is for your family member and you would like to bring up the gifts during the Mass, please notify the Parish Office during the week prior to the intended Mass. The day of the Mass, please arrive at church at least 5 minutes before the Mass begins and introduce yourself to one of our ushers. MASS SCHEDULE MONDAY, November 10 READINGS: Ti 1:1-9 / Lk 17:1-6 7:00 am 9:00 am Kevin Smith TUESDAY, November 11 - Veteran’s Day READINGS: Ti 2:1-8, 11-14 / Lk 17:7-10 9:00 am Ryan Barresi WEDNESDAY, November 12 READINGS: Ti 3:1-7 / Lk 17:11-19 7:00 am Emmanuela Lacantore THURSDAY, November 13 READINGS: Phlm 7-20 / Lk 17:20-25 7:00 am 9:00 am Vincenzo DiMartino FRIDAY, November 14 READINGS: 2 Jn 4-9 / Lk 17:26-37 9:00 am Souls in Purgatory 9:00 am 4:00 pm 5:00 pm 7:30 pm SATURDAY, November 15 READINGS: 3 Jn 5-8 / Lk 18:1-8 Richard Wanser Confessions Fr. Joe Frank Cinerar Fr. Larry Deacon Tony Spanish Mass SUNDAY, November 16 READINGS: Prv 31:10-13,19-20,30-31 / 1 Thes 5:1-6 / Mt 25:14-30 7:30 am Parishioners of St. John’s Fr. Larry 9:00 am Thomas Croci, Sr. Fr. Larry/Dcn George RCIA Welcoming Anthony Vinci 10:30 am Deacon Tony Fr. Joe Peter F. Mabanta 12:00 pm Frank Innamorata Fr. Joe Stephen Scalza 5:00 pm Tina Underwood Fr. Joe L/7 Mass of Enrollment If you wish to have your loved one remembered by having the weekly Altar Candle and / or Bread and Wine in their name, please contact the office at 589-0540 for information. PAGE 2—471 Everything I do and say… AFTER I SAY I BELIEVE! STEWARDSHIP IN SCRIPTURE The Bishops’ Pastoral on Stewardship reminds us that good Stewardship of the Church “means cherishing and fostering the gifts of all, while using one’s own gifts to serve the community of faith.” STEWARDSHIP IN ACTION “You are the temple of God and the Spirit of God dwells In You” STEWARDSHIP SHARING FOR THE FISCAL YEAR: SEPTEMBER 1– AUGUST 31, 2015 Envelopes / Loose Checks: 546 / 45 Regular Collection: $17,898.50 YTD Budgeted Amount: $160,000 (16,000 x 10 Regular Sundays) YTD Actual Collection: $150,666.30 SHORTAGE: $ 9,333.50 CHILDREN’S COLLECTION: $12.50 ~ 4 Envelopes This week I followed Jesus by… ...went to go give my next door neibor (sic) her mail. BTW NAME IS CATHY. A WORD FROM OUR PASTOR A home for God Last week, I had the privilege of gathering with several hundred people to bless the newly constructed ambulance garage in Sayville that serves several surrounding communities including our own. As I blessed the building, I was very aware that it was more than just a structure. The building represents the kindness and generosity of countless volunteers over the last sixty years whose devotion and concern have saved the lives of many of their neighbors. It represents the support and goodness of all the citizens of these communities whose resources made this structure possible. The building is a symbol of rescue, comfort and hope. I felt that I was blessing much more than a building. In a similar way, today’s feast of the Basilica of Saint John Lateran might appear at first to be simply the celebration of a building. However, this Basilica and every church throughout the world are so much more than just buildings. The structure which is made of brick and mortar is more than just a place where we can find shelter or a place to pray. A church building teaches us something. It stands as a symbol of our belief that just as the church is a special place where God lives, so also God dwells among us and inside us. God’s home is found in every person who embraces the message of unselfish love. As Saint Paul puts in so clearly in today’s second reading: “Brothers and sisters: You are God’s building.” The Basilica of Saint John Lateran is located in Rome and it serves the same purpose for the Diocese of Rome that Saint Agnes Cathedral in Rockville Centre serves for our diocese. That church and all churches, including our beloved building here at Saint John’s, are meant to be visible reminders that we who gather together are God’s dwelling place. It is in us that God lives and becomes present to the world that so much needs the healing presence of Christ. Saint Paul’s imagery also tells us that Christ is our “foundation” and that each one of us is a “living stone”. Together we make up the house of God. For the Jews in the time of Jesus, the temple in Jerusalem was the most sacred house of God. In today’s Gospel, Jesus drives out the money changers who have used the temple for the wrong purpose: “…stop making my Father’s house a marketplace.” Again, there is more here than Jesus simply restoring the temple to be a house of prayer. The Lord’s action is a reminder to us that, as each one of us is a house of God, we may be in need of some kind of cleansing or restoration. Paul says, “…you are the temple of God” and “the Spirit of God dwells in you.” The challenge of the Gospel is to ask ourselves what needs to be “driven out” of me so that God can dwell more completely within me? What needs to be “overturned” in my behavior or my lifestyle so that I can more faithfully fulfill my vocation as a temple of God’s presence? We celebrate a building today because we are a building. We are the Church which is so much more than the construction materials that come together to create a structure. We build God’s kingdom by receiving the nourishment of Christ’s love in the Eucharist and going forth from our church to build a better world, a world “of truth and life…of holiness and grace…of justice, love, and peace.” As a prayer from the Sacramentary says: “Father, you give us grace to build the temple of your Spirit, creating its beauty from the holiness of our lives.” Fr. Joe _______________________________________________________________________________ Next Sunday evening, November 16, we will be gathering with our Jewish, Islamic, and Christian brothers and sisters for our annual Interfaith Thanksgiving Prayer Service at the temple in Oakdale. Please consider joining us for this marvelous opportunity to thank God for all our blessings. Details are on page 10 of this bulletin. PAGE 3—471 BAPTISMS PRAY FOR THE DECEASED We welcome the newly baptized of the community and congratulate their parents: We are united in prayer with their families and with one another as we and all the faithful departed await our rising with the Lord. Amara Aviella Germain Tom Cilmi Bradley John Vesia Marty Loftus PRAY FOR THE SICK Often it is requested for persons to be placed on the perpetual sick list. Sometimes it’s forgotten to have them removed as necessary. Kindly contact the Parish Office for any changes to the list. Louis Aiello, Dominic Ardazzone, Mark Arthus, Donna Blydenburgh, Meghan Brown, Mary Boland, Katherine Buckley, Dina Bugliari, Joseph Carnival, John Cascio, Kathryn Cast, Dolores Celeste, Mary Chesire, Tom Close, Don Croake, Mary Cullon, Christopher Dillon, Ester Dumloa, Marge Feather, Louis Friedman, Alexander Fuoco, Mary Jean Galli, Marlene Garjiulo, Patricia Grasso, Sister Jane Hlalligan, Marie Hughes, Emmanuella Ingrisano, Roseann Jerico, Edward Johnson, Michael Keane, Baby Bentley Kovanda, Ashley Kovanda, Mylinda Lieberman, Claire Lippi, Tony Lofaro, Gene Markey, Thomas McCabe, Karen McLean, Rosie Monterrosa, Joseph Moretta, James Natalie, Peter Noel, Zachary Nowicki, Joan Parsons, Mary Anne Powers, Joseph Raffaele, Eva Reimer, Steven Santana, Gloria Sanseverino, Brian Scudero, Paige Somma, Bree Stoll, Kevin Swisher, Evelyn Toomey, Raeffela Trotta, Taylor Vetrano, Mercedes Vera, Sarah Vita Louise Matrone, John Bugler, Carole Perez Brian Duncan, Travis Thornton, Thomas Smith Henley, Jerry Thornton . Michael Bolognese, Anthony Morgan, Anita Broadbent, Melissa Himmelberger, Patricia Abruzzi, Leo Moran George Duke, Cameron Martocci, Richie Alexander PAGE 4—471 MARY’S CORNER A donation was made to St. John’s Rosary Makers in loving memory of Mrs. Maggie Bonavoglia and her son, Anthony We ask that all of our parish family remember Mrs. Maggie Bonavoglia and her son, Anthony in your prayers for the month of November. If you would like to make a donation to the Rosary Makers, please contact Carole Perez at 567-4808. PRAY FOR THOSE IN SERVICE We pray for all our servicemen and women who gave their lives in the fulfillment of their duties. We pray for the veterans whose lives have been permanently affected by their experiences in this war. We also remember the relief workers, contractors, Iraqi and Afghani men, women and children who have lost their lives in these conflicts. We pray for a speedy end to these wars. We pray for all of the men and women who come from our Parish and who are now serving our Country any place in the world. We would like you to remember them in your prayers. If you know someone you would like to add to the list, please call the Parish Office at 589-0540 and give us his/her name. Sunday: All Servicemen & Women Monday: Cpl Michael Casarona, U.S. Marines Tuesday: Sr. Airman Paul Cepparo, U.S. Air Force Wednesday: Sm Sgt. William C. Clifton, U.S. Air Force Thursday: PFC William Clifton, U.S. Marines Friday: Eric Colbert, U.S. Marines Saturday: Sean Connell, U.S. Army Ranger THIS WEEK — PARISH EVENTS SUNDAY November 9 8:30 - 2:30 Blood Drive, Lower Level 10:30 am Teen Liturgy of the Word, Church MONDAY 8:45 am 10:00 am 4:30 pm 5:45 pm 6:15 pm 7:00 pm November 10 Perpetual Novena, Church Legion of Mary, Freeman Room FFF Classes FFF Classes Sandwich Society, Lower Level FFF Classes Bereavement Support, Freeman Room Interfaith, Lower Level TUESDAY November 11 - Veteran’s Day All Parish Offices Closed - NO CLASSES 7:30 pm CYO, Freeman Room 8:00 pm Holy Hour, Church WEDNESDAY November 12 10:00 am Rosary Makers, Meeting Room Moms, Tots & Grandparents, Lower Level 1:00 pm Silent Eucharistic Adoration, Church 4:30 pm FFF Classes 6:00 pm Legion of Mary, Eve. Mtg, Room 5a 7:00 pm INSITE NITE, Little Church Cantors, Church 8:00 pm Adult Choir, Church THURSDAY 12:00 pm 5:30 pm 8:00 pm FRIDAY 12:00 pm 6:00 pm 7:30 pm November 13 Senior Citizens, Lower Level Children’s Choir, Church Taize Prayer Service, Church November 14 Outreach Core Workers, Meeting Room Altar Servers Training, Church FOCUS, Little Church Justice & Peace Prayer Service, Church and Meeting Room SATURDAY November 15 7:00 pm Santo Rosario, Church 7:30 pm Misa en Español, Church SUNDAY November 16 10:30 am Children’s Liturgy of the Word, Church Teen Liturgy of the Word, Church 2:00 pm Baptisms, Church 5:00 pm FFF Level 7 Mass of Enrollment, Church PARISH OFFICES WILL BE CLOSED ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 11TH IN OBSERVANCE OF VETERANS’ DAY. We will reopen on Wednesday, November 12th at 9:30 am. If you have an emergency and need to speak to a priest while the Parish Office is closed, please call 589-0540 and follow the prompts. The Sandwich Society will be collecting all leftover Halloween candy to make holiday treat bags for their recipients. Please place your wrapped candy in a bag labeled “For Sandwich Society” and leave them in the food carts in the lobby of the Church. Thank you again for your help! THIS WEEK—SELF HELP GROUPS SUNDAY November 9 7:00 pm NA, H.O.W. We Live, Room 4 8:00 pm AA, Bohemia Workshop, Room 2 MONDAY November 10 8:30 pm AA, Way of Life, Room 3 SAA-2, Room 5a NA, KISS, Room 4 WEDNESDAY November 12 7:30 pm AA, Primary Purpose, Room 2 8:00 pm NA, Circle of Serenity, Room 4 THURSDAY November 13 7:00 pm AA, Bohemia Workshop, Room 5b 7:30 pm SAA, Room 6b GA, Gamblers Anonymous, Room 2 8:00 pm NA H & I, Room 3 FRIDAY November 14 7:30 pm AA, A Way of Life, Room 3 8:00 pm NA, Clean in Bohemia, Room 4 SUNDAY November 16 7:00 pm NA, H.O.W. We Live, Room 4 8:00 pm AA, Bohemia Workshop, Room 2 PAGE 5—471 PARISH SOCIAL MINISTRY - OUTREACH Domestic Violence Town of Islip Suicide Prevention 1-800-799-SAFE 277 4700 1-800-639-5433 or 1-800-952-3333 L. I. Association for AIDS 1-877-TO-LIACC Depression After Delivery 1-800-944-4PPD Crisis Pregnancy/Counseling 243-2373 24-hour State Child Abuse 1-800-342-3720 Baby Safe Haven Hot Line 877-796-HOPE If your last name Please consider shopping for the begins with — following items this week — A-E F-J K-O P-T U-Z Fruit/Pudding/Juice /Milk/Cocoa/Jelly Peas/Milk/Fruit/Toilet Paper/Green beans Soup/Juice /Grape Jelly/Milk/Cocoa/ Corn Pasta Sauce/Shampoo/Tea/Grape Jelly Milk/Soup/Toilet paper/Canned chicken We are now feeding nearly 150 families each month. We especially need MILK, SHAMPOO, JUICE and SWEET POTATOES, and GRAPE JELLY. Thank you for your donations. A Message from Sister Lisa: I met a young family last week, a single mother trying to raise her daughter on a part-time salary because that is the only work she can find in this economy. She had to separate from her child’s father due to his uncontrollable drug use. She was reluctant to come to us because she had been selfsufficient, and thinks of herself as the “giver,” but needed the food and other resources we can provide to help her young daughter, and acceded to the promptings of one of our parishioners to come to Outreach. It can be so hard to ask for help, to receive. And yet we can never fully know God if we do not open ourselves to the blessing of being receptive — to ask for what we need and trust that it will be provided. Thank you for the ways that your generous support enables us to provide for the needs of so many in our community. Thank you to all of you who are ‘sponsoring” a family for Thanksgiving. A gentle reminder: all items need to be at Outreach ON Tuesday, November 18th OR Wednesday, November 19th for packing. In addition, we are still recruiting some drivers to help with deliveries on Saturday, November 22nd. Please see the notice, right, and call us if you can help. I invite you to come to celebrate next Sunday evening, at 7:00 p.m., our Interfaith Thanksgiving Prayer Service to be held this year at B’nai Israel Temple (opposite OakdaleBohemia Middle School). Please bring non-perishable food items to support local pantries, including ours. May God continue to bless you for all the ways you reflect God’s abundant mercy and goodness. Please pray for: All veterans, especially those who died giving service to their country, and their families families, doctors and nurses who care for them. PAGE 6—471 Post Abortion Counseling - days (Project Rachel) - evenings The Life Center AA Hotline Drug Hotline 722-4355 242-0907 631-243-2373 631-669-1124 1-800-522-5353 The Holidays Approach We ONLY need the following for our Thanksgiving Food Baskets (starred items are ESPECIALLY needed): Stuffing Mix Instant Potatoes Turkey Gravy (Jar or Can) Corn Muffin Mix **Large Can of Sweet Potatoes** **Large Can/Bottle of Juice** Jars of Applesauce **Jello** **Pudding** Tea Bags **Gift Certificates to Grocery Store ($25—$50)** Delivery of Thanksgiving Baskets Saturday, Nov. 22nd after the 9:00 a.m. Mass Please contact us if you can help. Come share the joy of giving! LAST CALL— Sponsoring a Family for the Holidays If you are interested in “sponsoring a family,” for Thanksgiving or Christmas (or both) please contact Outreach at 567.1995. We will send you the full list of items needed , gift preferences and the family’s assigned number. Are You Looking for a Service Project? We have a list of local elderly or disabled persons who are in need of simple yard work. Please consider reaching out to your neighbors in need. To sign up, please contact Parish Outreach at 631.567.1995. Thanks! Monthly Bereavement Support Groups Facilitated by Patricia Jones, MS Freeman Room, 7:00—8:30 pm General Bereavement: Second Mondays: next session November 10th Support for the loss of a Child: Third Mondays; next session November 17th Please call 631-205-1842 for more info. In Memoriam Donations “Those whom we love and lose are no longer where they were before. They are now wherever we are.” St. John Chrysostom Holiday Help for the Bereaved Once again, Bereavement Specialist Pat Jones will be offering a special program for those suffering with the death of a loved one and finding it hard “Coping With the Holidays” Monday, Nov. 24th, 7:00—8:30 pm St. John Nepomucene, Lower Level of the Church Please call 205.1842 for more information. Donations were recently made to Parish Outreach in memory of the following deceased loved ones: Deacon Tony Cusumano Edwin J. Howard Patricia Munson Let us keep them and their families in our prayer. Share the Warmth “St. Clare’s Closet,” is now open for your donations of gently used, clean, WARM coats and jackets. We can only accept clean, gently used items for men, women and children. Please drop off your contributions at the Outreach Office. Mon.—Thurs. 10 am—4 pm. Thank you. TEEN SERVICE We need students in 7th - 12th grades to help with Thanksgiving baskets: Sat., Nov. 22nd: 9:00—10:30 a.m. Help deliver Thanksgiving Bags—Come to the 9:00 Mass then to the Meeting Rm Sat., Nov. 22nd: 10:30 a.m.—12:30 p.m. Help families pick up Food Baskets—Meeting Rm Please contact Outreach at 567-1995 to sign up. Heads Up! The FAN VAN will be here Thursday, November 13th 10:30 - 11:30 a.m. PAGE 7—471 A NEW STEP IN OUR LITURGY Here at Saint John’s we are going to be forming a “CELEBRATION BAND” which will lead the music at our regular 5 PM Mass each Sunday evening. We are excited about this prospect first, because we know that there are many parishioners who have various talents in playing musical instruments, and secondly, because we believe that the formation of such a musical group will deepen our parish prayer life and the celebration of the Eucharist each Sunday evening. We invite all those who play the guitar (rhythm or bass), the drums, the trumpet, or other instruments to call our Music Director, Joe Graffeo at 631 589-0540, extension 230. You may also speak to Joe after any of our weekend Masses. Please come and speak to him or Fr. Joe and tell us of your interest. We would love to hear from you. This new step in our liturgical celebration is not limited to any particular age group. We welcome people of all ages to participate in this creative effort to enrich our celebration of Sunday evening Mass. November Offerings at the Ronkonkoma Cenacle Saturday, November 15, 2014 10:00 a.m. – 4:00p.m. at the Maude Adams House, 9:30 a.m. arrivals and refreshments OUR NEED TO KNOW HOW WE’RE DOING Presenter: Fr. Larry Lewis M.M. Offering: $50 includes lunch ($15 deposit required to hold your reservation.) November 18 – 19, 2014 (Tuesday overnight) 4:00 p.m. arrivals, 6:00 p.m. Dinner COME TO THE QUIET – CONTEMPLATING THE ANNUNCIATION. Presenter: Sr. Kathy Scott, r.c. Offering: $110 ($50 deposit required to hold your reservation.) To Register for any program go to our web site or call the Retreat Office at 631-588-8366. PAGE 8—471 First Annual Candlelight Memorial Service A celebration of remembrance for the loved ones who will be missed this holiday season. This non-denominational service will be officiated by local clergy. Wednesday, November 19, 2014 6:30 pm at The New Life Community Church, 380 Lakeland Avenue, Sayville, NY Sponsored by Raynor and D’Andrea Funeral Homes Please RSVP by calling Rich D’Andrea at 631-589-2345 or email Rich at Refreshments will be served. Some of the books available at the upcoming Advent fair: Many more books await you at the Advent Fair, November 22nd and 23rd. Come to the Lower Level and select the books you want for yourself or as a gift. Fill out your order on a specially marked envelope, enclose your payment made out to “St. John Nepomucene” and your order will be ready for pick up on Saturday, December 6 from 12 noon - 2 pm in the Church Lobby. PAGE 9—471 Defensive Driving Course Brian Fitzpatrick, Defensive Driving. Sunrise Council #6607 is sponsoring a Safe Driving course on Saturday, November 22, 2014 in the Parish Center. The course will be administered by a certified instructor in SAVE THE DATE! Our Annual Interfaith Thanksgiving Prayer Service There will be a single session beginning at 9:30 AM to 3:30 PM with appropriate breaks during the day. Refreshments, coffee, tea, soft drinks, will be served. Cost is $30 per person and is open to ALL licensed drivers regardless of age, senior status or membership in any group or club. Upon completion of the course, certificates will be mailed to your home which will entitle you to discounts on your auto insurance and in some cases, consideration of clearing points from your license. This is the identical course offered by AAA, AARP and town/county entities but we have not imposed any eligibility restrictions other than possession of a valid driver's license. Class size is limited to 40. Call Brian Fitzpatrick (631) 589-3805 to reserve your slot. Proceeds from the course will be used to further the charitable and fraternal programs of Sunrise Council. The American Flag that is flying on our plaza is in need of being replaced. If you have a loved one who served in the military and would like to donate a flag in their memory, please call the Parish Office at 631-589-0540. St. Patrick’s Singles Fellowship 280 East Main St., Smithtown, NY 631-265-2668 Join us on Sunday, November 16, 10 am to 11:30 am. Coffee and Conversation for ALL widowed, single, divorced and separated men and women ages 45 to 60+. PAGE 10—471 will be held Sunday, November 16th at 7:00 pm in B’nai Israel Temple (opposite Oakdale-Bohemia Middle School) Theme: “Expressing Our Gratitude for the Challenges of Our Lives” This service will be attended by Jewish, Muslim, and other Christian friends as well as ourselves. Each year, we take up a collection to benefit some group in the name of our interfaith community. This year, we are asking for donations of non-perishable food items. Adults, teens and children are welcome. HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH InSite Nite for Halloween was a fun night with team challenges, dodgeball and prayer. Great Costumes and first prize went to Paula DiMarzo. EVERY week prayer is a different experience, and a chance to find what YOU need. Come to the Little Church at 7pm on a Wednesday and see for yourself. There is always food and beverage available which is free ( we have a donation jar if you can put something in it). See you NEXT week ! RETREAT on Shelter Island – DON’T Miss this LAST CHANCE to sign up !!!! JUNIOR HIGH YOUTH The Little Church is filled with 7th and 8th graders on Friday nights. November 14th we have some amazing things planned ! Thanks to all of you that came in ! GREAT Costumes on Halloween – First Prize went to Malificent ! YOUTH OF ALL AGES Registration for Youth Ministry is always on going. A Youth Ministry Staff person is always available anytime by appointment. Parents are invited to call to ask for details about the program. We can be contacted through Facebook (St John Nepomucene YouthMinistry) or by calling 589-4582 or email . Chaminade High School The following students were honored at the recent Academic Awards Assembly. Newly Inducted to the National Honor Society: Junior: Joseph A. Drennan Academic Awards Honor Pins were given to: Sophomores Joseph M. Reich and William M. Reich received the Bronze pin Molloy College Fall Open House Molloy College 1000 Hempstead Avenue Rockville Centre, NY (516) 323-4000 Junior: Joseph A. Drennan received the Silver pin Will be hosting their Fall Open House on Sunday, November 16, 2014 at 1:00 pm. Senior: Daniel T. Reich received the Gold pin We hope you can join us. PAGE 11—471 SPANISH MINISTRY Queridas hermanos / hermanas: St. Joseph Renewal Center 1725 Brentwood Rd, Brentwood Retreat for Men and Women November 14-16 2014 Queremos anunciar, que las intenciones de la Santa Misa los dias sabado a las 7:30pm, podrian ser ofrecidas, para un ser querido suyo. Si usted lo solicita en la oficina de la Iglesia, por una ofrenda de $20.00. Esta donacion incluye una tarjeta con el nombre o la intencion que usted solicite y el nombre o la intencion sera publicada en el horario de la Santa Misa, que se celebrara el fin de semana correspondiente. Presenters: Josephine Daspro, CSJ and Jean Lynch, MA. Offering $190 includes all accommodations. A continuacion, los servicios que nuestra parroquia ofrece a la comunidad hispana son los siguientes: FREE MOVIE NIGHT Hosted by Our Lady of the Island, 2 East Gate Massapequa Park, NY Todos los sábados, celebramos la Santa Misa en espanol, empezamos a las 7:00pm, con el Santo Rosario y a las 7:30pm., la Santa Misa. Si usted desea recibir el Sacramento de la reconciliación (confesión), el sacerdote que celebrará la Santa Misa, esta disponible antes y después de la celebración. Para la oración en los hogares llamar a Clarita a el tel. 631-580-1718. Para recibir en su casa la peregrinación de la Imagén de Nuestra Sra. de Fátima, llamar a Letty a el tel. 347-239-2178. Para las instrucciones de los Santos Sacramentos en español llamar a Lucy a el tel. 631-472-2724. Acuerdense de que: “First Half of Life Spirituality” Call 631-273-1187 x 123 for more information and to register. Thursday November 13th, at 7:30 pm (doors open at 7:00). “Gimme Shelter”, inspirational Movie based on a true story. Free will offering taken up to benefit The Life Center of LI. Call 516-3143889 or 631-839-2854 if any questions. Religious Gift Items will be for sale at this event. Proceeds to benefit the Life Center of LI Volunteer Cook(s) Needed: Catholic Charities’ Talbot House in Bohemia is seeking a volunteer(s) to assist in meal preparation responsibilities in this Chemical Dependence Crisis Center. House are between 10 am and 6:30 pm and are flexible. If interested, please contact Mary Ellen Kwiecinski, Volunteer and Intern Coordinator at 516-733-7044. Your time and talent will be greatly appreciated. EN LA UNION ESTA LA FUERZA PLEASE NOTE … For all our parishioners, even if you do not speak Spanish, we would encourage you to spread the word among those who you may know that might be interested, that Spanish Masses are being held EVERY Saturday at 7:30 pm, with the Rosary being said at 7:00 pm. PAGE 12—471 Family Faith Formation will be participating in the Interfaith Prayer Service held at B’nai Israel Temple on November 16th at 7pm. See page 10 for details! FAMILY FAITH FORMATION NO CLASSES ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 11TH FOR VETERAN’S DAY In the Gospel this week we truly hear a story that shows us that Jesus was 100% human as well as 100% divine. Jesus finds in the temple area those who sold oxen, sheep, and doves along with the moneychangers sitting there. He drove them out of the temple area and told them to stop making His Father’s house a marketplace. Jesus told them to destroy this temple and He will raise it up in three days. He was speaking about His body being raised from the dead. 1. Has there ever been a time that you were so angry that you did something you should not do? Did you ask God for forgiveness? 2. What Church holiday is Jesus referring to when he tells the people He will raise up this temple in three days? This month we are collecting hats and gloves to put in our shoeboxes and to give to Outreach. Could you contribute something to Glovember?? Family Faith Formation (631) 567-1765 Monday: 9:30 - 8 pm Wednesday: 9:30 am - 5:30 pm Thursday: 9:30 am - 4:30 pm Friday - CLOSED USE DOOR 3 FOR FFF OFFICES DO NOT ENTER OR EXIT THROUGH DOOR 4 UNLESS YOU HAVE PARISH OFFICE BUSINESS Last Sunday was All Soul’s Day. During Children’s Liturgy of the Word some of our kids prayed together and wrote down special intentions that they wanted to pray for: “My grandma, my grandpa, Aunt Stephanie 11:11, my mom, my first pet, my fish Goldy, coco my bird, my Uncle Bob, my grandma’s cat, my pet fish, my poppy because he called me and my sister American Pie, my dog Daisy, my dog Pumpkin, my Aunt Ellen, my two cats, my Aunt Kathy, my cat Marina, my cousin Brian, my rabbit.” Random acts of kindness this week: Help a teacher without being asked! PAGE 13—471 CHILDREN’S PAGE John 2:13-22 MY FATHER’S HOUSE Following is a word search based on the Gospel reading for the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica, a story about Jesus in the Temple. The word clues are in the order as they appear in the reading. Y D D S J Y E F M L S S D L G E C L O E Q D W P O I S J P R L R R Z H O B U I M T A I O T O I K S B E Y S P C P U S P E I T S U S A V S T V E N H I R A I S E I T U P D X E S C G S J E W S R V J L E O N O P E E H S E L A V I Q V T A B L E S E E O N D E L L I P S U X Z D S D R O V E T U O PAGE 14—471 WORD LIST: PASSOVER JEWS JESUS JERUSALEM TEMPLE SHEEP DOVES WHIP CORDS DROVE OUT SPILLED COINS TABLES HOUSE ZEAL SIGN DESTROY RAISE IT UP FORTY-SIX BUILD HIS BODY SCRIPTURE SPOKEN SAYVILLE HOSPITAL FOR ANIMALS STEAM-A-WAY CARPET CLEANING “Steam Makes it Clean” Servicing the Tri-State Area Carpet & Upholstery • Flood Restoration Tile & Grout Cleaning Commercial/Residential TIM JONASON 631-682-1251 Lasik Refractive Consultation “New York’s Premier Catholic Visiting Nurse/Home Healthcare Agency” OPHTHALMOLOGY Cataracts & Implants Diabetic Eye Care Contact Lenses Comprehensive Eye Care Glaucoma Care Workers’ Comp Most Medical Plans & Major Credit Cards Accepted M-F 9:00AM - 5:00PM • Sat. 9:00AM - 12:00PM (631) 589-2535 Sayville Doctor of Chiropractic Diplomate Applied Chiropractic Sciences 1300 Montauk Highway, Oakdale Compassionate Care in the privacy and comfort of your own home! • Skilled Nursing • Home Health Aides • Care Management • Physical, Speech & Occupational Therapies • Specialty Services 1-855-488-2149 887 Church St., Bohemia 631-567-4437 Mon., Wed., Fri. 9am -12pm & 3pm-7pm Sat. 9am-11am A Member of the Cassena Care Network State of The Art Rehabilitation Center Nursing and Rehabilitation Center Contact: 631-567-9300 O’Neill Masonry & Home Improvement Gregory Plante President Since 1986 John F. Russo, D.C., D.A.C.S. BENEDICT URMAZA, M.D. Domenick DiMartino, D.V.M. Robert K. Frosch, D.V.M. Timothy L. Sheppard, D.V.M. Jonathan Shuman, D.V.M. Office Hours by Appointment 5262 Sunrise Highway • 589-5120 RUSSO CHIROPRACTIC ST. LUCY’S EYE CARE CENTER, P.C. Roofing • Siding General Contracting Property Maintenance Lic./Ins. Office: 631-585-4291 Fax: 631-585-8353 • Cell: 631-767-4840 email: • Bo’s Citgo 631-676-5760 Tune-ups • Brakes • Shocks & Struts Computer Diagnostics 1995 Oil Change w/State Inspection Master Electrician We are your area full service home improvement experts, specializing in paving and masonry Call today for free quotes & special rates for parishioners and seniors Member of Diocese Free Estimates Senior Discounts Prompt Reliable Service Lic. & Ins. Michael When 2nd best simply won’t cut it! 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Ronkonkoma, NY Medford, NY 631-589-1740 4532 Sunrise Hwy., Oakdale, NY 11769 In Waldbaum’s Shopping Center Hours: Mon.-Sat. 11am-10pm • Closed Sunday John Patrick Publishing Co. 1-800-333-3166 •
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