St. John Nepomucene R.C. Church 1140 Locust Avenue, Bohemia, New York 11716 PARISH OFFICE (631) 589-0540 (631) 244-8086 (FAX) FAMILY FAITH FORMATION (631) 567-1765 (631) 750-3770 (FAX) PARISH OUTREACH (631) 567-1995 (631) 750-3770 (FAX) YOUTH MINISTRY (631) 589-4582 STEWARDSHIP (631) 589-0540 “One Body, Many Parts” Sunday, February 8, 2015 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time MASS TIMES Saturday Evening: 5 pm Sunday: 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 10:30 am, 12 noon, & 5:00 pm Monday through Friday: Check inside bulletin for schedule. Saturday: 9:00 am—only Holy Days: Check bulletin for schedule. Mass in Spanish: every Saturday at 7:30 pm SACRAMENTS BAPTISM—Call Parish Office for available Saturdays or Sundays. Baptismal preparation is required prior to the baptism of ANY child. RECONCILIATION—Saturdays from 4:00 pm to 4:45 pm; seasonally, at special services; and anytime by request by calling the Parish Office. MARRIAGE—Arrangements must be made at least NINE months prior to wedding. This is to allow for the necessary interviews and required marriage preparation programs. NO DATE for a wedding can be given over the phone or reserved until the couple completes the formal paperwork with a member of the pastoral staff. ANOINTING OF THE SICK—Communal celebrations are scheduled periodically. The sacrament is available whenever there is a personal need by calling the Parish Office. Find us on the web: Pastoral Ministry Rev. Joseph Schlafer, Pastor, ext 229 Rev. Lawrence Chadwick, Associate Pastor, ext 213 Deacon James Bohuslaw, ext 510 Deacon Roger Mott, ext 511 Deacon George Reich, ext 512 Administration Ms. Carol Lee, Parish Facility Manager, ext 233 Mrs. Gina Cicero, Part-Time General Secretary, ext 202 Mrs. Donna Bellucci, Part-Time General Secretary, ext. 200 Sr. Maureen Morgan, RSM, Volunteer Assistant, ext 201 Family Faith Formation Mrs. Kathy Russell-Sica, Director, ext 223 Mr. James Tenney, Coordinator of Confirmation and Assistant Director, ext 224 Mrs. Dawn O’Donnell, Secretary (am), ext 225 Mrs. Barbara Langabeer, Receptionist (pm), ext 237 Music Ministry Mr. Joseph Graffeo, Director, ext 230 Outreach Sr. Lisa Bergeron, Director, OSU, ext.220 Stewardship Ms. Carol Lee, Coordinator, ext 233 Youth Ministry Marian Zahra, Director, ext 217 VISION STATEMENT: Rooted in Jesus Christ, we desire to become a vibrant worshipping community that reaches out in warmth and hospitality as we strive to make Christ known by responding to the challenge of the Gospel. If the weekend Mass intention is for your family member and you would like to bring up the gifts during the Mass, please notify the Parish Office during the week prior to the intended Mass. The day of the Mass, please arrive at church at least 5 minutes before the Mass begins and introduce yourself to one of our ushers. MASS SCHEDULE MONDAY, February 9 READINGS: Gn 1:1-19/ Mk 6:53-56 7:00 am 9:00 am Walter J. Cross Everything I do and say… AFTER I SAY I BELIEVE! STEWARDSHIP IN SCRIPTURE TUESDAY, February 10 READINGS: Gn 1:20-2:4a / Mk 7:1-13 7:00 am Danielle Maragoras 9:00 am Richard Williams WEDNESDAY, February 11 READINGS: Gn 2:4b-9, 15-17 / Mk 7:14-23 7:00 am Eileen Curtin THURSDAY, February 12 READINGS: Gn 2:18-25 / Mk 7:24-30 7:00 am Andrew Marcos 9:00 am Poor Souls in Purgatory FRIDAY, February 13 READINGS: Gn 3:1-8 / Mk 7:31-37 9:00 am Intentions of the Miller Family Like St. Paul in the second reading, the good steward can say, “I do all that I do for the sake of the gospel in the hope of having a share in its blessings.” STEWARDSHIP IN ACTION Jesus is always with us! SATURDAY, February 14 READINGS: Gn 3:9-24 / Mk 8:1-10 9:00 am Sarah Rivera 4:00 pm Confessions Fr. Joe 5:00 pm John Brown Fr. Larry / Dcn Roger 7:30 pm Spanish Mass SUNDAY, February 15 READINGS: Lv 13:1-2,44-46 / 1 Cor 10:31-11:1 / Mk 1:40-45 7:30 am John Roosa Fr. Larry 9:00 am Int. of the Catera Family Fr. Larry 10:30 am Salvatore & Anna Iacono Fr. Joe STEWARDSHIP SHARING 12:00 pm Parishioners of St. John’s Fr. Joe FOR THE FISCAL YEAR: SEPTEMBER 1– AUGUST 31, 2015 5:00 pm Fr. Joe John R. Monahan Schedule is subject to last-minute changes. The Bread and Wine for the week have been donated In loving memory of James Lanzano, Jr. PAGE 2—471 Envelopes / Loose Checks: 423 / 44 Regular Collection: $ 14,259.00 YTD Budgeted Amount: $ 368,000.00 16,000 x 23 Regular Sundays) YTD Actual Collection: $ 356,859.52 SHORTAGE: $ 11,140.48 Youth Ministry Souper Bowl Collection: $3935 Children’s Stewardship: 1 Envelope ~ $3 A WORD FROM OUR PASTOR - PARISH MISSION 2015 The work of healing This is a time of year when we frequently hear about (or perhaps even experience in ourselves) different illnesses such as the flu, pneumonia, or just the common cold. Of course sickness is not limited to winter. Different ailments, big or small, can happen to us at any time. Whatever form they take, health problems can affect us in more than just the physical sense. Illness can make us feel frustrated and out of touch with the normal and active lifestyle we are accustomed to know each day. It can get us down and even rob us of our peace of mind. This connection between sickness and our spiritual state of mind gives a special meaning to healing and, in particular, the healings performed by Jesus. The Lord’s acts of physical healing have a deeper spiritual message. In the Gospels, when Jesus healed a sick person, it was not just an individual act of God’s loving power over a particular illness, nor was it simply an act of compassion toward a single person. The healings of Jesus are meant to be physical expressions of something more. They are meant to be visible signs of the coming of God’s kingdom to heal our broken world. When Jesus healed someone, he was also delivering a message to everyone. The message was that God’s love is available and at work to heal our hurting world. In fact, when we respond to God’s love by allowing our hearts to be converted and by deciding that our lives will be the instruments of that love, we can become part of the healing process. We, like Jesus, can be healers. In today’s Gospel, the healings of Jesus are numerous. After the Lord heals Peter’s mother-in-law of a fever, “…they brought to him all who were ill or possessed by demons. The whole town was gathered at the door. He cured many who were sick with various diseases, and he drove out many demons…” The enthusiasm of the townspeople for Jesus’ healing love is expressed in Peter’s statement to the Lord, “Everyone is looking for you.” But Jesus sees a bigger picture. He knows clearly that he has not come just for one town; he has come for the whole world. Nor has he come just to be a healer of physical maladies; he has come to drive out the demons that make us spiritually sick. And even more than all this, he has come to teach us to be healers for one another. And so when Peter tells him that everyone is looking for him, Jesus says: “Let us go on to the nearby villages that I may preach there also. For this purpose have I come.” Jesus came to preach the kingdom. He taught us to pray for that kingdom, (“thy kingdom come”), but he taught us to work for it as well. He has taught us that the work of healing is not only physical. What poverty can I heal by the generous sharing of my gifts and resources? What alienation can I heal by offering forgiveness? What loneliness can I heal by reaching out to someone? What conflicts can I help to heal by being a peacemaker? As Jesus was resolved to “move on” to the nearby villages, so may we be resolved to accept the healing gift of God’s love so that we may be about the vocation first given to us in our baptism. Each day, may we “move on” to the next opportunity we have to offer God’s healing love in order to make our world whole, spiritually healthy, and at peace. ~ Fr. Joe PAGE 3—471 PRAY FOR THE DECEASED We are united in prayer with their families and with one another as we and all the faithful departed await our rising with the Lord. James Davis Kenneth DiMartino Mark the Date for the only — Lenten Soup supper — Thursday, February 26 at 6 :00 pm More details will be listed in an upcoming bulletin. Mary A. Higgins Erich Schindlar Barbara Van Kalmthout MARY’S CORNER PRAY FOR THE SICK Often it is requested for persons to be placed on the perpetual sick list. Sometimes it’s forgotten to have them removed as necessary. Kindly contact the Parish Office for any changes to the list. Dominic Ardazzone, Mark Arthus, Donna Blydenburgh, Meghan Brown, Mary Boland, Katherine Buckley, Dina Bugliari, Joseph Carnival, John Cascio, Kathryn Cast, Dolores Celeste, Mary Chesire, Melanie Chirachella, Tom Close, Don Croake, Mary Cullon, Christopher Dillon, Ester Dumloa, Marge Feather, Louis Friedman, Alexander Fuoco, Mary Jean Galli, Marlene Garjiulo, Patricia Grasso, Sister Jane Hlalligan, Marie Hughes, Emmanuella Ingrisano, Roseann Jerico, Edward Johnson, Michael Keane, Baby Bentley Kovanda, Ashley Kovanda, Mylinda Lieberman, Claire Lippi, Tony Lofaro, Gene Markey, Cameron Martocci, Thomas McCabe, Karen McLean, Rosie Monterrosa, Joseph Moretta, James Natalie, Peter Noel, Zachary Nowicki, Joan Parsons, Mary Anne Powers, Joseph Raffaele, Eva Reimer, Steven Santana, Gloria Sanseverino, Michelle Scaringi, Brian Scudero, Paige Somma, Bree Stoll, Kevin Swisher, Evelyn Toomey, Raeffela Trotta, Taylor Vetrano, Mercedes Vera, Sarah Vita Michael Bergeron Darryl Wright, Jim Defato, Richard Magnussen Robert Connors, Michael Bolognese, Nanette Caruso PAGE 4—471 A donation was made to St. John’s Rosary Makers in loving memory of Ida & Frank Passadino We ask that all of our parish family remember Ida & Frank Passadino in your prayers for the month of January. If you would like to make a donation to the Rosary Makers, please contact Carole Perez at 567-4808. PRAY FOR THOSE IN SERVICE We pray for all our servicemen and women who gave their lives in the fulfillment of their duties. We pray for the veterans whose lives have been permanently affected by their experiences in this war. We also remember the relief workers, contractors, Iraqi and Afghani men, women and children who have lost their lives in these conflicts. We pray for a speedy end to these wars. We pray for all of the men and women who come from our Parish and who are now serving our Country any place in the world. We would like you to remember them in your prayers. If you know someone you would like to add to the list, please call the Parish Office at 589-0540 and give us his/her name. Sunday: All Servicemen & Women Monday: Major Stephen D'Amico, Air Force Tuesday: SPC Lukas P. Dinkelman, US Army Wednesday: Cpt. Timothy Dreyer, U.S. Army Thursday: SPC William Farley, U.S. Army Friday: SGT Keith Flick Saturday: LCPL Edward Gibson, U.S. Marines THIS WEEK — PARISH EVENTS SUNDAY February 8 - Knights of Columbus 8am—2pm Blood Drive: Lower Level 10:30 am Teen Liturgy of the Word, Church FFF Level 5 Family Mass, Church 2:00 pm Baptisms, Church MONDAY 8:45 am 10:00 am 4:30 pm 5:45 pm 6:15 pm 7:00 pm February 9 Perpetual Novena, Church Legion of Mary, Room 5a FFF Classes FFF Classes Sandwich Society, Lower Level FFF Classes Interfaith Anti-Bias, Freeman Room February 10 Spiritual Growth Group, Lower Level FFF Classes FFF Classes FFF Level 2 First Holy Communion Workshop, Church & Lower Level FFF Classes 7:00 pm CYO Meeting, Freeman Room 7:30 pm Holy Hour, Church 8:00 pm TUESDAY 10:00 am 4:30 pm 5:45 pm 6:00 pm WEDNESDAY February 11 10:00 am Rosary Makers, Meeting Room Moms, Grandparents and Tots, Lower Level PSM Volunteers Winter 10:30 am Morning of Prayer, Meeting Room 1:00 pm Silent Eucharistic Adoration, Church 4:30 pm FFF Classes 6:00 pm The Heart Club, Room 1 Legion of Mary, Eve. Mtg, Room 5a 7:00 pm INSITE NITE, Little Church Cantors, Church Family RCIA, Meeting & Dining Room 8:00 pm Adult Choir, Church THURSDAY February 12 8:00 pm Charismatic Prayer, Freeman Room FRIDAY February 13 7:30 pm FOCUS, Little Church SATURDAY 1:00 pm 3:00 pm 7:00 pm February 14 - Parish Outreach Collection Baptisms, Church FFF Level 2 Reconciliation, Church Santo Rosario, Church Misa en Español, Church 7:30 pm Knights of Columbus Valentine’s Dance Lower Level SUNDAY February 15 - Parish Outreach Collection 10:30 am Children’s Liturgy of the Word, Church Teen Liturgy of the Word, Church 12:00 pm Community Gathering, Mass and Reception Church and Lower Level (see page 8) PARISH OFFICES WILL BE CLOSED MONDAY, FEBRUARY 16th IN OBSERVANCE OF PRESIDENTS’ DAY. WE WILL REOPEN TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 17th AT 9:30 AM. THIS WEEK—SELF HELP GROUPS SUNDAY February 8 7:00 pm NA, H.O.W. We Live, Room 4 8:00 pm AA, Bohemia Workshop, Room 2 MONDAY February 9 8:30 pm AA, Way of Life, Room 3 SAA-2, Room 5a NA, KISS, Room 4 WEDNESDAY February 11 7:30 pm AA, Primary Purpose, Room 2 NA, Convention, Room 6a 8:00 pm NA, Circle of Serenity, Room 4 THURSDAY February 12 7:00 pm AA, Bohemia Workshop, Room 5b 7:30 pm SAA, Room 6b GA, Gamblers Anonymous, Room 2 8:00 pm NA H & I, Room 3 FRIDAY February 13 7:30 pm AA, A Way of Life, Room 3 8:00 pm NA, Clean in Bohemia, Room 4 SUNDAY February 15 7:00 pm NA, H.O.W. We Live, Room 4 8:00 pm AA, Bohemia Workshop, Room 2 PAGE 5—471 PARISH SOCIAL MINISTRY - OUTREACH Domestic Violence Town of Islip Suicide Prevention 1-800-799-SAFE 277 4700 1-800-639-5433 or 1-800-952-3333 L. I. Association for AIDS 1-877-TO-LIACC Depression After Delivery 1-800-944-4PPD Crisis Pregnancy/Counseling 243-2373 24-hour State Child Abuse 1-800-342-3720 Baby Safe Haven Hot Line 877-796-HOPE If your last name Please consider shopping for the begins with — following items this week — A-E F-J K-O P-T U-Z Pudding/Juice/Jello/Cereal/Baked Beans Peanut Butter/Juice/Milk/Fruit/Rice Juice/Jello/Cereal/Rice/M ilk/Cocoa mix Pasta Sauce/Milk/Rice/Oatmeal/Jello Rice/Pasta Sauce/Canned Fruit/Juice Boxes Post Abortion Counseling - days (Project Rachel) - evenings The Life Center AA Hotline Drug Hotline 722-4355 242-0907 631-243-2373 631-669-1124 1-800-522-5353 WINTER MORNING OF PRAYER FOR ALL PSM VOLUNTEERS Thursday, February 12th 10:30 am—12 noon Meeting Room Light Refreshments will be served. We are now feeding 166 families each month from our Pantry. We especially need CEREAL, RICE, PASTA SAUCE, and MILK. Thank you for what you so generously give each week. A Message from Sister Lisa Thank you in advance to all who will contribute to the monthly PSM/Outreach Collection taking place next weekend. We appreciate every donation, whatever its size. Everything we are able to give comes from your contributions — and we gratefully receive each one, no matter the amount. If each family were able to give $1-5 each month, it would empower us to help with essential expenses beyond our families’ means; at this time of the year, much of the financial assistance we extend involves home heating fuel. Your compassionate generosity will assist families struggling financially; your contributions are a living testament to how much God is working through the people of our parish community. As always, I am humbled and inspired and profoundly touched by the ways you embody the Gospel of peace, mercy, love and justice to flourish here at St John’s. May we continue to walk together in the ways of God’s love, becoming a visible sign of God’s tenderness. Parish Outreach Free Will Collection Will take place after all Masses NEXT weekend, February 14th and 15th. Thank you in advance for your generosity. Please pray for: For married couples of any age, that they may cherish in each other God’s loving presence and reflect God’s faithful and tender care , especially during times of tension and difficulty. PAGE 6—471 Please come and give yourself a morning to bask in the warmth of God’s love for you. RSVP (if coming): 567-1995 Heads Up! The FAN VAN will be here Thursday, Feb. 12th 10:30 - 11:30 a.m. In Memoriam Donations “Those whom we love and lose are no longer where they were before. They are now wherever we are.” St. John Chrysostom Donations were recently made to Parish Outreach in memory of the following deceased loved ones: Edwin J. Howard Let us keep them and their families in our prayer. Free Supplemental Food for Seniors! Catholic Charities administers CSFP — Commodity Supplemental Food Program (formerly “Food and Nutrition”) — a government program which offers free food to low-income Seniors (age 60 and over) who reside on Long Island. Available are cheese, milk, cereals, juice, and canned items such as fruits, vegetables and meats. For info and income guidelines: Please call Outreach at 567-1995. Donations of Gently Used Items You are a people of great generosity and continue to offer clothing, furniture and other household items to Outreach. Right now, PSM’s St. Clare’s Closet is full. Please call one of these agencies: St. Ann’s Thrift Shop, Sayville 589-6220 St. Mary’s in Ronkonkoma 582-6439 Viet Nam Vets of America 582-0242 Special Anniversary Announcement We have received word from Father Kevin that on Sunday, February 15th at the 11 am Mass at St . Lawrence in Sayville, he will be celebrating the 35th Anniversary of his Ordination to the Priesthood. Father Kevin would like our Parishioners to know that all are welcome to join him at this Mass. “Women Only Night” RESCHEDULED DATE Please come to the Oakdale-Bohemia Interfaith Anti-Bias Task Force’s Women Only Night which has been rescheduled due to snow: Where: St. John Nepomucene Lower Level When: Sunday, March 1, 2015 at 7:00P.M. The women from St. John Nepomucene Parish, the Selden Masjid, and B'nai Israel in Oakdale will join together for a night of lively discussion, light refreshments and friendship. Please join us for an evening of renewing acquaintances, making new friends, and exploring our common bonds as women. We hope to see you there! Needed: Gently Used Sheets and Towels Talbot House, a Chemical Dependency residence run by Catholic Charities, is in DESPERATE need of gently used sheets and towels. Please bring them to Parish Outreach Mon—Thurs 10 am—4 pm, Tues 6—7 pm Thanks! Preparing for Marriage? Engaged Encounter is an effective PreCana program designed to provide you with the tools for a successful marriage. Couples are given the opportunity to explore many aspects of their relationship through a series of presentations, writings and dialog. There are no group discussions. Our next weekend will be held at the Seminary of the Immaculate Conception Feb.27 to March 1. For information/registration please call 631-5631032 or visit Thank you for your continued support. Pat and Lenny Walker Engaged Encounter Coordinators 124 Chatham Dr., Oakdale, NY 11769 631-563-1032, LENPAT614@GMAIL.COM Benefit for St. Anthony’s High School Celtic Friars Pipe Band Featuring: Celtic Friar Pipe Band, Empire Pipe Band, The Bob Morris Irish Band Inishfree School of Irish Dance Irish Sing-along February 28th, 2015 7:00 PM, St. Anthony’s HS Auditorium $20 IN ADVANCE, $25 AT DOOR To reserve tickets, mail name, phone#, email, number of tickets and check payable to “St. Anthony’s High School” to: DENISE CREIGHTON ALUMNI OFFICE, ST. ANTHONY’S HS, 275 WOLF HILL ROAD, SO. HUNTINGTON, NY 11747 PAGE 7—471 A DIFFERENT APPROACH TO MARDI GRAS Mardi Gras, meaning “fat Tuesday”, is traditionally a day of celebration that takes place the day before Ash Wednesday as we prepare to begin the quiet and prayerful season of Lent. In past years, our parish would gather to acknowledge Mardi Gras with a celebration on the Tuesday evening before Ash Wednesday. Unfortunately, this was not always a time when many parishioners were free to join us. As a result, we tried a new approach last year which we are going to repeat this year, and that is to gather for a social immediately following the 12 noon Mass on Sunday, February 15, 2015, which is the Sunday before Ash Wednesday. We hope that this will be a more convenient time for everyone. We also hope that this approach will make a stronger connection between Mardi Gras and the forty days of Lent which is the most special of all our liturgical seasons. The invitation below is extended to all of our parishioners. Come, Gather for Coffee and Refreshments on Sunday, February 15, 2015 after the 12 Noon Mass in the Lower Level Each Ash Wednesday, remember that the ashes you receive come from your past and that the new palm that you will receive on Palm Sunday is a sign that you have been given another chance. The palms are a reminder that God is always offering us a new beginning. They also remind us that as last year's palms are changed into this year’s ashes, we too can be changed in a variety of ways so that we might become more like Christ each time we celebrate Lent, Holy Week, and another Easter morning. It is never too late for God’s grace to be poured into your life. PAGE 8—471 A NOTE ON ASH WEDNESDAY - February 18 Ashes are a symbol of repentance. In order to repent (i.e., turn back to God), we need to know that we are sinners who at times wander away from God. The ashes symbolize our trust in God’s mercy when we turn and seek forgiveness. We must choose to turn away from sin personally; no one can do it for us. Therefore, to emphasize this personal choice, the Ash Wednesday Ritual will involve a question to all adults and older children who come to receive ashes. The minister will ask “Will you turn away from sin and live the Good News?” You are asked to respond with an answer showing your willingness to make this effort. The Church sets “the age of reason” to recognize this at around the age of seven, implying that younger children do not understand the concepts of sin or repentance. To celebrate the innocence of infants and toddlers, a special blessing without ashes reaffirming their Baptism will be given to them. The presumption is that other children who have not yet reached the “age of reason” should not receive ashes, either. Parents should reflect on this reasoning for children other than infants and toddlers as a guide to determine if their child is to receive ashes. Any child older than infants and toddlers who is not receiving ashes will get a blessing, too. If you come into church in between services, please feel welcome to go to the altar, pray in private, take some ashes and sign yourself with them, saying: I will repent and believe the Good News of Jesus. REGULATIONS FOR FASTING AND ABSTINENCE In keeping with the spirit of penance, Catholics are asked to observe the following practices: Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are days of fast* and abstinence**. All Fridays of Lent are days of abstinence**. **Abstinence: All from the age of seven onwards abstain from meat on these days. *Fasting: All between the ages of 18 and 59 may eat only one full meal and two small meals on these days. Illness always exempts people from these requirements. Our Ash Wednesday (February 18) Schedule is: MASS with distribution of Ashes at 7:00 am, 9:00 am, & 8:00 pm. PRAYER SERVICE with distribution of Ashes at 12:10 pm, 4:30 pm (children), & 7:00 pm (teens). This is a question we often hear. We have an easy answer for you… “What do I do with my old palm?” Please bring in your old palm and deposit it into the baskets in the lobby anytime up to and including Sunday, February 15. PAGE 9—471 ALL ARE WELCOME! ST. JOHN’S ANNUAL LENTEN MISSION - MARCH 2, 3 and 4 MIKE PATIN is our Guest Speaker Monday, March 2nd: 9:30-10:00am (after the 9:00 am Mass) 4:30-5:30pm – focus on grades K-6th and parents 7:30-8:30pm – focus on adults & young adults Tuesday, March 3rd: 9:30-10:00am (after the 9:00 am Mass) 4:30-5:30pm – focus on K-6th grade and parents 7:30-8:30pm – focus on Junior High Teens (7th & 8th grade ) Wednesday, March 4th: 9:30-10:00am (after the 9:00 am Mass) 4:30-5:30pm – focus on K-6th grade & parents 7:30-8:30pm – focus on High School Teens PLEASE NOTE: ALL parishioners are invited to attend ALL Evening Sessions. We have focused on particular “age groups”, but ALL are welcome. PAGE 10—471 The season of Lent invites us to set aside some special time to renew our faith and get ready for the new life of Holy Week and Easter. Please consider treating yourself to the Parish Mission. RETREAT OPPORTUNITIES Meaningful Lenten Experience Lent is just around the corner. THEME: “Time to Come Alive!” Retreat opportunities for both Men and Women to be held at the Bishop Molloy Retreat House, a Passionist Spiritual Center in New York City, 86-45 Edgerton Blvd., Jamaica, NY. God alone is the giver of life! Step away and use this special time to reflect on how you might open yourself to the fullness of that life. We would like for you to join us, call us if you have any questions or would like to register. Car pooling is available! Men’s Retreat will take place the weekend of February 20-22 from 7pm Friday concluding with Mass at 11 on Sunday. For further information please call Ernest Dench at 589-2404 or Hank MacLellan at 589-8699. Woman’s Retreat will take place Friday, March 6th from 7pm and conclude with Mass on Sunday March 8th, 2015 If there are any women unable to make the March retreat, but may be interested in a retreat in April, please contact: Linda Reich for details, 631-495-7901 Once again, we are offering you a a “Lenten Guided Prayer Retreat”, a chance to gather with a small community of “pray-ers” and a trained spiritual director to guide you in the process. Those who have participated in the past have deeply appreciated the experience. You will be given Scriptural selections to reflect on each day during the week. Then you will go to your weekly meeting to share a bit of your prayer and to listen to others. The spiritual director is there to assure everyone’s confidentiality and freedom. We hope you will come away with a deeper prayer experience that will help you in your journey with God. During Lent, when we think of how much Jesus gave because of His tremendous love for us, it is an opportunity to spend special time with Him. Sister Lisa has selected five Fridays, beginning Friday, February 20th, at 3 pm in Conference Room 1, and will continue through Friday, March 20th Deacon Roger has selected five Saturdays, beginning Saturday, February 21st, at 10 am in Conference Room 1, and will continue through Saturday, March 21st. Deacon George has selected five Wednesdays, beginning on Wednesday, February 25th at 3pm and will continue through Wednesday, March 25th. Please call 589-0540 to sign up. PAGE 11—471 HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH A Youth Ministry Staff person is always available anytime by appointment. Call 589-4582 or email to setup an appointment. Our Mini Series got interrupted by the storm (as did many activities in our community). We will continue with WRATH at our next meeting. All teens (grades 9-12) are always welcome to any meeting on Wednesdays in the Little Church from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm. JUNIOR HIGH YOUTH FOCUS is our JH Youth Group and we have been having a great year. We had an amazing Lock IN! 36 Junior High teens were involved in this overnight retreat and NOBODY fell asleep ! They all stayed awake for Christ. We prayed about Service, Healing and Humility AND we had a blast with games like Mad Dash and Dodgeball. Join us for FOCUS every Friday from 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm in the Little Church. Queridas hermanos / hermanas: Si usted quisiera que la Intencion de la Santa Misa o El Pan y El Vino sean ofrecidas en honor o memoria para un ser querido suyo, lo podria solicitar en la oficina de la Iglesia de Lunes a Viernes. A continuacion, los servicios que nuestra parroquia ofrece a la comunidad hispana son los siguientes: Todos los sábados, celebramos la Santa Misa en espanol, empezamos a las 7:00pm, con el Santo Rosario y a las 7:30pm., la Santa Misa. Si usted desea recibir el Sacramento de la reconciliación (confesión), el sacerdote que celebrará la Santa Misa, esta disponible antes y después de la celebración. Para la oración en los hogares llamar a Clarita a el tel. 631-580-1718. Para recibir en su casa la peregrinación de la Imagén de Nuestra Sra. de Fátima, llamar a Letty a el tel. 347-239-2178. Para las instrucciones de los Santos Sacramentos en español llamar a Lucy a el tel. 631-472-2724. Acuerdense de que: EN LA UNION ESTA LA FUERZA PAGE 12—471 FAMILY FAITH FORMATION In today’s Gospel we hear the continuing story of Jesus in the village of Capernaum. He is staying at the house of Simon-Peter, (remember a few weeks ago we heard how Jesus renamed him Peter). When they got to Peter’s house his mother-in-law was in bed sick with a fever of some kind. When Jesus heard about her sickness he went to her grasped her hand and helped her out of bed. That was all she needed! Just the touch of Jesus to heal her! Many other people were brought to Jesus that night to be healed. Maybe some said thank you, maybe some didn’t, maybe they were too shocked. One responded just the right way to Jesus’ compassion and healing; she served them. This was Peter’s mother-in-law. That is exactly what Jesus wants, for us to serve each other in His name. After all Jesus’ whole life was a service project! He didn’t just ‘do’ service on certain days or for certain reasons. He came to serve. So must we. Questions – 1. Don’t think of service as a project or as something that looks good on college applications; start thinking of it as a way of life, as Jesus did. What’s the first thing you can do when you get home to serve another? 2. Who can your family pray for that could really use Jesus’ healing in some way? Have you donated your grade level pantry item lately? Level 1 - Cereal Level 2 - Peanut butter/jelly Level 3 - Juice boxes Level 4 - Juice Level 5 - Macaroni & Cheese Level 6 - Tuna Fish Level 7 - Pasta Level 8 - Pasta Sauce Let’s help keep the pantry stocked during the cold winter months! Family Faith Formation (631) 567-1765 Monday and Tuesday: 9:30 - 8 pm Wednesday: 9:30 am - 5:30 pm Thursday: 9:30 am - 4:00 pm Friday - CLOSED REMINDER: WINTER RECESS NO CLASSES THE WEEK OF FEBRUARY 16TH CLASSES RESUME ON MONDAY, FEBRUARY 23RD The Heart Club Today’s families meet many challenges. We would like to help your children be more comfortable within your family structure whatever that may be. Have your children experienced loss, or change in their lives? Children of divorce, single parent or loss of a parent are welcome. We will meet every three weeks. Look for future dates here. When: Grades 4-6 February 11th Grades 7-8 February 25th Time: 6-7 pm. Where: Room 1 in the Parish Center Please come and join us for a free, delightful support group for children. Level 2 News First Holy Communion Workshop Wednesday, February10th from 6-8 pm Check to see if your class is scheduled for this one. Level 8 News Reminder !! Journals are due Monday, February 23rd. Please make sure you are working on them! PAGE 13—471 CHILDREN’S PAGE Lonely Place Mark 1:29-39 Following is a word search based on the Gospel reading for the Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, B Cycle, a story of healing and Good News. The word clues are in the order as they appear in the reading. P O K U K S H J O M D E E I N O A I A D I G C E R M E Y E M N H R A D L M M W R P O D O L T P O I E H O S N O P S H O H T D I F U D Y U E E S W H I M O T L A Y M R S P G A F W E R D N A E E U U T J N L D M N J D S R O E O D T H E H O U S E R L H A F E V E R T E H B Y N D P S N O M E D X PAGE 14—471 WORD LIST: IMMEDIATELY THE HOUSE SIMON ANDREW JAMES JOHN LAY A FEVER HAND HER UP BROUGHT POSSESSED DEMONS WHOLE GATHERED DOOR WOULD NOT PERMIT SPEAK KNEW HIM LONELY PLACE FOUND HIM FOR YOU LET US SAYVILLE HOSPITAL FOR ANIMALS STEAM-A-WAY CARPET CLEANING “Steam Makes it Clean” Servicing the Tri-State Area Carpet & Upholstery • Flood Restoration Tile & Grout Cleaning Commercial/Residential TIM JONASON 631-682-1251 Lasik Refractive Consultation “New York’s Premier Catholic Visiting Nurse/Home Healthcare Agency” OPHTHALMOLOGY Cataracts & Implants Diabetic Eye Care Contact Lenses Comprehensive Eye Care Glaucoma Care Workers’ Comp Most Medical Plans & Major Credit Cards Accepted M-F 9:00AM - 5:00PM • Sat. 9:00AM - 12:00PM (631) 589-2535 Sayville Doctor of Chiropractic Diplomate Applied Chiropractic Sciences 1300 Montauk Highway, Oakdale Compassionate Care in the privacy and comfort of your own home! • Skilled Nursing • Home Health Aides • Care Management • Physical, Speech & Occupational Therapies • Specialty Services 1-855-488-2149 887 Church St., Bohemia 631-567-4437 Mon., Wed., Fri. 9am -12pm & 3pm-7pm Sat. 9am-11am A Member of the Cassena Care Network State of The Art Rehabilitation Center Nursing and Rehabilitation Center Contact: President Roofing • Siding General Contracting Property Maintenance Lic./Ins. Office: 631-585-4291 Fax: 631-585-8353 • Cell: 631-767-4840 email: • Daily Specials 631-567-9600 Fax: 631-567-9605 We Deliver! 876 Church Street Bohemia, NY 11716 William Vaughan, Specialist & Color Matching 831 S. 1ST ST. RONKONKOMA, NY (631) 835-5061 Parishioner Discount - 5% OFF BOHEMIA UNION CEMETERY 631-567-9300 O’Neill Masonry & Home Improvement WILL’S AUTO BODY SHOP Gregory Plante Since 1986 John F. Russo, D.C., D.A.C.S. BENEDICT URMAZA, M.D. Domenick DiMartino, D.V.M. Robert K. Frosch, D.V.M. Timothy L. Sheppard, D.V.M. Jonathan Shuman, D.V.M. Office Hours by Appointment 5262 Sunrise Highway • 589-5120 RUSSO CHIROPRACTIC ST. LUCY’S EYE CARE CENTER, P.C. When 2nd best simply won’t cut it! Over 35 years of quality service to LI Families We are your area full service home improvement experts, specializing in paving and masonry Call today for free quotes & special rates for parishioners and seniors Member of Diocese Office 631.605.1047 / Cell 631.612.0208 Non-Sectarian Church Street, Bohemia Grave & Cremation Sites Available Single Interment $1,200 Double Interment $1,400 Cremations $500 Contact Rev. Meint Ploegman 631-218-1583 $1.00 Pipe Tobacco & Pipes Sold Here 7 Days A Week 8am-9pm 150 Poospatuck Lane Mastic, NY 11950 631-657-6691 Slush Puppies Are Here! OFF $25.00 or More Purchase SNS2505DJF Twisted Tavern Quality & Value KEYSTONE KITCHEN CABINETS & CABINET REFACING CO. Lunch • Dinner • Catering Since 1989 Se Habla Espanol 1523 Lakeland Ave., Bohemia SHOWROOM 4777 Sunrise Hwy. Bohemia NY 4465 Sunrise Hwy., Bohemia, NY 11716 631-750-9200 631-589-TILE • 10% Off Parishioners Text: 631.871.5002 • Ph: 631.871.5002 • Direct Importer THE MOST AFFORDABLE KITCHEN CABINET DISTRIBUTOR ON LONG ISLAND TODAY! CABINETS & COUNTERTOPS... SIMPLY SUPPLIED OR COMPLETELY INSTALLED FREE ONE HR. CONSULTATION PLUS FREE DESIGN & ESTIMATE AMERICAN MAD E! Free Estimates Senior Discounts Prompt Reliable Service Lic. & Ins. Michael Master Electrician All Phases of Electrical Residential • Commercial 516-779-2624 JOSEPH NEUGEBAUER Licensed Plumber PLUMBING & HEATING HEATING SYSTEMS • OIL & GAS BOILERS INSTALLED Repairs • Alterations • New Work • Bathrooms Kitchens Remodeled • Water Heaters Drains Cleaned • Appliance Installed 631.589.4559 19 EASTOVER RD., SAYVILLE, NY Breakfast • Lunch • Dinner 10% Off Any Purchase w/ad 1090 Locust Ave., Bohemia, NY 631-589-0966 • Fax 631-589-0859 NEW OFFICE! StonyNOW Brook Urology IN BOHEMIA! It’s our pleasure to continue to offer more convenient locations to better serve our patients. Urologic care for the diagnosis & treatment of conditions including: Prostate Disease • Kidney Stone Disease Male Sexual Dysfunction • Voiding Dysfunction/Incontinence Urological Cancers (kidney, bladder, prostate, testicular) For appointments or informations, please call: 631-444-6270/1910 Most Insurance Plans Accepted Celebrating Our 20th Year JFA Auto Collision and Repair 24 HR. TOW SVC. ~ NYS CERT. INSPECTION STATION ~ FLEET ACCTS. WELCOME ~ CARS & LIGHT TRUCKS ~ DEALER MAINTENENCE ~ Visit Our Main Location ~ ~ Or Our Satellite Location ~ 1 ARCTIC AVE., BOHEMIA 748 MONTAUK HWY., BAYPORT 631-589-7422 WWW.JFAAUTO.COM 631-472-9600 GREAT RIVER CESSPOOL SERVICE CALL 7 DAYS A WEEK Mastercard 277-8186 Visa PUMPING CHEMICALS • ELECTRIC SNAKING • CESSPOOL CERTIFICATION • EMERGENCY SERVICE AVAILABLE John Fitzgerald, MD 4875 Sunrise Hwy. • Ste. 200 24 Research Way • Ste. 500 Bohemia, NY East Setauket, NY • Daily Admissions / Saturday Admissions • In house Physician Monday through Friday • IV Therapy and Oxygen Therapy • Satellite TV and telephone service in each room • Most Insurance Contracts Accepted • Medicare, Medicaid SKILLED LIVING & REHABILITATION CENTER • Semi private & private available • Rehabilitation Therapy - Physical, Occupational & Speech Therapy - Specializing in Orthopedic, Neurological & Cardiac Rehabilitation - State of the Art Rehabilitation Gym FOR MORE INFORMATION OR A GUIDED TOUR PLEASE CONTACT THE ADMISSIONS OFFICE 631.218.5901 • 471 St. John Nepomucene, Bohemia, NY (inside) Cr John Patrick Publishing Co. 1-800-333-3166 • Raynor & D’Andrea Funeral Homes Serving Oakdale, Bohemia and the surrounding communities since 1874 Gil D’Andrea • Rich D’Andrea Michael Traum • Tom Farraher • Phil Robinson • Barbara Mullaney 245 Montauk Hwy • West Sayville • 589.2345 683 Montauk Hwy • Bayport • 472.0122 (631) 589-0670 JMI LANDSCAPING LOCUST AVE. FARM INC. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL NURSERY FLOWERS • VEGETABLES • HANGING BASKETS 982 LOCUST AVE. BOHEMIA, N.Y. 11716 STEVE D’AGOSTINO Landscape Design & Masonry Services Serving Long Island Customers for Over 40 Years *Lawn Maintenance Programs Available* 5% Discount BAYBRENT TILE CORP Since 1972 • Free Estimates For Parishioners & Seniors 631.264.2000 631-563-3131 Bo’s Citgo 631-676-5760 Carpet • Tile Area Rugs Tune-ups • Brakes • Shocks & Struts Blinds Computer Diagnostics Ceramic Tile Specialists MORNING STAR HEALTH, INC. HOME HEALTH AIDES 606 Johnson Ave., Ste 4 • Bohemia 631-360-3914 Toll Free: 855-777-7375 290 West Main St. $1995 Oil Change w/State Inspection 3200 Veteran’s Hwy., Bohemia Sayville, NY 11782 “We Install & Service All We Sell” Dr. John R. Trinidad Sales • Installations • Res/Comm Podiatrist VISIT OUR SHOWROOM! 193 Greene Ave. Sayville, NY 11782 1637 SYCAMORE AVE. • BOHEMIA (631) 589-1706 Office Hours By Appointment (631) 563-4500 Team Bruno USA • Rose Mary & Stephen A Bruno Call us at 631-567-5900 • “The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up.” - Mark Twain of Charity Matters OIL TANK SERVICES 24/7 Emergency Spill Response Tank Abandonments & Removals Oil Tank/Soil Testing & Disposal Boat Gas Tank Pumpout Ph: 631-567-7960 Fax: 631-567-8018 Joseph C. Lupo President Wholesale, Retail, Catering, Free Delivery RICHARD M. SIGISMONDI, D.M.D. 8 MUNSON LANE AT MONTAUK HWY. WEST SAYVILLE, NY 11796 563-1583 / 589-0428 FAX: 244-7543 947 Church St., Bohemia, NY 11716 Heather Van Winkle, D.D.S. Family Friendly General Dentistry 631.569.2667 Walter Homayoon, D.D.S. Emergency: 631.455.1905 Practice Limited To Prosthodontics Elisa Rostkowski, CBR 631-567-4584 • 669 Lanson St., Bohemia, NY 11716 • Licensed Real Estate Salesperson 150 Main Street, Sayville, NY 11782 Cell: 631-252-5919 Fax: 631-567-3636 • AUTO BODY Alan E. Fricke Memorials Inc. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC MAXIMUM Monument Service Since 1946 COLLISION SPECIALISTS EXPERT LETTERING • ALL CEMETERIES FOR ALL YOUR LANDSCAPE & MASONRY NEEDS 899 LINCOLN AVENUE, BOHEMIA Insurance Claims • Expert Color Matching • PPG Lifetime Warranty Unibody & Frame Straightening • Custom Rims & Body Kits State-Of-The-Art Full Down Draft Billy 631-588-0619 33 Jules Ct., Bohemia, NY 471 St. John Nepomucene, Bohemia, NY (back) Cr 631-589-3675 ALAN FRICKE • THOMAS FRICKE (631) 737-0051 (631) 696-0721 411 Central Islip Blvd. 280 Granny Rd. Ronkonkoma, NY Medford, NY 631-589-1740 4532 Sunrise Hwy., Oakdale, NY 11769 In Waldbaum’s Shopping Center Hours: Mon.-Sat. 11am-10pm • Closed Sunday John Patrick Publishing Co. 1-800-333-3166 •
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